


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 us that persistently replicates in glandular epithelial tissue.
2 l to study directed cell migration within an epithelial tissue.
3 ession profile of a human prostate glandular epithelial tissue.
4 of HBO1-JADE1S/L in injured and regenerating epithelial tissue.
5 e study of cell polarity within an organized epithelial tissue.
6 of stem cell behaviour in regenerative adult epithelial tissue.
7  junctions that provide adhesive strength in epithelial tissue.
8 dity to their receptors and the infection of epithelial tissue.
9 tion, nanoparticles penetrated deep into the epithelial tissue.
10 ferative growth of the partially transformed epithelial tissue.
11 t can trigger complement activation in renal epithelial tissue.
12 ntained throughout cytokinesis in vertebrate epithelial tissue.
13 in metastatic cancer cells and low in normal epithelial tissue.
14 dback sequelae of mTORC1 loss of function in epithelial tissue.
15  that occur during cytokinesis in vertebrate epithelial tissue.
16  both mice and humans into robust intestinal epithelial tissue.
17 rmal postnatal development of a non-lymphoid epithelial tissue.
18 us, trypsin IV may regulate ENaC function in epithelial tissues.
19 ial mediator of electrolyte transport across epithelial tissues.
20 mensional cell morphology and packing within epithelial tissues.
21 rostate tumors compared with adjacent normal epithelial tissues.
22 ncy and then spread from infected neurons to epithelial tissues.
23  engineered normal and precancerous squamous epithelial tissues.
24 MP) are ubiquitous innate immune elements in epithelial tissues.
25 cts that provide a vital barrier function in epithelial tissues.
26 he major gammadelta lymphocyte population in epithelial tissues.
27 vation of regenerative stasis within diverse epithelial tissues.
28 te immune events occurring within peripheral epithelial tissues.
29  manageable tumors might also arise in other epithelial tissues.
30  that are shaped by coordinated migration of epithelial tissues.
31 ntenance of the cellular architecture of all epithelial tissues.
32  emerged as a central regulator of growth in epithelial tissues.
33 rine prostate adenocarcinoma in the adjacent epithelial tissues.
34 erm and are unable to migrate through intact epithelial tissues.
35 chanism by which TAK1 kinase is activated in epithelial tissues.
36 ctions between B. anthracis and lymphoid and epithelial tissues.
37 n vivo and causes accumulation of ROS in the epithelial tissues.
38  lifespan, and reduced cell proliferation in epithelial tissues.
39 al processes in nervous, muscular, and renal epithelial tissues.
40 cterized by fragility of specific subsets of epithelial tissues.
41  morphogenesis and postnatal regeneration of epithelial tissues.
42 lial cancer and gene/drug delivery to normal epithelial tissues.
43  mechanism that likely is conserved in other epithelial tissues.
44 o be learned about the mechanisms that shape epithelial tissues.
45 le in fluid and electrolyte transport across epithelial tissues.
46 ysis of cell shape, polarity and behavior in epithelial tissues.
47 creased Shh signal activity within embryonic epithelial tissues.
48 lator of stem-cell maintenance in stratified epithelial tissues.
49 7 and IL-22 are broadly expressed on various epithelial tissues.
50 hin lymphocytic foci and diffuse staining on epithelial tissues.
51  stem cells and tumor cells in diverse adult epithelial tissues.
52  is expressed in the basal cells of multiple epithelial tissues.
53  direction toward axon termini for spread to epithelial tissues.
54 ent membrane, an ECM barrier surrounding all epithelial tissues.
55 elative to adjacent unaffected normal breast epithelial tissues.
56 uring motility, in developing neurons and in epithelial tissues.
57 e proper development and homeostasis of most epithelial tissues.
58 l for the development and maturation of many epithelial tissues.
59 id (RA) is essential for maintenance of most epithelial tissues.
60 athway has tumor-suppressor activity in many epithelial tissues.
61 egulate the function of membrane proteins in epithelial tissues.
62 ls play a critical role in calcium uptake in epithelial tissues.
63 signaling is poorly understood in developing epithelial tissues.
