


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 helial populations all develop from a common epithelial stem cell.
2 lifying) cells and the maintenance of dental epithelial stem cells.
3 -epithelial cell interactions control dental epithelial stem cells.
4 ntenance and regulatory mechanisms of dental epithelial stem cells.
5 nal, and developmental properties of gastric epithelial stem cells.
6 ng GPCR5 (Lgr5), a marker gene of intestinal epithelial stem cells.
7 basal cells and allows comparison with other epithelial stem cells.
8 hts for the preservation and/or expansion of epithelial stem cells.
9 s for the preservation and/or replication of epithelial stem cells.
10 teraction between this bacterium and gastric epithelial stem cells.
11 sociated with a transient increase of limbal epithelial stem cells.
12 ospheres, a property associated with mammary epithelial stem cells.
13 helia and for the proliferative potential of epithelial stem cells.
14 on, and (4) coincide spatially with putative epithelial stem cells.
15 t express cytokeratin 15 (K15), a marker for epithelial stem cells.
16 n significantly enriched in small intestinal epithelial stem cells.
17 topoietic, mesenchymal, and gastrointestinal epithelial stem cells.
18   The hair follicle bulge possesses putative epithelial stem cells.
19 is initiated by a downgrowth from a layer of epithelial stem cells.
20  the hair follicle bulge and the presence of epithelial stem cells.
21 p63, a gene implicated in the maintenance of epithelial stem cells.
22 sion consistent with transduction of corneal epithelial stem cells.
23 ctal cancer develops from mutated intestinal epithelial stem cells.
24 PGD2 and perturbed proliferation dynamics in epithelial stem cells.
25 ovement of Ly6C(+)7/4(+) monocytes closer to epithelial stem cells.
26 iferation and differentiation of pluripotent epithelial stem cells.
27 sential functions regulating self-renewal of epithelial stem cells.
28  cells through the existence of two types of epithelial stem cells: active crypt base columnar cells
29 , Lhx2 operates as an important regulator of epithelial stem cell activity in the skin response to in
30  we found that MAPK and PI3K regulate dental epithelial stem cell activity, transit-amplifying cell p
31  the lung during the peak of type 2 alveolar epithelial stem cell (AEC2) proliferation.
32  in amplification of the presumptive gastric epithelial stem cell and its immediate committed daughte
33 h, derived from both the mutation-sustaining epithelial stem cells and adjacent mesenchymal tissues.
34 w the MAPK and PI3K pathways regulate dental epithelial stem cells and amelogenesis.
35 ies regarding the identification of prostate epithelial stem cells and cell types of origin for prost
36 ates all of the cardinal behaviors of airway epithelial stem cells and determines epithelial architec
37 es directed toward identification of hepatic epithelial stem cells and does not address the controver
38 between the procreative life-span of mammary epithelial stem cells and mammary cancer risk.
39 ramatic impact on replenishment of cutaneous epithelial stem cells and on ovarian germ cell survival.
40 y occurs normally in E2f1-3 triply-deficient epithelial stem cells and progenitors of the developing
41             The hair follicle is a source of epithelial stem cells and site of origin for several typ
42 t for understanding the molecular control of epithelial stem cells and their niches.
43 ese means we have monitored the behaviour of epithelial stem cells and their progeny during physiolog
44 ve gene expression profile of putative human epithelial stem cells and their progeny that were isolat
45 eted signaling molecules in specifying renal epithelial stem cells and their self-renewal, in driving
46 e hair follicles are maintained by different epithelial stem cells, and provide evidence that the req
47  from hair follicles, which harbor cutaneous epithelial stem cells, and reconstitution of regressing
48 ever, it is not clear if and to which extent epithelial stem cells are affected in NK.
