


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  and, after purification, investigated their enzymatic properties.
2 li, purified the protein, and determined its enzymatic properties.
3                PDEs 9A5 and 9A1 have similar enzymatic properties.
4 t multiple facets of myosin's mechanical and enzymatic properties.
5 ease of the pancreas with novel physical and enzymatic properties.
6 fied altered Acr2p proteins exhibited normal enzymatic properties.
7  1 RNase H enzymes, yet both possess similar enzymatic properties.
8 a, because, in vitro, they have very similar enzymatic properties.
9 y distinct substrate specificities and other enzymatic properties.
10 d intracellular Ndk and demonstrates similar enzymatic properties.
11 in distinct Na,K-ATPase isozymes with unique enzymatic properties.
12 way or to the formation of proteins with new enzymatic properties.
13 ity assays despite some differences in their enzymatic properties.
14 roteases that was screened for four distinct enzymatic properties.
15  intimate electronic insight into functional enzymatic properties.
16 lization of complex IV and alteration of its enzymatic properties.
17 gions I and II in determining their distinct enzymatic properties.
18 eir distinct substrate specificity and other enzymatic properties.
19 no terminus and exhibit similar yet distinct enzymatic properties.
20 o they encode E1s with dramatically distinct enzymatic properties.
21  human factor XI have similar structural and enzymatic properties.
22  observed species differences in ecto-ATPase enzymatic properties.
23 yeast and from mammalian cells had identical enzymatic properties.
24 on plant lines were consistent with in vitro enzymatic properties.
25 f the system rather than regulating its core enzymatic properties.
26 er of substitutions that can confer specific enzymatic properties.
27 rms of NEIL1 are shown here to have distinct enzymatic properties.
28 deficiency, we characterized their effect on enzymatic properties.
29 y be matched to a biological context through enzymatic properties.
30 decreased ssDNA-binding affinity and altered enzymatic properties.
31 inity copper transporters but share distinct enzymatic properties.
32 cules require Mg(2+) for their structure and enzymatic properties.
33 ns that modulate TL function and thus pol II enzymatic properties.
34                                              Enzymatic properties and acceptor specificity of native
35          In contrast S236A has nearly normal enzymatic properties and actin-translocating activity.
36       Remodeling and exchange have different enzymatic properties and apparently occur in different s
37 families, which have distinct structural and enzymatic properties and are essentially unrelated in se
38 anscripts along with detailed studies of the enzymatic properties and cell biological behavior of hum
39                          Taking into account enzymatic properties and coenzyme preferences, a case ca
40                           We report here the enzymatic properties and crystal structures of neuramini
41                                          The enzymatic properties and expression pattern of RalR1 in
42 omains of PKG1alpha (GFP-G1C) to examine the enzymatic properties and intracellular location.
43 Echerichia coli endonuclease IV, both in its enzymatic properties and its amino acid sequence.
44                                          The enzymatic properties and kinetic parameters of dimeric r
45 s are nearly identical with respect to their enzymatic properties and mass of the deglycosylated prot
46                                          The enzymatic properties and quaternary structures of these
47  cytosolic carboxypeptidases share identical enzymatic properties and redundant biological functions.
48 in domain, yet little is known regarding the enzymatic properties and regulation of the kinase cataly
49                                     Based on enzymatic properties and sequence information, a functio
50 sP-5-OH kinases, or PIP(5)Ks) based on their enzymatic properties and sequence similarities'.
51 egulates the localization of proteins, their enzymatic properties and their interaction with ligands.
52 they provide detailed understanding of their enzymatic properties and their proposed role in a number
53 sence of which confers alterations to pol II enzymatic properties and transcription fidelity.
54 n families distinctions occur with regard to enzymatic properties and type of activity against carboh
55 hylretinol appear to be a consequence of the enzymatic properties, and binding affinities of the isom
56  protease IV in terms of its biochemical and enzymatic properties, and found it to be a unique extrac
57  HoSF and HuHF, consistent with their having enzymatic properties, and is facilitated by higher pH (7
58 c subunits (STT3A versus STT3B) and distinct enzymatic properties are coexpressed in mammalian cells.
