


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tion on the chromatin, independently of PTEN enzymatic activity.
2 t enzymatic and cell-based inhibition of LDH enzymatic activity.
3              It possesses unique tautomerase enzymatic activity.
4 of the NA tetramer and, subsequently, for NA enzymatic activity.
5  subcellular localization, and regulation of enzymatic activity.
6 s to isolate the effect of immobilization on enzymatic activity.
7 LCCs), a pattern consistent with loss of LH2 enzymatic activity.
8 tein, still exhibiting small but significant enzymatic activity.
9 sphorylates delta-secretase and enhances its enzymatic activity.
10 ction in seed-set and sink starch metabolism enzymatic activity.
11 und to its receptor RIalpha by enhancing the enzymatic activity.
12 similar mutation in VKOR does not affect its enzymatic activity.
13 ing that the effect is independent of LDAH's enzymatic activity.
14 ion of MraY translocase correlating with the enzymatic activity.
15 D binding protein was used to block HpSlyD's enzymatic activity.
16 uitment and interaction and thus also for E3 enzymatic activity.
17 vable HuR controls COX-2 mRNA expression and enzymatic activity.
18 I cycle induction capacity despite retaining enzymatic activity.
19 ne cells based on direct inhibition of Ubc13 enzymatic activity.
20 dulate their substrate affinity, ET rate and enzymatic activity.
21 hed BAP1 association and stimulation of BAP1 enzymatic activity.
22 es that can exhibit either ligand binding or enzymatic activity.
23 omain of ASXL2, an obligate partner for BAP1 enzymatic activity.
24 this phosphorylation further increases their enzymatic activity.
25 n in a single capsid while maintaining their enzymatic activity.
26  regulating protein-protein interactions and enzymatic activity.
27 tly result from either loss of expression or enzymatic activity.
28 e, redox properties, binding affinities, and enzymatic activity.
29  glycosyltransferase box (A389V) reduced the enzymatic activity.
30 factors is an attractive strategy to inhibit enzymatic activity.
31 one function of NMNAT2, independent from its enzymatic activity.
32 llin-RING ligases (CRLs), required for their enzymatic activity.
33 d and need to be reassembled to reconstitute enzymatic activity.
34 inker impairs both Cox15 multimerization and enzymatic activity.
35 ister chromatid cohesion by modulating DDX11 enzymatic activity.
36  is a spontaneous process and independent of enzymatic activity.
37 ubstantial amount of NEU3 is stored with low enzymatic activity.
38 ent inhibition/modulation of metal-dependent enzymatic activity.
39 G) chains mitigated the inhibition of CYP3A4 enzymatic activity.
40 on at DNA damage sites is regulated by PARP1 enzymatic activity.
41  that apparently does not require heparanase enzymatic activity.
42 of the NA tetramer and, subsequently, for NA enzymatic activity.
43 le in phosphorylation-mediated alteration in enzymatic activity.
44 f the TCR signal results in differential Akt enzymatic activity.
45 hospholipid acyl chains regulate respiratory enzymatic activity.
46 he active site cysteine results in a loss of enzymatic activity.
47 al regulation of lysosomal acidification and enzymatic activity.
48 R domain is a protein motif that can possess enzymatic activity.
49  under normal conditions, independent of its enzymatic activity.
50 e ICDH protein leading to a reduction in its enzymatic activity.
51 ue B13 as a small-molecule inhibitor of NMT1 enzymatic activity.
52 nd mechanistic separation of NuRD-associated enzymatic activities.
53  which cannot be compensated by RNR or other enzymatic activities.
54 ing 5 (ARMC5) is a cytosolic protein with no enzymatic activities.
55 ion procedure, due to residual microbial and enzymatic activities.
56  its cytoplasmic translocation and escalated enzymatic activities.
57 P ubiquitination and fine-tuning of opposing enzymatic activities.
58 thods allow fast and inexpensive analysis of enzymatic activities.
59 -terminal extension domains carrying various enzymatic activities.
60 ns between copper and BACE1 and into its non-enzymatic activities.
61 igh antioxidant metabolites contents but low enzymatic activities.
62 tivity at 60-65 degrees C and maintenance of enzymatic activity above 80% in the presence of 20mM CaC
63 elegant dissection of how gliomas exploit an enzymatic activity acquired through a common mutation to
64 roteins display reduced binding to and lower enzymatic activity against multivalent substrates, resul
65 e example of a toxin evolving to broaden its enzymatic activities and adapt to a specific host.
