


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n and sigma(F) to RNA polymerase is mutually exclusive.
2 he formation of binary complexes is mutually exclusive.
3 he zymogen, i.e. both complexes are mutually exclusive.
4  two properties usually regarded as mutually exclusive.
5 ormation about classes that are not mutually exclusive.
6              These aberrations were mutually exclusive.
7 hat FliW and RNA interaction is not mutually exclusive.
8 lids, two properties that are often mutually exclusive.
9 d that the two cell phenotypes were mutually exclusive.
10 ard reagents give mixed results ranging from exclusive 1,4-addition (1-naphthyl, 2-N-methylpyrrolyl)
11 d heteroaryl Grignard reagents examined gave exclusive 1,4-addition reactions with alpha,beta-gamma,d
12 e transcription factor ERG, while a mutually exclusive 10% of prostate cancers harbor recurrent mutat
13 ctivated triple bond, and cyclization via an exclusive 6-endo-dig process.
14 525W, MAF = 0.45), which tend to be mutually exclusive across different human ethnic groups and even
15 us monkeys were trained to make two mutually exclusive actions on a touch-sensitive screen: "tap" and
16  Cre-dependent inhibitory Designer Receptors Exclusive Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADDs) before c
17 ection, identification of fitness-equivalent exclusive alterations, and progression model inference.
18          Unexpectedly, we found two mutually exclusive altered subpopulations: one with STAT3 upregul
19                          The presence of the exclusive alternative splicing at exon 19 was not associ
20  among clinical diagnoses varied but without exclusive anatomical restriction.
21 f regular-pattern formation are not mutually exclusive and can coexist and interact at different scal
22 ression of Th and Cgrpalpha was not mutually exclusive and co-expression could be observed, most abun
23 l as the need to preserve the high levels of exclusive and critically endangered biodiversity harbour
24 MAD7 for SMURF2 and that binding is mutually exclusive and dependent on a proline-rich domain.
25 es, and their application as a cut-and-paste exclusive and flexible electrochemical transducer.
26  climate where a population is competitively exclusive and in which, therefore, it occurs naturally;
27 an regulate caspase activity within mutually-exclusive and independently regulated subcellular domain
28  richness, number of novel VT, and number of exclusive and indicator taxa.
29 is, even though these ideas are not mutually exclusive and may in fact be complementary.
30 er foods before 6 months were categorized as exclusive and nonexclusive, respectively.
31                    We found that there exist exclusive and orthogonal population-level subspaces dedi
32  of de novo variants because they are not as exclusive and pathogenically evident as presumed previou
33 ensitive maintenance mechanisms are mutually exclusive and that the progression from one to the other
34 top-down forces are not necessarily mutually exclusive and together can lead to the emergence of comp
35 brain-dead donor strategies are not mutually exclusive and, in view of the current scarcity of uterin
36 ductance among channelrhodopsins and exhibit exclusive anion selectivity, which make them efficient i
37 al addition to alkene substrates occurs with exclusive anti-Markovnikov selectivity.
38         These interactions are not spatially exclusive as we show UBAP1 can associate with MyD88, enh
39                  The activities are mutually exclusive, as the closed conformation has GTP binding/GT
40 ival rates were computed using 4 nonmutually exclusive augmented datasets: OPTN only, OPTN + verified
41 ication and differentiation are not mutually exclusive, (b) that a sequence in which identification g
42  the expression of these factors is mutually exclusive because of cross-regulation among these factor
43         Here, the authors show that mutually exclusive bi-allelic inactivation of HR genes are presen
44 ion of a target small molecule, two mutually exclusive binding reactions (aptamer-target binding and
45 brane and kinase homology domain harbored an exclusive binding site for GCAP1 with similar affinities
46     HSP70 and membranes compete for mutually exclusive binding to the tetratricopeptide repeat domain
47                      Such a large and valley-exclusive Bloch-Siegert shift allows for enhanced contro
48 ractice recommended in the United Kingdom of exclusive breast-feeding to approximately 6 months of ag
49 th a history of FPIES, and 5% reacted during exclusive breast-feeding.
50 reastfeeding, the number of women practicing exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) remains low, and few inter
51 sociated with exclusive formula feeding than exclusive breastfeeding (P = .002).
