


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 and in the beta-proteobacterium Nitrosomonas europaea.
2 eviously using pure cultures of Nitrosomonas europaea.
3 ls (DCs) exposed to lipid antigens from Olea europaea.
4 nditions in the model nitrifier Nitrosomonas europaea.
5 oststarvation cellular response system in N. europaea.
6 hic ammonia-oxidizing bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea.
7 emolithoheterotrophic growth of Nitrosomonas europaea.
8 acterized from the periplasm of Nitrosomonas europaea.
9  ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) of Nitrosomonas europaea.
10 gement in the ammonia-oxidizing bacterium N. europaea.
11 as been reported to support the growth of N. europaea.
12 ultiple copies in the genome of Nitrosomonas europaea.
13 the ammonia oxidizing bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea.
14 ver nanoparticles (AgNP) toward Nitrosomonas europaea, a model ammonia oxidizing bacteria, through a
15           In the present study, Nitrosomonas europaea, a model ammonia oxidizing bacterium, was expos
16                    Several AOB, including N. europaea, also possess a divergent monocistronic copy of
17                              In Nitrosomonas europaea, ammonia monooxygenase (AMO) and hydroxylamine
18 es pteronyssinus, Alternaria alternata, Olea europaea and grass pollen were performed at baseline, an
19 en cytochromes P460 and cytochromes c' in N. europaea and M. capsulatus, confirm the importance of a
20 ent, model nitrifying organisms Nitrosomonas europaea and Nitrobacter winogradskyi were exposed to si
21 the ammonia-oxidizing bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea and the methane-oxidizing bacterium Methylococc
22 d N2 O at low cell densities of Nitrosomonas europaea (AOB) and Nitrosopumilus maritimus (AOA) during
23  be important during ammonia oxidation in N. europaea at low oxygen concentrations to detoxify NO pro
24                                 Nitrosomonas europaea (ATCC 19718) is a gram-negative obligate chemol
25 del ammonia oxidizing bacteria, Nitrosomonas europaea (ATCC19718), to three IC availability condition
26 e oxidoreductase structure from Nitrosomonas europaea, both in the presence and absence of their subs
27                   These results show that N. europaea can be grown in CO(2)-free medium by using fruc
28        The nitrifying bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea can obtain all its carbon for growth from CO(2)
29          Previous studies have shown that N. europaea can utilize limited amounts of certain organic
30 , from lung tissue of a European mole (Talpa europaea), captured in central Poland in August 2013.
31 ylamine oxidoreductase (HAO) of Nitrosomonas europaea catalyzes the four-electron oxidation of NH2OH
32 utotrophic nitrifying bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea catalyzes the oxidation of NH(2)OH to HNO(2).
33 utotrophic nitrifying bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea catalyzes the oxidation of NH2OH to NO2-.
34            The experiments suggested that N. europaea cells may be able to use different promoters in
35 ic IC supply to excess gaseous IC supply, N. europaea chemostat cultures demonstrated an acclimation
36 rosity, is larger for L. pruvoti than for B. europaea, confirming previous non-NMR results.
37 ochrome (cyt) P460 from the AOB Nitrosomonas europaea converts hydroxylamine (NH2OH) quantitatively t
38           With this in mind, we tested if N. europaea could utilize fructose and other compounds as c
39 o (Persea americana cv. Hass) or olive (Olea europaea cv. Arbequina) hydroalcoholic leaf extracts (AH
40 ata show that the electrochemistry of the N. europaea cytochrome c peroxidase is unlike other peroxid
41         Modelling of the electron flow in N. europaea demonstrated low electron flow to denitrificati
42        Notably, the enzyme from Nitrosomonas europaea does not require prereduction.
43                 Here we show that Salicornia europaea (ecotype RN) exhibits a significant increase in
44 sed in terms of a catalytic model for the N. europaea enzyme and compared with other cytochrome c per
45 e we find that the catalytic waves of the N. europaea enzyme have a midpoint potential of >500 mV and
46 er long-term low DO conditions, Nitrosomonas europaea/eutropha remained as the dominant AOB, whereas
47  Eu additions at 50 and 100 ppm inhibited N. europaea, even when virtually all of the REE was insolub
48 g Ag(+) ligands and was unable to protect N. europaea from Ag(+) toxicity.
49 s response regulon during the recovery of N. europaea from extended ammonia starvation, thus indicati
50 ificant role in mediating the recovery of N. europaea from starvation.
51  of commercial black-ripe table olives (Olea europaea) from the United States, Spain, Egypt and Moroc
52 n-specific beta-glucosidase from olive (Olea europaea), had enzymatic kinetics similar to the olive n
53 xidized di-heme peroxidase from Nitrosomonas europaea has been solved to a resolution of 1.80 A and c
54                                 Nitrosomonas europaea has two copies of the operon encoding ammonia m
55 cture of a bacterial RhAG (from Nitrosomonas europaea) has been solved and its gas channel elucidated
56 domain multicopper oxidase from Nitrosomonas europaea, has been determined to 1.9 A resolution.
