


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 l regulatory modules that have hnRNP K as an essential element.
2 most, if not all, organisms, iron (Fe) is an essential element.
3 on, implicating cellular reprogramming as an essential element.
4 e and discuss efforts to prioritize the most essential elements.
5 regulatory scheme in which MvaT and MvaU are essential elements.
6 utant that reduced the 3' UTR to its minimal essential elements.
7 horities, as well as recommended intakes for essential elements.
8 evelopment requires efficient acquisition of essential elements.
9 on and possibly bioavailability of some life-essential elements.
10 horous, and sulfur, or combinations of these essential elements.
11 reviously, there are four common elements (1 essential element, 2 enhancers, and 1 negative element)
12         The distal PRE contains two adjacent essential elements, a Gr box (GTGATATAGTGG) and a TA box
13 s promoted by an mRNA signal composed of two essential elements: a heptanucleotide 'slippery' sequenc
14 cleocapsid assembly of all NSVs shares three essential elements: a monomeric capsid protein protomer,
15                            Copper (Cu) is an essential element and the effects of diets deficient in
16 a key role in the utilization and cycling of essential elements and compounds, microbial activity and
17                      Abnormal body levels of essential elements and exposure to toxic trace metals ha
18 ilability and distribution of many toxic and essential elements and organic compounds.
19 ned to establish levels of essential and non-essential elements, and their contribution to adequate i
20                                          The essential elements appear to be the driving force behind
21  mutational analysis has identified HBX2, an essential element, approximately 1.2 kb upstream from th
22 ctron microscopy and RT-PCR that these three essential elements are acquired concurrently between emb
23                                        These essential elements are located in upstream and transcrib
24 in the presence of varying concentrations of essential elements at 7 nM free Cd(2+), but predictions
25                                   Concerning essential elements bioaccessibility in raw seafood, sele
26                           Fluoride is not an essential element but amounts provided by contamination
27                               Selenium is an essential element, but its metabolism in humans is not w
28 irst study of the acquisition of sulphur, an essential element, by this pathogen.
29 ation to apoptotic phospholipids comprise an essential element connecting TNFalpha receptor signaling
30                                          The essential element content was very low in the analysed s
31                          Selenium (Se) is an essential element critical for TH activation and regulat
32 tudy suggests that metal toxicant uptake and essential element deficiency during specific development
33 degradation motif comprises two distinct and essential elements: DegA, encompassing two amphipathic h
34 on and demonstrate that the activity of this essential element does not require localization within t
35                               * Biologically essential elements--especially nitrogen (N) and phosphor
36 vating and inhibiting agents were additional essential elements facilitating dosage invariance.
37                              Iron (Fe) is an essential element for all eukaryotic organisms because i
38                             Phosphorus is an essential element for all known forms of life.
39                                     Iron, an essential element for almost every organism, serves as a
40 ased selenium is an important source of this essential element for animals.
41 signals such as the availability of iron, an essential element for bacterial growth.
42                               Iron became an essential element for both Eubacteria and Archeabacteria
43                                   Iron is an essential element for cells but may also be an important
44                                   Iron is an essential element for diverse biological functions.
45  These results call for a redefinition of an essential element for gene expression that incorporates
46                                Sulphur is an essential element for life and is ubiquitous in living s
47                         Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for life, an innate constituent of soi
48                                   Iron is an essential element for life, but its soluble form is scar
49                          Selenium (Se) is an essential element for many organisms but is toxic at hig
50                          Selenium (Se) is an essential element for many organisms, but excess Se is t
51                        Although sulfur is an essential element for marine primary production and crit
52                              Iron (Fe) is an essential element for most organisms which must be obtai
53                                   Iron is an essential element for nearly all cells and limited iron
54                     We identify Tyr-93 as an essential element for orthosteric activation, because Y9
55  facilitating the acquisition of Fe(III), an essential element for pathogenic bacteria.
56                         Manganese (Mn) is an essential element for plants which intervenes mainly in
57                              Iron (Fe) is an essential element for plants, utilized in nearly every c
58                                 Copper is an essential element for proper organismal development and
59                    Structural studies are an essential element for species-specific inhibitor develop
60 protein C (SP-C) has been suggested to be an essential element for sustaining the presence of cholest
61 ene transcription, but is also an active and essential element for the assembly of an ER-stress-induc
62          We also show that the Ca bowl is an essential element for the Ca(2+)-induced rearrangement o
63                          Selenium (Se) is an essential element for the cell that has multiple applica
64 TRPA1-CGRP signalling pathway constitutes an essential element for the control of vascular tone throu
65                    We identified Bub1b as an essential element for the growth and survival of rhabdom
66                                   Iron is an essential element for the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyr
67                                   Iron is an essential element for the survival of living cells.
68 inity stress and do not require sodium as an essential element for their growth and development.
