


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 3,5-tricarbaldehyde gives the anti,syn triol exclusively (by 1H NMR); addition of HMPA to the reactio
2 n sparing during acute hypoxia are triggered exclusively by a carotid chemoreflex and that they are m
3 lipids lactosylceramide and globoside almost exclusively by a clathrin-independent mechanism involvin
4 essed inpatients has fallen markedly, driven exclusively by a decline in the probability that their h
5 deacylate Cys-tRNA(Pro), which is hydrolyzed exclusively by a freestanding trans-editing domain known
6 no-associated virus (AAV) replicates its DNA exclusively by a leading-strand DNA replication mechanis
7 at salt sensitivity need not be demonstrated exclusively by a marked rise in arterial pressure with s
8 icate that carbon hydroxylation is catalyzed exclusively by a P450 ferryl species via radical interme
9 d with a peptide neo-epitope, which is bound exclusively by a peptide-specific switchable CAR-T cell
10  after an insult, cold allodynia is mediated exclusively by a single molecular pathway, suggesting th
11 ar substances or whether they are determined exclusively by a transition state, we performed crystall
12 stem cell differentiation which is processed exclusively by ACE.
13 , a proinflammatory cytokine produced almost exclusively by activated CD4(+) T cells, were associated
14 f patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) exclusively by acute care surgeons.
15 y that a circulating protein secreted almost exclusively by adipocytes could regulate body weight thr
16                      Adiponectin is secreted exclusively by adipocytes, aggregates in multimeric form
17 in-sensitizing hormone produced and secreted exclusively by adipose tissue.
18 s we identify Wnt7a as a key factor secreted exclusively by aggressive breast tumour cells, which ind
19 V), and these responses were mediated almost exclusively by alpha(1)beta(1).
20  produce temporal scaling influence lifespan exclusively by altering kr.
21 cant reduction in phrenic frequency mediated exclusively by an increase in expiratory duration (T(E))
22 e a third antigenic peptide that is produced exclusively by an intermediate proteasome: peptide MAGE-
23 rmined that in vivo maturation of Mpl occurs exclusively by an intramolecular autocatalysis mechanism
24  the viral genome is unlikely to be mediated exclusively by an RNA tether.
25 tion of cyanide ion with ethyl iodide occurs exclusively by an S(N)2 mechanism in solution and primar
26 teps in the carbon cycle; both are performed exclusively by anaerobic archaea.
27                    Cellulosomes are produced exclusively by anaerobic microbes and mediate highly eff
28  virus (PEMV)--a plant RNA virus transmitted exclusively by aphids--causes disease in multiple food c
29 DeltaLAV with body mass index were explained exclusively by associations with visceral fat mass (P=0.
30 to an outward-facing conformation, is driven exclusively by ATP hydrolysis.
31 er type 2 (VMAT2), which is expressed almost exclusively by beta-cells and found in close association
32 bited entirely at low pH values, or governed exclusively by beta-proteobacterial AOB or archaea.
33 Streptococcus intermedius, lyses human cells exclusively by binding to the human complement regulator
34 inhibit specific fates and does not function exclusively by blocking let-7 family microRNAs.
35  (PT), an exotoxin virulence factor produced exclusively by Bordetella pertussis, is important for co
36 orne disease in the United States, is caused exclusively by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto in Nor
37 gulating membrane excitability are activated exclusively by Ca(2+)-bound calmodulin (CaM).
38 m-activated potassium channels are activated exclusively by calcium entering through P/Q-type voltage
39                  The ACh effect was produced exclusively by calcium inflow since it was eliminated in
40 od-borne or waterborne illness caused almost exclusively by Campylobacter jejuni and, to a lesser ext
41 ssengers who had previously travelled almost exclusively by car appraised the busway positively and p
42     Neutralization of secreted Opn expressed exclusively by CD103(-) DCs restrained disease severity.
43          HIV-1 entered CD4(+) T cells almost exclusively by CD4 and CCR5 receptor-mediated direct fus
44  H3b is presented by class II and recognized exclusively by CD4+ T cells.
45 a is presented by MHC class I and recognized exclusively by CD8+ T cells.
46 is had the highest levels of APRIL, produced exclusively by CD83+ DCs.
47                            Alx1 is expressed exclusively by cells of the large micromere lineage begi
48 ines in the spinal cord were produced almost exclusively by cells that had produced IL-17 before thei
49 hic pain) is widely assumed to be maintained exclusively by central mechanisms.
