


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  lymphocyte responses and frequency of viral escape mutation.
2 al logs; sequence analysis revealed no viral escape mutation.
3 ventually be overwhelmed by viral growth and escape mutation.
4 R could lead to better protection from viral escape mutation.
5 licative defects imparted by the deleterious escape mutations.
6 lly arise concomitantly with Gag(181-189)CM9 escape mutations.
7 region that does not tolerate neutralization escape mutations.
8  with the positions of the previously mapped escape mutations.
9 imarily as a result of neutralizing antibody escape mutations.
10 ical epitopes to determine the importance of escape mutations.
11  residue (tryptophan at position 4) prone to escape mutations.
12 ell responses through the development of CD8 escape mutations.
13  also occurs in the presence of selected CTL escape mutations.
14 ects should be considered when analyzing HIV escape mutations.
15 with the rapid development of neutralization escape mutations.
16 l or de novo responses against epitopes with escape mutations.
17  indicative of reversions of transmitted CD8 escape mutations.
18 ll epitopes leads to the rapid appearance of escape mutations.
19 o replicative fitness of viruses bearing the escape mutations.
20 s performed, to monitor for the emergence of escape mutations.
21 fection were maintained and there were no Th escape mutations.
22 ell epitopes that functionally act as immune escape mutations.
23 6), respectively, and could represent immune escape mutations.
24 e basis of analysis of mutants with antibody escape mutations.
25 aints limit the available sites tolerable to escape mutations.
26 ed to target epitopes that do not accumulate escape mutations.
27 wever, immune control is undermined by viral escape mutations.
28 target epitopes and the development of viral escape mutations.
29 p mutational scanning, to catalogue antibody escape mutations.
30 ed to target epitopes that do not accumulate escape mutations.
31 bilization in the absence of Gag(181-189)CM9 escape mutations.
32 ase the genetic barrier for the emergence of escape mutations.
33 sure on viral diversity and potential immune-escape mutations.
34 eir ability to predict biologically relevant escape mutations.
35 se with enhanced fitness due to reversion of escape mutations.
36 , the virus typically evolves several immune escape mutations.
37 notype determination and detection of immune escape mutations.
38                               To examine how escape mutations affect the presentation and recognition
39 ed how interference between these concurrent escape mutations affects their escape rates in systems w
40                                          The escape mutations all mapped to the same phage genome seg
41 tenuation through Gag-specific CD8(+) T-cell escape mutations, among other factors, in the control of
42 sistent decay of CTL responses after epitope escape mutation and provide insight into potential mecha
43 rug interaction surfaces less susceptible to escape mutations and potentiate the power of polypharmac
44 bed in terms of the cost-benefit tradeoff of escape mutations and predicts a trajectory in the cost-b
45 died viral evolution and the dynamics of CTL escape mutations and reversion of these mutations after
46 hway was characterized by acquisition of CTL escape mutations and the other by selection for wild-typ
47                                     Defining escape mutations and their dynamics will be useful in th
48                                         Most escape mutations appeared during acute infection and rem
49                                              Escape mutations are believed to be important contributo
50 etroviral drug-resistance mutations, epitope escape mutations are inconsistently observed.
51                      We therefore infer that escape mutations are likely to be associated with weak f
52 observed pattern of escape, in which several escape mutations are observed transiently in an epitope.
53 ve previously shown that while CD8(+) T-cell escape mutations are rarely seen in proviral Gag sequenc
54                               Neutralization escape mutations are widely distributed over the VP8* su
55 rictive for primary SIVsm isolates, although escape mutations arise late in infection.
56 CTL) epitopes impair T cell recognition, but escape mutations arising in flanking regions that alter
57 er the course of infection, an unusual viral escape mutation arose within the p6(Pol) epitope through
58 er, in a subset of HLA-B27(+) subjects, rare escape mutations arose at the HLA-B27 anchor residue, R(
59 tion in RC was significantly greater for CTL escape mutations associated with protective HLA class I
60 nhibit each other in vitro and select for an escape mutation at the same position on the EBOV glycopr
61                          CTL epitopes accrue escape mutations at different rates in vivo.
62 ralization in their human hosts by acquiring escape mutations at epitopes of prevalent antibodies.