69 airs of the proximal A1AR promoter contained essential elements for A1AR gene expression.
70                                          The essential elements for achieving this vision are highly
71 unity-related GTPase (IRG) proteins that are essential elements for detection and immune control of T
72  TM6, and TM7 intracellular domains that are essential elements for GPCR activation, but less flexibi
73 s that erythrocyte and P. falciparum PNP are essential elements for growth and survival of the parasi
74  A and its metabolite retinoic acid (RA) are essential elements for normal lung development and the d
75  receptor, neurokinin-3 receptor (NK3R), are essential elements for normal reproduction; however, the
76                       Phosphorus, one of the essential elements for plants, is often a limiting nutri
77 lts suggest that the P domain of NV contains essential elements for strain-specific binding to recept
78 mall, complex, genetic signature encoded the essential elements for these traits.
79 egion, not the LAT promoter region, provides essential elements for type-specific reactivation of HSV
80                                 Sulfur is an essential element found ubiquitously in living systems.
81 ly proposed model that incorporates just the essential elements found experimentally.
82 free) Fe(3+) transport system to obtain this essential element from the host iron-binding protein tra
83  of the MRC Framework development phase with essential elements from existing guidance including: pro
84                                         This essential element functions along with two downstream el
85  of eukaryotic histidyl-tRNAs that lack this essential element have been identified.
86                       NifB and NifEN are two essential elements immediately adjacent to each other al
87 cancer, the management of chronic pain is an essential element in a comprehensive strategy for pallia
88 daptive immune system, and identify a novel, essential element in a regulatory network that is of sig
89 enium has been increasingly recognized as an essential element in biology and medicine.
90 sults establish the RING finger domain as an essential element in Cbl-mediated negative regulation of
91      The measurement of polymer growth is an essential element in characterization of assembly.
92  their regulated collapse is likely to be an essential element in chemokine-induced transendothelial
93                                      Thus an essential element in designing these switches is to dete
94                                   Iron is an essential element in human metabolism but also is a pote
95 uses thin, solid polyelectrolyte films as an essential element in its operation.
96                              Zinc (Zn) is an essential element in normal development and biology, alt
97                                  Wheat is an essential element in our nutrition but one of the most i
98 he rigidity of DNA interhelix crossovers, an essential element in structural DNA nanotechnology.
99 the first contact with HS and integrin is an essential element in subsequent CD98-xCT interactions.
100 s have identified the TRPV1 C terminus as an essential element in subunit association.
101 rgy source and purinergic transmitter, is an essential element in the concentration of catecholamines
102         The CD8 glycoprotein functions as an essential element in the control of T-cell selection, ma
103 , the subchondral bone tissue constitutes an essential element in the development of rheumatoid arthr
104 k, chest, abdomen, and pelvis) has become an essential element in the early evaluation and decision-m
105                This implies that STAT4 is an essential element in the early events of Th1 differentia
106 he surface of antigen-presenting cells is an essential element in the induction of T cell responses t
107                                Sulphur is an essential element in the metabolism.
108 to form shear-resistant arterial thrombi, an essential element in the pathogenesis of human cardiovas
109    The flavivirus NS2B-NS3(pro)teinase is an essential element in the proteolytic processing of the v
110                A gene that is emerging as an essential element in the repair of both damaged bases an
111                We conclude that IC-MY are an essential element in the spontaneous rhythmic electrical
112                       Troponin T (TnT) is an essential element in the thin filament-based regulatory
113                                           An essential element in the web-trap architecture, the capt
114                                           An essential element in this scheme is the dependence of th
115 the response regulator, RegA, constitute two essential elements in a eukaryotic His-Asp phospho-relay
116 sh the concentration of 20 essential and non-essential elements in a representative range of commerci
117             Increasing the concentrations of essential elements in foods is one goal to improve nutri
118 s a key nutrient that shapes cycles of other essential elements in forests, including calcium (Ca).
119 the proton pump and a potassium channel, two essential elements in K(+) uptake in plant cells.
120           Chemokines and their receptors are essential elements in leukocyte trafficking during healt
121 eplication protein A (RPA) have proven to be essential elements in many aspects of DNA metabolism inc
122 nd enhanced TYMS activity, both of which are essential elements in minimizing uracil misincorporation
123           In this study, we have defined the essential elements in MLL1 required for its high-affinit
124                        Eukaryotic Na(V)s are essential elements in neuronal signaling and muscular co
125 es-dielectric waveguides that can be used as essential elements in optoelectronic circuits.
