


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mission events which can be used for further epidemiologic analyses, such as identification of risk f
2 as a component of outbreak investigation and epidemiologic analyses.
3                                         More epidemiologic and biologically grounded research is need
4            Candidate predictors consisted of epidemiologic and clinical characteristics available at
5               Medical record review compared epidemiologic and clinical courses of pertactin-producin
6                                              Epidemiologic and clinical evidence supports the existen
7              Here we summarize the important epidemiologic and clinical features of ZIKV infection, a
8                                              Epidemiologic and clinical observations identify obesity
9  a rare papulosquamous disorder with limited epidemiologic and clinicopathologic data.
10                                              Epidemiologic and clinicopathological data from current
11 ange methods could be useful tools in future epidemiologic and diagnostic studies.
12                                We integrated epidemiologic and experimental asthma models to explore
13                                              Epidemiologic and experimental evidence suggests that in
14 pothesis supported by a number of convincing epidemiologic and experimental observations, as discusse
15 ration of these data revealed subgroups with epidemiologic and genetic commonalities, one of which ap
16                     The authors reviewed the epidemiologic and genetic research and physiological pos
17                                              Epidemiologic and genomewide association studies have li
18                                              Epidemiologic and laboratory data each generated large a
19 eport results of new approaches to analyzing epidemiologic and laboratory data to understand transmis
20                                         Some epidemiologic and laboratory studies suggest that insect
21                                              Epidemiologic and ophthalmologic data at baseline and du
22                   There is evidence in human epidemiologic and pathologic studies that increased expo
23 ossibly other viruses in clinical diagnosis, epidemiologic and vector surveillance, and laboratory re
24                    To evaluate the clinical, epidemiologic, and budgetary consequences of alternative
25        We then linked genomic, phylogenetic, epidemiologic, and clinical data in order to evaluate in
26  departments reported standardized clinical, epidemiologic, and radiologic information on AFM cases t
27 s implications not only for ABMs but for all epidemiologic applications, because making use of epidem
28 ed models (ABMs) have grown in popularity in epidemiologic applications, but the assumptions necessar
29                                   A standard epidemiologic approach for modeling risk factors of a ca
30  objective of this study was, through a meta-epidemiologic approach, (i) to assess the efficacy of OE
31 OVA classification compared with the current epidemiologic approach, which relies on the linkage of n
32                                  Traditional epidemiologic approaches allow us to compare counterfact
33 tools used to depict causal relations in the epidemiologic assessment of exposure-outcome association
34 s dynamics in Western Province, following an epidemiologic assessment.
35 ed the mechanism of acquisition based on the epidemiologic association and positive catheter cultures
36 nfluence energy balance and may help explain epidemiologic associations between whole-grain consumpti
37 e two NIH Institutes, the workshop addressed epidemiologic, basic science, clinical, and translationa
38 ed testing with increased linkage has modest epidemiologic benefits and could reduce incident HIV inf
39                             We highlight the epidemiologic challenges of studying ARDS, as well as ot
40                                          The epidemiologic characteristics of children and young adul
41  objective in this study was to describe the epidemiologic characteristics of CRKP in a network of US
42 linic in Columbus, Ohio, we investigated the epidemiologic characteristics of men with Nm urethritis
43                                              Epidemiologic, clinical, and laboratory data for outbrea
44 e clinical and mechanistic levels by linking epidemiologic, clinical, and mechanistic research, inclu
45                              We compared the epidemiologic, clinical, and virological characteristics
46                        Main Outcome Measure: Epidemiologic, clinical, OCT, AVF, angiographic, and ele
47 , if any, are applicable to data obtained in epidemiologic cohorts.
48 udy itself and in the broader cardiovascular epidemiologic community-to quantify the independent and
49 ever, little is known about the clinical and epidemiologic consequences at the population level.
50 d should include clinical diagnoses based on epidemiologic criteria.
51  calculate likelihoods that incorporate both epidemiologic data and a phylogeny.
52 However, despite their unquestionable value, epidemiologic data are inconclusive.
53 (NETs) are thought to be rising, but updated epidemiologic data are lacking.
54 e comprehensive, comparable population-based epidemiologic data collection on anaphylaxis.