59 terization of native JHDK are described; its enzymatic properties are examined; and its role in cellu
60           However, the extent to which these enzymatic properties are important for the in vivo funct
61 otubularin and MTMR2 demonstrates that their enzymatic properties are indistinguishable, indicating t
62 tryptophan fluorescence, suggesting that the enzymatic properties are normal.
63  GTPases; however, its cellular function and enzymatic properties are poorly understood.
64 reticulum/Golgi apparatus where its putative enzymatic properties as a lipase or acyltransferase, pre
65     Because of its chromosomal position, its enzymatic properties as a receptor phosphatase, which mi
66 ) is highly homologous with and has the same enzymatic properties as its human orthologue.
67 vate kinase displayed identical physical and enzymatic properties as the authentic enzyme.
68 sly expressed human (h)EndoV, share the same enzymatic properties as the recombinant protein and clea
69 is studies provide not only insight into the enzymatic properties but also guidelines for design of P
70 ifferent targeting ranges, specificities and enzymatic properties, but many of them are inactive in m
71 es demonstrate that SERCA Ca2+ transport and enzymatic properties can be accurately measured in mouse
72  two recombinant chimeras that have enhanced enzymatic properties compared with the naturally occurri
73  in E. coli and partially purified and their enzymatic properties compared.
74             Biocompatible nanomaterials with enzymatic properties could play a crucial role in the tr
75 rtantly, this model allows the prediction of enzymatic properties directly from cellular growth rates
76                           Despite the common enzymatic properties, discrete expression of both isofor
77 the following: (1) ADPR-cyclase in VSMCs has enzymatic properties distinct from "classic" CD38 ADPR-c
78      It is suggested that VanA has different enzymatic properties due to a change in binding specific
79 pattern of molecular vibrations, and thus on enzymatic properties, even if the overall amplitudes of
80 tary activity of their unique structures and enzymatic properties for appropriate control of chromati
81 vergent cohorts of transcription factors and enzymatic properties for each RNA polymerase system.
82 ctopyranoside residues and possessed a novel enzymatic property for a family 42 beta-galactosidase.
83 gene) is distinct in sequence, structure and enzymatic properties from both the long-known bacterial
84 owever, the detailed characterization of its enzymatic properties has been lacking.
85  However, their gene expression profiles and enzymatic properties have not been experimentally define
86 oplasma acidophilum has been elucidated, its enzymatic properties have not been explored in depth.
87 iogenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, their enzymatic properties have remained largely biochemically
88 eme oxygenase mutants have spectroscopic and enzymatic properties identical to those of wild type.
89 wever, the two polymerases exhibit different enzymatic properties in vitro.
90 ylate H3 Lys9 displayed remarkably different enzymatic properties in vivo.
91 owever, S198T, caused several alterations in enzymatic properties including shifting the pH optimum f
92 cleotide (NAD(+))-dependent deacetylase with enzymatic properties indistinguishable from the yeast en
93 derstanding the kinetic mechanism of its two enzymatic properties is critical for the discovery of in
94                  Because of their remarkable enzymatic properties, it has been of interest to find ne
95          We show that Pol delta3 has altered enzymatic properties: it is less able to perform transle
96 onstitutes telomerase activity that exhibits enzymatic properties like those of the native enzyme.
97 h these IKKs are structurally similar, their enzymatic properties may provide insights into their uni
98 ing the same reaction and displaying similar enzymatic properties, MJ0883 and bacterial TrmD are comp
99                           In addition to its enzymatic properties, murine CD38 has been shown to act
100              We describe physicochemical and enzymatic properties of 5' bridging phosphorothioester l
101 sion programs by binding to and altering the enzymatic properties of a different sensor.
