


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 al exposure to the fat), they masticated and expectorated 1) crackers with cream cheese, 2) crackers
2    Particle size distributions (PSDs) of the expectorated boluses were measured by using mechanical s
3 PEG particles also rapidly penetrated sputum expectorated from the lungs of patients with cystic fibr
4            She had a history of occasionally expectorating hairlike strands with her cough.
5 cle formulations were immobilized in freshly expectorated human CF sputum, likely due to inadequate P
6 26 home-discharged cases with data available expectorated infectious culture-positive cough aerosols
7 for an average of 16 months, were at risk of expectorating infectious cough aerosols, and posed a thr
8 s in patients with suspected TB who provided expectorated (n = 438) or induced sputum (n = 128), trac
9 ) and 98% (97-99), respectively, with use of expectorated or induced sputum samples and 66% (51-81) a
10 on antituberculosis therapy was 2% (1-3) for expectorated or induced sputum.
11 rmulated at the concentrations determined in expectorated saliva after bread mastication indicated pi
12  sputum samples are similar to spontaneously expectorated samples in describing both inflammation and
13 s over 10-fold higher than the spontaneously expectorated samples.
14  secretions in living subjects requires that expectorated specimens or collection devices pass throug
15 with the aim of determining how reproducibly expectorated sputa and tracheal aspirates could be sampl
16 log10 colony-forming units (CFU) per gram of expectorated sputum from week 0 to week 20, as compared
17                                Spontaneously expectorated sputum is traditionally used as the samplin
18                                     Thirteen expectorated sputum samples from CF patients were analyz
19 nts, were isolated from both the induced and expectorated sputum samples from the CF producers.
20                                              Expectorated sputum samples were sent for staining, myco
21 s were taken for children aged <10 years and expectorated sputum samples were taken for children aged
22 is, including performance of the MTD test on expectorated sputum samples.
23 d a clinical history and three spontaneously expectorated sputum specimens for smear microscopy (dire
24 boratories to assess the cellular quality of expectorated sputum specimens to check that they origina
25 cantly correlated with levels in the matched expectorated sputum specimens.
26                                              Expectorated sputum was rRT-PCR positive the following d
27 d a nearly identical distribution of taxa as expectorated sputum, indicating that aspiration may cont
28 mparable for all respiratory specimen types (expectorated sputum, induced sputum, tracheal aspirates,
29 C5B levels either unaffected or increased in expectorated sputum.
30 7 sputum producers (capable of spontaneously expectorating sputum) and 13 nonproducers.
31                                          The expectorated viral inoculum also contains an assortment
32 ermined the amounts of odorants remaining in expectorated wine samples.

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