


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ction by performing 232 direct blood-feeding experiments on 118 viremic patients with dengue in Vietn
2 ness of the proposed algorithm, we conducted experiments on 16 binary classification tasks with diffe
3 a compendium to date, which includes 31 CLIP experiments on 19 RBPs involved in splicing (such as hnR
4 onal correlation function obtained from PSPP experiments on 2-SeCN-Bmim(+) exhibits two periods of re
5                                              Experiments on 25 chimeras, constructed from Kv1.2 and K
6                      Pulsed EPR spectroscopy experiments on 3 revealed quantum coherence up to room t
7                   Conducting chromatographic experiments on 4 cm long micromachined packed bed column
8                       Here, we performed two experiments on 48 volunteers to characterize perceptual
9   We performed kinetic folding and unfolding experiments on 69 mutants (engineered every 2-3 residues
10 9th-11th years of an elevated CO2 (+200 ppm) experiment on a maize-soybean agroecosystem, measured re
11                      In a proof-of-principle experiment on a university-scale system, we demonstrate
12 We report here the results of video-recorded experiments on a congenitally blind child, beginning imm
13 e analysis of angular-resolved photoemission experiments on a cuprate superconductor.
14 we performed synchrotron-based X-ray imaging experiments on a decagonal phase with composition of Al-
15 re dramatic evidence of this phenomenon from experiments on a fullerene-porphyrin dyad.
16  parameter for ligand donation, derived from experiments on a high-valent chromium species, is now av
17                               In this study, experiments on a mouse model with two different cell typ
18 , recent time-resolved infrared spectroscopy experiments on a photoswitchable PDZ domain (PDZ2S) have
19 of this instrument and results from VT-IM-MS experiments on a range of model systems-IMS CCS standard
20                                      In-vivo experiments on a rat show that the flexible ECoG system
21      This study reports a series of toxicity experiments on a representative coastal marine diatom sp
22                        Through supercomputer experiments on a sample of the network, we study thousan
23 retation, complementary ATR-FTIR Kretschmann experiments on a similar model system, which is exposed
24                                              Experiments on a single-celled ciliate reveal how mobile
25   Our model predictions fit well with recent experiments on a single-stator motor.
26 FT-GGA-PW91) calculations, reaction kinetics experiments on a SiO2-supported Pd catalyst, and mean-fi
27                                              Experiments on a subset of the clusters suggested a link
28                                Comparison to experiments on a water-soluble version of the metal carb
29 ed by computer simulations and verifiable in experiments on active colloidal Janus particles and magn
30                   For validation, we conduct experiments on AD diagnosis by selecting mutually inform
31                           Although the first experiments on alpha-neurofeedback date back nearly six
32 results of this study and those from similar experiments on an Al-2Cu alloy were consistent when the
33            Using a combination of models and experiments on an amphibian species suffering extirpatio
34 s simulations, CD response calculations, and experiments on an AT-sequence, we show that the ICD of m
35                                              Experiments on an expanded set of eight angiosperm speci
36          This simple NMR probe design allows experiments on aqueous solutions to pressures correspond
37                                              Experiments on artificial membranes are revealing many d
38                           Through tremendous experiments on artificial networks, which can be control
39  differences, we performed an RNA sequencing experiment on ARVMs from male and female rats and identi
40                                     A recent experiment on Atlantic shearwaters (Cory's shearwater, C
41                                  Preliminary experiments on bacteria cultures from pathogens causing
42     We conducted in situ three-point bending experiments on beams with roughly square cross-sections,
43   The excellent agreement between theory and experiment on bond dissociation energies, energy disposa
44 ings of laser-assisted atom probe tomography experiments on boron carbide elucidate an approach for c
45 Performing real-time deformability cytometry experiments on both model spheres of known elasticity an
46                                              Experiments on both simulated and real datasets showed t
47                         We perform extensive experiments on both simulated datasets and yeast dataset
48                                              Experiments on both synthetic data and real data show th
49 mation was obtained by coimmunoprecipitation experiments on both transfected and infected cells and b
50                                 Microfluidic experiments on budding yeast populations in space-limite
51         To address this problem, we combined experiments on burying beetles (Nicrophorus vespilloides
