


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ngi from the longest-running plant diversity experiment.
2 lfonamide moiety improved the agreement with experiment.
3 our results in a complementary common garden experiment.
4 yclization based on the results of a control experiment.
5 ma structure similar to that observed in the experiment.
6 4 in nucleus were detected with Western blot experiment.
7 paradigm and implement it in a reaching task experiment.
8 A systematically improves the agreement with experiment.
9 ining the tip-sample distance during an SICM experiment.
10 ises that must be made when designing an SRM experiment.
11 ological processes that are perturbed by the experiment.
12  result was confirmed by confocal microscopy experiments.
13 lain the findings of the reported behavioral experiments.
14 ited states and rationally design validating experiments.
15 ation derived from chemical cross-linking/MS experiments.
16 as only based on bioinformatic analyses, not experiments.
17 g the full exploitation of many metabolomics experiments.
18 ptual biases revealed through the behavioral experiments.
19 merous applications in the design of new NMR experiments.
20 ng to a significant loss of information from experiments.
21 lipids in data acquired by LC-MS and shotgun experiments.
22 rrect for them, in both live- and fixed-cell experiments.
23 nable the interpretation and optimization of experiments.
24 ural changes in boutons in long-term imaging experiments.
25  qualitative and quantitative IgE inhibition experiments.
26 graphy-MS (GC-MS) data relative to labelling experiments.
27 que properties using analytical modeling and experiments.
28 dies, now bridging to the wild through field experiments.
29 from data obtained with repeated independent experiments.
30 to illustrate conformations found by the NMR experiments.
31 iseases are often inferred from transmission experiments.
32 ron spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy experiments.
33  presents a considerable complexity in these experiments.
34 iquid and the thermal hysteresis observed in experiments.
35 rea and by hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HDX) experiments.
36 stry, RT-PCR, northern blot and western blot experiments.
37  flavonoids combining sensitive NMR and HPLC experiments.
38 tify significant changes in activity between experiments.
39         Here, we report the results of those experiments.
40 ac materials in a readily accessible way for experiments.
41 o free-air CO2 enrichment (FACE) and chamber experiments.
42 g the same width used for an anticipated DDA experiment (+/-0.5 Da).
43                                           In Experiment 1, memory for shared properties improved and
44                                           In Experiment 1, participants made forced-choice judgments
45          Proportions were spaced linearly in Experiments 1 and 2 and logarithmically in Experiment 3.
46                                           In Experiments 1 and 2, participants viewed pairs of images
47                                           In experiments 1 and 2, we trained older CD-1 mice to lever
48                                           In Experiment 2, memory for shared properties improved acro
49                                              Experiment 2a examined the effects of PL inactivation on
50 n Experiments 1 and 2 and logarithmically in Experiment 3.
51 ine its resistance phenotype and in a second experiment, a subset was chosen to compare fitness (fecu
52 biome was confirmed in fecal transplantation experiments: adult maternally separated rats were subjec
53 g/larvae/day over 6 days) and, in a separate experiment, adults (lower dose of 0.066 microg/adult bee
54 n this study, we report a new shock recovery experiment aimed at synthesizing decagonal quasicrystals
55  sanctuaries for the virus can inform future experiments aimed at further clarifying this issue.
56 owfall events occurred during a 3-year field experiment, allowing us to examine their effects on the
57                                        These experiments also highlight the applicability of RT-QuIC
58                                 The kinetics experiments also shed light on the effects of chloride c
59 we performed a bromodeoxyuridine pulse-chase experiment and found that a subset of ependymal layer ce
60 tio Pheq:Phaxo is 79(15):21(15) and 71:29 by experiment and theory (M06-2X calculations), respectivel
61 combining single-molecule force-spectroscopy experiments and coarse-grained simulation.
62 ature than has previously been documented in experiments and comparable to or stronger than the effec
63                      The results of detailed experiments and finite element modeling of metal micro-d
64                Further in vitro cell culture experiments and gene expression analysis revealed a majo
65 ternal friction observed in the two types of experiments and in the simulations.
66               Collision induced dissociation experiments and Kendrick mass defect analyses corroborat
67                                    Moreover, experiments and modeling show that the select-field ampl
68 tions for certain classes of high-throughput experiments and the analysis of noisy datasets.