55                                              Epidemiologic data demonstrate strong associations of mo
56                                      Limited epidemiologic data exist on prenatal arsenic exposure an
57              We assessed routinely collected epidemiologic data for MERS-CoV cases reported in Saudi
58                             Population-level epidemiologic data for sepsis are scarce and nonexistent
59 orne Zika virus transmission model fitted to epidemiologic data from 2015 to 2016 on Zika virus infec
60                                      Genetic epidemiologic data have shown that AD and MD share a com
61 eously consistent with the phylogeny and the epidemiologic data on person, place, and time.
62 rge, established patient databases to gather epidemiologic data on this disease.
63 C remains elusive; however, experimental and epidemiologic data suggest a role for hormone-related ex
64                                     However, epidemiologic data suggest that exposure to infectious a
65                                              Epidemiologic data suggest that T2DM is associated with
66                                          New epidemiologic data supporting previous studies on mild c
67 integrated whole genome sequencing (WGS) and epidemiologic data to identify factors associated with M
68 uct the phylogeny of sequenced isolates, and epidemiologic data was overlaid to identify factors asso
69                                              Epidemiologic data were analyzed in the context of phylo
70 ived differently (experimental compared with epidemiologic data), and their interpretations are diffe
71 types in melanoma, we collected clinical and epidemiologic data, performed skin examinations, and col
72  analyzed cohort data from the International Epidemiologic Databases to Evaluate AIDS and the Collabo
73  replacement (bootstrapping) to match the US epidemiologic distribution and entered into a Monte Carl
74 g proteins representative of meningococcal B epidemiologic diversity; an hSBA titer of at least 1:4 i
75                                  We obtained epidemiologic, economic, and health utility parameter es
76 GICC Study thus serves as a model for future epidemiologic efforts that reflects a paradigm shift whe
77 de a mechanism for explaining differences in epidemiologic estimates generated by different approache
78                                       Strong epidemiologic evidence documents the protective effect o
79           These results suggest that current epidemiologic evidence does not preclude the existence o
80                                          The epidemiologic evidence for associations between dietary
81 t 20 years, a large body of experimental and epidemiologic evidence has linked sleep duration and qua
82                                              Epidemiologic evidence indicates a relevant association
83                                      Current epidemiologic evidence informing these recommendations i
84 in D [25(OH)D] in breast carcinogenesis, but epidemiologic evidence is inconsistent.
85 crease risk for metabolic diseases; however, epidemiologic evidence is lacking at the present time.
86 ther routes of exposure have been suggested, epidemiologic evidence is limited.
87 ulate matter in Europe's largest cities, and epidemiologic evidence links exposure with respiratory s
88                          There is increasing epidemiologic evidence of an association between ALS and
89                                              Epidemiologic evidence regarding niacin, folate, vitamin
90                                              Epidemiologic evidence suggests delayed introduction of
91                                              Epidemiologic evidence suggests that air pollution is a
92                              There is strong epidemiologic evidence that dietary fiber intake is prot
93 tions with these E. coli and there is strong epidemiologic evidence that the human intestinal tract,
94           Our findings provide the strongest epidemiologic evidence to date that adiponectin protects
95                        In contrast with some epidemiologic evidence, our previous research showed tha
96                                              Epidemiologic factors have generated increased demand fo
97 nd controversies in our understanding of the epidemiologic factors, mechanism, and clinicopathologica
98                                      The key epidemiologic features of a measles outbreak in the Amis
99                              We describe the epidemiologic features of an outbreak of measles that or
100             We conducted a multidisciplinary epidemiologic, field, and laboratory investigation.
101  methods of public health administration and epidemiologic fieldwork.
102                                        These epidemiologic findings were recapitulated in a mouse mod
103              Measurement of these domains in epidemiologic, genetic, clinical, and treatment studies
104                  Main Outcomes and Measures: Epidemiologic, genetic, dermoscopic, and histologic data
105                                              Epidemiologic, HIV sequence, and geographic data were ob
106 lso retention in care are needed to optimize epidemiologic impact and cost-effectiveness.
107 on and has important clinical, economic, and epidemiologic implications among patients on dialysis.
108 consideration of other agent-host and immuno-epidemiologic influences on vaccine performance beyond a
109  in epidemiology and the ultimate purpose of epidemiologic inquiry.
110 r with supporting work ushered in a surge of epidemiologic interest in the impact of social contexts
111 ing of infectious diseases, the analysis and epidemiologic interpretation of data, and both prompt an
112                                           An epidemiologic investigation that included patient interv
113 epartment of Agriculture coordinated several epidemiologic investigations at poultry farms.
114  In this article, we complement the existing epidemiologic investigations with an overview of the ran
115 table for this purpose and should facilitate epidemiologic investigations, including those involving
116 becoming an increasingly common procedure in epidemiologic investigations.
