


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 a prokaryotic-type cardiolipin synthase in a eukaryotic organism.
2  RNA (sRNA) repertoire in any prokaryotic or eukaryotic organism.
3 bacterial RR domains and this example from a eukaryotic organism.
4 r length control have been identified in any eukaryotic organism.
5  intron-loss mutation, is reported here in a eukaryotic organism.
6 s orchestrate the genetic circuitry of every eukaryotic organism.
7 been tested under natural conditions for any eukaryotic organism.
8 ogenesis of mineral-forming vesicles from an eukaryotic organism.
9 ce-specific regulation of gene expression in eukaryotic organisms.
10  Function647 protein family found in diverse eukaryotic organisms.
11 to be involved in developmental processes of eukaryotic organisms.
12 nary origin of Hen1 present in bacterial and eukaryotic organisms.
13 0-nucleotides (nts) that are present in most eukaryotic organisms.
14  process of purging deleterious mutations in eukaryotic organisms.
15 o animals that can affect protein folding in eukaryotic organisms.
16 tous sensor/transducer of calcium signals in eukaryotic organisms.
17 is therefore likely to be conserved in other eukaryotic organisms.
18 ircumvent redundancy problems encountered in eukaryotic organisms.
19 n genome size and evolution of virtually all eukaryotic organisms.
20  an important antiviral mechanism in diverse eukaryotic organisms.
21 ial biological process in the development of eukaryotic organisms.
22 n during PCD in these evolutionarily ancient eukaryotic organisms.
23  reductase domains, is widely distributed in eukaryotic organisms.
24 tal feature of genome architecture in higher eukaryotic organisms.
25  the high mobility group (HMG) proteins from eukaryotic organisms.
26 tical to development and maintenance of many eukaryotic organisms.
27  proper bipolar spindle formation in various eukaryotic organisms.
28 ration of transgenic DNA into the genomes of eukaryotic organisms.
29  with important functions in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
30 r similar to the complexes observed in other eukaryotic organisms.
31 nt in the metabolism of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
32 UF647 domain protein family found in diverse eukaryotic organisms.
33  a heritable epigenetic mark present in many eukaryotic organisms.
34 tions in genomic DNA in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
35 red for the initiation of DNA replication in eukaryotic organisms.
36 ry mechanisms of FAD homeostasis by FMNAT in eukaryotic organisms.
37 is a highly conserved protein present in all eukaryotic organisms.
38 athways that are universally conserved among eukaryotic organisms.
39 gous to programmed cell death (apoptosis) in eukaryotic organisms.
40 ve diverse and important biological roles in eukaryotic organisms.
41 the evolutionary and ecological expansion of eukaryotic organisms.
42 leus that have been found in major clades of eukaryotic organisms.
43 cently cloned and characterized from several eukaryotic organisms.
44 eserve cellular homeostasis in virtually all eukaryotic organisms.
45 sembly in similar fashion in all archaea and eukaryotic organisms.
46 ntial for cellular energy production in most eukaryotic organisms.
47 ne tract found at the end of introns in most eukaryotic organisms.
48 nnatural amino acids in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
49  Homologous recombination has a dual role in eukaryotic organisms.
50 LCB-Ps) are important signaling molecules in eukaryotic organisms.
51 nvolved in chromatin-based gene silencing in eukaryotic organisms.
52 lso be adapted for use in the study of other eukaryotic organisms.
53 at the 3' end of the intron compared to most eukaryotic organisms.
54  mechanisms of mRNA decay in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
55  the Lon substrates in other prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
56 mere length and chromosome stability in most eukaryotic organisms.
57 usly unknown function conserved in divergent eukaryotic organisms.
58 nnatural amino acids in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
59 ranscriptionally regulate gene expression in eukaryotic organisms.
60 in signaling exists in this diverse group of eukaryotic organisms.
61 n of gene expression in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
62  may have had a key role in the evolution of eukaryotic organisms.
63 gulation of gene activation and silencing in eukaryotic organisms.
64 ents located in other parts of genes in many eukaryotic organisms.
65 ntrons from a subset of transfer RNAs in all eukaryotic organisms.
66 ny expression profiling experiment involving eukaryotic organisms.
67 % to encompass over 30,000 proteins from 138 eukaryotic organisms.
68 acterial species and all currently sequenced eukaryotic organisms.
69 ination for genetic studies of intracellular eukaryotic organisms.
70 able for a growing number of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
71 tal processes and environmental responses in eukaryotic organisms.
72 ion is conserved between M. tuberculosis and eukaryotic organisms.
73 on and also occur in reduced numbers in some eukaryotic organisms.
