


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 that rod discs are formed by plasma membrane evagination.
2 ina, resulting in further laterally directed evagination.
3  Laminin1 severely compromises optic vesicle evagination.
4 lar non-neural ectoderm during optic vesicle evagination.
5 n proliferation is required for initial bulb evagination.
6 e, approximately coincident with the time of evagination.
7 arly in the first mitotic cycle, well before evagination.
8  the inductive effect of decapitation on bud evagination.
9 onal increase in the size of plasma membrane evaginations.
10  revealed that new discs are plasma membrane evaginations.
11 choroid plexus is maintained through initial evagination and appearance in all ventricles.
12 h disk morphogenesis occurs through membrane evagination and extends other recent studies assigning P
13 roepithelium of the ventral forebrain by the evagination and formation of the optic vesicle.
14 monitoring effects on the onset of first bud evagination and the time necessary to reach the 50% budd
15  leg decreased as the tissue extended during evagination and we observed cell rearrangement to be com
16 rin/rds coincided with the overgrowth of the evaginations at the base of the OS.
17        EM particle averaging showed that the evagination base was surrounded by an 8-fold rotationall
18                     Extension of a new basal evagination (BE) applies radial (lateral) traction to me
19 rhodopsin and peripherin/rds to the membrane evaginations believed to be disk membrane precursors.
20         Given the physical dimensions of the evaginations, coupled with likely instability of the mem
21 errant PCP signaling, misdirected epithelial evaginations, defective crypt formation, and blastocyst
22  chambers (crypts) that originate within the evaginations directed from the primary lumen toward the
23 membranes (INM and ONM, respectively) within evaginations/extensions of the perinuclear space.
24 asma membrane followed by fusion of adjacent evaginations have been proposed.
25                                              Evagination involves a dramatic change in morphology and
26              Our observations show that disc evagination involves multiple cellular behaviors, as is
27 network in the ciliary stalk, where membrane evagination is initiated, or the actin core of the calyc
28 tors use the evolutionary conserved membrane evagination mechanism to build their discs.
29 odel, in contrast to the previously proposed evagination model, suggests that the vesicular delivery
30 In common with Ikkalpha mutants, Irf6 mutant evagination occurs in a NF-kappaB-independent manner and
31 f the connecting cilium, we propose that the evagination occurs via a process akin to blebbing and is
32                       We have reexamined the evagination of both the leg and wing discs and find that
33                                          The evagination of Drosophila imaginal discs is a classic sy
34 ry factor (Irf) family, Irf6 also results in evagination of incisor epithelium.
35 mbrane discs in photoreceptor cells requires evagination of its ciliary plasma membrane by an unknown
36                    Specifically, wal affects evagination of the Malpighian tubule buds, fas and thr a
37 nt cell proliferation, a complete failure of evagination of the neuroectoderm in the ventral dienceph
38 ed from the infundibulum, which is formed by evagination of the neuroectoderm in the ventral dienceph
39 ent of retinal precursors is responsible for evagination of the optic primordia.
40  specification of the anterior neural plate, evagination of the optic vesicles from the ventral foreb
41  the eyes and telencephalon and in defective evagination of the optic vesicles.
42 racellular rhodopsin-bearing vesicles or the evagination of the plasma membrane followed by fusion of
43 This factor appears to stimulate the initial evagination of the ureteric bud from the Wolffian duct,
44                   Development initiates with evagination of two ventral buds of foregut endoderm into
45                Mammalian lung develops as an evagination of ventral gut endoderm into the underlying
46 ls of the conducting airways caused atypical evaginations of small capillary-like vessels into large
47               Intermediates were dome-shaped evaginations of the inner nuclear membrane (INM), that g
48 since Ikkalpha mutant mice show protrusions (evaginations) of incisor tooth, whisker and hair follicl
49                                 During later evagination, optic vesicle cells shorten, drawing their
50                                Optic vesicle evagination persists for longer than expected; cells mov
51 ma membrane, subsequently forming successive evaginations that "zipper" up proximally, but at their l
52 ) signaling orchestrates directed epithelial evaginations to form crypts for implantation in mice.
53 by fusion of the leading edges of successive evaginations to form discrete discs.
54  gels retained a rounded shape with membrane evaginations visible on their surface.
55 s injured or removed, the onset of first bud evagination was delayed and/or the time until the 50% bu
56   When PF tissue was doubled, precocious bud evagination was induced, regardless of graft location.
57 t discs are formed as serial plasma membrane evaginations, whereas a recent alternative postulates th

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