


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 lexes also diminished significantly with the enzymatic digestion.
2 chymal cells were isolated by mechanical and enzymatic digestion.
3  by LC-MS analysis of peptides obtained from enzymatic digestion.
4  reference RNA, is labeled with (16)O during enzymatic digestion.
5 ctance Ca(2+)-sensitive K(+) channels and to enzymatic digestion.
6 stroyed during strong acid digestion but not enzymatic digestion.
7 o monitor peptide products after an on-probe enzymatic digestion.
8 nly performed using surrogate peptides after enzymatic digestion.
9 y SDS-PAGE, excised, and subjected to in-gel enzymatic digestion.
10 mammalian RNA by centrifugation, followed by enzymatic digestion.
11 e bovine NPE cells were freshly harvested by enzymatic digestion.
12 lonic circular muscle cells were obtained by enzymatic digestion.
13  by a high Ca(2+) concentration, even during enzymatic digestion.
14 ion of modified proteins without recourse to enzymatic digestion.
15 s are produced that are resistant to further enzymatic digestion.
16 ions that contribute to its recalcitrance to enzymatic digestion.
17 A genes, large-scale plasmid preparation and enzymatic digestion.
18                Muscle cells were obtained by enzymatic digestion.
19 cidated using MALDI-MS coupled with on-plate enzymatic digestion.
20    Gallbladder muscle cells were obtained by enzymatic digestion.
21 ere characterized by NMR spectroscopy and by enzymatic digestion.
22 mical accessibility and fragment order after enzymatic digestion.
23 dissected from guinea-pig pancreas following enzymatic digestion.
24 its of greater specificity and resistance to enzymatic digestion.
25 in a disulfide mapping application involving enzymatic digestion.
26 ified NAA-PFs (i.e., sensing element) during enzymatic digestion.
27 vers of patients and mice via mechanical and enzymatic digestion.
28  off line or in situ proteomic methods using enzymatic digestion.
29 lated from normal human term placentas using enzymatic digestion.
30 the peptide C-terminal carboxyl group during enzymatic digestion.
31  resonance (NMR), combined with chemical and enzymatic digestions.
32 ntitative disaccharide profiles, and partial enzymatic digestions.
33 brane segment using a series of chemical and enzymatic digestions.
34 rosequencing and mass spectrometry following enzymatic digestions.
35 nd gel-filtration, and subjected to multiple enzymatic digestions.
36  strategy, which involved labeling reaction, enzymatic digestion, affinity purification, and LC-MS/MS
37 roup onto the N-termini of peptides, and the enzymatic digestion after the derivatization step remove
38 s released from amaranth seed proteins after enzymatic digestion, against dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DP
39 e fragment ions beyond what is obtained from enzymatic digestion alone, without prior chromatographic
40                Cells prepared from muscle by enzymatic digestion and 5-day in vitro culture were harv
41 residues provides a potential alternative to enzymatic digestion and a possibility for further chemic
42 ted from the large-diameter core fiber after enzymatic digestion and acid hydrolysis demonstrated the
43                            Methods involving enzymatic digestion and chemical depolymerization have b
44                           Comparison between enzymatic digestion and conventional homogenization tiss
45 ril formation, more prone to disaggregation, enzymatic digestion and degradation by the 26S proteasom
46 timization and several key parameters, i.e., enzymatic digestion and derivatization, in the assay dev
47 on-digestible fractions (NDF) produced after enzymatic digestion and determine their antiproliferativ
48 e purified from excised pancreatic tissue by enzymatic digestion and discontinuous density gradient p
49                           In our laboratory, enzymatic digestion and extraction of peptides from poly
50  these formations were isolated by selective enzymatic digestion and further purified on the basis of
51              A method using a combination of enzymatic digestion and ionspray mass spectrometry (MS)
52  toxins) were enriched and purified prior to enzymatic digestion and LC-MS analysis.
53 ivatives of T, C, A, and G, as identified by enzymatic digestion and LC-MS/MS.
54 y 3'-overhanging ends, were characterized by enzymatic digestion and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.
55 s were purified by HPLC and characterized by enzymatic digestion and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry.
