


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rations in regulatory networks contribute to evolutionary change.
2 ions, a property that seems contradictory to evolutionary change.
3 process, is dominated by events of concerted evolutionary change.
4 heritable disease and the ultimate source of evolutionary change.
5 vel environment to directing the patterns of evolutionary change.
6 r a window into the genetic underpinnings of evolutionary change.
7 reate a time void which could aid additional evolutionary change.
8 ems can evolve to both promote and constrain evolutionary change.
9 nt understanding of the mechanistic basis of evolutionary change.
10 al factors can instruct our understanding of evolutionary change.
11 n may be a general mechanism contributing to evolutionary change.
12  regulation are also the most susceptible to evolutionary change.
13 ng diversity into a population and promoting evolutionary change.
14 ate but not be absolutely required for rapid evolutionary change.
15 ions, particularly under conditions of rapid evolutionary change.
16 mense potential to address the mechanisms of evolutionary change.
17 ge and environmental deterioration caused by evolutionary change.
18 lar phylogenies suggest smoother patterns of evolutionary change.
19 oth condition-dependent and subject to rapid evolutionary change.
20 s therefore expected to provide insight into evolutionary change.
21 and demonstrates how development helps shape evolutionary change.
22 l selection is acting to cause slow, gradual evolutionary change.
23 of museum specimens as "silent witnesses" of evolutionary change.
24 hat patterning of growth must be amenable to evolutionary change.
25  a functional consequence of this structural evolutionary change.
26 ading results about the genes involved in an evolutionary change.
27 purely phenotypic estimates of selection and evolutionary change.
28 e the genome, they could be a rich source of evolutionary change.
29 nce of confounding effects of post-insertion evolutionary change.
30 insight into the ways behavior may influence evolutionary change.
31  studies help us understand the processes of evolutionary change.
32 quently, such sequences are subject to rapid evolutionary change.
33 es might reflect a general mechanism driving evolutionary change.
34 ith reduced plant fitness possibly hindering evolutionary change.
35 ory evolution, one of the basic processes of evolutionary change.
36 indicate types of network linkage subject to evolutionary change.
37  permits them to shift location as a part of evolutionary change.
38 hly conserved, it is uniquely susceptible to evolutionary change.
39 rsification can be overcome by ecological or evolutionary change.
40  species to understand the genetic basis for evolutionary change.
41 nderscore the need to link macroecology with evolutionary change.
42 istatic interactions can frustrate and shape evolutionary change.
43 h changes in numbers or size structure cause evolutionary change.
44 ies and creating a cascade of ecological and evolutionary change.
45 al view, point centromeres can undergo rapid evolutionary changes.
46  the face of unpredictable environmental and evolutionary changes.
47  subgroup of a species may lead to important evolutionary changes.
48 asts of higher plants has undergone dramatic evolutionary changes.
49 edictability underlying the genetic basis of evolutionary changes.
50 size the molecular mechanisms underlying the evolutionary changes.
51 ressures can then influence subsequent rapid evolutionary changes.
52 trict version of stasis that entails no real evolutionary changes.
53 As (miRNAs) have the potential to facilitate evolutionary change [1-3]; however, there are no known e
54 uses are one of the most dominant drivers of evolutionary change across mammalian and human proteomes
55 y, we evaluated the extent of both long term evolutionary changes, across the mammalian phylogeny of
56 owever, if a stock is managed optimally, the evolutionary changes actually increase economic yield be
57  species, gain insight into the direction of evolutionary change and assess whether breakpoint region
58 genetic conflict, are an important motor for evolutionary change and innovation.
59                          Mutations stimulate evolutionary change and lead to birth defects and cancer
60                            Although rates of evolutionary change and selection pressures varied among
61 3-year period, we show that both the rate of evolutionary change and the pattern of natural selection
62 address this issue, we estimated the rate of evolutionary change and time of origin of each segment o
63 g on the phylogeny was conducted to identify evolutionary changes and to assess the correlation betwe
64 the source of genetic variation required for evolutionary change, and are therefore important for man
65  Heritable variation is the raw material for evolutionary change, and understanding its genetic basis
66                          This combination of evolutionary changes appears to have resolved an adaptiv
67 y common situation in changing environments: evolutionary changes are not strong enough to fully comp
68 rapid evolution, but it is not known whether evolutionary changes arise mainly after successful colon
69 testing whether these genes experience rapid evolutionary change as a result of conflict over spore-s
70 gists and biochemists, who used experimental evolutionary change as a tool to understand structure-fu
71  complexities of the Bologna process and its evolutionary changes as it relates to nursing education
72 provide an original example of rapid ongoing evolutionary change associated with relaxed selection (l
73 teractions between bacterial cells can drive evolutionary change at the population level, but signifi
74  that directly links regulatory mutations to evolutionary change at the species level.