66           To understand the link between the enzymatic activities and inducing capacities of the Dut
67                                          The enzymatic activities and joint actions of these mannosid
68                             The stability of enzymatic activities and major allergens under stress co
69 grees C or 25 degrees C for 4weeks and their enzymatic activities and oil phenolic profiles were comp
70  the metal ions are shown critical for their enzymatic activities and selectivities.
71            Here the authors characterize the enzymatic activities and structures of yeast and human U
72          We developed DC nanozymes with high enzymatic activity and ability to retain and protect SOD
73 monoubiquitination is essential for SETDB1's enzymatic activity and endogenous retrovirus silencing i
74  and energy homeostasis by controlling size, enzymatic activity and hormonal content of adipose tissu
75 n loop (T-loop) of protein kinases underlies enzymatic activity and influences the binding of small-m
76  activity of FKBP65 positively modulates LH2 enzymatic activity and is critical for the formation of
77          IDOL deubiquitylation requires USP2 enzymatic activity and leads to a marked stabilization o
78 culovirus-mediated expression system and the enzymatic activity and metabolic ability of CYP9M10/CPR
79  the wild-type protein, including diminished enzymatic activity and prevention of export to the Golgi
80 xpressed in mammalian neurons, inhibits both enzymatic activity and protective function against oxida
81                  PARP1 pY907 increases PARP1 enzymatic activity and reduces binding to a PARP inhibit
82 eased caspase-8 ubiquitination and caspase-8 enzymatic activity and sensitized normal fibroblasts to
83 ith the tyrosine kinase JAK1, inhibiting its enzymatic activity and targeting JAK for proteasomal deg
84  recruitment of PI4KB by ACBD3 increases its enzymatic activity and that the ACBD3:PI4KB complex form
85  we show that Vif 25-39 does not inhibit A3G enzymatic activity and that the inhibitory effect of Vif
86 NAc transferase mutant (F460A) restored Ogg1 enzymatic activity and, consequently, reduced 8-OHdG and
87  PncA structure and result in either loss of enzymatic activity and/or decrease in protein abundance.
88 ion (PNG) is crucial for protein folding and enzymatic activities, and has remarkable diversity among
89 DH2 and SOD2 mitochondrial proteins, lowered enzymatic activities, and higher ROS levels.
90 sidering DO limitation, direct pH effects on enzymatic activities, and indirect pH effects on activit
91               Quantifications of liver mass, enzymatic activity, and immunohistochemistry demonstrate
92 ytosis, programmed cell death, modulation of enzymatic activity, and immunomodulatory activity.
93 ology of TGM1 ichthyoses, transglutaminase-1 enzymatic activity, and potential therapeutic approaches
94 cular effects of different regulators of the enzymatic activity, and provides an integrative picture
95   More than half encoded proteins with known enzymatic activity, and six were members of the bone mor
96 cal chaperone partially corrected stability, enzymatic activity, and subcellular localization of R91W
97 ng RNase E subcellular distribution, RNase E enzymatic activity, and the stability of the sRNA DicF r
98 scription, protein expression, CD39/NTPDase1 enzymatic activity, and thromboembolism risk.
99                     The TCR has no intrinsic enzymatic activity, and thus signal transduction from th
100 tory mechanism, because both RNA binding and enzymatic activity are abolished by deletion of the SAS-
101 pt of an anti-MIF strategy that targets this enzymatic activity as a potential future antibacterial t
102  a modified human LCAT protein with enhanced enzymatic activity as an immunogen, we generated fully h
103                      Mutational analysis and enzymatic activity assays identified features on the sur
104                   However, our SSH, qPCR and enzymatic activity assays indicated that 5'-nucleotidase
105  for thirteen Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus enzymatic activities, associated with Der p 1, 3, 4, 6,
106 le than the free one and demonstrated higher enzymatic activity at elevated temperatures (45-55 degre
107 modulate Top2 catalysis may therefore affect enzymatic activity at several different steps.
108 is post-translational modification regulates enzymatic activity at the cell surface.
109 ssified samples according to their levels of enzymatic activity based on the decision tree model whic
110 re, the microbes associated with BC share an enzymatic activity, Beta-Glucuronidase, which may promot
111 ent increased mean ALP and bone-specific ALP enzymatic activity between days 2 and 29.