126    We provided a conceptual framework of the essential elements in psychosocial evaluation of living
127                 Optical quantum memories are essential elements in quantum networks for long-distance
128 n breakage syndrome (NBS), respectively, are essential elements in the cellular response to DNA damag
129 ein required for Trc activity, SAX-2/Fry, as essential elements in the control of dendritic branching
130 N (IFN-alphabeta), have been long considered essential elements in the development of autoimmunity.
131 target them for internalization, function as essential elements in the GPCR-mediated MAP kinase signa
132 d cell death, the BMPR-positive cells may be essential elements in the pathogenesis of RA and other i
133  neuromuscular junction connections are both essential elements in therapy for motor neuron disease i
134 P) and the Fluorescence Recovery Protein are essential elements in this mechanism.
135  developed extracellularly in a system whose essential elements include co-cultured Drosophila S2 cel
136                                              Essential elements include identifying and understanding
137                                   Anions, as essential elements involved in the synthesis, have been
138 teria have evolved strategies to acquire the essential element iron.
139 ritional warfare, starving the invader of an essential element, is an effective means of limiting inf
140                 Cases have reduced uptake of essential elements manganese and zinc, and higher uptake
141 nvolved in the uptake and utilization of the essential element, molybdenum.
142                                          Six essential elements, namely: calcium, iron, magnesium, po
143 findings indicate that the NCT lid is not an essential element necessary for gamma-secretase assembly
144  portion of the fourth repeat constitute the essential element necessary for the ability of p18 to bi
145 ntion to quality control, acquisition of the essential elements necessary to produce an informed inte
146 ntion to quality control, acquisition of the essential elements necessary to produce an informed inte
147 eostasis is complicated in that copper is an essential element needed for a variety of cellular proce
148 cape the immune response while retaining the essential elements needed to mediate viral entry into ta
149 One component of this theory is that iron-an essential element/nutrient for nitrogen-fixing organisms
150 iated with significant vision loss and is an essential element of a novel OCT-based grading scheme of
151 ping protein (CP) with actin filaments is an essential element of actin assembly and actin-based moti
152                  Chemical treatments were an essential element of ancient Egyptian mummification.
153 NO synthase (iNOS) during inflammation is an essential element of antimicrobial immunity but can also
154                   These settings are thus an essential element of any effort to understand the ecolog
155 nalysis of macromolecular interactions is an essential element of biomedical research.
156 ental mode of nervous system activity and an essential element of breathing, can be deconstructed int
157  conformational changes, suggesting it is an essential element of Ca(2+)-sensitive regulation of PC2
158                                           An essential element of cell cycle control is exerted by al
159 degradation of key regulatory proteins is an essential element of cell cycle control.
160                      We further show that an essential element of either type of pause is a sequence
161 ethylation of cytosine residues in DNA is an essential element of genome maintenance and function in
162 ive disorders and is recognised by WHO as an essential element of HIV care, from diagnosis to end of
163 lished by caspase-1-mediated proteolysis, an essential element of innate immunity.
164 hrax, and the tripartite anthrax toxin is an essential element of its pathogenesis.
165                     Database searching is an essential element of large-scale proteomics.
166 al flexibility of peptidyl ligands may be an essential element of many peptide-macromolecular interac
167 ent of hair cell stereociliary bundles as an essential element of mechanoreceptive function.
168    We demonstrate that IL-1R signaling is an essential element of MyD88-dependent epithelial cell res
169 ween astroglia and neurons has emerged as an essential element of neural circuits of the brain.
170       Exposure of neurons to glutamate is an essential element of neuronal function, producing transi
171 n molybdenum because it was thought to be an essential element of nitrogenases and because it had bee
172                Cellular actin dynamics is an essential element of numerous cellular processes, such a
173         Compassion has been identified as an essential element of nursing and is increasingly under p
174 ing against a physiologic role for p75 as an essential element of p55-mediated signaling.
175 ival and that activation of the IR may be an essential element of photoreceptor neuroprotection.
176 rtin alpha with the cytoskeleton could be an essential element of protein transport from the cytoplas
177 onal coordination and planning for HIC is an essential element of public health planning for hospital
178                           Surveillance is an essential element of public health program infrastructur
179                           Data sharing is an essential element of research; however, recent scientifi
180                         As such, they are an essential element of science-based decision-making.
181 g DNA sequences against a DNA database is an essential element of sequence analysis.
