


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 le BioC preparations were too low for direct enzymatic assay.
2 omponents typically included in the standard enzymatic assay.
3 and evaluation of the library in a BoNT/A LC enzymatic assay.
4 rum fibrinogen level was also measured using enzymatic assay.
5 sequence analysis and functionally active by enzymatic assay.
6 hate-stimulated protein kinase A by means of enzymatic assay.
7  then submitted directly to an in vitro FIXa enzymatic assay.
8 ase by more than 4-fold over basal levels by enzymatic assay.
9 tease activity was measured by a fluorescent enzymatic assay.
10 the amount of beta-galactosidase by standard enzymatic assay.
11 on in the liver determined by a quantitative enzymatic assay.
12 nodetection of A and B antigens and in vitro enzymatic assay.
13 cis-aconitate decarboxylating activity in an enzymatic assay.
14 tion in saliva was performed using an immune enzymatic assay.
15  the official method of analysis is based on enzymatic assay.
16 ridine (rac)-5 was discovered by HTS using a enzymatic assay.
17 ein-1 levels were determined using an immuno-enzymatic assay.
18  autoantibodies, lymphocyte stimulation, and enzymatic assays.
19 ough molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and enzymatic assays.
20 phy-mass spectrometry), NMR spectroscopy and enzymatic assays.
21 rifugation and fractions analyzed by BNGE or enzymatic assays.
22 these inhibitors was confirmed with in vitro enzymatic assays.
23 ith oxidative stress, a finding supported by enzymatic assays.
24 ion exchange liquid chromatography assays or enzymatic assays.
25 ated using Western blot analysis, ELISA, and enzymatic assays.
26 ling (SDSL) coupled to EPR spectroscopy, and enzymatic assays.
27 oss of RPE65-dependent isomerase activity by enzymatic assays.
28 d ThnT, respectively, in a series of coupled enzymatic assays.
29 ruvate, and lactate) using microfluorometric enzymatic assays.
30 ed well with the IC(50) values obtained from enzymatic assays.
31 tested these molecules in tissue culture and enzymatic assays.
32 itable conditions had to be selected for the enzymatic assays.
33 ange of Ki previously obtained from in vitro enzymatic assays.
34 s further confirmed by mass spectrometry and enzymatic assays.
35 y eight acyl-PTMs in vivo and after in vitro enzymatic assays.
36  calorimetry and with the IC(50) values from enzymatic assays.
37 and fully restored tissue factor function in enzymatic assays.
38 ll types, as measured by flow cytometric and enzymatic assays.
39 urokinase inhibitors in both human and mouse enzymatic assays.
40 romatography, mass spectrometry, and earlier enzymatic assays.
41  fluorescent tags and with radioactive-based enzymatic assays.
42  were evaluated by western blot analysis and enzymatic assays.
43 otein kinase (MAPK) was assessed by specific enzymatic assays.
44 y SDS-PAGE zymography, Western blotting, and enzymatic assays.
45 e the development of more versatile in vitro enzymatic assays.
46 y, bacterial profiling, and immunometric and enzymatic assays.
47 ith nonadsorbing interfaces in droplet-based enzymatic assays.
48 idylcholine as the sole carbon source and in enzymatic assays.
49 creening for this condition with blood-based enzymatic assays.
50 moderately decreased sensitivity to LAMTP in enzymatic assays (3.6-fold decreased sensitivity).
51 C1 and HDAC8 was then determined by in vitro enzymatic assays, after which the cytotoxicity was evalu
52 th an IC50 value of 0.02 muM in a PDGF-Rbeta enzymatic assay also showing activity against PDGF-R dep
53                                     In vitro enzymatic assays also revealed that the ManS enzyme from
54                   Northern blot analysis and enzymatic assays also were carried out on various murine
55 1a, which had an IC(50) of 1.2 nM in the Src enzymatic assay, an IC(50) of 100 nM for the inhibition
56                        These groups include: enzymatic assays; analysis of respiration of mammalian a
57 unds was achieved using a fluorescence-based enzymatic assay and a substrate phosphorylation assay in
58 xy group, had an IC(50) of 3.8 nM in the Src enzymatic assay and an IC(50) of 940 nM for the inhibiti
59 in intact parasites were evaluated by direct enzymatic assay and by immunoblotting.