52 ced risk of Campylobacter detection included exclusive breastfeeding (risk ratio, 0.57; 95% confidenc
53 consultant support (>/=5 contacts) to extend exclusive breastfeeding and delay introduction of comple
54 of age mediated the relation in part between exclusive breastfeeding at 4-6 wk of age and mean TL at
55 , P = 0.003), but not other outcomes, whilst exclusive breastfeeding for >4 months protected against
56 ed by preterm birth status.The prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding in preterm infants was lower tha
57 d with increased prevalence of self-reported exclusive breastfeeding of infants aged 0-5 months (adju
58                          Water treatment and exclusive breastfeeding were of borderline significance.
59 ith higher postnatal HIV-1 transmission than exclusive breastfeeding, but the mechanisms of this diff
60 he intervention did not significantly affect exclusive breastfeeding, timely introduction of compleme
61 ncy, birth in the dry season, or duration of exclusive breastfeeding.
62 born, early initiation of breastfeeding, and exclusive breastfeeding.
63 gest that the two scenarios are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary, and might depend on
64 nce against the preventing role of prolonged exclusive (but not partial) breastfeeding in AD occurren
65 l growth factor receptor (EGFR) are mutually exclusive, but it is not known how K-Ras activation inac
66 mic and cultural diffusion were not mutually exclusive, but merely the ends of a continuum for the pr
67 oidogenic activities of SAP are not mutually exclusive, but reflect two sides of the same coin, i.e.,
68 While angular 5,6-diethynylquinoxalines gave exclusive C(1)-C(6) photocyclization, linear 6,7-diethyn
69 c) sensing and imaging have demonstrated the exclusive capacity to maintain excellent optical contras
70    Caprin1/USP10 binding to G3BP is mutually exclusive: Caprin binding promotes, but USP10 binding in
71 yBac-derived genes, which carry out mutually exclusive categories of excision events mediated by eith
72 ocytic replication cycles, the signature and exclusive cause of malaria-related morbidity and mortali
73 mortality rates by US county for 21 mutually exclusive causes of death from 1980 through 2014.
74         The results show common and cultivar exclusive changes in specific genes related to photosynt
75  of a low-affinity INPP5E mutant which loses exclusive ciliary localization.
76 nd revealed single, concurrent, and mutually exclusive CNAs that could be the driving events in cance
77 as represented by p150(Glued)) form mutually exclusive complexes with dynein, exhibit nonoverlapping
78  Salmonella corA gene can adopt two mutually exclusive conformations that dictate accessibility of a
79 mouse cultures reveal a significant, yet not exclusive contribution of the dgcr8 gene to our phenotyp
80 ical composition, whereas 40 bar CO2 affords exclusive copolymerization of CHO/CO2.
81 actions by donating the sulfur atom of their exclusive cysteine residues to the substrate.
82 ased vaccine strategies need not be mutually exclusive, defining the specific characteristics of "pro
83 ic-lethal interactions by screening mutually exclusive deletion patterns in cancer genomes.
84                                              Exclusive delivery to the brain with no peripheral expos
85 ivision of labor, city-states, and an almost exclusive dependence on agriculture for subsistence.
86  and each mPFC population exhibited mutually exclusive dependence on MD and hippocampal inputs.
87                           We report mutually exclusive desmoplasia and inflammation in papillary and
88 ng the oxidant to CuX2 (X = Cl, Br) provided exclusive di-ortho-halogenated 2-arylbenzothiazoles.
89 s revealing an AhR agonist-specific mutually exclusive dichotomous transcriptional response.
90 llel 1M6N-like dimer was the dominant if not exclusive dimer found in vivo, whether SecA was cytosoli
91 ndent origin, irrespective of their mutually exclusive distribution in animals.
92                           The dense and near-exclusive distribution of 1.688(X) sequences along the X
93 ld have been thought, at first sight, as the exclusive domain of chemical factors.
94 or executive functions, often considered the exclusive domain of frontoparietal cortical circuits.
95 V tet(low) and tet(high) CTLs revealed their exclusive donor origin.
96 valent combination of the modules yields one exclusive doping pattern.
97 en together, our findings establish mutually exclusive dual functionality of mPDE upon PknA-mediated
98 ive rise to temporally distinct and mutually exclusive effects on fear-related behaviors.
99 for each dyad, which is manifested by nearly exclusive emission from bacteriochlorin moiety upon BODI
100 th the aetiology of Crohn's Disease (CD) and exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) is the primary inducti
101 lts uncover the complex patterns of mutually exclusive epigenetic modifications deposited at differen
102 evealed the high sigma donating ability, and exclusive eta(1) binding of this neutral all carbon liga
103  and ligand-ligand associations are mutually exclusive events.
