


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ply of kidneys available for transplantation ethically.
2 essing to be Jehovah's Witnesses are treated ethically.
3 on good, and that research will be conducted ethically.
4 ms, costs, and whether they can be delivered ethically.
5 in humans that cannot be done practically or ethically.
6 nisms to enable such studies to be conducted ethically.
7 an improve health care but must be conducted ethically.
8 h the forgoing of life-sustaining therapy is ethically acceptable and clinically desirable in certain
9  Further research is required to investigate ethically acceptable and cost-effective placebo interven
10 making should be used, identify the range of ethically acceptable decision-making models, and present
11 g we were able to show, in a prospective and ethically acceptable manner, that RD stabilizes during p
12  studies so that they may be conducted in an ethically acceptable manner.
13 guments have been made that this practice is ethically acceptable.
14 ghly likely to benefit from donating, may be ethically acceptable.
15 ind euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide ethically acceptable.
16 ng debate as to whether placebo controls are ethically acceptable.
17      Thus, deer follicles offer a practical, ethically advantageous in vitro bioassay that reflects c
18                               However, it is ethically and clinically justifiable to deny access to t
19 ide range of patient suffering, but they are ethically and clinically more complex and closer to phys
20                                        It is ethically and legally appropriate to procure organs when
21        Rationing and variation of access are ethically and politically challenging.
22                                  Barriers to ethically appropriate application of perioperative do-no
23 oid and related research moves forward in an ethically appropriate manner.
24 ptance and inconsistent implementation of an ethically appropriate perioperative do-not-resuscitate p
25         Although some of these practices are ethically appropriate responses to end-of-life suffering
26 s: To provide suggestions for respectful and ethically appropriate responses to nondisclosure request
27                   Targeted consent offers an ethically appropriate way to obtain consent for many sta
28 n formulate a plan that is clinically sound, ethically appropriate, and targeted to the unique circum
29 selves considering clinical actions that are ethically appropriate, but raise legal concerns.
30 Ds) in futility as now deemed as morally and ethically appropriate.
31 cognitively normal controls, all legally and ethically approved for research.
32 the scans were collected as part of previous ethically approved studies (1998-2005) for which informe
33 tudies obtained in 57 patients as part of an ethically approved study and by using proprietary softwa
34 recruited from July 2011 to March 2013 in an ethically approved study.
35 34 years, volunteered to participate in this ethically approved study.
36 lected from six United Kingdom centers in an ethically approved trial.
37 Health Service Breast Screening Program), an ethically approved, multicenter, multireader, retrospect
38 age and gender matched were enrolled in this ethically-approved study.
39 nd sensitivity of the data analysis but also ethically as a method suitable for small batches which r
40 n against hospitalization and death can only ethically be assessed in observational studies.
41  If patients are not harmed, such trials can ethically be carried out.
42 xamine efficacy of surgical resection cannot ethically be performed.
43 erated scientific hypotheses that could only ethically be tested in the animal laboratory.
44  that not all research protocols are equally ethically challenging and aims to provide appropriate pr
45                                          Two ethically challenging areas of cancer clinical research,
46 ive trends is among the most complicated and ethically challenging scenarios in monitoring clinical t
47 persons with Alzheimer disease [AD]) remains ethically challenging, especially when the research invo
48             PGD-H is more diagnostically and ethically challenging, especially when there is the time
49 ndomized clinical trials is logistically and ethically challenging.
50                   Physicians are legally and ethically compelled to present their patients with avail
51 meet all of these criteria, yet there may be ethically compelling arguments to offer selected results
52 ss; the evidence base is uncertain and often ethically complex.
53 s to ensure independent, expert CPGs remains ethically contested.
54 estigators rarely describe the rationale for ethically controversial features of study design or proc
55 espondents consider recontacting patients an ethically desirable, but not feasible, goal.
56 d clinical trials (RCT) are procedurally and ethically difficult to do and few have been done for new
57 crease the number of kidneys available in an ethically fair manner.
58 functional, implantable, cost-effective, and ethically feasible.
59 committee--that research on US prisoners was ethically ideal.
60                             This research is ethically imperative given the ubiquity of folic acid fo
61                     It is scientifically and ethically imperative that the results of statistical ana
62 are precious resources and it is, therefore, ethically imperative that we employ optimally sensitive
63 f psychiatric patients and clinicians toward ethically important aspects of biomedical research parti
64 erious mental illness and psychiatrists view ethically important aspects of biomedical research parti
65 icists could play a greater role in teaching ethically important communication skills.
