


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1           In addition, a conventional uptake experiment was performed.
2 es, phylogenetic analyses, and pathogenicity experiments were performed.
3                                          Two experiments were performed.
4  siRNA-mediated knockdown and overexpression experiments were performed.
5     To assess which GLUT, hexose competition experiments were performed.
6 s, and small interfering RNA-based silencing experiments were carried out.
7                  Four types of batch kinetic experiments were conducted: (1) positive controls to est
8                                          Two experiments were performed: (1) evaluation of LED irradi
9 , a two-alternative forced choice perception experiment was performed (16 readers [six radiologists,
10                                Two series of experiments were conducted 2 hours after traumatic brain
11                                   The animal experiment was conducted according to a license obtained
12                 Materials and Methods Animal experiments were performed according to a protocol appro
13                                       Animal experiments were performed according to an approved anim
14                 Materials and Methods Animal experiments were performed according to an approved anim
15                                   All animal experiments were performed according to protocols approv
16                                              Experiments were carried out across two laboratories in
17                           A factorial design experiment was conducted and the effects of extraction t
18        The kinetic and isothermal adsorption experiments were carried out and all parameters affectin
19                 Here, detergent-free washing experiments were conducted and replicated in both front-
20                              Several control experiments were performed and provided strong evidence
21                                              Experiments were conducted assaying the forward and reve
22                                          Our experiment was carried out at the SPring-8 Angstrom Comp
23           A cross-sectional, discrete-choice experiment was conducted at a children's hospital.
24                                 Flow-through experiments were carried out at 0.6, 3.0, and 15.0 m/day
25                                   Laboratory experiments were carried out at an irradiation wavelengt
26                                              Experiments were carried out at different levels of biol
27                 A number of HWRF forecasting experiments were carried out at different vertical resol
28                                   Laboratory experiments were carried out at the leaf level using enc
29                                              Experiments were carried out at two mole ratios of tocop
30                                              Experiments were conducted at different times of the day
31                                              Experiments were conducted at physiologically relevant i
32                                              Experiments were conducted at the California Air Resourc
33                                        Field experiments were conducted at the University of Nebraska
34                                        Batch experiments were conducted at three controlled temperatu
35                                      All the experiments were performed at (298 +/- 2) K and 1 atm of
36                                          The experiments were performed at 40, 50, 55, and 60 degrees
37                               Heat treatment experiments were performed at 7 different temperatures r
38                                        Batch experiments were performed at pH 6 with ligand or reduct
39                            Storage condition experiments were performed at room temperature (20-25 de
40 ersity of California, San Francisco, and all experiments were performed at the Mission Bay Campus of
41                                        These experiments were performed both ex situ (on supports and
42                                              Experiments were performed both in the presence and abse
43                                          The experiment was conducted by continuously injecting a (99
44                                  Immunoassay experiments were carried out by monitoring the resonance
45                                      Binding experiments were conducted by fluorescence spectroscopy.
46                                      Control experiments were conducted by reacting Au144(SCH2CH2Ph)6
47                        Mutation accumulation experiments were performed by sequential cloning of six
48                                     In vitro experiments were performed by using a tissue-mimicking p
49                                          The experiments were performed by UV spectroscopy and HPLC o
50                         Several benchmarking experiments were carried out, comparing CGDM implemented
51                                              Experiments were conducted either in both sexes or in fe
52  the shut-in period of hydraulic fracturing, experiments were conducted flowing different HFFs throug
53                                      A field experiment was conducted for 4 years (2013-2016) to exam
54                             A classification experiment was conducted for the US Corn Belt and neighb
55                                  Bench-scale experiments were carried out for 24 h using a model wast
56                                    Migration experiments were conducted for four commercially availab
57                                          The experiments were conducted for quantification of applied
58                       A series of successive experiments were conducted for six different elements (C
59                  In vitro saturation binding experiments were performed for (99m)Tc-TCP-1 in human HC
60                              Bioaccumulation experiments were performed for a selected of hyper hydro
61                                              Experiments were performed for Doxil, Doxil-like liposom
62                                 Multivariate experiments were performed for optimization; in addition
63 easurable particle emissions; quantification experiments were performed for these to determine total
64                                 A controlled experiment was conducted from 2010 to 2014 to study the
65                                 Voltammetric experiments were carried out from 0.0 to -1.0V, a potent
66     Sixteen plot experiments and ten on-farm experiments were conducted from 2014 to 2016 in Jiansanj
67 nia, a functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment was conducted in a sample of 20 patients and
68                             A 3.5-year field experiment was conducted in a subtropical degraded shrub
69  To investigate such effects, a manipulative experiment was conducted in stream mesocosms that were c
70 g types in the Loess Plateau, a 7-year field experiment was conducted in the Changwu region of the Lo