49 ostatic homeostasis in which mouse prostatic epithelial stem cells are concentrated in the proximal r
50            This study provides evidence that epithelial stem cells are dispensable for normal airway
51 e uniform distribution of LRCs, suggest that epithelial stem cells are distributed uniformly in this
52                                   Intestinal epithelial stem cells are highly sensitive to differenti
53                                      Corneal epithelial stem cells are located in the basal layer of
54  It appears that most palpebral conjunctival epithelial stem cells are located near the mucocutaneous
55 ns were present in the adult limbal BM where epithelial stem cells are located.
56                                              Epithelial stem cells are maintained within niches that
57 he identity and characteristics of quiescent epithelial stem cells are not clear.
58 th the authors' hypothesis that conjunctival epithelial stem cells are primarily located in the forni
59                                              Epithelial stem cells are specified during development a
60                                              Epithelial stem cells are targets for driver mutations t
61                                       Breast epithelial stem cells are thought to be the primary targ
62 bel-retaining cells, a key characteristic of epithelial stem cells, are detected in both limbal and c
63 ere is now strong experimental evidence that epithelial stem cells arrange their sister chromatids at
64 ophages contribute to the activation of skin epithelial stem cells as a novel, additional cue that re
65 inding provides evidence in support of basal epithelial stem cells as one target cell for prostate ca
66 tivating expression of factors that regulate epithelial stem cells as well as receptors for the mamma
67 Wnt signature and accumulation of intestinal epithelial stem cells, as expected.
68                                Understanding epithelial stem cell biology has major clinical implicat
69                           Recent advances in epithelial stem cell biology have resulted in the isolat
70                                 The study of epithelial stem cell biology was aided by the ability to
71 thway that similarly controls normal mammary epithelial stem cell biology.
72 mucosal healing and evaluation of intestinal epithelial stem cell biomarkers may improve clinical mea
73 y of work has begun to characterize the skin epithelial stem cells, both in tissue culture and in mou
74 n otherwise normal intestinal epithelium and epithelial stem cells but, in the context of activated W
75 e domains protein 1 (LRIG1) marks intestinal epithelial stem cells, but the role of LRIG1 in nonepith
76 lthough functional analysis of hair follicle epithelial stem cells by gene targeting is well establis
77 ng results in loss of Apc mutated intestinal epithelial stem cells by interference with the Wnt signa
78 oliferation and differentiation of cutaneous epithelial stem cells by promoting alpha(v)beta(6) integ
79 link between these two mechanisms in mammary epithelial stem cells by showing that transcriptional ac
80  that the fate and multilineage potential of epithelial stem cells can change depending on whether a
81                                Human Corneal epithelial stem cells (CESCs) have been identified to re
82  is required for maintenance of a functional epithelial stem cell compartment in murine hair follicle
83 ompromising the repopulating capacity of the epithelial stem cell compartment.
84             Here we show that normal mammary epithelial stem cells contain lower concentrations of RO
85 ivating inductive dermal cells and competent epithelial stem cells creates the opportunity to bioengi
86 aging in conjunction with a live reporter of epithelial stem cell cycle activity and as an instrument
87 stant supply of epithelial cells from dental epithelial stem cell (DESC) niches in the cervical loop
88                            Sox2 marks dental epithelial stem cells (DESCs) in both mammals and reptil
89 che signals, often Hedgehog-induced, promote epithelial stem cell differentiation as well as self-ren
90 s and that specific microRNAs regulate tooth epithelial stem cell differentiation.
91                                              Epithelial stem cells divide asymmetrically, such that o
92 are indispensable for survival and growth of epithelial stem cells during adulthood.
93 ways, BMP and SHH, in regulating the fate of epithelial stem cells during organogenesis.
94  of stromal niche cells to control and adapt epithelial stem cell dynamics constitutes a sophisticate
95 evidence suggests that healthy hair follicle epithelial stem cells enjoy relative protection from inf
96  stem cells (McSCs) intimately interact with epithelial stem cells (EpSCs) in the hair follicle bulge
97                                              Epithelial stem cells (EpSCs) in the hair follicle bulge
98 environmental assaults, and is maintained by epithelial stem cells (EpSCs).
