


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  all domains of life, 54 structures, and >10 enzymatic functions).
2 nd catalytic flexibility in the evolution of enzymatic function.
3 pterin (BH4) is essential for maintenance of enzymatic function.
4 e perinuclear area, insolubility and loss of enzymatic function.
5 lay important roles in protein structure and enzymatic function.
6 sialidase activity and fulfills a purely non-enzymatic function.
7 -halophenols in the internal pocket inhibits enzymatic function.
8 oxicity of the protein rather than a loss in enzymatic function.
9 ties of normal and disease-associated mutant enzymatic function.
10 y defuse conformational strain, and preserve enzymatic function.
11 ation of p21 possibly independent from COX-2 enzymatic function.
12 n has a key role in the control of sulfatase enzymatic function.
13 ying mutation and magnitude of its effect on enzymatic function.
14 nsmembrane domain was also required for full enzymatic function.
15 T2 demonstrated that it is required for full enzymatic function.
16 of key amino acids that likely contribute to enzymatic function.
17 important regulator of nitric oxide synthase enzymatic function.
18  thiamin phosphate synthase, it has no known enzymatic function.
19 r acts as both agonist and antagonist to the enzymatic function.
20 ll species and link a protein sequence to an enzymatic function.
21 mate linkage between protein flexibility and enzymatic function.
22 here is a general link between structure and enzymatic function.
23 lution and performed a series of screens for enzymatic function.
24 imilarity in sequence implying similarity in enzymatic function.
25 nicity of Bla g 2 was linked to its putative enzymatic function.
26  with respect to its secondary structure and enzymatic function.
27 of charge in these systems may contribute to enzymatic function.
28 omodimers, and dimerization is essential for enzymatic function.
29 amounts of DOPE, and correlate with enhanced enzymatic function.
30 e deacetylase complex are required for their enzymatic function.
31 dues shown by mutagenesis to be essential to enzymatic function.
32  unknown how the histidine kinase exerts its enzymatic function.
33  interfering reversibly with thiol-dependent enzymatic function.
34 d this may be associated with alterations in enzymatic function.
35 cted mismatch repair system but has no known enzymatic function.
36 might have considerable latent potential for enzymatic function.
37 m the active site is essential for efficient enzymatic function.
38  to changes in mechanical forces by altering enzymatic function.
39 anganese catalytic site and is essential for enzymatic function.
40 lts in no change or permanent improvement in enzymatic function.
41  system of Escherichia coli but has no known enzymatic function.
42 ey amino acids that likely contribute to its enzymatic function.
43 a bypass of RscS's own HPt domain and SypF's enzymatic function.
44 ire intermediates of cellular metabolism for enzymatic function.
45 lpha-tubulin revealed that propofol inhibits enzymatic function.
46 ence mirrors categorization of the family by enzymatic function.
47 evolutionary trajectories creating a nascent enzymatic function.
48 examining how protein dynamics contribute to enzymatic function.
49 all molecule MIF inhibitors antagonize MIF's enzymatic function.
50 and in vitro assays confirmed their proposed enzymatic function.
51 e directed probes are powerful in studies of enzymatic function.
52 sequence signatures to automatically predict enzymatic function.
53 werful attribute space for the prediction of enzymatic function.
54 anding the structural bases for evolution of enzymatic function.
55 rization of mutant Top2 monomers can restore enzymatic function.
56 zymes, whereas others perform entirely novel enzymatic functions.
57  virus assembly was independent of its known enzymatic functions.
58 ve mechanisms that led to diversification of enzymatic functions.
59 t required for RNase E to carry out its core enzymatic functions.
60 pear to have wall-loosening, structural, and enzymatic functions.
61 e activities and inhibits alt-NHEJ using non-enzymatic functions.
62 ts and proteins with distinct structural and enzymatic functions.
63  of the rat liver NDANST to localize the two enzymatic functions.
64 m or the basis by which quinolones alter its enzymatic functions.
65 24a, did not interfere with topoisomerase II enzymatic functions.
