


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 lls is necessary for proper establishment of epithelial polarity.
2  (aPKCs) are implicated as key regulators of epithelial polarity.
3 i or for the establishment or maintenance of epithelial polarity.
4 ermline and strongly impairs BAZ function in epithelial polarity.
5 lization, and loss of both pathways disrupts epithelial polarity.
6 ps mutants internalize normally and maintain epithelial polarity.
7 ns (tight junctions) and appears to regulate epithelial polarity.
8 ction formation, intercellular adhesion, and epithelial polarity.
9 t appear to be independent of the defects in epithelial polarity.
10 ryonic elongation and establishment of early epithelial polarity.
11 nt, and the establishment and maintenance of epithelial polarity.
12  product of stardust is required to maintain epithelial polarity.
13 ommon Rab compartment architecture underlies epithelial polarity.
14 embrane of epithelial cells, is required for epithelial polarity.
15  function that is separable from its role in epithelial polarity.
16 with which to understand the coordination of epithelial polarity.
17 er-dependent in establishing and maintaining epithelial polarity.
18 ere establishes AP-1 as a major regulator of epithelial polarity.
19 ired for the mesoderm primordium to lose its epithelial polarity.
20 at Rap1 and Rac1 signal independently during epithelial polarity.
21 rumbs, a conserved regulator of apical-basal epithelial polarity.
22 f adherens junctions components, and loss of epithelial polarity.
23 tive pathway modulating the establishment of epithelial polarity.
24 of the Crumbs-PALS1-PATJ complex function in epithelial polarity.
25 o counterparts, D407 cells maintain reversed epithelial polarity.
26                  The proper establishment of epithelial polarity allows cells to sense and respond to
27     Accordingly, we hypothesized that airway epithelial polarity allows different responses to basola
28 croRNA-dependent regulation to disruption of epithelial polarity and aberrant mammary stem cell divis
29 novel insight into the intimate link between epithelial polarity and acquisition of motile polarity t
30 overlying periderm (resulting in compromised epithelial polarity and adhesiveness) and in kidney and
31 d prkczeta are essential to establish tubule epithelial polarity and also serve to maintain proper ep
32 n complexes have pivotal roles in control of epithelial polarity and apical membrane formation.
33 hectoderm, concomitant with establishment of epithelial polarity and appearance of a blastocoel cavit
34 hectoderm, concomitant with establishment of epithelial polarity and appearance of a blastocoel cavit
35     Neural rosettes contain NSCs with strong epithelial polarity and are expected to perform apical-b
36 nd tight junction (TJ) are key regulators of epithelial polarity and barrier function.
37 t protein receptor Syntaxin 3 (Stx3) disturb epithelial polarity and cause microvillus inclusion dise
38 sion causes cell motility and down-regulates epithelial polarity and cell adhesion proteins.
39 evelopment and cancer and entail the loss of epithelial polarity and cell adhesion.
40 organs pattern, but the relationship between epithelial polarity and cell fate is poorly understood.
41 res without restricting the establishment of epithelial polarity and changes in gene expression.
42 reviously implicated in the establishment of epithelial polarity and control of cell growth, is requi
43 eath from cancer in humans, involves loss of epithelial polarity and dedifferentiation.
44             The genetic control of mammalian epithelial polarity and dynamics can be studied in vivo
45            Thus, the BLJ appears to regulate epithelial polarity and dynamics not only as a localized
46 perfamily, is essential for the formation of epithelial polarity and for neuronal development during
47 ays a key role in the spatial orientation of epithelial polarity and formation of lumens in glandular
48                                              Epithelial polarity and function of these easily reprodu
49 sely, villin is also linked with the loss of epithelial polarity and gain of the mesenchymal phenotyp
50 a adherens (adherens junctions) to establish epithelial polarity and helps to orient the mitotic spin
51 ablish a direct link between modification of epithelial polarity and initiation of epithelial folding
52 pical membrane morphogenesis, rather than in epithelial polarity and junction assembly as has been pr
53 ily conserved Crumbs protein is required for epithelial polarity and morphogenesis.
54 Whereas Crumbs is implicated in apical-basal epithelial polarity and photoreceptor morphogenesis, the
55 hus, LKB1 signals through AMPK to coordinate epithelial polarity and proliferation with cellular ener
56 ct RPE is not sufficient to maintain retinal epithelial polarity and retinal cellular pattern formati
57 la Discs Lost, a protein that is crucial for epithelial polarity and that exists in a complex with th
58 esting that the cfy gene is not critical for epithelial polarity and that polarity defects are unlike
59 le in determining the spatial orientation of epithelial polarity and the formation of lumens in gland
60 separate complexes that cooperate to control epithelial polarity and the formation of zonula adherens
61 KCiota is essential for the establishment of epithelial polarity and the normal assembly of tight jun
62 ent transcription are to mediate the loss of epithelial polarity and to promote fibroblast activities
63 erved but poorly defined roles in regulating epithelial polarity and, in photoreceptor cells, morphog
64 l role in E-cadherin-mediated development of epithelial polarity, and suppression of invasiveness and
65 , the Crumbs (Crb) proteins are important in epithelial polarity, apical membrane formation, and tigh
66 nisms that regulate the development of renal epithelial polarity are incompletely understood.