71                                          Our experiment was conducted in the Mediterranean sea, where
72                                   A blocking experiment was performed in a second set of mice.
73                     More than 1500 chemistry experiments were carried out in less than a day, using a
74                                              Experiments were carried out in live, intact flies in ge
75                A variety of (1)H NMR kinetic experiments were carried out in order to evaluate the ra
76                                        Three experiments were carried out in order to expose ARPE-19
77                                              Experiments were carried out in piglets first sensitized
78 a complement to the genetic data, proteomics experiments were carried out in which it was found that
79                                        Field experiments were conducted in a concentric design with t
80                                              Experiments were conducted in a laboratory-scale sand ta
81 as found to mask the effects of weaker ISDs, experiments were conducted in a line that was devoid of
82       A series of well-controlled laboratory experiments were conducted in a two-dimensional flow cha
83                                              Experiments were conducted in adult rats.
84                                              Experiments were conducted in brain slice preparation of
85                                        Three experiments were conducted in developing a low resolutio
86                     Standard 28 day exposure experiments were conducted in each soil, and measurement
87 orrelates of clinically relevant resistance, experiments were conducted in ferrets infected with viru
88                              The small-scale experiments were conducted in flasks as batch experiment
89                                      Because experiments were conducted in islets, which contain cell
90                                              Experiments were conducted in murine and human in vitro
91                                              Experiments were conducted in open-top chambers to asses
92 thermore, laboratory-controlled chlorination experiments were conducted in seawater spiked with UV fi
93                                          The experiments were conducted in three commercial sugarcane
94  TGS by ADK inactivation depended on whether experiments were conducted in vegetative or reproductive
95                                          All experiments were performed in a solid-supported cushione
96                                              Experiments were performed in a tertiary care University
97                                   Laboratory experiments were performed in aerated aqueous solutions
98                                  The present experiments were performed in anesthetized pigs subjecte
99                             Small-animal PET experiments were performed in athymic nude mice bearing
100                                              Experiments were performed in dentate granule cells from
101                                      Similar experiments were performed in diploid vs. aneuploid non-
102                                              Experiments were performed in duplicate in two independe
103 ained prospectively, and conventionalization experiments were performed in germ-free mice.