66 efully be seen as distinct in clinically and ethically important respects.
67 eraction that cannot be answered feasibly or ethically in humans, animal models will continue to be i
68  to be a more worldwide consensus that it is ethically inappropriate.
69  comprehensive recommendations to bring this ethically indefensible practice to an immediate end.
70 oncology trials are scientifically feasible, ethically justifiable, and may be necessary or desirable
71  placebo-controlled trials are not currently ethically justifiable, human pneumococcal challenge mode
72 ngements in which, a modest payment might be ethically justifiable.
73 cacy of CAM treatments whenever feasible and ethically justifiable.
74 rolled trial of an invasive procedure can be ethically justified if: 1) there is a valuable, clinical
75 iders caring for women in this situation are ethically justified in discussing breastfeeding as a rea
76 sychologic contraindications, we consider it ethically justified to accept an offer from a cognitivel
77 s, and loved ones regularly face clinically, ethically, legally, and morally challenging decisions th
78  of identical twins, the question of whether ethically minors can serve as living donors, the health
79 m--can be exactly optimized for a variety of ethically motivated cost functions that embody principle
80 tion based on the diagnosis alone is neither ethically nor medically justified.
81  apathy toward fulfilling the regulatory and ethically obligatory requirements involved in an essenti
82 tions, especially when a controlled trial is ethically or logistically impossible.
83 st-practice approaches for how to safely and ethically perform this type of research and highlight ar
84 mate that most physicians believe that it is ethically permissible for doctors to explain their moral
85                              It is sometimes ethically permissible to defer to family values regardin
86 nist experiments are neither technically nor ethically possible in humans.
87 ry tamoxifen offers an effective, facile and ethically preferable means for long-term activation of E
88 ed in 1 week as a source of neuroprogenitors ethically preferred over embryonic or fetal sources.
89  wP vaccine may be highly cost-effective and ethically preferred until next-generation pertussis vacc
90 ged through a shared commitment to alleviate ethically problematic aspects of the environments within
91 r(s) suggests the practice is clinically and ethically problematic.
92 arried out but they may become expensive and ethically questionable.
93 integrity of physicians who have legally and ethically recognized fiduciary duties to their dying pat
94           This question comprises 3 related, ethically relevant considerations that are explored in d
95   Empirical studies focusing on a variety of ethically relevant domains in schizophrenia research are
96      Informed consent for living donation is ethically required as a means of demonstrating respect f
97           Data monitoring committees are not ethically required to precisely estimate a large efficac
98 ciety determines how much effort, if any, is ethically required to preserve options in biological evo
99 es to study human reproductive processes are ethically restricted, future advances in fertility treat
100  donor concluded that minors (<18 years) can ethically serve as live solid organ donors in exceptiona
101               There are no scientifically or ethically sound reasons to exclude patients from partici
102 rofessional integrity is vital in forging an ethically sound relationship between investigators and p
103 ing the development of scientifically based, ethically sound, and socially attentive guidelines conce
104 obin SS and Sbeta(0)-thalassemia disease, is ethically sound.
105 s, fundamental attempts to shift practice to ethically sourced organs have floundered.
106  and terminal sedation have been proposed as ethically superior responses of last resort that do not
107 wide range of decision-making approaches are ethically supportable, including patient- or surrogate-d
108 e (CAM) provides a more rapid, low cost, and ethically sustainable alternative.
109  agreed that withholding and withdrawing are ethically the same (p < .001).
110                                              Ethically, this outcome is excused by reference to the d
111  in human beings, and randomisation would be ethically unacceptable because vascular protection would
112 llfish as an alternative to the increasingly ethically unacceptable mouse bioassay.
113 y high mortality rate of the disease, it was ethically unacceptable to allocate patients from within
114 nt situation in Poland enabled the otherwise ethically unacceptable, hence unavailable, comparison of
115 signing a donor registry card is legally and ethically uncertain under the UAGA.
116               Potential implications include ethically unjustifiable trials, wasted resources, incorr
117 n areas with high tuberculosis prevalence in ethically untenable positions.
118 tus of HIV-infected individuals might not be ethically warranted.
119          Living kidney donation is practised ethically when informed consent incorporates information
120 onstruction is not a possibility, proceeding ethically with research on penile vascularized composite
121      Sham surgeries are difficult to justify ethically, yet they have been successful in showing that

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