75 pport the general prediction that functional evolutionary changes at pleiotropic loci will most often
76 hermobifida fusca, we were able to show that evolutionary changes balance ATP energetic consideration
77 yptic evolution has been defined as adaptive evolutionary change being masked by concurrent environme
78  branch lengths record the amount of time or evolutionary change between successive events of speciat
79 an-altered habitats and is a known driver of evolutionary change, but evidence and understanding of t
80                                         This evolutionary change can be startlingly rapid, making wee
81 late with the strength of selection, whereas evolutionary change can leave an ecological signature.
82 biologists have increasingly recognized that evolutionary change can occur rapidly when natural selec
83                              Theory suggests evolutionary change can significantly influence and act
84 operative behaviors, thus demonstrating that evolutionary changes can have profound implications for
85  was a time of fundamental environmental and evolutionary change, culminating in the first appearance
86  and body size have been used as a proxy for evolutionary change, despite the validity of this approa
87 daptation and, consequently, the dynamics of evolutionary change differed qualitatively among scenari
88  of the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous evolutionary changes (dN/dS ratio) located a region of o
89 red as ratios of nonsynonymous to synonymous evolutionary changes [dN/dS ratios]) acting on individua
90 enetic divergence and test for signatures of evolutionary change driven by long-term simulated climat
91 a vertebrate population provides evidence of evolutionary change due to selective pressure at a singl
92                                              Evolutionary change during infection is often interprete
93 ese patterns exemplify the complex nature of evolutionary changes during dog domestication: the crani
94 logs in sister species shows that subsequent evolutionary changes following the birth of JGW altered
95             Surprisingly, the major locus of evolutionary change for KChIP2 gene expression in heart
96 in understanding the consequences of ongoing evolutionary change for populations, communities and eco
97 ating on contemporary humans, predict future evolutionary change for specific traits with medical sig
98  linking urban development patterns to rapid evolutionary changes for species that play important fun
99 r fitness may yield erroneous projections of evolutionary change, for example if there is little or n
100 Heckmann et al. simulate likely sequences of evolutionary changes from C3 to C4 photosynthesis bioche
101 e been put forward attempting to explain the evolutionary changes from monkeys to humans that potenti
102                                          The evolutionary changes had significant repercussions for t
103 demonstrate that both subtle and significant evolutionary change has occurred within antibody epitope
104 s resulting from scenarios where substantial evolutionary change has taken place in a small number of
105        While the mechanisms underlying these evolutionary changes have not been elucidated, altered a
106                    Unexpectedly, substantial evolutionary changes have occurred in giraffe and okapi
107 lopment are highly conserved and that recent evolutionary changes have occurred primarily in the char
108  buffer global change effects through marked evolutionary changes, highlighting the importance of fac
109                                        These evolutionary changes impact nearly all members of the hn
110                                 The revealed evolutionary changes imply unrealized risks present in g
111  function, we then demonstrate that adaptive evolutionary change in a duplicated gene of the anthocya
112          Phenotypic plasticity can influence evolutionary change in a lineage, ranging from facilitat
113                           Here, we show that evolutionary change in a region of the brain devoted to
114                                              Evolutionary change in animal morphology results from al
115 te change and for the opportunity to observe evolutionary change in contemporary time.
116 the regulatory genome, causal explanation of evolutionary change in developmental process must be con
117                                              Evolutionary change in gene expression is generally cons
118                                              Evolutionary change in gene regulation can result from c
119                         A major mechanism of evolutionary change in GRN structure is alteration of ci
120 he beta(A)-globin gene has contributed to an evolutionary change in hemoglobin (Hb) function in high-
121  that the tectum's reduced size is due to an evolutionary change in how much tissue was allocated to
122                                              Evolutionary change in individual species has been hypot
123 tifying predictable, directional patterns of evolutionary change in island birds, however, has proved
124              However, Fisher emphasized that evolutionary change in itself is likely to be an importa
125 lysis of tooth microwear, we show that rapid evolutionary change in Miocene stickleback was associate
126  in shaping complex adaptations that require evolutionary change in multiple genes.
127 e assessment of the anthropogenic impacts on evolutionary change in natural populations, we need long
128                                         This evolutionary change in pathogen characteristics is predi
129 crobes are rarely investigated as drivers of evolutionary change in plants.