52                We start with optical imaging experiments on CA1 in mice as they run along a virtual l
53  translation from numerous successful animal experiments on cardioprotection beyond that by reperfusi
54                                Our extensive experiments on CDD, HOMSTRAD and BAliBASE benchmark data
55                             We suggest model experiments on cell assemblies on substrates that can te
56             Collagen gels are widely used in experiments on cell mechanics because they mimic the ext
57 ar basis of TAD formation, we performed Hi-C experiments on cells depleted for the Forkhead transcrip
58 astly, we performed fluorescence fluctuation experiments on cells expressing a coactivator and two nu
59                               Classification experiments on cervical and tongue cancer datasets lead
60                Here, we performed laboratory experiments on chemically different organic materials in
61                                   Additional experiments on chemically modified graphene oxide membra
62                             Here, we combine experiments on chick embryos with computational modeling
63                            Accelerated aging experiments on co-melt mixtures ranging from 0% to 100%
64 nd Schultze (1825-1874) performed functional experiments on coarse granular cells using a warm stage
65                                     Previous experiments on colliding Bose-Einstein condensates have
66      By comparing our results to a number of experiments on controlled migration through pores, we sh
67                                 Field-effect experiments on cuprates using ionic liquids have enabled
68 n recent scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) experiments on cuprates.
69                               Nanomechanical experiments on cylindrical samples, with diameters betwe
70  these earthquakes by performing deformation experiments on dehydrating serpentinized peridotites (sy
71                        Furthermore, parallel experiments on Dgcr8 (+/-) mouse cultures reveal a signi
72                                              Experiments on dorsal root ganglion cells show that, for
73 h-clamp electrophysiology and Ca(2+) imaging experiments on dorsal root ganglion neurons, NGF- and IL
74                                              Experiments on drug-sensitive versus resistant SW480 can
75                                Until now, no experiments on Earth could selectively suppress both oto
76 vior, and we give special attention to field experiments on election participation, environmentally s
77             We designed the first functional experiments on electrogenic transport in human ES and in
78                                   Subsequent experiments on elite endurance athletes performing the s
79            Here, we provide a community-wide experiment on emergent facilitation including natural pr
80                                   Results of experiments on endocytosis in yeast show general agreeme
81                           Using flow chamber experiments on endothelial monolayers and tracking of th
82      We show semiquantitative agreement with experiment on entry and exit rates and in the identifica
83                           Comparative HDX/MS experiments on enzyme dynamics should therefore be inter
84                                 We performed experiments on ethyl crotonate and menthol, using three
85 s, a public combination dataset, and several experiments on Ewing's Sarcoma.
86 ngle molecule imaging and rotor manipulation experiments on F1-ATPase.
87                                       Recent experiments on FeSe films grown on SrTiO3 (STO) suggest
88  to feeding and development, we conducted an experiment on field-collected caterpillars of the model
89        We test our axioms using data from an experiment on financial decisions.
90 e of the deformed rods which we compare with experiments on flexible ferromagnetic nickel rods at the
91                        Also, in the in vitro experiments on fMLP-stimulated neutrophils and 5-LOX-tra
92                   Here, single-molecule FRET experiments on freely diffusing TFAM/LSP complexes conta
93                                              Experiments on fruit flies are shedding new light on the
94                                              Experiments on full-thickness skin revealed that the mic
95 action, we performed fluorescence microscopy experiments on fungal cells treated with an ad-hoc synth
96                 We report laser-driven shock experiments on fused silica, alpha-quartz, and stishovit
97 t resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) experiments on Gd x Sc3-x N@C80 at Gd N 4,5-edges to dir
98 er (DEST) and relaxation dispersion (RD) NMR experiments on gel-stabilized NP samples enables the acc
99                         In addition, through experiments on gram scale in palladium, mechanistically
100 tation by performing a reciprocal transplant experiment on grasses that evolved for 14 years under am
101            A new field has been opened up by experiments on H2 scattering from surfaces at fast grazi
102       As shown in single-channel patch clamp experiments on HEK293 cells, selective activation of nat
103 g genetic variation in a long-term selection experiment on high and low body weight of chickens.
