


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ChEL domain may also function as a molecular escort.
2 n which one strand includes terminal polymer escorts.
3 al sorting complexes required for transport (ESCORT-0) component, as a downstream target of mTORC1.
4 protein, regulates its protein unfolding and escort activities.
5 ix bundle, is sufficient to reconstitute the escort activity.
6  Mis18 to receive CENP-A(Cnp1) from the Sim3 escort and mediate assembly of CENP-A(Cnp1) into subkine
7 these findings indicate that p53 dynamically escorts and loads TFIID onto its target promoters.
8 nding, followed by chaperoning, matchmaking, escorting, and reduced ER stress.
9      These results validate the notion that "escort aptamers" may be useful for the treatment of spec
10 through direct protein-protein interactions, escorts beta2 signaling to remove Kv1.1 from the dendrit
11                                  The polymer escorts both confer protection against nucleases and fac
12       We show that ejecting mycobacteria are escorted by a distinct polar autophagocytic vacuole.
13  Sec61 trimeric complex back to the cytosol, escorted by the beta subunit of Sec61, and degraded by t
14 ng of the mechanisms by which such materials escort cargo from the cell surface to the nucleus.
15 divide only to maintain a constant germ cell:escort cell ratio.
16 bule-rich cell membranes pass cysts from one escort cell to the next.
17              Recently, we have proposed that escort cells (ECs) form a differentiation niche to contr
18 s demonstrate that Lsd1 functions within the escort cells (ECs) that reside immediately adjacent to c
19                  Signal integration involves escort cells (ECs), which promote differentiation of the
20 ted germ cells that interact physically with escort cells (ECs).
21                                Additionally, escort cells are not replenished by the regular division
22                                 We show that escort cells produce both Wingless and Hedgehog ligands
23                                      Rather, escort cells remain quiescent and divide only to maintai
24           In addition, we show that multiple escort cells simultaneously encapsulate germ cell cysts
25           Adult-specific knockdown of dpp in escort cells substantially rescued piwi tumors, demonstr
26 rmingled cells (ICs, the progenitor cells of escort cells).
27  dynamic population of stromal cells, called escort cells, are FSC niche cells.
28  that loss of Piwi causes defects in ICs and escort cells, leading to ectopic Dpp signaling and conse
29                                      Somatic escort cells, the glial-like partners of early germ cell
30 e in ovarian niche function, and acts within escort cells.
31 doplasmic reticulum protein, functions as an escort chaperone and in protein folding.
32  model describing the mechanism by which U21 escorts class I MHC molecules to the lysosomal compartme
33 he family of metallochaperone molecules that escort copper to distinct intracellular targets.
34  of [8(+)][X(-)] by MCHE(2) (E = ester, M = 'escort' counterion, X = Pd allyl counterion) show the sa
35 aken together, these findings show that p130 escorts E2F4 into the nucleus and, together with corepre
36 how that by releasing an additional tailored escort electron beam at a later phase of the acceleratio
37        ERp29 was also suggested to act as an escort factor by binding to the secretory protein thyrog
38                                          The escort factor Scap is essential in mammalian cells for r
39 n (3WJ) of bacteriophage phi29 motor pRNA to escort folic acid, a fluorescent image marker and BRCAA1
40                        A role for eRF3 as an escort for eRF1 into its fully accommodated state is eas
41 a not only affirm the role of arrestin as an escort for signaling molecules such as Src family kinase
42                            We show that this escort function likewise depends on ERp29 dimerization.
43 is believed to play an important role in the escort function of RAP, because RAP binds tightly to pro
44                                    Both the "escort" function provided by ABD and the inhibitor funct
45                                      We then escorted him to the packed lecture hall, and Dr. Sabisto
46  Histone chaperones, which are proteins that escort histones throughout their cellular life, are key
47 histone chaperones play an important role in escorting histones to and from sites of nucleosome assem
48       Once assembled the small TIM complexes escort hydrophobic inner membrane proteins en route to t
49 chema, mature gL returns to the ER, where it escorts immature gH from the ER to the Golgi; thereafter
50 es through the use of appropriately designed escort/inhibitors.
51 (NLS) and utilizes the pAP as an NLS-bearing escort into the nucleus.
52 ery of the nucleophile can be facilitated by escort ion (M) binding to the concave orientated amide c
53 nds to the low-density lipoprotein receptor, escorting it to its destruction in the lysosome and ther
54 synaptic terminals of motor neurons and then escorts it across the synaptic cleft.
55 te conditions before irradiation and rapidly escorts it to the damaged DNA after UV irradiation in a
56  analyses indicate that NAF1 binds NAP57 and escorts it to the nascent H/ACA RNA and that GAR1 then r
57                             PDD was shown to escort LAmB to APCs in vivo, enhanced the drug efficacy
58 dblocks is more consistent with a sequential escort mechanism than stochastic, hand-off, or concerted
59 that ARH facilitates endocytosis of megalin, escorts megalin along its endocytic route and raise the
60 sive relationship with a single helper (its "escort"), minimizing competition over food allocation.
