


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              Eukaryotic 14-3-3 proteins have been implicated in the r
2                                          The eukaryotic 26S proteasome is a large multisubunit comple
3  the synthetic secondary metabolite with the eukaryotic 80S ribosome.
4 l cycle that enables substrate transfer in a eukaryotic ABC exporter.
5 molecular machinery of this mechanism is the eukaryotic alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii.
6 fuel marine food chains, and include diverse eukaryotic algae that have photosynthetic organelles (pl
7 ich is found within the chloroplasts of most eukaryotic algae.
8 ide an overview of proteins operating in the eukaryotic algal CCM, a key process that drives global c
9                                              Eukaryotic AMPK exists as alphabetagamma complexes, whos
10                            Recent studies in eukaryotic and bacterial organisms showed that this homo
11                Although a broad diversity of eukaryotic and bacterial taxa reside on rock surfaces wh
12 tosystem I, directly led to the emergence of eukaryotic and multicellular organisms.
13          Endosymbiotic relationships between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells are common in nature.
14          Codon usage biases are found in all eukaryotic and prokaryotic genomes and have been propose
15 NA sequence data of (i) archaeal, bacterial, eukaryotic and viral genomes from cultured organisms, (i
16 a virus distinct from other known bacterial, eukaryotic, and archaeal viruses; this finding suggests
17 oplasma gondii is an obligate, intracellular eukaryotic apicomplexan protozoan parasite that can caus
18 hich clarifies the critical role of ISD11 in eukaryotic assemblies.
19 ute proteins, small RNAs, and their roles in eukaryotic biology.
20                                              Eukaryotic box C/D small nucleolar (sno)RNPs catalyse th
21 enes Ca(2+)-ATPase (LMCA1), an orthologue of eukaryotic Ca(2+)-ATPases.
22 T, the Thermoplasma acidophilum homologue of eukaryotic CDC48/p97, works in conjunction with the prot
23  Membrane fusion is essential in a myriad of eukaryotic cell biological processes, including the syna
24                       A key component of the eukaryotic cell cycle is the protein kinase Wee1, which
25 istic target of rapamycin (mTOR) coordinates eukaryotic cell growth and metabolism with environmental
26 more than half of the total phospholipids in eukaryotic cell membranes.
27 ction of lamellipodia are common features of eukaryotic cell motility.
28 yanobacterium was engulfed and retained by a eukaryotic cell, although early steps in plastid integra
29 , the ubiquitous power packs in nearly every eukaryotic cell, contain their own DNA, known as mtDNA,
30  with ubiquitin in the cytosol of a targeted eukaryotic cell, leading to destruction of host cell mem
31 usively within the cytoplasm or vacuole of a eukaryotic cell.
32 d that prevents chromosome missegregation in eukaryotic cells [1, 2].
33  Virophages are small viruses that co-infect eukaryotic cells alongside giant viruses (Mimiviridae) a
34 asic structural unit for genome packaging in eukaryotic cells and consists of DNA wound around a core
35 ey regulator of DSB repair pathway choice in eukaryotic cells and functions to favor NHEJ over HDR by
36 zyme required for biosynthesis of sterols in eukaryotic cells and is the major target of clinical dru
37 udes a non-bacterial fraction represented by eukaryotic cells and viruses.
38                                              Eukaryotic cells are densely packed with macromolecular
39     Mitochondria are crucial compartments of eukaryotic cells because they function as the cellular p
40                              Mitochondria of eukaryotic cells contain a labile copper(I) pool localiz
41                                              Eukaryotic cells contain multiple RNA-protein assemblies
42                                              Eukaryotic cells evolved a set of intracellular signalin
43             The mitochondria and plastids of eukaryotic cells evolved from endosymbiotic prokaryotes.
44 has probed the biophysical mechanisms of how eukaryotic cells generate forces during migration, littl
45                                              Eukaryotic cells rely on long-lived microtubules for int
46 y alternative for gene copy number variation.Eukaryotic cells rely on the ubiquitin-proteasome system
47 the structural complexity that characterizes eukaryotic cells remains unclear.