50 bserved in these mutants cannot be explained exclusively by changes in the binding affinity of the re
51 he differences in free energies are provoked exclusively by changes in the entropic term of the bindi
52 ry NMJs, whereas long isoforms are expressed exclusively by cholinergic motoneurons and are confined
53 ay obstruction in general that is not driven exclusively by cigarette smoking, which is the main risk
54  is robustly induced in kidney tubular cells exclusively by combined application of contact uncouplin
55 the brain, relations that are studied almost exclusively by comparing females and males on specific e
56  of the galaxy is consistent with enrichment exclusively by core-collapse supernovae and with a star-
57      Significantly, immune responses induced exclusively by cross-dressing were as strong as those in
58 ssenger molecule thought to be formed almost exclusively by cytosolic, wortmannin-inhibited phosphoin
59 nd CD11b(+) and CD103(+) DC in the lung, but exclusively by DC in the draining lymph node (LN).
60  not known whether axonal defects are caused exclusively by defective VEGF-A signalling in RGCs or ar
61  the CD4(+) T cell response is accounted for exclusively by defects in DC activation.
62     Currently, cell separation occurs almost exclusively by density gradient methods and by fluoresce
63 er, by birth, the SN DA neurons were labeled exclusively by DiA placed in the dorsolateral striatum,
64 l distinct network of 56 genes was regulated exclusively by diet.
65 ly modifiable by diet, particularly (but not exclusively) by dietary fatty acids.
66 V-1 transcription could not be accounted for exclusively by differences in CD45 expression.
67 sting that basolateral targeting is mediated exclusively by direct interaction with vesicle coat comp
68 s the regulatory signals to downstream genes exclusively by directly controlling the expression of on
69 ly polymers) that are strongly held together exclusively by dispersion forces.
70 , it is difficult to assess damage inflicted exclusively by DSAs when alloreactive T cell and B cell
71 ovide a novel model for hyperkalemia induced exclusively by dysfunction of the CD.
72 adaptive mutations driven primarily, but not exclusively, by early cytotoxic T cell responses.
73   Large thalamic territories were innervated exclusively by either giant vGLUT2- or vGLUT1-positive b
74                          Most were expressed exclusively by either melanomas or transformed B cells,
75 Patients with bile leaks were managed almost exclusively by endoscopists (96%) with a 96% success rat
76 cceleration and transport mechanisms powered exclusively by enhanced solar-wind activity.
77 s genotype-selective suppression is mediated exclusively by enhancement of granule cell GABAA recepto
78             This fast oscillation is carried exclusively by excitatory inputs.
79  strong binding by the XB-rotaxane is driven exclusively by favourable enthalpic contributions arisin
80 ublication per year was 46 for trials funded exclusively by for-profit organizations, 37 for trials j
81 nsported in the central nervous system (CNS) exclusively by four descending motor tracts.
82 membrane permeabilization, which was blocked exclusively by fumonisin B1.
83 teins has long been believed to be triggered exclusively by G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs).
84 imeric G proteins is thought to be triggered exclusively by G protein-coupled receptors.
85 e been shown to be mediated predominantly or exclusively by GABA(A) receptors.
86  a novel standing GABAergic current mediated exclusively by GABA(C) receptors.
87 tinguish the boosting of Pbs48/45 antibodies exclusively by gametocytes during infection, a separate
88 tion and found that trends are driven almost exclusively by genes eliciting high-penetrance phenotype
89 neurons (MLIs) in the cerebellum is mediated exclusively by glutamate spillover.
90            Activation of certain transcripts exclusively by greenbug infestation was observed, and ma
91 ting immunogenicity of influenza vaccination exclusively by hemagglutination inhibition assay may be
92 d we demonstrate that disease is transferred exclusively by hematopoietic cells.
93         CRP has been believed to be produced exclusively by hepatocytes during the acute-phase respon
94 2 by evaluating recombinant progeny produced exclusively by heterodimeric virions.
95 ation was classically thought to be mediated exclusively by histidine kinases as part of two-componen
96 ing of the adenine moiety is mediated almost exclusively by hydrogen bonds, and the proposed catalyti
97 rtebrate enzymes that cleave their substrate exclusively by hydrolysis.
98 crystals that feature a chloride anion bound exclusively by hydrophobic Cali-H groups.
99 cell cycle-related genes were down-regulated exclusively by ICI, (e) the estrogen-like activity of Ra
100 lity score increased steadily and was driven exclusively by improvements in genetic analyses.