64 esponsible for the intercellular cohesion of epithelial tissues.
65 promoting geometry and mechanical sensing in epithelial tissues.
66 ium homeostasis as Ca(2+) uptake channels in epithelial tissues.
67 s of recent lineage tracing assays involving epithelial tissues.
68 l geometric property of TCJ distributions in epithelial tissues.
69 al morphogenesis in transporting and sensory epithelial tissues.
70 s expressed abundantly and constitutively in epithelial tissues.
71 ance of stem cell (SC) pools in regenerating epithelial tissues.
72 hannel, regulates ion and fluid transport in epithelial tissues.
73 rectly quantify infection rates in bronchial epithelial tissues.
74 e a wide range of morphogenetic processes in epithelial tissues.
75 -deficient pancreas has defects in all three epithelial tissues: a partial loss of endocrine cells, a
76 E/SCAR proteins are enriched apically in one epithelial tissue and basolaterally in another.
77 icrodissected normal non-neoplastic prostate epithelial tissue and compared it to non-transformed and
78  detected in the goblet cells of human colon epithelial tissue and primary culture of colonic epithel
79 at the Ecad:Fc MTM stably integrated into an epithelial tissue and reduced migration at the interface
80 ry human CRC, 15 of 100 normal corresponding epithelial tissues and 1 of 11 (9%) normal colon mucosa
81 nteractions in three dimensions (3D) between epithelial tissues and a microvascular network since vas
82 re, this gene was predominantly expressed in epithelial tissues and encoded by multiple haplotypes in
83  is required for the establishment of PCP in epithelial tissues and for polarized cellular rearrangem
84 g of how adenoviruses establish infection in epithelial tissues and has implications for cancer thera
85 CP proteins maintain planar polarity in many epithelial tissues and have been implicated in cilia dev
86 omal cadherins mediate cell-cell adhesion in epithelial tissues and have been known to be altered in
87 osis were regulated by phenytoin in gingival epithelial tissues and in connective tissues similar to
88 n 1 (CUGBP1) and HuR are highly expressed in epithelial tissues and modulate the stability and transl
89 ibes the ability of migrating cells to cross epithelial tissues and occurs during development, infect
90 rity along the apical-basolateral axis, many epithelial tissues and organs are also polarized within
91                 Lymphocyte infiltration into epithelial tissues and proinflammatory cytokine release
92 o Fraser syndrome (FS), in which cohesion of epithelial tissues and stroma is perturbed.
93 rane is restricted to the basal periphery of epithelial tissues and the basement membrane-mediated si
94 totic errors trigger apoptosis in Drosophila epithelial tissue, and blocking this apoptotic response
95 at confer mechanical strength to cardiac and epithelial tissue, and may also participate in signaling
96 tivity and geometry information of deforming epithelial tissues, and computational tools to interroga
97 rol mechanical stress homeostasis in dynamic epithelial tissues, and highlight our methods as a resou
98 erplay may contribute towards conserving the epithelial tissue architecture at steady-state and in di
99                             The integrity of epithelial tissue architecture is maintained through adh
100 ell-cell cooperation that normally maintains epithelial tissue architecture, individual subclones wit
101 (eAGR2) is a microenvironmental regulator of epithelial tissue architecture, which plays a role in th
102  Members of the DEG/ENaC family expressed in epithelial tissues are called ENaCs and mediate Na(+) tr
103                                              Epithelial tissues are composed of polarized cells with
104                                              Epithelial tissues are highly organized systems with a r
105 eage-restricted differentiation in committed epithelial tissues are poorly understood.
106 ll lineage determination and regeneration in epithelial tissues are poorly understood.
107                                              Epithelial tissues are protective barriers that display
108        However, their physiological roles in epithelial tissues are unknown.
109 nd Lgr6, well-known markers of stem cells in epithelial tissues, are markers of mesenchymal cells in
110 tion of the aECM in a growing and remodeling epithelial tissue as an outermost barrier.
111 xisting knowledge of the behavior of enteric epithelial tissue as influenced by inflammation with the
112  innate properties, preferentially reside in epithelial tissues as the first line of defense.