69 tivity, which was shown by pathway inhibitor experiments and Western blot analysis to be mediated via
70 odulatory structure over the duration of the experiment, and thereby discover trial-to-trial variabil
71 onstruction of adaptive laboratory evolution experiments, and identification of stress tolerance and
72 ed nights, continuous light, sucrose feeding experiments, and photosynthesis inhibition to tease apar
73  these domains are determined from titration experiments, and proton-exchange rates are measured at p
74 rradiance value (500 W m(-2)) during all the experiments, and the main photoproducts formed were char
75 g, psychophysics, and traditional behavioral experiments, and we also summarize the current studies o
76                                Computational experiments are scriptable and should be easy to reprodu
77                                      Current experiments are taking the first steps toward noise-resi
78                                     In vitro experiments are widely used to forecast reef-building co
79 tant implications for the design of lifespan experiments as autotoxins can influence the regulation o
80 etwork, which is corroborated by mutagenesis experiments as well as detailed atomistic simulations.
81                       Extensive benchmarking experiments based on both five-fold cross-validation and
82 sproves that quasi-equilibrium exists in our experiments between protons in the near-membrane layers
83    This proposal is at odds with 40 years of experiments, but involves the key assumption that gA mon
84 equilibrium dialysis device to fit their own experiments by choosing membranes of various material an
85                              Thus, collision experiments can be used to prepare small NP ensembles on
86                                 In our first experiment, chicks begged significantly longer in respon
87                                              Experiments combined with ellipsoid packing models revea
88                      Furthermore, incubation experiments conducted with naturally methane-enriched wa
89                              Pharmacological experiments confirmed that the effects depended on choli
90                      Genetic and biochemical experiments consistently demonstrated that the increased
91 ions and a 50-member climate change ensemble experiment, consisting of historical hindcasts (1850-200
92                             As laser cooling experiments continue to bring massive mechanical systems
93                              Together, these experiments define synaptic dysfunction at NMJs experien
94                                  Competition experiments demonstrate that additions of allylmagnesium
95         Biochemical and electrophysiological experiments demonstrate that high shear stress-induced m
96                         Electrophysiological experiments demonstrate that KCTD12/KCTD16 hetero-oligom
97                                   Additional experiments demonstrate that optogenetic activation of D
98                                Current-clamp experiments demonstrate that serotonergic afferents are
99                                 Our benchtop experiments demonstrate that the CFF process is able to
100                                      Seeding experiments demonstrate that the output variation may be
101 ynomolgus platelet activation in vitro These experiments demonstrate that the SEFL modifications succ
102                         Furthermore, in vivo experiments demonstrate that the transcription of severa
103                           Receptor pull-down experiments demonstrate that VEGF165b inhibition versus
104                            DNA photocleavage experiments demonstrate that, upon photoactivation, the
105                               Our laboratory experiments demonstrated substantial thermal effects.
106                                       Column experiments demonstrated that a low concentration (10 mg
107             Our previous preclinical in vivo experiments demonstrated that only certain HCV-NS5B prod
108 mature peptide and site-directed mutagenesis experiments demonstrated that the first two cysteines ar
109 using an event-related functional MRI (fMRI) experiment design.
110                                              Experiments done on the altricial rat and precocial guin
111  in a recent publication, was varied between experiments; edaphic and mean atmospheric conditions wer
112        As shown through stopped-flow kinetic experiments, electron transfer capable cytb 5 - cyt c co
113                                A competition experiment established that the reaction involves format
114 on of omics data and RNA immunoprecipitation experiments established DGCR8 as a direct interactor of
115 t the stage for non-invasive high-throughput experiments evaluating sleep and breathing patterns on m
116                                       Recent experiments exploring this phenomenon proved that light-
117 ted mixture in air for two weeks in separate experiments followed by a comprehensive behavioral and c
118 p researchers to better design spin trapping experiments for food matrices.
119          Yet, despite the importance of such experiments for translational medicine, there have been
120 on of solid-state NMR and circular dichroism experiments found the latter orientation to be dominant.
121 cribed how we intended to replicate selected experiments from the paper "Inhibition of BET recruitmen
122 cribed how we intended to replicate selected experiments from the paper "The common feature of leukem
123                   Transcription perturbation experiments further indicate that R-loop induction corre
124                         Neuropharmacological experiments further reveal that vCA1 GLP-1R activation r
125                              In a laboratory experiment, groups whose members could make moral judgme
126              Transgenic- and cell line-based experiments have identified 5'-flanking conserved sequen
127 h previous shock compression simulations and experiments have provided conflicting information about
128                                       Recent experiments have shown a heterogeneous promoter activity
129 r) interfaces, both computer simulations and experiments have shown that chaotropic ions actually exh
130  clinical trials in cancer patients, and our experiments highlight concerns on the homeostasis and re
131                                          Our experiments highlight the contingent nature of predator-
132      A recent crystal structure and in vitro experiments highlighted potential residues mediating the
133                      Affinity chromatography experiments identified the primary target of the compoun
134                                          Two experiments illustrate potential applications of the Hal
135 rates the paradigm of uniting simulation and experiment in a statistical model to study the structure
136 a long-term leaf litter addition and removal experiment in a tropical forest in Panama.