117 Web-based surveys enables novel life-segment epidemiologic investigations.
118 0 for SELECT (community screening standards, epidemiologic-like cohort) to 1.83 for PCPT (end-of-stud
119                              Furthermore, no epidemiologic link between patients was identified.
120 ith botulism with laboratory confirmation or epidemiologic link to a confirmed case, and presence or
121 sm patients confirmed by laboratory testing, epidemiologic link, or association with an outbreak.
122 nked to the outbreak if they attended or had epidemiologic linkage to the university.
123  complicated by delayed diagnosis, ambiguous epidemiologic links among patients, and illness onset da
124 s, 1 (2%) was a staff member, and 2 (4%) had epidemiologic links to the university.
125           Person-to-person or hospital-based epidemiologic links were identified in 123 of 404 partic
126 e plausible transmission routes suggested by epidemiologic links.
127            Increasingly, the statistical and epidemiologic literature is focusing beyond issues of in
128  data continues to grow in popularity in the epidemiologic literature.
129 comparison of populations is at the heart of epidemiologic methodology.
130 s article spurred theoretical development in epidemiologic methods and became a platform for teaching
131                We also discuss complementary epidemiologic methods that can help address these questi
132 ntive therapy for TB demonstrated the use of epidemiologic methods to evaluate interventions on a pop
133                        Compared to classical epidemiologic methods, genomics can be used to precisely
134 than 450 basic, translational, clinical, and epidemiologic pancreatic cancer researchers as well as p
135 citly acknowledge the uncertainty around key epidemiologic parameters, and an economic evaluation was
136 the first of a 2-part review, we discuss the epidemiologic, pathophysiologic, risk factors, and imagi
137 this issue has been poorly addressed from an epidemiologic perspective.
138  ago, these discussions had little impact on epidemiologic practice.
139 ntrols with respiratory symptoms in light of epidemiologic principles of control selection and presen
140 alle d'Aosta Register for ALS (PARALS) is an epidemiologic prospective register that covers 2 Italian
141             Subjects answered a standardized epidemiologic questionnaire and provided samples for thi
142                                     Detailed epidemiologic questionnaires were administered at study
143  this extensive body of research, many basic epidemiologic questions remain unsolved.
144                              We compared the epidemiologic, radiographic, and clinical characteristic
145 e Control (CDC) Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (WONDER) system was used to obtai
146 error modes, with a focus on applications in epidemiologic research and precision medicine.
147 ly debate on the use of deceased controls in epidemiologic research continues.
148 conduct, presentation, and interpretation of epidemiologic research could substantially strengthen th
149 d provides an alternative to previously used epidemiologic research designs when one is including loc
150                                     Previous epidemiologic research on concussions has primarily been
151 address the many advances that resulted from epidemiologic research on smoking and health, such as de
152  1970s, the paper stimulated an explosion of epidemiologic research on social support and human healt
153                                     Existing epidemiologic research on traffic largely neglects local
154  and Prevention Wide-Ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research online databases.
155    This systematic review examined published epidemiologic research using deceased persons as a contr
156 e TMLE has not been as widely implemented in epidemiologic research, we aim to provide an accessible
157 f systematic error on estimates of effect in epidemiologic research.
158  records hold great promise for clinical and epidemiologic research.
159 ease, an imperative for action documented by epidemiologic research.
160 Journal of Epidemiology, and the Society for Epidemiologic Research.
161 miologic applications, because making use of epidemiologic results requires application beyond a stud
162 ction model that incorporates 17 established epidemiologic risk factors and 17 genome-wide significan
163 t single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and epidemiologic risk factors.
164  norovirus across 8 sites in highly variable epidemiologic settings and demonstration of protective i
165 f approaches that will vary across different epidemiologic settings.
166 e processes, androgens may contribute to the epidemiologic sex differentials observed in MS prevalenc
167 s definitions, offer greater consistency for epidemiologic studies and clinical trials, and facilitat
168 iably reproducible, and cumbersome for large epidemiologic studies and for clinical diagnosis in reso
169 are often encountered in questionnaire-based epidemiologic studies and highlights the need of better
170                                      In most epidemiologic studies and in clinical research generally
171                   Measures for ensuring that epidemiologic studies are reproducible include making da
172                                    Molecular epidemiologic studies collecting information of the spat
173 m this data set appears superior to previous epidemiologic studies conducted on platinum salt sensiti
174 5, 20, 25) were assessed with the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D) scale; LTL (yea
175 ssive symptoms [assessed with the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D)].
