


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nd potential traumatic brain injury may also exert an effect.
2 while an enzymatically inactive form of TAK1 exerts no effect.
3 tral regulator HilD was essential for Pat to exert its effects.
4 fy the molecular mechanism of how glypican 4 exerts its effect.
5 d by which astrocyte [Ca(2+)]i is raised and exerts its effects.
6  to provide insight into how corticosteroids exert their effects.
7 both drugs share a binding pocket in SUR1 to exert their effects.
8 ocess and potential mechanism(s) by which it exerts these effects.
9  into cells via RME in the first 24 h period exert cytotoxic effect.
10 ne bind to the serotonin 5-HT1A receptor and exert opposite effects.
11  tumor suppressor genes, such as STK11/LKB1, exerts similar effects.
12       Substance P and its truncated receptor exert oncogenic effects.
13 ion determines the availability of metals to exert biological effects.
14 urs and whether chemically similar molecules exert comparable effects.
15 attrition, amount of food and begging effort exerted additive effects.
16 d induced apoptosis, whereas MEK1 inhibition exerted cytostatic effects.
17 uring positive autobiographical recall could exert antidepressant effects.
18 ombospodin-1 played an important role in ACM-exerted synaptogenic effects.
19 osin-related kinase A (TrkA), and to thereby exert neuroprotective effects.
20 nsfer of eosinophils into IL5-deficient mice exerted prometastatic effects.
21 y, providing a novel mechanism whereby IGF-1 exerts antiatherogenic effects.
22 ongs to the active form of GSK3beta known to exert neuroinflammatory effects.
23 strogen receptor modulation, isoflavones may exert beneficial effects against estrogen-deficient bone
24 ia and hypoxia/reoxygenation (H/R) stages to exert cytoprotective effects against H/R injury.
25 Guanabenz and Sephin1) have been proposed to exert protective effects against misfolding by interferi
26 tioxidants contained in these seasonings may exert protective effects against oxidative stress along
27 e BSG protein hydrolysates (fraction <10kDa) exerted protective effect against free-radical induced c
28 ly, these results strongly indicate that Myr exerts cardioprotective effects against DCM through the
29  acts as a powerful CR proxy in dementia and exerts neuroprotective effects against neurodegeneration
30             In conclusion, Cav2.2 inhibition exerts renoprotective effects against the progression of
31 o hexamer led us to conclude that the former exerts its effect allosterically.
32 he specificity of ZIP, as it was reported to exert its effect also in PKMzeta knock-out mice.
33  that most new mutations that affect fitness exert deleterious effects and that natural populations a
34 , the mechanisms utilized by HIV-1 clades to exert differential effects and the methamphetamine (METH
35 ular mechanisms by which association signals exert their effect and (2) suggests that salt sensitivit
36 d mechanism through which dominant mutations exert their effect and cause disease.
37         Combination of sCAR-Fc and shRdRp2.4 exerted additive effects and was significantly more effe
38 ctivity is one of the mechanisms by which it exerts mucoprotective effects and that counter-regulator
39 he molecular mechanisms of how liprin-alpha3 exerts this effect and counteracts mDia1 activation by R
40 and fermentable fiber, have been proposed to exert chemoprotective effects, and their molecular mecha
41  HuMC function, the mechanisms by which IL-6 exerts its effects, and the relationship of these findin
42 d molecular mechanisms through which CBD may exert these effects are entirely unknown.
43 n (CMVIG) preparations have the potential to exert immunomodulatory effects as well as providing pass
44 hereas the neurosteroid pregnenolone sulfate exerted similar effects as progesterone, likely binding
45                   Furthermore, the compounds exert their effects at the alpha2-adrenoceptor both in v
46 hosphorylated alpha-synuclein is believed to exert toxic effects at the synapse in dementia with Lewy
47 regions of the F. tularensis chromosome, but exerts regulatory effects at only a few of these locatio
