


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d in most study subjects, the authors cannot exclude the possibility of a dose-related increase at th
2                               These findings exclude the possibility of a one-to-one correspondence b
3 resolving within 5 days of a PFC, but do not exclude the possibility of a pre-existing hippocampal le
4 uttate, palmoplantar, and late-onset), which excluded the possibility of a gain-of-function frameshif
5                          Control experiments excluded the possibility of a thermal racemization mecha
6 cannot be reversed by phosphatase treatment, excluding the possibility of a direct phosphorylation re
7 om those detected in North Waziristan cases, excluding the possibility of a recent progenitor of WPV1
8                 Shoot separation experiments excluded the possibility of aerial interactions, suggest
9 women exposed at low levels, but it does not exclude the possibility of an effect in women exposed to
10 testing for KRAS mutational status may be to exclude the possibility of an EGFR mutation or anaplasti
11 ce of relatively few private alleles, do not exclude the possibility of an even more recent colonisat
12                           Although we cannot exclude the possibility of an unmeasured risk factor for
13                            Northern analysis excluded the possibility of an opaque phase-specific rep
14 ot significantly altered by addition of ATP, excluding the possibility of an energy requirement for t
15  and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), excluding the possibility of an ependymal nature.
16 sing a pointed lithic tool into the grooves, excluding the possibility of an unintentional or utilita
17 lution of cooperation, these models a priori exclude the possibility of antisocial punishment.
18 n cultures of mesencephalic neurons, further excluding the possibility of blood contamination.
19 pathogen-induced cytosolic Ca(2+) elevation, excluding the possibility of CaM acting upstream from Ca
20 hysical examination nor echocardiography can exclude the possibility of CDI.
21       The absence of a macular star does not exclude the possibility of CSON.
22 y punishment and cooperation, which a priori exclude the possibility of defectors punishing cooperato
23 ance use among patients and our inability to exclude the possibility of disease progression.
24                                This does not exclude the possibility of disordered coagulation at the
25     Additional experiments were conducted to exclude the possibility of endotoxin contamination of HS
26                Although these results do not exclude the possibility of enzyme-mediated protein acyla
27 ional evolution theory has a core tenet that excludes the possibility of evolving and retaining an in
28         Although our data do not allow us to exclude the possibility of exchange with water inside of
29 ules employ the same surface for binding and excluding the possibility of formation of a ternary comp
30 tatistically significant expression changes, excluding the possibility of global decline in transcrip
31 ame temperature is not superconducting, thus excluding the possibility of impurity-driven superconduc
32                                     The data exclude the possibility of indirect modulation via cytos
33  specific but is insufficiently sensitive to exclude the possibility of infection with E. coli O157:H
34  speed of sound in common materials, thereby excluding the possibility of ionization by shockwave for
35 xogenously expressed XIAP in the same cells, excluding the possibility of ISO regulating XIAP express
36               We cannot, however, completely exclude the possibility of misdiagnosis bias, if prodrom
37 is virus internal ribosome entry site, which excludes the possibility of nonspecific metabolic or oth
38 is not affected by these treatments, thereby excluding the possibility of nonspecific hyperactivity.
39 nistration was not affected by NOP deletion, excluding the possibility of nonspecific learning defici
40       Measurements of Nrf2 protein stability excluded the possibility of Nrf2 protein stabilization.
41 and require further objective testing before excluding the possibility of OA.
42 arijuana smoking and chronic COPD but do not exclude the possibility of other adverse respiratory eff
43                 This study also convincingly excludes the possibility of other previously proposed mo
44                              Our data do not exclude the possibility of positive effects in one direc
45         In accord with current consensus, we exclude the possibility of redox-coupled Na(+) transport
46 d suicidal ideation, it remains difficult to exclude the possibility of residual confounding, particu
47                                           We excluded the possibility of SCARECROW promoter activity
48 abetes was found, but we were also unable to exclude the possibility of substantial effects (e.g., od
49 methylation-sensitive and -resistant enzymes excluded the possibility of the X-region being maintaine
50  without NEC, although these findings do not exclude the possibility of unrecognized bacteria associa
51                     Although our data do not exclude the possibility of zoonotic transmission of bat

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