101 e-function studies of RT have been conducted exclusively by in vitro biochemical approaches.
102 f the most frequently altered genes, mutated exclusively by inactivating mutation, was LYST (10%), wh
103 nd V1, where feedback to layer 4 is mediated exclusively by indirect local circuits involving layer 2
104 e model, slip occurs in discrete slip events exclusively by individual dislocations emitted statistic
105 uced in the infected lungs in large amounts--exclusively by infiltrating virus-specific T(eff) cells,
106  cells, in which transcription was modulated exclusively by inflammatory factors via a process that w
107 the production of IL-17 and interferon-gamma exclusively by innate lymphoid cells expressing Thy1, st
108  ISMs(-) patients with anaphylaxis triggered exclusively by insects display clinical and laboratory f
109 a thousand plant species that are pollinated exclusively by insects specialized to lay their eggs in
110 , MC-mediator release episodes are triggered exclusively by insects.
111       In addition, ITGB1 expression selected exclusively by integrative topological measures correlat
112 esions, cellular proliferation is controlled exclusively by interactions with other cells, the extrac
113 al connections, and a far-surround generated exclusively by interareal feedback.
114     Isomer I clusters with n > or = 25 decay exclusively by internal conversion, with relaxation time
115 truction of heterodimers able to glucosylate exclusively by intrasubunit or intersubunit reaction mec
116 ly reactive polyanion in water is controlled exclusively by its counterions.
117 he designed GTPase (orthoCdc42) is activated exclusively by its engineered cognate partner (orthoInte
118 e responsible for sensing the presence of GM exclusively by its extracellular CACHE domain.
119 rs in which the photosensory cilium is built exclusively by KIF3.
120 esis and hypothesized the thymus was settled exclusively by lymphoid-restricted hematopoietic progeni
121                     Four mutants were killed exclusively by lysozyme and not other cell wall-targetin
122 s and was originally thought to be expressed exclusively by macrophages.
123      Since the issue has been tackled almost exclusively by macroscopic techniques so far, there is a
124 affected by MafB only during development and exclusively by MafA in the adult.
125 drosophilids, 13 different TAGs are secreted exclusively by males from the ejaculatory bulb, transfer
126                   ERK proteins are activated exclusively by MAPK kinase 1 and 2 phosphorylation of th
127 t at accelerated rates relative to aziridine exclusively by means of the a Menshutkin-type mechanism
128 ived glycosylated secoiridoid biosynthesized exclusively by members of the Oleaceae family, is involv
129 ellulose synthase enzyme complexes regulated exclusively by metabolic signaling related to the carbon
130 opeptides, creating duplex structures linked exclusively by metal ions.
131 l products, and the only vitamin synthesized exclusively by microorganisms.
132 om the same cell, MLV Env is packaged almost exclusively by MLV particles, thus preventing incorporat
133 uditory, and somatosensory domains populated exclusively by modality-specific neurons (i.e., neurons
134 model, attention acts on the neural response exclusively by modulating each neuron's gain.
135 independent roles in GSCs or whether it acts exclusively by modulating the cell cycle.
136                       Lactate is transported exclusively by monocarboxylate transporters, and changes
137 rtificial nanomachine systems operate almost exclusively by moving towards thermodynamic equilibrium,
138 to-myosin fibrillar compartment was mediated exclusively by MSP-300.
139 bohydrate or peptide epitopes carried almost exclusively by mucin molecules induced Abs that did not
140                              Genes expressed exclusively by Muller glia were identified as novel mark
141 exploits hybridization reactions carried out exclusively by multifaceted sRNAs that are both targets
142 hers suggesting that this effect is mediated exclusively by muscarinic receptors.
143 nd 14 specimens, respectively, were detected exclusively by NAAT.
144 n part by single cell properties rather than exclusively by network activity.
145 that proopiomelanocortin (POMC) is expressed exclusively by neurons in the adult rodent brain.
146 cyclic 19-amino-acid peptide, is synthesized exclusively by neurons in the lateral hypothalamic (LH)
147 y in the submucosal plexus and was expressed exclusively by neuropeptide Y-IR neurons.
148 Until recently, the brain was studied almost exclusively by neuroscientists and the immune system by
149 ycosylation sites on renal GGT were modified exclusively by neutral glycans.
150                                              Exclusively by next generation sequencing, we obtained t
151 ne (RAG) endonuclease are repaired virtually exclusively by NHEJ.
152 f the JA/ET signalling pathway, were induced exclusively by non-host pathogens.