48                                              Eukaryotic cells spend most of their life in interphase
49 represent a conserved process in specialized eukaryotic cells such as in mammalian hepatocytes and B-
50 ile strategies to generate niches inside the eukaryotic cells that allow them to survive and prolifer
51      Structural features of 3D-reconstructed eukaryotic cells that are affected by DOF artifacts in s
52 smic reticulum (ER) is a single organelle in eukaryotic cells that extends throughout the cell and is
53 l, antenna-like structures on the surface of eukaryotic cells that harbor a unique set of sensory pro
54 omes are a functionally conserved feature of eukaryotic cells that play an important role in cell div
55                           Adaptation enables eukaryotic cells to directionally migrate over a large d
56 ith the expansion of IDDs in the proteome of eukaryotic cells to increase the transport capacity of t
57           Signal transduction networks allow eukaryotic cells to make decisions based on information
58                                           In eukaryotic cells, diverse stresses trigger coalescence o
59 lecules that have multiple activities within eukaryotic cells, including well-known roles as second m
60 e selective over other bacterial species and eukaryotic cells, metabolically stable, and apparently n
61                                           In eukaryotic cells, one-third of all proteins must be tran
62 are essential for many metabolic pathways in eukaryotic cells, our findings identify the phosphorylat
63                    In the plasma membrane of eukaryotic cells, proteins and lipids are organized in c
64                                           In eukaryotic cells, the soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive
65 mon non-standard nucleotides found in DNA of eukaryotic cells, with over 100 million rNMPs transientl
66 ver bacterially encoded proteins into target eukaryotic cells.
67 hich effectively induce actin disassembly in eukaryotic cells.
68 both sites is important for MRN functions in eukaryotic cells.
69 ich are the main cytoplasmic deadenylases in eukaryotic cells.
70 tubules and sheets stretching throughout the eukaryotic cells.
71 ristic acid to the N terminus of proteins in eukaryotic cells.
72 thway for uptake of signaling receptors into eukaryotic cells.
73 odifications modulate biological function in eukaryotic cells.
74 Rab GTPase-regulated membrane trafficking in eukaryotic cells.
75 r polymers of alphabeta-tubulin found in all eukaryotic cells.
76 only useful in much larger and sophisticated eukaryotic cells.
77 thesizing inositol hexakisphosphate (IP6) in eukaryotic cells.
78 pidly shut down the synthesis of proteins in eukaryotic cells.
79 somes and the mimicry of the architecture of eukaryotic cells.
80 d actin-mediated endocytosis is essential in eukaryotic cells.
81 ys to particular organelles is a hallmark of eukaryotic cells.
82 r bacterially encoded effector proteins into eukaryotic cells.
83 ITPs) regulate phosphoinositide signaling in eukaryotic cells.
84 ytoskeleton and organize polar growth in all eukaryotic cells.
85 rotein sorting in the endomembrane system of eukaryotic cells.
86 ved between eubacteria and the organelles of eukaryotic cells.
87 TRAPPIII function in both normal and starved eukaryotic cells.
88  a primary point of translational control in eukaryotic cells.
89 dules for a variety of cellular responses in eukaryotic cells.
90 sents a fundamental signaling pathway in all eukaryotic cells.
91       Exosomes are vesicles released by many eukaryotic cells; their cargo includes proteins, mRNA an
92 dy contained many key components that govern eukaryotic cellular complexity.
93                  Ank4 interacts with Bat3, a eukaryotic chaperone that is essential for ERAD, and is
94 nisms suggests that more than one system for eukaryotic chromosome segregation may exist.
95 ly inaccessible insight into the topology of eukaryotic chromosomes and illuminates a process critica
96                                              Eukaryotic chromosomes are folded into higher-order conf
97                                          The eukaryotic CMG (Cdc45, Mcm2-7, GINS) helicase consists o
98 cerasiae-which shares sequence similarity to eukaryotic CNG and HCN channels-in the presence of a sat
99 SMG1, SMG8 and SMG9 also existed in the last eukaryotic common ancestor, 1.8 billion years ago.
100 n the overall composition of prokaryotic and eukaryotic communities was weak, a subset of the microbi
101 s primarily driven by disinfection while the eukaryotic community is primarily controlled by physical
102                                       In the Eukaryotic community, the initial dominant alga observed
103                                          The eukaryotic copper-only SODs are particularly unique in t
104       Here we examined the deep phylogeny of eukaryotic CS converter gene families and identified a p
105  physiological role of the herein identified eukaryotic d-ribulokinase remains unclear, but we specul
106 isting methods when classifying sequences in eukaryotic de novo assemblies.
