


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 re is growing evidence that invasions foster eutrophication.
2  agronomical yield and reduce risks of water eutrophication.
3 urface waters and contributing to widespread eutrophication.
4 he past 50 years attributed to human-induced eutrophication.
5 ers, lakes and oceans where it causes costly eutrophication.
6  to perturbations such as climate change and eutrophication.
7 apidly degraded by shoreline development and eutrophication.
8  percent of pristine abundances and promoted eutrophication.
9 llution due to hazardous emissions and water eutrophication.
10  improving water quality and better managing eutrophication.
11 er discharges), P is also a primary cause of eutrophication.
12 lex mechanisms coupled to the development of eutrophication.
13 al marine ecosystems and contribute to their eutrophication.
14 e vulnerable to consumer pressure fuelled by eutrophication.
15 ks on bottom water hypoxia and surface water eutrophication.
16 diated polluted water resources and prevents eutrophication.
17  for a regional evaluation of the impacts of eutrophication, acidification, human toxicity, and biodi
18  impact indicator values at the most (marine eutrophication, acidification, particulates, photochemic
19 ent" in settings of documented anthropogenic eutrophication (AE) than in areas where AE and other hum
20 es a novel, mechanistic understanding of how eutrophication affects plant-herbivore systems predictab
21         Given forecasted increases in global eutrophication, amphibian extinctions, and similarities
22                                      Coastal eutrophication, an important global environmental proble
23            Our findings suggest that coastal eutrophication and associated reductions in light may sh
24 ogen loading to waterways leads to increased eutrophication and associated water quality impacts.
25 ter half of the twentieth century has caused eutrophication and chronic seasonal hypoxia in the shall
26 ts through agriculture to waterways leads to eutrophication and depletion of P reserves.
27     We provide experimental evidence linking eutrophication and disease in a multihost parasite syste
28 ven though the known risk factors, including eutrophication and elevated temperatures, are common.
29 tewater treatment would drastically mitigate eutrophication and even more rapidly than was previously
30                                              Eutrophication and global climate change lead to expansi
31                                              Eutrophication and global warming make some aquatic ecos
32 ronmental impacts primarily toward increased eutrophication and greater water scarcity.
33  are crucial to plant nutrient availability, eutrophication and greenhouse gas production both locall
34 also cause nitrogen saturation, exacerbating eutrophication and greenhouse warming(4-7).
35                                         This eutrophication and habitat destruction would cause unpre
36 e N in aquatic ecosystems and can accelerate eutrophication and harmful algal blooms.
37 s are greatly altered by toxic marine algae, eutrophication and hypoxia.
38  Predicted increases in riverine hypoxia via eutrophication and increased temperature due to climate
39 , toxicity, and salinization, in addition to eutrophication and mineral depletion impacts.
40 elf, leading to a reduction in both cultural eutrophication and nitrogen pollution of the open ocean.
41 d to this natural variability over time, but eutrophication and ocean acidification may be perturbing
42  reefs face a diverse array of threats, from eutrophication and overfishing to climate change.
43 in water can lead to increased algal growth, eutrophication and reduced water quality.
44 rtant C sink that is likely to increase with eutrophication and river damming.
45  oceans in recent decades has been linked to eutrophication and seasonal hypoxia in the northern Gulf
46 logies on freshwater consumption, freshwater eutrophication and the consequent local and global biodi
47 th in many aquatic systems and is pivotal to eutrophication and the development of bottom water hypox
48 ve profound impact on issues such as coastal eutrophication and the development of hypoxic zones.
49 d often co-occurring local (e.g., pollution, eutrophication) and global stressors (e.g., climate chan
50 enic impacts such as heavy fishing, cultural eutrophication, and invasions by alien species.
51         We focus on greenhouse gases (GHGs), eutrophication, and land use because these have impacts
52 tions are associated with reductions in GHG, eutrophication, and land use from 13.0 to 24.8%, 9.8 to
53 ldwide as a result of habitat fragmentation, eutrophication, and land-use change.
54 metal depletion, ionizing radiations, marine eutrophication, and particulate matter formation.
55 ncreasing local emissions, food web changes, eutrophication, and responses to global climate change.
56                      Fossil fuel combustion, eutrophication, and upwelling introduce excess CO2 into
57  feedback loop that is key to global change, eutrophication, and wastewater treatment.
58 fferences in composition are consistent with eutrophication (anomalous abundance of seagrass-dwellers
59 The ecological and socio-economic effects of eutrophication are well understood but its effect on org
60               Overall, mineral depletion and eutrophication are well-documented arguments for phospho
61 , thereby inhibiting P recycling and further eutrophication (B).