74 covered interactions between V. cholerae and eukaryotic organisms.
75 pping identified sequences to the genomes of eukaryotic organisms.
76 lular biology shared between fungi and other eukaryotic organisms.
77 c initiator for the synthesis of glycogen in eukaryotic organisms.
78 is essential for the health and longevity of eukaryotic organisms.
79 f Agrobacterium can be extended to non-plant eukaryotic organisms.
80 nsights to the transcriptional regulation in eukaryotic organisms.
81 ated activation of the MAP kinase cascade in eukaryotic organisms.
82 the essential trafficking of iron in diverse eukaryotic organisms.
83 nd have been investigated in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
84 es and in viruses known to infect a range of eukaryotic organisms.
85  all Gram-negative bacteria and even several eukaryotic organisms.
86  the other subunits, are highly conserved in eukaryotic organisms.
87 e-embedded photoreceptors in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
88 ssential for the survival of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
89 truction of tunable gene circuits in complex eukaryotic organisms.
90 eved to be a major force in the evolution of eukaryotic organisms.
91 ust be maintained throughout the lifetime of eukaryotic organisms.
92  three-dimensional protein structures across eukaryotic organisms.
93 dependency and its appearance only in higher eukaryotic organisms.
94 C8, the smallest subunit, is conserved among eukaryotic organisms.
95 and regulatory machinery in plants and other eukaryotic organisms.
96 esponsiveness and apoptosis in multicellular eukaryotic organisms.
97 eDB is a genome database for prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
98 ortant role in mediating stress responses in eukaryotic organisms.
99 und in the nucleus and/or organelles of most eukaryotic organisms.
100 ulate diverse intracellular processes in all eukaryotic organisms.
101  has identified over 200 miRNAs from diverse eukaryotic organisms.
102 rs and are conserved in many prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
103 ferential gene regulation in early diverging eukaryotic organisms.
104 redox homeostasis in various prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
105 aromyces cerevisiae and potentially to other eukaryotic organisms.
106 iRNAs) are important regulatory molecules in eukaryotic organisms.
107 ed DNA viruses infect archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotic organisms.
108 hat are key regulators of gene expression in eukaryotic organisms.
109 o-evolve to ensure proper protein folding in eukaryotic organisms.
110 stantial genome plasticity compared to other eukaryotic organisms.
111 O) is required for survival of virtually all eukaryotic organisms.
112 egulatory roles of 6mA in gene expression in eukaryotic organisms.
113 s reside within almost every cell nucleus of eukaryotic organisms.
114 lock the molecular underpinnings of aging in eukaryotic organisms.
115 ontributes to numerous cellular functions in eukaryotic organisms.
116 t transcriptional regulatory capabilities of eukaryotic organisms.
117  antisense RNAs are found in a wide range of eukaryotic organisms.
118 erstanding a process that is universal among eukaryotic organisms.
119 velopment, function, and malignant events in eukaryotic organisms.
120  is dispensable for a considerable number of eukaryotic organisms.
121 nt, differentiation, and genome stability in eukaryotic organisms.
122 ent biological activities in a wide range of eukaryotic organisms.
123  play individually numerous crucial roles in eukaryotic organisms.
124 NADH), suggesting a surprising homology with eukaryotic organisms.
125 r role in stabilizing collagenous domains in eukaryotic organisms.
126 ylated in T. cruzi approaching that of other eukaryotic organisms (0.5-1.7%).
127 ociated protein degradation (ERAD) system in eukaryotic organisms(1-4).
128                                           In eukaryotic organisms, 3'-terminal 2'-O-methylation of sm
129                                              Eukaryotic organisms age, yet detrimental age-associated
130 etabolic differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, allowing easier distinction betwee
131                                    In higher eukaryotic organisms, AMPs can also be referred to as 'h
132 ivity from cultured human cells to an intact eukaryotic organism and suggest that low-cost, highly de
133 et of intracellular proteins to membranes in eukaryotic organisms and also promotes protein-protein i
134 e innate immune systems of a wide variety of eukaryotic organisms and are being developed as antibiot
135  Marine viruses affect Bacteria, Archaea and eukaryotic organisms and are major components of the mar
136 enerating such a code is highly conserved in eukaryotic organisms and consists of ordered assembly of
137 0 are extensively conserved in multicellular eukaryotic organisms and define a novel family of struct
138         Here, we study dormancy in different eukaryotic organisms and find it to be associated with a
139 Glutathione peroxidases are widespread among eukaryotic organisms and function as a major defense aga
140  and Cdc16) domains are broadly conserved in eukaryotic organisms and function as GAPs for Rab GTPase
141 own that autophagy occurs in a wide range of eukaryotic organisms and in multiple different cell type
