


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ram, suggesting new avenues for treatment of epithelial cancer.
2 mates of chromosome material lost in a human epithelial cancer.
3 iating event in the malignant progression of epithelial cancer.
4 n factor for poor prognosis in human ovarian epithelial cancer.
5 nessed to mediate regression of a metastatic epithelial cancer.
6 deformities of hands and feet and aggressive epithelial cancers.
7 at predisposes to breast, thyroid, and other epithelial cancers.
8 quently up-regulated in myeloid leukemia and epithelial cancers.
9 n important mechanism in the pathogenesis of epithelial cancers.
10 ortant implications for our understanding of epithelial cancers.
11 t for both prevention and therapy of several epithelial cancers.
12  as being important for some mouse and human epithelial cancers.
13 ithelial cells and is frequently silenced in epithelial cancers.
14 carcinoma antibody capable of targeting most epithelial cancers.
15  the biology of primary human SCCa and other epithelial cancers.
16 itor-like cells and is overexpressed in many epithelial cancers.
17 adhesion molecules, as a potential target in epithelial cancers.
18 are greatly overexpressed in mouse and human epithelial cancers.
19 ncers comprise the most common type of human epithelial cancers.
20 erentiation and contribute to EBV-associated epithelial cancers.
21 known as matriptase, is often upregulated in epithelial cancers.
22 e the etiologic agents of cervical and other epithelial cancers.
23 ace ligand implicated in the pathogenesis of epithelial cancers.
24 ed carbohydrate-dependent lung metastasis of epithelial cancers.
25 netic pathways in genetically complex common epithelial cancers.
26 is now being applied to patients with common epithelial cancers.
27 with reduced patient survival across various epithelial cancers.
28 letal dynamics, is commonly deleted in human epithelial cancers.
29 ating serine/threonine kinases implicated in epithelial cancers.
30 ure of the underlying genetic basis of human epithelial cancers.
31 ular, as well as hepatic metastases of other epithelial cancers.
32 tic effects against ovarian and other lethal epithelial cancers.
33 ce variants have been previously reported in epithelial cancers.
34 ontributing to the pathogenesis of malignant epithelial cancers.
35 i are candidates for susceptibility to other epithelial cancers.
36 clinical success in the treatment of diverse epithelial cancers.
37 hrough unknown mechanisms in a wide range of epithelial cancers.
38 rategies for the treatment of skin and other epithelial cancers.
39 tial alterations in the development of human epithelial cancers.
40 ancer susceptibility factor for a variety of epithelial cancers.
41 stinal hamartomas and increased incidence of epithelial cancers.
42 nase for possible broad application to treat epithelial cancers.
43 nts a potential therapeutic target for human epithelial cancers.
44 uppressor and a tumor promoter in many solid epithelial cancers.
45 the pathogenesis of several murine and human epithelial cancers.
46 ssary for the development and progression of epithelial cancers.
47 ) is a critical mediator of several types of epithelial cancers.
48 ance and/or progression of hematopoietic and epithelial cancers.
49 ark of diseases ranging from inflammation to epithelial cancers.
50 c tumors are insufficient in the more common epithelial cancers.
51 einase that promotes invasiveness of certain epithelial cancers.
52  could contribute to invasive progression in epithelial cancers.
53 ly of small G proteins, in aggressiveness of epithelial cancers.
54 ctivation of tumor suppressor genes in human epithelial cancers.
55  for Stat5genes (Stat5a and Stat5b) in human epithelial cancers.
56 rs with wtp53 genes as well as in breast and epithelial cancers.
57 ve the prevention, detection, and therapy of epithelial cancers.
58 ption of the tumour suppressor E-cadherin in epithelial cancers.
59 tly amplified and rearranged in 15% of human epithelial cancers.
60 f Rb in the mouse has so far failed to yield epithelial cancers.
61 sponse against mutations expressed by common epithelial cancers.
62 apy and extending it toward the treatment of epithelial cancers.
63  the reach of ACT to the treatment of common epithelial cancers.
64 powerful prognostic measure across different epithelial cancers.
65 4 dependence was not found to be critical in epithelial cancers.