130  preexisting folds and, in particular, to an evolutionary change in secondary structure and oligomeri
131    The anatomical and physiological basis of evolutionary change in sensory processing at cellular an
132 increase in studies attempting to understand evolutionary change in such populations.
133 for the pattern and timing of ecological and evolutionary change in the fossil record.
134                         However, the role of evolutionary change in the pathogen during the progressi
135 he detrimental effects of warming is through evolutionary change in thermal physiology.
136 ittle phenotypic plasticity or potential for evolutionary change in tolerance to high temperature.
137 poral scales of the disease; and analysis of evolutionary change in virus control to identify risks o
138 s to consider social dynamics shown to drive evolutionary change in vitro.
139 ry expression analysis reveal intra-regional evolutionary changes in a multi-regional neural circuit
140                        We propose a model of evolutionary changes in Act1-mediated signalling, which
141                                              Evolutionary changes in ancestral regulatory circuits ca
142 tomy, development, and genomics suggest that evolutionary changes in AP patterning establish ecologic
143 ransgenic overexpression of GDF6 phenocopies evolutionary changes in armor-plate size.
144                                              Evolutionary changes in both host and pathogen lead to a
145 ween two closely related species result from evolutionary changes in brain development.
146    Collectively these findings indicate that evolutionary changes in brain region proportions are cau
147  from butchering processes could have fueled evolutionary changes in brain size.
148 olecules-and thereby modules-associated with evolutionary changes in cell-biological phenotypes.
149                         Our results show how evolutionary changes in cis as well as trans acting sign
150 comparison among Onygenales genomes revealed evolutionary changes in Coccidioides that may underlie i
151                                  To identify evolutionary changes in connectivity patterns, we quanti
152                                              Evolutionary changes in CorTFL1 and CorAP1 expression co
153  appreciation for the relative importance of evolutionary changes in different regulatory genetic and
154       Several lines of evidence suggest that evolutionary changes in dopaminergic afferents of the st
155 ological niches are rare compared to gradual evolutionary changes in existing traits.
156 ploration of intraspecific plasticity versus evolutionary changes in gastropod nervous systems.
157 for identifying, quantifying, and polarizing evolutionary changes in gene expression profiles across
158                                              Evolutionary changes in gene expression underlie many as
159 heory states that animal phenotypes arise by evolutionary changes in gene regulation, but the extent
160                          We also discuss how evolutionary changes in genomic elements influence socia
161 en the applicability of this model and probe evolutionary changes in gradient distributions, we adjus
162 fic traits and novel structures results from evolutionary changes in GRNs.
163 t retropositions are associated with greater evolutionary changes in H3K27me3 and gene expression tha
164 s enigma in some detail, identifying several evolutionary changes in hippocampal cytoarchitecture and
165 derstanding trade-offs in host use caused by evolutionary changes in host immune responses and parasi
166 on of somas of putative HSN, consistent with evolutionary changes in HSN migration.
167 lectroreception and demonstrate how discrete evolutionary changes in ion channel structure facilitate
168 al models to investigate the consequences of evolutionary changes in language area connectivity and d
169 uggestions that parent-offspring conflict or evolutionary changes in life history might drive placent
170 election, setting the stage for contemporary evolutionary changes in local populations.
171 in transcriptional networks and suggest that evolutionary changes in LYRATE expression may contribute
172 ing approach to compare the genetic basis of evolutionary changes in male-limited pigmentation in sev
173 ing cochlear development and to interpreting evolutionary changes in mammalian hearing.
174 of natural morphological variation caused by evolutionary changes in miRNA expression.
175 ant Physcomitrella patens in order to assess evolutionary changes in mitochondrial and plastid proteo
176 ailed the remarkable plasticity and speed of evolutionary changes in multidrug-resistant K. pneumonia
177                                              Evolutionary changes in organismal traits may occur eith
178 putational methods for investigating coupled evolutionary changes in pairs of positions along the ami
179 ver, to what extent elevated CO2 will induce evolutionary changes in photosynthetic organisms is stil
180                                              Evolutionary changes in placental morphology remain poor
181 lant productivity and impacts ecological and evolutionary changes in plant populations.
182 y a few dominant drivers explain most of the evolutionary changes in population growth rates.