56      Chemical cross-linking combined with an enzymatic digestion and mass spectrometric analysis of t
57  complete, including all chemical reactions, enzymatic digestion and mass spectrometry experiments.
58  A method using a combination of exonuclease enzymatic digestion and matrix-assisted laser desorption
59                       Using a combination of enzymatic digestion and mechanical manipulation, individ
60 ere obtained from 4- to 15-d-old cultures by enzymatic digestion and mechanical trituration.
61                                              Enzymatic digestion and mutational analysis identified n
62                                              Enzymatic digestion and peptide identification using tan
63              In LES single cells isolated by enzymatic digestion and permeabilized by saponin, 1-2-di
64                Single cells were isolated by enzymatic digestion and permeabilized by saponin.
65  protein, which poses several challenges for enzymatic digestion and protein identification.
66  physiological gp17/SABP protein by coupling enzymatic digestion and ProteinChip technology.
67 gy--a process of "self-eating" that involves enzymatic digestion and recycling of cellular constituen
68 y - a process of "self-eating" that involves enzymatic digestion and recycling of cellular constituen
69  Here we report results from the analyses by enzymatic digestion and reversed-phase ion-pairing liqui
70 traditional procedures involving in-solution enzymatic digestion and sample cleanup prior to MALDI-MS
71    When this method is combined with limited enzymatic digestion and tandem mass spectrometric techni
72 ytes were obtained from knee cartilage after enzymatic digestion and treated with IL-1beta in the abs
73           Cardiomyocytes were isolated using enzymatic digestion and were studied under varying degre
74 hanol when the woody biomass is subjected to enzymatic digestion and yeast-mediated fermentation.
75                     By computing the optimal enzymatic digestions and size selection steps required,
76                                              Enzymatic digestions and subsequent analysis confirmed t
77      This method is also applicable to other enzymatic digestions and used to monitor site-specific d
78 ization, i.e., a 15 min immunocapture, a 2 h enzymatic digestion, and an UPLC-MS/MS detection, allowe
79 zed by absorption and emission spectroscopy, enzymatic digestion, and electrophoresis, form stable du
80 F MS and indirectly by subsequent reduction, enzymatic digestion, and GC/MS.
81 ed a soluble form by chemical fragmentation, enzymatic digestion, and mass spectrometry and a full-le
82 icrochip electrophoresis, standard addition, enzymatic digestion, and matrix-assisted laser desorptio
83 ith a combination of biochemical enrichment, enzymatic digestion, and nano-scale liquid chromatograph
84 eled with [(3)H]tetracaine were subjected to enzymatic digestion, and peptides containing (3)H were p
85  photolabeled with [3H]dTC were subjected to enzymatic digestion, and peptides containing 3H were iso
86 ally subjected to selective and nonselective enzymatic digestion, and the isomeric products from each
87 f a broader range of particle sizes than the enzymatic digestion approach, highlighting the need for
88 ionization mass spectrometry (MS) along with enzymatic digestion as a tool to examine at near residue
89                           The feasibility of enzymatic digestion as an alternate tissue preparation t
90 ge via the latter pathway is confirmed by an enzymatic digestion assay, verifying the reliability of
91                       Using a combination of enzymatic digestion assays coupled with gel electrophore
92                                              Enzymatic digestion assays in conjunction with liquid ch
93                             In addition, the enzymatic digestion at the Lys28 loop region linking the
94 were isolated from adult zebrafish hearts by enzymatic digestion, attached to carbon rods, and twitch
95 ides an efficient alternative to traditional enzymatic digestion-based methods for virus identificati
96  measured a signature peptide generated from enzymatic digestion, but had a lower quantitation limit
97 ctrophoresis, and electroelution followed by enzymatic digestion by both trypsin and proteinase K.
98                                              Enzymatic digestion by exonuclease III of the nucleosome
99 labeled bovine serum albumin as it undergoes enzymatic digestion by trypsin.
100                 Our findings illustrate that enzymatic digestion can aid the detection of microplasti
101   Our results suggest that both dilation and enzymatic digestion can be incorporated into CED protoco
102                                              Enzymatic digestion can then be carried out in solution
103 asured by quantifying protection of DNA from enzymatic digestion, can regulate accessibility.
