


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 inar lineage that has broad implications for epithelial morphogenesis.
2 chanisms that connect gene regulation and 3D epithelial morphogenesis.
3 gate the role of dynamin, a large GTPase, in epithelial morphogenesis.
4 on in convoluted (conv), a gene required for epithelial morphogenesis.
5  function of Nm23 family genes in regulating epithelial morphogenesis.
6 b[+/lox(ex3)] mice and studied its impact on epithelial morphogenesis.
7 key components of a signaling axis governing epithelial morphogenesis.
8 oughout a growing tissue is a key feature of epithelial morphogenesis.
9 ctural requirements of HS for FGF10-mediated epithelial morphogenesis.
10 mesenchymal TbetaRII caused abnormalities in epithelial morphogenesis.
11 isrupt TJ formation, actin organization, and epithelial morphogenesis.
12 ogical outcomes, including proliferation and epithelial morphogenesis.
13 n of Wrch-1 activity is necessary for normal epithelial morphogenesis.
14 is necessary to understand the regulation of epithelial morphogenesis.
15 nd responded with dramatic, albeit, aberrant epithelial morphogenesis.
16  stem cells recapitulate many aspects of gut epithelial morphogenesis.
17 ent of the Rho-signaling pathway involved in epithelial morphogenesis.
18 lator of the microtubule cytoskeleton during epithelial morphogenesis.
19 e ZIP subfamily called LIV-1, coincided with epithelial morphogenesis.
20 sues, suggesting general roles for espins in epithelial morphogenesis.
21 developmental stage of ciliary formation and epithelial morphogenesis.
22 ing that HNF4alpha is a central regulator of epithelial morphogenesis.
23 phosphatase Shp2 in directing embryonic lung epithelial morphogenesis.
24 d MMPs are essential downstream mediators of epithelial morphogenesis.
25 r, and genetic tools facilitate the study of epithelial morphogenesis.
26 omeodomain transcriptional regulator of lung epithelial morphogenesis.
27 ion to study the impact of ECM properties on epithelial morphogenesis.
28 1 is the first gene assigned to this task in epithelial morphogenesis.
29 ogic and pathological effects of activins on epithelial morphogenesis.
30 ent report suggests they also play a role in epithelial morphogenesis.
31  in epithelial basement membranes and affect epithelial morphogenesis.
32 x interaction is critical for HGF-stimulated epithelial morphogenesis.
33 rganspecific fibroblasts in the induction of epithelial morphogenesis.
34 elegans illustrates many common processes of epithelial morphogenesis.
35  an inductive effect of mesenchyme on thymic epithelial morphogenesis.
36 for studying genetic mechanisms that control epithelial morphogenesis.
37 ivo marker for cell shape and pattern during epithelial morphogenesis.
38 in organization and AJ protein levels during epithelial morphogenesis.
39 des an actin-associated protein important in epithelial morphogenesis.
40 ions, which promotes cell elongation, during epithelial morphogenesis.
41 rved mechanism driving rotational motions in epithelial morphogenesis.
42 e coordinated with apical-basal polarity and epithelial morphogenesis.
43 nown regulators of placental development and epithelial morphogenesis.
44 tive mechanism for cell rearrangement during epithelial morphogenesis.
45  of the most extensively studied examples of epithelial morphogenesis.
46 mouse that demonstrates extensive defects in epithelial morphogenesis.
47 a membrane remodeling required for mammalian epithelial morphogenesis.
48 xpression at the neuromuscular junction, and epithelial morphogenesis.
49 regulation of paracellular permeability, and epithelial morphogenesis.
50 ved in the control of ezrin localization and epithelial morphogenesis.
51 s, triggering crypt apoptosis and disrupting epithelial morphogenesis.
52 l orientation and lumen initiation during 3D epithelial morphogenesis.
53 e relevant both to cellular organization and epithelial morphogenesis.
54 ane protein that promotes cell migration and epithelial morphogenesis.
55  role for integrin alpha5beta1 in regulating epithelial morphogenesis.