112 ns in the globular head domain that decrease enzymatic activity but confer resistance to NA inhibitor
113 esponse to olaparib depended on a basal PARP enzymatic activity, but did not correlate with PARP1 exp
114 CDPKs) transduces cytosolic Ca(2+) flux into enzymatic activity, but how they function is poorly unde
115        The adjuvant effect did not depend on enzymatic activity, but was abrogated by mutations disru
116 s were selected to restore a viable level of enzymatic activity by a compensatory molecular mechanism
117 osttranslational inhibition of MGDG synthase enzymatic activity by NO.
118  loops, skewed toward being closed, controls enzymatic activity by regulating binding to ssDNA substr
119 n and a conserved active site, regulation of enzymatic activity by the antitoxin EcMazE diverges from
120 e in biological milieus, achieving long-term enzymatic activities can be challenging.
121  suggests that CAZymes that have overlapping enzymatic activities can have unique, non-overlapping bi
122 onstrate that this mitochondrially localized enzymatic activity can be exploited both for selective N
123 pressor, usually only those Duts with normal enzymatic activity can induce the SaPI cycle.
124 utant, led to the discovery of a new type of enzymatic activity, carried by Dld3, to convert D-2HG to
125              These single-molecule images of enzymatic activity changed significantly upon treatment
126 f PPO at pH 4.00 and offers an inhibition of enzymatic activity close the 50% in apple extracts.
127 rently complete loss of MDH2 levels and MDH2 enzymatic activity close to null.
128 12 (pH1N1low-2), with almost undetectable NA enzymatic activity compared to that of the highly homolo
129  the requirement to maintain function of two enzymatic activities critical for virus replication, the
130 Results showed that MMP13 protein levels and enzymatic activity decreased significantly during SIRT1
131 ative splicing events, suggesting both JMJD6 enzymatic activity-dependent and independent control of
132                           Conversely, RelQ's enzymatic activity destabilizes the RelQ:RNA complex.
133          Mechanistically, inhibition of Arg1 enzymatic activity disrupted multiple components of ILC2
134         The links between soil extracellular enzymatic activities (EEAs) and SR under N addition, how
135           Pharmacological inhibition of MAOA enzymatic activity effectively interrupted osteolysis an
136 e immobilized SrtA was proved to retain full enzymatic activity for peptide-to-peptide ligation and p
137 trast to GDPDLd17, we could not identify any enzymatic activity for the GDPD-like domain in the neck
138   Ubiquitin transfer requires two sequential enzymatic activities from a single Sde polypeptide: an A
139                       Theory predicts herein enzymatic activity from scratch.
140 carboxyl terminus) types shed light on their enzymatic activities, general architectures, and substra
141 arge surface area, fractal dimension, robust enzymatic activity, good durability, and high magnetic s
142                         Mutants with reduced enzymatic activity had slower replication in mammalian n
143                          For over a century, enzymatic activity has been studied in vitro, assuming s
144 als design, ranging from decreased microbial enzymatic activities in planted soil to alterations in b
145 d for protein and RNA binding and subsequent enzymatic activities in the context of the Rev/RRE pathw
146 hways and show characteristic repertoires of enzymatic activities in vitro However, to what extent me
147 Of note, the K72Q mutant displayed decreased enzymatic activity in an in vitro kinase assay and in a
148  understand the functional relevance of mTOR enzymatic activity in beta-cell development and glucose
149 ZM2302 (GSK3359088) is an inhibitor of CARM1 enzymatic activity in biochemical assays (IC50 = 6 nM) w
150 rocognitive progression, brain growth, NAGLU enzymatic activity in CSF, and specific anti-NAGLU immun
151 riggered immunity (PTI) independent of their enzymatic activity in Nicotiana benthamiana.
152 y correlated to the level of microsomal GPAT enzymatic activity in seeds.
153 in both citrate synthase gene expression and enzymatic activity in skeletal muscle of mice in the cor
154  results demonstrate a direct observation of enzymatic activity in solution by the sensor.
155                  Although hPL inhibits GSTP1 enzymatic activity in vitro, treatment of cells suscepti
156 explains a major hindrance in reconstituting enzymatic activity in vitro.
