


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 , which in turn is produced by the preceding enzymatic reaction.
2  be established for the various steps of the enzymatic reaction.
3 ltiple ligands for cofactors crucial to this enzymatic reaction.
4  tert-butylhydroperoxide as substrate of the enzymatic reaction.
5 fast and presumably not rate-limiting in the enzymatic reaction.
6 antification of hydrogen fractionation in an enzymatic reaction.
7 a gradient in fluid density generated by the enzymatic reaction.
8 ction as the initial step in a novel type of enzymatic reaction.
9 e is the partially rate-limiting step of the enzymatic reaction.
10 w oxamate exerts a stimulatory effect on the enzymatic reaction.
11 d atomic-level macromolecular motions during enzymatic reaction.
12  their possible conformational states in the enzymatic reaction.
13 drolyzable analogs of ATP cannot support the enzymatic reaction.
14 e greatly enhanced when coupled to a surface enzymatic reaction.
15 ting the highly stereospecific nature of the enzymatic reaction.
16  were quantified with a cholesterol esterase enzymatic reaction.
17  synthesize DHAP as a substrate for the GpsA enzymatic reaction.
18 re of two sequential H-transfers in the same enzymatic reaction.
19  induced by co-factor or product formed from enzymatic reaction.
20 rimetric signal (positive answer) through an enzymatic reaction.
21  the decrease in oxygen level as a result of enzymatic reaction.
22  functions as a general acid to initiate the enzymatic reaction.
23 bstrate and carbocation intermediates of the enzymatic reaction.
24 er and charged species generated by the same enzymatic reaction.
25  calculations of activation free energies of enzymatic reactions.
26  of various mammalian signaling pathways and enzymatic reactions.
27 ing is used to monitor the time evolution of enzymatic reactions.
28 roach is a powerful method for investigating enzymatic reactions.
29 cannot approach the exquisite selectivity of enzymatic reactions.
30 ins to perform complex sets of choreographed enzymatic reactions.
31 essential nutrient, involved in a variety of enzymatic reactions.
32 for the hydroxylation of strong C-H bonds in enzymatic reactions.
33 e of substrates and products from well-known enzymatic reactions.
34 free energy needed to catalyze a plethora of enzymatic reactions.
35 e vital insights into the mechanisms of such enzymatic reactions.
36 rotein motions in the reaction coordinate of enzymatic reactions.
37 ay and atomic movements remain open for many enzymatic reactions.
38 n of DNA heteroduplexes without the need for enzymatic reactions.
39 rystal packing interactions on the course of enzymatic reactions.
40 ography offers a direct means for monitoring enzymatic reactions.
41 y and electronics of the transition state of enzymatic reactions.
42 eic acids, and as a cofactor in a variety of enzymatic reactions.
43  the requirements from reliable surfaces for enzymatic reactions.
44 iparallel measurement of O(2)-consumption by enzymatic reactions.
45 d solvation shells may be used to facilitate enzymatic reactions.
46 cing from double-stranded cDNA with only two enzymatic reactions.
47 expand the scope of this approach, vis-a-vis enzymatic reactions.
48 noreactors that provide protected spaces for enzymatic reactions.
49 hat contribute to the overall specificity of enzymatic reactions.
50  DSBs, to trigger subsequent interactions or enzymatic reactions.
51 on and exist in other conformation regulated enzymatic reactions.
52  as precursors to carbon-derived radicals in enzymatic reactions.
53 on approximates the dynamics of irreversible enzymatic reactions.
54 tions at the timescales approaching those of enzymatic reactions.
55 lls and is an essential cofactor in numerous enzymatic reactions.
56 s in quality such as endogenous chemical and enzymatic reactions.
57 assembly by connected, kinetically competing enzymatic reactions.
58 ay (SSP), which consists of three successive enzymatic reactions.
59 yotes, is produced through a series of eight enzymatic reactions.
60 y intermediates in atmospheric, organic, and enzymatic reactions.
61 The system consists of 16 metabolites and 23 enzymatic reactions.
62  peptide bond formation, is among the slower enzymatic reactions.
63 (H(+)) can mediate metabolic process through enzymatic reactions.