48   Taken together, these results reveal c-MYC exerts suppressive effects at several critical checkpoin
49                                   Gal-3 also exerts proinflammatory effects, at least in extracardiac
50                                Selenium (Se) exerts many effects beneficial to health.
51  these findings suggest that pridopidine may exert neuroprotective effects beyond its role in allevia
52               Myelin-specific Foxp3(+) Tregs exerted their effect both by diminishing Ag-bearing infl
53                              These molecules exert cytotoxic effects by binding to DNA through variou
54  suggest that affirmation of core values may exert its effects by allowing at-risk individuals to see
55 ecreted from the iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes exert protective effects by transferring the endogenous
56                             These Abs likely exert their effect by activating antiviral effector cell
57 , we found that doxycycline and rifamycin SV exert their effect by binding to oligomeric species both
58  class of putative physiological activators, exert their effect by changing membrane properties, lead
59                                    SSRIs may exert their effects by remediating emotion regulatory br
60                             Myc oncoproteins exert tumorigenic effects by regulating expression of ta
61 bservations demonstrate that NAMPT knockdown exerted antiatherogenic effects by promoting cholesterol
62 d H2 receptor agonists showed that histamine exerted its effect by activating the H1 receptor.
63                                         RGS7 exerted its effects by controlling morphine-induced chan
64                    Furthermore, knee loading exerted protective effects by suppressing osteoclastogen
65                                   miR-124-3p exerted these effects by targeting PDE4B, thus inhibitin
66 mune cells, such as Th2, ILC2, and basophils exerting their effect by production of IL-4, IL-5, and I
67 he effect of KCNE3 on KCNQ1 channels, mainly exerting their effects by an electrostatic interaction w
68 t lipid metabolism, we hypothesized that BaP exerts anticancer effects by disrupting lipogenesis.
69 icagrelor, beyond its antiplatelet efficacy, exerts cardioprotective effects by reducing necrotic inj
70                       We show that 16:4(n-3) exerts its effect by activating splenic F4/80(+)/CD11b(l
71 SFDA approved "epigenetic drug", Decitabine, exerts its effect by hypomethylating DNA, demonstrating
72  effects, which can last several months, and exerts its effects by specifically cleaving and inactiva
73            These data suggest that histamine exerts protective effects by modulating cardiac fibrosis
74 ) signaling, a natriuretic peptide receptor, exerts renoprotective effects by stimulating natriuresis
75                         Mechanistically, VEC exerts this effect by inhibiting polycomb protein activi
76 ngiogenesis and have demonstrated that ZNF24 exerts this effect by repressing the transcription of VE
77 lso alter protein structure and function and exert biological effects directly by binding to free thi
78           Further we demonstrated that DDIT4 exert these effects down-stream to HIF1alpha.
79  Collectively, we demonstrate that microglia exert beneficial effects during a diphtheria toxin-induc
80 ed whether N-n-butyl haloperidol (F2), which exerts protective effects during myocardial I/R injury,
81 urveys the proposed mechanisms by which they exert their effects, from the nucleus to the cellular me
82 rated understanding of how the lipid bilayer exerts its effect has remained elusive.
83  D1 (D1R-MSN) vs. D2 receptors (D2R-MSN) can exert antagonistic effects in drug-related behaviors, an
84             KB alone were sufficient to: (1) exert antiseizure effects in Kcna1-null mice, (2) restor
85 nd in vitro, whereas aggregated SOD1 did not exert any effect in both experimental setups.
86                    Although BMI1 is known to exert its effect in the nucleus via repression of 2 pote
87                       It was found that CNPs exert marked effects in A549 cells and also contribute t
88  results indicate that human Vdelta2 T cells exert proinflammatory effects in CD that are modified by
89 l studies show that PDE5 inhibitors (PDE5is) exert protective effects in DN improving perivascular in
90 enzyme phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) might exert renoprotective effects in DN.
91 the mechanisms and targets through which GCs exert therapeutic effects in diseases such as asthma rem
92   These findings suggest that BET inhibitors exert therapeutic effects in leukemia by evicting BRD4-N
93 inoid epoxides 17,18-EEQ-EA and 19,20-EDP-EA exerted antiangiogenic effects in human microvascular en
94                            Furthermore, HMBA exerted anticancer effects in vivo in mouse models of My
95                              Transplanted KC exerted beneficial effects in these injury settings.
96                 Notably, two isoforms of OPN exerted distinct effects in shifting this balance throug
97 ond messenger in the central nervous system, exerting physiological effects in target cells by bindin
98 ic compartment-specific IFN-gammaR signaling exerts additive effects in orchestrating intracerebral i
99                          Indeed, minocycline exerts antioxidant effects in vitro and in vivo, reducin
100 al targeting of these mitochondrial pathways exerts anxiolytic effects in vivo.