99 w that EMT also occurs within the bulge, the epithelial stem cell (eSC) niche of human scalp hair fol
100 que among tumor-associated proteases in that epithelial stem cell expression of the protease suffices
101 e pulmonary fibrosis is the result of distal epithelial stem cell failure.
102 at hDF-EpiSCs might be a promising source of epithelial stem cells for the development of stem cell-b
103 et al. demonstrate the isolation of putative epithelial stem cells from the hair follicle bulge and A
104 neurotrophic ulcers are associated with poor epithelial stem cell function at the limbus.
105 ggest that adipocyte lineage cells may alter epithelial stem cell function clinically.
106 at regulates Wnt signaling and impacts adult epithelial stem cell function.
107 lity, the inflammatory microenvironment, and epithelial stem cell functions.
108 prevented while immune system activation and epithelial stem cell genetic damage must be minimized.
109                                        While epithelial stem cells giving rise to ameloblasts have be
110                  No such lineage labeling of epithelial stem cells has been reported in the gastric b
111                             Although gastric epithelial stem cells have been localized, little is kno
112 ovel method for the isolation of adult human epithelial stem cells (hEpiSCs) from the epithelial comp
113  and essential task of controlling cutaneous epithelial stem cell homeostasis by balancing TGF-beta-m
114                                   Intestinal epithelial stem cell identity and location have been the
115 dence that microbiota may control intestinal epithelial stem cell (IESC) proliferation in part throug
116 helium is continuously renewed by intestinal epithelial stem cells (IESCs) positioned at the base of
117                                              Epithelial stem cells in adult mammalian skin are known
118      By using targeted knockout in olfactory epithelial stem cells in adult mice, we show that lamin
119 ng undergoes constant replacement, driven by epithelial stem cells in crypts of Lieberkuhn.
120                     The differential fate of epithelial stem cells in mouse molars and incisors is co
121 de a niche supporting transient Sox2+ dental epithelial stem cells in mouse molars.
122 in 6a (K6a) transcripts as enriched in bulge epithelial stem cells in mouse skin.
123  is the mouse incisor, which contains dental epithelial stem cells in structures known as cervical lo
124                  The discovery of long-lived epithelial stem cells in the bulge region of the hair fo
125                                              Epithelial stem cells in the bulge region within the hai
126 he utility of the K15 promoter for targeting epithelial stem cells in the hair follicle bulge and set
127                                     Putative epithelial stem cells in the hair follicle bulge are tho
128 idney-injury molecule-1, markers of putative epithelial stem cells in the human kidney.
129                                              Epithelial stem cells in the skin are specified during d
130  pathway is essential for the maintenance of epithelial stem cells in the small intestine.
131                                              Epithelial stem cells in the stomach are responsible for
132 ctive cellular interactions and the roles of epithelial stem cells in tissue regeneration, and for un
133 and fail to generate HFs when engrafted with epithelial stem cells in vivo.
134 FGF10) into cultured incisors rescued dental epithelial stem cells in Wnt1-Cre; Alk5(fl/fl) mice.
135 ls, hair follicle stem cells, and intestinal epithelial stem cells--in which the roles of Wnt/beta-ca
136 g IL-1) might preferentially activate limbal epithelial stem cells indirectly by fibroblasts and simu
137 malian cornea contains a population of basal epithelial stem cells involved in cornea homeostasis and
138     The reproductive capacity of the mammary epithelial stem cell is reduced coincident with the numb
139 mal tubule harbors a scattered population of epithelial stem cells is a major unsolved question.