57  oleuropein, a natural antioxidant from Olea europaea, has been often studied in connection with ther
58 bled native cytochrome P460 purified from N. europaea in its UV-visible spectroscopic, ligand binding
59     Mutant versions of cytochrome P460 of N. europaea in which Lys70 70 was replaced by Arg, Ala, or
60        Provision of TBP with Eu increased N. europaea inhibition, although TBP alone did not substant
61           Cytochrome c-552 from Nitrosomonas europaea is a 9.1-kDa monoheme protein that is a member
62 chrome c(554) (cyt c(554)) from Nitrosomonas europaea is an essential electron transfer component in
63 chrome c(554) (cyt c(554)) from Nitrosomonas europaea is believed to function as an electron-transfer
64            The monooxygenase of Nitrosomonas europaea is encoded by two nearly identical operon copie
65 ochrome c peroxidase (CcP) from Nitrosomonas europaea is examined using the technique of catalytic pr
66 hic ammonia-oxidizing bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea is known to be highly resistant to starvation c
67                    Olive (Olea europaea ssp. europaea) is the most important oil fruit crop in temper
68 oxidizing autotrophic bacterium Nitrosomonas europaea, is shown to be a homo-oligomer of 12 kDa Cu-co
69 f the main pentacyclic triterpenes from Olea europaea L. in rat plasma.
70 ives are the main phenolic compounds of Olea europaea L. leaf and fruit.
71 ecialized metabolites present in olive (Olea europaea L.) fruit.
72                      The olive species (Olea europaea L.) is characterized by significant phenotypic
73 f oleuropein, the main phenol in olive (Olea europaea L.) leaf extracts, to oleuropein aglycon and ot
74 /g DW, respectively) from pomace olive (Olea europaea L.) using an ultrasonic bath, and the synthesis
75 duration and temperature on Oblica cv. (Olea europaea L.) virgin olive oil phenols, volatiles, and se
76 s applied to mature 'Zard' olive trees (Olea europaea L.).
77 (POD) from mesocarp of the olive fruit (Olea europaea L., cv Hojiblanca) in the presence of H2O2 and
78 nic acid, a pentacyclic triterpene from Olea europaea L., exerts hypoglycemic, antioxidant, cardiopro
79                        Although Nitrosomonas europaea lacks measurable alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogen
80 ons of the beta-proteobacterial Nitrosomonas europaea lineage were abundant at the initial pH close t
81  5.4, which is a typical pH limit for the N. europaea lineage.
82      Together, the results indicated that N. europaea mobilized enhanced IC scavenging pathways for b
83 athway, the enzyme isolated directly from N. europaea (NeNIR) was biochemically and structurally char
84 able in the incubation media of Nitrosomonas europaea, Nitrosospira multiformis, Nitrososphaera garge
85 amine oxidoreductase (HAO) from Nitrosomonas europaea normally catalyzes oxidation of NH(2)OH to NO(2
86 e-genome duplication shared with olive (Olea europaea, Oleaceae).
87                                 Nitrosomonas europaea participates in the biogeochemical N cycle in t
88     DCs generated in vitro were exposed to O europaea pollen grains or lipids isolated from them.
89                                Lipids from O europaea pollen upregulate CD1d and CD86 molecules on DC
90                                  Olive (Olea europaea) pollen constitutes one of the most important a
91 er these conditions, interrogation of the N. europaea proteome revealed increased levels of carbon fi
92 he recently completed genomic sequence of N. europaea revealed a potential permease for fructose.
93  modeled RhAG on the homologous Nitrosomonas europaea Rh50 protein and shown that these mutations are
94                                  Olive (Olea europaea ssp. europaea) is the most important oil fruit
95                           The strategy of N. europaea to accumulate Fe from the environment involves
96           The transcriptional response of N. europaea to ammonia addition following short- and long-t
97 nce, to the mass of the specimen and, for B. europaea, to the temperature of the growing site.
98                  Mutagenesis of Nitrosomonas europaea was achieved by electroporation and recombinati
99 0 cytochromes from M. capsulatus Bath and N. europaea was low (24.3% of residues identical), although
100                                           N. europaea was not able to grow with fructose as an energy
101  one ammonia monooxygenase gene (amoA) in N. europaea was up-regulated upon exposure to 1 nM QD-PEI.
102 ure ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, Nitrosomonas europaea, was shown to increase monochloramine demand.
103 -responsive repressor NsrR from Nitrosomonas europaea, we propose that the yjeB gene of E. coli be re
104      Nitrifying bacteria (i.e., Nitrosomonas europaea) were much more susceptible than nitrogen fixin
105  The heme of cytochrome P460 of Nitrosomonas europaea, which is covalently crosslinked to two cystein
106             The protein was isolated from N. europaea with Cu(II) bound but was found to be capable o
107 , of two scleractinian corals, Balanophyllia europaea (zooxanthellate) and Leptopsammia pruvoti (nonz

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