66 rovide a novel target to limit the spread of epithelial cancers.
67 sposition events have been shown to occur in epithelial cancers.
68 c driver of lymphocyte mimicry in metastatic epithelial cancers.
69 g of the extracellular matrix occurs in many epithelial cancers.
70 peripheral blood of patients with cancer for epithelial cancers.
71 ant expression of O-glycans is a hallmark of epithelial cancers.
72 mount a mutation-specific T cell response to epithelial cancers.
73 the invasive and metastatic behavior of many epithelial cancers.
74 pithelial cells but is overexpressed in many epithelial cancers.
75 esting that ZMIZ1 may play a broader role in epithelial cancers.
76 mal region is a common genetic event in many epithelial cancers.
77  recognized as one of the major hallmarks of epithelial cancers.
78 alin family, is up-regulated in a variety of epithelial cancers.
79  a non-receptor tyrosine kinase expressed in epithelial cancers.
80 by inducing invasion and metastasis of human epithelial cancers.
81 -type 12-LOX in prostate cancer PC3 cells or epithelial cancer A431 cells significantly extended thei
82 as practical implications for the therapy of epithelial cancer and gene/drug delivery to normal epith
83  matriptase is a consistent feature of human epithelial cancers and correlates with poor disease outc
84 tein alpha (FAPalpha) is highly expressed in epithelial cancers and has been implicated in extracellu
85         Delta Np63 alpha is overexpressed in epithelial cancers and has been shown to have oncogenic
86                  Slx4-deficient mice develop epithelial cancers and have a contracted hematopoietic s
87 tly expressed in EBV-associated lymphoid and epithelial cancers and have complex effects on cell sign
88 e kinase that is overexpressed in many human epithelial cancers and is a potential target for antican
89 d in stromal fibroblasts in more than 90% of epithelial cancers and is associated with tumor progress
90 e 3 beta (GSK3beta) is highly inactivated in epithelial cancers and is known to inhibit tumor migrati
91  factor receptor is frequently implicated in epithelial cancers and is, therefore, being considered a
92 genase (COX), COX-2, is up-regulated in many epithelial cancers and its prostaglandin products increa
93  expression of miR-125b is known to occur in epithelial cancers and many target mRNAs for this miR ha
94 e most prevalent glycolipid in a majority of epithelial cancers and one that acts as an immune checkp
95 , EphB4 is expressed in the vast majority of epithelial cancers and provides a survival advantage to
96 rkedly induced in a variety of primary human epithelial cancers and renders cancer cells resistant to
97 ranscription 3 (STAT3) is altered in several epithelial cancers and represents a potential therapeuti
98 is the most commonly dysregulated pathway in epithelial cancers and represents an important target fo
99 ment, organism survival, and in cancer, both epithelial cancers and sarcomas.
100 autofluorescent phenotype in CSCs of diverse epithelial cancers and used this marker to isolate and c
101 ated on 20q12, which is amplified in several epithelial cancers and well studied in breast cancer.