142               It occurs in a wide variety of eukaryotic organisms and in some viruses.
143 n of free thiamin to TPP in plants and other eukaryotic organisms and is central to thiamin cofactor
144 eins (MCTPs) are evolutionarily conserved in eukaryotic organisms and may function as signaling molec
145       Ataxin-2 (ATXN2) homologs exist in all eukaryotic organisms and may have contributed to their o
146  bipolar (Kinesin-5) family are conserved in eukaryotic organisms and play critical roles during the
147      Roseobacters also occur associated with eukaryotic organisms and possess streamlined as well as
148         They are produced by prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms and show diverse biological activit
149 is an environmental signal perceived by most eukaryotic organisms and that can have major impacts on
150  divergence of unicellular and multicellular eukaryotic organisms and that the CSN subunits were more
151                                    Fungi are eukaryotic organisms and there are a limited number of t
152 tissue development and tissue homeostasis in eukaryotic organisms and, when dysregulated, causes inap
153  is at a quality yet achieved only for a few eukaryotic organisms, and constitutes an important refer
154 ese molecules are prevalent in bacterial and eukaryotic organisms, and involved in a variety of respo
155 fferent fluorophores in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, and it should facilitate both bioc
156 ber of noncoding RNA transcripts (ncRNAs) in eukaryotic organisms, and there is growing interest in t
157 tal metabolic organelles found in almost all eukaryotic organisms, and they rely exclusively on impor
158 od, our data indicate that certain groups of eukaryotic organisms appeared and diversified during the
159                                Multicellular eukaryotic organisms are attacked by numerous parasites
160 nd that some features of circadian clocks in eukaryotic organisms are conserved in the clocks of prok
161                                   Genomes of eukaryotic organisms are packaged into nucleosomes that
162  have been found in a wide variety of higher eukaryotic organisms, are essential for the development
163 tein kinase (MAPK) pathway is widely used by eukaryotic organisms as a central conduit via which cell
164 ual reproduction enables genetic exchange in eukaryotic organisms as diverse as fungi, animals, plant
165 lear membrane structure is important for all eukaryotic organisms as evidenced by the numerous human
166 ll be rapidly populated with prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms as relevant data become available i
167 and have recently been identified in several eukaryotic organisms as well.
168                         GAT-ADCS is found in eukaryotic organisms autonomous for folate biosynthesis,
169    Iron (Fe) is an essential element for all eukaryotic organisms because it functions as a cofactor
170   Iron is an essential micronutrient for all eukaryotic organisms because it participates as a redox-
171 present in a wide variety of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms but are of largely unknown function
172 players in the development of multi-cellular eukaryotic organisms but have yet to be comprehensively
173 n numerous essential biological processes in eukaryotic organisms, but are often more difficult to is
174 n the regulation of small GTPase activity in eukaryotic organisms, but little is known about ELMO pro
175 epistasis than the other allele is 50~70% in eukaryotic organisms, but only 20~30% in bacteria and ar
176 rase II (RNAPII) is remarkably widespread in eukaryotic organisms, but the effects of such transcript
177 Ps) lasting seconds to minutes also occur in eukaryotic organisms, but their biological functions and
178     Arthropods are the most diverse group of eukaryotic organisms, but their phylogenetic relationshi
179      RNA interference (RNAi) is triggered in eukaryotic organisms by double-stranded RNA (dsRNA), and
180 s work, we show that proteins expressed by a eukaryotic organism can be isotopically labeled and prod
181 the DNA-transfer mechanisms from bacteria to eukaryotic organisms can also help in understanding hori
182                                    While all eukaryotic organisms characterized to date contain an eI
183                      The centromeres of most eukaryotic organisms consist of highly repetitive arrays
184 tein-protein interaction networks in several eukaryotic organisms contain significantly more self-int
185 scence are near-universal characteristics of eukaryotic organisms, controlled by many interacting qua
186                                           In eukaryotic organisms, cysteine palmitoylation is an impo
187                                      In most eukaryotic organisms, cytochrome c(1) is encoded in the
188 our diverse types of aquatic and terrestrial eukaryotic organisms (Danio rerio (zebrafish), Fundulus
189                                              Eukaryotic organisms depend on an intricate and evolutio
190 elements (TEs) are both a boon and a bane to eukaryotic organisms, depending on where they integrate
191 lved in the regulation of gene expression in eukaryotic organisms depict a highly complex process req
192                                   In diverse eukaryotic organisms, Dicer-processed, virus-derived sma
193 hosphate (polyP) metabolism isolated from an eukaryotic organism different from yeast, has 388 amino
194 R was tested on the genome sequences of four eukaryotic organisms, Drosophila melanogaster, Daphnia p
195 ptides serve as signals between bacteria and eukaryotic organisms during both pathogenic and symbioti
196 tocol we describe here can be applied to any eukaryotic organism (e.g., yeast, human), and it require
197 xation, carboxysomes could be transferred to eukaryotic organisms (e.g. plants) to increase photosynt
198 n developmental and pathological situations, eukaryotic organisms employ the catabolic process of aut
199 t StII, a pore-forming protein from a marine eukaryotic organism, encapsulated into Lp functions as a
200                                         Many eukaryotic organisms encode more than one RNA-dependent
201  usage appears to follow common rules in the eukaryotic organisms examined to date: all chromosomes a
202 functions, which may be a recurring theme in eukaryotic organisms experiencing programmed genome rear
203                                 In contrast, eukaryotic organisms exploit a multitude of replication
204    To minimize ROS toxicity, prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms express a battery of low-molecular-
205               We have also learned that most eukaryotic organisms express multiple eIF4E family membe
206  This approach is then applied to a range of eukaryotic organisms for which extensive protein interac
207 lying unity between the cells and tissues of eukaryotic organisms from yeast to humans.
