


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sible "ionogenic conducted tour" pathway for epimerization.
2 wever, destroy information about uronic acid epimerization.
3 s glycopeptides with high efficiency and low epimerization.
4 AG depolymerization that retains uronic acid epimerization.
5 of the glycolic acid residue followed by C12 epimerization.
6 wing group at position 5 slows oxidation and epimerization.
7 sulfation pattern as well as the uronic acid epimerization.
8 et-Spengler reaction, and H(2)SO(4)-mediated epimerization.
9  about the sulfation pattern and uronic acid epimerization.
10 e in enzyme activity while minimizing GlcNAc epimerization.
11 n, N-sulfation, O-sulfation, and uronic acid epimerization.
12 of most peptide side chains and with minimal epimerization.
13 dic conditions (0.5 M HCl/EtOAc) to minimize epimerization.
14 molybdate-saccharide reactive complex during epimerization.
15 ated competing pathway involving GDP-glucose epimerization.
16 ositions of GalNAc sulfation and uronic acid epimerization.
17 sidues in a variety of ways, one of which is epimerization.
18 fering in sulfation position and uronic acid epimerization.
19 oove in AlgG contains the catalytic face for epimerization.
20 imarily direct fragmentation and secondarily epimerization.
21 de from moderate to excellent yields without epimerization.
22  analysis of cycloadducts not susceptible to epimerization.
23 yl/dihydrogen complex does not mediate chain epimerization.
24 r the controlled ROP of various OCAs without epimerization.
25 idarate as well as their interconversion via epimerization.
26 -piperidine)s H syntheses were vulnerable to epimerization.
27 and attenuates coordination-promoted product epimerization.
28 ulates the resultant alpha-stereocenter from epimerization.
29 r precursor peptide confirmed the absence of epimerization.
30 bon center that could be considered prone to epimerization.
31  MDOs for the tandem reaction and an ensuing epimerization.
32 ed insights into the mechanism of reversible epimerization.
33 ethyl substituent had undergone KR-catalyzed epimerization.
34 on with nitrous acid retains the uronic acid epimerization.
35 ylation modifications as well as uronic acid epimerization.
36 s previously been implicated in KR-catalyzed epimerizations.
37 anes take place primarily through one-center epimerizations.
38     MlghB forms three products via C3 and C5 epimerization activities, whereas its DdahB homologue on
39 imerization activity and that Cjj1427 has no epimerization activity and only serves as a reductase to
40  Cjj1430 serves as C3 epimerase devoid of C5 epimerization activity and that Cjj1427 has no epimeriza
41 protein expressed in Escherichia coli showed epimerization activity toward substrates generated from
42 e 19 chiral amino acids but exhibited strong epimerization activity with hydroxyproline as the substr
43 the proposed monomer-assisted, catalyst-site epimerization, after an enantiofacial mistake, to a ther
44                      Successful base-induced epimerization alpha to the carbonyl of the anti-7-ethoxy
45 ation of factors, including a faster rate of epimerization, an energetic preference for the unnatural
46 osan (-GlcA(1,4)GlcNS-); enzyme-catalyzed C5-epimerization and 2-O-sulfonation leading to undersulfat
47  subsequent steps in L-fucose synthesis (3,5-epimerization and 4-reduction) have not been described p
48                                         Both epimerization and 5'-hydrogen exchange reactions are sti
49  hydroxyornithine, followed by VbsL-mediated epimerization and acetylation catalysed by VbsC, yields
50                                        Thus, epimerization and allylic rearrangement are not inherent
51                             Subsequent alpha-epimerization and alpha-alkylation or acylation led to t
52 e manifest in the two distinct reactions, C5-epimerization and C2/3-desaturation.
53                                          The epimerization and chiral resolution of 27c followed by f
54 or cultivation of mayapple and semisynthetic epimerization and demethylation of podophyllotoxin.
55 e responsible for the terminal reactions, C5 epimerization and desaturation, in simple carbapenem pro
56                                          The epimerization and enantioselective polymerization can be
57  its 8-endo epimer 1b experience appreciable epimerization and fragmentation.
58 g the [1,3] shift are significant amounts of epimerization and fragmentation.
59 ed in this process, particularly issues with epimerization and slow coupling rates, and methods to ov
60                             Variations in HS epimerization and sulfation provide enormous structural
61 ycosidic bond between the residue undergoing epimerization and the adjacent residue.