61 n cultured cells, M10s appear to function as escort molecules in transport of V2Rs to the cell surfac
62                   We then place them into an escort network that distributes these histones in variou
63 02 family member is m04, a glycoprotein that escorts newly assembled MHC-I molecules to the cell surf
64 ioxidant response element (ARE) signaling by escorting nuclear export of Nrf2.
65 sts as a ribosome-unbound complex during the escort of aberrant peptides to the proteasome.
66 ion for NKD2, i.e., myristoylation-dependent escort of TGF alpha to the basolateral plasma membrane o
67 ropose that the Hat2p/Rbap48 family serve as escorts of histone metabolism enzymes to facilitate thei
68 om the top staircase position to the bottom, escorting one nucleotide of single-stranded DNA through
69 c intermediates were identified, defining an escorted path followed by malonyl groups en route from C
70   Immunoglobulin-like periplasmic chaperones escort pilus subunits to the usher, a large protein comp
71 ded clusters of Shha-expressing epidermis to escort pObs into similarly split groups.
72 cific hetero-oligomeric complex (TIM10) that escorts polytopic proteins into the mitochondrial inner
73 ent the maximum entropy principle, one using escort probabilities, the other not.
74 ere we show that this duality fixes a unique escort probability, which allows us to derive a complete
75 e Rab substrate only when it is bound to Rab escort protein (REP).
76 type II requires that they first bind to Rab escort protein (REP).
77 pendent on a Rab-binding protein, termed Rab escort protein (REP).
78 eranylgeranyl transferase (GGTase) and a Rab escort protein (REP).
79 tween newly synthesized Rab proteins and Rab escort protein (REP).
80 tions in the CHM gene, which encodes the Rab escort protein 1 (REP1).
81 hat hair cells and retinal cells require Rab escort protein 1 for survival.
82 f adeno-associated viral vector encoding Rab Escort Protein 1 is described as a part of gene therapy
83  human Choroideremia gene, which encodes Rab escort protein 1.
84  that the cross-linked complexes contain Rab escort protein and GDI-1.
85 ariety of Rab GTPases in the presence of Rab escort protein but, unlike Rab-GGT in yeast and mammals,
86 n studies showed that formation of chaperone-escort protein complexes inhibited mtHsp70 self-associat
87 -associated protein is a molecular chaperone/escort protein for LDL receptor-related protein, a membe
88  of the LDLR and the third domain of RAP, an escort protein for LDLR family members.
89 ated protein (RAP) is a recognized chaperone/escort protein for members of the low density lipoprotei
90 tor-associated protein (RAP) functions as an escort protein for receptors of the low-density lipoprot
91              We suggest that PRA1 acts as an escort protein for small GTPases by binding to the hydro
92               Thus, CRF-BP emerges as a GPCR escort protein increasing the understanding of GPCR traf
93 alytic activity seen for a 10-fold excess of escort protein over enzyme.
94 ized that CRF-BP binds to CRF2R, exerting an escort protein role.
95     Cholesterol acts by binding to the SREBP-escort protein Scap, thereby causing Scap to bind to anc
96  to the following two membrane proteins: the escort protein Scap, thus preventing proteolytic process
97 ge-activating protein) is a sterol-regulated escort protein that transports SREBPs from their site of
98 pose a model in which Rad23p functions as an escort protein to link the 26 S proteasome with proteins
99                       IscU, a NifU-like Fe/S-escort protein, binds to and stimulates the ATPase activ
100 everely affected in the absence of the Hsp70 escort protein, Hep1.
101                                           An escort protein, Msi4p, was necessary for geranylgeranyla
102 e prenylation of Ypt1p in the presence of an escort protein, Msi4p.
103  cholesterol, which triggers SCAP, the SREBP escort protein, to bind to Insigs, which are ER retentio
104 e disease that results from mutations in Rab Escort Protein-1 (REP1).
105 neration resulting from mutations in the Rab escort protein-1 (REP1).
106 g of the Sec23/24 complex to Scap, the SREBP escort protein.
107 certain non-Rab GTPases independently of Rab escort protein.
108 e sorting signal (MELADL) in Scap, the SREBP-escort protein.
109 n of newly synthesized Rab proteins with Rab-escort-protein (REP), the choroideremia-gene-product tha
110 mutations in the CHM gene, which encodes Rab escort-protein-1 (REP-1).
111                                        Hsp70 escort proteins (Hep) have been implicated as essential
112                                          Rab escort proteins (REP) 1 and 2 are closely related mammal
113   Importin alpha proteins have been shown to escort proteins into the nucleus through interaction wit
114 ular chaperones (mtHsp70), but the role that escort proteins play in regulating mammalian chaperone f
115 hese findings provide evidence that metazoan escort proteins regulate the catalytic activity and solu
116 ed on NIH 3T3 cells, vectors displaying TVTM escort proteins significantly enhanced the transduction
117  to the cell surface is tightly regulated by escort proteins.