60 (CAT) gene, whose expression was measured by enzymatic assay and by Northern blotting; a truncated ne
61 uman MetAP1 (HsMetAP1), as confirmed by both enzymatic assay and high-resolution x-ray crystallograph
62 by using commercially available fluorometric-enzymatic assay and liquid chromatography/mass spectrome
63 ingly, caspase-3 activation as determined by enzymatic assay and mitochondrial cytochrome c release d
64                                              Enzymatic assay and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) ana
65 omposition (GAD(65) and GAD(67)) measured by enzymatic assay and quantitative immunoblotting.
66 gated in these disparate conditions by using enzymatic assay and reverse transcription-PCR.
67                                  To date, an enzymatic assay and two chemical assays have been develo
68 pid mixtures using a combination of specific enzymatic assays and 31P and 2H NMR.
69  pathology typical of steatosis, assessed by enzymatic assays and analysis of liver sections.
70 d proteins remain bioactive, as evidenced by enzymatic assays and antigen-antibody binding experiment
71 als of growth, were analyzed by chemical and enzymatic assays and Fourier transform infrared spectros
72                                              Enzymatic assays and immunoblotting confirm that pristim
73 ectivity for Aurora A over Aurora B, both in enzymatic assays and in cellular phenotypic assays.
74 ctivity in vitro and in vivo, as revealed by enzymatic assays and increased sensitivity to the Acc1-s
75                                              Enzymatic assays and lipid supplementation studies showe
76 l-[U-(13)C, (15)N]serine as well as in vitro enzymatic assays and liquid chromatography-tandem mass s
77 ght scattering analysis, circular dichroism, enzymatic assays and molecular modeling approaches have
78 he results highlighted the inadequacy of the enzymatic assays and of the HPLC-RI method to analyse la
79                                          The enzymatic assays and panel of glycosylation mutants used
80                                              Enzymatic assays and polymerase chain reaction analysis
81 A-3 were validated in vitro using individual enzymatic assays and reconstitution of the three-step pa
82    The metabolite profiling was confirmed by enzymatic assays and replicated in a cohort of 11 GCK-MO
83                                        Using enzymatic assays and steady-state fluorescence emission,
84 nds display enhanced potency against LpxC in enzymatic assays and superior antibiotic activity agains
85 served for inhibition of both purified RT in enzymatic assays and viral replication in cell-based ass
86                                              Enzymatic assays and western blot analysis were carried
87                            Results from both enzymatic assays and Western blots of cell extracts from
88                                              Enzymatic assays and western blotting confirmed that the
89 earts by real-time RT-PCR, Western blotting, enzymatic assay, and histological assays.
90 lls as a vascular model system, for in vitro enzymatic assay, and in mass spectrometry analysis.
91            PI-PLC activity was determined by enzymatic assay, and protein expression of the PLC isozy
92 h normal and reverse-phase, UV spectroscopy, enzymatic assays, and acid hydrolysis.
93 e injected animals by Western blot analysis, enzymatic assays, and immunofluorescence measurements.
94 the nano- to femtomole scale, in alternative enzymatic assays, and in kinetic isotope effect studies
95                      Using protein modeling, enzymatic assays, and mutant embryos, we determined that
96 Complemented by molecular modeling, in vitro enzymatic assays, and oxonium ion patterns, we propose t
97       Site-directed mutagenesis experiments, enzymatic assays, and x-ray crystallographic analyses su
98 rom examining phenotypic variation, in vitro enzymatic assays, and yeast genetic experiments) to expl
99 26S proteasome by these derivatives using an enzymatic assay are also reported.
100                                    All three enzymatic assays are based on the same observed phenomen
101 antitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) mRNA expression, enzymatic assay aromatase activity, scratch assay cell m
102 eptide ligand complex has been developed for enzymatic assays as an alternative to immuno-based detec
103                                        A new enzymatic assay, based on photometric detection of ammon
104 e down and increase the throughput of glycoT enzymatic assays because traditional methods require lar
105 slightly less active than 1a in the p38alpha enzymatic assay but displays a superior pharmacokinetic
106  of the reaction products, ADP, in a coupled enzymatic assay by continuous fluorimetric monitoring of
107 the HRP:sol-gel material was demonstrated by enzymatic assays by using I(-), guaiacol, and ABTS as su
108                                              Enzymatic assays, chemical proteomic profiling, kinome-w
109 he cage and Trp-containing hexapeptide under enzymatic assay conditions.