137 els on infants' persistence, we conducted an experiment in which 15-month-olds were assigned to one o
138 lise the wildtype protein in co-transfection experiments in a human RPE cell line.
139                                              Experiments in cultured cells, brain slices, and in livi
140 rguably explain a range of poorly understood experiments in gated graphene structures at low doping.T
141      We combined mathematical modelling with experiments in heart cells from guinea pigs to determine
142                                     In vitro experiments in human blood suggested that cavitation may
143 and the underlying neural processing of TFS, experiments in humans and animals were conducted to demo
144                                              Experiments in knockout mice revealed a major role for T
145 h17 immune responses in vivo in immunization experiments in mice and conferred protection in a murine
146 tions, we carried out a series of behavioral experiments in sighted and congenitally blind subjects.
147 as carried out using a series of competition experiments in the liver.
148  controlled electrochemical charge injection experiments in the nonsolvent electrolyte reveal decompo
149 n a 40 times lower rate constant compared to experiments in which no buffer was added.
150                             Here we describe experiments in which we studied binocular interactions i
151                        Cell-surface labeling experiments indicate that the dominant form of TMPRSS13
152 ate spectral reconstruction, rendering these experiments ineffective for high-throughput applications
153              Here, by performing the reverse experiment, injecting mouse PSCs into Pdx-1-deficient ra
154 , and this publication includes building and experiment instructions to set the stage for disseminati
155                                              Experiments involved two exposure groups (high and low)
156  overcome this barrier, we studied a natural experiment involving genetically inherited traits, and f
157       Excellent agreement between theory and experiment is achieved for the entire applied frequency
158 ltrafast electron diffraction and microscopy experiments is currently limited by the available experi
159 elay in vivo and shorter AP latency in slice experiments, is consistent with increased synaptic effic
160                        Taken together, these experiments lay a foundation for the incorporation of em
161 ts provide an empirical baseline for tagging experiments, life histories extrapolated from otolith mi
162                      In the small-animal PET experiments, LNCaP tumors were clearly visualized.
163                                      In some experiments, Mefv(-/-) mice were given injections of rec
164 cross an initial study and two preregistered experiments (N = 262), infants in the Effort condition m
165                     RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) experiments now span hundreds to thousands of samples.
166 creased sensitivity to transient species for experiments obeying the modulated excitation paradigm an
167 compensatory FANCA somatic mutation from an "experiment of nature" in monozygotic twins both prevente
168 was validated by a combination of simulation experiments of Ras overexpression and catalase knockout
169  parameter for ligand donation, derived from experiments on a high-valent chromium species, is now av
170 ar basis of TAD formation, we performed Hi-C experiments on cells depleted for the Forkhead transcrip
171                          As shown in control experiments on in vitro alphaB- and gammaD-crystallin, 2
172 m(3) in all cases), consistent with previous experiments on methylglyoxal.
173                                      Classic experiments on social groups dealing with truth statemen
174 lie social information use, using a suite of experiments on social insects as case studies.
175                         However, behavioural experiments on subjects with only rod function reveals t
176  in silico functional analyses and wet bench experiments, our findings highlight new biological pathw
177                                         In 3 experiments participants were exposed to a standard CC p
178                                  The control experiments performed by resonance elastic light scatter
179 w-pressure, ambient-temperature ion mobility experiments performed in a radio frequency-confining dri
180                                        These experiments-performed under biologically relevant condit
181 ricosus) submitted to a 5 week acidification experiment (pHT of 8.1, 7.7, and 7.4).
182  from ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS) experiments provide a promising orthogonal dimension of
183                       Sedimentation-velocity experiments provided insight into the isomerization proc
184                                      A field experiment provides causal evidence that working adults
185 re examined by transwell assay and depletion experiments, respectively.