66 an cellular proteins that provide equivalent enzymatic functions.
67  broad substrate specificity displaying dual enzymatic functions.
68 ells and is required for many structural and enzymatic functions.
69 h lysine carbamylation as well as subsequent enzymatic functions.
70 of phylogenetic analysis to predict possible enzymatic functions.
71 on signal, which seemed irrelevant for other enzymatic functions.
72 ymes, resulting in the inactivation of their enzymatic functioning.
73  findings regarding the localization of each enzymatic function: 1) derivatization of Cys486 with N-e
74 r identification of residues (1) involved in enzymatic function, (2) forming short linear functional
75 ly equal, and using temperatures optimal for enzymatic function (30-45 degrees C).
76 ntly account also for proteins with multiple enzymatic functions: 50,000 in UniProt.
77 res in mitochondria, whereas mutants lacking enzymatic function (a(-)D(+)) show a reticular distribut
78  not result in an observable defect in SETD2 enzymatic function, a second mutation in the catalytic d
79 acetylcholinesterase responsible for its non-enzymatic functions, a thirty amino acid peptide ("T30")
80 ke R109K, which had minimal impact on NS3/4A enzymatic function, A156T significantly reduced NS3/4A c
81 s results suggest the strong conservation of enzymatic function above levels of 50% pairwise sequence
82 ly by noncovalent interactions that maintain enzymatic function after protease nicking.
83 ere is clear evidence for repeated shifts in enzymatic function among duplicate copies of CHS genes.
84 uggesting that SAPHIRE has both an important enzymatic function and an essential nonenzymatic functio
85 anocircuits allowed electrical recordings of enzymatic function and dynamic variability with the reso
86 arization for quantitative interpretation of enzymatic function and for calculation of binding free e
87 fied an antibody inhibitor (AB0023) of LOXL2 enzymatic function and have found that the inhibition oc
88 N 273) resulted in incremental diminution of enzymatic function and infectivity and that removal of t
89  and functions as a tumor suppressor via its enzymatic function and multiple protein-protein interact
90 ve avidity and the greatest ability to block enzymatic function and neutralize cytotoxicity.
91  served as intermediates in the evolution of enzymatic function and opens the path for the developmen
92 he carboxyl terminus, is compatible with PLD enzymatic function and propose a simple model for PLD ac
93  molecular mechanisms leading to the loss of enzymatic function and retinal degeneration remain poorl
94                   To better characterize the enzymatic function and specificity of CPA6 and to compar
95 n all-or-nothing transition in regard to the enzymatic function and thus must be surveyed carefully.
96  nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide for their enzymatic functions and are therefore readily accessible
97 ed in germin-like proteins (GLPs) with other enzymatic functions and characteristic for proteins depo
98 at evaluates the in vivo context of in vitro enzymatic functions and confirms the functional predicti
99                         TFIIH contains three enzymatic functions and over 30 conserved subdomains and
100                Insight regarding how diverse enzymatic functions and reactions have evolved from ance
101  suggest that this role is distinct from its enzymatic functions and requires interaction with the vi
102 mputational models specific for 939 distinct enzymatic functions and, when data is sufficient, their
103  the top 50 out of 5594 candidates for their enzymatic function, and 70% of metabolic genes whose exp
104  of redox modulation on LAG-3 shedding, TACE enzymatic function, and disease onset.
105 ultiple functions, including redox activity, enzymatic function, and maintenance of structural integr
106 e DNA conformational changes associated with enzymatic function, and may reflect a general biological
107 lent and its subsequent oxidation is a novel enzymatic function, and one that dominates the oxygenase
108 ption, proteolytic processing, inhibition of enzymatic function, and protein degradation.
109  homozygous G6PC3 G260R mutations, a loss of enzymatic function, and typical syndrome features with t
110 including both enzymes and proteins with non-enzymatic functions annotated by Gene Ontology (GO) term
111 n used to derive a set of hypothesized novel enzymatic function annotations.
112 ses involved in divergent evolution of "new" enzymatic functions are ill-defined.
