


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  the mucosal alpha-glucosidases by selective enzyme inhibition.
2  of substrate hydrolysis and the kinetics of enzyme inhibition.
3 oreover, it was not competitive with ATP for enzyme inhibition.
4  toxicity biosensors as tools to investigate enzyme inhibition.
5  546, in a cAMP-dependent manner, leading to enzyme inhibition.
6 rticular benefit from angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition.
7 th clogP values of <1.25 were ineffective at enzyme inhibition.
8  (CO) or nitric oxide can bind, resulting in enzyme inhibition.
9 he cAMP-dependent pathway, leading to strong enzyme inhibition.
10 ilarity indices analysis (CoMSIA) models for enzyme inhibition.
11 n studies rule out the possibility of direct enzyme inhibition.
12 in TFKs, can be developed for use in in vivo enzyme inhibition.
13 butions of specific BMCC-Cys adducts to PP2A enzyme inhibition.
14 n the k(2)/K(s) parameter and in more facile enzyme inhibition.
15 al proteasome ATPase, S-nitrosylation caused enzyme inhibition.
16 sphoglycerate mutase 1 (PGAM1), resulting in enzyme inhibition.
17 tes of AP/enzyme generation and steady state enzyme inhibition.
18 rostatic interactions, resulting in complete enzyme inhibition.
19  calculation, were tested experimentally for enzyme inhibition.
20 ating cellular activity and reversibility of enzyme inhibition.
21 nding domain of the Ca-ATPase that modulates enzyme inhibition.
22 that inhibition was not the result of direct enzyme inhibition.
23  extend well beyond those of cycloxoxygenase enzyme inhibition.
24 fit from additional, accurate information on enzyme inhibition.
25 a Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) and enzyme inhibition.
26 ally expressed genes mapped to mitochondrial enzyme inhibition.
27 f hBCATm with sulfhydryl reagents results in enzyme inhibition.
28 bisubstrate system could be used to maximize enzyme inhibition.
29 single experiment and can be used to measure enzyme inhibition.
30 ncreased 5-fold after angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition.
31 n the low micromolar range paralleling their enzyme inhibition.
32 nt binding and cooperativity with respect to enzyme inhibition.
33 gested a role for the mutated amino acids in enzyme inhibition.
34 id was designed, synthesized, and tested for enzyme inhibition.
35 genase (GAPDH) by S-nitrosylation and caused enzyme inhibition.
36 s solubility without significantly affecting enzyme inhibition.
37 el for rational drug design through specific enzyme inhibition.
38 t 9 years (2006-2014) on biosensors based on enzyme inhibition.
39 gests that a single binding event results in enzyme inhibition.
40 homologous residues in this segment produces enzyme inhibition.
41 m the more usual pseudosubstrate approach to enzyme inhibition.
42 n the lipid membrane, resulting in efficient enzyme inhibition.
43 y using a biochemical assay to study Topo II enzyme inhibition.
44 rs that do not need metabolic conversion for enzyme inhibition.
45 ssays for COX-1 and COX-2 activity to assess enzyme inhibition.
46 ria during fixed dose angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition.
47 more effectively than angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition.
48  is essential for both DNA intercalation and enzyme inhibition.
49 ble for their rapid and initially reversible enzyme inhibition.
50 xamates to MPO correlated with the degree of enzyme inhibition.
51 sembly and suggest additional approaches for enzyme inhibition.
52 ith androgenic activity and neurotransmitter enzyme inhibition.
53 f bacterial growth, receptor antagonism, and enzyme inhibition.
54 re all ameliorated by angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition.
55 rent beta-blockade or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition.
56  this behavior and the targeted irreversible enzyme inhibition, 3 reversed cold allodynia in the chro
57 2-pyridyl)urea, provided sufficiently potent enzyme inhibition (32 muM) to prompt further analogue wo
58 ion of ERK leads to eNOS phosphorylation and enzyme inhibition, a process influenced by the reversibl
59  to determine whether angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition (ACE-I) (i.e., quinapril) prevents tra
60  We hypothesized that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition (ACE-I) during left ventricular assist
61                       Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition (ACEI) delays progression of diabetic
62 In diabetic patients, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition (ACEI) restores the effect of glycine
63           Our data therefore suggest a novel enzyme inhibition/activation mechanism where a disulfide
64 ected and assayed, and 15 were found to have enzyme inhibition activity at micromolar concentration.
