


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hat a modular RNA motif, common to loop E of eucaryotic 5 S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and the alpha-sarcin
2               To determine whether the other eucaryotic ABC transporters use the strategy analogous t
3 ma boryanum, and Synechococcus lividus], and eucaryotic algae (Chlorella pyrenoidsa, Chlorella vulgar
4 aspects of transcription, because unlike the eucaryotic and bacterial RNA polymerases, it is a single
5  typical motifs (EF hands) characteristic of eucaryotic calcium-binding proteins, including calmoduli
6 ic transmembrane sequences is expressed by a eucaryotic cell in intracellular membranes and functiona
7  the protective antigen (PA), which binds to eucaryotic cell surface receptors and mediates the trans
8                                       In all eucaryotic cell types analyzed, proliferations of the en
9 keletal regulating activities in many higher eucaryotic cell types.
10 freading, and secretion of BPTI in an intact eucaryotic cell, BPTI was expressed and secreted from a
11                     Following contact with a eucaryotic cell, Yersinia species pathogenic for humans
12  YopM, and YpkA) from the bacterium into the eucaryotic cell.
13 sence of calcium and prior to contact with a eucaryotic cell.
14 riae that have been implicated in binding to eucaryotic cells and matrix proteins.
15  transcribed and processed in the nucleus of eucaryotic cells and then exported to the cytoplasm thro
16  that facilitate attachment and adherence to eucaryotic cells and tissues.
17                    SigD is translocated into eucaryotic cells by a type III secretion system.
18                                              Eucaryotic cells contain at least two general classes of
19    Organization of the actin cytoskeleton in eucaryotic cells is controlled by small GTPases of the R
20 ligately intracellular bacterial parasite of eucaryotic cells that undergoes a biphasic life cycle wi
21 wed that the ability of glutaraldehyde-fixed eucaryotic cells to convert gonococci (GC) to this invas
22 rosophila melanogaster gene into susceptible eucaryotic cells under an ouabain selection regime.
23 on pumps found in the endomembrane system of eucaryotic cells where they are involved in pH regulatio
24 regulation is coupled to critical signals in eucaryotic cells, and calsequestrin is one of the crucia
25          Saccharomyces cerevisiae, like most eucaryotic cells, can prevent the onset of anaphase unti
26 OR), a giant protein kinase expressed by all eucaryotic cells, controls cell size in response to nutr
27 llular transport is an essential function in eucaryotic cells, facilitated by motor proteins-proteins
28 ates several important cellular functions in eucaryotic cells, including membrane fusion of the endop
29                     Insect cells, like other eucaryotic cells, modify many of their proteins by N-gly
30      Tropomyosin is present in virtually all eucaryotic cells, where it functions to modulate actin-m
31 o be toxic and mutagenic for procaryotic and eucaryotic cells.
32 bohydrates during glycoprotein catabolism in eucaryotic cells.
33 Rs are not essential for YopM trafficking in eucaryotic cells.
34 sion of Salmonella typhimurium into cultured eucaryotic cells.
35 sm by which cell growth is controlled in all eucaryotic cells.
36 on fine-tuning transcriptional regulation of eucaryotic cells.
37 ing RNAs that regulate protein expression in eucaryotic cells.
38 ht GTPases that control vesicular traffic in eucaryotic cells.
39 n of actin tails and protrusions in infected eucaryotic cells.
40 ion of specific mRNAs to distinct regions of eucaryotic cells.
41 e mediating distinct biological processes in eucaryotic cells.
42 pper transport into the secretory pathway of eucaryotic cells.
43    Telomere repeat sequences cap the ends of eucaryotic chromosomes and help stabilize them.
44 s or related ancillary factors that regulate eucaryotic cytoskeletal dynamics.
45  gene switching is a well-described model of eucaryotic developmental control.
46 atalytic process in both the prokaryotic and eucaryotic DHFRs.
47    Comparison of the amino acid sequences of eucaryotic DNA primase and the family X polymerases indi
48 inent sequence variations of procaryotic and eucaryotic DnaK molecules in the multihelical lid region
49 scovered class that is not homologous to the eucaryotic enzymes or to a distinct group of microbial e
50 istently produces high yields of recombinant eucaryotic (equine) Cyt c.
51 ating that cph is a highly conserved gene in eucaryotic evolution.
52 ce, and cloned into a vector appropriate for eucaryotic expression.
53 lls can modify newly synthesized proteins in eucaryotic fashion.
54 s active sites homologous to those of higher eucaryotic fatty acid synthases (FASs).
55 eneral for mitochondrial membrane-associated eucaryotic ferrochelatases but may differ for bacterial
56              The assembly and maintenance of eucaryotic flagella and cilia depend on the microtubule
57                                              Eucaryotic gene expression requires chromatin-remodeling
58 (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) regulates eucaryotic gene expression, including the NF-kappaB-depe
59 ranscriptional controls play a major role in eucaryotic gene expression.
60                                              Eucaryotic genes that are coordinately expressed tend to
61 for normal responses of many procaryotic and eucaryotic genes to iron or oxygen stress.