107 karyotic origin that play important roles in eukaryotic development and physiology.
108 ilencing by Polycomb complexes is central to eukaryotic development.
109                                  Unicellular eukaryotic diatoms are the main primary producers in thi
110 especially as major gaps in our knowledge of eukaryotic diversity at the deepest level remain unfille
111                                              Eukaryotic DNA replicates asynchronously, with discrete
112                                              Eukaryotic DNA replication fidelity relies on the concer
113 ses on the biogenesis and composition of the eukaryotic DNA replication fork, with an emphasis on the
114                                              Eukaryotic DNA replication initiates from multiple discr
115 cative DNA helicase is the committed step in eukaryotic DNA replication initiation.
116            The GINS complex is essential for eukaryotic DNA replication, and homozygous null mutation
117 e structural and regulatory functions in all eukaryotic DNA-templated processes.
118 e absence of divalent metal ions, similar to eukaryotic DNase II.
119                                The essential eukaryotic elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) delivers aminoac
120                                              Eukaryotic elongation factor 1A (EEF1A), is encoded by t
121 lates with reduced phosphorylation levels of eukaryotic elongation factor 2 and also requires the pre
122 mice showed decreased phosphorylation of the eukaryotic elongation factor eEF2, reminiscent of the ef
123  mammalian cells via ADP-ribosylation of the eukaryotic elongation factor-2.
124                        Mcm10 is an essential eukaryotic factor required for DNA replication.
125 pathways, elucidating mechanistic details of eukaryotic Fe-S cluster biosynthesis, and clarifying how
126 ial ancestors, but she also posited that the eukaryotic flagellum (undulipodium in her usage) and mit
127 ll-known as an enzymatic intermediate in the eukaryotic gamma-glutamyl cycle, but it is also an unavo
128                    DNA methylation regulates eukaryotic gene expression and is extensively reprogramm
129    Pre-mRNA splicing is an essential step of eukaryotic gene expression that requires both high effic
130                     Despite being a nexus of eukaryotic gene regulation, the structure of the CTD and
131                                              Eukaryotic gene transcription is regulated at many steps
132                                              Eukaryotic genes are marked by conserved post-translatio
133 to modulate the expression of a diversity of eukaryotic genes.
134                                          The eukaryotic genome consists of DNA molecules far longer t
135 y thought, with interesting implications for eukaryotic genome evolution.
136                                          The eukaryotic genome is highly compacted into a protein-DNA
137                                          The eukaryotic genome is primarily replicated by two DNA pol
138 esumed to be among the major determinants of eukaryotic genome structure.
139 ve transcription events occurring throughout eukaryotic genomes and coupling their RNA products to ef
140                                       Higher eukaryotic genomes are bound by a large number of coding
141                                         Most eukaryotic genomes contain substantial amounts of repeti
142 heterochromatin is an important component of eukaryotic genomes that has essential roles in nuclear a
143 ent the single largest component of numerous eukaryotic genomes, and their activity and dispersal con
144           Transposons are highly abundant in eukaryotic genomes, but their mobilization must be finel
145                                      In many eukaryotic genomes, transposable elements (TEs) are wide
146 el for the three-dimensional organization of eukaryotic genomes.
147 ansposable elements (MITEs) are prevalent in eukaryotic genomes.
148 weaknesses of short reads in the assembly of eukaryotic genomes; however, at present additional scaff
149 meiofaunal sample sites showed four dominant eukaryotic groups, the nematodes, arthropods, platyhelmi
150 al element of gene expression in a number of eukaryotic groups.
151 cking against a comparative model based on a eukaryotic homologue.
152 tem (T3SS) to deliver effector proteins into eukaryotic host cells.
153 rst report of inhibition studies on UGM from eukaryotic human pathogens.