56 he trans-epithelial barrier and to disturbed epithelial morphogenesis.
57  expression of BMP-2 and BM during embryonic epithelial morphogenesis.
58 ions including microtubule stabilization and epithelial morphogenesis.
59 ic cell division, directional migration, and epithelial morphogenesis.
60 ctivity as a critical regulator of prostatic epithelial morphogenesis.
61 ng cell polarity and is indispensable during epithelial morphogenesis.
62 nd regulate a set of common enhancers during epithelial morphogenesis.
63 ave specific and mutually exclusive roles in epithelial morphogenesis.
64 ggered by cell-BM interactions essential for epithelial morphogenesis.
65  orientation are thought to be important for epithelial morphogenesis.
66 dle orientation determinants is critical for epithelial morphogenesis.
67 mutant phenotypes, both in axon guidance and epithelial morphogenesis.
68 nts that drive gut lengthening and digestive epithelial morphogenesis.
69 lectively generate tissue-level force during epithelial morphogenesis.
70 ontrol a number of cellular processes during epithelial morphogenesis.
71 ividual cell shape changes are essential for epithelial morphogenesis.
72 elium resulted in severe defects in cochlear epithelial morphogenesis.
73 ecycling and actomyosin contractility during epithelial morphogenesis.
74                                       During epithelial morphogenesis, a complex comprising the betaP
75 not affect junction formation but did affect epithelial morphogenesis and brush border formation.
76                   The study of normal breast epithelial morphogenesis and carcinogenesis in vivo has
77 tic illustration of this integration between epithelial morphogenesis and cell proliferation is inter
78  of either factor alone during the period of epithelial morphogenesis and cytodifferentiation fails t
79 perimental model allows for studies of human epithelial morphogenesis and differentiation in vivo and
80 ct roles for multiple signalling pathways in epithelial morphogenesis and differentiation of fundic c
81 testinal epithelium would disrupt intestinal epithelial morphogenesis and function.
82 oles in actin cytoskeletal regulation during epithelial morphogenesis and hair cell differentiation.
83 apical basal cell polarity are essential for epithelial morphogenesis and have been studied extensive
84 lluminate matrix-derived cues that influence epithelial morphogenesis and highlight the potential uti
85  that E-cadherin is essential for intestinal epithelial morphogenesis and homeostasis during embryoni
86 ther spindle orientation is indeed linked to epithelial morphogenesis and how it is controlled at the
87 nce of mammary epithelial cell fate, trigger epithelial morphogenesis and induce the overlying epider
88    RhoA, a small GTPase, is known to control epithelial morphogenesis and integrity through its abili
89        We conclude that JNK is necessary for epithelial morphogenesis and is an essential regulator o
90 s and their associated glycosaminoglycans in epithelial morphogenesis and patterning during C. elegan
91 During mammalian development, PTK7 regulates epithelial morphogenesis and planar cell polarity (PCP)
92 ur data indicate that Crumbs3 is crucial for epithelial morphogenesis and plays a role in linking the
93  epidermal growth factor receptor, increased epithelial morphogenesis and proliferation of the kerati
94 nx2) regulates cell signaling during mammary epithelial morphogenesis and promotes invasion; therefor
95 d provide new insights into its functions in epithelial morphogenesis and regulating intercellular si
96 o analyze MT function and dynamics during 3D epithelial morphogenesis and remodeling of polarized Mad
97                                              Epithelial morphogenesis and stability are essential for
98 ta-catenin pathway is involved in modulating epithelial morphogenesis and that increased beta-catenin
99 enotype' indicates that MMPs are involved in epithelial morphogenesis and the migration of myoblasts
100 ns junctions is thereby essential for normal epithelial morphogenesis and tolerance of physiological
101 nhibition with SU5402 at 32 h blocked dental epithelial morphogenesis and tooth mineralization.
102 icroenvironmental pro-oncogenic regulator of epithelial morphogenesis and tumorigenesis.