102   Here we describe the primary structure and enzymatic properties of a second secreted variant, terme
103                          To characterize the enzymatic properties of ACK, we have expressed and purif
104                                          The enzymatic properties of actomyosin VIIb are suited for g
105                                          The enzymatic properties of alpha4beta1 and alpha4beta3 are,
106                             To determine the enzymatic properties of BACE2, two variants of its pro-p
107                                          The enzymatic properties of bcTopo IIIbeta differ substantia
108 e biological role (pigment biosynthesis) and enzymatic properties of BpUGAT are significantly differe
109                                          The enzymatic properties of CaN heterodimers comprised of th
110 vation process involves an alteration in the enzymatic properties of caspase-8; while procaspase-8 mo
111                We have analyzed the putative enzymatic properties of CCR4 and have found that it cont
112    The spatiotemporal expression pattern and enzymatic properties of class IV ADH are thus consistent
113    Here, we report the first analysis of the enzymatic properties of class VIII myosin.
114                     The force-generating and enzymatic properties of conventional kinesin have been e
115                                Examining the enzymatic properties of CSB revealed that p53 excludes C
116                                          The enzymatic properties of cytosolic phospholipase A(2)gamm
117                           To investigate the enzymatic properties of Dbh, we characterized the errors
118           Based on marked differences in the enzymatic properties of diacylglycerols compared with ph
119 r understand their function, we examined the enzymatic properties of Dpb8, a DExD/H box protein previ
120 fects of these mutations on the physical and enzymatic properties of dynamin have been not examined.
121 in does not significantly modulate the basal enzymatic properties of eEF1A; however, actin may still
122                                          The enzymatic properties of Est30 and Est55 reported here wa
123 y (PHTH) module of Btk, we have compared the enzymatic properties of full-length Btk and a Btk mutant
124 t on the effects of Mn(2+) and Mg(2+) on the enzymatic properties of human DNA polymerase iota (pol i
125  Despite 52% identity in primary structures, enzymatic properties of human E-NTPDase 8 expressed in H
126          Direct examination of the motor and enzymatic properties of human MYO3A and MYO3B revealed t
127  activity with a pattern consistent with the enzymatic properties of IDE, whereas inhibitors of acid
128  recombinant Atp1al1-betaHK complex exhibits enzymatic properties of K(+)-dependent ATPase sensitive
129 se is expressed in keratinocytes and has the enzymatic properties of keratinocyte RE hydrolase.
130                       Further studies of the enzymatic properties of Kvbeta seem to favor the role of
131 l signaling, but it has been unclear how the enzymatic properties of LGP2 regulate its biological res
132 gether, our studies provide insight into the enzymatic properties of MarP, its substrate preference,
133  had little effect on secretion, sorting, or enzymatic properties of meprin.
134 s study, we identified and characterized the enzymatic properties of MG_186, a calcium-dependent Myco
135 st this hypothesis we have characterized the enzymatic properties of MI(130) using steady-state and s
136          To improve our understanding of the enzymatic properties of mTOR alone and mTOR in its compl
137                                          The enzymatic properties of MV 1IQ FlAsH were similar to tho
138                                          The enzymatic properties of myosin VIIB provide a kinetic ba
139  used transient kinetics to characterize the enzymatic properties of N348I RT and determine the bioch
140                            Comparison of the enzymatic properties of NG PBP 4 with other DD-carboxype
141            Investigation of the physical and enzymatic properties of NUDT9 indicates that it is funct
142 ssion of the Stt3p homologs suggest that the enzymatic properties of oligosaccharyltransferase are re
143 n provides insights into the biochemical and enzymatic properties of plasma kallikrein and paves the
144                       To begin to define the enzymatic properties of PLC-eta2 and its potential direc
145                                          The enzymatic properties of poliota appear consistent with t
146                               Studies of the enzymatic properties of purified P(4)-ATPase.Cdc50 compl
147                              Analysis of the enzymatic properties of purified ParB indicated that the
148 l survival and in parallel characterized the enzymatic properties of purified recombinant Nna1.
149                           In this study, the enzymatic properties of rat dynamin II and of D746, a dy
150 vious studies on structural organization and enzymatic properties of rat FDH suggest that the overall
151 tering the DNA regulatory sequence, chi, the enzymatic properties of RecBCD enzyme are altered.