65 ed and assayed, and seven were found to have enzyme inhibition activity at micromolar concentrations.
66 g of resistance mutation coupled with potent enzyme inhibition activity confirmed the molecular targe
67 itors are not prone to widespread off-target enzyme inhibition activity.
68 to form lipophilic analogs that retain their enzyme-inhibition activity and are also effective in vit
69 ctivated Raw 264.7 cells without showing any enzyme-inhibition activity.
70 ped a method to measure the level of MetAP-2 enzyme inhibition after exposure to PPI-2458 and demonst
71 ecognition correlated well with the rates of enzyme inhibition, aging, and oxime-induced reactivation
72 tioxidant therapy and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition alleviated the CRF-induced oxidative s
73  positively cooperative manner, resulting in enzyme inhibition (AMP or ADP) or activation (ATP).
74                                      Kinetic enzyme inhibition analysis produced 50% inhibitory conce
75 ially toxic drug-drug interactions involving enzyme inhibition and acceleration.
76 ach, several cycles of externally controlled enzyme inhibition and activation are successfully demons
77 s, compartmentalization minimizes inevitable enzyme inhibition and alleviates constraints that self-i
78                       Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin II type 1 receptor blo
79 folates that exhibit inconsistencies between enzyme inhibition and antifungal properties.
80                       Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and antiplatelet therapy with aspirin
81 cterial cidality can be achieved with potent enzyme inhibition and appropriate physicochemical proper
82 d efficacy for use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and beta-blockers in dilated cardiomyo
83                               In this study, enzyme inhibition and binding of HSPDE4B2B by (R, R)-(+/
84 bition and FPPS (human and Leishmania major) enzyme inhibition and by the fact that a T. gondii strai
85 additional insight into the role of water in enzyme inhibition and catalysis.
86      A good correlation was observed between enzyme inhibition and cellular assays.
87  as multivalent scaffolds for drug delivery, enzyme inhibition and for vaccine development, glycan fu
88 lop PDK-1 inhibitors with greater potency in enzyme inhibition and growth inhibition.
89 ino-terminal acetylation of PT-100 abrogated enzyme inhibition and hematopoietic stimulation.
90                      In addition, details of enzyme inhibition and in vivo activity against Saccharom
91  mannoside hydrolysis informs strategies for enzyme inhibition and inspires solutions to mannoside sy
92                     The best inhibitors have enzyme inhibition and MIC values near or below that of t
93 al screening techniques and characterized by enzyme inhibition and NMR and Biacore binding experiment
94 are from the Trial of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibition and Novel Cardiovascular Risk Factors
95  but also of more destructive ones including enzyme inhibition and oxidative damage.
96 ount of enzyme for simultaneous detection of enzyme inhibition and phosphorylation in biological flui
97 lipoic acid closely paralleled the degree of enzyme inhibition and reactivation.
98 sulting lead compound 24 exhibited excellent enzyme inhibition and selectivity for CDPK1 and potently
99 flexibility at the active site that explains enzyme inhibition and structure-activity relationships f
100 he ethane-1,2-dione moiety was essential for enzyme inhibition and that potency was dependent on the
101 nsecutive months with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and/or angiotensin-receptor blocker (A
102 stituent was found to be critical for potent enzyme inhibition, and an N-(2-methoxyethyl)carboxamide
103 pid-lowering therapy, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition, and antiplatelet drugs significantly
104 dging to a key asparagine residue, improving enzyme inhibition, and leading to measurable antibacteri
105                       Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition/angiotensin-receptor blocker therapy i
106                       Data are presented for enzyme inhibition, antibacterial activity, and in vivo e
107 luding antimicrobial, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition, antioxidant, opioid, and immunomodula
108 eriments in which the modes of mitochondrial enzyme inhibition are far from those observed in real li
109  classification results for human and murine enzyme inhibition are found using kNN.