103  embryogenesis provides a valuable model for epithelial morphogenesis and wound healing.
104  Bves/pop1a proteins play a critical role in epithelial morphogenesis and, specifically, in the cell
105  claudins have been shown to be required for epithelial morphogenesis, and knockdown of Rab14 results
106 lar polarity with tissue architecture during epithelial morphogenesis are poorly understood.
107 e mechanophysical properties associated with epithelial morphogenesis are poorly understood.
108 ream consequences of MT stabilization during epithelial morphogenesis are still unclear.
109 ose required for cell migration, division or epithelial morphogenesis, are largely controlled by chan
110 ell-adhesive ligand significantly influenced epithelial morphogenesis as manifest by differences in t
111 dc42 regulates polarization processes during epithelial morphogenesis, astrocyte migration, and axon
112 uired to establish cellular asymmetry during epithelial morphogenesis, asymmetric cell division and d
113  activity to the regulation of cell shape in epithelial morphogenesis at different developmental stag
114 en the processes of proliferative growth and epithelial morphogenesis, both of which play out at the
115 ssential step in cavitation during embryonic epithelial morphogenesis, but its mechanisms are largely
116 the first gene that has been shown to affect epithelial morphogenesis by controlling cell rearrangeme
117 ession of Ngal can play a regulatory role in epithelial morphogenesis by promoting the organization o
118                              Some aspects of epithelial morphogenesis can be adequately described usi
119 ation and differentiation, axial patterning, epithelial morphogenesis, cytoskeletal dynamics, stem ce
120 ing multiple cellular processes required for epithelial morphogenesis, differentiation, remodeling, a
121  lines (102) throughout stage 5 to 10 during epithelial morphogenesis, documenting their apico-basal
122 ole for apical (alphabeta(H))(2)-spectrin in epithelial morphogenesis driven by apical contraction, a
123 d Vldlr may be novel targets for controlling epithelial morphogenesis during glandular repair or rege
124 ts suggest that the PRKX kinase may regulate epithelial morphogenesis during mammalian kidney develop
125 1 plays a critical role in the regulation of epithelial morphogenesis during renal development.
126 to sustain mesenchymal growth and coordinate epithelial morphogenesis during the pseudoglandular stag
127                                              Epithelial morphogenesis generates the shape of the toot
128                                              Epithelial morphogenesis generates the shape of tissues,
129 or the Notch signaling pathway in regulating epithelial morphogenesis has been conserved between inse
130 invasion in cancer cells, but the effects on epithelial morphogenesis have not been characterized.
131 ate known and novel pathways with impact for epithelial morphogenesis, homeostasis and diseases.
132 ns have been implicated in cell polarity and epithelial morphogenesis; however, the role of these pro
133                    During FGF10-mediated SMG epithelial morphogenesis, HS increased proliferation and
134 or understanding symmetry-breaking events in epithelial morphogenesis illustrate potential applicatio
135                  Assays for ciliogenesis and epithelial morphogenesis in 3D renal cultures link renal
136               Genetic and imaging studies of epithelial morphogenesis in a wide range of organisms ha
137 ggests that accumulated beta-catenin impacts epithelial morphogenesis in at least two ways.
138 Pase Rho have been shown to be essential for epithelial morphogenesis in cell culture; however, the m
139 d has the capacity to block UB branching and epithelial morphogenesis in cultured metanephroi.
140  integrity and have obvious implications for epithelial morphogenesis in higher eukaryotes, since a u
141  that they were expressed transiently during epithelial morphogenesis in intestine development.
142 cuss possible models for Abl function during epithelial morphogenesis in light of these data.
143 f the inner cell mass is one of the earliest epithelial morphogenesis in mammalian embryos.
144 t of apical membrane identity that regulates epithelial morphogenesis in many developmental contexts.
145 tein (BMP) signaling pathway is critical for epithelial morphogenesis in the embryonic esophagus.
146 g controls the developmental program guiding epithelial morphogenesis in the vertebrate intestine.