67 equired for establishing the early embryonic epithelial polarity are used later for the morphogenesis
68 n inability to establish normal apical/basal epithelial polarity, as well as proper cell-cell contact
69 as been intensively studied for its roles in epithelial polarity, asymmetric neural divisions, and re
70 tases, plays an important role in regulating epithelial polarity by controlling the phosphorylation o
71 herins play an essential role in maintaining epithelial polarity by forming Ca2+-dependent adherens j
72    We have investigated the role of PAR-1 in epithelial polarity by generating null mutant clones in
73   We propose that the Scrib module regulates epithelial polarity by influencing endocytic itineraries
74                          Pathogens can alter epithelial polarity by recruiting polarity proteins to t
75    Our data reveal a role for spatiotemporal epithelial polarity changes in the activation of innate
76 ption factor-1 (Zeb1), a master regulator of epithelial polarity, controls neuronal differentiation b
77  fibers, tight junctions, or desmosomes, and epithelial polarity developed normally, suggesting that
78                               Thus, although epithelial polarity develops in the absence of AJs, AJs
79 sides its well documented role in regulating epithelial polarity, Dlgh1 also regulates smooth muscle
80                      However, proper retinal epithelial polarity does not require retinal expression
81 ve splicing by the Obelus helicase modulates epithelial polarity during development.
82                            Thus, we examined epithelial polarity establishment during early Drosophil
83        Thus, Baz acts upstream of AJs during epithelial polarity establishment.
84                                  Loss of the epithelial polarity gene scribble in clones of Drosophil
85                            Although roles in epithelial polarity, granule assembly, and mucosal prote
86 some and dense EVs preparations suggest that epithelial polarity impacts directional release.
87                                      Loss of epithelial polarity impacts organ development and functi
88 ndicate that HPPL develop cholangiocyte-type epithelial polarity in 3D culture.
89 pathway is required for the establishment of epithelial polarity in a variety of vertebrate and inver
90  epithelial cell polarity, but the origin of epithelial polarity in Drosophila remains unclear.
91 ), has recently been linked to regulation of epithelial polarity in Drosophila.
92                These defects lead to loss of epithelial polarity in mutant tissues, which overprolife
93 LKB1/STRAD can also trigger establishment of epithelial polarity in the absence of cell-cell or cell-
94 ing pathway plays a key role in establishing epithelial polarity in the compound eye of Drosophila.
95 teracting proteins critical for establishing epithelial polarity, in an undifferentiated neurite corr
96 or zebrafish crb2b, a conserved regulator of epithelial polarity, in podocyte morphogenesis.
97 iseases and function in complexes regulating epithelial polarity, ion channels, cochlear hair cell de
98                                              Epithelial polarity is established and maintained by com
99 d that Bazooka (Baz) acts upstream of AJs as epithelial polarity is first established in Drosophila.
100 rovide a dynamic model for understanding how epithelial polarity is maintained in Drosophila follicle
101 epair programs, and provide insight into why epithelial polarity is tumor-suppressive.
102  budding yeast, but whether they function in epithelial polarity is unknown.
103 stabilizes cell-cell junctions and maintains epithelial polarity; its activation by Metformin protect
104 , this analysis reveals a novel role for the epithelial polarity machinery, Cdc42-Par6-aPKC, in local
105 osis and proliferation, and in expression of epithelial polarity markers.
106 ter the redistribution of apical-basolateral epithelial polarity markers.
107 d on the dysregulation of tight junction and epithelial polarity master genes via upregulation of ZEB
108 es, it was found that, during acquisition of epithelial polarity, OFD1 became localized to the apical
109  that in intestine, CASK is not required for epithelial polarity or differentiation but is necessary
110 dherin in MSV-MDCK cells did not reestablish epithelial polarity or inhibit the invasiveness and moti
111 ization of DLG1 are not essential for either epithelial polarity or intestinal homeostasis in vivo.
112 ng the basal polarity cue for the low-energy epithelial polarity pathway.
113                                          The Epithelial Polarity Program (EPP) adapts and integrates
114 trinsic tumor-suppressive mechanism, whereby epithelial polarity proteins dictate the cytoarchitectur
115 e cell cycle, but was blocked by loss of the epithelial polarity proteins Scribble or Pard3, or by in
116 However, less is known about what becomes of epithelial polarity proteins when various cell types bec
117 ins that have been implicated in maintaining epithelial polarity, regulating paracellular transport,
118 e function may contribute not only to normal epithelial polarity regulation but also may promote path
119 rotein kinase that plays a conserved role in epithelial polarity regulation in mammals and Drosophila
120 er, information on Msx's roles in regulating epithelial polarity remains limited.
121                             Establishment of epithelial polarity requires the reorganization of the m
122     The involvement of the Slmb E3 ligase in epithelial polarity, specifically limiting Par complex a
123 lkb1 mutant clones also disrupt apical-basal epithelial polarity, suggesting a general role in cell p
124 id not affect the formation of junctions and epithelial polarity, suggesting that the intracellular N
125 rens junctions is one of the many aspects of epithelial polarity that is established during cellulari
126 al stem cell marker implicated previously in epithelial polarity that is upregulated in SCC cells.
127  The AMP-stimulated protein kinase regulates epithelial polarity under conditions of energy depletion
128                           The maintenance of epithelial polarity under energetic stress requires the
129    We further show that RPE-mediated retinal epithelial polarity underlies proper patterning of retin
130 ectrin-based membrane skeleton in generating epithelial polarity, we characterized the distribution o
131 ks the EPP machineries, resulting in loss of epithelial polarity, which often correlates in extent wi
132 ormation of tight junctions, desmosomes, and epithelial polarity with the use of the calcium switch m
133 s, prevents establishment and maintenance of epithelial polarity, with no junctional formation and ab

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