104                                              Experiments were performed in isolated coronary perfused
105                                              Experiments were performed in low ionic strength synthet
106                                              Experiments were performed in melanoma M2 cells expressi
107                                   Subsequent experiments were performed in naive and polarized bone m
108                                        These experiments were performed in normal rats, high fat-fed
109                                Moreover, NIR experiments were performed in order to compare spectra i
110        Preliminary kinetic and spectroscopic experiments were performed in order to complete the mech
111                                     In vitro experiments were performed in rat hepatic stellate cells
112                                    Identical experiments were performed in rat mesenteric vessels wit
113                      Two clinically relevant experiments were performed in rats: prevention and treat
114                               Although these experiments were performed in the microwave frequency ra
115                                              Experiments were performed in vitro by using human and m
116                                              Experiments were performed in which the potential of a g
117                         A 500-day incubation experiment was carried out on soils from an 11 degrees C
118                                          The experiment was performed on Sangiovese and Cabernet Sauv
119                                              Experiments were carried out on alpha-pinene SOA particl
120                                              Experiments were carried out on Grenache, Carignan and F
121                                              Experiments were carried out on two [FeFe]-hydrogenases,
122                                          The experiments were carried out on two separate days.
123                                              Experiments were conducted on 300 samples of southern hi
124                                              Experiments were conducted on aqueous extracts degassed
125                                     In vitro experiments were conducted on human macrophages whereby
126                                              Experiments were conducted on polytetrafluoroethylene (P
127 sociated with flash weakening in carbonates, experiments were conducted on pre-cut Carrara marble cyl
128                                     In vitro experiments were conducted on purified human basophils t
129                                More detailed experiments were conducted on resorcinol to understand N
130                    Toward this goal, in vivo experiments were conducted on single axons of embryonic
131  this study, incubation and column transport experiments were conducted on soils exposed to as many a
132                                Then relevant experiments were conducted on the TDP-MRBE chip.
133                                    Targeting experiments were performed on 2 groups of SCID mice inoc
134                Incremental stress relaxation experiments were performed on 20 porcine RDT specimens,
135                                              Experiments were performed on drying drops of solutions
136                                      Various experiments were performed on epidermal and full-thickne
137                                Multiplex PCR experiments were performed on isolates to identify speci
138                              Optical mapping experiments were performed on Langendorff rabbit hearts
139                             Quantitative IMS experiments were performed on liver tissue from an anima
140 ic and real-time in vivo brain microdialysis experiments were performed on male prairie voles display
141                                              Experiments were performed on Msx2(-/-) mice and the MDP
142  immunohistochemistry, and ex vivo HGF ELISA experiments were performed on murine xenografts of U87MG
143                                              Experiments were performed on synthetic datasets whereby
144                                          The experiments were performed on the fiber optic probe fabr
145                                              Experiments were performed on tissue sections from 20 pa
146                     In vivo small-animal PET experiments were performed on tumor-bearing nude mice af
147 roline on neuropeptide conformations, IMS-MS experiments were performed on two model peptides in whic
148                                          The experiments were performed on two potato varieties, Satu
149                                          The experiments were conducted over a 230 day period.
150                                    Two field experiments were conducted over three growing seasons (2
151  advantage of this characteristic, knockdown experiments were performed resulting in cells with reduc
152                                  In 1999, an experiment was conducted that reversed the long-term tre
153 and kinetics-based approaches, complementary experiments were carried out that support a ping-pong me
154                                Dynamic clamp experiments were performed that introduced synaptic cond
155                                      A field experiment was conducted to assess the impact of convent
156                              A common garden experiment was conducted to evaluate the quantitative ge
157                                      A field experiment was conducted to quantify pollen mediated gen
158                     A dynamic (99m)Tc tracer experiment was performed to investigate the capabilities
159                          A series of kinetic experiments was conducted to gain detailed insight into
160 ced by many factors, a statistical design of experiments was conducted to investigate the enrichment