104 e controversy surrounding 'gain-of-function' experiments on high-consequence avian influenza viruses
105 rformed single-particle tracking time-course experiments on hippocampal neurons during AIS developmen
106 ifications and compare both models to recent experiments on histone methylation in fission yeast.
107 solid state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments on HIV-1 capsid protein (CA) assemblies with
108                                  Many recent experiments on hot carriers using terahertz spectroscopy
109                           A proof-of-concept experiment on human pan-T cells showed significant (p <<
110 endency graph from approximately 3,000 CF-MS experiments on human cell lines.
111                                         Many experiments on human cooperation have revealed that indi
112                                          Our experiments on human gene regulatory networks suggest th
113                                           In experiments on human mesenchymal stem cells plated on so
114  and multivariate pattern analysis, in three experiments on human participants (57% females), by mani
115 Through an in vivo murine model and in vitro experiments on human red blood cells (RBCs), the study b
116                                              Experiments on hydroamination of aminodialkenes testing
117                                  Patch clamp experiments on hypothalamic slices showed that the mean
118 ed amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDXMS) experiments on IkappaBalpha as well as IkappaBalpha boun
119                                              Experiments on image-guided photodynamic cancer ablation
120                                    Outgrowth experiments on immobilized IgLON proteins revealed a rol
121           I started research in high school, experimenting on immunological tolerance to transplantat
122                          As shown in control experiments on in vitro alphaB- and gammaD-crystallin, 2
123                                              Experiments on in vitro BMM cultures revealed that KCa3.
124                          In situ compression experiments on individual nanospheres show that the amor
125  1.2 x 10(-9) vs 2.7 x 10(-11) M, saturation experiments on intact cells).
126                There is an extensive body of experiments on interactions between DOM and ENPs and als
127 over, examples are presented of pseudo-MS(3) experiments on ISD fragment ions from RNase B by collisi
128                                    In recent experiments on isogenetic cancer cell lines, it was obse
129 sm, and use our ability to perform arbitrary experiments on it to see if popular data analysis method
130 trophysiological and in vivo hormone profile experiments on kisspeptin-specific ERalpha knock-out mic
131      We performed a 120 day OM decomposition experiment on lake water, with an untreated control and
132 ated through examples obtained from physical experiments on landscape evolution.
133                                       Animal experiments on Langendorff-perfused rabbit hearts demons
134                Here we conducted deformation experiments on lawsonite, while monitoring acoustic emis
135 nthamiana (tobacco) and particle bombardment experiments on leaves from oilseed rape suggested that A
136                 Small-angle x-ray scattering experiments on lens tissue show colloidal gels of S-crys
137 ves the previous controversies of theory and experiment on Li2N2.
138                                          For experiments on liver tissue, calibration by spiked tissu
139 ehavioral results, taken together with prior experiments on LTP, strongly support a critical role of
140 diffraction (ND) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments on magnetically-oriented fibers of Abeta1-28
141                             Here we describe experiments on magnetized DNA-modified electrodes to exp
142                                     Leaching experiments on mare basalt 14053 demonstrate that isotop
143           Interestingly, electron microscopy experiments on mature filopodia indeed frequently reveal
144                                   Additional experiments on melting points of wine proteins reveal th
145                                          Our experiments on metagenomes assembled from long reads sho
146              Sub-10 fs resolution pump-probe experiments on methylammonium lead halide perovskite fil
147 m(3) in all cases), consistent with previous experiments on methylglyoxal.