62 tion factors of phosphorus emissions causing eutrophication based on three different effect models (d
63                               Phytoplankton (eutrophication, biogeochemical) models are important too
64 uses of microbialization are overfishing and eutrophication, both of which facilitate enhanced growth
65 ions, this was not due to species loss after eutrophication but rather to an increase in the temporal
66        Thus, species loss from anthropogenic eutrophication can be ameliorated in grasslands where he
67 MeHg production in the normoxic water column eutrophication can increase phytoplankton MeHg content.
68                             Aquatic nutrient eutrophication can lead to loss of biodiversity, outbrea
69                                              Eutrophication can play a central role in promoting harm
70 al impacts worse than PAC in two categories (eutrophication, carcinogenics).
71                  We show that the effects of eutrophication cascade through the parasite life cycle t
72 ommon reed, Phragmites, by means of nitrogen eutrophication caused by the removal of the woody vegeta
73 cosystem service values were estimated using eutrophication, circulation, local- and ecosystem-scale
74 tive to direct nutrient inputs and therefore eutrophication could initiate catastrophic feedback to g
75 that occur in freshwater under anthropogenic eutrophication could lead to myriad shifts in nitrogen (
76 ntrolling algal blooms and other symptoms of eutrophication depends on reducing inputs of a single nu
77                          The implications of eutrophication, diagenesis, lake morphometry and sedimen
78                                              Eutrophication did not influence elevation change in eit
79 Sea, the largest coastal area suffering from eutrophication-driven hypoxia.
80                             Following a slow eutrophication during European settlement, Lake Erie exp
81 ressors in the freshwater environment (i.e., eutrophication, ecotoxicity, greenhouse gases, and water
82 N-removal strategy for WWTPs to minimize the eutrophication effects of effluents.
83            Finding the tipping point in lake eutrophication enabling this methane-powered migration m
84 bal warming, ozone depletion, acidification, eutrophication, energy use, and biotic resource use.
85 systems was assessed via acidification (AP), eutrophication (EP), and global warming (GWP) potentials
86 house gas emission, acidification and marine eutrophication estimates were allocated to 212 commonly
87 provement goals (e.g., mitigating freshwater eutrophication) for the least climate and economic costs
88  production and consequent worldwide coastal eutrophication fueled by riverine runoff of fertilizers
89 idenced by spatiotemporal comparisons across eutrophication gradients.
90 nderstood models of ecosystem services: lake eutrophication, harvest of a wild population, and yield
91                                              Eutrophication has been implicated in the emergence of t
92               The use of shellfish to reduce eutrophication has been proposed, but application of biv
93                            Sedimentation and eutrophication help explain historical changes in interm
94  considerably less detail is known about the eutrophication history in terms of changes in algal prod
95 st of northern Ohio, USA, to reconstruct the eutrophication history of the lake over the past 210 yea
96 re anthropogenic nutrient inputs have led to eutrophication, hypoxia and anoxia, and low pH.
97 r the terrestrial ecotoxicity and freshwater eutrophication impact categories, with power and chemica
98  because corn production induces significant eutrophication impacts and requires intensive irrigation
99 ds are needed to protect coastal waters from eutrophication impacts.
100                                 To alleviate eutrophication in coastal waters, reducing nitrogen (N)
101  but also support hypotheses that anoxia and eutrophication in groundwater facilitate the mobilizatio
102 ion are especially likely to also exacerbate eutrophication in India, China, and Southeast Asia.
103 matter (DOM) as a nutrient source supporting eutrophication in N-sensitive estuarine ecosystems.
104 rld, while excess of soil P triggers aquatic eutrophication in other regions.
105  human waste is essential for the control of eutrophication in surface waters.
106 oncentrations has the potential to aggravate eutrophication in Taihu Lake where high nutrient loads a
107 tive for reducing P loading and may mitigate eutrophication in urban lakes and streams in developed c
108 ient levels commonly associated with coastal eutrophication increased above-ground leaf biomass, decr
109                                              Eutrophication increases primary production and export o
110 nd reverse osmosis, simultaneously increased eutrophication indirectly and contributed to other poten
111 onses to carbon dioxide enrichment, nitrogen eutrophication, invasive species and land-use changes.
112       Harmful algal blooms (HABs) induced by eutrophication is becoming a serious global environmenta
113                                              Eutrophication is expanding worldwide, but its implicati
114                                 This type of eutrophication is not reversible unless there are substa
115 lative importance of physical forcing versus eutrophication is still debated.