64 ps us understand the chemical composition of enzymatic reactions.
65 tons binding to the (13)C over the course of enzymatic reactions.
66 ty of RNA and the limited range of available enzymatic reactions.
67 sses, as well as a crucial byproduct in many enzymatic reactions.
68 mption or production of NADH through cascade enzymatic reactions.
69 ns, cofactors, and metabolites necessary for enzymatic reactions.
70  used to establish the kinetic parameters of enzymatic reactions.
71 ect quantification of the end product of the enzymatic reaction, 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate (DXP)
72 ction without of HRP, whereby is part of non-enzymatic reaction about 10% of the total reaction.
73  serves as a probe, perfectly fitting in the enzymatic reaction active site for probing the enzymatic
74 rence in conformational state changes at the enzymatic reaction active site is likely to be common an
75 diffusion of product molecules released from enzymatic reactions, allowing the simultaneous measureme
76  of scaffold and staple strands by RCA-based enzymatic reactions allows the generation of DNRs in one
77 sphate kinase Fab1 that performs the reverse enzymatic reaction also causes a lysosome expansion phen
78 ent of discrimination probes that require no enzymatic reaction and are easy to use.
79 g changes in the pH value due to an on-going enzymatic reaction and directly detect selectively the p
80                           The concurrence of enzymatic reaction and ligand-receptor interactions is c
81 insight into how Rrp44 catalyzes a localized enzymatic reaction and performs an action distributed ov
82  These results confirm the important role of enzymatic reaction and self-assembly.
83 c acid, AA) is a cofactor for many important enzymatic reactions and a powerful antioxidant.
84  enzymes perform reduction-oxidation (redox) enzymatic reactions and also contain domains found in pr
85 oduced from canonical metabolites by defined enzymatic reactions and may represent a large fraction o
86 able for studying the kinetics of high-speed enzymatic reactions and other chemical reactions.
87                                              Enzymatic reactions and related protein conformational d
88  redox cycling of manganese or cobalt in the enzymatic reactions and suggest that structural and elec
89 out the need for cDNA synthesis or any other enzymatic reactions and with a sensitivity of <10 pM tar
90 pate in cellular signaling, are cofactors in enzymatic reactions, and constitute the main carriers of
91                                              Enzymatic reactions are highly efficient and specific of
92                                           As enzymatic reactions are influenced by many factors, a st
93 ral correlations between protein motions and enzymatic reactions are often interpreted as evidence fo
94 water (as a first-order approximation of the enzymatic reaction) are evaluated by an exhaustive quant
95 tradeoff between the speed and efficiency of enzymatic reactions, are naturally unveiled as a result.
96 s resulted in the description of three novel enzymatic reactions as follows: 1) oxidation of d-altrit
97         The incorporation of spontaneous and enzymatic reactions, as well as damage and repair of bio
98 0 was significant for optimizing the forward enzymatic reaction at the expense of the reverse, thus e
99 O4/5'-OH ligase RtcB have a strong impact on enzymatic reactions at DNA 3'-OH ends.
100 ransfer of protons, generated by a series of enzymatic reactions, at an array of microinterfaces betw
101                                           An enzymatic reaction between o-phenylenediamine (OPD) and
102 esidues that have a direct involvement in an enzymatic reaction, but these so-called 'catalytic resid
103             Similarly, the inhibition of the enzymatic reaction by conduritol B epoxide and 1-deoxyno
104 synthesis from cholesterol commonly requires enzymatic reactions by 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenas
105 blies have been used to organize cascades of enzymatic reactions by controlling the relative distance
106 bing protein-ligand interactions, and tuning enzymatic reactions by force.
107 onitors and actively regulates pH-responsive enzymatic reactions by monitoring and controlling the fl
108 ese measurements, the force dependence of an enzymatic reaction can be determined.
109 integrated micro-optics elements, continuous enzymatic reactions can be spectrophotometrically monito
110                                  The complex enzymatic reactions can now be studied one molecule at a
111  growing knowledge of how multicomponent non-enzymatic reactions can occur through inherently reactiv
112  through a stereo-specific hydroxylation, an enzymatic reaction catalyzed by the ectoine hydroxylase
113 into account the established features of the enzymatic reaction catalyzed by the topoisomerases.