63                             Rare alternative escape mutations at R(264) have been observed, but facto
64                    We demonstrate that while escape mutations at residue 2633 (position 5) of the epi
65 complex forces limit the accumulation of CD8 escape mutations at the population level.
66 xogenous CypA escape protein, which contains escape mutations at the small RNA interference recogniti
67 viral load kinetics or magnitude or in viral escape mutations, but was associated with the evolution
68            However, it is now clear that CTL escape mutations can also confer a fitness cost, and the
69 on transmission to new hosts, these original escape mutations can be lost.
70                     The observation that CTL escape mutations can carry an associated fitness cost in
71 oviral treatment or the emergence of epitope escape mutations, causes HIV-specific CD8 T cell respons
72 V entry blockers are in clinical trials, but escape mutations challenge their potential.
73  of virions bearing GP that contain the Q508 escape mutation common to a number of virus-neutralizing
74 gnificantly reduced number of drug-resistant escape mutations compared to contemporary clinically-eva
75 odeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), leading to escape mutations compromising virologic control.
76 rimary HIV-1-specific T cells rapidly select escape mutations concurrent with falling virus load in a
77            In recent years, methods that use escape mutation data to estimate rates of HIV escape hav
78 uman leukocyte antigen (HLA)-mediated immune-escape mutations defined by older analysis methods.
79                                     However, escape mutation depends on the net balance of selective
80                   In cases in which multiple escape mutations developed within a targeted epitope, a
81 on of these upstream mutations with the rare escape mutations dramatically restored viral replication
82     Some studies reveal that the later these escape mutations emerge, the more slowly they go to fixa
83 es/ml for almost a decade until a nonbinding escape mutation emerged within the immunodominant CTL ep
84 of these studies included: (i) SIV Gag K165R escape mutations emerged in both plasma and cerebrospina
85             We ask how the rates at which an escape mutation emerges in a host who bears the restrict
86                                 Reversion of escape mutations following HAART initiation was extremel
87 de-off is limited by the small number of CTL escape mutations for which a fitness cost has been quant
88 otype determination, and detection of immune escape mutations from a single contiguous HBV sequence.
89 lication capacities, in part associated with escape mutations from cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte (CTL) respo
90               We then asked whether such CTL escape mutations had an impact equivalent to that seen f
91                 Importantly, the majority of escape mutations had negative impacts on hDPP4 receptor
92                             The selection of escape mutations has a major impact on immune control of
93 n viral persistence and development of viral escape mutations has been postulated.
94 ng human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) immune escape mutations has implications for understanding the
95                                     Although escape mutations have also been characterized in major h
96                                          CTL escape mutations have been identified in several chronic
97                                        Thus, escape mutations identified as HLA associated systematic
98 s, MAbs 8F8, 8M2, and 2G1 each elicited H2N2 escape mutations immediately adjacent to the receptor-bi
99 eplication competent and contained the T242N escape mutation in Gag, which is known to decrease viral
100                       An early CD8(+) T-cell escape mutation in the dominant HLA-B57-restricted Gag e
101 t restore replication fitness reduced by the escape mutation in the epitope and by itself had little
102  YY9-specific CD8(+) T cells demonstrated an escape mutation in this epitope <3 wk postinfection, con
103 cial for controlling a variant virus with an escape mutation in this epitope.
104                       We first observed that escape mutations in a heterogeneous simian immunodeficie
105                  A closer examination of CD8 escape mutations in additional persons with chronic dise
106 s-specific CD8+ T cells likely helps prevent escape mutations in chronic viral infections.
107  many-though not all-HIV-1 polymerase immune escape mutations in circulation over time.
108  help was associated with emergence of viral escape mutations in class I major histocompatibility com
109                  These data suggest that CTL escape mutations in epitopes associated with suppression
110                     Our results suggest that escape mutations in epitopes bound by "protective" MHC-I
111                                          CTL escape mutations in Gag and Nef were seen in the donors,
112 CD8 responses capable of selecting for viral escape mutations in highly conserved regions of the viru
113 re is a striking all or none pattern for CTL escape mutations in HIV-1 Gag epitopes.
