


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mic tissue transplantation, and two remained euthymic.
2 res, are present in BPI subjects, even while euthymic.
3  that an individual was depressed, manic, or euthymic.
4 hological deficits when they were clinically euthymic.
5 ngitudinal mood trajectories: "predominantly euthymic" (24.0%), "moderately euthymic" (34.6%), "ill w
6 predominantly euthymic" (24.0%), "moderately euthymic" (34.6%), "ill with improving course" (19.1%),
7 ll precursors in the lung epithelium of both euthymic and athymic neonatal mice generate this rearran
8  allogeneic skin grafts were transplanted to euthymic and athymic nude mice.
9 acute and persistent RV infections in infant euthymic and athymic rats inoculated oronasally with the
10 s) support extrathymic T cell development in euthymic and athymic recipients of bone marrow transplan
11                                      Bipolar euthymic and BPD groups exhibited increased amygdala act
12 bjects with bipolar depression compared with euthymic and control subjects across all brain regions a
13 thymic engraftment could only be achieved in euthymic and not in thymectomized miniature swine using
14             Historical controls consisted of euthymic and sham-thymectomized recipients.
15 red rat islet and skin xenograft survival in euthymic and thymectomized mice treated with combination
16 L-2, IL-4, and IL-10 genes was diminished in euthymic and thymectomized tolerant hosts.
17 ects with bipolar disorder (15 depressed, 10 euthymic) and 25 sex- and age-matched control subjects h
18 e functioning and quality of life, less time euthymic, and greater likelihood of suicide attempts.
19 eceived SSRIs for at least 6 weeks, who were euthymic, and who had sexual dysfunction as determined b
20 g PAH, whereas CD4-depleting immunocompetent euthymic animals increased PAH susceptibility.
21                     Of the four groups, only euthymic animals that were depleted of donor antigen sho
22 ymectomized, anti-Dd-treated chimeras, these euthymic anti-Dd-treated chimeras showed significant rec
23                       Eligible subjects were euthymic at conception and continued mood stabilizer tre
24  MHC-matched pig skin grafts was observed in euthymic B6 mice that received T and NK cell depletion,
25 anti-CD8 mAb-treated ATX B6 mice, but not in euthymic B6 mice.
26           The anterior chamber of one eye of euthymic BALB/c mice was injected with 1 x 10(4) plaque-
27 o approaches were investigated: treatment of euthymic BALB/c mice with quiescent Leishmania donovani
28 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, 4-HNE), in 24 currently euthymic BD adults (BDE) and 19 age- and gender-matched
29 apacities to protect athymic bg/bg-nu/nu and euthymic bg/bg-nu/+ mice from mucosal and systemic candi
30 albicans present in the alimentary tracts of euthymic bg/bg-nu/+ mice were significantly reduced by L
31 biotic beige-athymic (bg/bg-nu/nu) and beige-euthymic (bg/bg-nu/+) mice.
32  SCZ, 35 major depressive disorder (MDD), 32 euthymic bipolar disorder (BPD), 45 Asperger syndrome an
33                                       Twenty euthymic bipolar disorder and 19 matched control partici
34 tic aspects of dopamine neurotransmission in euthymic bipolar disorder patients.
35 was obtained from 35 prospectively confirmed euthymic bipolar disorder type 1 patients (age 22-59) an
36 ome of the cognitive deficits encountered in euthymic bipolar disorder.
37  increased in both chronic schizophrenia and euthymic bipolar disorder.
38    Twenty healthy comparison subjects and 32 euthymic bipolar I (N=17) and bipolar II (N=15) patients
39 on-weighted magnetic resonance imaging on 25 euthymic bipolar I disorder subjects and 24 gender- and
40  greater fear recognition than the manic and euthymic bipolar I disorder subjects.
41                                          The euthymic bipolar II disorder subjects showed greater fea
42                                  Twenty-five euthymic bipolar patients (12 with and 13 without a hist
43 alpha 52 were higher in the platelets of the euthymic bipolar patients (both bipolar I and bipolar II
44                          Melatonin levels in euthymic bipolar patients (n= 29) were tested before and
45 rised two samples; the first consisted of 19 euthymic bipolar patients and 19 matched comparison subj
46 d neural mechanisms related to motivation in euthymic bipolar patients and unaffected first-degree re
47 roving the functional outcome of a sample of euthymic bipolar patients as compared with treatment as
48     Relative to healthy comparison subjects, euthymic bipolar patients had significantly thinner gray
49 o assess cortical thickness abnormalities in euthymic bipolar patients who were not receiving lithium
50 nt in unaffected, at-risk individuals and in euthymic BP patients.