161                                   Solubility experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of C
162                                 Voltammetric experiments were carried out to measure the complexation
163                 Furthermore; the competitive experiments were carried out to test sensor's ability fo
164                      Atomic force microscopy experiments were carried out to test their mechanical st
165                                              Experiments were carried out to validate model results.
166            Here, laboratory batch and column experiments were conducted to assess Cr isotope fraction
167                              Field and batch experiments were conducted to assess whether a modified
168                                A total of 95 experiments were conducted to characterize nonmethane or
169                                  Dynamometer experiments were conducted to characterize the intermedi
170                                              Experiments were conducted to characterize the particula
171 ion bioassays and mesocosm nutrient addition experiments were conducted to determine nitrogen (N) and
172 ight-hour water-only binary mixture toxicity experiments were conducted to determine the additive tox
173                         Laboratory microcosm experiments were conducted to determine the decay kineti
174           In this work both batch and column experiments were conducted to determine the fate of trac
175                                  The present experiments were conducted to determine whether the IC a
176  the amount of PT at the TS, kinetic isotope experiments were conducted to determine which mechanism
177                          Bioassay incubation experiments were conducted to document the response of b
178                                        Batch experiments were conducted to evaluate the dependence of
179 liovirus type 3; laboratory- and field-scale experiments were conducted to evaluate the models' abili
180          Anatomical and electrophysiological experiments were conducted to examine the neural connect
181                               Batch isotherm experiments were conducted to examine the sorption capac
182         Two double-label immunohistochemical experiments were conducted to increase the understanding
183                                        Batch experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of
184                                    Sixty-day experiments were conducted to investigate the independen
185                A series of laboratory column experiments were conducted to measure mass flux due to b
186                                              Experiments were conducted to simulate atmospheric proce
187                          Two years of column experiments were conducted to simulate field conditions
188                        Remobilization column experiments were conducted to study this phenomenon and
189                   Microscopy and excystation experiments were conducted to support the disinfection i
190                                              Experiments were conducted to support the proposed mecha
191 imen, electrophysiological and neurochemical experiments were performed to assess possible modificati
192    In vitro, mixed lymphocyte-islet reaction experiments were performed to assess T-cell activation a
193                                   Functional experiments were performed to assess the effect of IL-21
194                                   Functional experiments were performed to assess the function of INO
195                    In the current study, two experiments were performed to assess the potential ecolo
196 eavy-ion fragmentation facility, preliminary experiments were performed to chemically extract a coppe
197                 Further in vivo and in vitro experiments were performed to delineate BDNF-dependent m
198 stribution studies, autoradiography, and PET experiments were performed to determine the extent of si
199                                      Phantom experiments were performed to determine the maximum reso
200                                              Experiments were performed to determine the risk of bact
201                                              Experiments were performed to determine whether the imma
202                  Single- and double-labeling experiments were performed to establish whether NK1-immu
203                                     In vitro experiments were performed to evaluate lncRNA's effects
204             Laboratory and field-scale pilot experiments were performed to evaluate the feasibility o
205                                              Experiments were performed to examine the effects of Mai
206                                   Behavioral experiments were performed to examine the mechanisms und
207                                         LIBS experiments were performed to examine the Na at 589 nm t
208          Genealogical concordance and mating experiments were performed to examine the relationship b
209                           Bulk and flow tube experiments were performed to identify major products of
210                          Deuterium-labelling experiments were performed to identify the stereodiscrim
211                                   Laboratory experiments were performed to investigate and quantify t
212                   Emissions and smog chamber experiments were performed to investigate SOA formation
213                        In this study, serial experiments were performed to investigate the effect of
214                                   Therefore, experiments were performed to measure these dynamics on
215                                  Mechanistic experiments were performed to probe the nature of the ox
216                                    In silico experiments were performed to quantify the contributions
217               In this study, sediment column experiments were performed to quantify the effect of bio
218                          Dynamic compression experiments were performed to study the emergence of beh
219                                        Batch experiments were performed to study the kinetics of brom
220                                     In vitro experiments were performed to study the molecular bases
221 etic study with extensive deuterium labeling experiments were performed to support the proposed mecha
222 m-UV (VUV) photoionization mass spectrometry experiments were performed to understand the ion-molecul
223                                              Experiments were performed to validate the developed met
224 ng, autoradiography and immunohistochemistry experiments were performed to verify the in vivo results
225                                          The experiment was conducted under open-air conditions for c
226                                              Experiments were conducted under conditions where the in
227                                          All experiments were conducted under electrostatically unfav
228                                              Experiments were conducted under environmentally relevan
229                                              Experiments were conducted under simulated and natural s
230                                        Batch experiments were performed under aerobic and anaerobic c
231     DC-powered laboratory-scale electrolysis experiments were performed under static anodic potential
232 nion paper, in which BrdU/IdU cell-labelling experiments were performed under these respective condit
233                                    Quenching experiments were conducted, under different pH and tempe
234                                           An experiment was conducted using 48 cows in a randomized b
235 o, a series of physiochemical and proteomics experiment was conducted using two contrasting cultivars
236 lity of our approach, a simulated wastewater experiment was conducted using water from the Fyris Rive
237                                          The experiment was performed using 700 mL of urine and the p
238                                          All experiments were carried out using solution volumes betw
239                                          The experiments were conducted using (14)C-labeled MWCNT ((1
240 studies, three intermediate-scale laboratory experiments were conducted using a climate-controlled wi