114 bservations further the understanding of the enzymatic reaction catalyzed by TsaC, a threonylcarbamoy
115  microtiter plate format, such as monitoring enzymatic reactions catalyzed by glucose oxidase (GOx) a
116  tested solution causes an inhibition of the enzymatic reactions catalyzed by glucose oxidase and ure
117 ulate the conformation of an enzyme under an enzymatic reaction condition while monitoring the real-t
118                                              Enzymatic reaction constants K(m) and k(cat) can then be
119 h for rapid, single-shot characterization of enzymatic reaction constants K(m) and k(cat).
120 , a requirement for the direct monitoring of enzymatic reactions converting adenosine triphosphate (A
121                              Instead de novo enzymatic reactions could more productively benefit from
122 rystal structures of CnFTase that define the enzymatic reaction cycle, basis of ligand selection, and
123 quired for distinct microscopic steps during enzymatic reaction cycles.
124            Direct (1)H NMR monitoring of the enzymatic reaction detected no accumulated reaction inte
125                                              Enzymatic reactions do, in principle, allow the transfor
126 ted to be powerful in dissecting the complex enzymatic reaction dynamics and related conformational d
127 ding the structure-function relationship and enzymatic reaction dynamics.
128  It takes as input lists of species-specific enzymatic reactions (EC numbers) and generates a matrix
129                                       In all enzymatic reactions enantiomerically enriched not natura
130 se to peroxide was determined after 5 min of enzymatic reaction following addition of standard substr
131 oped bio-nanogate was capable of controlling enzymatic reaction for AIV H5N1 sensing within 1h with a
132                               We studied the enzymatic reaction for beta-galactosidase and its substr
133 ely respond to target molecules, and control enzymatic reaction for electrochemical measurements.
134 thesis that uses click chemistry rather than enzymatic reactions for the ligation of Illumina sequenc
135                         The shell sequesters enzymatic reactions from the cytosol, analogous to the l
136 e sensing layer was composed of a sequential enzymatic reaction (glucose oxidase and peroxidase), whi
137 n Ab heteromultimer reveals nonspecific, non-enzymatic reactions (glycation), which are not detected
138 ) that enables luminescence signaling of the enzymatic reaction, greatly simplifying the measurement
139                       As a byproduct of many enzymatic reactions, H2O2 is also a popular biosensor ta
140 f physical features to enzyme catalysis, the enzymatic reaction has to be compared to a relevant unca
141  between protein conformational dynamics and enzymatic reactions has been a fundamental focus in mode
142  between protein conformational dynamics and enzymatic reactions has been a fundamental focus in mode
143 y of transition state theory to the study of enzymatic reactions has been often challenged.
144                                None of these enzymatic reactions have been reported before.
145 comprise many metabolites for which links to enzymatic reactions have not yet been reported.
146 phenomenon is especially pronounced when the enzymatic reactions have sufficiently large K(M), compar
147  analytical platform eliminates the need for enzymatic reactions, heat denaturation, and complicated
148 xample of monodomain hydrogels formed via an enzymatic reaction, illustrates a new biomimetic approac
149 NCCs were defined and for the first time the enzymatic reactions implied in chlorophyll degradations
150 ing) to find compounds inhibiting a specific enzymatic reaction in bacterial cells.
151 se elusive intermediates exploiting the slow enzymatic reaction in crystallo.
152 f the compounds produced and consumed on the enzymatic reaction in just one chromatographic analysis.
153 conversion into CMP-Neu5Gc is the only known enzymatic reaction in mammals to synthesize a monosaccha
154 olesterol to pregnenolone, the rate-limiting enzymatic reaction in neurosteroidogenesis.
155 pling altered the free energy barrier of the enzymatic reaction in some cases.
156 nsferase domain of KATms that assists in the enzymatic reaction in the absence of a highly conserved
157 n to obtain, for example, Vmax and Km for an enzymatic reaction in the extracellular space of the tis
158  acetyl-CoA carboxylase, the first committed enzymatic reaction in the fatty acid synthesis pathway.