113  and positively charged, consistent with its enzymatic function as bisphosphatase.
114 sults suggest a worsening of vitamin B(12)'s enzymatic functions as folate status increases in people
115 hibitor of HCV NS5A, a protein with no known enzymatic function, as an approach to the suppression of
116 te of the cluster play a crucial role in the enzymatic function, as these atoms are directly involved
117                                          The enzymatic functions associated with each of the protein
118        Lastly, we traced the total number of enzymatic functions associated with folds in the trees a
119 utation showed a significant decrease of the enzymatic function (average 45%).
120 ndicating that ATAC2 not only carries out an enzymatic function but also plays an architectural role
121 cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) has no intrinsic enzymatic function, but functions as a sliding platform
122 olecules, proteins that possess no intrinsic enzymatic function, but which mediate protein-protein in
123                 The p79 subunit has no known enzymatic functions, but it is essential for growth and
124 o dramatically restore protein stability and enzymatic function by manipulation of the cellular chape
125                                   Control of enzymatic function by peptide hormones can occur at a nu
126 thogenic missense mutations in proteins with enzymatic function can be overcome in some cases by enha
127 ndings show that two proteins with a similar enzymatic function can have opposing roles in the contex
128                         Manual annotation of enzymatic functions cannot keep up with automatic genome
129  ATP hydrolysis appears to be a nonoptimized enzymatic function, closer analysis of this remarkable p
130  software makes 142 additional assertions of enzymatic function compared with a recent annotation pac
131 sue of whether haploinsufficiency or altered enzymatic function contribute to disease etiology.
132 one acetyltransferase activity and that this enzymatic function contributes to chromatin-remodelling
133 fs characteristic of copper oxidases, and no enzymatic function could be assigned to the SKU5 protein
134 ve significant deaminase activity, but their enzymatic function could be restored by subsequent incub
135                           Recognition of non-enzymatic functions could be critical, as these unapprec
136                               In the case of enzymatic functions, each functional assignment implies
137 and screening method designed to help assign enzymatic function for alpha-beta barrel proteins.
138                           We propose a novel enzymatic function for M. tuberculosis CitE in fatty aci
139 idation, suggesting a convergence toward the enzymatic function for methanol oxidation in MxaF and Md
140 rovides a general method for photocontrol of enzymatic function for proteins having a significant pH-
141  2'-O-acetyl-ADP ribose by sir2p and Sir2p's enzymatic function for silencing can be bypassed in a su
142 we identified candidate genes with predicted enzymatic functions for the conversion of sabinene to al
143                                           No enzymatic function has been attributed to copines yet.
144 en micro- to milli-second domain motions and enzymatic function has been established.
145                            The monitoring of enzymatic functions has also been demonstrated with chol
146 effectors that mediate refolding and enhance enzymatic function have the potential to improve the tre
147                       The two most versatile enzymatic functions (hydro-lyases and O-glycosyl glucosi
148 AHD2A, and FAHD2B, are known; however, their enzymatic function, if any, remains to be demonstrated.
149 indicate that NMNAT2 exerts its chaperone or enzymatic function in a context-dependent manner to main
150      In addition, expected decreases in ATIC enzymatic function in ATIC-ALK-containing lymphomas may
151                       Enhancing or restoring enzymatic function in cells is highly desirable in appli
152 dual-function protein that has a second, non-enzymatic function in complex I assembly as a plant-spec
153  model system for exploring the evolution of enzymatic function in extreme environments.
154 tion to Asp has been associated with loss of enzymatic function in Leber congenital amaurosis.
155       However, its mode of action and actual enzymatic function in M. tuberculosis have remained enig
156            Tafazzin expression induced a new enzymatic function in Sf9 cell mitochondria, namely 1-pa
157                    LIPG is predicted to have enzymatic function in steroid biosynthesis, cholesterol
158 e of a protein poised for evolution of a new enzymatic function in the enolase superfamily.
