


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tion with a balloon-expandable (64%) or self-expandable (36%) valve.
2    Overall 898 chimney grafts (49.2% balloon expandable, 39.6% self-expanding covered stents, and 11.
3 g TAVR with balloon-expandable (58%) or self-expandable (42%) valves.
4 o underwent TAVR using balloon (57%) or self-expandable (43%) valves.
5 cutive patients undergoing TAVR with balloon-expandable (58%) or self-expandable (42%) valves.
6 ter aortic valve implantation with a balloon-expandable (64%) or self-expandable (36%) valve.
7 re and 1.8F to 2.6F tapered catheter, a self-expandable, 8x12-mm flexible open-cell stent was positio
8  diameter were treated with the new, balloon-expandable ACS MultiLink stent.
9 s of this family with a CoA binding site, an expandable acyl binding pocket, an oxyanion hole for bin
10 e glial and immature markers, and are highly expandable, allowing a single progenitor to theoreticall
11             The system is modular and easily expandable, allows the extraction of information from im
12  structure, which allows a highly efficient, expandable and accurate algorithm for dealing large data
13 e medical norm, we provided a comprehensive, expandable and clinically relevant resource of reference
14      Here we describe a protocol to generate expandable and multipotent induced cardiac progenitor ce
15                Although adipose tissue is an expandable and readily attainable source of proliferatin
16    Here we show that in the absence of EBF, 'expandable' and clonal lymphoid progenitor cells retaine
17  treated with a transcatheter implanted self-expandable aortic valve prosthesis (Medtronic CoreValve)
18 ients underwent MDCT pre-TAVR with a balloon expandable aortic valve.
19 grate gene annotation and PPI networks in an expandable architecture that incorporates selected datab
20        These data support a GNRA motif being expandable at any position but before the G.
21 -expanding covered stents, and 11.2% balloon expandable bare metal stents) were placed in 692 renal a
22 Between 1990 and 2004, deployment of balloon-expandable bare stents was attempted in 242 obstructed R
23 predictors of such a complication in balloon-expandable (BE) and self-expandable (SE) TAVR remain unc
24 central nervous system (CNS) are not readily expandable because their mitotic competence is limited.
25 nderwent TF-TAVR with Edwards SAPIEN balloon-expandable bioprostheses.
26 enosis to either SAVR or TAVR with a balloon-expandable bovine pericardial tissue valve by either a t
27 eter aortic-valve replacement with a balloon-expandable bovine pericardial valve (either a transfemor
28 oral transcatheter implantation of a balloon-expandable bovine pericardial valve.
29 of all eukaryote groups reveals that ITS2 is expandable, but always retains in its RNA transcript a c
30           Our iPSC-derived MSCs were readily expandable, but still underwent senescence after prolong
31           This freely accessible resource is expandable by adding more amine and phenol standards in
32 either epitope established long-term memory, expandable by injection of male cells.
33                                These induced expandable cardiovascular progenitor cells (ieCPCs) prol
34                               We established expandable cell lines under smooth muscle cell (SMC) gro
35  requires production of a simple and readily expandable cell population that can be directed to form
36 is conversion strategy can generate clonally expandable cell populations with a variety of potential
37 s to develop optimal scaffolds and establish expandable cell sources for the construction of tissue-e
38 endymal zone (SEZ) are a potential source of expandable cells for autologous transplantation to treat
39 to single cells and then differentiated into expandable cells resembling human mesoangioblasts.
40  those containing soluble reduced metals and expandable clay minerals that absorb cations, providing
41 e neither the illite nor the kaolinite is an expandable clay, adsorption to inner-layer sites does no
42  coarctation of the aorta by means of a self-expandable closed-web uncovered nitinol stent (Sinus-XL,
43                                     Balloon, expandable, cobalt-chrome covered stent (Jotec, E-ventus
44                                  The balloon-expandable coil stent has been proved effective in the m
45    Patients who receive the coronary balloon-expandable coil stent with optimal angiographic results
46  and May 1995, 369 patients received balloon-expandable coil stents in native coronary arteries at ou
47              The GMOD-DBSF base module is an expandable community resource that decreases development
48 e interval, 1.55-9.64; P=0.004) and the self-expandable CoreValve system (hazard ratio, 3.12; 95% con
49                            CASE REPORT: Self-expandable, covered stent (Bard, Fluency((R))) was impla
50 l mechanism of regulating gene expression by expandable d(CTG)(n) repeats.
