


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1                                                             Evidence for the percolation of metallic melt is provided by
2 lso at the aggregate level (G); however, there is ambiguous evidence for the existence of g when analyzing data using a m
3                            None of our results provided any evidence for dilation of the hP2X7R channel on sustained stim
4 peculiar, subluminous type Ia supernova has been claimed as evidence for an interaction between a red-giant or a main-seq
5  of purifying selection in a gene is usually interpreted as evidence for the gene providing a function that is targeted b
6                                  We summarize the available evidence for the most commonly used and discussed CAMs.
7          These concepts are relevant to videos that contain evidence for the persistence of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker.
8  and anatomical measures provide independent and converging evidence for functional organization into striped-based subdi
9                                                     Current evidence for HPM specialization is mostly indirect, derived f
10 or or as an oncogene in different human cancers, but direct evidence for its role in tumorigenesis has been lacking thus
11 are predicted to be present in the human genome, but direct evidence for their biological function is scarce.
12                            In this study, we present direct evidence for water dissociation equilibrium on rutile-TiO2(11
13  with Lewy bodies and other alpha-synucleinopathies, direct evidence for the precise synaptic localization has been diffi
14 ture and the walls of the container, clear-cut experimental evidence for this prediction is lacking.
15                                                We also find evidence for a shift in vector species complex towards increa
16 er density, layer polarization and magnetic field, and find evidence for the paired Pfaffian phase that is predicted to h
17                                        We provide the first evidence for heightened sympathetic outflow and reduced cBRS
18                                                    We found evidence for substantial common regulation and conservation o
19                                             Despite growing evidence for RNA-based regulation in meningococci, their tran
20 lar target of several antimycobacterial compounds; however, evidence for direct inhibition of MmpL3 activity is also lack
21                                     We further find initial evidence for home-lab links: common noun "copresence" (i.e.,
22 re review identifying 13 mammalian genes for which there is evidence for polycistronic expression via translation through
23                       These findings provide compelling new evidence for dynamic processing of speech sounds in the audit
24 parative analyses of extant species that are uncovering new evidence for evolutionary changes in the size and the number
25                 Six factors demonstrated strong strength of evidence for association with the primary outcome: age, vasop
26 present at every crime scene and have been used as physical evidence for over a century.
27                                            Here, we present evidence for glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1)-mediated paraven
28                                      These findings provide evidence for a dynamic neural transformation of low-level spe
29                                      These findings provide evidence for EAF2 as a key factor mediating androgen protecti
30                               At molecular level we provide evidence for non-canonical mode of action of Wnt5a and its re
31                                             Here we provide evidence for the usefulness of a Drosophila larva model to in
32 on patterns of LN chains in the human limbal niche provided evidence for enrichment of LN-alpha2, -alpha3, -alpha5, -beta
33  transcripts CD160 and XCL1 with biopsies with AMR provides evidence for NK cell CD16a activation in AMR.
34                                               This provides evidence for the versatility of CCPs to control diverse cellu
35                                       Remarkably, most show evidence for divergence in both yeasts.
36                                            Finally, we show evidence for the requirement of VASP to form tetramers and pr
37                                        In contrast, similar evidence for seagrasses is sparse; the present study is a con
38                                      Although there is some evidence for allergy-promoting effects in children because of
39                                              There was some evidence for a stronger association at higher turbidity level
40                                  These results bring strong evidence for the existence of mGlu2-4 heterodimers in native
41                                             We found strong evidence for the same genomic position being mutationally aff
42                        Our results therefore provide strong evidence for a contemporary sexual arms race.
43 e to the conformational immunoassay, and provide supportive evidence for its application in the development of therapeuti
44 e decision, such as interpreting the visual signals so that evidence for a decision can be accumulated elsewhere.
45                               In this article we assess the evidence for nephrotoxicity and its possible mechanisms, prov
46 ucted a systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the evidence for their use in this setting.
47  deficient in HACD1 are relevant models, and strengthen the evidence for a unifying pathogenesis in CNMs via defective me
48 ults confirm and extend earlier findings and strengthen the evidence for circulatory-disease mortality radiation risk at
49 e, we report optical spectroscopic and electronic transport evidence for the formation of an excitonic insulator gap in a
50 tion of the terminal complement complex and provide in vivo evidence for contributions of complement-dependent membrane p

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