118  consistent with the presence of one or more escort proteins.
119 the single-stranded T-DNA is stripped of its escorting proteins, most likely converts to a double-str
120 Ms that are stably incorporated as envelope "escort" proteins into retroviral vectors and that, by fu
121 he CRISP family represents a group of "sperm escort" proteins, which bind to sperm at various steps i
122 context of Moloney murine leukemia envelope "escort" proteins.
123  if Rad51 recombinase (Rad51), a factor that escorts replication forks, aids replication across UV le
124 ral RNA, the Rev response element (RRE), and escorts RRE-containing RNAs from the nucleus.
125 ents: preliminary phosphorylation of RSK and escorting RSK to a membrane-associated complex, where ad
126          We report here new covalent polymer-escort siRNA constructs that address both of these const
127               These autotransfecting polymer-escort siRNAs are viable in RNAi and effective in knocki
128 ructural evidence for sulfate binding at the escort site suggests that the mechanism of sulfate activ
129 sulfate ion competing for bicarbonate at the escort site, preventing passage of bicarbonate from the
130 ng the dimerization interface of HICA is an "escort" site that represents an intermediate along the i
131 elf once, and the secreted inactive protease escorts specific receptors for lysosomal degradation.
132  SREBP cleavage-activating protein (SCAP) to escort SREBP from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the
133 etaining it in the ER and preventing it from escorting SREBPs from ER to the site of proteolytic acti
134 vating protein (SCAP) and preventing it from escorting SREBPs to the Golgi apparatus where the SREBPs
135 l-regulated fashion, thus preventing it from escorting SREBPs to the Golgi.
136 etaining it in the ER and preventing it from escorting SREBPs to the site of proteolytic activation i
137               In sterol-depleted cells, SCAP escorts SREBPs from ER to Golgi for proteolytic processi
138               In sterol-depleted cells, SCAP escorts SREBPs from ER to Golgi, where SREBPs are cleave
139 rotein (SCAP), a sterol-sensing protein that escorts SREBPs.
140                    It has been proposed that escort stem cells (ESCs), which directly contact GSCs, g
141 e not replenished by the regular division of escort stem cells as previously suggested.
142                                       These "escort stem cells" morphologically resemble testis cyst
143 gests mechanisms by which proteins like SspB escort substrates to AAA+ ATPases and enhance the specif
144 quires that the bacterial T-complex actively escorts T-DNA into the host's nucleus.
145 zes the adenosylation of cob(I)alamin and an escort that delivers the product, adenosylcobalamin (Ado
146 se that one function of Sim3 is to act as an escort that hands off CENP-A(Cnp1) to chromatin assembly
147 tions as a lipophilic accessory appendage to escort the dichlorodisalicylmethane pharmacophore to a l
148 ed the receptor-associated protein (RAP), to escort the newly synthesized receptor from the endoplasm
149 s on the 60S, on which Cdc48 is recruited to escort the substrate for proteasomal degradation.
150         PRM ligand binding does not directly escort the transition of MASP from zymogen to active enz
151 rdinating the assembly of V0 subunits and in escorting the assembled V0 complex into ER-derived trans
152  we also uncovered a novel role of Gemin5 in escorting the truncated forms of U1 pre-snRNAs for prope
153                 Surrogate light chain, which escorts the mu heavy chain to the cell surface, is a cri
154  rerouting of U snRNAs and their cytoplasmic escort, the survival motor neuron (SMN) complex, to proc
155 ent-containing mRNAs in the nucleus and then escort them through the nuclear pore, providing protecti
156  extract them from 60S particles in order to escort them to the proteasome for degradation.
157 latory element-binding proteins (SREBPs) and escorts them from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to the
158 y to class I MHC molecules as a tetramer and escorts them to lysosomes, where they are degraded.
159                                        After escorting these receptors to the Golgi, RAP dissociates
160 ell, intestinal as well as others, copper is escorted to specific compartments by metallochaperones.
161 at mutant mic2 lacking the C-domain might be escorted to the micronemes by association with endogenou
162 subunits, each devoid of export signals, are escorted to the periplasm in a piggyback fashion by the
163 nked ubiquitin chains, can the substrates be escorted to the proteasome for degradation.
164                          The preproteins are escorted to Tom70/Tom71 by molecular chaperones Hsp70 an
165                     We propose a two-subunit escort translocation mechanism that is strict enough to
166 vidually or in groups but without ultralight escort, we found evidence of long-term social learning,
167                                              Escorts were influenced by the total signal emanating fr
168 entified chaperone protein that specifically escorts Wnt ligands for secretion.
169 cts not directly related to cellular stress, escorting would allow increased ER exit and trafficking

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