


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ations, reaching 76 and 89% atom exchange in experiments with 0.1 and 1 mM Fe(II), respectively.
2 ials, quasi-experimental studies, or natural experiments with: (1) a control group; (2) minimum follo
3                                              Experiments with (13)C6 labelled Gal and Glc showed that
4                                  QC data and experiments with 14 synthetic reference peptides indicat
5                         In a soil incubation experiment with (15)NH4NO3, NH4(15)NO3, or Na(15)NO2 ame
6                                          SIP experiments using (15) N methylamine combined with metag
7                        In a randomized field experiment with 1540 children (average age 4.9 years) in
8                           Ethylene induction experiments using 2-(methylthio)ethanol versus sulfate a
9                                 Pretargeting experiments with 2 and a novel (99m)Tc-labeled tetrazine
10                    Quadrupolar-echo (2)H NMR experiments with (2)H-labeled samples showed that fast r
11 esponses to beverage stimuli.We performed an experiment with 20 healthy-weight individuals who were r
12  resolution, we also performed preincubation experiments with 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan and serotonin.
13                       An exhaustive spike-in experiment with 79 metabolite standards demonstrated the
14      We test this argument through an online experiment with 8,906 users of Airbnb, a leading hospita
15 ictions, we conducted a large-scale mesocosm experiment using a natural gradient in the concentration
16 he samples were kept frozen during the whole experiment using a nitrogen cooled sample holder.
17               During a long-term evaporation experiment with a 15 wt % NaCl solution, the GO leaf dem
18 y 3 to >45 mmol Fe(II) kg(-1) d(-1) over the experiment with a concomitant increase of an Fe(II) conc
19 tion on native plant fitness in a glasshouse experiment with a forest invader that produces known ant
20                              We conducted an experiment with a host-parasitoid system to test the pre
21                          A preliminary field experiment with a natural phytoplankton community in the
22 on by comparing a typical quadrupling-of-CO2 experiment with a simulation driven by sea-surface tempe
23  dot patterns used in these roughness coding experiments using a model of skin mechanics.
24                                              Experiments using a mutant form of ARF1 affecting GTP hy
25   Here, we review findings from elevated CO2 experiments using a plant economics framework, highlight
26 was estimated from energy-transfer quenching experiments using a series of organic triplet donors (E(
27                     Building on our previous experiments using a single female pig-tailed macaque as
28                                The conducted experiments with a 10 nm indium tin oxide film, having p
29                           Adhesion frequency experiments with a biomembrane force probe could not det
30                       We present a series of experiments with a combination of promoters, fluorescent
31  two times higher than that for typical bulk experiments with a commercial rotating ring disk electro
32           We present results from laboratory experiments with a field portable oxidation flow reactor
33 quantum mechanical computations, comparative experiments with a fluorocarbon-free alpha,omega-dihexyl
34                                              Experiments with a klinostat and with inverted stem orie
35 e find strong support for this prediction in experiments with a marine diatom, Thalassiosira pseudona
36 lars on a regular grid, and complement these experiments with a matching two-dimensional pore-network
37 r their ability to survive in all nine field experiments with a mean survival rate of 0.57, ranging f
38                                 Perturbation experiments with a miR-218-5p mimic or inhibitor demonst
39                                       Rescue experiments with a MOF histone acetyltransferase domain
40                                        Next, experiments with a paralyzed strain indicated that the s
41  that controlling the temperature during the experiments with a precision below 1 K is of importance.
42                                              Experiments with a ribonuclease-inactive recombinant RNa
43 in the whole plant during independent uptake experiments with a root-mean-square error (log predicted
44                  In preparative electrolysis experiments with a series of alcohol substrates and the
45                                     Trapping experiments with a substituted 1,6-cyclodecadiyne using
46                                     Parallel experiments with a trr allele that augments enzyme produ
47 ameters, phase diagram method, and quenching experiments using acrylamide and iodide.