101                             l-Carnitine (LC) exerts beneficial effects in arterial hypertension due,
102  Human and murine studies showed that GM-CSF exerts beneficial effects in intestinal inflammation.
103                       Whether TNF-alpha also exerts cytoprotective effects in heart failure is not kn
104               To interrogate whether insulin exerts endocrine effects in regulating proteins in the i
105      Until now it was not known whether GABA exerts its effects in plants through the regulation of c
106 of the mechanisms by which GLP-1R activation exerts its effects in preventing or arresting experiment
107                                          S1P exerts its effects in S1P receptor-independent manner.
108 igated the molecular mechanisms by which NLK exerts its effects in SBMA.
109        Since glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) exerts neuroprotective effects in the central nervous sy
110                 B-cell CLL/lymphoma 6 (BCL6) exerts oncogenic effects in several human hematopoietic
111                                        IL-27 exerts protective effects in autoimmune diseases like ex
112 to determine whether carbamylated LDL (cLDL) exerts prothrombotic effects in vascular cells and plate
113 ough genetic or pharmacological MGL ablation exerts therapeutic effects in various preclinical diseas
114                             How exactly they exert their effect, in particular in patients with low c
115                             We show that YY1 exerts its effects, in part, by promoting B-cell surviva
116 hese data indicate that CD4(+) NKT cells can exert proatherogenic effects independent of other lympho
117                 Epigenetic modifications may exert their effect independently or complementary to gen
118  and GPR103 form functional hetero-dimers to exert their effects involving activation of ERK1/2.
119  ganglion cell (RGC) death, but how TNFalpha exerts this effect is poorly understood.
120  The scaffolded nontransdifferentiated hMSCs exerted multimodal effects of neurotrophism, angiogenesi
121 finity catecholamine conformation while also exerting agonist effects of its own through a secondary
122 regulate stem cell function are suspected to exert adverse effects on prognosis in malignancy.
123  cytoskeletal regulator tropomyosin 4 (TPM4) exert an effect on the count and volume of platelets.
124 cy contaminants in polar bear adipose tissue exert antagonistic effects on PPARG, but adipogenesis by
125 (PD-L1), but it remains unknown whether they exert any effects on B cells, the other component of the
126       Under experimental conditions, n3-PUFA exert beneficial effect on hepatic steatosis, regenerati
127 es that consist of 2-20 amino acids that can exert beneficial effects on human health in addition to
128 ell senescence and allow them to continue to exert beneficial effects on oocyte and sperm, thereby ex
129 ntation with butyrate-producing bacteria may exert beneficial effects on T2D.
130 ht the potential for comorbidity clusters to exert combined effects on asthma outcomes.
131 lence of C. albicans, indicating that it may exert detrimental effects on pathogenesis.
132 al escape from antibody neutralization might exert detrimental effects on viral function.
133 ifferent structural forms of alpha-synuclein exert different effects on Abeta aggregation.
134  that selective CD28 blockade and belatacept exert different effects on mechanisms of renal allograft
135     These observations suggest that WNK4 can exert differential effects on NCC, depending on the intr
136 on, we show that specific Jun family members exert differential effects on proliferation in prostate
137                   In addition, these domains exert differential effects on spatial and contextual lea
138 s the programmed death ligand (PD-L1), might exert differential effects on T-cell function, depending
139       In addition, proinflammatory cytokines exert direct effects on GVHD target tissues.
140 ule cytoskeleton and the JIP3 protein UNC-16 exert distinct effects on localization of axonal and som
141 more slowly conducting CST axons, as well as exert disynaptic effects on motoneurons via interposed i
142 ement, the S4s in the voltage-sensor domains exert downstream effects on the S6 segments to control i
143 cumulating evidence has shown that pathogens exert extensive effects on plant hormone pathways not on
144                                EA appears to exert its effect on Ewing cells through a decrease in ph
145                Methylphenidate is thought to exert its effects on cognition and emotion through limbi
146  perturbations by probiotics and antibiotics exert modulatory effects on some of these measures in ad
147 enzyme is fully functional and therefore may exert mutational effects on both viral and host cell DNA
148 s that modulate pathways important in CR may exert opposing effects on different cell types.
149 sted that dorsal and ventral mPFC subregions exert opposing effects on fear, as do subregions of othe
150 t ways in which highly similar molecules may exert opposing effects on neurons.