113 ll subsets preferentially reside in specific epithelial tissues as the first line of defense.
114 ssion of Hoxa1 and Hoxc13 in oral and dental epithelial tissues as well as in the epidermis of skin d
115 or alpha 1 (IL-22Ra1), which is expressed on epithelial tissues, as well as hepatocytes.
116            To deconstruct regenerating adult epithelial tissue at single-cell resolution, we created
117 i-cellular model representing the human lung epithelial tissue barrier via multi-colour flow cytometr
118 n of B(Mem) cells, which normally resides in epithelial tissue-based niches, may serve a unique role
119                                       Animal epithelial tissue becomes reproducibly colonized by spec
120                PCP is not restricted only to epithelial tissues but is also found in mesenchymal cell
121 shows that Trask is widely expressed in many epithelial tissues but not in most tissues of mesenchyma
122               Loss of REV3L was tolerated in epithelial tissues but not in the hematopoietic lineage.
123 xperiments indicate a partial requirement in epithelial tissue, but confirm the essential role of Pvr
124 e amplification in a naturally proliferative epithelial tissue by elevating Polo-like kinase 4 (Plk4)
125 tate future application of the code to other epithelial tissue by inputting different transporters, c
126 dherens junctions (AJs) provide structure to epithelial tissues by connecting adjacent cells through
127 derived signals control the morphogenesis of epithelial tissues by controlling the collective orienta
128  requirement in the genesis and evolution of epithelial tissues by determining its occurrence and evo
129 as a cofactor essential for the integrity of epithelial tissues by maintaining the proper localizatio
130                    Solid tumors derived from epithelial tissues (carcinomas) are responsible for 90%
131 in networks in Drosophila epithelial and non-epithelial tissues, causing no overt phenotype.
132                                           In epithelial tissues, cells expressing oncogenic Ras (here
133 lution studies of the mechanics of confluent epithelial tissues consisting of tens of thousands of ce
134                             The formation of epithelial tissues containing lumens requires not only t
135 st in some tumors compared with their normal epithelial tissue counterparts.
136                           One is that within epithelial tissues derived from pharyngeal endoderm, Fox
137       pard6gammab mutants exhibit defects in epithelial tissue development as well as multiple lumens
138                            Consequently, the epithelial tissues display excessive proliferation, inad
139 l stromal compartment that produce long-term epithelial tissue during postpartum endometrial regenera
140 mplications for the mechanical regulation of epithelial tissues during development, homeostasis, and
141 t cobl shows enriched expression in ciliated epithelial tissues during zebrafish organogenesis.
142 k, identifying an important new regulator of epithelial tissue dynamics.
143 e capabilities, must tear a hole through its epithelial tissue each time it opens its mouth.
144 onvergent-extension (CE), a planar-polarized epithelial tissue elongates (extends) in-plane in one di
145                                      In many epithelial tissues, ENaC is formed from three subunit pr
146 s a promising approach for xeno-free corneal epithelial tissue engineering for ocular surface reconst
147  in the limbal niche as culture matrices for epithelial tissue engineering.
148                                              Epithelial tissues (epithelia) remove excess cells throu
149 r approach can aid in mechanical analysis of epithelial tissues, especially when local changes in cel
150                                         Many epithelial tissues expand rapidly during embryonic devel
151                                              Epithelial tissues facing the external environment are e
152 C populations that are resident within other epithelial tissues for cancer.
153 icrodissection was used to obtain neoplastic epithelial tissue from 17 tumors which were examined usi
154 ion repair (NER) capacity relative to normal epithelial tissue from disease-free controls (n = 23).