104  can obtain typical multiphoton z-axis focal exclusive excitation.
105 ified individuals into one of three mutually exclusive exposure categories on the basis of the maximu
106                                              Exclusive exposure of rat oligodendrocytes to GD1a, but
107 BCs stored longer than 35 days compared with exclusive exposure to RBCs stored no longer than 7 days,
108 ased risk of in-hospital death compared with exclusive exposure to the freshest RBC units after adjus
109 ng human infections, which revealed mutually exclusive expression and identified the gene predominant
110  unique aggregate binding domain, and almost exclusive expression in stationary phase distinguish Clp
111 ses with immunofluorescence studies revealed exclusive expression of Clr-a by intestinal epithelial c
112                  Our data support a mutually exclusive expression of either STAiR2 or the functional
113 new targeting strategy based on the mutually exclusive expression of T cell receptor beta-chain const
114               Here we show that the mutually exclusive expression of the mouse genes Hoxa11 and Hoxa1
115 p1g in the splenic compartment, and found an exclusive expression on a small subset of NK cells that
116 this study, we identify several non-mutually exclusive factors that may have led to the evolution of
117 erefore, interact with F-actin in a mutually exclusive fashion.
118 le explanation for what seems to be mutually exclusive findings is that the original reagent used to
119 avenous cocaine makes that option almost the exclusive focus of intense pursuit and consumption.
120                      However, given the near-exclusive focus on bacterial species in establishing the
121 xemplifies an emerging resistance against an exclusive focus on deficits in people who come from hars
122                                    An almost exclusive focus on drugs and devices has left vast areas
123 nce theory has been developed with an almost exclusive focus on interactions between two species, oft
124              Our findings emphasized that an exclusive focus on yield increases through only enhanced
125 6 months) and exclusiveness (nonexclusive vs exclusive for 4 months) of breastfeeding in infancy by p
126 ine-based ligands to a Zn(II) ion led to the exclusive formation of a heteroleptic bis(terpyridine) c
127 copyranoside) present in solution induced an exclusive formation of alpha,n-DHTs.
128                                          The exclusive formation of E adducts was observed, together
129 alpha-d-xylo-hex-5-enopyranoside resulted in exclusive formation of l-ido product with high yield.
130                                          The exclusive formation of nitrile imine from the isomer 1b
131 y confirm the electrophilic mechanism as the exclusive formation pathway of MNCs in aerosol water.
132 g were more similar to those associated with exclusive formula feeding than exclusive breastfeeding (
133 mportantly, this is not necessarily mutually exclusive from current hypotheses.
134                          To elucidate why an exclusive ftf stacking was not observed, electrostatic p
135 gulatory principles for stochastic, mutually exclusive gene expression programs.
136 oMEt method in terms of discovering mutually exclusive gene modules and identifying biologically rele
137             However, each cell line also had exclusive genes (e.g. ELAC2 and PTEN in LNCaP and BRCA2
138  However, members of the new subclades share exclusive genes not detected in other subgroups, pointin
139              We selected 13 up-regulated HdT-exclusive genes to validate by real-time qPCR, which mos
140 hod that identifies combinations of mutually exclusive genomic alterations correlated with functional
141  used to classify participants into mutually exclusive groups, which were determined by using the per
142                        Breastfeeding (any or exclusive) had no effect on asthma and allergic disease
143 ing the boundaries of these largely mutually exclusive histone marks.
144 ing any HM (HR: 1.12; 95% CI: 1.05, 1.21) or exclusive HM (HR: 1.14; 95% CI: 1.09, 1.20) and of stopp
145                     Although assumed to form exclusive homodimers, 16 possible heterodimeric mGluRs h
146 and NRAS RAS pathway mutations were mutually exclusive; however, we found significant co-occurrence o
147    We then provide an overview on the use of exclusive human milk feeding and the utility of this app
148        Only 6% of infants were discharged on exclusive human milk.
149                    There are two nonmutually exclusive hypotheses concerning the neuronal mechanisms
150 th Africa, associated with four not mutually exclusive hypotheses: food-perishability, consumption-ti
151              Two competing, but not mutually exclusive, hypotheses are that ASD risk genes are sex-di
152  that PTPN14 and TP53 mutations are mutually exclusive in human cancers.