176 trumental ADL (IADL) disability, Centers for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale depression, educa
177  completed the 20-item version of Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale during wave 1 (me
178 diovascular diseases completed the Center of Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale in 1993.
179 lts with subthreshold depression (Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale score >/=16, no c
180   Symptoms were measured with the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale Short Form, and t
181                    The eight-item Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression scale was administered
182 vey via a ten item version of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale; a total score of
183  surveillance but also hypothesis-generating epidemiologic studies for identifying preventable pregna
184  Detailed metabolic profiling in large-scale epidemiologic studies has uncovered novel biomarkers for
185 wn aspirin to have anticancer properties and epidemiologic studies have associated aspirin use with l
186                                  However, no epidemiologic studies have been conducted to evaluate ef
187                                   Few of the epidemiologic studies have been longitudinal, had indivi
188                       Long-term, prospective epidemiologic studies have consistently shown that perso
189                                          Few epidemiologic studies have evaluated the effects of air
190 ogression, but to our knowledge no published epidemiologic studies have explored this association.
191                                              Epidemiologic studies have focused recently on determini
192                                              Epidemiologic studies have found a positive association
193                                              Epidemiologic studies have found lower risks of lung can
194                                      Several epidemiologic studies have identified a greater incidenc
195                         However, no previous epidemiologic studies have investigated the relative imp
196                                    Few large epidemiologic studies have investigated the role of post
197                                              Epidemiologic studies have provided conflicting data reg
198                     Several experimental and epidemiologic studies have provided evidence that allerg
199                                              Epidemiologic studies have shown that asthmatic patients
200                                              Epidemiologic studies have shown that dietary sugar inta
201                                       Recent epidemiologic studies have suggested a therapeutic benef
202                                              Epidemiologic studies have suggested that a flavonoid-ri
203                                              Epidemiologic studies highlight the potential role of di
204                                              Epidemiologic studies in humans have demonstrated that i
205 d to the reproducibility and transparency of epidemiologic studies include the creation of a global p
206  reliable, and accurate definition of DD for epidemiologic studies is needed.
207      The inherent value of exposomic data in epidemiologic studies is that they can provide greater u
208                                     Although epidemiologic studies link poor in vivo 25(OH)D status t
209 espiratory outcomes has been investigated in epidemiologic studies mainly including asthmatic childre
210  a core set of variables widely available in epidemiologic studies may be independently associated wi
211 isk factors for prostate cancer derived from epidemiologic studies not only may be erroneous but may
212 amework, we defined six causal scenarios for epidemiologic studies of environmental chemicals measure
213                                              Epidemiologic studies of occupational lead exposure have
214  individual parasites that enables molecular epidemiologic studies of parasite evolution, population
215                        Large-scale molecular epidemiologic studies of Plasmodium falciparum parasites
216 phs (CXRs) are a valuable diagnostic tool in epidemiologic studies of pneumonia.
217                             Individual-level epidemiologic studies of pregnancy outcomes after matern
218                However, conducting multicity epidemiologic studies of sources is difficult because so
219                    Large-scale environmental epidemiologic studies often rely on exposure estimates b
220 ethodologic concerns regarding the available epidemiologic studies on iron and GDM.
221 athies are well documented, but there are no epidemiologic studies on the risk of carpal tunnel syndr
222                                      Several epidemiologic studies report an association between canc
223                                              Epidemiologic studies report improved breast cancer surv
224                                     Previous epidemiologic studies suggest associations between prete
225                              Cross-sectional epidemiologic studies suggest PFOA is associated with li
226                                   Animal and epidemiologic studies suggest that exposure to light at
227                                              Epidemiologic studies support that at least part of the
228 ch prevalence estimates may be overstated by epidemiologic studies that do not use confirmatory testi
229                                          Two epidemiologic studies that have addressed this topic gav
230                                    We review epidemiologic studies that investigated the potential as
231        However, it is challenging to conduct epidemiologic studies to evaluate the benefits to the fe
232                                              Epidemiologic studies using half-mouth designs for asses
233 -wide association studies, including several epidemiologic studies with different designs, were used.
234 trates has been documented in several recent epidemiologic studies, thus generating significant debat
235                                          Few epidemiologic studies, to our knowledge, have examined t
236 ations could improve exposure assessments in epidemiologic studies.