104  Chemical derivatization of lysines prior to enzymatic digestion circumvents these problems and has p
105                Although the strategic use of enzymatic digestion combined with isotope dilution mass
106 ometry, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and enzymatic digestion comparative studies to investigate t
107 were generated from monoclonal antibodies by enzymatic digestion, conjugated to DOTA, and labeled wit
108  was generated from a monoclonal antibody by enzymatic digestion, conjugated to DOTA, and labeled wit
109 e of an Ibe10R fragment generated by limited enzymatic digestion did not reveal homology to any other
110          Due to the potential variability in enzymatic digestion efficiencies, the liberation of a ma
111  organic solvents, and two chaotropes on the enzymatic digestion efficiency of membrane protein-enric
112                    After eggshell removal by enzymatic digestion, embryo cells are dissociated and pl
113 y described herein utilizes a combination of enzymatic digestion, ESI-MS, and MS(n)() for the sequenc
114 cle cells are purified from whole ovaries by enzymatic digestion, filtration, and fluorescence-activa
115     The procedure consists of a bleach wash, enzymatic digestion, first fixation, 'cracking', second
116 uch wall after staining with Giemsa or after enzymatic digestion followed by fluorescence-activated c
117 ocess, including the on-plate enrichment and enzymatic digestion followed by MALDI-MS analysis, can b
118 cluding disulfide reduction, alkylation, and enzymatic digestion, followed by cocrystallization with
119 olysaccharide from a bacterial spore sample, enzymatic digestion, followed by electrospray ionization
120 ation of biotin-containing nucleotides by an enzymatic digestion, followed by resolution via analytic
121 terminant of the recalcitrance of biomass to enzymatic digestion for biofuels production.
122                     An alternative method to enzymatic digestion for protein identification by mass s
123 s through microwave-assisted methanolysis or enzymatic digestion for subsequent MALDI-TOF MS analysis
124     Chondrocytes were isolated by sequential enzymatic digestion from normal ankle cartilage of organ
125 re of individual chromaffin cells derived by enzymatic digestion from the adrenal medulla of the bovi
126 hageal smooth muscle cells (ESO) isolated by enzymatic digestion from the circular layer of normal an
127                                              Enzymatic digestion generates disaccharides with Delta-4
128              Removal of cell surface GAGs by enzymatic digestion greatly reduced the ability of mAb 4
129                          Results showed that enzymatic digestion has extraction efficiency comparable
130  proteome based on the combination of global enzymatic digestion, high-resolution liquid chromatograp
131 ust (i) incorporate an isotopic label during enzymatic digestion; (ii) have no m/z interferences from
132                                              Enzymatic digestion in an organic-aqueous solvent system
133 nd rapid reduction of disulfide bonds before enzymatic digestion in order to increase sequence covera
134 edures, including thrombin injection, online enzymatic digestion in the microreaction system, and lab
135 particles were also remarkably stable toward enzymatic digestion in vitro and displayed long half-liv
136 nization tissue preparation, indicating that enzymatic digestion is an appropriate tissue sample prep
137                                     However, enzymatic digestion is associated with additional sample
138                                              Enzymatic digestion is commonly used for tissue dissocia
139  recalcitrance to both acid pretreatment and enzymatic digestion is directly proportional to lignin c
140                                    On-tissue enzymatic digestion is performed in mass spectrometry im
141 oped a microfluidic flow cell where stepwise enzymatic digestion is performed on immobilized proteoli
142 ein denaturation, reduction, alkylation, and enzymatic digestion, is described.