186                              Together, these experiments reveal a novel type of plasticity at CA1 hip
187                Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments reveal increased binding of the repressor fa
188       HR-MAS (1)H NMR and neutron scattering experiments reveal that this macroscopic response of the
189                                          Our experiments reveal the extensive integration of signals
190 cific profiling and genetic loss-of-function experiments revealed a critical role for FOXO transcript
191                             Characterization experiments revealed blue-emissive, well-dispersed GQDs
192                                        Field experiments revealed that in protected salt marshes expe
193                            Adoptive transfer experiments revealed that intrahepatically differentiate
194            Biochemical as well as functional experiments revealed that Spt6 could compete for binding
195                       Moreover, fate-mapping experiments revealed that the timing of SOX2 expression
196             Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments revealed tight binding to McpX(PR) with diss
197  scattering and multi-angle light scattering experiments, revealed that ObgE is a monomer in solution
198                                  This simple experiment reveals a surprisingly complex pathway by whi
199 erefore, we propose that more multifactorial experiments should be considered in studying Earth syste
200                                      Genetic experiments show that ectopic dATM is sufficient to prom
201  sites from probe capture data, the verified experiments show that more than 90% viral integration se
202                    Finally, gain-of-function experiments show that Pth4 can alter calcium/phosphorus
203                                              Experiments show that spike-triggered stimulation perfor
204 ovo Rosetta modeling and competitive binding experiments show that the acidic tip of the E. coli Hfq
205 enetic studies and transcriptional profiling experiments show that this single protein is implicated
206                                     Dialysis experiments show that, for a 15 kDa polyelectrolyte, a 5
207                                          The experiments showed excellent performance for nonplanar s
208                                      Control experiments showed no labeling of TG2 knock-out mice.
209                             Response surface experiments showed that a 10g/l liquid to solid ratio, 5
210                                        These experiments showed that alpha-cellular and beta-cellular
211  against in all populations, our competition experiments showed that antibiotics significantly increa
212                                 Tandem MS/MS experiments showed that DMSO could modify the dissociati
213           Consistent with this result, co-IP experiments showed that GpsB complexes with EzrA, StkP,
214                             First, our field experiments showed that the mean number of species obser
215                                    Cohousing experiments showed that the microenvironment also played
216                                        These experiments showed that TMAO red-shifts the OH stretch o
217                                      Further experiments showed that ZxAKT1-silenced plants exhibited
218  We present a theoretical model and a set of experiments showing how soft electrodes can be successfu
219                                         This experiment shows that children who see movie characters
220 not random: models that overestimated at one experiment simulated greater yield enhancements at the o
221 ble of performing an unprecedented in silico experiment-simulating an entire mammal red blood cell li
222                           Based on epistasis experiments, SMG-1 does not appear to act in any of the
223 ases were observed to form on warming in the experiment: Sn, Cs2Se3, Cs4Se16, Cs2Se5, Cs2Sn2Se6, Cs4P
224                            At the end of the experiment some metabolites will have incorporated the l
225                                       In the experiment, subjects repeatedly play a strategic game th
226 ss, designing high-throughput reporter assay experiments such as massively parallel reporter assays (
227                                 Dark-rearing experiments suggest that visual experience determines wh
228                                      Further experiments suggested that NS1-mediated inhibition of th
229 microbial electrochemical cell, and isotopic experiments supported AOM-EET to the anode.
230                               Gene silencing experiments targeting alpha1D reduced the migration and
231                            Here we report an experiment that realizes a multiplexed DLCZ-type quantum
232                         With a computational experiment that simulates an intervention similar to mas
233  we show using functional GFP reconstitution experiments that Kenyon cells and dopamine neurons from
234                                     In these experiments, the cortical LFP is measured by multielectr
235                               Throughout the experiments, the strength of the ensemble-encoded CS-US
236 membrane proteins in a static quenching FRET experiment: the model of Veatch and Stryer, derived in 1
237 minantly exploited P sources in the seedling experiment: the N2 fixer with high N2 fixation and root
238                           We conduct a field experiment to assess the influence of warming and altere
239 dense phenotypic information enables such an experiment to be applied to human subjects in the form o
240 e, we have undertaken crosslinking and other experiments to address more fully the question of FliG n
241                           We used theory and experiments to address this question in the pathogenic b
242  should be taken into account when designing experiments to assess degradation of Mg-based implants.