62 ong lifetimes and are susceptible to radical epimerization and trapping by O(2).
63 rt the synthesis, unexpected light-driven di-epimerization, and activity-based protein profiling of a
64                                Mass balance, epimerization, and aqueous-phase degradation (i.e., hydr
65 genation, C-3 amination and methylation, C-5 epimerization, and C-4 ketoreduction.
66 ate constants and barriers of isomerization, epimerization, and enantiomerization processes occurring
67 ts synthesis, pK(a), rates of acid-catalyzed epimerization, and enzymatic incorporation.
68  rule out any role for the NADPH cofactor in epimerization, and provide a general experimental basis
69  functional switch of E1 toward dehydration, epimerization, and transamination.
70 sC, where stereoerrors attributable to chain epimerization are prevalent, (13)C NMR spectra reveal (1
71  intermediate is the operative catalyst when epimerizations are initiated with amines with pK(a) 7.4
72 in]-2(1H)-one scaffold that are not prone to epimerization as observed for the initial spiro[3H-indol
73 ive glucosylation followed by gluco to manno epimerization at a late stage of the synthetic pathway.
74 g could not be opened hydrolytically without epimerization at C alpha.
75                                              Epimerization at C-1 took place under acidic conditions
76 o UDP-GalNAc, followed by the TviC-catalyzed epimerization at C-4 to form UDP-GalNAcA, which serves a
77 nor the Wittig olefination to follow induced epimerization at C10.
78 ly of the ethyl side chain at C6, bridgehead epimerization at C5, installation of the C2-thioether si
79 seldom-used Wharton rearrangement, and a key epimerization at C5.
80 s initiated by C1-C6 bond cleavage are seen, epimerization at C8 is much faster than [1,3] shifts lea
81 t thermal isomerization process, however, is epimerization at C8 to afford product 3.
82 reoselectivity; the intermediate can undergo epimerization at iridium before being trapped by halide
83 to establish the timing and mechanism of the epimerization at methyl-bearing centers, a series of inc
84                                         Slow epimerization at phosphorus may occur by inversion but m
85 ycopeptides result in substantial amounts of epimerization at the alpha position.
86 igh yield although the products are prone to epimerization at the alpha-position in the presence of t
87  prepared from protected (S)-lactals without epimerization at the alpha-stereocenter.
88 Processes related to chain transfer and site epimerization at the metal center are also reported.
89              The opening takes place without epimerization at the secondary stereocenter.
90 vatives were obtained in good yields without epimerization at the stereogenic center.
91 Furthermore, kinetic parameters for ion pair epimerization by cocatalyst exchange (ce) and anion exch
92                                        alpha-Epimerization by oxidation and diastereoselective reduct
93                       The rate constants for epimerization by RTPR, C408A-RTPR, and C408S-RTPRs in th
94 trogen atoms and enables a selective alcohol epimerization by stepwise or reversible oxidation and re
95                                              Epimerization by the doubly mutated Y149F/S124A-GalE pro
96 s D-L-L-L-tetrapeptidyl-S-T(4) after in situ epimerization by the E domain.
97 is concluded that the rate-limiting step for epimerization by wild-type GalE is not hydride transfer
98  determination of the interconversion rates (epimerization) by 1D 1H EXSY spectroscopy in C6D6 soluti
99 oceeds by a Michael/Michael/cyclopropanation/epimerization cascade in which size and coordination of
100                                  During this epimerization, cationic palladium alkyls 13/14 and 33 an
101 amolecular Horner-Emmons Wittig reaction and epimerization completes the synthesis of 28.
102 length, sulfate content, and glucuronic acid epimerization content, resulting in a distribution of gl
103 fold diversification involves hydrogenation, epimerization, dehydration, and condensation of the carb
104                      Analysis of the rate of epimerization demonstrated first-order kinetics with res
105            Under these optimized conditions, epimerization did not occur at the alpha carbons of alph
106  and L-Leu respectively, suggesting that the epimerization domain is an important gatekeeper for gene
107 (holo-T) domain, and then epimerizing it (by epimerization domain) to the D-Phe-S-4'-Ppant-acyl enzym
108 ion products were detected and the extent of epimerization during cocoa roasting was shown to be a fu
109                      The mechanisms of chain epimerization during propylene polymerization with methy
110 L-enantiomers through the action of integral epimerization (E) domains of an NRPS.
111 assay for FabA, the bifunctional dehydration/epimerization enzyme and key target in the FASII pathway
112 f a proton from C5 of the residue undergoing epimerization followed by re-protonation on the opposite
113 n (re-formation of C1-C8 with or without net epimerization, fragmentation to 1,3-cyclohexadiene and e
114                         We describe here the epimerization-free synthesis and characterization of a n
115 D-phenylalanine at position 44, and that the epimerization from an L-Phe to a D-Phe has a dramatic ef
116 produced the trans cyclohexenone, which upon epimerization gave the more stable cis enone 18.