155 neoplastic low-grade and high-grade prostate epithelial tissue from radical prostatectomies, each wit
156 an cells and for basal cell populations from epithelial tissues from all three germ layers and theref
157 eterozygous clones and nontumorigenic breast epithelial tissues from BRCA mutation carriers, FISH rev
158 E-cadherin function, ablation experiments in epithelial tissues from different organ systems reveal m
159                     In studies of intestinal epithelial tissues from patients with CD and embryonic f
160 ntrast, HCC was detected in all extension of epithelial tissue, from apical to basal cells in pterygi
161  control local mechanical forces to elongate epithelial tissues, genes controlling global forces in e
162 d provides design principles for engineering epithelial tissue growth in applications such as tissue
163 ntact-inhibition of proliferation constrains epithelial tissue growth, and the loss of contact-inhibi
164                                           In epithelial tissues, growth control depends on the mainte
165 he potential of this alloreactivity to cause epithelial tissue GVHD.
166                            Recent studies of epithelial tissues have revealed the presence of tissue-
167    This resistance was coupled with a faster epithelial tissue healing response.
168                       Following infection of epithelial tissues, herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) virio
169 e extracellular matrix (ECM) is critical for epithelial tissue homeostasis and function.
170  ranging from germline stem cell division to epithelial tissue homeostasis and regeneration.
171 ming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) regulates epithelial tissue homeostasis by activating processes th
172 egulation of cell proliferation is vital for epithelial tissue homeostasis, and uncontrolled prolifer
173 erging role of tensional force in regulating epithelial tissue homeostasis.
174                                In stratified epithelial tissues, homeostasis relies on the self-renew
175  expressed higher levels of alpha(E)beta(7) (epithelial tissue homing) and CD38 (activation, maturati
176    PKC eta is expressed predominantly in the epithelial tissues; however, its role in the regulation
177  and compare it with transcriptomes of other epithelial tissues, identifying cornea-enriched genes, p
178 issection was used to isolate the neoplastic epithelial tissue in 20 cases.
179             The visceral endoderm (VE) is an epithelial tissue in the early postimplantation mouse em
180 oth in cultured mammary acini and in mammary epithelial tissues in a mouse model of deregulated cycli
181 c density reflects the amount of stromal and epithelial tissues in relation to adipose tissue in the
182 g antipathogen responses and regeneration of epithelial tissues in the gut.
183               Trask is not phosphorylated in epithelial tissues in vivo; however, its phosphorylation
184  productive area of study is on single layer epithelial tissues in which the adherence junctions of c
185                                              Epithelial tissue, in which cells adhere tightly to each
186 zygotic irf6 transcripts are present in many epithelial tissues including the presumptive PSE cells a
187 uctural characteristics of human endometrial epithelial tissue, including cell differentiation, the p
188 d Wnt signals maintain stem cells in various epithelial tissues, including in lung development and re
189 y that directs planar cell polarity (PCP) in epithelial tissues, including non-canonical Wnt signalin
190 s required for normal development of several epithelial tissues, including the bladder and prostate g
191 th commensal microbes in various mucosal and epithelial tissues, including the intestinal tract.
192             Furthermore, the polarization of epithelial tissue influences the differentiation of panc
193      Regulated spindle orientation maintains epithelial tissue integrity and stem cell asymmetric cel
194 -mediated cell-cell adhesion is required for epithelial tissue integrity in homeostasis, during devel
195                               Maintenance of epithelial tissue integrity requires coordination betwee
196 he zonula adherens (za) is crucial to ensure epithelial tissue integrity.
197  in developing epithelial tissues to promote epithelial tissue integrity.
198 ic process that is important for maintaining epithelial-tissue integrity.
199                      The skin as the outmost epithelial tissue is under frequent physical, chemical,
200  dysregulated migration of PMNs into mucosal epithelial tissues is characteristic of chronic inflamma
201 and cause severe damage to hematopoietic and epithelial tissues, is a potentially lethal complication
202  When willin is expressed in D. melanogaster epithelial tissues, it has the same subcellular localiza
203  gammadelta T cells preferentially reside in epithelial tissues like the skin.
204  constitute a conserved mechanism underlying epithelial tissue maintenance.
205 ponents around the cell periphery is key for epithelial tissue morphogenesis and homeostasis.
