


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mal or plant multicellular organisms (higher eucaryotes).
2 ical characteristics of RNase P from a lower eucaryote.
3 Erf2 plays a role in Ras localization in all eucaryotes.
4 tion early in the evolution of multicellular eucaryotes.
5 d in the outer mitochondrial membrane of all eucaryotes.
6 ally incorporated opposite abasic lesions in eucaryotes.
7 nces occur with high frequency in the DNA of eucaryotes.
8  E-Cdk2 and subsequent G(1) arrest in higher eucaryotes.
9 d in the outer mitochondrial membrane of all eucaryotes.
10 sitol 1 (or 4) monophosphatases from various eucaryotes.
11 ns are widely distributed in procaryotes and eucaryotes.
12  of critically shortened telomeres in higher eucaryotes.
13 urally identical to those produced by higher eucaryotes.
14 hly conserved WD domain protein found in all eucaryotes.
15 g chromatin structure and gene expression in eucaryotes.
16 shed is its role in the protection of higher eucaryotes against oxygen toxicity through destruction o
17                               In single-cell eucaryotes and Caenorhabditis elegans, TOR is a dominant
18 ospholipid cardiolipin (CL) is ubiquitous in eucaryotes and is unique in structure, subcellular local
19 rence reflected a general difference between eucaryotes and procaryotes, we now extended the analysis
20 -genome random BAC fingerprint analysis of a eucaryote, and have provided a model essential to effort
21 range of variation in bacteria, archaea, and eucaryotes as well as chemical probing and cross-linking
22 lls differs from the pathway found in higher eucaryotes, as indicated by the fact that glycoproteins
23 p of four stacked heptameric rings, which in eucaryotes assemble from 14 different but related subuni
24 hromatin has been established in a number of eucaryotes but remains poorly defined in human.
25 pair in mammalian cells, as opposed to lower eucaryotes, but HRR has recently been implicated in crit
26           Splicing of small introns in lower eucaryotes can be distinguished from vertebrate splicing
27                               In single cell eucaryotes, Cpc2/RACK1 regulates growth, differentiation
28 ese motifs to search for homologous genes in eucaryotes demonstrated the presence of rnhB genes in a
29 ophilic bacteria and from an amitochondriate eucaryote each contain four domains which are phylogenet
30 lded polypeptides and has been purified from eucaryotes, gram-positive actinomycetes, and archaea.
31                  The role of the subunits in eucaryotes has not yet been established.
32 ocessing pathways of insect cells and higher eucaryotes imposes a significant limitation on their use
33                       Ribosome biogenesis in eucaryotes involves many small nucleolar ribonucleoprote
34 strand cross-links (ICLs) from DNA in higher eucaryotes is not well understood.
35  of critically shortened telomeres in higher eucaryotes is presumed to be mediated by nonhomologous e
36               Thymine residues in the DNA of eucaryotes may be replaced occasionally by uracil (U) or
37 f this RNA from diverse organisms, including eucaryotes, primarily fungi, but also a limited set of v
38 icA polypeptide resembles choline kinases of eucaryotes, suggesting that the pathway for choline inco
39  dehydrogenases (GSH-FDH) in procaryotes and eucaryotes suggests this enzyme plays a central and univ
40  12- to 13-nucleotide-long oligomers, and in eucaryotes they result in excision of the damage in the
41 properties similar to small introns in lower eucaryotes, we studied the small second intron from the
42 sential membrane proteins in procaryotes and eucaryotes, which use the energy of the transmembrane el

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