51 relationships of proteins and constructed an expandable database of protein surface classification (P
52 root hair genomics in a single, curated, and expandable database that is freely available at www.iroo
53 sources can be observed only by much larger, expandable detectors in, for example, deep water or ice.
54 of local anesthesia, implantation of balloon expandable device, avoidance of urinary catheter, and ea
55 moral TAVR with a balloon-expandable or self-expandable device.
56 h that meets normal rates after insertion of expandable devices to support the spine and preserve gro
57 ted the efficacy and safety of using balloon expandable drug-eluting stents (DES) to prevent amputati
58 ientific Lotus valve (Lotus) and the balloon-expandable Edwards Sapien 3 (ES3) valve.
59  +/- 6.4%) who underwent TAVI with a balloon-expandable Edwards valve (transfemoral: 48%, transapical
60  20 Hz) delivered through a catheter with an expandable electrode-basket at its end.
61                     We propose that a single expandable embryonic lung progenitor population with bro
62  was used in factor-defined media to produce expandable embryonic macrophages conditioned to an alveo
63                    Restenosis within balloon-expandable endovascular stents may occur as a result of
64                                      Balloon-expandable endovascular stents provide a luminal scaffol
65                                              Expandable epitope-specific CD8(+) T cells from elite co
66                                  The balloon-expandable ES prosthesis caused significantly more HITS
67 nd the transapical approach with the balloon-expandable ES stent valve, transfemoral TAVI with the se
68 nary, noncontrolled data suggest that a self-expandable, esophageal covered metal stent (SX-ELLA Dani
69  spheres that were easy to maintain and were expandable (EZ spheres) .
70 er binding and offers the option of using an expandable family of fluorogenic probes with a single re
71                            NSCs are clonally expandable, genetically stable, and easily transfectable
72  field were dominated by 2 private entities, Expandable Grafts Partnership and Cook Inc, organization
73  regurgitation was more frequent in the self-expandable group (1.1% vs. 12.1%; p = 0.005).
74 p were observed in 4 patients in the balloon-expandable group (3.4% vs. 0%; p = 0.12); all were resol
75 ificantly different in the balloon- and self-expandable groups, respectively.
76 c clusters containing clonogenic precursors (expandable hematopoietic clusters) increased by 18 fold.
77  converted cells could represent a source of expandable hepatocytes.
78 ll responses harbor a low-frequency, readily expandable, highly functional, and broadly directed memo
79 evant protocol allows for the preparation of expandable homogeneous SC cultures while minimizing time
80 e created adjacent to bile ducts by using an expandable-hook 2-cm RF electrode and 90-W generator.
81 w diffusible substrates to penetrate through expandable hoop boundaries, and how the sheaths are able
82                 The availability of in vitro expandable human hepatocytes would greatly advance liver
83 ovide evidence that genetic reprogramming of expandable human pancreatic cells with defined factors m
84 he photopatterned, light-activated, and acid-expandable hydrogel underpins single-cell protein analys
85                                 Finally, new expandable implants have been developed for the treatmen
86 specific for KLK4 is present and potentially expandable in prostate cancer patients.
87 ed NPCs have the distinct advantage of being expandable in vitro and retaining the ability to give ri
88 regs from AA patients are IL-2-sensitive and expandable in vitro, suggesting novel therapeutic approa
89                                The method is expandable, in principle, to thousands of simultaneously
90 ary interactions, IBIS currently presents an expandable interaction network.
91 sheets, quasi-1D and other planar structures expandable into dipolar arrays that mirror the patterned
92                                              Expandable intra-arterial stents are widely used for tre
93                 The clinical use of metallic expandable intravascular stents has resulted in improved
94       Lineage conversion of somatic cells to expandable iOPCs provides a strategy to study the molecu
95                                 TOBFAC is an expandable knowledgebase of tobacco TFs with data curren
96                                        As an expandable library, PSC provides a resource of spatial p
97                       RADAR also includes an expandable listing of tissue-specific editing levels for
98       Moreover, we demonstrate that the most expandable loci are all located within CpG islands.
99 o direct differentiation of hESCs/iPSCs into expandable lung progenitors.