182 f the motility behavior of keratinocytes, an essential element of skin wound healing and the successf
183  turbulent fluctuations, which constitute an essential element of soaring.
184                                           An essential element of the activation process is the phosp
185 ells persistent activation of p38 MAPK is an essential element of the apoptotic mechanism.
186                               T cells are an essential element of the body's immune system.
187              We show that CATSPERdelta is an essential element of the CATSPER channel complex and pro
188 ll cycle control, we propose that PTIP is an essential element of the cell proliferation machinery, p
189 hese data are consistent with Num1p being an essential element of the cortical attachment mechanism f
190 ssment of an organ for transplantation is an essential element of the donation process.
191 ), we further showed that ZAK constitutes an essential element of the EGF/ERK-dependent cell migratio
192 s, we propose that electrical activity is an essential element of the free-running molecular clock of
193 charomyces cerevisiae, the Snf1 kinase is an essential element of the glucose response pathway and ha
194                 DCs were also found to be an essential element of the immunotherapeutic process becau
195                  The complement system is an essential element of the innate immune response that bec
196                                           An essential element of the innate immune response to injur
197  ruling out electrostatic interactions as an essential element of the insertion mechanism, and implyi
198                                           An essential element of the materials design process, relev
199  translocation system that interacts with an essential element of the secretion machinery.
200             These results suggest rac1 is an essential element of the signaling pathway leading to ca
201 and neuropeptide exocytosis and represent an essential element of the sympathetic stress response.
202 ectly induced the phosphorylation of Lck (an essential element of the T cell-signaling pathway), ther
203                                          The essential element of these devices are micrometer-sized
204 UM1 (CER1) protein has been recognized as an essential element of wax alkane synthesis; nevertheless,
205                   This article discusses the essential elements of a concise and complete oncologic (
206 tinal crypt cells, and that Rho proteins are essential elements of a mechanism by which growth factor
207           Together our approaches unveil the essential elements of a primordial asymmetric cell cycle
208                                          The essential elements of an effective control strategy are
209 avior, investigators have begun to delineate essential elements of associative and nonassociative beh
210 ndations, further work is needed to identify essential elements of care coordination and prove its ef
211         'Cell adhesion molecules' (CAMs) are essential elements of cell/cell communication that are i
212                                 Histones are essential elements of chromatin structure and gene regul
213                                We review the essential elements of data acquisition, data processing
214                  The identification of these essential elements of HBoV1 DNA replication acting both
215 talists can be derived by examining the four essential elements of health care value to employers.
216            Tuberculosis care and control are essential elements of health systems, and simultaneous e
217 rmance and minimises flight costs, which are essential elements of humming bird life history.
218        Hence, we reveal in this article that essential elements of immune responses such as recent th
219                     Our understanding of the essential elements of liver support is improving, but no
220 genic region (IGR) fused to lacZ showed that essential elements of lsrR promoter reside 89 to 255 bp
221                                          The essential elements of malaria prevention are discussed:
222 n, the rate of parasite development, and the essential elements of mosquito biology that combine to d
223                       Silencing requires the essential elements of mRNA circularization, i.e., eukary
224 lencing of Cp requires interactions of three essential elements of mRNA circularization, poly(A), PAB
225  separated on the nanometre length scale are essential elements of nanoscale photonic and electronic
226 urpose of such an approach is to capture the essential elements of orientation dependence in molecula
227 is argued that despite much that is new, the essential elements of our current understanding of prote
228       The program is designed to incorporate essential elements of pastoral care training, namely exp
229 olution of HIVDR surveillance strategies are essential elements of PEPFAR implementation.
230                     Isoprenoid molecules are essential elements of plant metabolism.
231       Thin-film field-effect transistors are essential elements of stretchable electronic devices for
232 gest that the purple Cu(A) site contains the essential elements of T1 and T2 copper centers and that
233 that in a community that has implemented the essential elements of TB control, TB from ongoing transm
234  to highlight key conserved residues driving essential elements of TCR recognition.
235                           Our results reveal essential elements of the amino acid composition of acti
236    Here, we report the crystal structures of essential elements of the archaeal proteasome: the CP, t
237 p1), indicating that these molecules are not essential elements of the arrest pathway.
238 st Saccharomyces cerevisiae, suggesting that essential elements of the binding surface between these
239 neurons and thalamocortical axons (TCAs) are essential elements of the cerebrocortical network.
