


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                   Sounds are ephemeral.
2 annual pulse that is predictable, yet highly ephemeral.
3 on, which suggests that most populations are ephemeral.
4 s are hard to find, variable in richness and ephemeral.
5 er eradication of the originating prions was ephemeral and adaptation superficial in TgEq and TgD.
6       However, this period of divergence was ephemeral and all communities eventually converged on a
7  N availability in terrestrial ecosystems is ephemeral and can be disrupted by either natural or anth
8 n agricultural landscapes often dominated by ephemeral and disturbed habitats.
9 physical entities and, by their very nature, ephemeral and hard to predict.
10 arrived earlier at breakfast sites with very ephemeral and highly sought-after fruit, like figs, than
11 perennial streams while most impacts were to ephemeral and intermittent streams.
12 in two watersheds where streams were largely ephemeral and one watershed dominated by perennial strea
13 The flowers of flax (linseed) are blue-hued, ephemeral and self-pollinating, and the seeds are typica
14 form pairs just to mate (i.e. pair bonds are ephemeral) and later move on to sexually abstaining grou
15 unity composition perhaps due to the patchy, ephemeral, and highly overlapping nature of fine root di
16       Most Agaricomycete fruiting bodies are ephemeral, and their fossil record is limited.
17 lect global climate evolution from a time of ephemeral Antarctic ice sheets (100 to 33 Ma), through a
18 ions of prey organelles are typically highly ephemeral as a result of the inability of the organelle
19            Here, we identify the presence of ephemeral assemblies during seeded growth of gold nanopa
20                                 It feasts on ephemeral bacterial blooms in decomposing fruits and ste
21                       Hydrothermal vents are ephemeral because of frequent volcanic and tectonic acti
22 xception is medullary bone (MB), which is an ephemeral bony tissue that forms before ovulation in the
23  a diverse range of communities sustained by ephemeral but abundant food items.
24 enetic and epigenetic interactions result in ephemeral, but also heritable, phenotypic variations tha
25                    Hot spots also seem to be ephemeral, but processes of hot-spot activation and thei
26 the overall temporal amplification such that ephemeral Ca2+ signals have lasting physiological value.
27 hemically termolecular reactions mediated by ephemeral collision complexes are probably of significan
28   Termolecular association reactions involve ephemeral collision complexes-formed from the collision
29  hundreds of kilometers between isolated and ephemeral communities.
30 of life seems to be characterized by ad hoc, ephemeral, contextual probabilism without proper underly
31 mounts, a finding that is consistent with an ephemeral ecological speciation process.
32 hermal vents along the mid-ocean ridges host ephemeral ecosystems of diverse endemic fauna including
33 r, direct evidence of the existence of these ephemeral entities remains elusive.
34                     Phytoplankton blooms are ephemeral events of exceptionally high primary productiv
35 n of those cells in which an early gene with ephemeral expression has been overexpressed.
36 ies that can be imaged geophysically will be ephemeral features and therefore their detection could i
37 ces in complex environments made of multiple ephemeral feeding sites with nutritionally variable rewa
38 ility in the spatio-temporal distribution of ephemeral food sources.
39 her the requirement for antigen is similarly ephemeral for CD4(+) T cells.
40                  The pioneer colonization of ephemeral freshwater pools by branchiopods in the Devoni
41 ction of the next day's breakfast sites with ephemeral fruit compared with breakfast sites with other
42 after fruit, like figs, than sites with less ephemeral fruit that can be more predictably obtained th
43 est is still dark) when breakfasting on very ephemeral fruits, especially when they were farther away
44 husiasm for the clinical translation of this ephemeral gaseous molecule.
45 hat the Northern Hemisphere experienced only ephemeral glaciations from the Late Eocene to the Early
46 , disperse with astonishing rapidity between ephemeral habitats.
47 in contrasting environments and admixture in ephemeral hybrid zones.
48 he causes of differentiation would have only ephemeral impacts.
49 rmal circulation in the Bransfield Strait is ephemeral in nature and therefore may not support vent b
50 al resource utilization will be sporadic and ephemeral in randomly changing environments.