100 F), 78.5 [25.3-131.6]; P<0.001) and the self-expandable MCV prosthesis during implantation (MCV(TF),
101 stent valve, transfemoral TAVI with the self-expandable MCV prosthesis resulted in the greatest numbe
102               We propose that functional and expandable mDA NPs can be efficiently isolated by this u
103  maintain a large proportion of Gag-specific expandable memory CD8(+) T cells involved in ongoing vir
104 t link between the abundance of Gag-specific expandable memory responses and prolonged maintenance of
105 tion by investigating whether the breadth of expandable memory responses is associated with the magni
106                In those assigned to TIPS, an expandable mesh stent was fluoroscopically placed betwee
107  underwent placement of a fully covered self-expandable metal stent (FSEMS), a partially covered SEMS
108 ing pseudocyst drainage, the placement of an expandable metal stent proved to be useful.
109 y placement of a double flanged covered self-expandable metal stent through mechanical hemostasis.
110  cm x 2 cm silicone lined, partially coated, expandable metal stent was fluoroscopically placed in th
111 lly with a partially coated, silicone-lined, expandable metal stent.
112                                 Covered self-expandable metal stents (CSEMS), intended for palliation
113                           Fully covered self-expandable metal stents (Fc-SEMSs) have a challenging us
114                                Although self-expandable metal stents (SEMS) remain patent longer than
115  newer indications such as anchoring of self-expandable metal stents and bariatric therapy, both prim
116 r the use of both silicone-rubber stents and expandable metal stents are reviewed.
117 ailed were retreated with a fully cover self-expandable metallic stent (FCSEMS), resulting in closure
118 rcutaneous delivery of a 15-mm-long, balloon-expandable metallic stent was performed in 64 rabbit ext
119 res; it is possible that fully covered, self-expandable metallic stents (cSEMS) may require fewer end
120 nts with hilar cholangiocarcinoma using self-expandable metallic stents (SEMS) and plastic stents (PS
121        We describe our experience using self-expandable metallic stents (SEMSs) in patients with airw
122           Good patency rate (100%) with self-expandable metallic stents was noted in long-term follow
123 by evaluating studies of fully covered, self-expandable metallic stents, with an emphasis on their po
124                                 Overall, the expandable Mg-based helical stent employed as a scaffold
125 ) of a new type of building block, thermally expandable microbombs.
126 imetic community's need for an automated and expandable modeling tool for noncanonical backbones.
127 ponent CENP-C are integral components of the expandable module, whose assembly depends on multiple mi
128 hexane to produce salen ligands featuring an expandable molecular cleft capable of multiple hydrogen-
129 eneration, or indirect, by the generation of expandable multipotent progenitor states.
130 e use of a balloon-expandable (n=22) or self-expandable (n=10) stent valve prosthesis were included i
131 who underwent TAVI with the use of a balloon-expandable (n=22) or self-expandable (n=10) stent valve
132 20 patients undergoing VIV TAVR with balloon-expandable (n=8) or self-expanding (n=12) transcatheter
133                  This (1)O2-responsive, size-expandable nanosystem delivered substantially more Ce6 t
134 e trusted, less audited) commissioned to our expandable national health care program, Medicare.
135 dator-safe, long-lasting (multigenerational) expandable nest.
136 induced from mouse fibroblasts in 2-5 weeks; expandable neural stem cells and definitive endoderm pro
137  cells are the first demonstration of highly expandable neuroepithelial stem cells derived from the h
138                   cgMLST provides stable and expandable nomenclature, allowing for comparison and sha
139 transitions into a pure population of highly expandable OPCs in 10 d.
140 ble to safely advance a large diameter, self-expandable, open-cell design stent into the fetal atrial
141             Transfemoral TAVR with a balloon-expandable or self-expandable device.
142 ployment of valves requires either a balloon-expandable or self-expandable system.
143 s to facilitate VIV TAVR with either balloon-expandable or self-expanding transcatheter valves and re
144      Valve type (balloon-expandable vs. self-expandable, p = 0.26) and approach (transfemoral vs. non
145                       CpGassoc is a modular, expandable package with functions to perform rapid analy
146 ed 1:1 to either SAVR or TAVR with a balloon expandable pericardial tissue valve.