153  that MSI1 and TNS3 expressions are mutually exclusive in migratory tumor lesions, and GBM patients w
154 roRNAs (miRNAs) that were highly enriched or exclusive in MNs.
155 motoi, and underscore AP activity is not the exclusive indicator of DOP utilisation.
156 re available and who were selected for their exclusive intake or no intake of any of the 4 same foods
157  yield distinct complexes featuring mutually exclusive interaction footprints.
158 families, which exert distinct activities by exclusive interaction with specific receptors.
159 brane is governed by sequential and mutually exclusive interactions with PI(4,5)P2 and heparan sulfat
160 ineered Uba1 or Uba6 that were generated for exclusive interactions, we identified 697 potential Uba6
161 raction but also helps us to find the mutual exclusive interactions.
162 rise of interconnected waterways, as well as exclusive introduction vectors that allow unparalleled a
163 tatistically disfavored, suggesting mutually exclusive LCR-gene contacts.
164            The Vd991 genome harbored several exclusive, lineage-specific (LS) genes within LS regions
165 polymerase 1 (PARP-1) promoter in a mutually exclusive manner and regulate PARP-1 expression.
166 ment of an MPN phenotype occur in a mutually exclusive manner in 1 of 3 genes: JAK2, CALR, or MPL The
167  suppressor genes, which occur in a mutually exclusive manner in ccRCC and define biologically distin
168 ceosomal mutations often occur in a mutually exclusive manner with one another and, in aggregate, acc
169 ram is variably characterized by several non-exclusive markers, including constitutive DNA damage res
170 clude that several parallel and non-mutually exclusive mechanisms are likely involved in cellular pol
171                                      Two non-exclusive mechanisms may be at the source of the group d
172 F stacks are formed through two non-mutually exclusive mechanisms: expansion and concatenation.
173 ER-mitochondrial PC synthesis pathway is the exclusive mitochondrial localization of a key pathway en
174 at partially overlap and point to a mutually exclusive mode of interaction.
175 tion in animals, though rare, is the main or exclusive mode of reproduction in some long-lived lineag
176                                      Two non-exclusive models have been proposed to explain Toddler f
177 minal nociceptive system and 2) to recognize exclusive molecular characteristics that differentiate n
178 f a driver gene in that it showed a mutually exclusive mutation pattern when compared with mutations
179 studies have revealed recurrent and mutually exclusive mutations in leiomyomas, suggesting the involv
180 f of the patients carried virtually mutually exclusive mutations in other TCR-related genes, most fre
181 m an exclusively synaptocentric toward a non-exclusive, neurocentric view of learning.
182                                 In solution, exclusive O-protonation was observed by multinuclear NMR
183 och-Siegert shift that has eluded direct and exclusive observation in solids.
184 cancers, bi-allelic alterations are mutually exclusive of each other.
185 rmissus reached body lengths of nearly 10 cm exclusive of fins, a much larger size than that of most
186 nd B subtypes of breast cancer, was mutually exclusive of HER2 expression, and correlated with aggres
187 k HPV types and low-risk HPV types (mutually exclusive of high-risk HPV) was 30.5% (95% CI, 28.0%-33.
188                                              Exclusive of membrane-proximal mutations seen commonly i
189 tients has been ascribed to largely mutually exclusive on-target or off-target mechanisms in which tu
190 l), with the exception of (t)BuMgCl, undergo exclusive or exceptionally highly regioselective 1,4-add
191 lish whether specific mutations are mutually exclusive or occur sequentially in the same subclone of
192 ts in which individuals compete for mutually-exclusive outcomes require rational decision making in o
193 vity analysis allowed us to uncover mutually exclusive pairs, some of which may have relatively low m
194 del, in which the availability of a mutually exclusive palatable food maintains prolonged voluntary a
195 p44 using partially overlapping and mutually exclusive paths, several issues related to RNA recruitme
196                     We identify two mutually exclusive pathways for biofilm formation.
197                  Most strikingly, a mutually exclusive pattern was found between HBV surface antigen-
198    Well-differentiated HCCs display mutually exclusive periportal or perivenous zonation programs.
199                    (13)C-TrEnDi created a PE-exclusive PIS of m/z 202.1, two PS-exclusive PISs of m/z
200 ated a PE-exclusive PIS of m/z 202.1, two PS-exclusive PISs of m/z 148.1 and m/z 261.1, and a PIS of
201 NtEXO70B1 occupied two distinct and mutually exclusive plasma membrane domains.
202  coupling, and therefore we propose that the exclusive presence of multihapto ligands in 1-Dy is the
203  absorption spectroscopy confirms the nearly exclusive presence of Np(IV) on the titanomagnetite surf
204 y distinct editosomes differ by the mutually exclusive presence of the KREN1, KREN2 or KREN3 endonucl
205 tography (gamma-cyclodextrin), revealing the exclusive presence of the S-enantiomeric form.
