


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ge by leaching iron from storage proteins or enzymic [4Fe-4S] clusters.
2 cationic tracts to the amino terminus of the enzymic A chain of diphtheria toxin (DTA; residues 1-193
3 f noncovalently bound polymers to endogenous enzymic action.
4 Structural data provide strong evidence that enzymic activation by the binding of phosphite dianion o
5  the mere presence of a His...Asp dyad in an enzymic active site is not a mandate for its being cruci
6 wn, assigning catalytic roles to the various enzymic active-site residues has been hampered by the la
7 H phylogenetic grouping and the preferential enzymic activities (XET or XEH) of the proteins in those
8  participate in cellular stress defenses via enzymic activities and binding, respectively.
9 ls, purified the proteins, and studied their enzymic activities for catalyzing the dismutation of sup
10  and the known biphasic expression of SGGLs, enzymic activities of four glycosyltransferases involved
11 cells, purified the protein, and studied its enzymic activities.
12 n GST by x-ray crystallography and exhibited enzymic activity against a GST substrate.
13 he brain express high concentrations of AChE enzymic activity at their neuronal membranes.
14          Other amino acids implicated in the enzymic activity by mutagenesis are found in the active
15 tosis on gel contraction, whereas increasing enzymic activity in NS cell-containing gels completely a
16       In summary, the data highlight exosome enzymic activity in the production of extracellular aden
17 e brain known to express high levels of AChE enzymic activity including cranial nerve motor neurons a
18 type I, whereas the truncated form expressed enzymic activity indistinguishable from its native count
19                                      Loss of enzymic activity of COX-2 was confirmed using a sensitiv
20                                              Enzymic activity of each of these mutants could be resto
21  action is not critically dependent upon the enzymic activity of the A subunits, and that the isolate
22 he processing of the zymogens as well as the enzymic activity of the mature proteinases was analyzed.
23 inhibition, while ionic strength which slows enzymic activity spares the inhibition.
24 growing number of transcription factors with enzymic activity suggests that such dual-function protei
25 e germinated seedling in terms of structure, enzymic activity, and protein complement.
26 ite the extensive similarity in sequence and enzymic activity, notable differences between EBP1 and t
27 ure is associated with reduced metabolic and enzymic activity, the notion that cold temperature cause
28 ific activity and increased stability of the enzymic activity.
29 ity and copurification of PKC-theta with the enzymic activity.
30 level of message and protein, as well as for enzymic activity.
31 e been shown to be proteins with no apparent enzymic activity.
32 molecular dioxygenase are not stimulatory to enzymic activity.
33  lacking the prodomain were tested for their enzymic activity.
34 olamine, leads to rapid and complete loss of enzymic activity.
35          Borohydride reduction of the native enzymic aldimines did not increase the denaturation temp
36 ryptic digest shows that Tyr(79) is the only enzymic amino acid modified.
37 ryptic digest shows that Cys(17) is the only enzymic amino acid modified.
38                               The particular enzymic amino acids forming the S(2) pocket of GP-II (Tr
39 e substrate, with a broad rank order between enzymic and cellular activity, but amide analogues were
40 dependent methylmalonyl-CoA mutase shows the enzymic and enzyme-free data sets are identical within e
41 id to vanillin has been characterised at the enzymic and molecular genetic levels.
42 re likely intermediates in hydrogen-evolving enzymic and molecular systems.
43           VO2+ EPR has provided evidence for enzymic and nucleotide divalent cation binding sites wit
44                              The alternative enzymic approach was based on digestion of DNA with form
45 tidis FBA was purified and used in a coupled enzymic assay confirming that it has fructose bisphospha
46                                              Enzymic assay further confirmed caspase-3 activation and
47 ite face by the conjugate acid of the second enzymic base.
48 unwanted hyperpigmentation in human skin and enzymic browning in fruits.
49 ids in ripe fruit, both the mutants have the enzymic capability to synthesize carotenoids in this tis
50 adenosine deaminase, the first enzyme in the enzymic cascade within the sensor.