143 ed by using ion trap mass spectrometry (MS), enzymatic digestion, lectin affinity chromatography, and
144 g the combination of photoaffinity labeling, enzymatic digestion, MALDI-TOF and LC-MS mass spectromet
145 port the use of a recently developed coupled enzymatic digestion/mass spectrometry assay to identify
146 ciated from adult rabbit retinas by using an enzymatic digestion-mechanical trituration technique and
147                                           An enzymatic digestion method, followed by single-particle
148                                      Various enzymatic digestion methods have also been developed for
149 te the possibility of replacing conventional enzymatic digestion methods with a polymer microfluidic
150 pecies characterization [by chloroquine-AGE, enzymatic digestion, multi-angle laser light-scattering
151 ort a mass spectrometry (MS) method engaging enzymatic digestion, nanoelectrospray ionization (nano-E
152 peptides needed to be selected carefully and enzymatic digestion needed to be optimized to ensure com
153                           The product of the enzymatic digestion of 3H-choline-labelled cell walls wa
154 mass spectrometry (MS/MS) data begin with an enzymatic digestion of a complex protein mixture to gene
155 ion of Pseudo MS(n) to peptides generated by enzymatic digestion of a single phosphoprotein.
156 ingle V-containing fragments obtained by the enzymatic digestion of apo(a) and also kringle V-contain
157                  Ammonia, the product of the enzymatic digestion of Arg by ADI, reacts with OPA and f
158 nases, as measured by gelatin zymography and enzymatic digestion of Azocoll substrates by gland lysat
159                                              Enzymatic digestion of beta-GlcCer and a chromatographic
160                                        After enzymatic digestion of BipPt-G3 duplexes, the conformati
161 btain rate curves and rate constants for the enzymatic digestion of both modified and unmodified olig
162                        HCEs were acquired by enzymatic digestion of cadaveric conjunctival tissues.
163                     Chondrocytes isolated by enzymatic digestion of cartilage obtained from subjects
164                  Experiments using selective enzymatic digestion of cell adhesion molecules and neutr
165                                 Furthermore, enzymatic digestion of cell surface GAGs by heparin lyas
166                                              Enzymatic digestion of cell-associated HSPGs on human BM
167 ne the extent to which lignin influences the enzymatic digestion of cellulose, specifically in second
168   Monodispersed cell suspensions obtained by enzymatic digestion of conjunctival tissue were applied
169 the authentic cross-link remnant released by enzymatic digestion of cross-linked DNA.
170                                   Currently, enzymatic digestion of CSPGs with locally applied chondr
171 as a mixture of tryptic peptides obtained by enzymatic digestion of cytochrome c.
172  nucleoside cross-link "remnant" released by enzymatic digestion of DNA duplexes containing the dG-AP
173     It consists of four principal steps: (i) enzymatic digestion of DNA to nucleoside 3'-monophosphat
174 ciently complex with DNA and protect it from enzymatic digestion of DNase 1.
175                                              Enzymatic digestion of donor pancreases is a vital step
176 he nucleoside cross-link remnant released by enzymatic digestion of duplex DNA containing the dA-Ap c
177 he authentic cross-link remnants released by enzymatic digestion of duplexes containing the native an
178  complex peptide mixtures resulting from the enzymatic digestion of extracted proteins.
179 cardial inflammation by flow cytometry after enzymatic digestion of hearts to characterize the infilt
180                                              Enzymatic digestion of IgG4.1 to the F(ab')(2)4.1 fragme
181 h based on flow-stretched DNA to monitor the enzymatic digestion of lambda-phage DNA by individual ba
182                                              Enzymatic digestion of major structural constituent coll
183 tion by second dimension electrophoresis and enzymatic digestion of matrix-embedded YAC DNA to produc
184                                 However, the enzymatic digestion of native plant cell walls is ineffi
185 ide fragment produced in our laboratory from enzymatic digestion of native protamine.
186 o be the most powerful additive for one-step enzymatic digestion of nitrocellulose-bound proteins, bo
187                                    On-tissue enzymatic digestion of nude mouse brain tissue permitted
188                             In addition, the enzymatic digestion of nutrients in the stomach may also
189  the host against pathogens and facilitating enzymatic digestion of other ingested bacteria.
190                                              Enzymatic digestion of PD with 1,4-alpha-d-polygalacturo
191                                              Enzymatic digestion of polypeptides using Pronase E, a p
192 trometry (MALDI-TOF MS), in conjunction with enzymatic digestion of proteins and molecular weight sea
193 nd beta-casein, and compare the results with enzymatic digestion of proteins by trypsin.
