


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 calcineurin, whereas U-73343 failed to block enzyme activation.
2 omain amino acids are responsible for low-pH enzyme activation.
3 nformational dynamics that may be related to enzyme activation.
4 ulting in a 50-60% reduction in the level of enzyme activation.
5 NOS dephosphorylation at serine 116 leads to enzyme activation.
6 hereby facilitating eNOS phosphorylation and enzyme activation.
7 l outside the protease domain also influence enzyme activation.
8 ch stabilizes a disordered loop and leads to enzyme activation.
9 sabled by Ser(1179) phosphorylation-elicited enzyme activation.
10 )-) resulting in propeptide dissociation and enzyme activation.
11 el incorporation matched the time course for enzyme activation.
12 -induced structural changes in PLA2, and the enzyme activation.
13  amino half of calcineurin-B is critical for enzyme activation.
14  GSTP1-1-JNK interaction and concomitant JNK enzyme activation.
15 -Ca-ATPase that are normally associated with enzyme activation.
16 liver Ni(II) to the urease apoprotein during enzyme activation.
17 protein kinase C-mediated, and extracellular enzyme activation.
18 eractions with the PM Ca-ATPase that induces enzyme activation.
19 important to high-affinity binding and rapid enzyme activation.
20 effector binding plays an additional role in enzyme activation.
21 n of the amino-terminal domain necessary for enzyme activation.
22 ic state of GPI-PLC during latency and after enzyme activation.
23 ylglycerol binding, which eventually lead to enzyme activation.
24 her than impairment of (13S)-HPODE-dependent enzyme activation.
25 te on the PM-Ca-ATPase are not necessary for enzyme activation.
26 and/or for the subsequent steps that lead to enzyme activation.
27 uired for both the conformational change and enzyme activation.
28 nity for substrate and consequently leads to enzyme activation.
29 andem C1a and C1b domains in PKC, leading to enzyme activation.
30 e dimer-to-tetramer transition necessary for enzyme activation.
31  Kd (0.1 microM) corresponds to the EC50 for enzyme activation.
32 Galphaq, is suggested as a mechanism for the enzyme activation.
33 poglycemia reveal two distinct mechanisms of enzyme activation.
34 eavage is necessary, but not sufficient, for enzyme activation.
35 nding of Ca2+-calmodulin to eNOS, leading to enzyme activation.
36 effect of PAF on PLA2-II gene expression and enzyme activation.
37 oteins, which, in normal controls, parallels enzyme activation.
38  Swiss 3T3 cells, palytoxin causes prolonged enzyme activation.
39 to play a role in membrane translocation and enzyme activation.
40 jor regulating element for self-assembly and enzyme activation.
41 ion site for Nox1-NOXA1 binding required for enzyme activation.
42 ant cellular processes such as signaling and enzyme activation.
43 of class C sortase substrate recognition and enzyme activation.
44 clases have a common molecular mechanism for enzyme activation.
45 where it can lead to intracellular digestive enzyme activation.
46 cular insight into the mechanism of PKCalpha enzyme activation.
47 (2+) dependencies for calmodulin binding and enzyme activation.
48 at oxidation disrupts calmodulin binding and enzyme activation.
49 o differentiate between specific and general enzyme activation.
50 eneration of superoxide anion (O(2)(*)) upon enzyme activation.
51 rdomain contacts important for DNA-dependent enzyme activation.
52 ut significant effect on the Zn2+ K(1/2) for enzyme activation.
53 ion of PLCgamma1 Y783, which is critical for enzyme activation.
54 ardiolipin (CL) is the best phospholipid for enzyme activation.
55 romote eNOS denitrosylation concomitant with enzyme activation.
56 x into the heterodimer interface, leading to enzyme activation.
57 scussed with respect to the implications for enzyme activation.
58 nd reveal that Glu493 is critical for low pH enzyme activation.
59 T followed by its GSH-mediated reduction and enzyme activation.
60 r-783 phosphorylation was not sufficient for enzyme activation.
61  proposed to be necessary and sufficient for enzyme activation.