151 lence, illustrating that a single factor may exert opposing effects on pathogenesis in distinct host
152                         Hence, TSPY and TSPX exert opposing effects on the transactivation functions
153                                However, they exert opposing effects on TRPM8 gating properties.
154 ecause oncogenic and normal ABL1 kinases may exert opposite effects on cell behavior, we examined the
155                              These microRNAs exert opposite effects on hematopoiesis.
156 s Raf and PI3K have a Ras-binding domain but exert opposite effects on Leishmania infection, we exami
157    CNCCs give rise to most cranial bones and exert paracrine effects on the developing brain.
158          Although C1QBP has been reported to exert pleiotropic effects on many cellular processes, we
159     However, because brefeldin A is known to exert pleiotropic effects on the entire endosomal system
160 ile pharmacological doses of HDAC inhibitors exert positive effects on Bdnf gene transcription, the i
161 une cells in the tumor microenvironment that exert potent effects on cancer metastasis.
162                           MicroRNAs (miRNAs) exert powerful effects on immunity through coordinate re
163 ays, an event frequently observed in cancer, exert profound effects on genome stability via MRE11 wit
164 mosphere associated with climate change will exert profound effects on rice cropping systems, particu
165 ablished that precise glycosylation patterns exert profound effects on the biological activity of IgG
166 g nutrient starvation of cancer cells likely exert profound effects on their capability for metastati
167 resent data indicate that gammadelta T cells exert protective effects on the hearts of mdx mice, poss
168 n findings indicate that ankle-foot orthoses exert significant effects on coronal and sagittal plane
169 losteric modulators of GABAA receptors would exert similar effects on brain activity as ketamine, but
170  is a technique for preserving food that may exert some effects on mycotoxins.
171 ealed how common cancer-associated mutations exert their effect on telomerase after cells differentia
172 previously intractable human diseases but to exert their effects on cellular RNA processing they must
173 hich variants underlying association signals exert their effects on disease.
174 re no longer necessary but might continue to exert their effects on recipient cells.
175                          General anesthetics exert their effects on the central nervous system by act
176       To better understand how enteroviruses exert these effects on nuclear transport, the mechanisms
177 's disease, with aSyn aggregates believed to exert toxic effects on neurons, while prolyl oligopeptid
178 ar though if exposure to these chemicals can exert toxic effects on the host and gut microbiome.
179 that Cx26 mutants that promote cell death or exert transdominant effects on other connexins in kerati
180       We also show that HER receptor ligands exert unique effects on signaling by modulating this beh
181 and PPP showed a similar protein profile and exerted comparable effects on bone differentiation.
182                                      INT-767 exerted coordinated effects on multiple pathways, includ
183                        Each lipid in concern exerted different effects on the digestibility of starch
184                                  BL proteins exerted differential effects on TEER, whereas astrocytes
185         Loss of mTORC1 and mTORC2 in T cells exerted distinct effects on Tfh cell signature gene expr
186                In vitro, extracellular Gal-1 exerted divergent effects on eosinophils that were N-gly
187                        The strength protocol exerted greater effects on glucose homeostasis, insulin
188 ultiple alcohol-containing organic compounds exerted inhibitory effects on the Nlrp3 inflammasome, wh
189                        We found that miR-132 exerted its effect on aging HSCs by targeting the transc
190 -expressing stem cells in crypts, but rather exerted its effects on intermediate progenitors, in part
191 t alteration of OR expression in Arabidopsis exerted minimal effect on PSY transcript abundance.
192 contrast, inhibition of IL-6 trans-signaling exerted minor effects on the immune response and did not
193                                         Akt3 exerted negative effects on tumor endothelial cell growt
194                                Street canopy exerted opposing effects on loading, where elevated nutr
195  manipulation of PPN cholinergic cell bodies exerted opposing effects on locomotor behavior and reinf
196                              Recombinant MIF exerted opposing effects on tubular cells in vitro and i
197 sion analysis, all statins except lovastatin exerted protective effects on PD incidence and had a sig
198 ing reporter assays where all tested regions exerted regulatory effects on transcription in epithelia
199  choice behavior [7] revealed that tolcapone exerted selective effects on inequity aversion, and not
200 onary physiology domains to asthma severity) exerted significant effects on asthma severity.