147 ites within the montmorillonite, which is an expandable phyllosilicate.
148  also demonstrate the derivation of robustly expandable pluripotent cell lines from STAP cells.
149 3-bearing CD4(+) T cells, demonstrating that expandable polyclonal CD4(+) T-cell subpopulations persi
150 axin-7, is an 897 amino acid protein with an expandable polyglutamine tract close to its N-terminus.
151 sponse to increasing iron, forming a rapidly expandable pool of Fe-S clusters.
152  fluid-derived cells (ACs) into a stable and expandable population of vascular ECs (rAC-VECs) without
153 ore importantly, we show that the breadth of expandable, previously undetectable Gag-specific respons
154  One way to mitigate this risk is to develop expandable progenitor cell populations with restricted d
155                                          New expandable prostheses able to be lengthened nonoperative
156 alve replacement with both balloon- and self-expandable prostheses that were not statistically signif
157 aortic root rupture during TAVR with balloon-expandable prostheses.
158 ents underwent transapical TAVI with balloon-expandable prostheses.
159 lograft, composite allograft-prosthesis, or "expandable" prostheses reconstruction after adequate rem
160  strategy of transapical TAVI with a balloon-expandable prosthesis was associated with a low incidenc
161 f the concavity of a deformity, and vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib instrumentation that
162                         In contrast to other expandable repeats, this pentanucleotide repeat does not
163                   This PPDB will serve as an expandable resource for the plant community.
164                                The nodes are expandable, revealing library statistics as well as EST
165 beta-MeTrp in nature and offers a simple and expandable route to preparing derivatives of this valuab
166                              The new balloon-expandable Sapien 3 transcatheter heart valve (S3-THV) i
167 lication in balloon-expandable (BE) and self-expandable (SE) TAVR remain unclear.
168 stering algorithms, can be called from a new expandable set of software tools called CompClust 1.0.
169 e can be drastically altered, are central to expandable shelters, deployable space structures, revers
170 tigated the efficacy and safety of a balloon expandable, sirolimus-eluting stent (SES) in patients wi
171 ble, densely packed clusters using thermally expandable soft microparticles, whereby the self-assembl
172  cell types has implications for a potential expandable source for new islets for replenishment thera
173            The Multi-Link stent is a balloon-expandable stainless steel stent with an interconnected
174  drug delivery was accomplished with balloon-expandable stainless steel stents coated with a cross-li
175                                  The balloon-expandable, stainless steel, hourglass-shaped, coronary-
176 rformed in 55 lesions treated with a balloon-expandable stent (ACS MultiLink) using standard stent de
177 ses, who underwent implantation of a balloon-expandable stent after unsuccessful percutaneous translu
178  group (n = 32) or the Palmaz-Schatz balloon-expandable stent group (n = 30).
179                                      Balloon-expandable stent implantation in the SVGs of high risk p
180 lar, the implications of deploying a balloon-expandable stent in a compressible site are not well und
181 lar response to placement of a novel balloon-expandable stent in swine with experimentally induced at
182 SIRIUS [SIRolImUS-coated Bx Velocity balloon expandable stent in the treatment of patients with de no
183 rom the Sirolimus-coated Bx Velocity Balloon Expandable Stent in the Treatment of Patients with De No
184 SIRIUS (SIRolImUS-coated Bx Velocity balloon-expandable stent in the treatment of patients with de no
185 tudy of Sirolimus-Coated BX VELOCITY Balloon-Expandable Stent in Treatment of de Novo Native Coronary
186 on developed in 33.9% of cases after balloon-expandable stent placement versus in 13.6% of cases afte
187 heparin coating with the BX VELOCITY Balloon-Expandable Stent with HEPACOAT, Carmeda end-point attach
188 ight with flexible PTFE-encapsulated balloon-expandable stent-grafts and four control TIPS with bare
189  release of DNA from a polymer coating on an expandable stent.