153 (PSA) is a serine protease that is expressed exclusively by normal and malignant prostate epithelial
154                           GEN1 is controlled exclusively by nuclear exclusion, driven by a nuclear ex
155 lasmic, and mitochondrial proteins catalyzed exclusively by OGT.
156 erred to herein as H2be), which is expressed exclusively by olfactory chemosensory neurons.
157 this network, Olig1 and Olig2, are expressed exclusively by oligodendrocytes after late embryonic dev
158 fic, meaning certain effectors are regulated exclusively by one family of heterotrimers.
159  pheromones previously shown to be expressed exclusively by one sex, e.g., cVA, 7,11-heptacosadiene,
160 been believed that motion information is fed exclusively by one spectral class of photoreceptor, so-c
161 but, unlike C. albicans, biofilms are formed exclusively by opaque cells.
162                             Among those seen exclusively by ophthalmologists, the probability of VF t
163    By 2008, patients with OAG receiving care exclusively by optometrists had a higher probability of
164                       For patients cared for exclusively by optometrists, the probability of VF testi
165 t the initial Ca(2+) transient, are mediated exclusively by Orai1 and are absolutely required for mil
166 ations that are too frequent to be explained exclusively by orbital forcing.
167 cle, having evolved from being driven almost exclusively by our knowledge of immunology, to a bias-fr
168 f hyperpolarized [1-(13)C]pyruvate is caused exclusively by oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate via
169                   Adamts15 mRNA is expressed exclusively by parvalbumin-expressing interneurons durin
170 that links these systems, MpeR, is expressed exclusively by pathogenic neisseriae and is therefore ex
171              These viruses have been studied exclusively by PCR in stool and detected only in patient
172 nd the cocoa enzyme, and (III) those cleaved exclusively by pepsin.
173 nce is thought to be a slow process mediated exclusively by phagocytic resident macrophages, Kupffer
174 ogic agent of leishmaniasis, are transmitted exclusively by phlebotomine sand flies of the genera Phl
175 ndergo electrocyclic ring closure but reacts exclusively by photofragmentation of the thiadiazole rin
176 rols are lipophilic antioxidants synthesized exclusively by photosynthetic organisms and collectively
177 onents of the human diet and are synthesized exclusively by photosynthetic organisms.
178 ols are amphipathic antioxidants synthesized exclusively by photosynthetic organisms.
179  monochromatic far-red light (FRc; perceived exclusively by phyA) in WT and phyA null-mutant seedling
180 tigated, the effects of DEA/NO were mediated exclusively by PKG, following activation of guanylyl cyc
181          Cellulose biosynthesis is performed exclusively by plasma membrane-localized cellulose synth
182 tein catalysis to generate peptide sequences exclusively by posttranslational splicing of mature prot
183  nicardipine, and an outward current carried exclusively by potassium ions that was reduced by 1 mM 4
184 perience-specific modifications are affected exclusively by previous exposure around the second week
185 sorders characterized predominantly, but not exclusively, by progressive lower limb spasticity and we
186 during secondary pregnancy was driven almost exclusively by proliferation of fetal-specific FOXP3(+)
187 nant NDV (rNDV) whose F protein is cleavable exclusively by prostate-specific antigen (PSA).
188 that autosomal gene expression is controlled exclusively by protein trans-acting factors has been cha
189 donucleases, and degradation was carried out exclusively by protein-mediated exonuclease cleavage and
190          GABAergic interneurons are produced exclusively by PWM astroglial-like progenitors, whereas
191 taxis from motion detection that is mediated exclusively by R1-R6.
192 ly in the entire nervous system, is mediated exclusively by R7 RGS proteins.
193 I MHC downmodulation by Nef may be performed exclusively by raft-bound Nef.
194 rong relative orientation, synapsis occurred exclusively by random collision.
195              These arterioles are ensheathed exclusively by rare NG2 (also known as CSPG4)(+) pericyt
196 uces efficient B cell tolerance primarily or exclusively by receptor editing.
197 ic-targeting layer 3 interneurons, recruited exclusively by recurrent excitation from pyramidal cells
198 f Bbs8 exon 2A in photoreceptors is directed exclusively by redundant splicing enhancers located in t
199   We observe that switching mechanisms occur exclusively by relaxation through electronic manifolds o
200 frequency drug resistance mutations detected exclusively by RNA-HTA during the first episode became d
201 nduced reaction NO(3) --> NO + O(2) proceeds exclusively by roaming.