48 or amine-containing micropollutants in batch experiments with activated sludge that has so far gone u
49 djusted by using the available data from the experiment with adipose-derived stem cells subjected to
50                                          NMR experiments using advanced bioreactors have advantages w
51                                 Results from experiments using AGO2-loaded miRNAs in duplex with targ
52                                              Experiments with alpha-boryl acetals containing a latent
53                                   Additional experiments with altered oxygen concentrations in condit
54                                              Experiments using ambient pressure X-ray photoelectron s
55                              ChIP-sequencing experiments using an anti-O-GlcNAc antibody revealed sig
56                         Here authors perform experiments using an in situ scanning electron microscop
57                                   We perform experiments using an in situ scanning electron microscop
58                     However, lineage-tracing experiments using an inducible Tbx18-CreERT2 line reveal
59                                    Analogous experiments with an antagonist (prochlorperazine) and a
60 curs despite the presence of antiscalants in experiments with and without shale contact and is driven
61                                              Experiments using antibiotics to cure the endobacterium
62                                              Experiments using antibody transfer indicate that antibo
63                                 Meat binding experiments with beef and pork were performed using a te
64                        By combining in vitro experiments with bioinformatic and RNA-seq data, metabol
65     Mass spectrometry-based affinity capture experiments with biotin-linked derivatives revealed a nu
66                                        Other experiments with bone marrow chimeras revealed that infl
67                                              Experiments with both synthetic and our real data demons
68 polymorpha and Physcomitrella patens UVR8 in experiments with bryophyte tissue and expression of gree
69                                 In addition, experiments with Btk-null B cells revealed off-target ef
70                  We performed three separate experiments with bumblebees (Bombus terrestris), where t
71               Kinetic and circular dichroism experiments with C69G-GES-5 demonstrate that this small
72                      We designed an in vitro experiment with calcium phosphate with different SDF con
73                                       Rescue experiments with catalytically inactive mutants of MOF s
74  On the basis of these experiments and on an experiment with CBZ-10,11-epoxide a transformation pathw
75                                              Experiments using CD11b/CD18 integrin-deficient (CD11b(-
76                                              Experiments with cell culture medium showed that virus i
77                               Single-forcing experiments with changed inputs, temperature, and moistu
78                                              Experiments with clusters of tumor cells compartmentaliz
79              We perform a reactive transport experiment using CO2-saturated brine at reservoir condit
80 ies are using research interfaces to conduct experiments with cochlear-implant (CI) users.
81 n model, we performed co-immunoprecipitation experiments with combinations of ARTEMIS mutants.
82 n blot experiments and compared to analogous experiments using commercially available antibody-conjug
83 global vortex structure, we match theory and experiment using computer vision methodologies to determ
84 e, we combine insights from recent microbial experiments with concepts from lattice-field theory and
85                                           In experiments with conditional ATOH1 mouse mutants crossed
86 20 equiv NH3 per Os center in a single batch experiment using Cp*2Co and [H2NPh2][OTf] as reductant a
87 hnical difficulties in performing controlled experiments with currently available neuroimaging method
88 y comparing the results from this laboratory experiment with data compiled from 210 soils representin
89                          Optical pulse-chase experiments with Dendra2-tagged aSyn versions indicated
90  series of primordial-soup Miller-Urey style experiments with deuterated gases and reagents to compar
91                                              Experiments with deuterated substrates are also shown he
92                                  In situ NMR experiments with deuterated substrates show that H2 is f
93                                        MS(2) experiments using different ion activation techniques va
94                              Internalization experiments with different cell lines, well-differentiat
95                          Crossflow rejection experiments with dilute feed composition indicate that b
96                                              Experiments with DNA containing abasic sites and polyeth
97 e Forster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) experiments using donor-labeled Rev and acceptor-labeled
98 ct mechanism by conducting photoinactivation experiments with eight health-relevant bacterial species
99                              On the basis of experiments using either soft or less-intense hard X-ray
100 y dTL as an important variable in thin-layer experiments with electrochemical reactions and FTIR read
101                        However, in practical experiments using electrons either the maximum collectio
102                                      Control experiments using enantioenriched 3-hydroxy-2-oxindole s
103 t studies have attempted to merge ecological experiments with epigenetic analyses to elucidate the co
104 or populations that arose during a long-term experiment with Escherichia coli, in which populations h
105 velopmental ontogeny, we conducted a mapping experiment using Euphrates poplar (Populus euphratica),
106 trometry of exhaled breath and UHPLC-HRMS/MS experiments using exhaled breath condensate, respectivel