140        Notably, transduction of PAX6 in skin epithelial stem cells is sufficient to convert them to L
141 ecifically in SOX2-positive postnatal dental epithelial stem cells is sufficient to generate odontoma
142 fferentiation of epithelial cells, including epithelial stem cells, is conserved from Drosophila to m
143                    Destruction of the limbal epithelial stem cell (LESC) population in the cornea can
144 r, their roles in normal and diseased limbal epithelial stem cells (LESC) remain unknown.
145 alopecia results from irreversible damage to epithelial stem cells located in the bulge region of the
146 ation, proliferation, and differentiation of epithelial stem cells located in the bulge, a specializa
147 stem cells (BCSCs) but not in normal mammary epithelial stem cells, maintains tumorous pluripotency o
148 MP signaling, in addition to its key role in epithelial stem cell maintenance and progenitor cell dif
149 l-autonomous requirement of CBL and CBL-B in epithelial stem cell maintenance during organ developmen
150  common signaling pathways appear to control epithelial stem cell maintenance, activation, lineage de
151 icles did not affect follicular structure or epithelial stem cell maintenance, and stimulation of ana
152 onstrate that Lgr6, but not Lgr5, acts as an epithelial stem cell marker in SCCs in vivo.
153                             Additonally, the epithelial stem cell marker SOX2 was significantly upreg
154 on revealed that p63, a well known mammalian epithelial stem cell marker, was localized strictly to a
155 m cells present highly positive staining for epithelial stem cell markers in all areas of normal TM t
156 higher expression levels of putative corneal epithelial stem cell markers, ATP-binding cassette famil
157 mitantly exhibit an expansion of the mammary epithelial stem cell (MaSC) enriched basal/myoepithelial
158  gain-of-function mutant expands the mammary epithelial stem cells (MESCs) that give rise to the mamm
159                 These isolated hair follicle epithelial stem cells must be combined with 'inductive'
160                   The cells that compose the epithelial stem cell niche for skin homeostasis and rege
161  recognized as an important component of the epithelial stem cell niche in the rodent lung.
162 essed in the labial incisor cervical loop or epithelial stem cell niche, with decreased expression in
163 ing terminal differentiation to establish an epithelial stem cell niche.
164 aling components that make up the intestinal epithelial stem cell niche.
165 alisades of Vogt that constitute the corneal epithelial stem cell niche.
166 roach to identify the location of intraorgan epithelial stem cell niches, in situ and in vivo.
167                      Within the hierarchy of epithelial stem cells, normal progenitor cells may expre
168  gene transfer to genetically mark cutaneous epithelial stem cells of adolescent mice, and have follo
169                   This review focuses on the epithelial stem cells of skin, where they come from, whe
170                 Villous cytotrophoblasts are epithelial stem cells of the early human placenta, able
171 it also impairs the stimulation of cutaneous epithelial stem cells of the proliferative phase.
172                                         Skin epithelial stem cells operate within a complex signaling
173                        It is unknown whether epithelial stem cells or epithelial cancer stem cells ar
174 apping studies have identified two principal epithelial stem cell pools in this tissue.
175 xpressed in the human holoclone-type corneal epithelial stem cell population and sporadically express
176  (FGFR2b), is crucial for development of the epithelial stem cell population in mouse incisors.
177 uggests these markers may be conserved among epithelial stem cell populations.
178 tains anatomically and functionally distinct epithelial stem cell populations.
179 hway that are known to be markers of several epithelial stem cell populations.
180         Indian hedgehog mutants show reduced epithelial stem cell proliferation and differentiation,
181 ockout animals have reduced adult intestinal epithelial stem cell proliferation at the end of metamor
182 n factor known to be required for intestinal epithelial stem cell proliferation, was increased and mi
183 zed the signaling components responsible for epithelial stem cell proliferation.
184  direct link between the EMT and the gain of epithelial stem cell properties.
185  as a central intrinsic regulator of mammary epithelial stem cell quiescence and exhaustion and is ne
186 pressor and a key regulator of epidermal and epithelial stem cell quiescence.