159 rogenic substrate that permits to follow the enzymatic reaction in the presence of each chromatograph
160 cohols or other acetyl-CoA derivatives using enzymatic reactions in a carbon-conserved and ATP-indepe
161      The second step is therefore to achieve enzymatic reactions in a compartment, as occurs in the o
162 ibitors on the spatiotemporal propagation of enzymatic reactions in a confined environment in vitro.
163 nzymes and confirm the potential sequence of enzymatic reactions in biosynthesis.
164                                              Enzymatic reactions in complex environments often take p
165 piration is a compartmentalized process with enzymatic reactions in the chloroplast, the peroxisomes,
166 ould be identified: (i) including additional enzymatic reactions in the glycosome, or (ii) adding a m
167 irs with high partial correlations represent enzymatic reactions in the known glycosylation pathway,
168 r which we develop a model that incorporates enzymatic reactions in the reaction terms.
169 ed proteins involved in 83% of all predicted enzymatic reactions in the tomato metabolic network.
170 abling monitoring of metabolism and specific enzymatic reactions in vivo.
171 ate levels of formaldehyde may be derived by enzymatic reactions including oxidative demethylation/de
172 g into different microstructures and various enzymatic reactions inducing volatile generation.
173 e carbon and hydrogen isotope effects of the enzymatic reactions initiating specific degradation path
174       Here we discuss contemporary ideas for enzymatic reactions invoking a role for fast 'promoting'
175 sters or tetrahedral intermediates formed in enzymatic reactions involved in carboxyl group metabolis
176  the TAA1 pathway, strongly suggest that the enzymatic reactions involved in indole-3-acetic acid (IA
177 doxal phosphate) is an essential cofactor in enzymatic reactions involved in numerous cellular proces
178                                              Enzymatic reactions involving redox processes are highly
179         On the basis of these results, other enzymatic reactions involving the change in membrane cha
180 chieved by parallel but distinct cascades of enzymatic reactions involving three enzymes: E1, E2, and
181 talyzed reaction the transition state of the enzymatic reaction is better reorganized for H-tunneling
182                                         This enzymatic reaction is demonstrated herein both in vivo a
183                                          The enzymatic reaction is initiated by a nucleophilic activa
184                                         This enzymatic reaction is mediated by protein S-acyl transfe
185                                          The enzymatic reaction is monitored by electrical impedance
186 ndalone without HRP immobilized, showing the enzymatic reaction is required in the process of hydroge
187 pearance due to its biotransformation during enzymatic reaction is required, especially at higher pro
188 elieve that the role of the wing in the BirA enzymatic reaction is to orient the active site and ther
189 tion current of ferricyanide, product of the enzymatic reaction, is measured chronoamperometrically a
190 abolic flux, or exchange rates of endogenous enzymatic reactions, is now feasible in biological syste
191 ytic and oxidative processes are utilized in enzymatic reactions leading to epigenetic modifications
192                          The spontaneous and enzymatic reactions led to the reduction of benzoquinone
193 te luminol was then added and after 5 min of enzymatic reaction, light emission signals (lambdamax=42
194       The presented assay shows that complex enzymatic reactions like an isothermal amplification can
195 attenuate BH4 biosynthesis and BH4-dependent enzymatic reactions, linking two major metabolic pathway
196 entration of these metabolites implied eight enzymatic reactions may change efficiency upon glucose t
197 a suggest that intra-cellular scaffolding of enzymatic reactions may enhance the direct channeling of
198  study provided significant insight into the enzymatic reaction mechanism of AvLOx and presented a no
199         Based on the crystal structures, the enzymatic reaction mechanism of IMPases is accustomed to
200 being decisive for the nature of an observed enzymatic reaction mechanism.
201 lated intermediates), and chemical quench of enzymatic reaction mixtures followed by NMR characteriza
202 nt cells (RPCs), where it promoted the final enzymatic reaction necessary for the production of the c
203                                              Enzymatic reactions occur in a crowded and confined envi
204            Our approach relies on the tandem enzymatic reaction of a fungal tyrosinase and the mammal
205 reathalyzer is exposed to ethanol vapor, the enzymatic reaction of ADH and ethanol transforms NAD(+)
206  have performed extensive simulations of the enzymatic reaction of both wild-type enzymes and several
207 ensor by tracing the released H(2)O(2) after enzymatic reaction of bound GOD.
