


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 r-droplet formation, being manifestations of evaporative and convective water fluxes, can be eliminat
2 crease outdoor water consumption by reducing evaporative and irrigation water demands.
3  this water is constantly being lost through evaporative and other means.
4    This Review highlights recent advances in evaporative assembly of confined solutions, focusing esp
5 D and PLAID-like phenotypes, all of whom had evaporative cold urticaria, 8 patients had a history of
6 asein micelles are significantly affected by evaporative concentration and that the alterations are n
7 r scale reactions, multiple extractions, and evaporative concentration of the organic phase prior to
8                  Understanding the effect of evaporative concentration on casein micelle composition
9 which protocell membrane growth results from evaporative concentration, followed by shear force or ph
10                           In addition, under evaporative conditions and in the presence of MgSO4 , th
11 al mechanism of evaporation, we introduce an evaporative cooling (EC) feature selection algorithm tha
12 mic regulation and thermal strain but higher evaporative cooling [16 (6) W m(2) ; P < 0.01].
13                                         With evaporative cooling and a sufficiently large initial pop
14 ntum degeneracy was observed as a barrier to evaporative cooling and as a modification of the thermod
15                                              Evaporative cooling and the generation of an ordered arr
16 lta4(-/-) mice showed greater sensitivity to evaporative cooling by acetone than control animals.
17 humidity impaired performance due to reduced evaporative cooling despite matched WBGT and (3) behavio
18  thresholdout with random forest and private Evaporative Cooling give comparable accuracies.
19 ect cooling and cold-association techniques, evaporative cooling has not been achieved so far.
20     A common perception is that reduction in evaporative cooling in urban land is the dominant driver
21 c and fermionic species and to systems where evaporative cooling is not possible.
22               We confirm the hypothesis that evaporative cooling is the dominant, but so far unattrib
23                          It is proposed that evaporative cooling is the primary mechanism responsible
24    The resulting cooling rates are fit to an evaporative cooling model based on Knudsen's maximum rat
25 e the thermal statistical physics concept of Evaporative Cooling of atomic gases to perform backward
26  achievement of quantum degeneracy relies on evaporative cooling of magnetically trapped atoms to ult
27 e report the observation of microwave-forced evaporative cooling of neutral hydroxyl (OH(*)) molecule
28                            Here we show that evaporative cooling of the air surrounding the pileus cr
29 n identical exciton-photon detuning suggests evaporative cooling of the polaritons as they are transp
30 r of K(+)(Tryp)(H(2)O), trapped by the argon evaporative cooling process, was identified.
31 teractions exist between attributes, private Evaporative Cooling provides higher classification accur
32               To test these conclusions, the evaporative cooling rates of a droplet train of liquid w
33                                              Evaporative cooling results in condensation of water in
34                                           An evaporative cooling strategy that uses a two-component F
35 (PES) between (C2H2)n(+) isomers and provide evaporative cooling to dissipate the excess internal ene
36  inadvertent selection for "heat avoidance" (evaporative cooling) in a hot environment.
37                         We introduce private Evaporative Cooling, a stochastic privacy-preserving mac
38 y in atomic gases almost exclusively rely on evaporative cooling, a time-consuming final step associa
39               Because humidity levels affect evaporative cooling, AFD may convey humidity information
40 ronments for vulnerable reproductive stages, evaporative cooling, and gas exchange across airway memb
41 ce showed increased behavioural responses to evaporative cooling, and this effect was inhibited by a
42  function leads to increased conductance and evaporative cooling, as well as decreased plant growth.
43    Tropical forests mitigate warming through evaporative cooling, but the low albedo of boreal forest
44 ycle essentially all of the escaped atoms in evaporative cooling, thereby increasing the condensate o
45  revolutionized by the development of forced evaporative cooling, which led directly to the observati
46 able holdout with random forest, and private Evaporative Cooling, which uses Relief-F feature selecti
47 een cold and warm surfaces, or to respond to evaporative cooling.
48  acquire a carbon-glass surface due to rapid evaporative cooling.
49 orrelated with foliar temperature because of evaporative cooling.
50 r in humid heat, in conjunction with reduced evaporative cooling.
51 ially in 2002 growing season temperature and evaporative deficit, resulting in record low shallow soi
52                As air temperature increases, evaporative demand also increases, increasing effective
53  trend is lower than coincident increases in evaporative demand and ET, implying a possibility of cum
54 f drought tolerance in naturally fluctuating evaporative demand and soil moisture.
55 lants are constantly facing rapid changes in evaporative demand and soil water content, which affect
56 atmospheric CO2 and oxygen, soil drying, and evaporative demand as well as dynamic responses to light
57 ulic stress(11-14), the higher radiation and evaporative demand experienced by exposed crowns(4,15),
58 esponses of growth to soil water deficit and evaporative demand share an appreciable part of their ge
59  the expected temperature-driven increase in evaporative demand, but definitive evidence is lacking.
60 response of guard cells such that under high evaporative demand, leaves with plugs lose water at a fa
61 location may have compensated for increasing evaporative demand, leaving recent radial growth near th
62 ctivity stemming from increases in midsummer evaporative demand.
63 ng across climates following the atmospheric evaporative demand.
64 increases in water availability that outpace evaporative demand.
65 n in many world regions through increases in evaporative demand.
66 climate of reduced fog frequency and greater evaporative demand.
67 loidal crystal films have been generated via evaporative deposition of polymeric colloidal spheres su
68 n meibum quality and quantity that can cause evaporative dry eye and ocular surface disruption, leadi
69 land dysfunction (MGD) is the major cause of evaporative dry eye disease (EDED) and dysfunction is wi
70 is a common feature of aqueous-deficient and evaporative dry eye diseases, suggesting that there may
71 land dysfunction (MGD) is a leading cause of evaporative dry eye, as well as being associated with aq
72 is associated with glandular dysfunction and evaporative dry eye.