110                         Studies of metabolic enzyme inhibition are necessary in drug development and
111 se devices; particularly biosensors based on enzyme inhibition are useful analytical tools for fast s
112 adioligand at the same concentrations as for enzyme inhibition, arylsulfonamides and benzodiazepines
113      Dihydro-4-pyridone 3 possessed improved enzyme inhibition as measured by its kinact value agains
114 ibited low nanomolar potency in the in vitro enzyme inhibition assay (IC(50) = 18 nM) and submicromol
115                                              Enzyme inhibition assay in vitro and in vivo showed that
116                          The efficacy for an enzyme inhibition assay was characterized by deriving an
117 tested at a concentration of 30 microM in an enzyme inhibition assay.
118 resonance (SPR) based assay combined with an enzyme inhibition assay.
119  for generating a dose-response curve for an enzyme inhibition assay.
120 nhibitor that will be readily detected by an enzyme inhibition assay?
121 ing surface plasmon resonance and functional enzyme inhibition assays afforded micromolar inhibitors.
122                                              Enzyme inhibition assays against rat liver DHFR, Pneumoc
123 (Y102F)DHFR, were created and evaluated with enzyme inhibition assays and crystal structures.
124                                  Two pivotal enzyme inhibition assays prove that the compounds are tr
125                                              Enzyme inhibition assays show that three of the four hig
126 g fits the active site poorly and results of enzyme inhibition assays using TLM analogues are wholly
127 ering RNA technology, reporter activity, and enzyme inhibition assays were exploited to define the me
128                 Pharmacokinetic and in vitro enzyme inhibition assays were performed to characterize
129 were obtained in rats; (2) multiple in vitro enzyme inhibition assays were performed to characterize
130                                 Fluorimetric enzyme inhibition assays were used to determine the inhi
131                                              Enzyme inhibition assays with phenylethyl-beta-D-thiogal
132  resonance-based screening complemented with enzyme inhibition assays, we discovered an N-aryl mercap
133                                        Using enzyme inhibition assays, we show that lysobactin forms
134 hich were demonstrated to be compatible with enzyme inhibition assays.
135 tly bright to enable quantitative enzyme and enzyme inhibition assays.
136  of the deformylase, pH profile studies, and enzyme inhibition assays.
137                                              Enzyme-inhibition assays using a GST-SCCA2 fusion protei
138 d moderate hCOX-1 activity (19.5% and 28% of enzyme inhibition at 25 muM respectively).
139 3 and H4 acetylation and histone deacetylase enzyme inhibition at concentrations corresponding to the
140 Mg(2+) binding is likely responsible for the enzyme inhibition at high concentrations of the cation.
141  results, reveals the molecular mechanism of enzyme inhibition at the highly conservative substrate-r
142  or dATP in real time, allowing detection of enzyme inhibition based on differences in ATP/dATP consu
143                     This report describes an enzyme inhibition-based holographic sensor as a potentia
144 nd there was no significant resin fouling or enzyme inhibition between cycles.
145                The compounds showed pan-erbB enzyme inhibition but were on average about 10-fold more
146 tages of disease, capable not only of target enzyme inhibition, but also crossreactive with chemical
147  protein disulfide formed led to a permanent enzyme inhibition, but upon dithiothreitol addition a fu
148 n was not mediated by angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition, but was suppressed by zinc.
149 ition revealed that the stoichiometry of the enzyme inhibition by 3H4PTT is 1:1.
150 es COX activity; moreover, some NSAIDs cause enzyme inhibition by binding only one monomer.
151                                              Enzyme inhibition by CPHM was found to be highly specifi
152  SDS--PAGE and protection of 4-OHEN-mediated enzyme inhibition by free radical scavengers.
153 ubunit as a domain that mediates binding and enzyme inhibition by I-1.
154                                              Enzyme inhibition by OA-NO2 is not reversed by thiol rea
155          The assays were employed to measure enzyme inhibition by small molecules and activity in cel
156 confirming that a high level of photoinduced enzyme inhibition can be obtained using this method.
157              Finally, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition (captopril) normalized blood pressure
158                  Cyanide interference on the enzyme inhibition caused 43.25% error in the calibration
159 emodynamic effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition (CEI).