114 ss I-restricted cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) escape mutations in HIV-1 that persist upon transmission
115                 This revealed a loss of some escape mutations in HLA class I epitopes during pregnanc
116 t and impact of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) escape mutations in HLA-B*57+ ES.
117 previously predicted high genetic barrier to escape mutations in host-targeted antivirals.
118 rus-specific CD8(+) T lymphocytes select for escape mutations in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) a
119 he emergence of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) escape mutations in human immunodeficiency virus type 1
120                 Cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte (CTL) escape mutations in human immunodeficiency viruses encod
121 roach to define better the role of reverting escape mutations in immune control of HIV infection.
122 an studies, direct evidence for emergence of escape mutations in immunodominant major histocompatibil
123                                              Escape mutations in Mamu-A*01 epitopes appeared first in
124  the significance of possible neutralization escape mutations in mosquito and mammalian cells, mice,
125  predicting the impact of ZMapp on potential escape mutations in ongoing or future Ebola outbreaks.
126  relative rate of escape and the location of escape mutations in response to T-cell-mediated immune p
127                            The appearance of escape mutations in SIV Gag p11C was coincident with com
128                     However, the presence of escape mutations in the acute stage of infection has rai
129  strain and those infected with a virus with escape mutations in the capsid were compared.
130 trate the long-term stability of stereotypic escape mutations in the immunodominant HLA-B27-restricte
131 xic T-lymphocytes (CTLs) select for multiple escape mutations in the infecting HIV population.
132 erved no dose-limiting adverse events and no escape mutations in the miR-122 binding sites of the HCV
133  of deleterious cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) escape mutations in the NS5B KSKKTPMGF epitope might imp
134 detected long before the appearance of viral escape mutations in the plasma.
135 es that was observed for clinically relevant escape mutations in the Pol gene.
136 , and potential accumulation, of CD8+ T-cell escape mutations in the population may suggest a gradual
137 s reimposed after childbirth, at which point escape mutations in these epitopes again predominated in
138  development of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) escape mutations in these regions may significantly impa
139                                   Common CTL escape mutations in this epitope were identified from a
140 to effectively target Gag and select for CTL escape mutations in this gene.
141                    The selection of rare CTL escape mutations in this HLA-B27-restricted epitope dram
142 A-B*5703-restricted CTL responses select for escape mutations in three Gag p24 epitopes, in a predict
143  infected macaques with a cloned SIV bearing escape mutations in three immunodominant CTL epitopes, a
144  immunodeficiency virus (SIV) bearing common escape mutations in three immunodominant CTL epitopes.
145 r the question, the RRCs were quantified for escape mutations in three immunodominant HLA-B*57/B*5801
146                                              Escape mutations in viral epitopes can, however, abrogat
147  outstanding questions regarding the role of escape mutations in viral persistence and their fate in
148                                      Initial escape mutations, including the addition of a key glycan
149                                              Escape mutations, including those with reduced VRC, can
150 ltiple cohorts confirmed HLA-B*51-associated escape mutations inside the epitope in genotype 3a, but
151 se mutations on viral fitness, we introduced escape mutations into 30 epitopes (bound by five major h
152                        Introduction of these escape mutations into the parental virus conferred resis
153            In one of these defined epitopes, escape mutations involving the substitution of amino aci
154                                              Escape mutation is a mechanism associated with OBI, whic
155                           Critically, CR8020 escape mutation is seen in certain H7N9 viruses from rec
156  average sample size required to identify an escape mutation is smaller if the mutation escapes and r
157 benefit of transmitted HLA-B*5703-associated escape mutations is abrogated by the increase in viral l
158  of identifying cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte (CTL) escape mutations is to search for statistical associatio
159  the simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Gag escape mutation K165R in HAART-treated SIV-infected pigt
160                                We show that "escape" mutations lower affinity of the NS3 protease for
161         A new study now shows that one HIV-1 escape mutation may also result in impaired dendritic ce
162                                   Such viral escape mutations may (i) prevent peptide processing, (ii
163                                     However, escape mutations may give rise to new epitopes that coul
164                    This possibly reflects an escape mutation mechanism to evade detection by the host
165 y, the SIVmac239 challenge virus accumulated escape mutations more rapidly in animals that received c
166 complex interplay of the immune response and escape mutation of the virus quasispecies inside a singl
167 e studied and by an analysis of all reported escape mutations of defined CTL epitopes in the HIV Immu
168  control, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) escape mutations often arise in immunodominant epitopes
169 d studied the effect of these neutralization escape mutations on human and animal receptor usage as w
170 d studied the effect of these neutralization-escape mutations on in vitro and in vivo fitness.