206 ithin epithelial apical junctions, mediating epithelial tissue morphogenesis and tensional homeostasi
207             We conclude that Cdc42 regulates epithelial tissue morphogenesis by controlling spindle o
208 amental cellular process that contributes to epithelial tissue morphogenesis during normal developmen
209 culture provides an innovative tool to study epithelial tissue morphogenesis in a large field of view
210                                       During epithelial tissue morphogenesis, developmental progenito
211 te the dynamics and biomechanical control of epithelial tissue morphogenesis.
212 a fide marker of adult stem cells in several epithelial tissues, most notably in the intestinal crypt
213 In addition to providing a physical barrier, epithelial tissues mount chemical defenses to prevent in
214 rapeutic agents damage rapidly proliferating epithelial tissue, namely via the cell population-specif
215 ession during branching morphogenesis in the epithelial tissue of an early embryonic salivary gland a
216  significantly higher in biopsies from sinus epithelial tissue of CRS patients with nasal polyps comp
217 rdinating extracellular matrix protection in epithelial tissues of chitinous invertebrates.
218 , embryonic or postnatal ablation of St14 in epithelial tissues of diverse origin and function caused
219 e used computational modeling and engineered epithelial tissues of precise geometry to define the exp
220 nervous, hemopoietic, endocrine, and certain epithelial tissues of Tg[CerPrP] mice.
221 ated in the developing brain, in contrast to epithelial tissues of the imaginal discs.
222 sensitive ion channel primarily expressed in epithelial tissues of the skin, nose, and tongue.
223                            Myc expression in epithelial tissues of transgenic mice (K5-Myc) led to in
224                     Oncogenic alterations in epithelial tissues often trigger apoptosis, suggesting a
225 r, we study the development and migration of epithelial tissues on glass wires of well-defined radii
226 l as be used as tools for gene delivery into epithelial tissues or epithelial tumors.
227         The basement membrane is crucial for epithelial tissue organization and function.
228 cription of E-cadherin, a key determinant of epithelial tissue organization.
229 ntribute to the molecular network regulating epithelial tissue organization.
230 oth Mus musculus (stromal) and Homo sapiens (epithelial) tissue origins.
231 step of the pathway enhances Ras(V12)-driven epithelial tissue overgrowth via the accumulation of rea
232 cellular matrix contacting the basal side of epithelial tissues, plays an important role in the contr
233 ved cells resident within cancer susceptible epithelial tissues principally by influencing early even
234 ase may serve those working with other human epithelial tissue progenitors.
235                Gammadelta T cells present in epithelial tissues provide a crucial first line of defen
236 reflecting differentiation programs of other epithelial tissues provide a useful framework for revisi
237                                Plasticity in epithelial tissues relates to processes of embryonic dev
238                             Morphogenesis of epithelial tissues relies on the interplay between cell
239 phogenesis, homeostasis, and regeneration of epithelial tissues rely on the accurate orientation of c
240 ce, Btbd7 is a regulatory gene that promotes epithelial tissue remodeling and formation of branched o
241  Rab protein distributions during Drosophila epithelial tissue remodeling and show that Rab35 is dyna
242 eviously unknown, multilayered regulation of epithelial tissue remodeling coordinated by the microRNA
243 ury, inhibit inflammation, and contribute to epithelial tissue repair, their use has been suggested a
244 olled growth and morphogenesis of developing epithelial tissues require coordination of multiple fact
245 The development and maintenance of polarized epithelial tissue requires a tightly controlled orientat
246            Extrusion of apoptotic cells from epithelial tissues requires orchestrated morphological r
247                  The propagation of force in epithelial tissues requires that the contractile cytoske
248 nd that subcellular enrichment of F-actin in epithelial tissues requires the Rac-WAVE/SCAR-Arp2/3 pat
249 obust and universal mechanism to explain how epithelial tissues restore their integrity.
250 RNA concentration the area of ocular surface epithelial tissue sample processed for the Gene 1.0 ST a
251 ve effectively collected ocular surface (OS) epithelial tissue samples from the Limbal Epithelial Cry
252                                          For epithelial tissues, some of that coordination is accompl
253 thelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in both epithelial tissue stem cells and breast cancer cells.