110 actions, spectroelectrochemical studies, and enzymatic assays conducted in the presence of DT-diaphor
111                               Mutational and enzymatic assays confirm the importance of this lysine i
112                                              Enzymatic assays confirmed a difference in urease expres
113                                              Enzymatic assays confirmed its activity of beta-galactos
114                                 Furthermore, enzymatic assays confirmed that AK transforms galaxolide
115                               Immunoblot and enzymatic assays confirmed that the increases in AKR1C m
116                                     In vitro enzymatic assays confirmed that the JmjC domain of Rph1
117                                              Enzymatic assays confirmed that the predicted membrane t
118                               Significantly, enzymatic assays confirmed that this protein is necessar
119                                      A novel enzymatic assay coupled to formation of fluorescent chro
120                                  A series of enzymatic assays covering the multiplicity of functions
121 roach was taken featuring organic synthesis, enzymatic assaying, crystallography, and modeling includ
122                                              Enzymatic assays demonstrate that LpxJ and homologues in
123                                              Enzymatic assays demonstrate that mutants harboring the
124       Mass spectrometry-based lipidomics and enzymatic assays demonstrate the targeting mechanisms re
125                                       Direct enzymatic assays demonstrated a comparable reduction in
126                                      Indeed, enzymatic assays demonstrated that AtGA2ox7 and AtGA2ox8
127                                     In vitro enzymatic assays demonstrated that recombinant HasB2 is
128                                 Chemical and enzymatic assays demonstrated that the bacterium release
129                                           An enzymatic assay determined the impact of BAC over-expres
130 script and metabolite analyses together with enzymatic assays determined that the biosynthesis of ant
131 assay could also be used to complement a PTx-enzymatic assay, developed recently, and together they m
132 f inhibition of the HDAC activity in an HDAC enzymatic assay differed strikingly on their effects on
133 effect-directed assays, like bioassays or an enzymatic assay, directly linked with chromatography and
134                             Moreover, unlike enzymatic assays (e.g., elastase), there is no confusion
135 onventional methods, including fluorescence, enzymatic assays (ELISA), and quantitative real-time PCR
136                                           An enzymatic assay established that 2a was an ATP-competiti
137                                     Finally, enzymatic assays established that both CmPP36 and Delta
138 sensitivity and 88% specificity, whereas the enzymatic assay exhibited 83% sensitivity and 80% specif
139         Imaging results were corroborated by enzymatic assays, flow cytometry, and histopathologic an
140               We have developed a continuous enzymatic assay for adenosine that facilitates high-thro
141 agents, making it suitable as a quantitative enzymatic assay for the activity of individual chitin sy
142        With the aim of developing a specific enzymatic assay for the detection and quantification of
143 sing 1D (31)P-NMR spectroscopy and a coupled enzymatic assay for the determination of inorganic phosp
144                              A simple, rapid enzymatic assay for the determination of inorganic pyrop
145               We have developed quantitative enzymatic assays for AhpF alone and for the combined Ahp
146                                              Enzymatic assays for ATP and lactate production confirme
147                                              Enzymatic assays for catalase and dihydrolipoamide dehyd
148 med using immunoflourescence, AlphaLISA, and enzymatic assays for cathepsin B inhibition.