152                                          The enzymatic properties of recombinant bovine prRDH closely
153                               Therefore, the enzymatic properties of recombinant IspC from M. tubercu
154                      We demonstrate that the enzymatic properties of recombinant shewasin D are stron
155                            In this study the enzymatic properties of retinol dehydratase were examine
156                   We used the assay to study enzymatic properties of ricin such as pH and temperature
157 hotolabeling did not significantly alter the enzymatic properties of S1.
158 ance in T. goesingense, we characterized the enzymatic properties of SATs from T. goesingense.
159 gy to measure SR Ca2+ transport function and enzymatic properties of SR Ca2+ ATPase (SERCA) in indivi
160              Further characterization of the enzymatic properties of synaptojanin now shows that it h
161 tened telomeres in vivo but altered specific enzymatic properties of telomerase in vitro, including i
162             Detailed characterization of the enzymatic properties of telomerase using epimatigote-sta
163 ormation and expand our understanding of the enzymatic properties of telomerase.
164                    Both the architecture and enzymatic properties of the 20S proteasome are relativel
165                          We have studied the enzymatic properties of the 5'-3' exonuclease, both as a
166 tion will facilitate characterization of the enzymatic properties of the ACD and contribute to our kn
167                      Characterization of the enzymatic properties of the alpha4beta1 and alpha4beta3
168  the LF domain of Dbh with that of Dpo4, the enzymatic properties of the chimeric enzyme are more Dpo
169 e larger catalytic subunit and influence the enzymatic properties of the DNA polymerase.
170 tarch biosynthesis was due to differences in enzymatic properties of the enzyme from potato and tomat
171 lly pathological inflammatory reactions, the enzymatic properties of the enzymes responsible for this
172 mensional structures and the biophysical and enzymatic properties of the four gene products.
173                            Comparison of the enzymatic properties of the four murine NDSTs revealed s
174                                          The enzymatic properties of the FP subcomplex, reconstituted
175 he protease on the helicase by comparing the enzymatic properties of the full-length NS3 protein with
176               In this study, we compared the enzymatic properties of the full-length NS5B (FL-NS5B) a
177                                 To study the enzymatic properties of the intermediates we have mutate
178 inant IpeOMT enzymes with integration of the enzymatic properties of the IpeGlu1 revealed that emetin
179 eters in controlling the electrochemical and enzymatic properties of the LBL films.
180                                              Enzymatic properties of the liver membrane ecto-ATPDase
181  autocatalytic processing of the proform and enzymatic properties of the mature protease.
182                         In this respect, the enzymatic properties of the mixed-linkage beta-glucan sy
183 hough none of the FP tags interfere with the enzymatic properties of the motor, four of the tags (EGF
184 This system is exquisitely tuned through the enzymatic properties of the myosin motor, its lever arm
185                  Further characterization of enzymatic properties of the new peptidase was performed.
186                 The distinct yet overlapping enzymatic properties of the PS1 gamma-secretase complex
187                                          The enzymatic properties of the purified catalytic subunit w
188 urified, partially sequenced, and determined enzymatic properties of the rat liver mitochondrial form
189                                          The enzymatic properties of the re-proteins and their inhibi
190                                          The enzymatic properties of the RECQ1 helicase and strand an
191                              The newly found enzymatic properties of the RECQ1 helicase may have impo
192  By combining these models with the measured enzymatic properties of the Toc GTPases, we provide new
193 r catalytic activity, possibly affecting the enzymatic properties of these isoforms.
194 om two methanogenic archaea and measured the enzymatic properties of these proteins.
195        The differences in the structural and enzymatic properties of these three variants are discuss
196                                 However, the enzymatic properties of this complex are incompatible wi
197                                          The enzymatic properties of this novel ecSOD may have import
198 ral propagation, a full understanding of the enzymatic properties of this protein is lacking.