117 tates can be used with minimal to negligible epimerization in a variety of canonical Ugi four-compone
118 ain highlighting the potential importance of epimerization in flavan-3-ol biosynthesis.
119 e ligations are conducted with minimal alpha-epimerization in the C-terminal group and allow for the
120 ions, allowing for the clear conclusion that epimerization in the internal TycB3 module occurs prefer
121  number of mechanistic studies indicate that epimerization in these systems occurs via a Lewis acid c
122         However, the C-5 center was prone to epimerization in vitro and in vivo, forming a less poten
123 hat catalyze deacetylations, sulfations, and epimerizations in specific positions of the sugar residu
124          Numerous sites of isomerization and epimerization, including several that have not been prev
125                                              Epimerization is an equilibrium reaction resulting in a
126                                 Carbohydrate epimerization is an essential technology for the widespr
127 uctase domain supports the proposal that the epimerization is catalyzed by the ketoreductase domain i
128 mulated by the allosteric effector dGTP, and epimerization is not detected in the absence of the effe
129 rst-generation Hoveyda catalyst is employed, epimerization is observed only if an additional phosphin
130      The structural and mechanistic basis of epimerization is poorly understood, and only a small num
131  substrate preference for IdoA over GlcA, C5-epimerization is required for normal HS sulfation.
132                    Thus, the barrier to site epimerization is very low and high polymerization rates
133 um) and base (pseudobase), the rate of these epimerizations is sensitive to steric bulk in the pyryli
134                                              Epimerization issues associated with the labile alpha-am
135 ion (o-succinylbenzoate synthase; OSBS), and epimerization (L-Ala-D/L-Glu epimerase).
136 p was added to the C-5 position to eliminate epimerization, leading to the discovery of (S)-2-((1S,2S
137 change on the microsecond time scale, (b) C5 epimerization leads to a (4)C(1)-chair, and (c) IdoA 2-O
138 ubsequent suprafacial 1,4-hydrogen shift and epimerization leads to the observed cis-fused products.
139 ments provided insight into the cis to trans epimerization mechanism involved in the Pictet-Spengler
140                    They iteratively catalyse epimerization, methylation and hydroxylation of diverse
141        Furthermore, we find that spontaneous epimerization, necessary to correct the configuration at
142        The results suggest that a late-stage epimerization, not a failure of an asymmetric synthesis
143                                   Fourth, no epimerization occurs at the vulnerable alpha-chiral cent
144 to BOC-protected phenylalanine methyl ester, epimerization occurs so that the use of a more reactive
145                             Because anomeric epimerization occurs under these conditions, C-glycoside
146 nol losses and modifications, especially the epimerization of (-)-epicatechin to (-)-catechin.
147 r pathway was ruled out for the cis to trans epimerization of 1,2,3-trisubstituted 1,2,3,4-tetrahydro
148                In an attempt to suppress the epimerization of 2 without losing activity against the H
149                     The fourth step involves epimerization of 5-keto-l-gluconate to d-tagaturonate by
150                       The background rate of epimerization of 8a was reduced from 10 to 1% and hydrol
151 a prochiral bis-hydroxymethyl group with the epimerization of a chiral furanyl ether in a single tran
152                In this study we followed the epimerization of a chiral Grignard reagent, prepared by
153           The key synthetic steps involve an epimerization of a cis-5-oxodecahydroquinoline to the co
154 f sodium tetraborate catalyses the selective epimerization of aldoses in aqueous media.
155 g sulfations of distinct hydroxyl groups and epimerization of an asymmetric carbon atom.