160                                          The enzyme inhibition concurred with S-glutathionylation of
161 e, Cpd 5 caused time-dependent, irreversible enzyme inhibition, consistent with arylation of the cata
162 e enzyme, produced an 8-fold increase in the enzyme inhibition constant in contrast with the abolitio
163 rythrocytes, a clear correlation between the enzyme inhibition constants and P. falciparum inhibition
164 techniques: TdF or TdCD, and also consistent enzyme inhibition constants reported in the literature.
165 ed hydrolysis of the drug and the potency of enzyme inhibition correlated with the clogP of the molec
166 oblematic functional groups, suggesting that enzyme inhibition could be the result of undesirable sid
167 ite-proximal cysteine and that the resulting enzyme inhibition creates a negative feedback mechanism
168 athway catalysis, off-pathway catalysis, and enzyme inhibition, crystal structures of Escherichia col
169                            The synthesis and enzyme inhibition data for a series of thiadiazole urea
170                            The synthesis and enzyme inhibition data for a series of thiazine- and thi
171  how cell activity can be predicted based on enzyme inhibition data, and using X-ray diffraction, sol
172 represent a general way to predict cell from enzyme inhibition data, with in three cases, R(2) values
173 ecular synthesis (protein, DNA, and RNA) and enzyme inhibition (dihydrofolate reductase, thymidylate
174 se a rapid increase in Abeta production when enzyme inhibition discontinues.
175                                              Enzyme inhibition due to the reversible binding of react
176 thematical model for stepwise "slow-binding" enzyme inhibition (E+Iright harpoon over left harpoonEIr
177                                              Enzyme inhibition experiments showed that the activity i
178 is manner correlate with previously reported enzyme inhibition experiments, as well as computational
179                 Based on "growth-rescue" and enzyme-inhibition experiments, geranylgeranyl diphosphat
180 nd inexpensive quantification of OP-BChE and enzyme inhibition for biomonitoring of OP and nerve agen
181                                              Enzymes inhibition gives results which correlate with po
182 igin, display antidiabetic properties due to enzyme inhibition (glycogen phosphorylase, protein tyros
183 pressure itself since angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition had minimal effects on the baroreflex
184 or for coronary heart disease and converting enzyme inhibition has been demonstrated to decrease the
185              Although angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition has been shown to slow progression of
186                 Although this combination of enzyme inhibition has shown synergy in intestinal polyp
187 fication of a lead series with submicromolar enzyme inhibition, high ligand efficiency, and a novel s
188 -eight compounds were identified with PfNDH2 enzyme inhibition IC(50) values ranging from 100 nM to 4
189 - f][1,2,4]triazine lead 2a displayed potent enzyme inhibition (IC 50 60 nM) and was active in a cell
190        The dissociation constants (K(d)) and enzyme inhibition (IC(50)) of fragment hits were measure
191 ors was prepared and shown to possess potent enzyme inhibition (IC50 values <50 nM), antibacterial ef
192 this SERS approach has utility in monitoring enzyme inhibition illustrating additional medical signif
193 n caveolae, interacts with eNOS and leads to enzyme inhibition in a reversible process modulated by C
194 ated Akt suppression mimicked the effects of enzyme inhibition in cultured cells.
195  receptor blockade or angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition in DNP.
196 iopsies that demonstrated at least 50% FTase enzyme inhibition in the primary tumor (median, 100%; ra
197     The results suggest a novel mechanism of enzyme inhibition in which the -1 nt at the gyrase-DNA g
198 itive HFLS-RA and HUVEC is linked to MetAP-2 enzyme inhibition, in a dose-dependent fashion.