241                                              Experiments were conducted using a custom double-stirred
242                                  A series of experiments were conducted using a mouse model of cGVHD.
243                                          The experiments were conducted using a two-electrode flow ce
244           Fundamental particulate filtration experiments were conducted using an exhaust filtration a
245                                    The mouse experiments were conducted using genetic and pharmacolog
246                                        Batch experiments were conducted using granular zerovalent iro
247 in the subsurface is unknown, batch sorption experiments were conducted using National Foam AFFF, whi
248          During the current study laboratory experiments were conducted using NF (TFC-SR2) and RO (BW
249                                          All experiments were conducted using the endangered Caribbea
250 lexity of the wastewater matrix, the initial experiments were performed using a high concentration (1
251                                          The experiments were performed using a synthetic system in E
252                                              Experiments were performed using a tube packed with fors
253                                              Experiments were performed using Fluo-3 in voltage clamp
254                                      In vivo experiments were performed using New Zealand White rabbi
255                                          The experiments were performed using oil-in-water emulsions
256  Diego USA) immunoassays, as well as spiking experiments were performed using recombinant IL-33 and i
257      Competitive binding and internalization experiments were performed using the PSMA-positive LNCaP
258                         Microcosm and column experiments were conducted utilizing actual runoff, DOC
259 RNAs with 22-47 nucleotides), an interactive experiment was conducted with 141 participants who had v
260               Here, a 10 week microevolution experiment was conducted with a genetically diverse and
261                        This proof of concept experiment was performed with iodide, silver, and sodium
262                                        A pot experiment was performed with sludges produced in a pilo
263                              The methylation experiment was performed with washed cells either in the
264                                          Two experiments were carried out with 'Royal Gala' and 'Gala
265                                              Experiments were carried out with a 6 microm wide microw
266                                          All experiments were carried out with commercially available
267                               IgE inhibition experiments were carried out with mugwort and plane tree
268 on mechanisms of protein fouling, filtration experiments were carried out with polyvinylidene fluorid
269                                              Experiments were carried out with single islet cells adh
270                                        Batch experiments were carried out with three Cr(III) solids o
271                                              Experiments were conducted with 25 mug-Hg(0)/m(3) of nit
272   To better understand this issue, screening experiments were conducted with 91 PCP to detect the occ
273                                        Field experiments were conducted with a point-of-use filter, c
274                                      Chamber experiments were conducted with a robotic crawling infan
275                                              Experiments were conducted with a two-dimensional flow c
276                     In this study, time-kill experiments were conducted with a zoonotic pathogen Past
277                           Unsaturated column experiments were conducted with an undisturbed loamy san
278                                              Experiments were conducted with and without carbidopa pr
279                  Magnetite-chromate sorption experiments were conducted with approximately 90 and app
280                                              Experiments were conducted with both phosphatidylcholine
281                                     In vitro experiments were conducted with preadipocytes isolated f
282                                        Batch experiments were conducted with Scenedesmus sp. and Chlo
283                                              Experiments were conducted with the same amount of Sphin
284                                   Online BCI experiments were conducted with twelve healthy subjects,
285                                 Although the experiments were performed with a specific nickel electr
286                                   All animal experiments were performed with adherence to the Swiss A
287                                              Experiments were performed with and without seed aerosol
288                                              Experiments were performed with aortic smooth muscle cel
289                    Materials and Methods All experiments were performed with approval of the institut
290 spheric monitoring purposes, all the initial experiments were performed with CO2 samples containing c
291                                     In vitro experiments were performed with colon cancer cell line C
292                              Biodistribution experiments were performed with nude mice bearing RIN-m5
293                             Batch and column experiments were performed with sediments from the Hanfo
294                                          The experiments were performed with the full-size Abeta prot
295                        Additional laboratory experiments were performed with the psychrophilic diatom
296             Auxiliary in vitro BTL-mimicking experiments were performed with Transwell supports.
297                                 Meat binding experiments were performed with two technical TG mixture
298                            Electroanalytical experiments were performed with two transmembrane protei
299                                      Control experiments were performed with untreated plants and the
300                  Real-time E. coli detection experiments were carried out within the range of 1.0x10(

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