148 tal sites, and in situ infrared spectroscopy experiments on Mg2(olz) and Ni2(olz) were used to determ
149 ulosis strains on the outcome of vaccination experiments on mice and transcriptional responses on M.
150                                              Experiments on mice show that an enzyme called DNA methy
151                            Results of Ni IEK experiments on mineral phases are fitted with a pseudo-f
152                            Recent laboratory experiments on mixed micro- and macro-pore suggest that
153                                              Experiments on model systems have revealed that cytokine
154 s partially explained by the push to conduct experiments on model systems under relevant reaction con
155               A simulation tool runs virtual experiments on models encoded in CellML, and a website p
156                                    Transport experiments on monolayers of Calu-3 cells and studies of
157                                 Cytotoxicity experiments on MoS2 nanosheets and molybdate ion control
158                            Finally, in vitro experiments on mouse small intestine show that SGLT1 acc
159 superthin filaments were inferred from early experiments on muscle, decades passed before their exist
160 ding important insight into a large range of experiments on nanoscale and quantum plasmonics.
161                                   Results of experiments on native Hb variants and engineered, recomb
162 ks from single molecule fluorescence in situ experiments on nematode embryos where there can be subst
163                           Proof-of-principle experiments on neuronal co-cultures and brain tissues re
164     Our results pose a new challenge for the experiments on non-Hermitian scattering that have recent
165                                       Recent experiments on noncovalent interactions at the nanoscale
166                                           In experiments on nonmotile E. coli exposed to polymyxin B,
167  are vital for understanding force unfolding experiments on nucleosome arrays.
168 resent results from laboratory-based torsion experiments on olivine aggregates with and without melt,
169                                  Control AFM experiments on other lipids and at different temperature
170                   We conducted comprehensive experiments on over 90 large-scale TF-DNA datasets which
171               Here we conducted respirometry experiments on peacocks and demonstrate that the exagger
172                                              Experiments on pellicles, or floating biofilms, of Bacil
173                                              Experiments on plasma-liquid interaction and formation o
174            We further apply the method to an experiment on pluripotent mouse embryonic stem cells to
175 lectrically detected electron spin resonance experiments on poly(styrene-sulfonate)-doped poly(3,4-et
176     Corresponding numerical calculations and experiments on polymer structures made by 3D printing ar
177 ential complication in the interpretation of experiments on polyproline, used as a molecular ruler fo
178  transcriptome sequencing with common garden experiments on populations spanning geographical and env
179                A dehydration and re-watering experiment on potted P. munitum plants corroborated the
180                          Our siRNA knockdown experiments on ProGENI-identified genes confirmed the ro
181                                          Our experiments on protein-protein interaction networks demo
182                                       Recent experiments on pure fluids have identified distinct liqu
183                 We report on a natural field experiment on quantity discounts involving more than 14
184                           We perform several experiments on raw microscopy image datasets from 8 SCD
185               (1)H and (2)H NMR spectroscopy experiments on reactions using allylic phosphates showed
186                                              Experiments on real and simulated data show that the met
187                                          Our experiments on real and synthetic networks demonstrate t
188 between many-body theory and low-temperature experiments on real materials since the early days of qu
189 edictions are quantitatively consistent with experiments on reconstituted tissues and actomyosin netw
190                           Additional feeding experiments on related silver birch confirmed the SOA re
191 lem, we performed protein binding microarray experiments on representatives of canonical TF families
192       Predictions are in good agreement with experiments on ribosomal concentrations and synthesis ra
193                                              Experiments on rubbing the sample surface using TR mode
194 lid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (SSNMR) experiments on samples loaded with (13)C-labeled CO2, "u
195 monstrate that the combination of laboratory experiments on sediment cores, stream reach-scale tracer
196                     The methodology has been experimented on several brain datasets.
197  other DTE analysis methods in our extensive experiments on simulated data and real data with qPCR va
198                                    Numerical experiments on simulated datasets show that DICEseq yiel
199 strain recovery on unloading, while the same experiments on single-crystalline silver nanowires do no
200                        With final functional experiments on six selected compounds, we confirmed four
201 ethylene hydrogenation, investigated through experiments on size-selected Ptn (n=8-15) clusters soft-
202      Such oligomers are commonly observed in experiments on small heat-shock proteins, but their conn
203                                      Classic experiments on social groups dealing with truth statemen
204 lie social information use, using a suite of experiments on social insects as case studies.
