


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 pported clade of monocots + (Ceratophyllum + eudicots).
2 sentative of the sister lineage to all other eudicots.
3 rating conservation of DUO1 regulation among eudicots.
4 t the gamma appears to be restricted to core eudicots.
5 tity has evolved within this lineage of core eudicots.
6 me sequences of non-grass monocots and basal eudicots.
7 lopmental characteristics of this lineage of eudicots.
8 ed for establishing symmetry in diverse core eudicots.
9  and contributions to the diversification of eudicots.
10  flowering time genetic pathways across core eudicots.
11 ollen grains as a lower bound for the age of eudicots.
12 ent expansions of the family in monocots and eudicots.
13 hat often function redundantly in other core eudicots.
14 d genes related to floral diversity in basal eudicots.
15 cation coincident with radiation of the core eudicots.
16 ons leading to these copies predate the core eudicots.
17  including mosses, gymnosperms, monocots and eudicots.
18 0 genes in a common ancestor to monocots and eudicots.
19 of a role in petal specification in the core eudicots.
20 ntirrhinum, both of which are highly derived eudicots.
21 asterids, two major phylogenetic lineages of eudicots.
22  the study of sex determination in the basal eudicots.
23 egments back to the ancestor of monocots and eudicots.
24 e function is conserved between monocots and eudicots.
25 ivity is conserved among monocots as well as eudicots.
26 petals differ from those found in the higher eudicots.
27 fferent motifs from those seen in the higher eudicots.
28  is distinctly different between grasses and eudicots.
29 cumulation in storage tissues of grasses and eudicots.
30 ar evolutionary pattern between monocots and eudicots.
31 pha-response'), behaving in this regard like eudicots.
32 r graminoids and more shrubs and forbs, i.e. eudicots.
33 ants (a moss and a lycophyte), monocots, and eudicots.
34  and are thus likely to be widespread in the Eudicots.
35 ion has acted on Rubisco in a similar way in eudicots.
36  with the largest flowering plant clade, the eudicots.
37 s a highly dynamic and widespread feature of eudicots.
38  this interaction is scarce outside the core eudicots.
39 codon usage in 12 plant species, including 6 eudicots, 5 monocots and the green alga Chlamydomonas re
40 servation patterns of miRNAs in monocots and eudicots after whole-genome duplication (WGD), (2) an an
41                We show that, similar to many eudicots, all the maize B class proteins bind DNA as obl
42 a full C-class mutant in a noncore ("basal") eudicot, an ornamental double flower, affecting both org
43 ation and its genetic causes within the core eudicots--an endeavor that will have broader implication
44 logs of the AP3 and PI genes from two higher eudicot and eleven lower eudicot and magnolid dicot spec
45 elation to its taxonomic position as a basal eudicot and its determinate growth habit.
46 he PI genes characterized to date, the lower eudicot and magnolid dicot AP3 homologs contain distinct
47 nes from two higher eudicot and eleven lower eudicot and magnolid dicot species.
48 ower initiation and development among higher eudicot and monocot model plants and provide new opportu
49 ylogenetically intermediate between the core eudicot and monocot models, Arabidopsis and Oryza.
50                              Studies in both eudicot and monocot species have defined a central role
51 tigate the regulation of biosynthesis across eudicot and monocot species under heat stress.
52 s that were present before the divergence of eudicot and monocot species, but the scales and timefram
53 ll interfering RNAs (ta-siRNAs) conserved in eudicot and monocot species.
54                Through the identification of eudicot and monocot specific clades, these analyses cont
55 nct from petals, thus their true homology to eudicot and nongrass monocot floral organs has been a to
56 ighly supported relationships: sisterhood of eudicots and a clade containing Chloranthaceae and Cerat
57 st clusters contain sequences from monocots, eudicots and Amborella trichopoda, with sequences from P
58 ld have coincided with the evolution of core eudicots and contributed to the evolution of nectar secr
59 t EIN4 and ETR2 homologs appear only in core eudicots and ERS2 homologs appear only in the Brassicace
60 n analyses with phylogenetic footprinting in eudicots and in Arabidopsis accessions, we identify a ci
61 hemicellulose in the secondary cell walls of eudicots and in the primary and secondary cell walls of
62 than half those previously reported for core eudicots and members of Poaceae.