149 tions, two new simple and robust fluorogenic enzymatic assays for MGL and AHCY were developed and app
150 isolates from infected mice were screened by enzymatic assays for SpeB and the platelet-activating fa
151                                          The enzymatic assays for the above-mentioned metabolites all
152  usefulness of the microchips for performing enzymatic assays for which fluorogenic substrates cannot
153 nd stavudine (d4T) were determined, using an enzymatic assay, for 5 HTLV-1 isolates and for reference
154                                          Our enzymatic assays further reveal a robust regulatory mech
155                                      The PLP enzymatic assay has a lower limit of detection of 14.8 n
156                                          The enzymatic assay has also indicated the existence of an a
157  as 11-cis-retinol dehydrogenase (cRDH), and enzymatic assays have confirmed the isolation of an acti
158                        In vitro cellular and enzymatic assays, however, demonstrate that leflunomide
159                                     Finally, enzymatic assays identified ceramide synthase as the mec
160  distinguished by a simple, highly sensitive enzymatic assay in cell lysates.
161 , while catalytic activity was determined by enzymatic assay in the presence (total activity) and the
162 mated as 15 monomer units per tetramer by an enzymatic assay in which polyphosphate kinase is used to
163 henazine reduction in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Enzymatic assays in cell-free lysate, together with crud
164                                     In vitro enzymatic assays in patient fibroblast cells showed defi
165 ophotometric experiments in combination with enzymatic assays in solution showed that TsdB acts as an
166  ratio) bilayers using (2)H-NMR and specific enzymatic assays in the absence or presence of 7.5 mol %
167                          Gene expression and enzymatic assays indicate that erythroid 5-aminolevulini
168                Site-directed mutagenesis and enzymatic assays indicate that the interaction is fundam
169 ings, our biophysical experiments and kinase enzymatic assays indicate that the L834R mutation causes
170 m1 sequence was homologous to chitinase, and enzymatic assays indicated a 3-5-fold increase in chitin
171 o transcription-translation experiments, and enzymatic assays indicated that ORF3 encodes a product w
172                                              Enzymatic assays indicated that the (S)- and (R)-isomers
173 ompounds have been reported to inhibit IN in enzymatic assays, inhibition is not always correlated wi
174                                           An enzymatic assay, involving collection of a phenolic subs
175 nce a large number of commercially available enzymatic assay kits utilize NADH in their detection, th
176 n due to pre-absorption by the product of an enzymatic assay leads to quenching of the PL of quantum
177                                              Enzymatic assays led to the discovery that PA4872 decarb
178  to adefovir diphosphate (ADVDP) in in vitro enzymatic assays (<2.3-fold decreased sensitivity).
179                                              Enzymatic assays measured catalytic activity of cathepsi
180 rvested 4 days later for immunostaining, NOS enzymatic assay, measurement of cGMP, and vasomotor stud
181                      However, using a direct enzymatic assay measuring cleavage of the synthetic pept
182         Immunoblotting, quantitative RT-PCR, enzymatic assays, nucleotide sugar, and sugar phosphate
183 croscopy and gel electrophoresis, as well as enzymatic assay of B(12)-dependent diol dehydratase.
184 on using in vivo bioluminescence imaging and enzymatic assay of lung homogenates.
185                    Apoptosis was assessed by enzymatic assay of myocardial caspase 3 and TUNEL staini
186                        This was confirmed by enzymatic assay of the partially purified enzyme with un
187                                              Enzymatic assay of these mutant alleles demonstrate that
188                                     However, enzymatic assay of total solubilized RNA polymerase I an
189                 Its attributes are ideal for enzymatic assays of alkaline phosphatase for both basic
190                                              Enzymatic assays of both recombinant proteins showed try
191 t nervous system by using Northern blots and enzymatic assays of brain and subfractionated primary ne
192                                              Enzymatic assays of caa3 with these constructs, showed t
193                                 In addition, enzymatic assays of choline kinase activity in cells wer
194                                     Previous enzymatic assays of crude cell extracts indicated that a
195                                              Enzymatic assays of filtered culture supernatants reveal
196  gene expression at mRNA and protein levels, enzymatic assays of gene function, clonal analysis of PC
197 uenzae YbaK using site-directed mutagenesis, enzymatic assays of isosteric substrates and functional
198 1 encodes a pectin methylesterase (PME), and enzymatic assays of QRT1 expressed in Escherichia coli i
199                                 In addition, enzymatic assays of the wild-type proteins as well as se
200                               Phenotypic and enzymatic assays on grafted plants indicated that mRNAs
201 esults from HPLC and MS analysis of in vitro enzymatic assays on stereochemically defined SP substrat
202                                              Enzymatic assays on TA0175 revealed that this enzyme cat
203                                              Enzymatic assays on the insect-cell-expressed human GALN
204                     We used a combination of enzymatic assays, PA-binding assays, and circular dichro
205 us tissues for metabolism studies, including enzymatic assays, paper chromatography, and high-perform
206                                              Enzymatic assays performed under anaerobic conditions in
207                 In the present study, direct enzymatic assays performed with alternative substrates a
208                                              Enzymatic assays performed with APC purified from strain
209 l toolbox that includes lipid substrates for enzymatic assays, potent inhibitors, and chemical probes
210 he standard technique, namely, a homogeneous enzymatic assay (R(2) = 0.97).