156                    This method relies on the epimerization of an NHC-enol intermediate before subsequ
157 r example, isomerization of aspartic acid or epimerization of any chiral residue within a peptide do
158     These epimerases are responsible for the epimerization of beta-D-mannuronic acid (M) to alpha-L-g
159          The key step of this approach is an epimerization of C5 by an elimination-addition sequence
160                        In all cases studied, epimerization of chlorophosphonium chlorides has a lower
161 rtaken to shed light on the mechanism of the epimerization of cis-1,2,3-trisubstituted tetrahydro-bet
162     One of the modification reactions is the epimerization of D-glucuronic acid to its C5-epimer L-id
163 00294, a previously orphan EC number; and 3) epimerization of d-tagatose 6-phosphate C-4 to d-fructos
164 get DprE1, an oxidoreductase involved in the epimerization of decaprenyl-phosphoribose (DPR) to decap
165 itional step appears to be necessary for the epimerization of DHMP to DHNP.
166       The E. coli FolB protein also mediates epimerization of DHN to 7,8-dihydromonapterin.
167 hydroxymethyl-7,8-dihydropterin (HP) and the epimerization of DHNP to 7,8-dihydromonopterin (DHMP).
168 hese AEGIS components, verify the absence of epimerization of dZ in those oligonucleotides, and repor
169                                              Epimerization of epiaristolochen-3-one (27a) at the C4 m
170  is a bifunctional enzyme catalyzing the C-5 epimerization of GDP-4-keto-3,6-dideoxy-D-mannose and th
171 f sulfate to GalNAc occurs immediately after epimerization of GlcUA to IdoUA.
172 Ac-4-O-sulfotransferase and occurs following epimerization of GlcUA to IdoUA.
173 glucuronyl C5-epimerase (Hsepi) catalyzes C5-epimerization of glucuronic acid (GlcA), converting it t
174 lfation at N-acetylgalactosamine may precede epimerization of glucuronic acid to iduronic acid during
175 htly controlled, cell-specific sulfation and epimerization of HS precursors endows these chains with
176  trapped by halide and can also catalyze the epimerization of kinetic diastereomer product to thermod
177 ase catalyzes the activation, thiolation and epimerization of L-phenylalanine (L-Phe), the first amin
178                                          The epimerization of l-talarate to galactarate that competes
179 dition reaction intermediate involved in the epimerization of lobeline is described.
180 pairs have been discovered to catalyze rapid epimerization of meso-lactide (LA) or LA diastereomers q
181 eparation artifacts caused by base-catalyzed epimerization of N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) at the red
182                                              Epimerization of O4 afforded the galactosamine derivativ
183  epimerases, although they also catalyze the epimerization of other dipeptides.
184         We illustrate that isomerization and epimerization of peptides can be identified in this fash
185  in vivo via the IsoP pathway, presumably by epimerization of racemic 15-E2t-IsoP and 15-D2c-IsoP, re
186                The reactions proceed without epimerization of stereogenic centers in the peptide chai
187 s evidence for a mechanism for photochemical epimerization of sulfoxides that does not involve homoly
188 ion in the hexuronic acid catabolic pathway, epimerization of tagaturonate to fructuronate.
189 n was stereochemically scrambled, leading to epimerization of the (5'S)-[5'-(2)H(1)]- and (5'R)-[5'-(
190 rotein (ACP) substrates and in certain cases epimerization of the 2-methyl group as well.
191                                              Epimerization of the 7'a bridgehead carbon under acidic
192  presence of RhCl(3) is achieved without any epimerization of the acid/base labile stereogenic center
193                            A stereoselective epimerization of the aldehyde-containing stereocenter wa
194                                        alpha-Epimerization of the alkaloid ketones resulted in format
195 ylaminopyridine (DMAP), may induce undesired epimerization of the alpha-carbon atom in polyesters res
196 ubstitution was demonstrated in principle by epimerization of the alpha-diastereomer and kinetic dias
197 he-Cys-OMe model tripeptide revealed minimal epimerization of the C-terminal cysteine residue under b
198 ro molecule through controlled oxidation and epimerization of the C13 spirocenter under mild acidic c
199                           RmlC catalyzes the epimerization of the C3' and C5' positions of dTDP-6-deo
200  synthesized and employed to investigate how epimerization of the citric acid moiety or imide formati
201                                              Epimerization of the citric acid stereocenter perturbed
202 rates of nucleophilic attack to the rates of epimerization of the diastereomeric allyliridium complex
203                        Facile metal-centered epimerization of the dormant species is responsible for
204                                              Epimerization of the ester center followed by saponifica
205 uperfamily were identified that catalyze the epimerization of the glutamate residue in L-Ala-D/L-Glu.