205                By testing the theory against experiments on spherically shaped surfaces, we find quan
206                          Indeed, patch-clamp experiments on split-open tubular segments from the tran
207  large set of equilibrium and nonequilibrium experiments on squalane and extend them to higher [Formu
208                             Indeed, previous experiments on squirrel monkeys and macaque monkeys show
209 force f, obtained in single-molecule pulling experiments on src SH3 domain, exhibits upward curvature
210  reference lists of retrieved studies and/or experiments on SSEP use in postoperative outcomes follow
211 f optimizing future computed tomography (CT) experiments on still-unrolled Herculaneum scrolls to imp
212 ted by numerical simulations and by in vitro experiments on straight capillaries, the complex analyti
213                         However, behavioural experiments on subjects with only rod function reveals t
214 performed single-molecule force spectroscopy experiments on SUMO1/SBM complexes.
215  further validate the phase diagram with our experiments on surface instabilities induced by mismatch
216  in interpreting the results, from any given experiment on synaptic plasticity, can be the intrinsic
217                                    Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world networks show th
218                   We evaluate our method via experiments on synthetic data and perform a proof-of-con
219                                        Using experiments on synthetic data, we demonstrate that pathw
220  confirm the percolation threshold in static experiments on synthetic salt samples with x-ray microto
221  spin-spin distance histograms from ESR/DEER experiments on T4 lysozyme are accurately reproduced.
222         Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiments on T84 cells, which endogenously express Ano
223                 Additionally, a metabolomics experiment on the central nervous system (CNS) of the fr
224 ency of 1.2 mm monsoon-type watering events) experiment on the Colorado Plateau, USA.
225      Using a noisy dataset from a pump-probe experiment on the Coulomb explosion of nitrogen molecule
226 protein structure in the 11th Community Wide Experiment on the Critical Assessment of Techniques for
227 (Grain Impact Analyser and Dust Accumulator) experiment on the European Space Agency's Rosetta spacec
228 However, making quantitative contact between experiment on the one hand and model-parameter dependent
229 e Americas-allows the equivalent of a repeat experiment on the relation between geography and phyloge
230 within a reaction norm framework by using an experiment on the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus
231                       Our neutron-scattering experiments on the 4f-electron metal Yb2Pt2Pb overturn t
232  analyzed urea-induced folding and unfolding experiments on the alpha-helical membrane protein Mistic
233                   More than two decades ago, experiments on the antiviral mechanisms of IFNs led to t
234 nanometer ("picocavities"), enabling optical experiments on the atomic scale.
235                                       Recent experiments on the bacterial flagellar motor have shown
236          The calculation is validated by our experiments on the breakup of Fe3C-plates in Fe matrix.
237                                              Experiments on the catalytic reaction indicated that NaO
238   We conducted repeat bleaching and recovery experiments on the coral Montastraea cavernosa, and used
239 High-resolution inelastic neutron scattering experiments on the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC
240 nting for both processes and performed batch experiments on the desorption kinetics of typical wastew
241                                       Recent experiments on the double knockout mice showed, however,
242             However, evidence from community experiments on the effect of restoration practices on ec
243 gions, we conducted a battery of biophysical experiments on the EGFR and HER3 tails.