62 n RNA viruses, as well as in procaryotic and eucaryotic genes.
63         This is the first example in which a eucaryotic homing endonuclease gene has been successfull
64                The results showed that while eucaryotic homologues are consistently larger than their
65 t grows directly within the cytoplasm of the eucaryotic host cell.
66  that occupy distinct vacuolar niches within eucaryotic host cells.
67 bacterium that grows within the cytoplasm of eucaryotic host cells.
68 be dedicated to pathogenic interactions with eucaryotic hosts, the segments containing them may be co
69 levels of elongation factor (EF)-1alpha1 and eucaryotic initiation factor (eIF)-4E remained unchanged
70 ed protein kinase-like ER kinase; eIF2alpha: eucaryotic initiation factor 2alpha), ATFalpha (ATFalpha
71 duces phosphorylation of two mTOR effectors, eucaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) binding protein
72  to the pathway for choline incorporation in eucaryotic lipid synthesis.
73     Sphingolipids are abundant components of eucaryotic membranes, where they perform essential funct
74                Recently, the first cDNAs for eucaryotic mono(ADPribosyl)transferases were cloned and
75  required for efficient translation of other eucaryotic mRNAs.
76 thesis, which asserts that the topology of a eucaryotic multispanning membrane protein is determined
77 viruses, bacteriophages as well as archaeal, eucaryotic nuclear and organellar genomes are characteri
78 ional organization in the Archaea, Bacteria, Eucaryotic nuclear, mitochondria and chloroplast ribosom
79          Archaeal histones and the eucaryal (eucaryotic) nucleosome core histones have almost identic
80 een highly conserved during the evolution of eucaryotic organelles from bacterial endosymbionts.
81   DNA polymerases (pol) from procaryotic and eucaryotic organisms incorporate nucleotides opposite ab
82 tudies on Plks in genetically amenable lower eucaryotic organisms may yield valuable insights into th
83    Southern blot analyses of DNAs from other eucaryotic organisms were performed under moderate strin
84 ination has been documented in bacterial and eucaryotic organisms.
85 o properties and functions of Plks in higher eucaryotic organisms.
86 insights into the function of Plks in higher eucaryotic organisms.
87  establish the importance of the networks in eucaryotic organisms.
88 uggests that it may be widely distributed in eucaryotic organisms.
89 n developed for a variety of procaryotic and eucaryotic pathogens and the data generated have contrib
90          This is the first purification of a eucaryotic PGPS enzyme to date, and the first purificati
91                                 A variety of eucaryotic polypeptide growth factors are synthesized as
92 on in Archaea (archaebacteria) resembles the eucaryotic process, having been shown to involve TATA bo
93 that the Met(-)(30) site also contributes to eucaryotic protein expression.
94 t with those for natural nucleotides and the eucaryotic protein kinases.
95  (ii) the small complex interacts with other eucaryotic protein(s), forming a large ( approximately 1
96 s consistent with a common ancestry of these eucaryotic proteins and bacterial ADP-ribosyltransferase
97         Since members of the hsp70 family of eucaryotic proteins are associated with chaperone and tr
98  the potential biological relevance of these eucaryotic proteins in the infection process in vivo, we
99 s indicate that intimin has affinity for the eucaryotic proteins nucleolin and beta1 integrin.
100 can be used for the identification of mutant eucaryotic proteins with significantly enhanced stabilit
101 residues in glycine-arginine-rich domains of eucaryotic proteins, catalyzed by type I protein arginin
102  groups of arginine residues in a variety of eucaryotic proteins.
103 amma intimin of EHEC O157:H7 also bound to a eucaryotic receptor that we determined was nucleolin.
104 f a 77-base RNA aptamer known to inhibit the eucaryotic release factor of protein synthesis was teste
105  then obtained from total RNA by subtracting eucaryotic ribosomal and messenger RNAs.
106                                              Eucaryotic ribosome biogenesis involves many cis-acting
107 new and known viral, bacterial, archaeal and eucaryotic sequences similar to these endo- (HII and III
108  that this activity is a general property of eucaryotic SINEs.
109 lular amount of such diverse prokaryotic and eucaryotic small di-tripeptides in inflamed epithelial c
110  homologies exhibited by the P30 adhesin and eucaryotic structural proteins were corroborated by cros
111 ly and processing of type I procollagen in a eucaryotic system that does not produce collagen.
112  diagnostic of members of the SIR2 family of eucaryotic transcriptional regulators.
113 ons, there are potential cis sites for known eucaryotic transcriptional repressor proteins.
114 MEL cells with a PU.1 cDNA controlled by the eucaryotic translation elongation factor EF1 alpha promo
115 een shown to encode the p48 component of the eucaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF-3) compl
116                           The association of eucaryotic translation initiation factor eIF4G with the
117 hibited by etoposide and other inhibitors of eucaryotic type II enzymes.
118           The bafilomycin class inhibits all eucaryotic V-ATPases, the salicylihalamide class inhibit
119 ociated virus type 2 (AAV) is the only known eucaryotic virus capable of targeted integration in huma
120                         The possible role of eucaryotic viruses in the development of cancer has been

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