51 assessed reward-dependent decision making in euthymic BPD patients pre- and post 8 weeks of treatment
52 sk-associated decision-making performance in euthymic BPD.
53 bipolar hypomania or mania (BPM), 15 bipolar euthymic (BPE), and 30 healthy control subjects (HC).
54 rats, constitutes a larger percentage of the euthymic but lymphopenic diabetes-prone BB rat IEL popul
55 re significantly increased in schizophrenia, euthymic (but not depressed) bipolar disorder and MDD co
56 t to all 3 inoculation routes, compared with euthymic C57BL/6 mice.
57                                              Euthymic C57BL/L ep/ep (pale ear [PE]) mice halt the vis
58 s were more noticeable in the "predominantly euthymic" class.
59 tudies were performed using athymic nude and euthymic control B6 and BALB/c mice.
60 +CD44low) in FP THY/LIV graft recipients and euthymic control mice.
61 ; however, a comparison of athymic rats with euthymic controls suggested that only a small fraction o
62 V challenge in Treg recipients compared with euthymic controls.
63 receptor-negative IELs is present in normal, euthymic diabetes-resistant BB rats, constitutes a large
64 s abated by reconstitution with T cells from euthymic donors of the 33-3 line, with CD4 T cells being
65 T6 to levels comparable to those observed in euthymic DR-BB rats, suggesting that HDL-bound RT6 is no
66 y the author regarding the duration of their euthymic episodes.
67                                              Euthymic, female, BALB/c mice were injected in one AC wi
68 were less than 16 weeks' gestation, (3) were euthymic for at least 3 months prior to their last menst
69 eiving mood stabilizer therapy) who had been euthymic for more than 4 weeks and 13 age- and gender-ma
70 e depressed group (P =.02) compared with the euthymic group.
71                                              Euthymic (group A) and thymectomized (group B) Lewis rec
72 te CBF changes is distinct from that seen in euthymic healthy volunteers and mirrors the untreated de
73 e to give rise to mature T cells in adoptive euthymic hosts.
74 ecreated rejection in thymectomized, but not euthymic, hosts, suggesting that a state of cytokine-res
75  26 Costa Rican and Colombian pedigrees [136 euthymic (i.e., interepisode) BP-I individuals and 422 n
76 f clinical visits spent depressed, manic, or euthymic in patients with bipolar disorder.
77   Women with histories of depression who are euthymic in the context of ongoing antidepressant therap
78 al cerebral blood flow in five manic and six euthymic individuals with bipolar disorder and in five h
79 ght and left hippocampus were measured in 15 euthymic male patients with familial bipolar I disorder
80 between acutely ill unmedicated patients and euthymic medicated patients suggests that these impairme
81                                              Euthymic, medication-free subjects with a history of maj
82 suppressed significantly only in the OVA-fed euthymic mice but not in the thymectomized mice.
83                       LKC was exacerbated in euthymic mice depleted of CD4(+)CD25(+)forkhead/winged h
84                                    Depleting euthymic mice of their CD4+ lymphocytes by 20 weekly inj
85  > 100 d, suggesting that graft rejection in euthymic mice results from thymic export of alloreactive
86        Although all adult and neonatal beige-euthymic mice survived probiotic colonization, some infa
87  deficient, we used C57BL/6 athymic nude and euthymic mice to evaluate the relationship between T cel
88 rance induction, maintenance, and failure in euthymic mice we created a new analytical system based o
89                                              Euthymic mice were injected with mPF4/heparin complexes,
90                      In chronically infected euthymic mice, maintenance of acquired immunity and prev
91 ull xenogeneic tolerance was not achieved in euthymic mice.
92 nd third party pig skin grafts as rapidly as euthymic mice.
93 ng gene-1 (RAG-1) mRNA than they do in young euthymic mice.
94  1 month after ATX compared with age-matched euthymic mice.
95 tolerance to fully mismatched skin grafts in euthymic mice.
96 can engraft and support host thymopoiesis in euthymic miniature swine.
97 ith elevated, 10 with depressed, and 15 with euthymic mood states) and 20 healthy control subjects ma
98                               In this study, euthymic myelin basic protein (MBP) TCR transgenic mice
99 n day -21 (n=5) or day 0 (n=3), or were left euthymic (n=3).
100               Within each class, youths were euthymic on average 84.4%, 47.3%, 42.8%, and 11.5% of th
101 s in the skin of athymic mice, compared with euthymic ones.
102 nctional T cell progenitors in the marrow of euthymic or thymectomized but not nu/nu hosts.