147 he FGF family control stem cell function and epithelial morphogenesis in this tissue are not well und
148 Shroom3 has emerged as a central effector of epithelial morphogenesis in vertebrates, driving both ac
149         Silencing of Cyfip1 disturbed normal epithelial morphogenesis in vitro and cooperated with on
150 regulation of progenitor differentiation and epithelial morphogenesis in vivo and demonstrate for the
151 n isogenic populations of cells in vitro and epithelial morphogenesis in vivo.
152  mouse and human are important regulators of epithelial morphogenesis including Cdh1, Ck19, Cldn3 and
153 larity (PCP) signaling is a key regulator of epithelial morphogenesis, including neural tube closure
154 ated in numerous biochemical pathways during epithelial morphogenesis, including the control of spind
155 cer plays a specific role in regulating lung epithelial morphogenesis independent of its requirement
156 ctor-induced down-regulation of adhesion and epithelial morphogenesis, indicating that these phenomen
157  Gab1 (a multisubstrate adapter required for epithelial morphogenesis) inhibits the ability of HGF/SF
158                                              Epithelial morphogenesis is characterized by an exquisit
159      However, the role of talin in mammalian epithelial morphogenesis is poorly understood.
160                               The process of epithelial morphogenesis is ubiquitous in animal develop
161                            Proper control of epithelial morphogenesis is vital to development and is
162                           Here, we used a 3D epithelial morphogenesis model in which cells were cultu
163 hment of cell polarity during embryogenesis, epithelial morphogenesis, neuronal differentiation, and
164 chanisms are likely to apply generally where epithelial morphogenesis occurs.
165 dy, we focus on matrix-derived influences on epithelial morphogenesis of a metastatic cell line (344S
166 lt to assess endothelial interactions during epithelial morphogenesis of internal organs.
167 se PTPRO as a regulator of three-dimensional epithelial morphogenesis of mammary epithelial cells and
168 cellular matrix assembly, cell migration and epithelial morphogenesis of multiple organ systems throu
169  heterozygous mice are similar to defects in epithelial morphogenesis of Notch pathway mutants in Dro
170 the zonula adherens, is essential for normal epithelial morphogenesis of the Drosophila follicle cell
171  breast cancer cells to interact and undergo epithelial morphogenesis on association with breast tumo
172           Using a three-dimensional model of epithelial morphogenesis, report that the phosphatase PT
173    We propose that Rib is a key regulator of epithelial morphogenesis that promotes migration and mor
174 We establish that, on timescales relevant to epithelial morphogenesis, the cytoplasm is predominantly
175     Although studies have proposed a role in epithelial morphogenesis, the function of Bves/pop1a in
176                                       During epithelial morphogenesis, these proteins participate in
177 ngs suggest that laminin alpha5 controls SMG epithelial morphogenesis through beta1 integrin signalin
178 onvert from a noninvasive program of mammary epithelial morphogenesis to an invasive program of sprou
179 calizes to the apical plasma membrane during epithelial morphogenesis to mediate the enrichment of Pt
180 Rac, as a regulator of junction assembly and epithelial morphogenesis using a functional small interf
181               Here, we address mechanisms of epithelial morphogenesis using the vertebrate lens as a
182             To better understand its role in epithelial morphogenesis, we examined Crb localization a
183 ular contacts and cell polarity accompanying epithelial morphogenesis, we have utilized a 3D MDCK in
184 ntiation of the mesenchyme and its impact on epithelial morphogenesis, we took advantage of Fgfr2c(+/
185 changes in gene expression during pancreatic epithelial morphogenesis were associated with outcomes o
186                        EIII8 cells underwent epithelial morphogenesis when cocultured with fibroblast
187  that acute loss of kinase activity perturbs epithelial morphogenesis without affecting cell polarity
188 eletion of IQGAP1 or cortexillin compromises epithelial morphogenesis without affecting cell polarity
189 ls rearrange is a process that is central to epithelial morphogenesis, yet remains poorly understood.

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