194 emonstrate that PCT provides more controlled enzymatic digestion of proteins than prolonged digestion
195 coupled to mass spectrometry (HXMS) utilizes enzymatic digestion of proteins to localize the informat
196 ent is a general phenomenon occurring during enzymatic digestion of proteins.
197 cid residues in peptides are observed during enzymatic digestion of proteins.
198 gning ion signals from peptides arising from enzymatic digestion of proteins.
199  chaotropes and detergents) known to improve enzymatic digestion of proteins.
200                                              Enzymatic digestion of proteoglycans in the ECM restored
201 ented HGE cell binding and infection, as did enzymatic digestion of PSGL-1.
202                                              Enzymatic digestion of purified, interstrand cross-linke
203 Single ventricular myocytes were isolated by enzymatic digestion of rat hearts and were subsequently
204 idation instead of hydrolysis and to enhance enzymatic digestion of recalcitrant substrates including
205 a combination of MALDI-TOF and FAB MS and by enzymatic digestion of reduced derivatives, followed by
206 lity of these microfabricated sample plates, enzymatic digestion of ribonucleic acids was performed o
207        The procedure involves mechanical and enzymatic digestion of skeletal muscle tissue with colla
208                                              Enzymatic digestion of sulfated GAGs canceled their effe
209 by an increase in fluorescence signal due to enzymatic digestion of the antibody and separation of IR
210                                              Enzymatic digestion of the cell wall allows the release
211                                          The enzymatic digestion of the cell wall of sensitive and re
212                                              Enzymatic digestion of the cell wall resulted in the rel
213 rate the dominant influence of lignin on the enzymatic digestion of the cell wall.
214 id chromatography is usually performed after enzymatic digestion of the cross-linked proteins.
215                                    Moreover, enzymatic digestion of the DNA plasmid (pBR322, 4361 bp)
216 examining a mixture of peptides generated by enzymatic digestion of the equine cytochrome c with tryp
217 ate phagolysosomes, which play a key role in enzymatic digestion of the internalized contents into co
218 e composition analysis is then performed via enzymatic digestion of the oligonucleotide to complement
219 light mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) after enzymatic digestion of the polysaccharide component.
220                                     However, enzymatic digestion of the protein in MBSE removed its a
221 ploying multiple peptides to ensure that the enzymatic digestion of the protein is efficient in the r
222 able IsoLG adducts on apolipoprotein B after enzymatic digestion of the protein to individual amino a
223 idation of low density lipoprotein following enzymatic digestion of the protein to single amino acids
224 d for solving problems of this type involves enzymatic digestion of the protein, followed by MALDI io
225 s identified using phage display and partial enzymatic digestion of the purified protein.
226 ynitrite-treated DNA was characterized after enzymatic digestion of the reacted DNA to the nucleoside
227                                              Enzymatic digestion of the retained RNA supported the co
228                                              Enzymatic digestion of the RNA oligomer catalyzed by bov
229 The procedure does not involve mechanical or enzymatic digestion of the sample tissue.
230                                              Enzymatic digestion of the surrounding matrix resulted i
231                                              Enzymatic digestion of the telomeric G-quadruplex struct
232 equenced after site-directed mutagenesis and enzymatic digestion of the wild-type allele.
233 e level (57 and 55%, respectively) following enzymatic digestion of their hyaluronic acid capsule.
234                                              Enzymatic digestion of these radiolabeled products produ
235 essor cells are due to the loss of CD44 upon enzymatic digestion of tumors.
236                     The IDMS method involves enzymatic digestion of viral proteins and the specific d
237                                              Enzymatic digestions of membrane proteins are also great
238                                              Enzymatic digestions of proteins that are resistant to p
239                     A series of chemical and enzymatic digestions of the hPTH1-Rc-125I-Bpa1-PTH-(1-34
240  Following electrophoresis and renaturation, enzymatic digestions of the substrate in 50 mM of Tris b
241 method was developed incorporating cyanogen, enzymatic digestion, one-dimensional gel electrophoresis
242 rgeting 5-methyldeoxycytidine moieties after enzymatic digestion, only 5-meC specifically derived fro
243 ostnatal microfibrils and can be revealed by enzymatic digestion or by genetic ablation of Fbn1.