73 ted to prescribe the particle deposition and evaporative dynamics of pure drops and the mixing charac
74                                          The evaporative effect of temperate forests is unclear.
75                               Accounting for evaporative emissions (e.g., from tailings pond disposal
76                             The Craig-Gordon evaporative enrichment model of the hydrogen (deltaD) an
77 The physics of droplet ejection under strong evaporative flow is described using simulations of the l
78 addition, we find that spatial variations in evaporative flux from the surface of these biofilms prov
79 ion strategies to target both combustive and evaporative fossil fuel sources.
80 torage is mediated by a lower sweating rate (evaporative heat loss) and reduced skin blood flow (dry
81 ory system cooling occurs via convective and evaporative heat loss, so right-to-left shunted blood fl
82 ion barrier is sufficiently large, such that evaporative helium cooling is capable of kinetically que
83 ive home cooling (24%) than in those without evaporative home cooling (15%) (odds ratio = 1.8, 95% co
84 k of wheezing LRI was higher in infants with evaporative home cooling (24%) than in those without eva
85                                        Rapid Evaporative Ionisation Mass Spectrometry (REIMS) has pre
86                                        Rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry (REIMS) has bee
87                                        Rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry (REIMS) is a te
88                                        Rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry (REIMS) technol
89                                        Rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry (REIMS) was inv
90                                        Rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry (REIMS) was use
91 ogressively by 8 per thousand, indicative of evaporative isotopic enrichment.
92 ance liquid chromatography (LC) coupled with evaporative light scattering (ELSD), ultraviolet detecti
93 y chemiluminescent nitrogen detection (CLND)/evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD) and MS/UV.
94 raphy (HPLC) method used in combination with evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD) to quantif
95                                              Evaporative light scattering detection (ELSD) was used t
96 parallel eight-channel liquid chromatography-evaporative light scattering detection-mass spectrometry
97 romophores, requiring their determination by evaporative light scattering detection.
98  high-performance liquid chromatography with evaporative light scattering detection.
99 ed by high-performance liquid chromatography-evaporative light scattering detection.
100                  The effluent is split to an evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) and the ESI
101 pillary electrophoresis (CE) equipment to an evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) is describe
102 e liquid chromatography (HPLC) combined with evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD) was applied
103               Optimization and validation of evaporative light scattering detector (ELSD), aided by r
104 graphy, specialized detectors (e.g., mass or evaporative light scattering detectors), or radioisotope
105 de both direct compatibility with ESI-MS and evaporative light-scattering detection (ELSD) and separa
106  normal-phase solvents, a silica column, and evaporative light-scattering detection is presented.
107 chromatography and detect them directly with evaporative light-scattering detection.
108 arithmic nature of the working domain of the evaporative light-scattering detector (ELSD) will normal
109 improves accuracy of the data by eliminating evaporative loss and associated isotopic fractionation w
110                                    Since PFC evaporative loss and redistribution are minimized by low
111  the Moon-forming giant impact and/or due to evaporative loss during subsequent magmatism on the Moon
112 ratospheric humidity, warming may also cause evaporative loss of the oceans to space before the runaw
113 marily by precipitation-induced recharge and evaporative loss, with the formation of the Tharsis volc
114 shows two main types: aqueous deficiency and evaporative loss.
115 dioxide capture methods include corrosivity, evaporative losses and fouling.
116 le recoveries were high (77-98%) with simple evaporative losses correlating closely with total sample
117 sses associated with core formation, or from evaporative losses during accretion as the planets were
118          Furthermore, the spatial pattern of evaporative losses of sheen oil alkanes indicated that o
119                                              Evaporative losses were determined using a single 10 mL/
120 es prior to inducing evaporation reduces the evaporative losses; with aging at elevated RH leading to
121 actionated during incomplete condensation or evaporative mass loss, but theoretical calculations and
122 impairs performance, probably due to reduced evaporative power.
123 r structural changes do not occur during the evaporative process.
124 ins in Cassie-Baxter state during the entire evaporative process.
125 mperature and show its advantages over other evaporative Pt deposition methods, in which Pt decorates
126 acing ion-exchange desalting cartridges with evaporative removal of HCl under N2.
127 iolet circularly polarized light (UV-CPL) on evaporative seashores.
128 oduced over a large area by using controlled evaporative self-assembly in a cylinder-on-Si geometry o
129 S-b-P4VP), were made by combining controlled evaporative self-assembly of the confined PS-b-P4VP tolu
130 undwater), hydrologic continuity and limited evaporative solute enrichment suggest both flow generati
131                          CDH was assessed by evaporative stimuli using a visual analog scale (VAS) an
132              CDH was assessed by thermal and evaporative stimuli.
133 on of glycoprotein to protect the cells from evaporative stress at the air-liquid interface.
134  behaviour finds explanation in a nonlinear 'evaporative supercooling' mechanism that couples the low
135 es in the path length of water from veins to evaporative surfaces.
136 ately 40% of nonvolatile material by volume (evaporative temperature 250 degrees C), while the partic
137 infer that climate change would increase the evaporative water consumption of the 15 billion gallons
138 ere, we examine the effects of heat waves on evaporative water loss (EWL) and survival in five desert
139 ns, properties that could contribute to less evaporative water loss.
140  transcorneal water secretion in response to evaporative water loss.
141 nt wind and solar technologies while cutting evaporative water losses by nearly half.

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