202                     The surface is protected exclusively by -S-Au-S- staple motifs, which self-organi
203 i.e. we did not identify any genes regulated exclusively by SCN.
204  formation of these nanofibers is controlled exclusively by selected anions, fiber disassembly can be
205 linear and branched products may be obtained exclusively by selecting the appropriate regioisomeric s
206 dent nuclear accumulation of Smad2 is caused exclusively by selective nuclear trapping of phosphoryla
207                  Among the 259 spots stained exclusively by sera collected at the time of hepatitis,
208 s in the cell, which are otherwise performed exclusively by serine/threonine and tyrosine protein kin
209 ury ago, and their MHC types were determined exclusively by serologic techniques.
210  dimers form a tetramer through interactions exclusively by signal-binding domains.
211       A high resistin response was triggered exclusively by SpeB-negative strains, suggesting that at
212                        The disease is caused exclusively by specific missense mutations affecting the
213 ian lymphatic vasculature is thought to form exclusively by sprouting from embryonic veins (lymphangi
214 hesion are TLR9-independent and are mediated exclusively by SR-B1.
215 g that extrinsic sialylation is not mediated exclusively by ST6Gal-1.
216 assic cis-acting enhancer RNA (e-RNA) acting exclusively by stimulating the neighboring MyoD gene but
217                             ATP is generated exclusively by substrate-level phosphorylation in hydrog
218 us type 1 (HIV-1) infection is caused almost exclusively by subtype C (HIV-1C), have shown increased
219 te of benzolactone enamides cannot be formed exclusively by subunit c.
220                Topoisomerase II was modified exclusively by SUMO-2/3 during mitosis under normal circ
221 patients (16%) had their recurrence detected exclusively by surveillance imaging after the first year
222 ng that they were mediated primarily, if not exclusively, by sympathetic adrenergic nerve activation.
223 mune disease where injury is likely mediated exclusively by T cells.
224 mplex cellular systems, they were recognized exclusively by TcAtg4.2, but not by HsAtg4B nor by the s
225 ted by caspase-dependent cell death, and not exclusively by terminal differentiation as has been prop
226 at the lipid methoxy archaeol is synthesized exclusively by Thaumarchaeota and may thus represent a d
227        This conformational change is induced exclusively by the acidification of the environment, and
228 dentified inflammatory gene networks induced exclusively by the active compound.
229 his constitutive phosphorylation is mediated exclusively by the alpha isoform of GRK4; the beta, gamm
230 ility to tether membranes, which is mediated exclusively by the amino-terminal ALPS motif.
231         Though once believed to be regulated exclusively by the cellular energy state, AMPK has now b
232 uptake of scVR1/Zr and scVR2/Zr was mediated exclusively by the corresponding receptor, VEGFR-1 or VE
233 cated across the OM through a channel formed exclusively by the covalently linked beta-barrel domain,
234 e found that the minor conformations sampled exclusively by the CP-GG adduct exhibit structural prope
235 degradation in Wnt10b-induced mammary tumors exclusively by the Cul4A E3 ligase, which is strongly in
236 Cs were trafficked to mesenteric lymph nodes exclusively by the dendritic cell subset and served as c
237 icated that interaction with DNA is mediated exclusively by the DNA-binding domains and suggested a n
238 pid droplet-stabilizing protein, is produced exclusively by the EECs of the area vitellina.
239 me eggs (IPSE/alpha-1) is a protein produced exclusively by the eggs of the trematode Schistosoma man
240 ivation has been considered to be controlled exclusively by the enzyme redox state under physiologica
241                  This phenotype was mediated exclusively by the Fn14 receptor, independent of tumor n
242 of amyloid fibrils, rather than being driven exclusively by the formation of H-bonded beta-sheet, is
243  system in which lineage fate was controlled exclusively by the gammadeltaTCR.
244 ivation and resensitization and was mediated exclusively by the GluN2B CTD.
245 ndividual HOX properties are governed almost exclusively by the homeodomain.
246     Symptomatic gonococcal infection, caused exclusively by the human-specific pathogen Neisseria gon
247 ed, a mouse model that expresses IL-15Ralpha exclusively by the IECs (Villin/IL-15Ralpha Tg) was gene
248 umor antigenic peptides known to be produced exclusively by the immunoproteasome (MAGE-A3(114-122), M
249 net that alloantigen recognition is mediated exclusively by the indirect (host APC-dependent) pathway
250                   In humans, TMA is produced exclusively by the intestinal microbiota, and its metabo
251  current models suggest that it is generated exclusively by the kinetochores after nuclear envelope b
252 responding free energy) changes are governed exclusively by the lattice energy differences.