62 r 5-LO expression in splenocytes, indicating enzyme activation after GVHD.
63  specific residues involved in PIP2-mediated enzyme activation, amino acids with functional side chai
64 he close correspondence between caspase-like enzyme activation and an associated increase in immunore
65 functions as a regulator of membrane binding/enzyme activation and as an inhibitor of catalysis in th
66 ues involved in Tyr(P) binding abrogated the enzyme activation and association of PKCtheta with Tyr-p
67 e H activity where one metal is required for enzyme activation and binding of a second metal is inhib
68 sduction is controlled both by regulation of enzyme activation and by organization of enzymatic compl
69                               The reciprocal enzyme activation and competitive inhibition exhibited b
70 ed cysteine residues were also necessary for enzyme activation and H(2)O(2) generation.
71 eptide and protein/protein interactions, and enzyme activation and inactivation, in response to Ca2+
72  of caspase 1 processing, thereby inhibiting enzyme activation and maturation of IL1beta/18 in a LUBA
73 mplications of the structural change for the enzyme activation and mechanism are discussed.
74 as a basis for identifying the mechanism for enzyme activation and substrate specificity.
75 subtype localization and its relationship to enzyme activation and target phosphorylation have not, h
76  discuss the recent uses of ionic liquids in enzyme activation and their combination with nanosized m
77 timulatory eNOS phosphorylation (Ser(1177)), enzyme activation, and NO synthesis.
78 sors that can measure analyte concentration, enzyme activation, and protein-protein interactions in l
79  IP(3)-3KB structure suggests a mechanism of enzyme activation, and raises the possibility that an in
80 , which enhance catechin production, terpene enzyme activation, and stress tolerance, important featu
81 rcolemmal receptor activation, intracellular enzyme activation, and ultimately mitochondrial stabilis
82 ing the affinity for substrates, whereas the enzyme activation appeared to be specifically controlled
83 ed with using only trypsin and CID, the dual-enzyme/activation approach enabled the identification of
84 man SIRT2), only SIRT1 exhibited significant enzyme activation ( approximately 8-fold) using the comm
85  in the protein tryptophan fluorescence) and enzyme activation are both cooperative with Hill coeffic
86 er, details of YC-1 interaction with sGC and enzyme activation are incomplete.
87 gainst SOD1 misfolding does not require SOD1 enzyme activation as the same effect was obtained with t
88 or of Gbetagamma attenuated S1P-induced eNOS enzyme activation, as well as S1P-induced phosphorylatio
89 ed out, including multiplexed assays and pro-enzyme activation assays.
90 rylation of Nox5 at key residues facilitates enzyme activation at lower levels of intracellular calci
91 the differential requirement of Ca2+/CaM for enzyme activation between eNOS and iNOS by either deleti
92 spase-3 by 24 hours and a clear induction of enzyme activation by 48 hours, which was identified by t
93 ion of MT1-MMP (Ser466Pro) resulted in lower enzyme activation by bicelles.
94               Kinetic modeling which invokes enzyme activation by both dimerization and excess substr
95 and Asp(818) to Asn interferes strongly with enzyme activation by Ca(2+) binding and formation of pho
96       SERCA E-P formation is rate-limited by enzyme activation by Ca(2+), demonstrated by the additio
97                                              Enzyme activation by cardiolipin (n=2.8), CDP-diacylglyc
98 thelial plasma membranes, and Ptox prevented enzyme activation by E(2) in COS-7 cells expressing ERal
99                                  The mode of enzyme activation by effector binding is unknown.
100 scoclaurine alkaloid known to inhibit PLA(2) enzyme activation by heterotrimeric G-proteins, effectiv
101 c ion, as well as a prodomain that regulates enzyme activation by modulation of a cysteine residue wi
102                                              Enzyme activation by monovalent cations is widely docume
103  rich repertoire of molecular mechanisms for enzyme activation by Na(+) and K(+) Strategies range fro
104 alytic residues, and determine the origin of enzyme activation by the hydrophobic leaving group.