206 2 cases (88%), allowing classification in 10 exclusive primary cytogenetic subgroups and in secondary
207 olidation) and maintenance might be mutually exclusive processes, the onset of one canceling the othe
208 sed isoxazolidines were obtained as major or exclusive products, in contrast to the case for nonfluor
209 , primordial germ cells (PGCs) represent the exclusive progenitors of the gametes, and their loss res
210 gnetoelastic coupling are generally mutually exclusive properties due to opposing dependencies on spi
211 ctional RRM1 or RRM2 are dispensable for the exclusive protein nuclear localization and speckle-like
212 e highly electron-deficient ring the site of exclusive reactivity in competition experiments.
213 c large-cell lymphoma is defined by mutually exclusive rearrangements of ALK, DUSP22/IRF4, and TP63 G
214 in pathogen-inoculated leaves but is not the exclusive reducing enzyme involved in Pip biosynthesis.
215 high enantioselectivities, but also provides exclusive regioselectivity in the presence of two methyl
216 f substrate transport, suggesting a mutually exclusive regulation mediated by the movement of the fle
217 sed number of cells and through the mutually exclusive relationship facilitates shutdown of sense FLC
218 genome size, limited metabolic potential and exclusive reliance on fermentation for energy acquisitio
219 chnology to attack cancer beyond the present exclusive reliance on IgG.
220 ntacts responding only to faces (i.e., "face-exclusive" responses) were found in these regions, sugge
221 layed a significant repression indicating an exclusive retrograde impact on this gene family.
222  the 2013 ACC/AHA guideline among 4 mutually exclusive risk groups within the ACC Practice Innovation
223 of 12 proteins, but are typified by mutually exclusive RNase III endonucleases with distinct cleavage
224 icle, we provide evidence for a specific and exclusive role of the WD repeat containing protein coron
225 hop developed four distinct but not mutually exclusive scenarios in which the social aspect is centra
226 diagnosed infection and reported UAI and non-exclusive serosorting in the past year.
227 to near-freezing temperatures via a mutually exclusive set of singular behaviors-in particular, a ful
228                                         Size-exclusive sieving of CO2 over CH4 and N2 has rarely been
229 atively, wild pollinators could recognize an exclusive signature of cues unique to each environment o
230  other's activities long before any mutually exclusive silencing occurs.
231 inusoids promote HSPC activation and are the exclusive site for immature and mature leukocyte traffic
232 ty or the sulfonyl fluoride group can be the exclusive site of nucleophilic attack under defined cond
233             The flagellar pocket (FP) is the exclusive site of uptake from the environment in trypano
234            The children were classified into exclusive soy formula, cow milk formula or breast milk r
235 ed using the Rotterdam staging system into 5 exclusive stages (AMD 0-4) and a separate category of la
236 initiation sites, some of which serve as the exclusive start codons.
237 (OH), have been crystallized in two mutually exclusive states: either as part of the CCD or packed ag
238                      Owing to the absence of exclusive stem cell markers, the location, multiplicity,
239 tiated glands with nuclear polarization, but exclusive sTRA staining was present in small clusters of
240 m II, which must toggle between two mutually exclusive structures during splicing.
241 on in RH stabilize it in one of two mutually exclusive structures, the biological relevance of which
242 nique caspase adaptor proteins, and mutually exclusive subcellular domains of caspase activity.Caspas
243  per muL and 400 cells per muL, and mutually exclusive subgroups.
244            Curiously, despite their mutually exclusive substrate specificities, PON1 and diisopropyl
245         This protocol delivers products with exclusive syn-1,4-selectivity and can be also conducted
246                                              Exclusive targeting of PEN2 to the outer membrane of mit
247 rresponding theoretical investigations of an exclusive tetracarbene ligated oxo-iron(IV) complex, [L(
248                  Divergent, but not mutually exclusive, theories have been proposed to explain the ne
249 ysis revealed highly restricted and mutually exclusive tissue distributions, with striking resolution
250                                    Subclones exclusive to baseline or surgical cores occur in approxi
251 ral processing within the hippocampus may be exclusive to CA1 and CA2, but not CA3, and may occur onl
252 at temporal coding within the hippocampus is exclusive to CA1.