159    Mutated p110alpha proteins show a gain of enzymatic function in vitro and are oncogenic in cell cu
160 ached, these variants affected significantly enzymatic function in vitro with variable increases in c
161  evaluated the impacts of these mutations on enzymatic function in vivo and in vitro to gain further
162                           The alterations in enzymatic functions in the HCCs were similar to those ob
163 , but possibly as a direct consequence of an enzymatic function inherent to the protein that may invo
164 lds that during evolution the structural and enzymatic functions initially served by RNA were assumed
165 f the DNA tweezer structure and actuation of enzymatic function is achieved by switching the tweezers
166 epresentation of the protein structure while enzymatic function is described by Enzyme Commission num
167                                    Its exact enzymatic function is key to understanding how the cell
168 G) by localization in the cytoplasm, and its enzymatic function is not essential.
169                        The creation of novel enzymatic function is of great interest, but remains a c
170 and face the periplasm, implicating that its enzymatic function is on the outer side of the plasma me
171 , and tumor suppression, indicating that the enzymatic function is required for those processes.
172 plays E3 ubiquitin ligase activity, and this enzymatic function is thought to be required for tumor s
173 protein degradation pathway, but its precise enzymatic function is unknown.
174 ution of the Na,K-ATPase, demonstrating that enzymatic functioning is not a prerequisite for PM deliv
175       Understanding the early genesis of new enzymatic functions is one of the challenges in protein
176 ature of protein structures is essential for enzymatic function, it is expected that functional evolu
177 t correlation between RNA binding and ATPase enzymatic function leading to signal transduction and su
178                   However, NS5A has no known enzymatic functions, making it difficult to understand d
179 strongly suggests that in human subjects RAG enzymatic function might be necessary for normal CDR3 ju
180 bjects were compared regarding mitochondrial enzymatic function, mitochondrial DNA integrity, lipid c
181 SMA is a carboxypeptidase with two important enzymatic functions, namely, folate hydrolase and NAALAD
182 ion centers are shown to have a light-driven enzymatic function; namely, the ability to convert super
183 H (RNase H) remains the only virally encoded enzymatic function not targeted by current chemotherapy
184 e results demonstrated that Tm-MazG has dual enzymatic functions, NTPase and pyrophosphatase, and tha
185 enotypes associated with the loss of PR-Set7 enzymatic function occur independently of p53.
186 n dynamics may play an important role in the enzymatic function of apo-RCL.
187  this di-sRNP structure was relevant for the enzymatic function of archaeal box C/D sRNPs.
188 ntified are predicted to severely impair the enzymatic function of ASPH, which suggests a possible li
189                         We characterized the enzymatic function of AtlA in order to examine its role
190 BA-Stk1 kinase activity, indicating that the enzymatic function of BA-Stk1 can be influenced by BA-St
191        Our studies provide evidence that the enzymatic function of BCO2 is conserved in primates and
192 f UBXN1, suggesting that UBXN1 regulates the enzymatic function of BRCA1 in a manner that is dependen
193                               The only known enzymatic function of BRCA1 is the E3 ubiquitin ligase a
194 linked glycosylation is not required for the enzymatic function of carboxylase.
195  in these cell lines suggests that the major enzymatic function of CD38 is to hydrolyze extracellular
196                   This demonstrates that the enzymatic function of Dim1p in dimethylation can be sepa
197 resulting deprotonation is necessary for the enzymatic function of elastase.
198 inal-half region, which is necessary for the enzymatic function of EngE and for binding of EngE to th
199 cell surface expression of gp91phox, and the enzymatic function of flavocytochrome b558 are closely c
200                                          The enzymatic function of GacA was confirmed through heterol
201                                              Enzymatic function of GH48 proteins coded by horizontall
202  between ePY and GSH, and could be either an enzymatic function of Glx I or occur nonenzymatically at
203 rine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) retains the enzymatic function of host UNG in an in vitro class swit
204 that (SINQ)(n) is not a prerequisite for the enzymatic function of Lic2A and that the 5'-CAAT-3' repe
205 se it is specific for LOXL2 and inhibits the enzymatic function of LOXL2 in a non-competitive manner
206 H2 inhibitors strongly suppress the enhanced enzymatic function of mutant EZH2 in some lymphomas.
207                               Therefore, the enzymatic function of NET37 appears to be important for
208                The rabbit AMA also inhibited enzymatic function of PDC-E2 and, importantly, binds to
209 re-function experiments to separate the dual-enzymatic function of PLCepsilon1 uncover necessary cont
210 ergo strong G(1) arrest, suggesting that the enzymatic function of PPT is essential and nonredundant.