63 d at least twice and after the separation of eudicots and monocot cereals.
64 tion to phytochrome gene regulation in model eudicots and monocots and in light of current genome seq
65 ic diversity in flowering plants outside the eudicots and monocots, and it is often unclear how to in
66  analysis revealed CPT gene families in both eudicots and monocots, and showed that all the short-cha
67 ng support for a sister relationship between eudicots and monocots, and this group is sister to a cla
68  codons appears to be well conserved between eudicots and monocots, and to a lesser degree between th
69 fication' of CR pre-dates the bifurcation of eudicots and monocots.
70  context of Type I and Type II cell walls in eudicots and monocots.
71  broader than those of their counterparts in eudicots and monocots.
72 ications occurred within these clades in the eudicots and monocots.
73 the unique pattern of TS and CYP assembly in eudicots and monocots.
74 cold, is important for seasonal flowering in eudicots and monocots.
75  different mechanisms of pathway assembly in eudicots and monocots; in the former, microsyntenic bloc
76 lar targets that are, perhaps, common to all eudicots and that endogenous signaling components can be
77 nce the last common ancestor of monocots and eudicots and the method should be broadly applicable to
78 s of their respective gene families in basal eudicots and their conservation suggests they are import
79 older gamma event, which is shared with most Eudicots, and a more recent Solanaceae event that is sha
80 y angiosperm plants, including basal dicots, eudicots, and monocots, emit (E,E)-4,8,12-trimethyltride
81 ation correlates with the origin of the core eudicots, and produced the euAP1 and euFUL clades.
82 axial/adaxial cell fate in lateral organs of eudicots, and repressing meristematic genes in different
83 he genetic basis of diverse nectary forms in eudicot angiosperm species using CRABS CLAW (CRC), a gen
84 as three GGH genes that, like those in other eudicots, apparently diverged recently.
85                                    The basal eudicot Aquilegia (columbine) has an unusual floral stru
86 er of each of two main angiosperm groups-the eudicots (Arabidoposis thaliana) and the monocots (Oryza
87                               Curiously, the eudicot Arabidopsis thaliana is not affected when either
88 onsiderably more organ specific in the model eudicot Arabidopsis thaliana.
89 known positions for counterpart genes in the eudicot Arabidopsis.
90 e level, gene regulation of this family in a eudicot, Arabidopsis, and a monocot, maize, is also char
91 NOL TRANSFERASE gene was introduced into two eudicots, Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and poplar
92 erize Arabidopsis flowers (and perhaps other eudicots) are derived, and correlate with a shift toward
93 rs generally applicable to distantly related eudicots as well as monocot plants.
94 h the Brassicaceae family evolved from other eudicots at the beginning of the Cenozoic era of the Ear
95                              In monocots and eudicots, B class function specifies second and third wh
96                      The degree to which the eudicot-based ABC model of flower organ identity applies
97  not only phylogenetically related to FLC in eudicots but also functions as a flowering repressor in
98 n ancient genome triplication shared by core eudicots but no further whole-genome duplication in the
99 oxins that facilitate microbial infection of eudicot, but not of monocot plants.
100 ng the early diverging angiosperms and basal eudicots, but 62 independent gene and intron losses are
101 e genes have undergone positive selection in eudicots, but not in grasses.
102 f seirena-1 (sei-1), a mutant from the basal eudicot California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) that
103                                         Most eudicots carry a pseudoenzyme PDX1.2 that is a noncataly
104 (alpha-expansin) family were found to loosen eudicot cell walls but to be less effective on grass cel
105 entity program in the Caryophyllales, a core eudicot clade in which perianth differentiation into sep
106 CNS sequences can be detected throughout the eudicot clade of flowering plants, but also that a subse
107 sociated with reproductive structures in the eudicot clade of flowering plants.
108 x gene homologs is invariant across the core eudicot clade.