154  rates, but little evidence exists of stable eukaryotic hypermutators in nature.
155 acteria, and also a potent stimulator of the eukaryotic immune system.
156 ISR) via sensing amino acid depletion by the eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2) kinase GCN2.
157 ough phosphorylation of the alpha subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2).
158 anslation initiation factor alpha subunit of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2alpha).
159 r protein kinase R, which phosphorylates the eukaryotic initiation factor 2alpha to inhibit global pr
160 ith, and relieves the inhibitory function of eukaryotic initiation factor 3f, a repressive component
161  importance is the complex between cap-bound eukaryotic initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), eIF4G, and poly
162 d in the posttranslational activation of the eukaryotic initiation factor 5A.
163 se stresses, different kinases phosphorylate eukaryotic initiation factor eIF2alpha, enabling the tra
164 t results in phosphorylation of the parasite eukaryotic initiation factor-2alpha (eIF2alpha), leading
165 amics underlying substrate selectivity among eukaryotic kinases.
166 ences between the orthologues from these two eukaryotic kingdoms.
167 plasmic domain subunit interfaces (CD-Is) of eukaryotic Kir channels control channel gating via stabi
168 at control gene expression in all aspects of eukaryotic life, primarily through RNA silencing mechani
169 ds are membrane lipids globally required for eukaryotic life.
170 eus and cytoplasm is the defining feature of eukaryotic life.
171 nase G (PknG), a thioredoxin-fold-containing eukaryotic-like serine/threonine protein kinase, is a vi
172 hat SURF components are present in all major eukaryotic lineages, including fungi, suggesting that in
173 ve splicing factor strongly conserved across eukaryotic lineages.
174 pment in eukaryotes, bacterial regulation of eukaryotic mating was unexpected.
175 membrane, and illustrate the mechanisms that eukaryotic mechanosensitive ion channels may use to dete
176                                However, many eukaryotic membrane proteins solubilized in conventional
177 raction of cholesterol with M2, as with most eukaryotic membrane proteins, has long been elusive.
178 rchaeal genomes encode several homologues of eukaryotic membrane-trafficking machinery components, in
179                     Introns are removed from eukaryotic messenger RNA precursors by the spliceosome i
180 duced predominantly as a result of anaerobic eukaryotic metabolic activity.
181 osome-free DNA is the preferred substrate of eukaryotic methyltransferases in vivo.
182 n phosphatase target of the highly conserved eukaryotic MIA40 IMS oxidoreductase.
183 ortant for environmental stress responses by eukaryotic microalgae.
184                                          The eukaryotic microbes called oomycetes include many import
185                    Oomycetes are fungal-like eukaryotic microbes in the kingdom Stramenopila.
186                          The prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms that drive the pelagic ocean's
187 lay dynamic instability, another hallmark of eukaryotic microtubules.
188 ults demonstrate that Pol epsilon can act in eukaryotic MMR in vitro.
189 eat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is an essential eukaryotic molecular chaperone.
190          3' polyadenylation is a key step in eukaryotic mRNA biogenesis.
191 of NNS RNA viruses that is distinct from the eukaryotic mRNA capping enzyme, guanylyltransferase.
192 A) is among the most common modifications in eukaryotic mRNA.
193                           Production of most eukaryotic mRNAs requires splicing of introns from pre-m
194 mportant for 3' end maturation of almost all eukaryotic mRNAs.
195                                              Eukaryotic MutLalpha (mammalian MLH1-PMS2 heterodimer; M
196 y of the canonical rules developed for other eukaryotic N-glycosylation pathways, raising questions a
197 guides to conduct a phylogenetic analysis of eukaryotic NEET proteins and their evolution.
198 s as the closest to the ancient archetype of eukaryotic NEET proteins.
199 ides a template to investigate the gating of eukaryotic neurotransmitter receptors, for which interme
200 s a prototype for many related bacterial and eukaryotic non-LTR retroelement RTs.
201  two-component protein system related to the eukaryotic NOX family and involved in the reduction of p
202                                    In higher eukaryotic nuclei, DNA is periodically anchored to an ex
203 ing possible insights into the transition to eukaryotic nucleosomes.