206                  In particular, the rates of epimerization of the L-aminoacyl-S-enzyme to the D-amino
207                                 The rates of epimerization of the less thermodynamically stable diast
208 rized (S,S)-lactide to isotactic PLA without epimerization of the monomer, rac-lactide to heterotacti
209                                              Epimerization of the N-acetyl-glucosamine residues to N-
210                                   The unique epimerization of the P-chiral center of the undesired (R
211 emely facile, atom-economical method for the epimerization of the product mixture to the trans isomer
212 The synthesis is highly stereoselective when epimerization of the pyrroline ring beta-carbons is poss
213                                              Epimerization of the recovered lactol acetate (alpha-3)
214 al, epoxidation followed by cyclization, and epimerization of the ring fusion.
215  with various silylated nucleophiles without epimerization of the stereogenic center, giving access t
216 er by N- and O-sulfation, N-acetylation, and epimerization of the uronic acid.
217 high heterogeneity of modifications, and the epimerization of the uronic acids.
218  acid due to poor solubility and/or to avoid epimerization of this residue.
219 zed enzyme of unknown function (PDB 2PMQ), 2-epimerization of trans-4-hydroxy-L-proline betaine (tHyp
220 ains catalyze the biosynthetically essential epimerization of transient (2R)-2-methyl-3-ketoacyl-ACP
221  from 3b, as a result of EryKR3(0)-catalyzed epimerization of transiently generated [2-(2)H]-2-methyl
222 lated to proceed with or without consecutive epimerization of two alpha-carbanions.
223  UDP-GlcA 4-epimerase (UGlcAE) catalyzes the epimerization of UDP-alpha-D-glucuronic acid (UDP-GlcA)
224 f this sugar, is known to be formed by the 4-epimerization of UDP-D-glucuronate; however, no coding r
225 ia pastoris indicate that it catalyzes the 4-epimerization of UDP-D-Xyl to UDP-L-Ara, the nucleotide
226 aterial because of a partial defect in the 4-epimerization of UDP-D-Xyl to UDP-L-Ara.
227      The steady-state kinetic parameters for epimerization of UDP-galactose by UDP-galactose 4-epimer
228                                              Epimerization of UDP-galactose-C-d(7) by S124A-GalE proc
229    The deuterium kinetic isotope effects for epimerization of UDP-galactose-C-d(7) by these enzymes h
230                                              Epimerization of UDP-galactose-C-d(7) by Y149F-GalE proc
231  that Gne is slightly more efficient for the epimerization of UDP-GalNAc and UDP-Gal.
232 GlcNAc inhibits CS synthesis by inhibiting 4-epimerization of UDP-GlcNAc to UDP-GalNAc, thereby deple
233        The MMP0705 protein catalyzed the C-2 epimerization of UDP-GlcNAc, and the MMP0706 protein use
234 osynthesis of UDP-Arap mainly occurs via the epimerization of UDP-xylose (UDP-Xyl) in the Golgi lumen
235 the four possible products occurs due to the epimerization of unreactive intermediates from the other
236          A novel ruthenium carbene-catalyzed epimerization of vinylcyclopropanes is reported.
237                              Evidence for C3 epimerization of Weinreb amide structures via a nonbasic
238 , including sulfations of sugar residues and epimerizations of their glucuronic acid moieties.
239  antibody does not, however, catalyze either epimerization or hydrolysis.
240 datory deaggregation (or aggregation) on the epimerization path.
241 n, chain length, sulfation, acetylation, and epimerization patterns.
242 re concerned, their relatively rapid rate of epimerization precluded this.
243 er would require ANR but not LCR and that an epimerization process is involved.
244                    The understanding of this epimerization process is of importance when Pictet-Speng
245 osed to operate as a racemase, aiding in the epimerization process that reverses the orientation of t
246                      To learn more about the epimerization process, the structure of the C2-type KR f
247 tep in the carbocation-mediated cis to trans epimerization process.
248                             Racemization and epimerization processes are often observed for the title
249 c amounts of Sn-Beta yields near-equilibrium epimerization product distributions.