102 unction at the centrosome is associated with epithelial cancers and with invasive behavior in tumor c
103                     Thus, Ras induces ARC in epithelial cancers, and ARC plays a role in the oncogeni
104 ell populations, is overexpressed in several epithelial cancers, and can negatively regulate apoptosi
105 pressed in a significant proportion of human epithelial cancers, and experimental overexpression of c
106 pression in DLBCL is similar to that seen in epithelial cancers, and low-grade non-Hodgkin B-cell lym
107 rt arm of chromosome 8 is frequently lost in epithelial cancers, and NRG1 is the most centromeric gen
108                             Cell surfaces of epithelial cancer are covered by complex carbohydrates,
109      Chromosome translocations in the common epithelial cancers are abundant, yet little is known abo
110                                              Epithelial cancers are associated not only with changes
111                                              Epithelial cancers are believed to originate from transf
112                                   Many human epithelial cancers are characterized by abnormal activat
113                                         Some epithelial cancers are known to occur in transitional zo
114                                              Epithelial cancers are the most common malignancies and
115 s of highly lethal and poorly differentiated epithelial cancers arising mainly in human midline organ
116 t p130 or p107 cooperate with Rb to suppress epithelial cancers associated with p16 loss is currently
117  (CT) antigen, CT45, is expressed in various epithelial cancers at a frequency of <5% to approximatel
118 o new functions of CD98hc that contribute to epithelial cancer beyond an intrinsic effect of CD98hc o
119 uroendocrine lung tumors as well as 85 other epithelial cancers (breast, bladder, prostate, and color
120 dantly expressed on most if not all types of epithelial cancers but not in normal tissues except inte
121 cient to mediate p53 tumor suppression in an epithelial cancer, but not in this model of soft tissue
122 mber of solid tumors, including a variety of epithelial cancers, but has not been described in hemato
123 s of polarity correlates with progression of epithelial cancers, but how plasma membrane misorganizat
124 ssed and/or constitutively active in several epithelial cancers, but its role in pancreatic cancer is
125                           BACKGROUND & AIMS: Epithelial cancers can be initiated by activating mutati
126                  These findings suggest that epithelial cancers can originate from marrow-derived sou
127 RCP overexpression, which is common in human epithelial cancers, causes oncogenic transformation of h
128  recently reported to have a pivotal role in epithelial cancer cell growth in culture and in xenograf
129 f telomerase has been identified in alveolar epithelial cancer cell line (A549).
130 ntrol normal lung cells (CCD-32Lu); alveolar epithelial cancer cell line (A549); large cell carcinoma
131 ected NF-kappaB activation in the intestinal epithelial cancer cell line HT-29, which has been docume
132 fluence adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) spread in an epithelial cancer cell line.
133 at is active against a panel of hard-to-kill epithelial cancer cell lines (including triple-negative
134              Consistent with these findings, epithelial cancer cell lines expressing higher E-cadheri
135 the high levels of BAG3 protein seen in some epithelial cancer cell lines may be relevant to mechanis
136 G3 protein is highly expressed in many human epithelial cancer cell lines, especially adenocarcinomas
137 increases its expression in multiple ovarian epithelial cancer cell lines.
138 ent also reduces the percentage of the total epithelial cancer cell population staining CD44-positive
139  is essential for communication between many epithelial cancer cell types and the tumor microenvironm
140                           Here, we show that epithelial cancer cells (A431, DLD-1) adopt mesenchymal
141 e method is verified by using primary breast epithelial cancer cells (MCF-7) at passage 4.
142  our platform, we demonstrate a coculture of epithelial cancer cells and endothelial cells.
143 ivered with streptolysin O into living human epithelial cancer cells and primary chicken fibroblasts,
144 mulation, is theorized to take place between epithelial cancer cells and surrounding non-neoplastic s
145 strated that stromal fibroblasts adjacent to epithelial cancer cells are senescent in human ovarian c
146 18 expression can influence the phenotype of epithelial cancer cells at a transcriptional level and s
147 latin-sensitive and -resistant human ovarian epithelial cancer cells by inhibition of PI3K/AKT and su
148                        Ad-E1A12 infection of epithelial cancer cells displayed dramatic detachment an
149                                   Aggressive epithelial cancer cells frequently adopt mesenchymal cha
150                     The metastatic spread of epithelial cancer cells from the primary tumor to distan
151 to an unexpected transcriptome plasticity of epithelial cancer cells in bone marrow and question comm
152      Interestingly, long-term-cultured human epithelial cancer cells in clonal cultures also form hol
153 o-mesenchymal transition and stemness of the epithelial cancer cells in vivo.
154             Enforced expression of HOTAIR in epithelial cancer cells induced genome-wide re-targeting
155                       Elevated Src kinase in epithelial cancer cells induces adhesion changes that ar
156 lasts cultured with cytotoxic drugs and dead epithelial cancer cells isolated from peripheral blood o
157 MUC1 is typically aberrantly glycosylated by epithelial cancer cells manifested by truncated O-linked
158         Similarly to healthy cells, prostate epithelial cancer cells produce extracellular vesicles (
159 f either FGFR2-IIIb or FGFR2-IIIc in thyroid epithelial cancer cells reduced expression of fibronecti
160                                        Thus, epithelial cancer cells rely on the canonical PI3K-AKT s
161 n tumor-infiltrating hematopoietic cells and epithelial cancer cells results in their fusion.
