


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                             Evidence suggests no benefit from bronchodilator or corticost
2                                                             Evidence suggests that elderly asthmatics are more likely to
3                                                             Evidence suggests that enteric neurons and intestinal immune
4                                                             Evidence suggests that for HIV-infected ESRD patients, KT is
5                                                             Evidence suggests that functional outcomes after TBI can show
6                                                             Evidence suggests that individuals with clonal haemopoiesis h
7                                                Accumulating evidence suggests that impairments in early brain development
8                                                Accumulating evidence suggests that macrophage polarization into an anti-i
9                                                Accumulating evidence suggests that normal functioning of the brain is cha
10                                                Accumulating evidence suggests the critical role of mGluR2/3 in different
11                                                    Although evidence suggests a role for the cerebellum in cognition, gra
12 ttern recognition molecule of the innate immune system, and evidence suggests that it modulates drug-related behavior.
13 anied by prominent rhythmic activity, and recent behavioral evidence suggests that this might be coupled with perception.
14                                                 Correlative evidence suggests that the daily oscillation in global protei
15                                                    Emerging evidence suggests impulse control disorder subtypes have diss
16                                                    Emerging evidence suggests novel roles for bacterially derived vitamin
17                                                    Emerging evidence suggests presence of methylation marks on mitochondr
18                                                    Emerging evidence suggests that both IMiDs and PIs can have cardiovasc
19                                                    Emerging evidence suggests that the subcellular organization of contra
20                              Epidemiologic and experimental evidence suggests that individuals with diabetes are at incre
21                                                     Further evidence suggests a thymic origin of these mutant ILC2s.
22                                       Molecular and genetic evidence suggests that CPSF30-L works upstream of NRT1.1 and
23 of familial recessive Parkinson's disease (PD), but growing evidence suggests involvement of DJ-1 in idiopathic PD.
24                                                  Increasing evidence suggests a crucial role of inflammation in cytokine-
25                                                  Increasing evidence suggests a role for inflammation in neuropsychiatric
26                                                  Increasing evidence suggests that cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) are in
27  cell responses in natural infections.IMPORTANCE Increasing evidence suggests that virus-specific CD4(+) T cells contribu
28                                Taphonomic and morphological evidence suggests that the preferred orientations of Parvanco
29                                               However, most evidence suggests that the domain immediately downstream of t
30                                               Observational evidence suggests that adult body size has its roots earlier
31                                           A growing body of evidence suggests abnormalities in brain bioenergetics in psy
32                                       A significant body of evidence suggests that the highly dynamic Abeta oligomers are
33                                               A plethora of evidence suggests that different types of DNA quadruplexes ar
34                                                 Preliminary evidence suggests potential implications for immune and infec
35                                        However, preliminary evidence suggests that flicker may also entrain endogenous br
36                                                      Recent evidence suggests that glycemic control is associated with co
37                                                      Recent evidence suggests that mtDNA undergo naturally occurring alte
38                                                      Recent evidence suggests that NMDAR antagonists relieve depressive s
39                                                      Recent evidence suggests that the IgG2 isotype is not completely dev
40                                                      Recent evidence suggests that these viruses are infectious, and the
41                                                      Recent evidence suggests the commensal microbiome regulates host imm
42                                                      Recent evidence suggests value for both selective drain placement an
43                                             However, recent evidence suggests they have multiple roles in host defense ag
44 ng mean effects on gene expression using linear regression, evidence suggests that genetic variation can impact the entir
45                                                        Some evidence suggests correspondingly worldwide changes in skull
46                                                        Some evidence suggests that chronic kidney disease is a risk facto
47                                                        Some evidence suggests that higher energy intake (EI) later in the
48                                               Although some evidence suggests that LBH could modulate the cell cycle, the
49       Although obesity has risen steeply in Australia, some evidence suggests that added-sugars and SSB intakes have decl
50                                                 Substantial evidence suggests that breast cancer initiation, recurrence a

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