103 no animal became tolerant, animals that were euthymic or thymectomized on day 0, as well as recipient
104 et and the above-noted factors, appear to be euthymic over extended periods.
105 ession Rating Scale (MADRS) in 124 initially euthymic patients during treatment with interferon-alpha
106                   Mood challenge in unipolar euthymic patients in full remission unmasks an apparent
107 oms but also the propensity for REM sleep in euthymic patients treated with SSRIs.
108 ive serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) in euthymic patients who had a history of major depression,
109              The cognitive functioning of 18 euthymic patients with a history of bipolar disorder I o
110  imaging study at a research institute of 41 euthymic patients with BD and 46 healthy participants, a
111                              We assessed 308 euthymic patients with BD for the AAO of their first moo
112                    A sample of 126 Brazilian euthymic patients with BD was used for replication.
113 pha) in both platelets and lymphocytes of 44 euthymic patients with bipolar affective disorder and 27
114 pha subunits in platelets and lymphocytes of euthymic patients with bipolar affective disorder.
115 ramipexole may have pro-cognitive effects in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder (BPD); however,
116                                              Euthymic patients with bipolar disorder (N=20), patients
117 ized fractional anisotropy in a sample of 40 euthymic patients with bipolar disorder and 40 well-matc
118                       Seventy percent of the euthymic patients with bipolar disorder exhibited a clin
119                                       Twenty euthymic patients with bipolar disorder not in receipt o
120  to examine myelination and axon geometry in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder with psychosis (
121                                In a group of euthymic patients with bipolar disorder, this study did
122 dysregulation are present in symptomatic and euthymic patients with bipolar disorder.
123 am, on functional improvement in a sample of euthymic patients with bipolar disorder.
124  cortical thinning was found in lithium-free euthymic patients with bipolar disorder.
125      Insomnia is a significant problem among euthymic patients with bipolar disorder.
126 rs investigated sleep-related functioning in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder.
127                                              Euthymic patients with bipolar I disorder (N=22), two po
128                     Thirty-four lithium-free euthymic patients with bipolar I disorder and 31 healthy
129 ersed the antidepressant effects of SSRIs in euthymic patients.
130                     Residual insomnia in the euthymic period may represent a vulnerability to affecti
131                                          The euthymic period of up to 2 months that is specified in D
132      The 22 patients with dysthymia reported euthymic periods from 2 to 30 days (mean = 8.0 days, SD
133 t during depressive and, to a lesser degree, euthymic periods.
134 its that are associated with acutely ill and euthymic phases of the disorder and the effects of medic
135 in thymectomized mice, may be applied to the euthymic primed rats rendered tolerant to fully MHC-inco
136 bed in thymectomized mice, may be applied to euthymic rat recipients of heart transplants.
137 low cytometry showed stable chimerism in the euthymic rats and transient chimerism in thymectomized l
138 thymic rats through 8 weeks but decreased in euthymic rats by 2 weeks, coincident with seroconversion
139                                          For euthymic rats, the MST of limb allograft in non-treated
140 hymectomized recipients, but rejected by the euthymic recipient in an accelerated fashion.
141                                              Euthymic recipients of cardiac grafts treated with an im
142 that previously shown to induce tolerance in euthymic recipients of renal allografts all rejected the
143                           In contrast, three euthymic recipients rejected their VTL allografts.
144 nor-derived cells in the lymphoid tissues of euthymic recipients.
145 afting confirmed donor-specific tolerance in euthymic recipients.
146 ymectomized recipients, and one of the three euthymic recipients.
147                                              Euthymic, sham-thymectomized, and day-greater than or eq
148 d 15 patients with bipolar I disorder in the euthymic state and 25 normal controls balanced for age a
149 ave been performed while patients are in the euthymic state.
150 ss 1) 5-HT(2A) receptor binding potential in euthymic subjects with a history of recurrent depression
151 anic subjects with bipolar I disorder (N=8), euthymic subjects with bipolar I (N=8) or bipolar II (N=
152 onnectivity during emotion downregulation in euthymic subjects with bipolar I disorder (BPI) and heal
153 identify potential depression trait markers, euthymic unipolar patients in remission, acutely depress
154 tient groups showed an increase in number of euthymic visits and a decrease in number of visits with
155 visits had more symptomatic visits and fewer euthymic visits compared with those with no mixed depres
156 nder the curve (AUC)) of 0.87 in antenatally euthymic women and 0.12 in a replication sample of anten
157 ions related to pregnancy and parturition in euthymic women with and without a history of postpartum
158 e were simulated by inducing hypogonadism in euthymic women-eight with and eight without a history of
159  of 0.96 across both prepartum depressed and euthymic women.

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