187 ir follicle (HF) formation is initiated when epithelial stem cells receive cues from specialized mese
188 apabilities, as well as expressed a panel of epithelial stem cell-related genes, thus conferring stem
189                                       Limbal epithelial stem cells repopulate the donor site as early
190                                         Skin epithelial stem cells represent a ripe target for resear
191                   It is widely believed that epithelial stem cells reside in the hair follicle bulge
192        The longstanding concept that corneal epithelial stem cells reside mainly in the limbus is sup
193 to a self-renewing cell, the retinal pigment epithelial stem cell (RPESC) that loses RPE markers, pro
194 , DeltaNp63, is a master regulator of normal epithelial stem cell (SC) maintenance.
195  begins when communication between quiescent epithelial stem cells (SCs) and underlying mesenchymal d
196                          It is accepted that epithelial stem cells (SCs) located in the hair follicle
197                                   Follicular epithelial stem cells (SCs), located in the bulge region
198        In normal tissues, rapamycin prevents epithelial stem cell senescence by reducing oxidative st
199 differentiation, keratinocyte proliferation, epithelial stem cell survival, adipocyte biology, and in
200 vo suggests that NGF signaling favors limbal epithelial stem cell survival.
201 f death rather than error-prone repair makes epithelial stem cell systems resistant to short exposure
202 at the basal epithelium contains oligopotent epithelial stem cells that also represent the source of
203                                          The epithelial stem cells that are the ameloblast progenitor
204   This continuous renewal is fueled by adult epithelial stem cells that give rise to ameloblasts, whi
205 e of the major findings about mammalian skin epithelial stem cells that have emerged in the past five
206 rowth is supported by the division of dental epithelial stem cells that reside in the cervical loop r
207 rmal papilla, the organizing center, and the epithelial stem cells that respond to dermal papilla sig
208                        Self-renewing mammary epithelial stem cells that were originated during allome
209  has been shown to affect the maintenance of epithelial stem cells, the differentiation of keratinocy
210 gs suggest that TRAF-4 is a marker of normal epithelial stem cells, the expression of which often cea
211  indicated by the regeneration of intestinal epithelial/stem cells, the regulation of the pro-/anti-i
212 s that exhibit three important attributes of epithelial stem cells: they are slow cycling, possess a
213 of persistent exposure of hyperproliferative epithelial stem cells to an inflammatory microenvironmen
214  an in vitro system to enrich for intestinal epithelial stem cells to discover that Wnt5a inhibited p
215  can influence the commitment of pluripotent epithelial stem cells to divergent pathways of different
216 een much research on the response of stomach epithelial stem cells to inflammation.
217 chanistically, LBH induces expression of key epithelial stem cell transcription factor DeltaNp63 to p
218 rotects from the loss of proliferative basal epithelial stem cells upon ionizing radiation in vivo, t
219                    Prior attempts to isolate epithelial stem cells used methods such as proteolytic t
220  cells (mostly mTECs and possibly some adult epithelial stem cells) was sufficient to cause significa
221 he incisor, which contains the niche for the epithelial stem cells, was either severely reduced or co
222 rder to identify reliable markers of corneal epithelial stem cells, we employed an inducible transgen
223                                     Putative epithelial stem cells were identified in the hair follic
224                                      Corneal epithelial stem cells were isolated from human limbal sp
225                                       Limbal epithelial stem cells were isolated, and cellular, immun
226 ne, WAP-TGFbeta1, we discovered that mammary epithelial stem cells were prematurely aged due to ectop
227 of stratified epithelium, which includes the epithelial stem cells, were engineered and crossed with
228 bit limbal basal epithelium contains corneal epithelial stem cells, which have been characterized by
229      Radiation has been postulated to target epithelial stem cells within the crypts of Lieberkuhn to
230                                              Epithelial stem cells within the human hair follicle are
231   To test whether premature aging of mammary epithelial stem cells would have an impact on susceptibi

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