240  field data collection to accurately capture essential elements of the communities and their water co
241                        To further refine the essential elements of the coumarin core, a series of mod
242                                We review the essential elements of the doctrine of double effect, and
243      These studies implicate NKB and NK3R as essential elements of the human reproductive axis.
244                                          The essential elements of the inflammasome and signal transd
245 microbial and TLR function of keratinocytes, essential elements of the innate immune response of the
246              In this review, I highlight the essential elements of the membrane oestrogen receptor al
247 of acidic amino acids within this region are essential elements of the motif that slows IRAP recyclin
248      Rab proteins are small GTPases that are essential elements of the protein transport machinery of
249 m annotated coding sequences have emerged as essential elements of the proteome.
250 ctions for oxygen reduction and comprise the essential elements of the proton-pumping mechanism (e.g.
251              These studies indicate that the essential elements of the regulatory pathway for lipid s
252                       Thus, the functionally essential elements of the RNase MRP RNA appear to be con
253 1) and regulatory SUR2A (ABCC9) subunits are essential elements of the sarcolemmal K(ATP) channel in
254 ear ribonucleoprotein particles (snRNPs) are essential elements of the spliceosome, the enzyme that c
255                     Serines and a lysine are essential elements of the Ste2p SINNDAKSS internalizatio
256                                  Most of the essential elements of the subtropical EBLFs appear to ha
257 lation of either G alpha-gustducin or TrpM5, essential elements of the T2R transduction cascade, elim
258                          Consistent with the essential elements of the theory, we found that the MBR
259 ing in arrhythmic Cry-null SCN, deficient in essential elements of the transcriptional negative feedb
260     Current studies define Insig proteins as essential elements of this feedback system in mouse live
261                 These findings establish the essential elements of this pathway and reconcile diverse
262           The present work discusses certain essential elements of this topic, focusing primarily on
263                 Truncated phospholipids were essential elements of TNFalpha-induced apoptosis because
264                          We outline here the essential elements of training for health care professio
265 ntegrating the modulating effects of various essential elements on cadmium (Cd) uptake kinetics in th
266                         The removal of other essential elements or the addition of salicylic or jasmo
267                 Deletion of any of the three essential elements produced unstable transcripts and los
268            However, additional intracellular essential elements remain unknown.
269 talloregulatory protein senses manganese, an essential element required for central metabolism, oxida
270                                   Iron is an essential element required for development and survival
271             The vector still retains all the essential elements required for a binary vector.
272 G is a minimal kinase domain containing only essential elements required for catalysis.
273        Deletion analysis determined that the essential elements required for the optimal promoter act
274                            Ezrin, one of the essential elements required to cross-link the actin cyto
275          Analysis of this domain reveals two essential elements responsible for distinguishing functi
276 sults revealed that despite the provision of essential elements, rock chemistry drives complex metabo
277 In contrast, a much higher proportion of the essential element Se (40%) was apportioned to metabolica
278        In mammals, SBP1 is known to bind the essential element selenium but the binding site has not
279 olume and pressure regulation, incorporating essential elements such as water permeation, mechanosens
280 nd late viral promoters are shown to have an essential element suggestive of TATA boxes, which are po
281  contains Dorsal binding sites as well as an essential element termed AT2.
282 the protein nitration, whereas nitrite is an essential element that facilitates nitration by the heme
283                              Manganese is an essential element that is also neurotoxic at elevated ex
284 dy we report the initial characterization of essential elements that control SLP-76 transcription.
285                                              Essential elements that should be included in oncologic
286                    Microbes require multiple essential elements that they acquire from the environmen
287                         Phosphorus (P) is an essential element to all living cells, yet fluctuations
288 is study will define and explain some of the essential elements to consider when designing such syste
289 CSN5 presents a catalytic domain that brings essential elements to understand its activity control.
290 ed by an inverted repeat within the upstream essential element (UEE) of OriLyt.
291 tic replication (the upstream and downstream essential elements, UEE and DEE), the origin of lytic re
292  by molecular dynamics calculations, suggest essential elements underlying its unusually high substra
293 tudies, we present a cohesive picture of the essential elements utilized by the mouse innate immune s
294 ic elements (Al, Cd, Hg, and Pb) and of four essential elements (V, Mn, Cu, and Zn) in certified refe
295 h a bulged hairpin loop of 28 nt as its most essential element, was indispensable for TCV RNA encapsi
296             To determine whether this was an essential element, we extended our work to the cloning a
297                               Selenium is an essential element with a narrow safety margin.
298 iptional coactivator for Myc, recognizing an essential element within the Myc activation domain and a
299 ed RNA oligoribonucleotides to determine the essential elements within the tRNA anticodon stem-loop s
300                                          The essential element zinc plays critical roles in biology.

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