162                             Here, we tracked epithelial cancer cells that underwent inducible or spon
163 natural compound that activates apoptosis of epithelial cancer cells through activation of tumor necr
164 hibitors, can upregulate immune signaling in epithelial cancer cells through demethylation of endogen
165                         This process enables epithelial cancer cells to acquire mobility and traits a
166        However, the molecular signal used by epithelial cancer cells to reprogram normal stroma to a
167                                              Epithelial cancer cells upon Ad-E1A12-induced detachment
168 ived cells, and hFX-enhanced transduction in epithelial cancer cells were dependent on HSPGs.
169                               Fifty thousand epithelial cancer cells were injected into the cleared f
170 ed intratumor heterogeneous expression among epithelial cancer cells were selected for cell sorting a
171 able to trigger opening of junctions between epithelial cancer cells which, in turn, greatly improved
172 ion of ovarian cancer cell lines and primary epithelial cancer cells with TNF-alpha resulted in incre
173 sed collective migration and invasiveness of epithelial cancer cells without modulating EMT markers.
174 d AKT1 phosphorylation was PI3K-dependent in epithelial cancer cells, and mTOR-dependent in mesenchym
175 im may function as a prosurvival molecule in epithelial cancer cells, and phosphorylation and associa
176 ed DNA damage elicits genomic instability in epithelial cancer cells, but apoptosis is blocked throug
177 xpression of EAPII inhibits the migration of epithelial cancer cells, but does not affect cell viabil
178 he nucleus and the leading edge of migrating epithelial cancer cells, correlates with faster migratio
179                            In murine mammary epithelial cancer cells, galectin-3 binding to beta1,6-a
180 lastic transformation and invasive growth of epithelial cancer cells, our study on the role of EMMPRI
181    The DeltaNp63-HK2 axis is also present in epithelial cancer cells, suggesting that DeltaNp63 could
182 , we discuss the functional role of Cav-1 in epithelial cancer cells.
183 anglioside in cell-cell junctions of mammary epithelial cancer cells.
184 on of migratory and invasive capabilities by epithelial cancer cells.
185 CTCs have focused mainly on the detection of epithelial cancer cells.
186 njured tissues, and initiating metastasis of epithelial cancer cells.
187 neities and tumorigenic hierarchies in human epithelial cancer cells.
188 d encourages normal ductal growth of grafted epithelial cancer cells.
189 intracellular signaling and DSG2 shedding in epithelial cancer cells.
190 the first to report the presence of a hemato-epithelial cancer compartment, which contributes to stem
191      The karyotypic chaos exhibited by human epithelial cancers complicates efforts to identify mutat
192 ber, p73, is frequently deregulated in human epithelial cancers, correlating with tumor invasiveness,
193  suggests in ovarian cancer, unlike in other epithelial cancers, COX-2 expression does not contribute
194                                         Many epithelial cancers develop proximally to microbial commu
195 iven the importance of replication stress in epithelial cancer development and of an HR defect in bre
196 tively inactivated at the earliest stages of epithelial cancer development.
197 ates key events in keratinocyte function and epithelial cancer development.
198 arimetric endoscope include wide field early epithelial cancer diagnosis, surgical margin detection a
199                                       In non-epithelial cancers, different mechanisms must underlie m
200 -based targeting of FGFR3 in hematologic and epithelial cancers driven by WT or mutant FGFR3.
201  to platin drugs are greatly needed in human epithelial cancers (e.g., ovarian, head/neck, and lung)
202                        In prostate and other epithelial cancers, E-cadherin (CDH1) is downregulated i
203  an event associated with the progression of epithelial cancers, entosis--along with apoptosis--may c
204  profile 500 cell lines derived from diverse epithelial cancers for sensitivity to 14 kinase inhibito
205 both a colon cancer and a second independent epithelial cancer had developed.
206                         However, its role in epithelial cancers has not been extensively investigated
207 cal cancer, as well as a proportion of other epithelial cancers, has led to development of three FDA-
208 of the fallopian tube, suggesting that these epithelial cancers have a mesenchymal origin.