253 ther, many of these proteins are synthesized exclusively by the liver and could potentially serve as
254 ce that is cleared and/or metabolized almost exclusively by the liver.
255 main focus of this paper, appears to proceed exclusively by the methylene transfer mechanism.
256 ograde axonal transport in neurons is driven exclusively by the microtubule motor cytoplasmic dynein.
257  complementary manner: MsEphrin is expressed exclusively by the migratory EP cells, whereas the MsEph
258  prion diseases, which appear to be composed exclusively by the misfolded prion protein (PrP(Sc)).
259 T1R to promote downstream signaling mediated exclusively by the multifunctional scaffold protein, bet
260 dations were formulated, written, and graded exclusively by the nonconflicted panelists.
261 2, the AS haplogroup is characterized almost exclusively by the nucleotide polymorphisms directly ass
262 e a result of the increase in neurons driven exclusively by the open eye that follows deprivation or
263 downstream elements such as Akt was mediated exclusively by the p110alpha isoform, rather than a comb
264 ene expression in the hybrid being regulated exclusively by the paternally transmitted allele.
265 sis of anandamide in macrophages is mediated exclusively by the PLC/phosphatase pathway, which is up-
266  Loxigilla portoricensis is generated almost exclusively by the pmx through a mechanism in which Ihh
267 n of pointed is carried out primarily if not exclusively by the pointedP2 isoform and, that in this c
268 ch epitope was defined by amino acids shared exclusively by the positive antigens for each antibody.
269 lization of VEGFA mRNA in cells was mediated exclusively by the protein's peptide-binding domain.
270 ompounds bearing a sugar moiety but composed exclusively by the quinic or caffeic acid moiety of CQAs
271 triglycine ((99m)Tc-MAG3) is excreted almost exclusively by the renal tubules, whereas (99m)Tc-diethy
272 m latent to lytic replication was controlled exclusively by the replication and transcription activat
273 nge in host allele frequencies is determined exclusively by the signs of s and the allelic disequilib
274 theory where optical properties are governed exclusively by the strength of D and A units.
275  1 or 11 or in pure MeOH, assembly is driven exclusively by the TPP ring, leading to the formation of
276  mice retrieves behavioural traits exhibited exclusively by the wild house mouse, thereby unmasking g
277               Positive selection is mediated exclusively by the xenogeneic thymic MHC.
278 ny molecules permeate predominantly (but not exclusively) by the paracellular route, (ii) the aqueous
279             The phytotoxin thaxtomin is made exclusively by these pathogens and is required for virul
280 t genes, including SFRP2 and FMO1, expressed exclusively by these two major fibroblast populations.
281 tatory response to these stimuli is mediated exclusively by three pairs of bitter-sensitive taste cel
282 ato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) is transmitted exclusively by thrips in nature.
283 expressed cognate HCV epitopes was increased exclusively by Tim-3 blockade.
284  studies, we observed that samples clustered exclusively by tissue rather than by species or study, s
285 ks, and their mechanosensitivity is mediated exclusively by "top-to-top" links between equally short
286                The proportion of TBI managed exclusively by trauma surgeons increased significantly o
287 njured patients with intracranial hemorrhage exclusively by trauma surgeons.
288  these effects are mediated primarily if not exclusively by TRH-R1 in mice.
289     We show that the interaction is mediated exclusively by UL36.
290 ilability, its activity is controlled almost exclusively by ultrasensitive allostery.
291 ture of EBV genome variation, defined almost exclusively by variation of EBNA2 and EBNA3 genes, but g
292  in dorsomedial STS that is modulated almost exclusively by vergence movements.
293 rgan of Euprymna scolopes squid is colonized exclusively by Vibrio fischeri bacteria.
294 ate in which the sodium ions are coordinated exclusively by water molecules.
295                The strands are held together exclusively by Watson-Crick base pairing.
296 hylallyl diphosphate, was thought to proceed exclusively by way of mevalonate as a key intermediate u
297  coding HQ SNVs and 32 indels was identified exclusively by WES whereas 692 HQ SNVs and 105 indels we
298 s 692 HQ SNVs and 105 indels were identified exclusively by WGS.
299 dence of plumage coloration is driven almost exclusively by within-individual effects in the first 2
300 amina of the dLGN, which is populated almost exclusively by Y thalamocortical cells and interneurons.

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