254                             We proposed that epithelial tissue stem cells and their cancer stem cell
255 ereas others have been shown to originate in epithelial tissue stem cells.
256 ssembly, the multiprotein complex regulating epithelial tissue structure and function following de no
257 ruct three-dimensional arrays of organotypic epithelial tissue structures that approximate in vivo hi
258 mine the dynamics of stem cells within human epithelial tissues such as colonic crypts.
259                           In a wide range of epithelial tissues such as kidney tubules or breast acin
260 ut does not have detectable effects in other epithelial tissues such as the related mucosa of the lar
261  to the epithelial keratins of soft and hard epithelial tissues such as: skin, cornea, hair and nail.
262 nce shows that unlike other endoderm-derived epithelial tissues, such as the intestine, Wnt/beta-cate
263  altered by smoking in all three respiratory epithelial tissues, suggesting a common airway-wide resp
264 s identified as a human tumour suppressor in epithelial tissues, suggesting that its regulation may h
265 ocesses involve mechanical rearrangements of epithelial tissues that are driven by precisely regulate
266  cells express these TRAs, as do extrathymic epithelial tissues that are not usually considered to be
267 es in intestinal stem cell dynamics in human epithelial tissues that might be used to study premalign
268            We also document that extrathymic epithelial tissues that originate from pharyngeal endode
269 owever, the effects of Erk1/2 loss in normal epithelial tissue, the setting of most extracellular sig
270                                      In many epithelial tissues, the cells' contractile network is po
271                                           In epithelial tissues, the Hippo pathway is regulated by fu
272                                           In epithelial tissues, the lineage relationship between nor
273                                           In epithelial tissues, the shape of the interphase cell is
274 esion and unidirectional drug release toward epithelial tissue, thereby prolonging drug exposure and
275 ound abundant H7 virus attachment to corneal epithelial tissue, this did not account for the differen
276                                           In epithelial tissues, this process has been shown to be cr
277 on during branching morphogenesis of mammary epithelial tissues through key regulators of EMT.
278 odel developed to describe the biophysics of epithelial tissue to explore this problem.
279           Although HPV16 transforms infected epithelial tissues to cancer in the presence of several
280 tional analysis of high resolution images of epithelial tissues to infer relative magnitude of forces
281 ty may have evolved as a general strategy in epithelial tissues to maximize energy efficiency.
282 horylates and activates Moesin in developing epithelial tissues to promote epithelial tissue integrit
283 orce-activated mechanotransducer, in mammary epithelial tissue transformation and invasion.
284 portant for the viral life cycle in specific epithelial tissue types and contribute to cellular trans
285                                              Epithelial tissues undergo extensive collective movement
286 oteome in branching morphogenesis of mammary epithelial tissues using a three-dimensional organotypic
287     We have studied dysregulated cyclin E in epithelial tissues using organotypic cultures of human m
288    To investigate the roles of Acvr1b in the epithelial tissues, we created mice with a conditional d
289 lar Notch receptor trafficking in Drosophila epithelial tissues, we recovered mutations that disrupt
290                                              Epithelial tissues were collected and analyzed by immuno
291  Planar cell polarity (PCP) is a property of epithelial tissues where cellular structures coordinatel
292 rm distinct cell fate decisions to Notch1 in epithelial tissues, where carcinomas such as SCC arise.
293 e localized to neuronal, cardiovascular, and epithelial tissues, where they play critical roles in co
294 ing spread from latently infected ganglia to epithelial tissues, where viral progeny are produced in
295  function as voltage-independent channels in epithelial tissues, whereas KCNQ1 function as voltage-ac
296  shape to achieve robust mitotic rounding in epithelial tissues, which is where most cancers initiate
297 ns junctions (AJs) maintain the integrity of epithelial tissues while allowing for neighbor exchange.
298 em cell niches can be mobilized to repair an epithelial tissue whose resident stem cells have been da
299 ansmembrane glycoprotein widely expressed in epithelial tissues whose functions are just beginning to
300  AVM combines the Vertex Model for confluent epithelial tissues with active matter dynamics.

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