208 agy are fundamental homeostatic processes in eukaryotic organisms fulfilling essential roles in devel
209                                           In eukaryotic organisms, gene expression requires an additi
210 s are calculated for genes from nonmammalian eukaryotic organisms, genes from the same organism again
211     GPCAT homologues were found in the major eukaryotic organism groups but not in prokaryotes or cho
212 t that Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana), a eukaryotic organism, has two functional GEN1 homologs in
213  signaling molecules in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms have discovered a new class of heme
214                                              Eukaryotic organisms have several different HDACs, but t
215 ng characteristics including low toxicity to eukaryotic organisms, high stability at circumneutral pH
216 uctures of 96 680 protein domains from seven eukaryotic organisms (Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Bos ta
217  resource for orthologous proteins from nine eukaryotic organisms: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus
218                     The gene is unusual in a eukaryotic organism in that it is predicted to encode tw
219 rising homology between some prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms in the mechanisms responsible for M
220 y of genome defence mechanisms known for any eukaryotic organism, including a process unique to fungi
221 anscription factors in other prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, including Arabidopsis thaliana.
222 2-type spliceosome and occur in a variety of eukaryotic organisms, including Arabidopsis.
223 tant for numerous cellular processes in most eukaryotic organisms, including cellular proliferation,
224   These predict DISC1 orthologues in diverse eukaryotic organisms, including early-branching animals
225    We highlight recent findings from diverse eukaryotic organisms, including humans, that suggest bot
226 species produced by both bacteria and higher eukaryotic organisms, including mammalian vertebrates, h
227                                      In many eukaryotic organisms, including yeast (Saccharomyces cer
228 jor new insights into the mechanism by which eukaryotic organisms initiate heterochromatin formation.
229 ned 38 genes from a range of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms into both pCold and pET14 systems,
230                       Ribosome biogenesis in eukaryotic organisms involves the coordinated assembly o
231                                   Aging of a eukaryotic organism is affected by its nutrition state a
232                            mRNA synthesis in eukaryotic organisms is a key biological process that is
233 extent of transfers from these lineages into eukaryotic organisms is contentious.
234 evelopmental and phenotypic divergence among eukaryotic organisms is driven primarily by variation in
235 e photosynthetic electron transport chain of eukaryotic organisms is facilitated by the soluble coppe
236 understanding of the corresponding events in eukaryotic organisms is only beginning to catch up.
237 volutionarily conserved nucleolar protein in eukaryotic organisms, is required for maintaining DNA me
238    NusG, referred to as Spt5 in archaeal and eukaryotic organisms, is the only transcription factor c
239          Filamentous fungi are multicellular eukaryotic organisms known for nutrient recycling as wel
240                                   Some model eukaryotic organisms lack the ability to insert selenocy
241                                         Even eukaryotic organisms lacking nervous systems contain hom
242 (most) life but rather the demise of certain eukaryotic organisms, leading to a decline in species ri
243 ic ncRNAs alone (such as viroids) can infect eukaryotic organisms, leading to diseases.
244 nylate cyclase (HemAC-Lm) in the unicellular eukaryotic organism Leishmania.