199 pal structural protein in caveolae, leads to enzyme inhibition, in a reversible process modulated by
200                       Interactions involving enzyme inhibition include the increase in plasma concent
201 nd reduction of acute inflammation via Cox-2 enzyme inhibition, increased cyclobutane pyrimidine dime
202 nts provided evidence of farnesyltransferase enzyme inhibition, interference with farnesyltransferase
203                                  Unsustained enzyme inhibition is a barrier to targeted therapy for c
204 e structural basis for the species selective enzyme inhibition is explained by the variable amino aci
205  suggest that the primary cause of metabolic enzyme inhibition is not the evolution of regulatory met
206             At higher concentrations of Tl+, enzyme inhibition is observed with an apparent KI of 180
207                                              Enzyme inhibition is often driven by essential metabolit
208 ane-bound PI3Kalpha molecule, but this minor enzyme inhibition is overwhelmed by the marked enhanceme
209                                          (d) Enzyme inhibition is rapid and irreversible and precedes
210                                          The enzyme inhibition is regulated by the size of the oligom
211 ed progenitor cells and demonstrate that Car enzyme inhibition is sufficient to prevent mouse mast ce
212 nefit associated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition is unrelated to effects on spontaneous
213 splayed the most promising combination of 3C enzyme inhibition (k(obs)/[I] 170 000-223 000 M(-1) s(-1
214                                              Enzyme inhibition kinetic analysis was performed using h
215 sm and also to evaluate the compatibility of enzyme inhibition kinetics for calculating the inhibitor
216                                              Enzyme inhibition kinetics were studied using a low-mole
217 lent modification of Cys181 is provided from enzyme inhibition kinetics, mass spectrometry, protein c
218 nalectomy and 5alpha-reductase type-1/type-2 enzyme inhibition, known to reduce neuroactive steroids,
219  anterior infarction, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition limits the decline in function in the
220 on of low-dose CsA and endothelin-converting enzyme inhibition may prove useful to improve long-term
221 at the adduct binds to WT InhA by a two-step enzyme inhibition mechanism, with initial, weak binding
222 n mechanisms were borrowed from steady-state enzyme inhibition mechanisms.
223 yeast estrogen screen), and neurotransmitter enzyme inhibition (monoamine oxidase and glutamic acid d
224 experimentation and generated a genome-scale enzyme-inhibition network.
225               Neither angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition nor mineralocorticoid receptor blockad
226                  The nonparallel human/mouse enzyme inhibition observations were extended to a cell-c
227                                       CYP450 enzyme inhibition observed with 11 was reduced with 38.
228 ium and disulfur series with the reversal of enzyme inhibition occurring less readily within the dise
229 MLN4924 is a mechanism-based inhibitor, with enzyme inhibition occurring through the formation of a t
230 ts demonstrate a relationship between target enzyme inhibition of histone deacetylase, histone H3 and
231 e results, we conclude that the mechanism of enzyme inhibition of these compounds is distinct from th
232     This review focuses on the synthesis and enzyme inhibitions of a few selected (synthetic or non-n
233 active site inhibitors designed for specific enzymes, inhibition of cell signalling molecules and tra
234 system through either angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition or angiotensin II type 1 receptor bloc
235 of dependence on further polyglutamation for enzyme inhibition or cytotoxicity provide a rationale fo
236 ined in complex fluids due to issues such as enzyme inhibition or signal interference.
237 ention of Events With Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibition (PEACE) trial, a randomized placebo-co
238 ention of Events with Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibition (PEACE) Trial, we tested the hypothesi
239  of applications including use in catalysis, enzyme inhibition, photochemistry, molecular logic and m
240 l use of a NIMS chip as a multiple screening enzyme inhibition platform was explored.
241              APMA activation affects natural enzyme inhibition, possibly by chemical modification of
242 II production through angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition prevented glucose-mediated increased T
243                                       The CA enzyme inhibition profile as well as the protein X-ray c
244                                       The CA enzyme inhibition profile for all compounds was determin
245 ype II spectral changes, and IC50 values for enzyme inhibition ranged from 0.1 to 2.4 microM, followi
246   Carvedilol added to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition reduces hospitalization risk as well a
247 entiation may be a consequence of microsomal enzyme inhibition reducing the metabolism of cytotoxics
248 to Top1 and TDP1 was used to rationalize the enzyme inhibition results and structure-activity relatio
249               Quantitative modeling of human enzyme inhibition results in a nonlinear, five-descripto
250 ex; CoMFA and CoMSIA) methods to analyze the enzyme inhibition results.