208 ctivity towards o-quinone, a product of this enzymatic reaction of BPA oxidation catalyzed by tyrosin
209                The H2O2 generated during the enzymatic reaction of ChOx with cholesterol could be red
210                                          The enzymatic reaction of cytidine deaminase appears to be a
211               As a model system, we used the enzymatic reaction of glucose oxidase (GOx) and coupled
212 bout the membrane association and subsequent enzymatic reaction of PLA2.
213 n the P1 position, which catalyzes the first enzymatic reaction of the amplification loop of the alte
214 constant increments in the generated heat of enzymatic reaction of unstable and slowly degradable pep
215 scence property of the system resulting from enzymatic reaction of uricase and HRP (horseradish perox
216                   In plants, the two initial enzymatic reactions of de novo pyrimidine synthesis occu
217 this model, we monitored the uncatalyzed and enzymatic reactions of dithranol, a substrate for the no
218 partments (BMCs) that encapsulate sequential enzymatic reactions of diverse metabolic pathways.
219 ng specific oligonucleotides that switch the enzymatic reaction on and off.
220 ngated glycans were accessible by performing enzymatic reactions on partially protected UV-absorbing
221 dy, we propose a novel kinetic mechanism for enzymatic reactions on protein scaffolds to explain thes
222 n investigated to some extent, its effect on enzymatic reactions operating at the water/lipid interfa
223        Biological processes require specific enzymatic reactions, paradoxically involving short recog
224  prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)) by a sequential enzymatic reaction performed by two isoenzyme groups, cy
225                                              Enzymatic reactions, photophysically monitored in real t
226 and eukaryotes, where they carry out diverse enzymatic reactions, probably related to structural diff
227                                          The enzymatic reactions proceed in parallel to the decarboxy
228                                 We show that enzymatic reaction proceeds in three chemical steps via
229  to generate an atomistic description of the enzymatic reaction process and its energy profile.
230  class-enzyme leads to a greatly accelerated enzymatic reaction processes without the need of externa
231 of fresh enzyme leads to greatly accelerated enzymatic reaction processes without the need of externa
232 show here that phospholipase D (PLD) and its enzymatic reaction product, phosphatidic acid (PA), regu
233 V relative to Y at pH 7.5) provide probes of enzymatic reactions proposed to involve Y.'s in catalysi
234                                    After the enzymatic reaction, quercetin is extracted with ethyl ac
235 measure of the temperature sensitivity of an enzymatic reaction rate or a physiological process due t
236 and, therefore, of importance for studies of enzymatic reactions, rational drug design, small-molecul
237 nd PLD2, two proteins that catalyze the same enzymatic reaction, regulate different steps in mast cel
238      The role of conformational ensembles in enzymatic reactions remains unclear.
239                 This novel method with fewer enzymatic reactions results in a higher quality of the l
240                                          The enzymatic reaction retains the stereochemistry of the an
241 minimum number of process steps, whereas the enzymatic reaction solution was monitored by a smartphon
242 in all kingdoms of life and catalyze diverse enzymatic reactions such as mRNA capping, the cyclizatio
243 re, the RNAsnap RNA was successfully used in enzymatic reactions such as RNA ligation, reverse transc
244  is an essential cofactor for many important enzymatic reactions such as transamination and decarboxy
245                                              Enzymatic reactions, such as isomerisation, dehalogenati
246                    The KIEs measured for the enzymatic reaction suggest a similar mechanism of cycliz
247 action spaces at the nano-scale in which the enzymatic reactions take place inside polymer supramolec
248 ns of cyclophilin A and its substrate as the enzymatic reaction takes place.
249  aspartate, which synchronizes the multistep enzymatic reaction that is key to splicing.