116          But a second environmental problem, eutrophication, is also causing large CO(2) inputs into
117 ake Erie experienced a period of accelerated eutrophication, leading to an ecosystem regime transitio
118   Phosphorus is one of the key indicators of eutrophication levels in natural waters where it exists
119 own (R(2) = 0.84, p < 0.01), suggesting that eutrophication magnifies the effect of drawdown on CH4 e
120                        Management of coastal eutrophication may be best achieved by targeting tertiar
121 at herbaceous plant species losses caused by eutrophication may be offset by increased light availabi
122                                    Linked to eutrophication, migrating Chaoborus spp. dwell in the an
123                                  Accelerated eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems owing to nitrogen a
124                                              Eutrophication of coastal ecosystems is a global problem
125                                              Eutrophication of coastal environments may therefore cre
126                                              Eutrophication of estuaries and coastal seas is accelera
127                                Anthropogenic eutrophication of estuarine waterways increases the supp
128 nking water resources in aquifers as well as eutrophication of freshwaters and coastal marine ecosyst
129 ition and climate-all of which may influence eutrophication of freshwaters.
130  causing serious environmental problems like eutrophication of lakes and rivers.
131 s may be even more important for maintaining eutrophication of lakes in agricultural regions.
132                                          The eutrophication of lowland lakes in Europe by excess nitr
133 ic bacterial symbionts, but does not support eutrophication of surface waters by enhanced river runof
134 increases in nitrogen- and phosphorus-driven eutrophication of terrestrial, freshwater, and near-shor
135  in sediments contaminated by WWTP following eutrophication of the lake.
136 rmwater nutrient pollution, and therefore to eutrophication of urban surface waters.
137                                              Eutrophication often manifests itself by increased frequ
138 Sea and used it to investigate the impact of eutrophication on phytoplankton MeHg concentrations.
139 first integrative analysis of the effects of eutrophication on plants, herbivores, and their interact
140 ate and synergistic effects of diversity and eutrophication on stability, emphasizing the need to und
141 stic explanation for the effects of nutrient eutrophication on the diversity of terrestrial, freshwat
142 vironmental changes induced by, for example, eutrophication or global warming can induce major oxic-a
143                                              Eutrophication, or excessive nutrient enrichment, threat
144 s much as to more recent changes in climate, eutrophication, or outbreaks of disease.
145             At our study site, anthropogenic eutrophication over recent decades has led to an upward
146 seaweed deposition, which has been linked to eutrophication, overfishing, and hurricanes.
147 by low salinity and ended after abatement of eutrophication pollution.
148           Recent studies have suggested that eutrophication, pollution and/or disease may contribute
149                                      Average eutrophication potential can be reduced by about 70% whe
150 t, energy production, and a reduction of the eutrophication potential of the residual anaerobic efflu
151 s well is estimated to have 300-3000 kg N-eq eutrophication potential, 900-23,000 kg 2,4D-eq freshwat
152  (fossil fuel use, greenhouse gas emissions, eutrophication potential, and consumptive water use).
153 g potential, acidification potential, marine eutrophication potential, cumulative energy use, and bio
154 trient removal significantly decreased local eutrophication potential, while chemicals and electricit
155 ered: embodied energy, carbon footprint, and eutrophication potential.
156 n additional 15% net reduction in life-cycle eutrophication potential.
157 community scale was shown to have the lowest eutrophication potential.
158  facilitate efforts to better manage ongoing eutrophication problems in western Lake Erie.
159 cessful reduction of N discharge from WWTPs, eutrophication problems persist.
160 bute to urban stream syndrome and downstream eutrophication problems.
161                             Mechanistically, eutrophication promoted amphibian disease through two di
162 riven by invasive species or effects of soil eutrophication propagating to higher trophic levels.
163   We identify direct and indirect effects of eutrophication proxies on genetic structure in these lak
164                   In separate sewer systems, eutrophication reduction benefits result from reducing N
165 ng, productivity, and associated symptoms of eutrophication) revealed that phosphorus (P) net sedimen
166                                              Eutrophication status, nutrient removal, and ecosystem s
167 he seaward border of these marshes, nitrogen eutrophication stimulated by local shoreline development
168 n, the combined effects of acidification and eutrophication, terrestrial ecotoxicity, marine ecotoxic
169            The DO levels are correlated with eutrophication that possibly affects the color of aquati
170                                              Eutrophication (the overenrichment of aquatic ecosystems
171 mptoms of these changes include accelerating eutrophication, the proliferation of harmful microalgal
172 nal MeHg sources or benthic production found eutrophication to decrease MeHg levels in plankton.
173 lower ammonia emission, but increased marine eutrophication up to 11% through nitrogen oxide emission
174  photochemical oxidation, acidification, and eutrophication were the environmental impacts categories
175 e may be increased impacts to water quality (eutrophication) when using biomass from an intensely cul
176  regions worldwide are particularly prone to eutrophication, which causes immense ecological and econ
177 sphorus (P) fertilizers, cause surface water eutrophication, while solid phosphates are less effectiv
178        Predictions of how global warming and eutrophication will affect metabolic rates and dissolved
179 origin has functional significance, and that eutrophication will lead to increased exotic dominance i

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