157 ciferase activity, TACE expression, and TACE enzymatic activity in wtDCs or TNFko DCs.
158 ciferase activity, TACE expression, and TACE enzymatic activity in wtDCs.
159 er (Cu) is an essential cofactor for various enzymatic activities including mitochondrial electron tr
160            Blocking BCAT1 gene expression or enzymatic activity induces cellular differentiation and
161  CD71(+) cells express arginase II, and this enzymatic activity inhibits phagocytosis of B. pertussis
162 e monitoring of metabolite concentration and enzymatic activities inside living cells and in in vitro
163 umor cells; these findings suggest that ASPH enzymatic activity is a novel therapeutic target for HCC
164 ase suggests a common mechanism, a defect in enzymatic activity is not shared among the CMT-causing m
165 lly inactive TAK1-K63W, suggesting that TAK1 enzymatic activity is required for these events.
166                          In contrast, dKDM4A enzymatic activity is required to relocate heterochromat
167       One of the key parameters that governs enzymatic activity is the limited accessibility of the e
168                                          Cdk enzymatic activity is tightly controlled through cyclin
169 , whose expression provides gain-of-function enzymatic activity leading to a reduction in cellular re
170 ramatically decreased PSY protein levels and enzymatic activity, leading to reduced carotenoid metabo
171 tive polymerase chain reaction) and protein (enzymatic activity) levels critical transporters and enz
172 tely resulting in reduced glucocerebrosidase enzymatic activity, lysosomal dysfunction, and alpha-syn
173            In a mechanism independent of its enzymatic activity, MICAL3 targets the adaptor protein E
174 large terminase (TerL) protein contains both enzymatic activities necessary for packaging in such vir
175                         We show that neither enzymatic activity nor phosphorylation state correlate w
176                                          The enzymatic activities of caspase-1 and caspase-11 are req
177                                          The enzymatic activities of Complex II and ATP synthase were
178                             To confirm this, enzymatic activities of extracts and technological prope
179 rdoon flowers on their chemical composition, enzymatic activities of extracts, and technological prop
180         Here, we systematically characterize enzymatic activities of human DDX3X and compare these to
181  This provided an opportunity to uncover the enzymatic activities of many of the components in a euka
182  mutation of these key residues disrupts the enzymatic activities of Rep68, including DNA binding and
183        H3K36M mutant nucleosomes inhibit the enzymatic activities of several H3K36 methyltransferases
184                           Given the distinct enzymatic activities of Sir2 and Top1 proteins, a histon
185 e biosynthesis of these molecules where dual enzymatic activities of the DSF synthase and the use of
186  retrotransposition, or be necessary for the enzymatic activities of the EN and/or RT domains.
187 ugh there were no age-induced changes to the enzymatic activities of the mitochondrial electron trans
188                                 Although the enzymatic activities of the replicative DNA Pol III are
189  which is triggered by the RhoA-inactivating enzymatic activities of YopE and YopT, in Y. pseudotuber
190 l that S-nitrosylation selectively modulates enzymatic activity of a protein arginine methyltransfera
191                          Next, we tested the enzymatic activity of a recombinant mutant polymerase (r
192 dicated that Vif may also directly block the enzymatic activity of A3G and, provocatively, that Vif-d
193 s and ADD, resulting in a 3-fold increase in enzymatic activity of AAOs, as well as increased express
194 ct structures may represent key steps in the enzymatic activity of ADIPORs.
195 ic predisposition, mechanical damage, or the enzymatic activity of allergens.
196 oreover, aminooxyacetate, which inhibits the enzymatic activity of aminotransferases including GPT2,
197                  Here, we tested whether the enzymatic activity of an individual Class I HDAC, HDAC3,
198 ffects of NAE 12:0, in part by enhancing the enzymatic activity of Arabidopsis FAAH (AtFAAH).
199  both missense and frameshift mutations, and enzymatic activity of BAP1 missense mutants was decrease
200 oxicity to bacteria or interference with the enzymatic activity of beta-galactosidase.
201                                          The enzymatic activity of butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) in th
202 , ligand-binding profiles, and inhibition of enzymatic activity of C. albicans CYP51 by clinical anti
203 trolled by erythrocytes CA and estimation of enzymatic activity of CA from the isotopic composition o
204 ic stimuli, which stimulated the phosphatase enzymatic activity of calcineurin.