51 tain motor neurons, then we predict that the ephemeral increases in transcript expression in OC neuro
52 ined cognitive systems can be categorized as ephemeral integrators, stable loners, and anything in be
53 CO via a reaction channel emanating from the ephemeral isocarbonyl isomer of the CO adduct.
54 roinflammatory phase and differentiated into ephemeral Ly6C(lo) MF subset at resolution phase.
55 how that uninfected snails consumed 40% more ephemeral macroalgal biomass than infected snails in the
56 sulted in significantly greater expansion of ephemeral macroalgal cover relative to grazing by uninfe
57                             Because of their ephemeral nature and rapid reactivity, these species are
58                             Because of their ephemeral nature and the paucity of scientific observati
59 number of sources detected at present, their ephemeral nature implies a total Galactic population sig
60 ry acts as macroevolutionary sink, where its ephemeral nature is retrieved through transitions from o
61 ing provides a potential explanation for the ephemeral nature of clinical desensitization.
62 espite the mild temperatures, the apparently ephemeral nature of water in this environment leaves ope
63                        However, due to their ephemeral nature, structural characterization of these s
64 ghly virulent mosquito-borne virus producing ephemeral nidi, and Borrelia burgdorferi, a slowly ampli
65  particles in adaptation to the landscape of ephemeral nutrient patches characteristic of ocean water
66 nt growth advantages if they can exploit the ephemeral nutrient patches originating from numerous, sm
67 s organisms to take advantage of dynamic and ephemeral opportunities in their environment.
68 uman malaria have proven effective, although ephemeral, owing to the inevitable evolution of resistan
69 ted infection (STI) in populations with such ephemeral pair bonds.
70 system in response to resource pulses: rare, ephemeral periods of resource superabundance.
71  studies was used to test whether two spring-ephemeral plants growing in eastern North America, Trill
72                                 Weediness in ephemeral plants is commonly characterized by rapid cycl
73  Mars have been suggested to be evidence for ephemeral playa environments.
74                                           In ephemeral pond ecosystems, temporal dynamics are relativ
75           Here we report the discovery of an ephemeral pool branchiopod community from the 365-millio
76  Although many impacted species persisted in ephemeral populations, increased extinction risk selecti
77 erm environmental mobility, especially under ephemeral redox conditions.
78     Resource pulses are occasional events of ephemeral resource superabundance that occur in many eco
79 ommunities that compete for a nutrient-rich, ephemeral resource.
80                                     Rich and ephemeral resources, such as carrion, are a source of in
81  million years old, was largely deposited in ephemeral saline lakes, as judged by the unusual evapori
82 ze, ascend, and accumulate in voluminous but ephemeral shallow magma chambers.
83 s across neighboring HBs, consistent with an ephemeral shuttling of protons along water wires.
84            Motile species can exploit small, ephemeral solute patches through chemotaxis and thereby
85 across all scales of the experimental setup, ephemeral species of the genus Ulva increase their photo
86                                        These ephemeral species, however, often elude direct experimen
87 ither by serving as a quantum memory for the ephemeral state of a microwave field or by providing a q
88 008 and 2009 from the watershed snowpack and ephemeral stream channel.
89                                          The ephemeral stream habitats of the McMurdo Dry Valleys of
90 to pectinariid larvae, other transparent and ephemeral structures are secreted by the larvae of many
91 pite their positive function, arbuscules are ephemeral structures, and their development is followed
92                Its manifestations range from ephemeral symptoms to life-threatening events such as th
93                  The dynamic nature of these ephemeral systems seems to be conducive to greater level
94                             Since fruits are ephemeral, they cannot comprise a permanent microbial ha
95 ade) and hydrological characteristics (e.g., ephemeral vs. permanent).
96 nd (DJP), which exists at the upper limit of ephemeral water in the McMurdo Dry Valleys (MDV) of Anta
97 nce frequency, with low co-occurrence in the ephemeral watershed and high co-occurrence in the perenn
98 iverse range of habitats, including seasonal ephemeral wetlands known as vernal pools.
99                               Working within ephemeral wetlands, we tested whether species were incre
100                     Mating signals are often ephemeral, yet their active time has largely been ignore

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