211 ed catalytic Ado-Met binding domain, but the enzymatic function of PRMT2 with respect to methylation
212 rge hydrophilic loop region suggest that the enzymatic function of PS1/gamma-secretase can be modulat
213 se phosphorylations affect the structure and enzymatic function of PTEN is poorly understood.
214  study identifies a previously unappreciated enzymatic function of rapsyn and a role of neddylation i
215 orm a heterotrimer that is important for the enzymatic function of SAGA.
216                          Uncovering the true enzymatic function of SIR2 is critical to the basic unde
217                                          The enzymatic function of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) is d
218    In addition to inhibitors that target the enzymatic function of telomerase, efforts toward immunot
219 merase RNP formation in vivo but not for the enzymatic function of telomerase.
220                                          The enzymatic function of the C-terminal domain of eukaryoti
221          Each of these mutations impairs the enzymatic function of the cytochrome b protein.
222  (PI3K)/p300 signaling and by modulating the enzymatic function of the Drosha (RNase type III) comple
223 m Arabidopsis thaliana, and we confirmed the enzymatic function of the human gene product by expressi
224 tations effecting either the CCR5 binding or enzymatic function of the molecule.
225                                          The enzymatic function of the protein encoded by cpsF was es
226 ults for MHV-68 ORF64 are consistent with an enzymatic function of the tegument protein that is benef
227  are consistent with an important, conserved enzymatic function of the tegument protein.
228 evels of tyrosine improved the stability and enzymatic function of the Tyrc-h protein and also increa
229  role for the Asp-210 residue of HAP1 in the enzymatic function of this enzyme.
230  link to itaconic acid production through an enzymatic function of this protein was only recently rev
231 gether, these observations rule out a direct enzymatic function of TioX and suggest that TioX is invo
232               These results suggest that the enzymatic function of tyrosine hydroxylase is vital and
233 studies that have determined the cellular or enzymatic function of UBE3B.
234                                          The enzymatic function of UvrD is to translocate along a DNA
235 he cystogenic pathways affected by disrupted enzymatic function of XPNPEP3 in cilia-related cystogeni
236                 These findings implicate the enzymatic function of zCAT enzyme in the negative regula
237                                          The enzymatic functioning of each of these enzymes is entire
238 fect interactions of SARS-S with ACE2 or the enzymatic functions of cathepsin L but prevents fusion o
239                                          The enzymatic functions of CD38 probably contribute to an ar
240                                          The enzymatic functions of eight of the TPS proteins were pr
241                    While the biochemical and enzymatic functions of ExoU, ExoS, and ExoT, three effec
242 O-1.HO-2 protein interaction may promote non-enzymatic functions of HO.
243 irs some if not all of the catalytic and non-enzymatic functions of HSD10.
244 st this hypothesis we screened the potential enzymatic functions of hypothetical proteins encoded by
245 fined the sequences, tertiary structures and enzymatic functions of many of the proteins involved; fu
246 7ac(+)) state by recruiting and coupling the enzymatic functions of MLL4 and p300.
247 ic digestion of these loops on the motor and enzymatic functions of myosin.
248 namic control rather than for modulating the enzymatic functions of NS3-4A.
249  formation of this scaffold does not rely on enzymatic functions of the helicase and primase.
250 sfections with mutant genes demonstrate that enzymatic functions of the helicase-primase are not esse
251  such glycosylation was not required for the enzymatic functions of the Ld3'NT/NU.
252 way in mycobacteria and demonstrate that all enzymatic functions of the LigD protein participate in N
253                                 Although the enzymatic functions of the protein have been documented,
254  the use of antiviral agents that target the enzymatic functions of the virus, resulting in the emerg
255 , we analyzed the expression of CD26 and its enzymatic function on human Th17 cells.