205 -) mice and pharmacologic studies modulating enzymatic activity of CD73 and extracellular adenosine l
206 SIRT1-7) are NAD-dependent proteins with the enzymatic activity of deacetylases and ADP ribosyltransf
207 uccessfully to monitor label-free, real-time enzymatic activity of different proteases in a sensitive
208 he mutation defined dramatically reduces the enzymatic activity of EPT1, thereby hindering the final
209               Further, we show that the dual enzymatic activity of Fic is, in part, regulated by Fic
210 e of the beta-trefoil fold of ppGalNAc-Ts in enzymatic activity of glycosyltransferases involved in t
211 ese results show for the first time that the enzymatic activity of HDAC3 functions to negatively regu
212                            Unexpectedly, the enzymatic activity of HDACs in these complexes has been
213 criptase inhibitors (RTIs) at inhibiting the enzymatic activity of HK2 RT and HK2 genomic replication
214          Mechanistically, we showed that the enzymatic activity of JMJD6 was required for a subset of
215                                   The higher enzymatic activity of laccases correlated with higher li
216                             Furthermore, the enzymatic activity of LSD1 is essential for H3K9me2 deme
217                                 Although the enzymatic activity of OmpLA can be probed with an assay
218 iated pre-40S particles, suggesting that the enzymatic activity of PARN is necessary for the release
219                                              Enzymatic activity of phytochelatin synthase (PCS) in pl
220                                          The enzymatic activity of PMN-MP-associated MPO was enhanced
221 ents, and have been proposed to modulate the enzymatic activity of PRC2 or the recruitment of PRC2 to
222  PR domain of PRDM16 abolishes the intrinsic enzymatic activity of PRDM16.
223 tor Xa to phosphatidylserine and inhibit the enzymatic activity of prothrombinase.
224                                          The enzymatic activity of PtNPs is also summarized, analyzin
225                   PC processing enhances the enzymatic activity of Pxdn and facilitates the formation
226 oxidase (HCO) superfamily is critical to the enzymatic activity of reducing O2 to H2O, but the exact
227 pacity could be because of the activation of enzymatic activity of respiratory complexes.
228 e fit this model genome wide and profile the enzymatic activity of RNA polymerase across various loci
229 ts in a severe decrease in protein level and enzymatic activity of RPE65, causing cone opsin mislocal
230 ractions were used to in silico estimate the enzymatic activity of signalling kinases.
231 membrane and enhance the membrane-associated enzymatic activity of SK1, as well as its oncogenic sign
232 tations at PLA2G7 was associated with absent enzymatic activity of soluble lipoprotein-associated pho
233        Here we demonstrate that mice lacking enzymatic activity of the acetyltransferase GCN5 ((Gcn5(
234                           The enhancement of enzymatic activity of the composites over free enzymes i
235                                          The enzymatic activity of the mammalian sirtuin SIRT7 target
236 ighly conserved Asp residues are crucial for enzymatic activity of the prepilin peptidase PilD and (i
237 that encodes an S188I mutation increases the enzymatic activity of the protein and its ability to res
238                             Although the low enzymatic activity of the protein resulted in only modes
239                            Unexpectedly, the enzymatic activity of the variants did not correlate wit
240 iven functional assay based on the exogenous enzymatic activity of Tobacco Etch Virus Protease.
241                                          The enzymatic activity of TTPA may reflect the presence of a
242     We showed that MAV-1 infection increases enzymatic activity of two key MMPs known to be secreted
243  immune response that occurred even when the enzymatic activity of uricase had been inactivated.
244 sion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and diminishing the enzymatic activity of urokinase-type plasminogen activat
245 tion of its target residue, Thr439, enhanced enzymatic activity of Xrn2 on synthetic substrates in vi
246 onding N9 neuraminidases (NAs) display equal enzymatic activities on a soluble monovalent substrate a
247 to lysine resulted in an AmiC with increased enzymatic activity on macromolecular PG and on the synth
248 there was no difference between genotypes in enzymatic activities or fiber type.
249        HA degradation requires either ERManI enzymatic activity or EDEM1/EDEM2 enzymatic activity whe
250  proteolysis by BACE without inhibiting BACE enzymatic activity or the processing of other BACE subst
251  clear whether this function depends on HDAC enzymatic activity per se.