105 W indicates that Ca(2+)/CaM binding promotes enzyme activation by transferring F293 from an internal
106 D brain, it is hypothesized that the lack of enzyme activation contributes to the accumulation of ins
107                                              Enzyme activation could be prevented by pretreating the
108 that the role of tyrosine phosphorylation in enzyme activation differs between vertebrates and invert
109 gion in a manner similar to the mechanism of enzyme activation elicited by the R794G mutation.
110                                   In type II enzymes, activation entails two steps: binding of the mo
111                               In contrast to enzyme activation, EPR signal formation did not require
112 s polyP may differentially modulate specific enzyme activation events within the contact pathway.
113 nase that requires charged phospholipids for enzyme activation, for regulation by Gbetagamma subunits
114 0)(Ca(2+)) values for calmodulin binding and enzyme activation from the control values of 182 +/- 2 a
115 0(Ca (2+)) values for calmodulin binding and enzyme activation from the wild-type values of 180 +/- 2
116 egulated genes in the mouse uterus, and eNOS enzyme activation further indicated that EDC specificall
117                                           If enzyme activation happens exclusively or predominantly i
118 ation of the MgATP-binding pocket leading to enzyme activation has been demonstrated for ribokinases.
119 on of cytosolic NADPH oxidase components and enzyme activation has been identified but is not well un
120 r Ca(2+) homeostasis and premature digestive enzyme activation; however, the molecular mechanisms by
121 llular calcium and may provide an avenue for enzyme activation in response to a greater variety of ex
122 or CCS in the SOD1 pathway, namely mediating enzyme activation in response to increases in oxygen ten
123 d for at least 30min and was able to trigger enzyme activation in vitro at heparin level of 0.4U/mL.
124 ubcellular distribution of PKC (a measure of enzyme activation) in a growth factor-dependent pluripot
125 the signature of somatic hypermutation (SHM) enzyme, Activation Induced Deaminase (AID), which overla
126                          The B cell-specific enzyme activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) has b
127                                The mutagenic enzyme activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) is re
128                    Aberrant targeting of the enzyme activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID) resul
129 alongside mRNA for the transiently-expressed enzyme Activation-induced cytidine Deaminase (AID).
130 es of high affinity Abs are dependent on the enzyme activation-induced cytosine deaminase (AID).
131 ed immunoglobulin gene and expression of the enzyme activation-induced deaminase (AID) are essential
132  proliferating centroblasts that express the enzyme activation-induced deaminase (AID) to undergo som
133 is a critical immune process governed by the enzyme activation-induced deaminase (AID), a member of t
134 pendent on the action of the B cell specific enzyme, activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID), and
135  been difficult to uncouple because a single enzyme, activation-induced cytidine deaminase (encoded b
136 ressing B cells up-regulate the CSR-inducing enzyme, activation-induced cytidine deaminase, and under
137  linked with both processes dependent on the enzyme, activation-induced deaminase, and occurring prin
138 current view of the structural basis for CaM enzyme activation is based on biophysical studies of CaM
139                                              Enzyme activation is detectable within 30 seconds and su
140 vior is consistent with the observation that enzyme activation is detected at low short-chain anionic
141 ivation of myo-inositol monophosphatase, and enzyme activation is enhanced under conditions in which
142            The PR is active only as a dimer; enzyme activation is initiated when the PR domains in tw
143 h an eNOS-caveolin regulatory cycle, wherein enzyme activation is modulated by reversible protein-pro
144                              We propose that enzyme-activation is a possible, and perhaps probable, c
145 pid-containing membranes, a crucial step for enzyme activation, is not fully understood.
146  SH3 domains in promoting substrate binding, enzyme activation likely reorients the relative spatial
147 high affinity and suggest that inhibition of enzyme activation may be an unrecognized mechanism of in
148 vity of PDE5 suggests that this mechanism of enzyme activation may be common among other GAF domain-c
149          No analogous small molecule-induced enzyme activation mechanism involving dissociation and r
150 i-associated furin is analogous to a similar enzyme activation mechanism observed with stromelysin-3.