109 onocot lineage after its divergence from the eudicot clade.
110 25+ large inversions now known in this small eudicot clade.
111 lection constraints have acted on three core eudicot clades, which might enable paleoduplicated PDAT
112  are limited to the more derived monocot and eudicot clades.
113      Independent losses of CMT1, 2, and 3 in eudicots, CMT2 and ZMET in monocots and monocots/commeli
114                                 Although the eudicots comprise 75% of all angiosperms, most of the di
115  regulator of nectary development within the eudicots, concomitant with the association of nectaries
116 de that a cis-regulatory module conserved in eudicots directs the spatial and temporal expression of
117 d ARF lineages originated before the monocot-eudicot divergence.
118 anding how functional divergence of the core eudicot duplicates occurred requires a careful examinati
119        To investigate the impact of the core eudicot duplication on the functional diversification of
120 alyze the results in the context of the core eudicot duplication, and discuss the implications of our
121 ylan binds hydrophilic faces of cellulose in eudicots, early-branching angiosperm, and gymnosperm cel
122 independent genome duplications in the basal eudicot Eschscholzia californica (California poppy: Papa
123 unctions are largely conserved in other core eudicot euAP1 and euFUL genes, but notably, the role of
124  all roles previously described for the core eudicot euAP1 and euFUL genes, we postulate subfunctiona
125 nalyses show two gene clades within the core eudicots, euAP1 (including Arabidopsis APETALA1 and Anti
126 the gamma polyploidy event occurred early in eudicot evolution.
127   Although Pentapetalae (comprising all core eudicots except Gunnerales) include approximately 70% of
128 cies that are wind-pollinated, whereas basal eudicot families and basal monocot families more commonl
129 rized only in vitro come from four different eudicot families and constitute a separate branch of the
130                                   While most eudicot families including the Brassicaceae possess a si
131  activity of genes in this branch in diverse eudicot families suggest that GLS activity encoded by th
132 wever, clear differences between monocot and eudicot family members exist, and these are analyzed in
133 vering a broad taxonomic range, including 13 eudicots, five monocots, one lycopod, one moss, and five
134                          In contrast to most eudicots, floral organs are weakly differentiated in Nup
135  produce the four organ types of the typical eudicot flower.
136 Food body rewards are exceedingly rare among eudicot flowering plants and are only known to occur on
137 ies in Arabidopsis thaliana and other higher-eudicot flowering plants have led to the development of
138           It is surprising that members from eudicots form one group, whereas those from cereals form
139 leotide position of codons is AU-rich in the eudicot genomes (35-42% of G+C content), but GC-rich in
140 ly homologous regions of monocots (rice) and eudicots (grapevine).
141 ation, and that derived nectary positions in eudicots have altered regulation of CRC.
142                                         Most eudicots have three equatorial apertures but several tax
143 thin the megadiverse Asteridae clade of core eudicots, have occurred through the modification of a co
144 h like what has been observed for their core eudicot homologs.
145 nly to its native monocot host but also to a eudicot host, which suggests that the underlying mechani
146 y is the first to identify miRNAs in a lower eudicot in which comprehensive genomic resources are bec
147 lade compared with its position as sister to eudicots in many cladistic analyses.
148  analyses in 83 species dispersed throughout eudicots including species with and without equatorial a
149 ntaining foreign organellar DNA from diverse eudicots, including many transfers from parasitic plants
150 seed plants, including new sequences from 25 eudicots, indicate that soon after its origin, Pentapeta
151  the divergence of the Ranunculales and core eudicots, indicating that the gamma appears to be restri
152  divergent AP3 C-terminal domain in the core eudicots is correlated with the acquisition of a role in
153 ationship of Hyrcantha ("Sinocarpus") to the eudicots is discussed.
154  pollen morphogenesis (microsporogenesis) in eudicots is due to developmental constraints or to selec
155 m cacao and tea, suggesting that caffeine in eudicots is of polyphyletic origin.