245                                  For complex eukaryotic organisms like humans, the genome is vast and
246 ession profiles have been generated for many eukaryotic organisms, little is known about the specific
247 e classical pathway, found throughout higher eukaryotic organisms, mediates intercellular communicati
248                         In plants, as in all eukaryotic organisms, microtubule- and actin-filament ba
249                      In both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, nucleoside diphosphate kinase is a
250 e RNA polymerases (RNAP I-III) shared by all eukaryotic organisms, plant genomes encode a fourth RNAP
251                                  Unlike most eukaryotic organisms, plants are not known to activate m
252 genome and apply the new method to two other eukaryotic organisms, Plasmodium and Penicillium.
253 l protein kinases in diverse prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, playing significant roles in yeast
254 uclear pore complexes (NPCs) is conserved in eukaryotic organisms ranging from yeast to mammals.
255 , gene regulatory network inference for most eukaryotic organisms remain challenging.
256 brane merger during cell-cell fusion in most eukaryotic organisms remain elusive.
257                      In both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, repressors and activators are resp
258 cking systems with those of humans and other eukaryotic organisms reveal major differences.
259 esidues in sequences of MDP-1 from different eukaryotic organisms reveals that they colocalize to a l
260 Cross-comparison of AtSubP on six nontrained eukaryotic organisms (rice [Oryza sativa], soybean [Glyc
261                                      For all eukaryotic organisms, RNA polymerase II (Pol II) is resp
262 ept is illustrated as being generalizable to eukaryotic organisms (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and thus
263 athogens like Plasmodium)-suggests that many eukaryotic organisms share a common gamete fusion mechan
264            Phylogenetic analysis of selected eukaryotic organisms showed that most life forms encode
265 egulate critical cellular activities in many eukaryotic organisms, such as membrane trafficking, telo
266 ns and adenylate cyclase from prokaryotic to eukaryotic organisms suggests that they share an early c
267                                      In most eukaryotic organisms, sustained cell proliferation requi
268 saccharomyces pombe but not in various other eukaryotic organisms tested despite strict conservation
269             In contrast to the FPPS of other eukaryotic organisms, TgFPPS is bifunctional, catalyzing
270 to rapidly identify membrane proteins from a eukaryotic organism that are most amenable to expression
271  Here we report the first study of RNRs in a eukaryotic organism that encodes class I and class II RN
272                                              Eukaryotic organisms that colonized multilayered settlem
273 s fungus, promises to be applicable to other eukaryotic organisms that have a low frequency of homolo
274 rly defined property of many prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms that move across solid surfaces in
275   Our studies suggest that unlike most other eukaryotic organisms that rely on TBP for Pol III transc
276                                    In higher eukaryotic organisms, the checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1) con
277 astically different from those used by other eukaryotic organisms, the extreme AT-rich nature of P. f
278   However, since dynein is essential in most eukaryotic organisms, the in-depth study of the cellular
279          It has been demonstrated that as in eukaryotic organisms, the intracellular calcium concentr
280 orms have been reported in simple to complex eukaryotic organisms, the mechanisms by which such isofo
281 s to establish complete genomic sequences of eukaryotic organisms, the so-called 'finished' genomes a
282 ers participate in nutrient uptake, while in eukaryotic organisms, the transporters clear glutamate f
283 comitant with or shortly after the origin of eukaryotic organisms themselves.
284 es, especially thermophiles, but uncommon in eukaryotic organisms, thereby suggesting that this prope
285                                           In eukaryotic organisms, these enzymes are reported to have
286  yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the first eukaryotic organism to have its genome completely sequen
287 NA splicing is a major mechanism utilized by eukaryotic organisms to expand their protein-coding capa
288 g is a genome defense mechanism used by many eukaryotic organisms to fight viruses and to control tra
289 t mechanisms have evolved in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms to maintain acidity within strict l
290 IN3 complex is a major mechanism utilized in eukaryotic organisms to repress transcription.
291 ry, innate immune mechanisms found in modern eukaryotic organisms today are highly complex but yet bu
292                                              Eukaryotic organisms typically express multiple type IV
293 ate high- confidence network predictions for eukaryotic organisms using Markov Random Fields in a sem
294   This method can be easily adapted to other eukaryotic organisms using the detailed procedures descr
295 ctin interacting protein 1) is ubiquitous in eukaryotic organisms, where it cooperates with cofilin t
296  widely distributed in prokaryotic and lower eukaryotic organisms, where it is often found in transme
297                 Fungi are a diverse group of eukaryotic organisms whose activities are intricately li
298  budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a eukaryotic organism with extensive genetic redundancy.
299 cant expansion of the functional proteome of eukaryotic organisms with limited gene numbers.
300 view of the regulation of gene expression in eukaryotic organisms, with a major shift towards epigene

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