171                            Analysis of viral escape mutations on m157 that render it resistant to NK
172 ons capable of alleviating the impact of CD8 escape mutations on replication capacity may enable thei
173              Individually, the impact of the escape mutations on RRC was comparable to that of M184V,
174                          The distribution of escape mutations on the DS-1 VP8* core indicates that ne
175 ng HIV-1 evolution and for the impact of CD8 escape mutations on viral fitness.
176 y observed, suggesting an impact of most CTL escape mutations on viral replication.
177  secretion defect caused by the G145R immune-escape mutation or mutation at N146, the site of N-linke
178  associated with transmitted or acquired CTL escape mutations or transmitted drug resistance mutation
179 g. transmitted cytotoxic T- lymphocyte (CTL) escape mutations) or infant factors (e.g. reduced CTL fu
180  CTL responses, an increased fitness cost of escape mutations, or an increased diversity of the CTL r
181  = 2 x 10(-10)) and functionally through CTL escape mutation (P = 2 x 10(-8)).
182 valent HBV contained antibody neutralization escape mutations (P = .01).
183 itude of the reductions in RRC caused by the escape mutations, particularly when coexpressed, suggest
184 rt of HLA-B*27/57/58:01/81:01-associated Gag escape mutations previously shown to incur a fitness cos
185 cond, under the selective pressure of HC-11, escape mutations progressed from a single L438F substitu
186             Here, we illustrate that the CTL escape mutation R(264)K in the HLA-B27-restricted KK10 e
187                            Additionally, the escape mutation R189S in V2, which conferred resistance
188 ia reveals an unexpectedly high level of CTL escape mutations reflecting selective pressure acting at
189  virus type 1 (HIV-1) cytotoxic T-lymphocyte escape mutations represent both a major reason for loss
190                              The predominant escape mutations represented conservative substitutions
191                               Moreover, this escape mutation represents a novel mechanism whereby HIV
192                                          CTL escape mutations restricted by protective HLA class I mo
193 wer than 10% of epitopes containing maternal escape mutations reverted to the consensus sequence foll
194 ven by the HLA-B*57:03-KF11 response for the escape mutation S173T.
195 st, the occurrence of distinct, HLA-specific escape mutation; second, the recruitment of distinct TCR
196 that the Mem5 antibody binds at the sites of escape mutation selected by the other antibodies.