201 that HvgA and capsule, but not the beta-h/c, exerted significant effects on colonization of the murin
202                                omega-3 PUFAs exerted similar effects on the differentiation of CD4+ T
203 mbination with sorafenib (100 mg/kg, orally) exerted synergistic effects on tumor suppression, as com
204 f MS, phase rim lesions continue to smolder, exerting detrimental effects on affected brain tissue.
205 somatodendritic surface expression, although exerting little effect on VGSCs within the AIS.
206 acetylation of histone H4, but not H3, while exerting no effect on the expression of BRD proteins.
207 nia stimulates breathing while theoretically exerting opposite effects on central respiratory chemore
208        In summary, there are genomic regions exerting pleiotropic effects on cardiovascular disease r
209 d-dependent TOP1-mediated nicking-a strategy exerting quantitative effects on eRNA expression in regu
210                    Here, we show that CXCL10 exerts antibacterial effects on clinical and laboratory
211                Environmental enrichment (EE) exerts beneficial effects on brain plasticity, cognition
212     Recent studies demonstrate that Honokiol exerts beneficial effects on cardiac hypertrophy and dox
213 and other biological properties, potentially exerts beneficial effects on endothelial function (EF).
214                                         Wine exerts beneficial effects on human health when it is dru
215                     We hypothesized that TNF exerts beneficial effects on intestinal epithelial cell
216 e human immunome, and we demonstrate that HC exerts differential effects on B and T lymphocytes and n
217 further suggests that the central NPY system exerts differential effects on the sequential phases of
218             Therefore, we determined if MDPV exerts disruptive effects on brain functional connectivi
219  we demonstrate that signaling through c-Kit exerts distinct effects on EAE susceptibility in male an
220 rent results therefore suggest that the VP-m exerts distinct effects on the VTA and MD and that these
221 rom DNA using ATP hydrolysis and in so doing exerts global effects on transcription.
222 c acid (UCA), a filaggrin breakdown product, exerts immunomodulatory effects on dendritic cells.
223                           In contrast, BRCA2 exerts its effect on HR in human cells together with HsR
224                                         GD1a exerts its effect on OPCs by inducing their proliferatio
225 ression, our results suggest that the capsid exerts its effect on transcription in cis.
226                                         WASP exerts its effects on actin dynamics through a multisubu
227      However, it remains unclear whether MSA exerts its effects on cancer prevention by influencing a
228 re detailed knowledge about how hyperthermia exerts its effects on chemotherapy may illuminate ways t
229    In sum, our results suggest that TMEM106B exerts its effects on FTLD-TDP disease risk through alte
230  of USP19-ER, suggesting strongly that USP19 exerts its effects on fusion through its effects on UPR
231                                        Sleep exerts many effects on mammalian forebrain networks, inc
232                                     Estrogen exerts many effects on the vascular endothelium.
233                                       miR-28 exerts negative effects on thrombopoietin receptor signa
234                                           It exerts opposing effects on vocalization in nocturnal ver
235 irst example that a single auxiliary subunit exerts opposite effects on evolutionarily related channe
236 rotein C pathway, activated protein C (aPC), exerts pleiotropic effects on coagulation, fibrinolysis,
237                            Nitric oxide (NO) exerts pleiotropic effects on plant development; however
238 nsulin resistance, whereas exercise training exerts positive effects on substrate handling and improv
239                   Here we show that dopamine exerts potent effects on the central pattern generator c
240 cal role in many physiological processes and exerts profound effects on behavior by regulating neuron
241                                    Marijuana exerts profound effects on human social behavior, but th
242  were also assessed in vitro and in vivo OSM exerts proinflammatory effects on cultured adipocytes th
243  demonstrated that increased ACE2 expression exerts protective effects on inflammation in EAU mouse b
244 yrosine kinase inhibitory activity, DV2-103, exerts similar effects on APP metabolism.
245     Rescue experiments suggest that Spz3 can exert these effects only over very short distances.
246                                        DG172 exerted these effects only at an early stage of BMC diff
247 ase risk may result from regulatory variants exerting their effects only in the presence of immune st
248 tive triphosphate metabolite, Ara-CTP, which exerts antileukemic effects, primarily by inhibiting DNA
249                    Here, we report that GARP exerts oncogenic effects, promoting immune tolerance by
250  spermidine extends the lifespan of mice and exerts cardioprotective effects, reducing cardiac hypert
251 ever, the mechanism by which hyperosmolality exerts this effect remains unknown.