204 ch establishes a role for 3'-UTRs as evolved eukaryotic operons.
205 l microcompartments are bacterial analogs of eukaryotic organelles in that they spatially segregate a
206 embranes mimicking the lipid compositions of eukaryotic organelles, we determined that anionic lipids
207 ol, analogous to the lipid-based membrane of eukaryotic organelles.
208 ompartments that function as counterparts to eukaryotic organelles.
209 t StII, a pore-forming protein from a marine eukaryotic organism, encapsulated into Lp functions as a
210 athogens like Plasmodium)-suggests that many eukaryotic organisms share a common gamete fusion mechan
211 ic ncRNAs alone (such as viroids) can infect eukaryotic organisms, leading to diseases.
212 redox homeostasis in various prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
213 ce-specific regulation of gene expression in eukaryotic organisms.
214 ed DNA viruses infect archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotic organisms.
215 stantial genome plasticity compared to other eukaryotic organisms.
216 repertoire of metabolites of prokaryotic and eukaryotic origin that play important roles in eukaryoti
217 ene Ontology-based term classification (GO), EuKaryotic Orthologous Groups (KOG) and Kyoto Encycloped
218  grouped according to KOG (The annotation of Eukaryotic Orthologous Groups) and KO (KEGG Orthology) i
219                Leishmania is a single-celled eukaryotic parasite afflicting millions of humans worldw
220                                          The Eukaryotic Pathogen Genomics Database Resource is a coll
221 the role of ROS following infection with the eukaryotic pathogen Leishmania has not been fully elucid
222 e is a collection of databases covering 170+ eukaryotic pathogens (protists & fungi), along with rele
223                              Prokaryotic and eukaryotic pathogens are represented in almost equal num
224 nucleotide excision repair compared with the eukaryotic pathway.
225 the repertoire of prokaryotic influence over eukaryotic physiology to include mating.
226 itrate-using cyanobacteria and, potentially, eukaryotic phytoplankton.
227                                              Eukaryotic Piezo channels have a narrow pore and therefo
228 encing to elucidate the relationship between eukaryotic plankton community structure and carbon expor
229 ative bacterial species to interact with the eukaryotic plasma membrane and intracellular organelles.
230                                              Eukaryotic plasma membrane organization theory has long
231                                              Eukaryotic plasma membranes are compartmentalized into f
232                                          The eukaryotic pre-initiation complex (PIC) bearing the eIF2
233        It is well established that canonical eukaryotic pre-mRNA 3' processing is carried out within
234                            Newly transcribed eukaryotic precursor messenger RNAs (pre-mRNAs) are proc
235 se-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is an essential eukaryotic process regulating transcript quality and abu
236                     Our current knowledge of eukaryotic promoters indicates their complex architectur
237            Given their mixed prokaryotic and eukaryotic properties, we propose the term mixed-strateg
238  E3 ubiquitin ligases that are important for eukaryotic protein degradation.
239                      In contrast, non-animal eukaryotic protein kinases are not as well understood fr
240 responsible for activation and regulation of eukaryotic protein kinases in animals have been studied
241 lity control pathway involving the conserved eukaryotic protein Msp1 (ATAD1 in humans).
242                     The biosynthesis of many eukaryotic proteins requires accurate targeting to and t
243 may generate proteins, thereby expanding the eukaryotic proteome and revealing novel modes of cap-ind
244 ranslational modification that regulates the eukaryotic proteome, is carried out by a trio of enzymes
245                                         Many eukaryotic regulatory proteins adopt distinct bound and
246                  DNA damage tolerance during eukaryotic replication is orchestrated by PCNA ubiquitin
247 all related Na(+)/H(+) exchangers, including eukaryotic representatives.
248 ntegrated stress response (ISR), a conserved eukaryotic response to myriad stressors including hypoxi
249 framework for a mechanistic understanding of eukaryotic ribosome assembly in the model organism Sacch
250                                          The eukaryotic RNA exosome is an essential and conserved pro
251                                          The eukaryotic RNA exosome is an essential, multi-subunit co
252 , the most abundant internal modification in eukaryotic RNA.