237 sociation may be particularly informative in epidemiologic studies.
238  measurement of long-term exposure status in epidemiologic studies.
239 xposed should not routinely be excluded from epidemiologic studies.
240 iomarkers of diet in large-scale clinical or epidemiologic studies.
241 ar disease, and diabetes-related outcomes in epidemiologic studies.
242 can be used for surveillance of PdD in large epidemiologic studies.
243 he rate of misclassification in clinical and epidemiologic studies.
244 tes that the pipeline is suitable for use in epidemiologic studies.
245 iated with lung cancer in some, but not all, epidemiologic studies.
246 terious consequences, as reported by several epidemiologic studies.
247 has been reported by experimental animal and epidemiologic studies.
248 hods exist to detect residual confounding in epidemiologic studies.
249 epresent a man's long-term average values in epidemiologic studies.
250 een meat and fish intake and disease risk in epidemiologic studies.
251 t target populations increases the impact of epidemiologic studies.
252 red the collection and use of the samples in epidemiologic studies.
253 lood pressure and is difficult to measure in epidemiologic studies.We examined the effect of sodium i
254  that has been demonstrated in retrospective epidemiologic studies; however, unintended biases may ex
255                              We performed an epidemiologic study conducted between 2008 and 2012 (Wes
256 g from assumptions about disease biology and epidemiologic study design, we prove that there is a one
257 form for teaching about some key concepts in epidemiologic study design.
258 ory, Cassel showed how findings from various epidemiologic study designs could be marshalled to build
259 r replication in the DCCT/EDIC and Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy (WESDR) coho
260  and Complications (DCCT/EDIC) and Wisconsin Epidemiologic Study of Diabetic Retinopathy (WESDR).
261 y Health Study/Study of Latinos, a multisite epidemiologic study of disease prevalence and developmen
262 received intravesical BCG administration, an epidemiologic study was performed.
263                                     An ideal epidemiologic study would monitor both groups equally we
264 dentists trained by periodontists in a large epidemiologic study, and affects the performance in a pr
265                          In this descriptive epidemiologic study, data were collected from primary ca
266      The UK Biobank study, a cross-sectional epidemiologic study, included 117278 participants aged 4
267            Cross-sectional, population-based epidemiologic study.
268 in In Neonates) is a descriptive prospective epidemiologic study.
269 , multiplex diagnostics for patient care and epidemiologic surveillance.
270  DENV transmission modeling, immunology, and epidemiologic surveillance.
271 t surveys: the National Longitudinal Alcohol Epidemiologic Survey (NLAES; 1991-1992), the National Ep
272 Data came from the 2004-2005 wave 2 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (
273  43093 respondents of the 2001-2002 National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (
274 ogic Survey (NLAES; 1991-1992), the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions (
275  included 43093 participants in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions a
276 om April 2001 to June 2002, and the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions I
277 tions and 36309 participants in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions I
278 87 initially nonobese adults in the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions w
279  653 adults in Waves 1 and 2 of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,
280 N=25 412) from a large US study-the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,
281 sentative surveys of US adults: the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions,
282 itions (NESARC; 2001-2002), and the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions-I
283 2001-2002) and 2 (2004-2005) of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions.
284 s later (2004-05; Wave 2) in the US National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions.
285 sorder at wave 2 (2004-2005) of the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions.
286 ted States, analyzing data from the National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions.
287 d by the calibrated CPI derived from a large epidemiologic survey.
288 r endothelial growth factor therapy based on epidemiologic surveys using photographs to diagnose DME.
289 his review provides selected examples of the epidemiologic, TCGA, and preclinical data, focusing on a
290 measurement and computational analyses while epidemiologic theory struggles to keep up.
291                             Beyond advancing epidemiologic theory, Cassel showed how findings from va
292  the influence of the 1986 article itself on epidemiologic thought and on public health.
293 954-1970) oversaw the Department through the epidemiologic transition from a preponderance of morbidi
294         It is therefore vital to project the epidemiologic trend of ALS.
295                   Objective: To describe the epidemiologic trends and risk factors for chemical burns
296                       To examine the 20-year epidemiologic trends of ALS in the Piemonte and Valle d'
297             This study reports the long-term epidemiologic trends of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (A
298         Importance: Determining the national epidemiologic trends of chemical ocular burns can assist
299 have contributed to an improved clinical and epidemiologic understanding of this organism.
300 ssociations between fibrosis progression and epidemiologic, virologic, and disease-associated factors

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