51 o explicating the mechanisms of processes in enzymic catalysis as well as providing a basis for produ
52 n of a proton at the purine moiety, allowing enzymic catalysis to reduce the energy barrier associate
53         These results suggest that different enzymic catalysts facilitate the three steps of the DNA
54                                              Enzymic catalysts of thiol:disulfide oxidoreduction cont
55 ra urea values obtained by reference method (Enzymic colorimetric kit method) and the present biosens
56 iety approaches a planar conformation in the enzymic complex.
57 lex (PDHc), consisting of multiple copies of enzymic components and coenzymes, performs the oxidative
58 ng a pore that mediates translocation of the enzymic components of the toxin to the cytosol.
59 ixed concentration of substrate, the rate of enzymic cyclization could be limited by the intrinsic ra
60 and of these aggrecan preparations following enzymic deglycosylation, were compared.
61 S, and there was increased susceptibility to enzymic degradation.
62                                              Enzymic detoxification of ROS might not, however, be the
63 on of specific polysaccharides together with enzymic digestion of beta-glucans allowed us to distingu
64 r as groups of varying cell number following enzymic digestion.
65 tightly, but noncovalently, bound FAD and an enzymic disulfide, each of which can accommodate two ele
66  insights into the possible mechanism of the enzymic E-Z isomerization and cyclization of (E)-cinnami
67  domain and translated to distinct levels of enzymic efficiency.
68  is achieved by binding interactions with an enzymic exosite that tethers the protein substrate to pr
69 ough an initial bimolecular reaction with an enzymic exosite, followed by an active site docking step
70                              It appears that enzymic features other than the phosphate-binding histid
71 rm a truncated BDH mutant results in loss of enzymic function.
72 roup sulfur atom to accept a proton from the enzymic general acid.
73   Once acetyl-CoA and l-serine are bound, an enzymic general base accepts a proton from the l-serine
74 rophilic catalysis by an as yet unidentified enzymic general-acid (pKa = 9.0) is proposed.
75 ype enzyme depends on the ionized form of an enzymic group of pK 5.5, and this pK(aes) is similar for
76  determined and revealed the presence of two enzymic groups, one functioning as a general base and on
77                  Finally, a structure of the enzymic histidine-GMP intermediate depicts the end of th
78  and (5'S)-diastereomers of this compound in enzymic hydrolysates of DNA.
79                                  Alkaline or enzymic hydrolysis of 5a gave phosphomonoester alaninate
80                               With the other enzymic hydrolysis of esterase substrates was readily de
81      The radioimmunoassay procedure involves enzymic hydrolysis of the urine, extraction with ethyl a
82 )-cdA can be completely released from DNA by enzymic hydrolysis, and the level of (5'S)-cdA in tissue
83 uced TRPC3 activation was blocked by the PLC enzymic inhibitor, U-73122, and also blocked by wortmann
84 atalyze phosphate ester hydrolysis above non-enzymic levels and was not activated by the addition of
85 ubsequent formation of a Schiff base with an enzymic lysine residue followed by binding of ASA to the
86 st that activation of this channel is via an enzymic mechanism.
87 is substrate ligands directly to VO2+ at the enzymic metal site.
88 letely controlled) or underestimation by the enzymic method.
89 es (by HPLC) and 0.50 per 10(6) guanines (by enzymic methods).
90  this grouping is association with different enzymic modes of action, as XTHs can have xyloglucan end
91 ein and block its ability to translocate the enzymic moieties across membranes.
92 f PA(63) in translocation of anthrax toxin's enzymic moieties across membranes.
93 embrane, providing a portal for entry of the enzymic moieties of the toxin into the cytosol.
94 (63), forms ring-shaped heptamers, binds the enzymic moieties of the toxin, and translocates them to
95 ty of anthrax toxin translocates the toxin's enzymic moieties to the cytosol of mammalian cells by a
96 pH and mediates translocation of the toxin's enzymic moieties to the cytosol.
97  domain 1 has been implicated in binding the enzymic moieties; domain 2 is involved in membrane inser
98 mediates translocation of diphtheria toxin's enzymic moiety across a membrane.