209 tumor activity of rhApo2L/TRAIL in models of epithelial cancers; however, efficacy in non-Hodgkin lym
210 hat inflammation leads to the development of epithelial cancers; however, studies on inflammation-tar
211 POZ-domain genes in the development of human epithelial cancers, i.e., carcinomas.
212 d urothelial carcinoma is the most prevalent epithelial cancer in long-term survivors of hereditary r
213 ggested to contribute to the reduced risk of epithelial cancers in adults with DS, leading to the pos
214 y lymphocytes in prevention and treatment of epithelial cancers in humans.
215 aneuploid, heterogeneous, and transplantable epithelial cancers in mice.
216 have shown robust antitumor activity against epithelial cancers in vitro but not in the clinic becaus
217 trointestinal tract and skin, and in several epithelial cancers including carcinomas of the breast an
218 actor-beta (TGF-beta) is a common feature of epithelial cancers including esophageal cancer.
219 ssion of C/EBPalpha occurs in numerous human epithelial cancers including lung, liver, endometrial, s
220 n, as well as copy-number losses in multiple epithelial cancers, including breast cancer, DEAR1 has c
221  in the treatment of many of the most common epithelial cancers, including breast cancer.
222  gene desert contains risk loci for multiple epithelial cancers, including colon, breast, and prostat
223 pathway, Hh ligands expressed by a subset of epithelial cancers, including colon, pancreatic, and ova
224 malities of prenatal development and several epithelial cancers, including hepatocellular carcinoma (
225 show upregulated ST6Gal-I protein in several epithelial cancers, including many colon carcinomas.
226 highly prevalent herpesvirus associated with epithelial cancers, including nasopharyngeal carcinoma (
227  rare gene fusions may occur in other common epithelial cancers, including prostate cancer.
228           PKCepsilon is up-regulated in most epithelial cancers, including prostate, breast, and lung
229 ccessfully for the prevention of a number of epithelial cancers, including skin squamous cell carcino
230  implicated in the development of many human epithelial cancers, including those of the stomach, lung
231 V infections are an important driver of many epithelial cancers, including those within the anogenita
232 s and may shed light on the role of SIRT1 in epithelial cancer induced by DNA damage.
233 signature from multiple transgenic models of epithelial cancers intrinsic to the functions of the Sim
234       However, its importance in spontaneous epithelial cancer is still poorly defined.
235 d its overexpression in myeloid leukemia and epithelial cancers is associated with poor patient survi
236  is estimated that the etiology of 20-30% of epithelial cancers is directly associated with inflammat
237 ia, because the degree of differentiation in epithelial cancers is inversely correlated with prognosi
238 ng the role of TGFbeta in the progression of epithelial cancers is the elucidation of the mechanisms
239 ne neoplasias; however, its role in sporadic epithelial cancers is unknown.
240 overexpressed and aberrantly glycosylated in epithelial cancer, is a natural ligand for galectin-3.
241 nhance T(R)-cell potency and protect against epithelial cancers later in life, potentially explaining
242       In the vast majority of cases, in situ epithelial cancer lesions do not progress into malignanc
243 ed for prediction and diagnosis of precursor epithelial cancer lesions.
244 pled receptor (GPCR), is induced in multiple epithelial cancer lineages.
245 r Bacillus Calmette-Guerin levels in mammary epithelial cancer MCF-7 cells.
246 s; none were captured from patients with non-epithelial cancer (n = 20) or healthy subjects (n = 25).
247 neral characteristic of "cells-of-origin" in epithelial cancers, namely their propensity for switch t
248                   EBV is associated with the epithelial cancer, nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC), and t
249 onal-like cells, which are distinct from the epithelial cancers observed in adults, and etiologically
250 y 85-90% of human cancers, including ovarian epithelial cancers (OCa), show high activity of telomera
251 of LMP tumors in the development of invasive epithelial cancer of the ovary is not clearly defined.