183 oth timing and dependence on Hfq, suggesting evolutionary changes in posttranscriptional regulation b
184  developmental cost hypothesis, we show that evolutionary changes in pre- and postnatal brain growth
185 rsatile and scalable approach to investigate evolutionary changes in protein function and thus can pr
186             By studying the reversibility of evolutionary changes in protein structure and function,
187 f conservation, we detected many non-neutral evolutionary changes in protein-coding genes and noncodi
188  genetic toolkits of deeply conserved genes, evolutionary changes in protein-coding genes, cis regula
189 MA silk evolved ~376 MYA and identifying how evolutionary changes in proteins influenced silk mechani
190 olved from C3 ancestors, this work links the evolutionary changes in sequence, PPCK expression, and p
191                                              Evolutionary changes in staging embryogenesis and in mut
192 s, and bioinformatics provides means to link evolutionary changes in structure-dynamics function to t
193  of knowledge concerning the variability and evolutionary changes in termite breeding structure.
194 results highlight a significant tolerance to evolutionary changes in TF binding intensity in mammalia
195                Key to cell type identity are evolutionary changes in the 'core regulatory complex' (C
196                    We analyzed the molecular evolutionary changes in the attachment (G) glycoprotein
197 s within Florideophyceae were accompanied by evolutionary changes in the carposporophyte stage, leadi
198 , we propose a method that aims at detecting evolutionary changes in the configuration of a complex s
199 rstanding of complex internal morphology and evolutionary changes in the cranium.
200                                Specifically, evolutionary changes in the expression boundary of Ubx h
201                        Our data suggest that evolutionary changes in the expression profile of indivi
202 ynamics and tissue specification result from evolutionary changes in the gene regulatory network that
203            It also explores the evidence for evolutionary changes in the genetic structure of anatomi
204         In theory, a few naturally occurring evolutionary changes in the genome of a model organism m
205 mans can be traced back to developmental and evolutionary changes in the lateral frontoparietal netwo
206            This observation indicates recent evolutionary changes in the osmoprotection strategy of t
207 cular recognition mechanisms associated with evolutionary changes in the pIgR protein.
208                       Heterochrony, that is, evolutionary changes in the relative timing of developme
209 anding of the genetic and molecular basis of evolutionary changes in the size and proportion of limbs
210 species that are uncovering new evidence for evolutionary changes in the size and the number of neuro
211  in substrate discrimination as reflected in evolutionary changes in the specificity constant (k(cat)
212 ated great apes leaves unresolved when these evolutionary changes in the timing of cortical developme
213 ing genes and demonstrates the high rates of evolutionary changes in the un-translated regions.
214 m the same or different generations revealed evolutionary changes in their interaction, including an
215 o the Recent; this allowed us to investigate evolutionary changes in these species in response to cli
216                                              Evolutionary changes in this gene are hypothesized to ha
217                                       How do evolutionary changes in this organization affect large-s
218     The work also raises questions about the evolutionary changes in this protein family following th
219                                              Evolutionary changes in traits involved in both ecologic
220                                              Evolutionary changes in transcription networks are an im
221  channel Nav1.4, were facilitated by ancient evolutionary changes in two other members of the same ge
222 regulates the number of maxillipeds and that evolutionary changes in Ubx expression have generated va
223  the location of RA synthesis correlate with evolutionary changes in vertebrate dentitions.
224 ve polyploidy and aneuploidy are the initial evolutionary changes in yeast selected in vitro to overc
225 ested a role in brain evolution; however the evolutionary changes involved have not been investigated
226                                     Although evolutionary changes involving heteroblasty might contri
227            It is currently not known whether evolutionary change is likely to be able to keep pace wi
228                                         This evolutionary change is likely to destabilize the host-pa
229 in an experimental design in which host cell evolutionary change is prevented.
230 olve and which molecular components underlie evolutionary changes is poorly understood.
231 on created by mutation, the raw material for evolutionary change, is translated into phenotypes by fl
232 e this methodology emphasizes the process of evolutionary change, it is easier to test and interpret
233  thus elucidating the mechanisms of adaptive evolutionary change leading to evolutionary novelty.
234 field to better understand the molecular and evolutionary changes leading to pandemic strains.
235                               Accounting for evolutionary change may be critical when predicting the
236             Feedbacks between ecological and evolutionary change may play important roles in communit
237 ment, consistent with suggestions that their evolutionary changes may have altered social and/or cogn
238 lity is as high as it has been historically, evolutionary changes may result in economic losses, but
239                               Although these evolutionary changes most likely contributed to the orig
240            Importantly, neither the negative evolutionary change, nor the selective pressures that dr
241 terized by profound global environmental and evolutionary changes, not least of which included a majo
242 um DSX binding sites was used to examine the evolutionary changes occurring in DSX and its targets in
243         This theory assumes that significant evolutionary change occurs over ecologically relevant ti
244 y Synthesis is needed to reconceptualize how evolutionary change occurs.