243 in the late 1930s as a way to use laboratory experiments to better understand uncontrollable fear and
244 ees of four provenances at two common garden experiments to characterize provenance-specific variatio
245 me impacts honeybee health, and we performed experiments to determine whether antibiotic exposure inc
246 ne NMR spectroscopy and electrophysiological experiments to explore the functional properties of muta
247             We used cross-species expression experiments to show that Alx1 proteins from distantly re
248 copy, and open-circuit potential versus time experiments to understand the galvanic replacement proce
249                      In a proof-of-principle experiment, treatment of these two subtypes with targete
250                   Using a training set of 24 experiments, two real-time indicators based on correlati
251                                Sedimentation experiments typically take approximately 3 h of preparat
252                                         Four experiments used pointing or left/right 2-alternative fo
253 20 equiv NH3 per Os center in a single batch experiment using Cp*2Co and [H2NPh2][OTf] as reductant a
254 velopmental ontogeny, we conducted a mapping experiment using Euphrates poplar (Populus euphratica),
255 was estimated from energy-transfer quenching experiments using a series of organic triplet donors (E(
256                              ChIP-sequencing experiments using an anti-O-GlcNAc antibody revealed sig
257 curve in small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments using isolated GluA2 ligand-binding domain (
258                               In patch-clamp experiments using native cerebral arterial myocytes, mem
259  amine reactants are employed in competition experiments using polar solvents, such as DMF, no "mixed
260 pable of influencing interpretations of many experiments using targeted genome manipulations such as
261 sm spectroscopy and dynamic light scattering experiments verified that individual BSA monomers in bul
262                     A dynamic (99m)Tc tracer experiment was performed to investigate the capabilities
263                            In laser ablation experiments we found that cap cells retracted by approxi
264                                          The experiments we review span a range of methodological tec
265          Using live-imaging and perturbation experiments we show that leaf orientation, morphology an
266 dreds to thousands of samples within a given experiment, we have developed a data streaming platform,
267        In two psychophysics and neuroimaging experiments, we characterized the response properties, t
268             From the results of the kinetics experiments, we determined that the reversion of the qua
269 grade viral tracing and c-Fos immunostaining experiments, we found that a proportion of vCA1 neurons
270            Based on neutron total scattering experiments, we have determined that the local structure
271 tion-based predictions and FRET sensor-based experiments, we investigated the conformational dynamics
272                                    In animal experiments, we observed significantly lower pH and high
273         By using a combination of theory and experiments, we show that epithelial surface cells not o
274  in vitro sperm manipulation and competition experiments, we show that rapid changes in sperm velocit
275                                  Using these experiments, we then demonstrate that, in the pentamer,
276                                     In these experiments, we used backward conditioning and contingen
277                                              Experiments were carried out in piglets first sensitized
278          Anatomical and electrophysiological experiments were conducted to examine the neural connect
279 d on the observations in humans, mechanistic experiments were designed in a mouse model of resuscitat
280  immunohistochemistry, and ex vivo HGF ELISA experiments were performed on murine xenografts of U87MG
281 m-UV (VUV) photoionization mass spectrometry experiments were performed to understand the ion-molecul
282                                      Control experiments were performed with untreated plants and the
283 es, phylogenetic analyses, and pathogenicity experiments were performed.
284 ained by a transcranial magnetic stimulation experiment, where subjects whose frontal control was tem
285 rate CLIP-Seq, knockdown and over expression experiments, which are inherently noisy and suffer from
286 chastic simulation that exactly mimics these experiments, while imposing the 1:1 constraint.
287  of 8% after 24 h of operation in biofouling experiments, while that of the control membranes had a g
288 ncounter when designing and analysing animal experiments will improve the reliability of in vivo rese
289                  Here we conduct a microcosm experiment with laboratory protist community subjected t
290                                  QC data and experiments with 14 synthetic reference peptides indicat
291  two times higher than that for typical bulk experiments with a commercial rotating ring disk electro
292                                 Perturbation experiments with a miR-218-5p mimic or inhibitor demonst
293 or amine-containing micropollutants in batch experiments with activated sludge that has so far gone u
294                          Optical pulse-chase experiments with Dendra2-tagged aSyn versions indicated
295                          Crossflow rejection experiments with dilute feed composition indicate that b
296                                              Experiments with inhibitors of protein kinase G (PKG), p
297 ay rule" for embryo research stipulates that experiments with intact human embryos must not allow the
298                       Data mining of RNA-Seq experiments with mouse models of intestinal HIF-2alpha o
299                                         2PPM experiments with non-mutated fluorescently labeled Galph
300                             In two evolution experiments with the facultatively sexual rotifer Brachi

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