190                                Short balloon-expandable stents (mean diameter, 14.6 mm +/- 1.1 [stand
191                                      Balloon-expandable stents anchored the ends of the graft to the
192                                      Balloon-expandable stents are being used increasingly in complex
193                                      Balloon-expandable stents covered with polytetrafluoroethylene w
194                                      Balloon-expandable stents have been used in pulmonary arteries a
195                              Implantation of expandable stents into stenotic arteries after percutane
196          Endovascular treatment with balloon-expandable stents is effective, safe, and apparently dur
197 z (Cordis Corp., Warren, New Jersey) balloon-expandable stents provide a safe and durable revasculari
198                                      Balloon-expandable stents were placed in 100 consecutive patient
199 nificant implications for the use of balloon-expandable stents within vascular sites subject to extri
200 date vessel remodeling over time (i.e., self-expandable stents) and for new polymers and/or eluting d
201 stents in the treatment of IAs, from balloon expandable stents, to self-expanding stents, to the exci
202 to larger follow-up lumens than with balloon-expandable stents.
203 imulation is frequent after CAS with balloon-expandable stents.
204 nts were treated percutaneously with balloon-expandable stents.
205 d hemodialysis conduits treated with balloon-expandable stents.
206 fied a marker for isolating and culturing an expandable subpopulation of BMSCs with enhanced intestin
207 ents, of whom 996 underwent TAVR with a self-expandable system at 44 TAVR-experienced centers in Euro
208               We engineered an adaptable and expandable system of in vitro RNA transcripts to serve a
209 k patients with aortic stenosis using a self-expandable system was associated with a low stroke rate
210 ave been based primarily on a single balloon-expandable system.
211 requires either a balloon-expandable or self-expandable system.
212           New, more robust, professional and expandable systems will give scientists effective access
213 tained rupture of the aortic root in balloon-expandable TAVI is associated with severe prosthesis ove
214 ve area 0.69+/-0.19 cm(2)) underwent balloon-expandable TAVI using the EdwardsSAPIEN Transcatheter He
215 frequency of this complication after balloon-expandable TAVI.
216 ictors of aortic root rupture during balloon-expandable TAVR by using multidetector computed tomograp
217 ortic stenosis and were treated with balloon-expandable TAVR in a single center.
218 nts with greater than mild PVR after balloon-expandable TAVR.
219  the safety and efficacy of PD after balloon expandable TAVR.
220 ally relevant neurological events after self-expandable TAVR.
221 heart valve type (self-expanding vs. balloon-expandable) that fits the given anatomy best.
222 hat loosely articulate with the skull, hyper-expandable throat pleats, or ventral groove blubber, and
223  being accessible, portable, fast and easily expandable through an intuitive plug-in structure.
224 scatheter heart valve (THV) (n = 48) or self-expandable THV (n = 91) systems.
225         Intentionally underexpanding balloon-expandable THV by underfilling the deployment balloon di
226 antation using the newest generation balloon-expandable THV is associated with a low risk of stroke a
227     The use of the new generation S3 balloon-expandable THV reduced the risk of more than mild parava
228                  Recommendations for balloon-expandable THV size selection were based on an MDCT sizi
229 ased TAV sizing was performed (16.7% balloon-expandable THV vs. 17.6% self-expandable THV, p = 0.99).
230 grade >/= 2 occurred in 28.4% (19.6% balloon-expandable THV vs. 32.2% self-expandable THV, p = 0.11)
231 was used in 63.5% of patients (77.1% balloon-expandable THV vs. 56.0% self-expandable THV, p = 0.02).
232 (77.1% balloon-expandable THV vs. 56.0% self-expandable THV, p = 0.02).
233 (19.6% balloon-expandable THV vs. 32.2% self-expandable THV, p = 0.11) but was prevalent in only 17.4
234 (16.7% balloon-expandable THV vs. 17.6% self-expandable THV, p = 0.99).
235 so produces a wide range of cells, including expandable tissue-specific precursor cells.
236 16 individual samples per slide, but readily expandable to a 96-well format.
237                                It is readily expandable to additional analytes as the assay reagents
238 r matrix for validation purposes is probably expandable to additional sample pretreatment and instrum
239 rRNAs, suggesting this methodology should be expandable to any microarray platform and system requiri
240 he method enables duplex quantitation and is expandable to at least 6-plex analysis.