211                                              Enzymatic assays, reductive titrations, and circular dic
212 urrently available radioreceptor binding and enzymatic assays require extensive sample preparation an
213 ng and the resultant phenotypes evaluated by enzymatic assay, resistance to cytotoxic drugs, ability
214 LIS assay was completely consistent with the enzymatic assay results.
215  solution as a heat-stable homotetramer, and enzymatic assays reveal that the expressed enzyme is ful
216                    A mass spectrometry based enzymatic assay revealed that two compounds, N(6)-benzyl
217 threonine are substrates for T. maritima TA, enzymatic assays revealed a strong preference for L-allo
218 nalysis of MJ0936 against a panel of general enzymatic assays revealed catalytic activity toward bis-
219                   Western blots and arginase enzymatic assays revealed high-level expression of cytos
220                                     In vitro enzymatic assays revealed that ADP-ribose and NADH are p
221                                    Complex I enzymatic assays revealed that the 3460A mutation result
222                                              Enzymatic assays revealed that the distribution patterns
223                                     In vitro enzymatic assays revealed that the mutant enzymes had in
224  are expressed in BoHV-4 infected cells, but enzymatic assays revealed that the spliced form is not a
225                                              Enzymatic assays revealed vast differences in PTP cataly
226                                              Enzymatic assays show that this is the only PNPase activ
227                                              Enzymatic assays showed a basal level of phosphatase act
228 nding assays with active site inhibitors and enzymatic assays showed that Ab58 is a competitive inhib
229                                              Enzymatic assays showed that glutamine, a signal of nitr
230                                              Enzymatic assays showed that RH1 was an in vitro substra
231                                              Enzymatic assays showed that T-705 and T-1105 are poor s
232                  In addition, the results of enzymatic assays showed that the level of GDH during ano
233                                     In vitro enzymatic assays showed that the purified S55F mutant en
234 in expressed in Escherichia coli followed by enzymatic assay, showed that this enzyme is active on C8
235 ing data from Western and Northern blots and enzymatic assays showing that both proteins are widely e
236 glucopeptides were synthesized and tested in enzymatic assays, showing a common minimal epitope.
237                                              Enzymatic assay shows the two fusions to have similar re
238               This is the first report of an enzymatic assay specific for FMN-bound NADPH cytochrome
239                                              Enzymatic assays, sucrose density gradient centrifugatio
240 ard the presence of inactive mutants than in enzymatic assays, suggesting a weak coupling of ATPase a
241  established and validated a straightforward enzymatic assay suitable for high-throughput screening a
242                                          The enzymatic assay targets alanine and employs alanine tran
243                          Here we describe an enzymatic assay that allowed us to monitor Pmt4 activity
244             Also described is an array-based enzymatic assay that can be used to sequence portions of
245                  The use of a drug-inducible enzymatic assay that depletes the Golgi-associated pool
246                Described in this study is an enzymatic assay that determines levels of homocysteine i
247 ions of that study were based on an indirect enzymatic assay that was not specific for (6-4) photopro
248    Here, we optimized two colorimetric-based enzymatic assays that detect the ureido moiety of the DH
249 ising molecular reagents for high-throughput enzymatic assays that successfully bridge the gap betwee
250                            Using an in vitro enzymatic assay, the recombinant TPPE was able to proces
251                                  In in vitro enzymatic assays, the V555I mutation displayed the most
252                 We have adapted a continuous enzymatic assay to a medium-throughput format and carrie
253 ic airway inflammation in asthma, we used an enzymatic assay to determine thrombin activity in bronch
254 attering (SAXS), chemical cross-linking, and enzymatic assays to enlarge our understanding of the int
255 cular dynamics simulations, mutagenesis, and enzymatic assays to explore the molecular basis of this
256           In this study, we use quantitative enzymatic assays to fully characterize C9Holo and a leuc
257 ion, fluorescence polarization and NMR-based enzymatic assays to investigate the impact of phosphomim
258 ship), medicinal chemistry, and experimental enzymatic assays to optimize a previously identified sma
259  microscopy, in combination with informative enzymatic assays, to correlate biochemical activity with
260                         By use of a reliable enzymatic assay together with X-ray crystallography as g
261 nts, metabolite quantification, and in vitro enzymatic assays under both saturating and non-saturatin
262 leukemia (RBL-2H3) mast cells using specific enzymatic assays, urea-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresi
263 tem to determine glucose was evaluated by an enzymatic assay using glucose oxidase, horseradish perox
264  the presence of biopolymers was assessed by enzymatic assay using natural and synthetic substrates.