251 d with responses with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition (rise in RPF approximately 95 mL x min
252        It is recognized that high-throughput enzyme inhibition screens often return nonspecific inhib
253 ral classes were comparatively evaluated for enzyme inhibition, selectivity, and drug-like properties
254                              It appears that enzyme inhibition should be considered, more seriously,
255          Described herein are the synthesis, enzyme inhibition structure-activity relationships (SARs
256 ore, they may be of future use in studies of enzyme inhibition, structure, mechanism, and function.
257                                              Enzyme inhibition studies and mutational analyses demons
258 of kinesin spindle protein (KSP) followed by enzyme inhibition studies and temperature-dependent circ
259                                              Enzyme inhibition studies demonstrate that TIMPs are slo
260                                 Furthermore, enzyme inhibition studies demonstrated that CMP could in
261                                              Enzyme inhibition studies indicate that indenoisoquinoli
262                                              Enzyme inhibition studies indicate that only one of the
263                      Competitive binding and enzyme inhibition studies showed that photoaffinity labe
264 es, synthesized them, and conducted in vitro enzyme inhibition studies with the three isozymes of NOS
265             Herein, we report the synthesis, enzyme inhibition studies, and cellular antiviral data f
266 ydralazine on DNMT was tested in vitro using enzyme inhibition studies, and in vivo by measuring mess
267 n agreement with the Ki values determined by enzyme inhibition studies.
268 ed using surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and enzyme inhibition studies.
269         The patterns of mutant PDE5-conePDE6 enzyme inhibition suggest the interaction between the Pg
270 ied in both vegetable and soil samples by an enzyme inhibition technique.
271 adicting effects with quantitative models of enzyme inhibition that account for fitness costs and the
272                                Within 24h of enzyme inhibition, there was substantial and dose-depend
273 tion of the compound required to reverse the enzyme inhibition to 50% of the maximum value (ED(50) va
274                                  Translating enzyme inhibition to bacterial cidality by targeting the
275 stand these processes and correlate in vitro enzyme inhibition to whole cell activity, a better assay
276 a number of inhibitors demonstrated in vitro enzyme inhibition, two compounds in particular showed ex
277 ate equation for the time course of covalent enzyme inhibition under the conditions where the substra
278                  Promiscuous binders achieve enzyme inhibition using a nonspecific aggregation-type b
279 ompare the effects of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition versus angiotensin II receptor blockad
280 3; 95% CI 0.43-0.92), angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition vs placebo (RR 0.60; 95% CI 0.41-0.86)
281                                The degree of enzyme inhibition was abated in a reduced oxygen environ
282                                The degree of enzyme inhibition was abated in a reduced oxygen environ
283                                        Brain enzyme inhibition was concentration-dependent, with a 90
284                                              Enzyme inhibition was dependent on the presence of subst
285 ity of botanicals using microfluidics, where enzyme inhibition was employed to indicate the drug's ac
286 aria parasites, and the structural basis for enzyme inhibition was explored through in silico structu
287         On the basis of structural insights, enzyme inhibition was increased 40-fold through hybridiz
288                                              Enzyme inhibition was indicated by a decrease in product
289 was not prevented by thiols, suggesting that enzyme inhibition was not occurring via NO reaction with
290                                        COX-2 enzyme inhibition was statistically equivalent between f
291 rimarily treated with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition, was equal in the fish oil and placebo
292 itutions of charged residues not involved in enzyme inhibition, was not taken up at all.
293  of different concentrations, the degrees of enzyme inhibition were found to be 40 and 85%, consisten
294         Structure-activity relationships for enzyme inhibition were identified for some series of TLM
295                  FadD33 acetylation leads to enzyme inhibition, which can be reversed by the NAD(+)-d
296 ith losartan and with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition with captopril.
297 or absence of chronic angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition with enalapril.
298 efore, our data suggest that measurements of enzyme inhibition with mutant proteases may be poorly pr
299                       In vivo heme oxygenase enzyme inhibition with tin protoporphyrin IX in common b
300 ently informative about what AA metabolizing enzyme inhibition would be most growth inhibitory, the f

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