253 or TSS selection by bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryotic RNAP.
254 multacida (PhyAmm) in complex with the known eukaryotic second messengers Ins(1,3,4,5)P4 and Ins(1,4,
255                 Glycoproteins traversing the eukaryotic secretory pathway begin life in the endoplasm
256  represented between 0.93% and 60.32% of the eukaryotic sequences.
257 (SAPK) pathways are evolutionarily conserved eukaryotic signalling modules that are essential for the
258 Our results suggest that chemical mimicry of eukaryotic signalling molecules may be common among comm
259 kleisin rings from bacteria, archaea and the eukaryotic Smc5-6 complex, but not with either condensin
260         A number of bacterial, archaeal, and eukaryotic species are known for their resistance to ion
261 The horizontal transfer of TEs (HTT) between eukaryotic species is a common and widespread phenomenon
262 ss of post-transcriptional gene regulator of eukaryotic species, and play critical parts in developme
263 sgSTOPs) targeting 97%-99% of genes in eight eukaryotic species, and we describe a restriction fragme
264 y and efficient gene-knockdown tools in many eukaryotic species, but curiously not in zebrafish.
265 tivities, and has remarkable diversity among eukaryotic species.
266 alance between precision and recall on three eukaryotic species: human, yeast, and fly.
267 ributes of their common FtsZ ancestor, while eukaryotic-specific FtsZ1 and FtsZB acquired new but sim
268 nce identity level) including members of all eukaryotic super-groups and several phyla of uncertain p
269 erlooked mitochondrial genes at the level of eukaryotic supergroups.
270 ey step of MSP-mediated phosphotransfer in a eukaryotic system, the phosphorylation of the receiver d
271 wever, functional RH5 is only expressible in eukaryotic systems and exhibits moderate temperature tol
272                    Its presence in the major eukaryotic taxa-animals, plants, and protists (including
273                   The molecular mechanism of eukaryotic TCR initiation remains unclear, with several
274 ion-arrested Pol II during the initiation of eukaryotic TCR.
275 suggested molecular target of resveratrol is eukaryotic topoisomerase II (topo II), an enzyme essenti
276                                         Many eukaryotic transcription factors function after forming
277                                Regulation of eukaryotic transcription in vivo occurs at distinct stag
278 rtant insights into the mechanism underlying eukaryotic transcription termination.
279                                              Eukaryotic transcription-coupled repair (TCR) is an impo
280 3K4men) is an important regulatory factor in eukaryotic transcription.
281 derstandings or discover novel mechanisms of eukaryotic transcriptional regulation by imaging transcr
282 ular analysis to provide novel insights into eukaryotic transcriptional regulation.
283        Numerous surveillance pathways sculpt eukaryotic transcriptomes by degrading unneeded, defecti
284 H2S transiently increases phosphorylation of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 (eIF2alpha) r
285 ng pathways result in phosphorylation of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit alpha
286 inase knockout (PERK-KO) or phosphodeficient eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2alpha (eIF2alp
287 sis, through activating pancreatic ER kinase/eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2alpha signalin
288  -beta3 translation, a process that involved eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit b as
289          The analogues were bound tightly to eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E), wit
290 ts demonstrate the importance of the p38-MNK-eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E axis in TNF
291 ammalian target of rapamycin, phosphorylated eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E, phosphoryla
292 ic PAS usage regulates the expression of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor EIF4A1, the tum
293  found to be based on mutations in the plant eukaryotic translation initiation factors, eIF4E and eIF
294                                              Eukaryotic translation is tightly regulated to ensure th
295                   Amyloid aggregation of the eukaryotic translation terminator eRF3/Sup35p, the [PSI
296 for other SLC7 family members and additional eukaryotic transporters that contain the LeuT fold.
297            We report here the involvement of eukaryotic-type Ser/Thr kinases, particularly PknA in tr
298 progenitor apparatus that founded the modern eukaryotic ubiquitin modification systems.
299                                 Analogous to eukaryotic ubiquitination, proteins in actinobacteria ca
300 teins but possess a pharmacopoeia of (1) the eukaryotic vesicular transport system, (2) immunity, and

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