252 aturize and optimize measurements of various enzymatic activities (phosphodiesterase, kinase, bacteri
253 itro and in vivo models to show that ADAMTS5 enzymatic activity plays a key role in the development o
254 nosine triphosphate (ATP) and increased CD39 enzymatic activity protects from acute IRI but its effec
255 rone to reduce proteotoxic stress, while its enzymatic activity protects neurons from excitotoxicity.
256  in controlling cellular BER protein levels, enzymatic activities, protein-protein interactions, and
257 he convenience of this method resides on the enzymatic activity quantification using the natural subs
258  adhesion molecules, and inhibition of PARP1 enzymatic activity reduced or ameliorated autoimmune dis
259                These cells exhibit deficient enzymatic activity, reduced lysosomal glucocerebrosidase
260         However, the functional role of MLL4 enzymatic activity remains elusive.
261                              GNE harbors two enzymatic activities required for biosynthesis of sialic
262                                  The loss of enzymatic activity results in the accumulation of the su
263              Functionally, inhibition of Akt enzymatic activity results in the dysregulation of splic
264                              The analysis of enzymatic activities revealed distinct profiles along cu
265                        After 1 y of storage, enzymatic activities significantly increased for all gro
266            Inhibition of ASPH expression and enzymatic activity significantly reduced cell proliferat
267 eveloped strategy is featured with optimized enzymatic activity, simple process of microfluidic platf
268 MP and FBP allosterically modulates EcAGPase enzymatic activity still remains enigmatic.
269 s in binding affinity, protein stability, or enzymatic activity, suggesting plasticity in the interfa
270 wever, the R411A protein retains significant enzymatic activity, suggesting Y731 is conformationally
271 g mechanism for single-molecule detection of enzymatic activity that could be applied to many other b
272 horylation as a novel, critical regulator of enzymatic activity that is consistent with the notion th
273 T and characterize them with regard to their enzymatic activity, thermal stability, and propensity to
274 BP1 protein levels and were deficient in MTO enzymatic activity; these effects were reversed by lenti
275  rendering them uniquely dependent upon SHMT enzymatic activity to meet glycine demand.
276 that glutamate produced due to H. pylori gGT enzymatic activity tolerizes DCs by inhibiting cAMP sign
277 alytic domain from autoinhibition, enhancing enzymatic activity toward a peptide substrate.
278             Acetylated ERK1 exhibits reduced enzymatic activity toward the transcription factor ELK1,
279 ing simulations predicted CYP6P12 possessing enzymatic activity towards pyrethroids.
280 pha mutants E482K and G269S are defective in enzymatic activity, unprocessed by lysosomal proteases,
281              An activation of caspase-3-like enzymatic activity was clearly demonstrated but the role
282                       After 24 h of storage, enzymatic activity was detected by in situ zymography wi
283  PA1024 was purified to high levels, and the enzymatic activity was investigated by spectroscopic and
284                                              Enzymatic activity was measured by incubating active hum
285                                   Telomerase enzymatic activity was not directly affected by BRD4 inh
286 ally inactive mutants of MOF showed that its enzymatic activity was required to maintain cancer patho
287                                         KDSR enzymatic activity was variably reduced in all patients,
288 sess Galpha-RGS complex formation and Galpha enzymatic activity, we found that several previously ide
289  range of approaches available for measuring enzymatic activity, we report on a technique to probe ac
290 tochondrial electron transport chain complex enzymatic activities were also examined.
291            Mechanistically, the reduction in enzymatic activities were not driven by a dramatic reduc
292 her ERManI enzymatic activity or EDEM1/EDEM2 enzymatic activity when ERManI is not expressed, indicat
293 echanism and allows for finer control of the enzymatic activity, which is a basis for the design of e
294 ased hepatic LPCAT3 mRNA abundance and LPCAT enzymatic activity, which is associated with increased i
295 ive inhibitor, among kinases, of human RIPK1 enzymatic activity with a nM Kd; has a non-ATP competiti
296                               Focusing on an enzymatic activity with demonstrated synthetic and thera
297 still unable to use these as substrates, and enzymatic activity with Pi/PPi was negatively impacted.
298 3 M EDC-containing conditioner on endogenous enzymatic activities within the hybrid layer (HL) create
299 ization did not require prior skin damage or enzymatic activity within HDM extract, yet was facilitat
300  through the Cav channels reliably initiates enzymatic activity within milliseconds.

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