156 ssor (FLC, MADS-box transcription factor) in eudicots, it induces an activator (TaVRN1, an AP1 clade
157 lutionary scenario of the modern monocot and eudicot karyotypes from their diploid ancestors, offers
158 stinct mechanisms may operate in monocot and eudicot leaves to coordinate stomatal patterning with th
159 l predictions, and to phenotypes observed in eudicot leaves, the increase in stomatal density did not
160  a petal-specific AP3 function in the higher eudicot lineage.
161 ylogeny, sequential separation of major core eudicot lineages and temporal mode of diversifications,
162 ereas the evolutionarily derived monocot and eudicot lineages share a far more uniform floral ground
163                  The rapid radiation of core eudicot lineages that gave rise to nearly 75% of angiosp
164 ented for ancestral grass (Poaceae) and core eudicot lineages.
165 sangiosperms (Ceratophyllum, Chloranthaceae, eudicots, magnoliids, and monocots).
166                Previous studies of the lower eudicot model Aquilegia have revealed differential expre
167 ental genetics comes primarily from the core eudicot model Arabidopsis thaliana.
168 ar genetic control in distantly related core eudicot model organisms.
169  development, established through studies in eudicot model species, proposes that petal and stamen id
170 igation of homeotic mutants outside the core eudicot model species.
171 S-box genes in basal angiosperms relative to eudicot model systems, we isolated several floral MADS-b
172          Analysis of the sequenced non-rosid eudicots monkey flower and columbine, the monocots maize
173 on ancestral chromosome dating to before the eudicot/monocot split.
174 enes from diverse vascular plants, including eudicots, monocots, and a lycophyte.
175 nomes, representing each of the five groups: eudicots, monocots, magnoliids, Chloranthaceae and Cerat
176                                       Unlike eudicots, most monocot leaves display parallel venation
177 s, multiseeded ovaries, and, in monocots and eudicots, much faster pollen tube growth rates.
178 rose (Suc) across cellular membranes, and in eudicots, multiple SUTs are known to function in Suc phl
179            Unlike the vast majority of other eudicots, nearly all asterids have a single integument,
180  anatomical differences between monocots and eudicots or between herbaceous and woody plants.
181         Promotion of high-protein, palatable eudicots or increasing the protein concentrations of gra
182 otide composition is highly conserved within eudicots or monocots, there is a significant difference
183 randis genome is the first reference for the eudicot order Myrtales and is placed here sister to the
184 families in Aquilegia, a member of the lower eudicot order Ranunculales and an emerging model for the
185 ptomes and 88 other datasets covering 70% of eudicot orders.
186  proteins that shares conserved functions in eudicot organ development and suggests that NOOT and COC
187 olecular clock analysis estimated that crown eudicots originated c. 146 Ma, considerably earlier than
188 the same as that proposed previously for the eudicot paleohexaploidy; however, the more recent nature
189 erization of a FIL orthologue from the basal eudicot, Papaver somniferum (the opium poppy), and demon
190 he functional diversification among the core eudicot PDAT paralogs.
191      Through some unknown mechanism, in most eudicots pericycle cells positioned against the protoxyl
192 of perianth evolution, the concept of a core eudicot petal identity program has not been tested.
193 expression patterns consistent with the core eudicot petal identity program.
194                                          The eudicot phylogenetic relationships, especially among tho
195          Here, we present a highly supported eudicot phylogeny and diversification rate shifts using
196                           A highly supported eudicot phylogeny divided Pentapetalae into two groups:
197 ated transcriptomes revealed a well-resolved eudicot phylogeny, sequential separation of major core e
198 RN2-like genes have been identified in other eudicot plants, but their function has never been report
199                                         Nine eudicot plants, representing six different plant familie
200  abundant component of primary cell walls in eudicot plants.
201 fter evolutionary divergence of monocots and eudicots, PR5 genes increased asymmetrically among the 1
202 can constitutes most of the hemicellulose in eudicot primary cell walls and functions in cell wall st
203 asterids and after the split of monocots and eudicots, providing strong evidence that the gamma polyp
204 ineage coincides with the base of the higher eudicot radiation and may reflect the evolution of a pet
205 ssland had a greater proportion of N2-fixing eudicots, regularly comprising >60% of their protein int
206 ns pre-dating the divergence of monocots and eudicots remains equivocal in analyses of conserved gene
207 cation coincides with the origin of the core eudicots, resulting in the euFUL and the euAP1 clades.