99 nthesis, hepatic beta-oxidation activity and enzymic NADPH production were changed by VO, and there w
100 3,3-dimethylbutyraldehyde is reactive toward enzymic nucleophiles, as suggested by the kinetic data w
101 s is the first demonstration of the in vitro enzymic oxidation of indole-3-acetic acid to oxindole-3-
102 rto unknown biochemical pathway in which the enzymic oxygenation of ceramides is involved in building
103                         In contrast to other enzymic peroxodiiron intermediates, peroxo Delta 9D is l
104 placed metal-bound H2O or a similarly motile enzymic phenol residue (Tyr216) that is crystallographic
105 that isolated from the nucleus pulposus, but enzymic pretreatments to reduce the glycosylation of bot
106 ively due to the activation of the apoptotic enzymic process of sublethally injured cells.
107 rotecting groups and as a control element in enzymic processes for glycosidic bond formation and hydr
108 e and were converted into turnover rates for enzymic production of DNA-reactive metabolites.
109 ed both as network components in muro and as enzymic products generated in vitro with native extensin
110              The structure assignment of the enzymic products indicated that acetylation takes place
111 n baculovirus-infected insect cells, and its enzymic properties were compared with wild-type enzyme.
112                             Experiments with enzymic proteins revealed that nebulization caused no de
113 resence of salt primarily through endogenous enzymic proteolysis.
114 lexes in R67 and E. coli DHFRs suggests that enzymic raising of the pK(a) at N5 can significantly inc
115 rein, which made the characterization of the enzymic reaction possible.
116        Chemical analogs of pathogen-specific enzymic reaction products rather than analogs of substra
117 silent substrate S is allowed to compete for enzymic reaction with signal-generating substrate S*, wh
118 oth AA and lysophospholipid, products of the enzymic reaction, can function as signal transducers in
119 tified as a likely acid/base catalyst in the enzymic reaction.
120 ell-established in bacteria, comprising four enzymic reactions catalysed by ketopantoate hydroxymethy
121 but is now understood to include a myriad of enzymic reactions implicated in important life processes
122             The kinetic parameters for these enzymic reactions were evaluated.
123 d is synthesised in Escherichia coli by four enzymic reactions.
124                                              Enzymic recognition of substrate sequences preceding the
125              Receptor function was probed by enzymic removal of FcgammaRIIIb from the cell surface an
126  pathway of cyclic phosphate removal and its enzymic requirements are undefined.
127 n to product is induced by the side chain of enzymic residue His 231 (pKa of 8, seen in Kcat), which
128                                         Most enzymic residues contribute to catalysis or stability (o
129 , consistent with a structural as well as an enzymic role for JAK1.
130  selenoproteins, selenium has structural and enzymic roles, in the latter context being best-known as
131 efore results from an initial interaction at enzymic sites (exosites) distinct from the active site,
132 n-dependent nuclease and NAD-dependent ADPrT enzymic sites are distinct is that NAD protected only th
133 n of heme synthesis (by 70-80%) at different enzymic steps by succinyl acetone and N-methylprotoporph
134 l methyl oxidase performs the first of three enzymic steps required to remove the two C-4 methyl grou
135 ing an integrated strategy with chemical and enzymic steps.
136 synthetic substrates that bind to all of the enzymic subsites and thereby enable a meaningful analysi
137                                              Enzymic subsites interact with the bases and phosphoryl
138                                              Enzymic subsites interact with the bases and the phospho
139              Lys7, Arg10, and Lys66 comprise enzymic subsites that are remote from the active site.
140 orporated throughout an active site to alter enzymic substrate specificity.
141                                     Extended enzymic surfaces elucidated with exosite-directed probes
142 ince there is no effect of tryptophan on the enzymic synthesis of aminodeoxychorismate.
143 o[a]pyrene was determined by radiotracer and enzymic techniques, utilizing the HPLC system.
144                                     Thus, an enzymic thiolate is both necessary and sufficient for th
145 e quickly reduced back to an active state by enzymic thiols and further suggested to us that the enzy
146 one is the oxidant, and (2) deprotonation of enzymic thiols, most likely Cys(46) and Cys(41), limits
147 ermined to be 0.14, which indicates that the enzymic transition state is highly dissociative and simi
148  is important to determine the nature of the enzymic transition state.
149 , indicating unlikely proton transfer at the enzymic transition states for the dealkylation reaction.
150  preprotonation or proton in "flight" at the enzymic transition states.
151  occurs at one mole of inhibitor per mole of enzymic trimer.
152                     Conditions that increase enzymic turnover (protein concentration and component ra

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