250 rried out the aldol cleavage reaction on the epimerization product, 7,8-dihydromonapterin, as well as
251      Five dimeric and two trimeric potential epimerization products were detected and the extent of e
252 alyzed by the conjugate acid of His 328) and epimerization (protonation on C2 by the conjugate acid o
253 mer (>10:1, 76%) without problematic C(2)(3) epimerization provided the basicity of the reaction is m
254                                              Epimerization rate constants k(tc) were determined at 19
255 oluene reveals an estimated ordering in site epimerization rates as 5 > 4 > 2 > 3 > 6, while product
256 ose 5-phosphate differ sufficiently that the epimerization reaction can be followed at 300 nm.
257                                          The epimerization reaction catalyzed by a member of PF08013
258                                    Since the epimerization reaction had been shown to be sensitive to
259                     In addition, an atypical epimerization reaction is described.
260 strate the essential role of Lys(66) for the epimerization reaction with participation of neighboring
261 enium(VII) oxide, the Mitsunobu-type alcohol epimerization reaction, and the Williamson etherificatio
262 sidue form as transient intermediates in the epimerization reaction.
263 first report of a flavoprotein catalyzing an epimerization reaction.
264 xes along with mechanistic insights into the epimerization reactions and their applications in cataly
265  (+)-epicatechin and (-)-catechin due to the epimerization reactions produced in chocolate manufactur
266 ic studies, we demonstrate that the enhanced epimerization relative to nonglycosylated amino acids is
267 rity enabled by A(1,3)-strain rendering slow epimerization relative to the rate of bis-cyclization.
268 owever, the physiological significance of C5-epimerization remains elusive.
269                                     In fact, epimerization resulted in up to 80% of the non-natural e
270 e nitrile undergoes a kinetically controlled epimerization/ saponification to afford the pure trans-p
271 rates of undesirable transesterification and epimerization side reactions at high conversion in the c
272 olymerization without transesterification or epimerization side reactions.
273 us SnoN (38% sequence identity) catalyzes an epimerization step at the adjacent C4'' carbon, most lik
274 nthetic route relying on a key base-promoted epimerization step to synthesize two series of activity-
275              Reported herein is a convenient epimerization strategy that provides direct access to a
276                 RiboZ is more stable against epimerization than its 2'-deoxyribo analogue.
277  a general method of performing carbohydrate epimerizations that surmounts the main disadvantages of
278 o understand the molecular basis of alginate epimerization, the structure of Pseudomonas syringae Alg
279   The conversion of 9 into 11 involves first epimerization to 5-epi-valiolone (10), which is efficien
280  period of 30-90 days, it underwent complete epimerization to exclusively deliver the desired natural
281 on of l-talarate is accompanied by competing epimerization to galactarate; little epimerization to l-
282  O-acetate (S)-7 could be hydrolyzed without epimerization to give (S)-benzoin (S)-1 under alkaline c
283 mpeting epimerization to galactarate; little epimerization to l-talarate is observed in the dehydrati
284 in buffered solutions in vitro and undergoes epimerization to PGE2.
285 is-3-hydroxy-l-proline (c3LHyp), competing 2-epimerization to trans-3-hydroxy-d-proline (1,1-proton t
286 domains (e.g., methylation, cyclization, and epimerization) to increase the complexity of the mature
287 ster Phe1-S-TycA intermediate, the timing of epimerization versus peptide bond condensation at intern
288             Observation of quaternary carbon epimerization via a retro-Mannich/Mannich sequence highl
289 ative to reaction at 0.12 M Et2O in toluene, epimerization was 26-, 800-, and 1300-fold faster in Et2
290 ssion of undesirable transesterification and epimerization was achieved even with sterically unhinder
291 the 1,N2-dG cyclic adduct although transient epimerization was detected by trapping with the peptide
292                        The energy barrier of epimerization was measured, suggesting that no intramole
293           The mechanism of the acid-promoted epimerization was studied in detail.
294 arying in sulfation patterns and uronic acid epimerization were analyzed by chemical derivatization a
295                          The origins of this epimerization were determined, then the study was focuse
296                 Proton abstraction and sugar epimerization were irreversible.
297 used, thereby establishing that methyl group epimerization, when it does occur, takes place after ket
298 l monomers to trimers, with special focus on epimerization, which was quantified for procyanidin dime
299  evolution approach that combines side-chain epimerization with backbone flexibility, we recapitulate
300                               Observation of epimerization with mutated RTPR proves that transient cl

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