197 e regions of high mobility include the known escape mutation site for the neutralizing antibody A6.2
198                  We show that the identified escape mutations stabilize the ground state of the envel
199                    We further show that this escape mutation substantially diminished viral fitness i
200                                Mapping viral escape mutations suggested that these antibodies bind at
201 ccurring HLA-B57- and HLA-B27-associated CTL escape mutations T242N and R264K resulted in delayed cap
202                                  The typical escape mutation (T242N) within this epitope diminishes v
203 ficant correlation between the number of Gag escape mutations targeted by specific HLA-B allele-restr
204 responses leaves predictable combinations of escape mutations, termed HLA "footprints." The most clea
205 tive subjects drove positive selection of an escape mutation that reverted to wild-type after transmi
206 tributes to persistent infection by evolving escape mutations that attenuate binding of inhibitory an
207 responses are those driving the selection of escape mutations that reduce viral fitness and therefore
208 ocyte (CTL) responses drive the selection of escape mutations that reduce viral replication capacity
209  majority (>98%) of latent viruses carry CTL escape mutations that render infected cells insensitive
210         However, the virus rapidly acquires "escape mutations" that reduce CD8(+) T cell recognition
211 tingly, transmission of an HLA-B8-associated escape mutation to an HLA-B8 negative subject resulted i
212 ver, have highlighted the propensity of some escape mutations to revert upon transmission to a new ho
213        CTL arise in acute infection, causing escape mutations to spread rapidly through the populatio
214 ing of viral fitness loss resulting from CTL escape mutations together with strong CD8 T-cell immune
215    Whether this intrapatient accumulation of escape mutations translates into HIV evolution at the po
216                 Cytotoxic-T-lymphocyte (CTL) escape mutations undermine the durability of effective h
217 smitted mutations and the impact of specific escape mutations upon viral replication suggest that com
218 ss cost of the 29 most common HIV-1B Gag CTL escape mutations using an in vitro RC assay.
219          A viral population with >/=1 immune-escape mutation was found in 53.2% of patients (intrapat
220 ion and the colocalization of neutralization escape mutations, we conclude that N-linked carbohydrate
221 ion of viral replication, (ii) SIV K165R Gag escape mutations were archived in latent proviral DNA re
222  rhTRIM5alpha study, the mapped huTRIM5alpha escape mutations were distributed across the capsid exte
223                                              Escape mutations were identified at position 129, 165, o
224  to the results of the previous study, fewer escape mutations were identified, with particular mutant
225                                              Escape mutations were mapped upon a three-dimensional (3
226                                   Gag and RT escape mutations were monoclonal intra-epitope substitut
227 os HIV-1 database, we show that emerging CTL escape mutations were more often present at lower freque
228                                     Putative escape mutations were often rapidly replaced with mutual
229                                              Escape mutations were oligoclonal, suggesting fitness co
230 nd (iii) replication-competent SIV Gag K165R escape mutations were present in the resting CD4(+) T ce
231                                              Escape mutations were used to map the site of action for
232 observed in the ability of CTL to select for escape mutation when targeting the same epitope but rest
233 rise as a result of positive selection of an escape mutation, which is stable on transmission and the
234  indications of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) escape mutations while reversions appeared limited.
235 e alters VRC, and HIV-specific CTLs inducing escape mutations with fitness costs in this region may b
236 tect the emergence of viral variants bearing escape mutations with frequencies as low as 1% of the ci
237                                     A second escape mutation within the epitope, by contrast, was mai
238 approach successfully identified 6 known CTL escape mutations within 3 Mane-A1*084-restricted epitope
239 n spite of the rapid development of multiple escape mutations within cytotoxic T lymphocyte epitopes.
240 tensive analysis of one subject for whom all escape mutations within defined CTL epitopes were studie
241 at the earliest time point tested, signature escape mutations within Gag that likewise impair viral r
242 ata show that the process of accumulation of escape mutations within HIV is not inevitable.
243 nstrate that dominant HLA-B27-associated CTL escape mutations within HIV-1 capsid lead to enhanced ca
244 ncy to drive multisite and/or anchor residue escape mutations within known CTL epitopes, and the abil
245 ther, these data demonstrate that CTL-driven escape mutations within p24 Gag restricted by protective
246                                              Escape mutations within the bNAb epitopes did not arise
247         CTL-mediated immune pressure selects escape mutations within the CTL epitope.
248    Furthermore, cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) escape mutations within the immunodominant HLA-B57 (Bw4)
249 se data suggest that the selection of costly escape mutations within the immunodominant NS5B KSKKTPMG
250 utologous viral sequences did not reveal any escape mutations within the targeted epitope, and viral
251 ed epitopes, mother-to-child transmission of escape mutations within these epitopes could nullify its
252            We identified a unique pattern of escape mutations within this epitope in a large cohort o
253 equencing revealed the universal presence of escape mutations within TW10 among B57- and B5801-positi

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