241 ed resolution, suggesting that this array is expandable to give satisfactory resolution for any given
242 thodology is generally applicable and easily expandable to include more endogenous or drug metabolite
243 is GUI provides a flexible modular platform, expandable to include other statistical tools for microb
244 additional m/z ratio to protein links and is expandable to the addition of gene to protein and protei
245 tained rupture of the aortic root in balloon-expandable transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI
246 ecember 2014, 167 patients underwent balloon-expandable transcatheter aortic valve implantation with
247 root rupture is a major concern with balloon-expandable transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR)
248 3D-TEE for annulus assessment before balloon-expandable transcatheter aortic valve replacement were a
249 ve (Symetis ACURATE neo, n=129) or a balloon-expandable transcatheter heart valve (Edwards SAPIEN 3,
250 tients underwent TAV-in-BAV with the balloon-expandable transcatheter heart valve (THV) (n = 48) or s
251                         The use of a balloon-expandable transcatheter heart valve previously resulted
252  rate of device success compared with a self-expandable transcatheter heart valve.
253 llowing TAVR with a third-generation balloon-expandable transcatheter heart valve.
254 ed with a strategy of underexpanding balloon-expandable transcatheter heart valves (THV) when excessi
255 le for treatment with both balloon- and self-expandable transcatheter heart valves to transfemoral tr
256 e midterm hemodynamic performance of balloon-expandable transcatheter heart valves.
257 ocedural gradients in both self- and balloon-expandable transcatheter valves.
258 s critical spatial relationships between the expandable transmembrane barrel formed by M1 and M2, the
259 results can be visualized using hierarchical expandable trees that present views specified by users a
260 racterized a CSC model for MPeM using stably expandable tumorigenic stem cells derived from patient t
261  days later, we percutaneously placed a self-expandable uncovered stent across the aneurysm.
262 on of the aorta treatment by means of a self-expandable uncovered stent is safe and durable.
263  were randomly assigned to receive a balloon-expandable valve (Edwards Sapien XT) and 120 were assign
264  XT) and 120 were assigned to receive a self-expandable valve (Medtronic CoreValve).
265 pass graft (p = 0.043), the use of a balloon-expandable valve (p = 0.023), and previous surgical aort
266 nt or absent) LBBB after TAVI with a balloon-expandable valve and its clinical consequences are unkno
267 t pacemaker was less frequent in the balloon-expandable valve group (17.3% vs 37.6%, P = .001).
268 p and 93 of 120 patients (77.5%) in the self-expandable valve group (relative risk [RR], 1.24, 95% CI
269 expandable valve group and 23.1% of the self-expandable valve group (RR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.48-1.30; P =
270 -expandable valve group and 4.3% in the self-expandable valve group (RR, 0.97; 95% CI, 0.29-3.25; P =
271 nt occurred in 18.2% of those in the balloon-expandable valve group and 23.1% of the self-expandable
272 mortality at 30 days was 4.1% in the balloon-expandable valve group and 4.3% in the self-expandable v
273 n 116 of 121 patients (95.9%) in the balloon-expandable valve group and 93 of 120 patients (77.5%) in
274 valve (0.8% vs 5.8%, P = .03) in the balloon-expandable valve group.
275 enosis undergoing TAVR, the use of a balloon-expandable valve resulted in a greater rate of device su
276 the use of orotracheal intubation and a self-expandable valve system.
277 mes following successful TAVI with a balloon-expandable valve were evaluated in 88 patients.
278 tion (PPI) who underwent TAVI with a balloon-expandable valve were included.
279           Transseptal access and the balloon-expandable valve were used in 33.1% and 89.9%, respectiv
280  higher device success rate with the balloon-expandable valve, 1-year follow-up of patients in CHOICE
281 loped new LBBB following TAVI with a balloon-expandable valve, although it was transient in more than
282 ly in women, in patients receiving a balloon-expandable valve, and in those with a previous surgical
283 er rate of device success than use of a self-expandable valve.
284 rillation (AF) underwent TAVI with a balloon-expandable valve.
285 tic valve implantation (TAVI) with a balloon-expandable valve.
286 s accomplished in all patients using balloon expandable valves (Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, Califor
287  Since the introduction of the first balloon-expandable valves for stenotic lesions with implantation
288                                      Balloon-expandable valves were used in 97% of cases, with transa
289 nted devices included both balloon- and self-expandable valves.
290                          Valve type (balloon-expandable vs. self-expandable, p = 0.26) and approach (
291           Fourth, the gene pairing scheme is expandable, where neighboring genes can also be included

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