253 esponse to drought tolerance were mechanisms exclusive to cv. RB867515, helping to explain the better
254 dentified as a functional IN binding partner exclusive to delta-retroviruses, including human T cell
255 o the discovery of 11 proteins that appeared exclusive to dolphin serum.
256 s study influencing milk composition are not exclusive to either farming system, and pasture feeding
257                 CPP-115-induced changes were exclusive to GABA and homocarnosine, and CPP-115 afforde
258 transcriptional start sites, one of which is exclusive to heat stress.
259             The developed methodology is not exclusive to Helium atom scattering and can also be appl
260  II under High Light1, which were considered exclusive to higher photosynthetic organisms, as well as
261 yacetophenone, and 2-methoxybenzoic acid are exclusive to manuka nectar whereas lumichrome is unique
262 ber of a subset of hemerythrin-like proteins exclusive to mycobacteria, with likely roles in protecti
263 distinct subset of hemerythrin-like proteins exclusive to mycobacteria.
264 ations shows that the confined hole state is exclusive to NCs.
265 blasts, but not in host tissue, and proteins exclusive to one young mouse and transferred during para
266 ly undescribed type of flavin enzyme that is exclusive to oxygenic photosynthetic prokaryotes and tha
267 ensin-converting enzyme (18%, p = 0.30) were exclusive to SCS.
268 lutamatergic signaling are shared between or exclusive to specific psychostimulant drugs, we examined
269  shared between both enzymes, while 37% were exclusive to subtilisin.
270              The accumulating effect was not exclusive to TCS but was commonly observed on several ch
271 lar coexpression of AT1A and LEPR was almost exclusive to the ARC and occurred primarily within neuro
272 is, as an example of a non-dividing cell, is exclusive to the nuclear pore complex (NPC).
273 and mucin (MUC5B and MUC16) genes, which are exclusive to the respiratory epithelium and goblet cells
274                                    Damage is exclusive to the skin and mucous membranes, with no know
275 n ions in rat brain tissue, 66 of which were exclusive to this approach.
276 he variation was most pronounced in, but not exclusive to, platelets.
277  include multiple and in some cases mutually exclusive transcription start sites (TSSs).
278  were the identification of V. v. sylvestris exclusive transcripts and the characterization of differ
279 -G pseudotyped lentivirus resulted in almost exclusive transduction of hepatocytes allowing analysis
280                       Recurrent and mutually exclusive transposon insertions were identified in Myh9,
281 ferent as beta-lactam monotherapy, including exclusive use of an oral or parenteral second- or third-
282 analysis carried out by propensity matching, exclusive use of balanced fluids in pediatric severe sep
283 l, patients with LMCA stenosis, PCI vs CABG, exclusive use of drug-eluting stents, and clinical follo
284 , and clinical factors precluded support for exclusive use of either gadoxetate-enhanced or extracell
285 domized trials with >/=50 patients, that had exclusive use of embolic-protection devices, and that co
286 e consecutive 1.5-T MR examinations with the exclusive use of gadoterate meglumine (plus a final addi
287 xamine the number of cooking events, days of exclusive use of ICS, and how stove use patterns affect
288 dditional MR imaging for reference) with the exclusive use of macrocyclic GBCAs gadoterate meglumine
289                 Delaying systemic treatment, exclusive use of nystatin, and treating for <10 days was
290                 We further explored mutually exclusive use of single SSRI substances.
291  day, occurred on 40% of the study days, and exclusive use of the ICS occurred on 25% of study days.
292 n GCB-DLBCL lines, reflecting this subtype's exclusive use of tonic BCR signaling.
293 n of vasoactive infusions when compared with exclusive use of unbalanced fluids.
294 een L. crispatus and Gardnerella were highly exclusive, while Gardnerella and L. iners often coexiste
295 1, and EIF1AX mutations were almost mutually exclusive with each other.
296 f 6517 colorectal cancers, and were mutually exclusive with mismatch repair deficiency (MMR-D) in the
297 omain and were, except in one case, mutually exclusive with NF2 alterations.
298 tor inactivity, and they are mostly mutually exclusive with other loss-of-function (stop/frameshift)
299      However, this mechanism is not mutually exclusive with scale-dependent feedbacks.
300 e serotonin labeling was observed in 36% and exclusive YFP labeling in 9%.

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