256 on by LPS is due to inhibition of H/K-ATPase enzymatic function or changes in cytoskeletal rearrangem
257 hereas the GTPase domain of DLP1 provides an enzymatic function, other domains contain information fo
258                           In addition to its enzymatic functions, PutA displays DNA-binding activity
259                    These findings suggest an enzymatic function rather than an oxygen transport role
260 stablishment rate was correlated with Dot1's enzymatic function rather than with the Dot1 protein its
261 anisms underlying the activation of Parkin's enzymatic functions remain unclear.
262 ggest that antibody allosteric modulators of enzymatic function represent a novel drug development st
263 of the mutated protein variants retained the enzymatic functions required for replication of the vira
264 lei of host epithelial cells and carries out enzymatic functions required for the initiation of viral
265 erase and beta-glucosidase that catalyze the enzymatic functions required to avoid autotoxicity and a
266 ssembly or dysfunction of single or multiple enzymatic function(s).
267 s, but not pharmacologic inhibition of their enzymatic function, significantly attenuated the ability
268  BirA can be selectively targeted toward its enzymatic function simply by increasing the kinetic prob
269          As a means to better understand its enzymatic function, SleB was overexpressed, purified, an
270                                              Enzymatic function studies demonstrate its deubiquitinat
271 elomerase RNA residues involved in essential enzymatic functions: templating, substrate alignment, an
272 ia coli genome, EFICAz assigns more detailed enzymatic function than KEGG, and generates numerous nov
273 ent and provide biochemical insight into its enzymatic function that may be exploited for development
274 n biosynthesis and also possess an EntE-like enzymatic function that may play a role in anguibactin b
275 mbrane proteins with an intrinsic additional enzymatic function that may regulate the entry of substr
276 f novel gene products including several with enzymatic functions that could degrade or modify the myc
277  alpha-ketoglutarate) while conferring a new enzymatic function, the production of D-2-hydroxyglutara
278 egulate proteins by transiently inactivating enzymatic function through conformational change in a di
279                                     Changing enzymatic function through genetic engineering still pre
280 that the C-terminal tail plays a role in the enzymatic function through interactions with the Ala(69)
281 ass of antiretroviral agents that compromise enzymatic function through substrate mimicry.
282 ame interaction node, contribute to the same enzymatic functions through different molecular pathways
283 pite their importance, progress in assigning enzymatic function to individual P450 gene products has
284 50 is part of an E3 ubiquitin ligase adds an enzymatic function to the chromatin-remodeling complex S
285  share a common evolutionary ancestor, their enzymatic functions toward NAD and cADPR homeostasis hav
286 ce" genes are likely to alter cell adhesion, enzymatic functions, transcription, cell structure, and
287 zation of the Nox4-p22(phox) complex and its enzymatic function, truncation and point mutagenesis was
288 scopic characteristics are well defined, its enzymatic function, up to this point, has remained unide
289 (NA) exemplifies this concept, as it retains enzymatic function upon proteolytic release from the mem
290                                           NA enzymatic function was reduced in both drug-resistant H5
291                              To identify its enzymatic function, we have isolated the selenocysteine-
292  cysteine residues in human APE1 affects its enzymatic function, we substituted these singly or multi
293                         To gain insight into enzymatic functions, we have analyzed the Atp1al1-betaHK
294                    To establish whether both enzymatic functions were essential, an amidase-dead muta
295 bidopsis ISA1 requires ISA2 as a partner for enzymatic function, whereas maize ISA1 was active by its
296 motor activity but not for relatively normal enzymatic function, which indicates an apparent uncoupli
297 e of a nucleosome in vitro and carry out its enzymatic function with high efficiency.
298               The osmosensor, EnvZ, has dual enzymatic functions with OmpR kinase and OmpR-P phosphat
299 H (RNase H) remains the only virally encoded enzymatic function yet to be exploited as an antiviral t

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