245               In addition, we found that the evolutionary change of copy number of OR genes approxima
246     Antagonistic coevolution--the reciprocal evolutionary change of interacting species--might reconc
247 f genetic processes and increase the rate of evolutionary change of the bacterial host, which could u
248 specific families of flies, reveals frequent evolutionary changes of body axis determinants and a rem
249 ecialization is crucial to understanding the evolutionary changes of craniofacial biomechanics and th
250                            We speculate that evolutionary changes of intramolecular regulation have l
251                            To understand the evolutionary changes of OR genes, we identified all OR g
252                                 In contrast, evolutionary changes of the epigenome and the transcript
253 h factors might have contributed to the fast evolutionary changes of this gradient.
254 cis-regulatory elements but can also require evolutionary changes of transcription factor proteins th
255 sitional vertebrae survive to allow eventual evolutionary changes of trunk vertebral numbers.
256 acts on nontarget species, including driving evolutionary change, often with unknown consequences for
257      Although the genomes showed very little evolutionary change on a nucleotide level, we found evid
258 ns between closely related species can drive evolutionary change on observable time scales.
259                               By tracing the evolutionary changes on a molecular phylogeny, we found
260 has been a prime example of recapitulation - evolutionary change (phylogeny) mirrored in development
261                          Collectively, these evolutionary changes probably occurred to minimize delet
262                                The nature of evolutionary changes recorded by the fossil record has l
263   The subject of CAAs is undergoing profound evolutionary changes related to the definition, morphoge
264              Moreover, how they might affect evolutionary change remains enigmatic.
265     Therefore, the contribution of miRNAs to evolutionary change remains unknown [1, 4].
266 but quantifying the selective forces shaping evolutionary changes remains challenging.
267 d linguistic barriers and can promote faster evolutionary changes shaped by gene-culture interactions
268 ed that TFC number regulation is a target of evolutionary change that affects ovariole number.
269        These traits could all result from an evolutionary change that enhanced radial migration of NS
270 in an ultrasocial manner without the radical evolutionary changes that are experienced by other speci
271 ffer unique opportunities to reconstruct the evolutionary changes that decouple male and female trait
272 dentity might therefore uncover the steps of evolutionary changes that eventually resulted in modific
273  systems for interrogating the types of deep evolutionary changes that have restructured developmenta
274 ting in the community, but we found multiple evolutionary changes that in combination over time incre
275 a major challenge is to detect genomic-level evolutionary changes that increase microbial virulence.
276                                          The evolutionary changes that led to the muscular anatomy of
277                                          The evolutionary changes that occur over a small number of g
278      In SLO3 channels this region may permit evolutionary changes that tune the gating properties in
279 ronmental change is expected to generate eco-evolutionary change, that changes in the average environ
280 s once provided the main data for studies of evolutionary change, the mechanisms shaping phenotypic d
281            The most widely accepted model of evolutionary change, the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis,
282                   These results suggest that evolutionary changes to neocortical development promotin
283                             Here, we examine evolutionary changes to the sequence and structure of sp
284                                 We find that evolutionary changes toward faster growth and earlier ma
285 equence provides important insights into the evolutionary changes underlying host specialization.
286 entury constitutes an exceptional case of an evolutionary change, varying in both time and space, and
287 ity and circuitry of nervous systems undergo evolutionary change, we lack understanding of the genera
288  the indirect effects of predators influence evolutionary change, we reared second-generation-born fi
289 understand the physical constraints on these evolutionary changes, we reconstructed in silico ancestr
290                        Estimates of rates of evolutionary change were similar to those observed in ot
291  Constraint is particularly likely to govern evolutionary change when a trait is at perceived upper o
292  also for the understanding of human-induced evolutionary change, which is an increasingly important
293 paradox" highlights our inability to predict evolutionary change, which is especially concerning with
294 predicts that directional selection leads to evolutionary change while depleting standing genetic var
295 netic heterogeneity is the result of ongoing evolutionary change within each cancer.
296 ution, and is likely to be a major driver of evolutionary change within species.
297                     By extracting correlated evolutionary changes within 700+ sequences, we built a m
298   While several traits have been resolved to evolutionary changes within a single gene, the evolution
299 e results led us to propose a model in which evolutionary changes within and between the antigenicall
300                 This EE strategy may reflect evolutionary changes within the holometabolous insects a

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