199                                  To evaluate enzymatic properties of this protein, a soluble 170-kDa
200 y degraded by the active site of subtilisin, enzymatic properties of this site differ significantly b
201                                       As the enzymatic properties of this type of RubisCO have not be
202 cones was investigated by examination of the enzymatic properties of three recombinant Fragaria vesca
203     These studies demonstrate that selective enzymatic properties of thrombin can be dissociated by s
204                                          The enzymatic properties of TM1, TM7, and TM8 mutants were s
205                         Membrane binding and enzymatic properties of two double-site mutants (W245A/W
206                       This study reports the enzymatic properties of various kinetoplastid PDECs and
207 (AML) and chondrosarcomas, and share a novel enzymatic property of producing 2-hydroxyglutarate (2HG)
208 s C higher thermostability with no change in enzymatic properties or in the active-site configuration
209 ng affinity to DNA rather than affecting the enzymatic properties per se.
210    The two families of kinases have distinct enzymatic properties, raising the question of how they m
211 trinsic Ser/Thr protein kinase activity with enzymatic properties similar to Raf-1.
212 lyze all three 4-phosphatase substrates with enzymatic properties similar to the original enzyme.
213 ructure of the AgaA(A355E) mutant, which has enzymatic properties similar to those of AgaB.
214 d molecular weight with O-FucT-1 kinetic and enzymatic properties similar to those of O-FucT-1 purifi
215 n contrast, Ala202CPE or Gly202CPE exhibited enzymatic properties similar to those of wild-type CPE a
216         Two of the mutant proteins exhibited enzymatic properties similar to those of wild-type gluta
217 II at the amino acid level with very similar enzymatic properties, SodCI is dimeric, protease resista
218 re that provided for the molecular tuning of enzymatic properties such as single-base termination and
219 ed by very low fluorescence and has specific enzymatic properties suggesting the existence of a high
220 is enzyme displays substrate specificity and enzymatic properties that are remarkably similar to thos
221 e during polymerization and indicate unusual enzymatic properties that bear on the Ty1 replication pa
222       Each protease is endowed with specific enzymatic properties that determine both substrate choic
223 rat vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) has enzymatic properties that differ from the well-character
224  these data demonstrate that Ube2w has novel enzymatic properties that direct ubiquitination of the N
225 he Src family possess common physical and/or enzymatic properties that enable them to potentiate sign
226 sin II isoforms thus appear to have distinct enzymatic properties that may be of importance in carryi
227 es, by taking advantage of the vast array of enzymatic properties that nature has evolved, as well as
228 ction resolving enzymes, and it has distinct enzymatic properties that suggest it uses a novel enzyma
229                                 Based on its enzymatic properties, the relationship of the chicken ov
230 ut distinct functions and possess dissimilar enzymatic properties, their catalytic N-terminal domain
231 mone biosynthesis as a result of the diverse enzymatic properties they have evolved.
232                  The theory relates dynein's enzymatic properties to its mechanical force production.
233 oduction of Poldelta, which was identical in enzymatic properties to Poldelta isolated from a wild-ty
234 utations and measurement of their effects on enzymatic properties to test mechanistic hypotheses.
235 des for a cytoplasmic AP-P with very similar enzymatic properties to those of mammalian AP-P, and we
236  isoforms GOX1 and GOX2, which share similar enzymatic properties, use glycolate with much higher eff
237 te mutants of human PDE2A and identify their enzymatic properties using a wheat germ in vitro transla
238  hydrolase (EC on the basis of its enzymatic properties we report here.
239 al pectate lyases were discovered, and their enzymatic properties were characterized.
240 s of three proteins were purified, and their enzymatic properties were characterized.
241 T298C YPK was isolated and purified, and its enzymatic properties were characterized.
242                                          NOS enzymatic properties were defined for rat heart preparat
243      Domains 1B and 2 were purified, and the enzymatic properties were examined.
244 nsient expression system in plants and their enzymatic properties were investigated.
245 erichia coli exhibited essentially identical enzymatic properties which were also similar to those of
246                   Human RNase H1 shares many enzymatic properties with Escherichia coli RNase H1.
247 man (rh)IKK-i and rhTBK-1 and compared their enzymatic properties with those of rhIKK-2.
248 rogenase expressed in rat liver had distinct enzymatic properties; yet ethanol inhibited cytosolic re

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