265                                              Enzymatic assays using 31P nuclear magnetic resonance sp
266                                              Enzymatic assays using purified protein showed that unli
267                                              Enzymatic assays using recombinant proteins and D-cyclos
268 terase activity, as is evident from in vitro enzymatic assays using the purified protein.
269                                           An enzymatic assay was developed to measure tetrahydrometha
270 ia as a source of the aggrecanase enzyme, an enzymatic assay was established employing purified aggre
271                                           An enzymatic assay was used to detect the activity distribu
272  one- and two-electron reduction in isolated enzymatic assays was studied, and their potential to gen
273 tion, ESI-MS/MS-based peptide sequencing and enzymatic assay we further demonstrate that human RBCs c
274        By using a GCAP2-specific antibody in enzymatic assays, we confirmed that GCAP1 but not GCAP2
275        Using affinity pull-down and in vitro enzymatic assays, we confirmed the potent antibacterial
276          Using surface plasmon resonance and enzymatic assays, we found that albicin binds and stabil
277      By using a combination of mitogenic and enzymatic assays, we found that phosphorylation of the a
278           Using in silico design followed by enzymatic assays, we show that Abz and EDDnp significant
279 ere harvested after 7 weeks and TDC and STR1 enzymatic assays were carried out.
280               qRT-PCR, Western blotting, and enzymatic assays were performed to confirm the regulatio
281 his immunodominant antigen in H. capsulatum, enzymatic assays were performed to determine whether H.
282                           Degenerate PCR and enzymatic assays were used to assess the presence of but
283  This model system was used to establish, by enzymatic assays, Western and Northern analyses, histoch
284 accumulation of peroxides in HU solutions by enzymatic assays, which explains the toxicity, as both N
285 e a significant level of metal activation in enzymatic assays, which is inconsistent with the behavio
286 s with a reporter) or throughput inherent in enzymatic assays widely used for HTS.
287 pionamide (10a) inhibits PDHK in the primary enzymatic assay with an IC(50) of 13 +/- 1.5 nM, enhance
288 opanamide (14e) inhibits PDHK in the primary enzymatic assay with an IC(50) of 16 +/- 2 nM, enhances
289 nd to inhibit gamma-secretase in a cell-free enzymatic assay with an IC(50) of 2.1 microM, a value si
290 tivity of a series of N-acylhydrazones in an enzymatic assay with PA-Nter endonuclease, as well as in
291 pases 3, 6, 8, and 9, as measured both by an enzymatic assay with synthetic substrates and by detecti
292                                              Enzymatic assays with a recombinant soluble form of heps
293                             Such coupling of enzymatic assays with electrophoretic separations on a m
294         Homology searches, as well as direct enzymatic assays with M. jannaschii, failed to reveal th
295                                              Enzymatic assays with purified components revealed a com
296                                   Subsequent enzymatic assays with the nonribosomal peptide synthetas
297 alone and their activities were validated by enzymatic assays with the recombinant proteins or by the
298 e been investigated using organic synthesis, enzymatic assays, X-ray crystallography, and thermodynam

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