252 re histologically or cytologically confirmed epithelial cancer of the ovary, fallopian tube, or perit
253 st to accelerated cancer onset and increased epithelial cancers of late-generation mTerc-/- p53 mutan
254 ith that of normal kidney tissue and several epithelial cancers of nonrenal origin to weigh the contr
255 eck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) includes epithelial cancers of the oral and nasal cavity, larynx,
256  are closely related retroviruses that cause epithelial cancers of the respiratory tract in sheep and
257 king is the dominant risk factor for several epithelial cancers, only a small fraction of individuals
258 r transformation and metastatic potential of epithelial cancers, our findings support a tumor suppres
259 PKCvarepsilon is frequently overexpressed in epithelial cancers, particularly in lung cancer.
260 rowth factor receptor (EGFR) is prevalent in epithelial cancers, particularly in non-small cell lung
261 w method for studying CTC in mouse models of epithelial cancer, providing the foundation for studies
262 factor receptor (EGFR) is a hallmark of many epithelial cancers, rendering this receptor an attractiv
263 that are strikingly similar to the malignant epithelial cancer, squamous cell carcinoma.
264    Screens for agents that specifically kill epithelial cancer stem cells (CSCs) have not been possib
265  is unknown whether epithelial stem cells or epithelial cancer stem cells are able to undergo EMT, an
266                             Hence, targeting epithelial cancer stem cells with rapid tumorigenesis si
267 ssion-emerging as a widespread phenomenon in epithelial cancers such as bladder, pancreas, colon, and
268 gements may play an important role in common epithelial cancers such as breast cancer.
269 we show that LARP1 expression is elevated in epithelial cancers such as cervical and non-small cell l
270 arget because of its expression on different epithelial cancers, such as ovarian, non-small cell lung
271                                           In epithelial cancers, such as those of the breast, the epi
272 rder characterized by high lifetime risks of epithelial cancers, such that approximately 50% of affec
273 ot only in prostate cancer but also in other epithelial cancers that are associated with the 8q24 loc
274 ese features are particular hallmarks of the epithelial cancers that are some of the malignancies mos
275  amplification may thus identify a subset of epithelial cancers that are uniquely sensitive to disrup
276                 This is in contrast to other epithelial cancers that have up-regulated branching enzy
277                   This applies especially to epithelial cancer, the most common form of human solid t
278               In Epstein-Barr virus-infected epithelial cancers, the alternatively spliced BamHI A ri
279 Evi1 has recently been implicated in certain epithelial cancers, the effects of Evi1 on transformatio
280 helf' receptors targeting shared antigens on epithelial cancers, the leading cause of cancer-related
281  sufficiently on the cell surface in several epithelial cancers, thereby making it suitable for preta
282 n is a key factor driving metastasis in most epithelial cancers, this high-affinity TFD100 should be
283 t signalling in T cells leads to spontaneous epithelial cancers throughout the gastrointestinal tract
284 lular program involved in the progression of epithelial cancers to a metastatic stage.
285 tened expression of Trop2 is selected for in epithelial cancers to enhance the stem-like properties o
286 chanisms that allow some nongastrointestinal epithelial cancers to evade the growth inhibitory effect
287 2, a suppressor of breast, ovarian and other epithelial cancers, triggers instability in chromosome s
288 d cancer invasion and metastasis of multiple epithelial cancer types.
289 angiocarcinoma represents a diverse group of epithelial cancers united by late diagnosis and poor out
290  activity as a useful biomarker to visualize epithelial cancers using a noninvasive antibody-based me
291 in approximately half of several other major epithelial cancers, we provide evidence suggesting that
292 xpressing cells promoted significant mammary epithelial cancers when injected into nude mice, as comp
293 raploid cells gave rise to malignant mammary epithelial cancers when transplanted subcutaneously into
294  It is likely that this new BMDC paradigm of epithelial cancer will prove useful in future investigat
295  in early detection of GC and possibly other epithelial cancers with premalignant immune involvement.
296              FR is expressed on a variety of epithelial cancers, with advanced cancers often expressi
297 ion antigen that is highly expressed in many epithelial cancers, with limited expression in normal hu
298                                   In a human epithelial cancer xenograft model, Ad14P1 showed more ef
299 apten-peptide were assessed in several human epithelial cancer xenografts.
300 e Cripto is overexpressed in a wide range of epithelial cancers, yet little is known about potential

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