252                   Different chaperones often exert distinct effects, such as acceleration or delay of
253          Variants in the TOM1L2/SREBF1 locus exert opposing effects TB-LM and TBLH-BMD, and have a st
254                          AD-MSCs and BM-MSCs exert immunomodulatory effects that prolong survival of
255 ts), or the opposite, when the same molecule exerts adverse effects (the "bad" effects), favouring ca
256 ch as 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and oxaliplatin, exert such effects, their combination as employed in the
257              It is not clear how anacetrapib exerts these effects; therefore, the goal of this study
258 nstrates that a Wogonin-rich fraction of SBE exert chondroprotective effects through the suppression
259  domain containing 5 (PRDM5) hypothesized to exert epigenetic effects through histone and DNA methyla
260 s, indicating that therapeutic NAc-DBS might exert its effect through antidromic stimulation.
261 ells and must be transported out of cells to exert its effects through activation of 5 specific cell
262                       Here, testosterone may exert its effects through androgen receptor-mediated mec
263             Classically, Epac1 is thought to exert its effects through binding of cAMP leading to a c
264 trogens in young, pre-menopausal women could exert paracrine effects through the highly estrogen-resp
265 enetic predispositions to obesity may partly exert their effects through appetitive traits reflecting
266 a majority of disease-associated variants to exert their effects through pancreatic islet dysfunction
267 e ontology analysis revealed that PARP could exert these effects through transcription factors and ch
268  cholerae, and it was previously presumed to exert this effect through regulation of quorum sensing.
269 oward demonstrating that palytoxin congeners exert toxic effects through inhalation both in natural e
270 d discrepancy, PF analysis revealed that FED exerted its effects through multiple JAK2-independent me
271 cessing generates two active fragments, each exerting distinct effects through specific receptors.
272                                      Aspirin exerts antiplatelet effects through irreversible inhibit
273                  These data suggest that NMI exerts its effect through tumor-targeted delivery of a M
274 of Lane et al. that successful psychotherapy exerts its effects through memory reconsolidation.
275 amic deep brain stimulation in tremor likely exerts its effects through modulation of both olivocereb
276 (LE-135) studies further confirmed that ATRA exerts its effects through RAR-beta.
277 wever, it remains unknown if hyperosmolality exerts this effect through a central (i.e. CNS) and/or p
278 (GOS) and/or fructooligosaccharides (FOS) to exert similar effects to those of the breast milk.
279                     Studies suggest that NGB exerts protective effects to neuronal cells and is impli
280                Stem and leaf callus extracts exerted cytotoxic effects towards CCRF-CEM cells (stem:
281                                       A drug exerts its effects typically through a signal transducti
282 duction in vivo provides a source of NO that exerts beneficial effects upon the cardiovascular system
283                       However, advancing age exerts detrimental effects upon gametes which can have s
284            Therapeutic anti-Env Abs can also exert antiviral effects via Fc-mediated effector mechani
285 that a significant fraction of TR variations exert functional effects via alterations of local gene e
286                    E139 has been reported to exert its effects via enhancement of extracellular GABA
287 iotics and other environmental chemicals may exert neurobehavioral effects via disruption of host-ass
288             Here we show that RAF inhibitors exert their effects via two distinct allosteric mechanis
289 ment of relapsing multiple sclerosis and may exert therapeutic effects via activation of the nuclear
290 r different EBNAs (EBNA2, -3A, -3B, and -3C) exert unique effects via a single transcription factor,
291  arrest and cardiopulmonary resuscitation by exerting its effect via the perivascular pool of aquapor
292 sults indicate that similar to APC, thrombin exerts cytoprotective effects via beta-arrestin-2 biased
293 drolysis mutants, we show that, although ATP exerts its effects via binding AAA1, ADP effects are med
294                                        LRH-1 exerts its effects via multiple signaling networks.
295                     In contrast, bicarbonate exerted an effect when applied to the inner segment of r
296 nd integrated quality control mechanism that exerts different effects when invoked to different degre
297       Experimental studies show that statins exert additive effects with agents, such as cisplatin, t
298 modulate microglia-mediated inflammation and exert neuroprotective effects, with potential for allevi
299 dentify two mechanisms that ILC3s utilise to exert their effects within intestinal tissue.
300 morrhagic stroke outcome, suggesting that it exerts thrombolytic effects without significantly impair

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