244  vivo in which the size of HA was defined by enzymatic digestion or custom synthesis.
245                  The CATCH assay requires no enzymatic digestion or ligation, requires little startin
246  circumneutral pH conditions employed during enzymatic digestion prevent artifacts arising from extre
247 We present a rapid and efficient in-solution enzymatic digestion protocol suitable for mass spectrome
248 no-ESI MS method in combination with limited enzymatic digestion provides a sensitive method for dire
249 lage using the surface forces apparatus, and enzymatic digestion, reveal an "adaptive" role for an HA
250 hilic interaction chromatography followed by enzymatic digestion specifically at lysine or arginine r
251  and protein quantification by LC-MS/MS, the enzymatic digestion step and the internal standardizatio
252                             PCRs included an enzymatic digestion step to eliminate PCR carryover and
253 onfirm the 100% successful completion of the enzymatic digestion step.
254 ctose was further characterized via multiple enzymatic digestion steps including mannosidase with act
255         The use of a multiple and sequential enzymatic digestion strategy was important in producing
256 5E/Q180E mutant also was more susceptible to enzymatic digestion, suggesting increased solvent access
257 ate the efficacy of using acid, alkaline and enzymatic digestion techniques in mineralizing biologica
258                              After simulated enzymatic digestion, the oxygen radical absorbance capac
259 s are applied to a tissue section, directing enzymatic digestion to a spatially confined area of the
260 ange) to the regional level by incorporating enzymatic digestion to acquire binding information for p
261 hods were established in this study based on enzymatic digestion to consolidate peaks of the same typ
262                                              Enzymatic digestion to form 3-(2-deoxy-beta-d-erythro-pe
263 5a) and reduction with NaCNBH(3) followed by enzymatic digestion to give 1,3-bis(2'-deoxyguanosin-N(2
264 describe a method that uses restricted Lys-C enzymatic digestion to increase the average mass of prot
265  adducted oligonucleotide 26 was provided by enzymatic digestion to nucleosides and authentic adduct
266 and spotted samples first undergo on-surface enzymatic digestion to release N-glycans.
267 pulse effects are resistant to intracellular enzymatic digestion, to fast intracellular calcium buffe
268 ent the combined application of chemical and enzymatic digestions toward de novo sequence determinati
269 his approach, isotopic labeling involves the enzymatic digestion, typically performed with trypsin, o
270  human serum albumin (HSA), was subjected to enzymatic digestion using 12 different sample preparatio
271           Samples are subjected to selective enzymatic digestion using a bacterial hyaluronidase (HA
272                                        Here, enzymatic digestion using microsomal alanyl aminopeptida
273                  However, heat combined with enzymatic digestion was necessary to markedly lower IgE
274 ion (FASP), and microwave-assisted on-filter enzymatic digestion, we identified 2 090 proteins from t
275 evels of incurred tissue samples prepared by enzymatic digestion were in good agreement with the valu
276  deglycosylated peptides analysis, different enzymatic digestions were performed and glycopeptide det
277         The guarana samples before and after enzymatic digestion, were compared for total phenolic co
278 ation mass spectrometry, in combination with enzymatic digestions, were used to verify the amino acid
279 evealed the VL to be markedly susceptible to enzymatic digestion, whereas the CL was protease-resista
280 re significantly, the utilization of limited enzymatic digestion with a cysteine protease as compared
281  and metals were simulated by using in vitro enzymatic digestion with a gastric fluid solution and di
282 ified by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, enzymatic digestion with exonuclease VII and electrospra
283 xcised from the oxidized oligonucleotides by enzymatic digestion with nuclease P1 and alkaline phosph
284 ered the need when applying a combination of enzymatic digestion with nuclease P1 and tandem mass spe
285 e exclusion chromatography, before and after enzymatic digestion with pepsin or trypsin.
286 d by the release of fluorophores by means of enzymatic digestion with proteinase K.
287                                              Enzymatic digestion with proteinases liberated sCD44 fro
288 rigenesis, matrix components are modified by enzymatic digestion with subsequent effects on integrin

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