208 ineages (i.e., gymnosperms, commelinids, and eudicots) shape resource use patterns in these herbivore
209 s, we propose that diverse nectaries in core eudicots share conserved CRC gene regulation, and that d
210 ch appears to have been mainly caused by the eudicot-shared ancient gene duplication and subsequent s
211 ically different nectaries from several core eudicot species and is required for nectary development
212                In the distantly related core eudicot species Antirrhinum majus L., paralogous SBP-box
213 e identified its ortholog AqJAG in the lower eudicot species Aquilegia coerulea.
214 d eudicots using six grass species and seven eudicot species as materials.
215  different developmental stages of the basal eudicot species Eschscholzia californica (California pop
216        Studies of flower development in core eudicot species have established a central role for B cl
217                                     Non-core eudicot species have only sequences similar to euFUL gen
218 bers of the YUC family in moss, monocot, and eudicot species shows that there have been independent e
219 RV-VIGS for probing gene function in a basal eudicot species that is phylogenetically distant from mo
220 which have phloem-loading functions in other eudicot species, did not rescue the Atsuc2-4 mutation, w
221                              By surveying 75 eudicot species, here we report that leaf growth polarit
222                          However, in a basal eudicot species, no evidence of CRC expression in nectar
223  miR537, which have not yet been reported in eudicot species, were detected in California poppy; loci
224 ecular control of floral development between eudicot species.
225  petal and stamen identities in several core eudicot species.
226 ucture between grass species and a reference eudicot species.
227  nectary-specific sugar transporter in three eudicot species: Arabidopsis thaliana, Brassica rapa (ex
228 ha, Bryopsida, Pinaceae, monocotyledons, and eudicots), species of fungi, Glaucophytes, Chlamydomonas
229  whereas the last emerged before the monocot-eudicot split.
230 ugh the response kinetics varied between the eudicots studied, all had prolonged growth inhibition fo
231 ssion of AP3 and PI orthologues in the lower eudicot subclass Ranunculidae.
232 er, the presence of euAP1 genes only in core eudicots suggests that there may have been changes in me
233  higher frequencies of recent duplication in eudicots than in grasses and their patterns of evolution
234         The Asparagales were more similar to eudicots than to the Poales for these genomic characteri
235 n vitamin B6 homeostasis in times of need in eudicots that carry this gene.
236 ails of their evolution and suggests that in eudicots the CYP716s evolved specifically towards triter
237 the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana, a core eudicot, the floral homeotic C-class gene AGAMOUS (AG) h
238 polyploidy event, gamma, occurred within the eudicots, the phylogenetic placement of the event remain
239 tions in the melon lineage since the ancient eudicot triplication, and our data suggest that transpos
240     The maize family is expanded relative to eudicots (typically six to eight genes) and rice (Oryza
241 metabolism and transport between grasses and eudicots using six grass species and seven eudicot speci
242 ne values between major high plant lineages (eudicots versus monocots) differed significantly under t
243 ary positions and CRC expression analyses in eudicots, we propose that diverse nectaries in core eudi
244 glucuronosyl (MeGlcA) xylan substitutions in eudicots, we recently proposed that an unsubstituted fac
245 sfers are from other angiosperms (especially eudicots), whereas others are from nonangiosperms, inclu
246                            However, the core eudicots, which comprise >70% of angiosperm species, exh
247 abiotic stress tolerance strategy in several eudicots, which has not been evolutionarily adapted (or
248      We further demonstrated that there is a eudicot-wide PDAT gene expansion, which appears to have
249 koi, an obligate CAM species within the core eudicots with a relatively small genome ( 260 Mb).
250 functions are conserved between monocots and eudicots, with B-class genes controlling stamen and lodi
251 more akin to early-branching angiosperms and eudicot xylan, lacking arabinose but possessing acetylat

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