244                  Interestingly, colonization experiments on the eight polymers revealed a large core
245           We report on infrared spectroscopy experiments on the electronic response in (Sr1-x La x )2
246  Our technique points in a new direction for experiments on the evolution of performance specialities
247 ions were confirmed with targeted validation experiments on the functional requirements of nucleopori
248                                We argue that experiments on the Hall coefficient identify the latter
249 d-state counterparts of high-energy collider experiments on the induced fission of composite particle
250                  Contrary to current models, experiments on the involvement of cyclophilins revealed
251                    The results shed light on experiments on the loss of variability at marker loci in
252                             Based on kinetic experiments on the O-O bond splitting transition of the
253                           Laboratory release experiments on the organochlorine pesticides DDT, DDE, D
254 hat the C8H7NCO anion radical was generated, experiments on the oxidized product reveal the actual re
255                                              Experiments on the re-establishment of place fields in d
256 ld and transverse field muon spin relaxation experiments on the recently discovered caged type superc
257 oscopy and electron energy-loss spectroscopy experiments on the recovered sample and computer simulat
258                                       In the experiments on the RNA-Seq data in The Cancer Genome Atl
259                                        Human experiments on the rubber hand illusion implicate simila
260                                           In experiments on the same bacterial strain exposed to ampi
261 ferently when different laboratories perform experiments on the same cell line.
262 med complementary multiple particle tracking experiments on the same particles, extending significant
263 ical Cell-substrate Impedance Sensing (ECIS) experiments on the single cell level using morphological
264                                   Subsequent experiments on the stoichiometric C(sp(2))-H bromination
265                           Here we report our experiments on the temperature and magnetic field depend
266                                      Further experiments on the zebrafish showed that this vertebrate
267                                     Separate experiments on thermal degradation of d5-ethyl linolenat
268 photosynthetic systems and describe selected experiments on these systems.
269                  Temperature jump relaxation experiments on these three mutants reveal two different
270 ms, which may have implications for other IM experiments on these time scales.
271 further conduct the numerical simulation and experiments on these two applications.
272                                          Our experiments on thin polymer films provide strong evidenc
273 ed second-order nonlinear optical scattering experiments on thiolate-protected gold clusters (Au130(S
274 ulation trajectories are in accord with both experiments on this protein, demonstrating that there is
275 hairpin form, giving results in harmony with experiments on this system.
276 etail to understand previously contradicting experiments on this topic.
277                                       Before experimenting on thousands of potential DNA segments, we
278 er, we present a proof-of-concept validation experiment on top-view images of 24 Arabidopsis plants i
279                                              Experiments on top-down mass spectrometry datasets showe
280                          Furthermore, recent experiments on trampling animals and biting crocodiles h
281  used mutagenesis and whole-cell patch clamp experiments on TRPV3 channels endogenously expressed in
282 his study, we performed binding and blocking experiments on TV with extended HBGA types and showed th
283                                              Experiments on two additional protein tyrosine kinases i
284                                              Experiments on two benchmark datasets for biomedical ent
285 ffs, suggesting melanoma, we carried out our experiments on two dermoscopy image datasets, which cons
286 k metallic glasses is examined by conducting experiments on two iron-based in situ metallic glass mat
287  our algorithms with extensive computational experiments on two large-scale social network datasets.
288 line growth, and demonstrate its validity by experiments on two well-known glass-forming alloy system
289                   Interestingly, rheological experiments on various in vitro biopolymer networks have
290                                              Experiments on various porous media including soil and e
291                                Our extensive experiments on various real-world networks, including a
292                            Small-scale pilot experiments on wastewater, thermal printing paper and co
293                                      Initial experiments on water oxidation by well-defined molecular
294               The advantages of future X-ray experiments on water oxidation catalysts, which include
295                   The theory was verified by experiments on well-characterized protein systems.
296  promising platform for transport and optics experiments on Weyl semimetals.
297                          Extensive numerical experiments on widely-used benchmark functions show that
298          Secondly, we tested field-based eCa experiments on woody plants across the globe for a relat
299                       Using 2-microelectrode experiments on Xenopus oocytes and patch-clamp electroph
300 ators, and we confirmed this prediction with experiments on yeast harboring mutations in the Arp2/3 r

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