250 branes de novo through a complex sequence of enzymatic reactions that are difficult to reconstitute i
251             This review gives an overview of enzymatic reactions that have been conducted on substrat
252  Diffusion is less affected than the diverse enzymatic reactions that have distinct individual temper
253              Despite the myriad of selective enzymatic reactions that occur in water, chemists have r
254       NADH and NADPH undergo spontaneous and enzymatic reactions that produce R and S forms of NAD(P)
255 during the second reaction in a set of three enzymatic reactions that result in the formation of an N
256 on of TAG can be limited by flux through the enzymatic reactions that supply DAG.
257 VIEW: Heme biosynthesis requires a series of enzymatic reactions that take place in the cytosol and t
258 elis-Menten model describing the kinetics of enzymatic reactions, the role of redox mediators and the
259 (ATP) determination are based on cascades of enzymatic reactions; therefore, they are sensitive to gl
260                       The transition of each enzymatic reaction to a micrometer sized labeled product
261 en rely on either a nanoparticle label or an enzymatic reaction to generate a signal that is easily d
262 with a hydroquinone mediator then allowed an enzymatic reaction to proceed, generating benzoquinone.
263 nsferred to a glucose solution to trigger an enzymatic reaction to produce gluconic acid, which ioniz
264                This model predicted anchored enzymatic reactions to be accelerated, amplified, and in
265 ify biochemiluminescence coupled biospecific enzymatic reactions to detect analytes in biological flu
266  Living cells compartmentalize materials and enzymatic reactions to increase metabolic efficiency.
267 previously, may be potentially important for enzymatic reactions/transactions on nucleosomal substrat
268                        On the basis of these enzymatic reactions, two new simple and robust fluorogen
269                                              Enzymatic reactions typically involve complex dynamics d
270 imitations inherent to the properties of the enzymatic reaction used to identify interactions and to
271 alised quantification of the products of the enzymatic reaction using a new methodology of HPLC-UV sp
272                 The processing parameters in enzymatic reactions using CO2-expanded (CX) lipids have
273 ntroduces a unique approach to investigating enzymatic reactions using KIEs.
274 ass lower than 3kDa reduced 89% of the HMGCR enzymatic reaction velocity.
275                                          The enzymatic reaction was able to cause significant current
276       The hydrogen peroxide generated by the enzymatic reaction was detected in an electrochemical fl
277                                         This enzymatic reaction was found to produce expected RS meth
278 g the experiment, GSH being generated in the enzymatic reaction was labeled with ThioGlo-1 as it pass
279 -state equilibrium ratio of IPP/DMAPP in the enzymatic reactions was approximately 1:7.
280                                To detect the enzymatic reaction, we employed a BDD electrode modified
281                   Kinetic parameters for the enzymatic reaction were also determined, and the inhibit
282                                          The enzymatic reactions were accomplished within the tempera
283                                  Because all enzymatic reactions were optimized and driven to apparen
284 h are synthesized de novo in plastids via C1 enzymatic reactions, were particularly depleted.
285 -methionine (dabsyl Met), the product of the enzymatic reactions when either dabsyl l-methionine S-su
286 icient in enhancing the reaction velocity of enzymatic reactions, where proteins and filament ends ar
287 of the different species associated with the enzymatic reaction which, exempli gratia, give informati
288                                          The enzymatic reaction, which requires Mg(2+) cations, is ca
289 nt capacity of these grape by-products after enzymatic reaction with carbohydrases (cellulolytic and
290 e determination in blood serum samples after enzymatic reaction with glucose oxidase immobilized on m
291 nge in the fluorescence intensity during the enzymatic reaction with glucose.
292 optical biosensor was developed based on the enzymatic reaction with halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbo
293                                  This unique enzymatic reaction with high substrate specificity, toge
294          The electrochemical response of the enzymatic reaction with o-phenilendiamine and H(2)O(2) a
295                                     A single enzymatic reaction with slow conformational changes can
296 form potent MAIT-activating antigens via non-enzymatic reactions with small molecules, such as glyoxa
297 e strength of signal amplification by immuno-enzymatic reactions with the superior detection characte
298 econd time scale and the chemical step of an enzymatic reaction, with broad implications for our unde
299 yanion holes play a major role in catalyzing enzymatic reactions, yet the corresponding energetics is
300 rtant role for electrostatic interactions in enzymatic reactions, yet this hypothesis has proved vexi

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