151 ata from these structures in terms of target enzyme activation mechanisms is that the larger enzyme s
152                                      Maximum enzyme activation occurred at an MT-2:apo-CA molar ratio
153                  In this complex reversal of enzyme activation occurs when Ca(2+) dissociates from th
154 th PAF and LPS induce gene transcription and enzyme activation of PLA2-II in the small intestine; 2)
155                                              Enzyme activation of prodrugs to improve the therapeutic
156                                        Thus, enzyme activation of the Ca-ATPase may occur through dif
157            Array use involves two steps: (1) enzyme activation of the test chemical and metabolite re
158                                              Enzyme activation, on the other hand, is prevented under
159 bove antisense oligodeoxynucleotides inhibit enzyme activation, our results exemplify an unusual mode
160 +/ATPase activation occurred and binding and enzyme activation persisted long after the Ca transient
161 for affinity column binding, suggesting that enzyme activation precedes carbohydrate maturation and t
162                                          The enzyme activation rates by two most active compounds at
163 ism that relates calmodulin (CaM) binding to enzyme activation remains to be established within the c
164 of the molecular mechanism for CaM-dependent enzyme activation requires additional structural informa
165                                              Enzyme activation requires calcium-induced dimerisation
166 As is the case for all retroviral proteases, enzyme activation requires the formation of protease hom
167                                              Enzyme activation requires translocation of p67(phox), p
168 2a inhibition by decreasing K(Ca) values for enzyme activation, respectively.
169                           Here, we show that enzyme activation screens can also uncover compounds tha
170 in the K0.5 values for calcium dependence of enzyme activation (shifted from 1.1 microM to 9.1 microM
171 hen added to the enzyme as a peptide, causes enzyme activation similar to that with Gbetagamma subuni
172            To further describe changes after enzyme activation, site-directed spin labeling at amino
173 gely responsible for the decreased extent of enzyme activation, suggesting that this site is critical
174 erent mechanisms of action involved in these enzyme activation techniques.
175 anding of pancreatic intracellular digestive enzyme activation; the pancreatic inflammatory response;
176  lack of SAMe by bypassing the deficiency in enzyme activation; this is done by providing the product
177 ng to AKAPs and consequent modulation of the enzyme activation threshold rather than on overall chang
178 new molecular mechanisms in proximity-driven enzyme activation, threshold behavior, signal amplificat
179  calmodulin binding and calmodulin-dependent enzyme activation to 65 +/- 4 and 118 +/- 4 nM, respecti
180 0)(Ca(2+)) values for calmodulin binding and enzyme activation to 77 +/- 2 and 130 +/- 5 nm.
181                               Conditions for enzyme activation upon removal of the pro-sequence have
182 properties of the tissue and ligand for both enzyme activation via collision coupling and the generat
183 onents was required for enzyme activity, and enzyme activation was associated with membrane transloca
184 steines as evidenced by the observation that enzyme activation was attenuated by thiol-containing nuc
185  In adherent multicellular isolate cultures, enzyme activation was followed by precipitation of arago
186 ds the C2 domain of PKCdelta tightly, but no enzyme activation was observed with PKCdelta.
187 phinyl-oxy-TEMPO, respectively, suggest that enzyme activation was only weakly affected by changes in
188                               LPA-stimulated enzyme activation was significantly attenuated in an eNO
189 to the lipid bilayer-a usual requirement for enzyme activation-was determined by using a sucrose-load
190 ntify structural changes that correlate with enzyme activation, we have used frequency-domain phospho
191      To probe the molecular mechanism of the enzyme activation, we performed a detailed account of th
192  NO coordination state, NO dissociation, and enzyme activation were significantly affected by the pre
193 These results are consistent with a model of enzyme activation where phosphorylation of the MAP kinas
194  of grade, had the highest overall degree of enzyme activation, whereas oligodendrogliomas had the le
195 ensus HEXXH zinc-binding region required for enzyme activation, while their cysteine-rich domains app
196  new concept in combination therapy, that of enzyme activation with two compounds that hit the same b

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