107                                    Practical experiments with extraction time 16.00min, ethanol conce
108  F(ab')2 targets, as confirmed by inhibition experiments with F(ab')2 fragments and hinge peptides.
109            Here we present X-ray diffraction experiments with femtosecond resolution that capture in
110                                              Experiments with ferrous iron or anthrahydroquinone-2,6-
111 development of the example qAOP was based on experiments with FHMs exposed to the aromatase inhibitor
112 e, and Mg- and Ca-bearing siderite formed in experiments with flood basalt.
113  Analysis of DC maturation markers, tracking experiments with fluorescently labeled cells, and use of
114 ched particle beams as well as time-resolved experiments with free-electron beams.
115                                     Leaching experiments with freshly crushed granodiorite, the domin
116                    Interestingly, co-culture experiments with FTD astrocytes revealed increased oxida
117                                          Our experiments with full-length Cya and its cytosolic domai
118 can provide useful frameworks for testing by experiment with fundamental insights provided by theory.
119 the same experimental conditions in separate experiments using Fura-4AM.
120                                  DNA binding experiments using gel-shift and ChIP assays demonstrated
121                A series of adoptive transfer experiments with genetically engineered donors and recip
122         We initiated laboratory evolutionary experiments with genotypes carrying different versions o
123 m calls using a combination of lab and field experiments with great tits (Parus major), a songbird th
124                                 Localization experiments using green fluorescent protein fusion const
125                                              Experiments using HDAC11 knockout (KO) mice revealed tha
126                       We performed coculture experiments using healthy monocytes with exosome-package
127            Prolonged presence of S(-II)aq in experiments with hematite in combination with a larger r
128                                              Experiments with heterologous expression systems show th
129                Two independent brain imaging experiments using high-resolution fMRI revealed that the
130 ying conditionally essential genes in Tn-Seq experiments with high detection sensitivity and specific
131 es allows one to perform competition binding experiments with high sensitivity while avoiding signal
132 ine state of the art laboratory permeability experiments with high-resolution X-ray computed tomograp
133                                    Rejection experiments with higher ionic strength and different com
134  elucidate mechanisms, we conducted in vitro experiments with HSCs infected with adenoviral vectors e
135 lly important for designing and interpreting experiments with Hsp90.
136                    We performed a co-culture experiment with human metastatic melanoma cell line (SKM
137 g regions derived from ChIP-seq/ChIP-exo-seq experiments using human and mouse cells.
138                                              Experiments using human genotyped livers showed an inter
139 ation including animal research and in vitro experiments using human vascular cells and plasma from s
140                         (55)Fe-radiolabeling experiments with human cells depleted of CIA1, CIA2A, CI
141                                  Using batch experiments with human fecal material as substrate, we a
142                                       Rescue experiments with human tau expression restored MT bundli
143 he predictions made by macaque studies in an experiment with humans with frontal lobe lesions, asking
144                                              Experiments with IEC organoids demonstrated that IEC exp
145                                        Eight experiments using incentivized real effort tasks found t
146                                  Competition experiments using increasing ethanol concentrations on n
147                              Here, different experiments with individual NTs coupled with first-princ
148                                              Experiments with inhibitors of protein kinase G (PKG), p
149 ay rule" for embryo research stipulates that experiments with intact human embryos must not allow the
150 curve in small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments using isolated GluA2 ligand-binding domain (
151  ProteoModlR is intended for the analysis of experiments using isotopically labeled reference peptide
152                                    Analogous experiments with K2PtCl4/K2PdCl4 mixtures show PdCl2 tra
153  to execute and analyze live-cell microscopy experiments using KTRs.
154                                     However, experiments with Kv1.3 KO rats and Kv1.3 siRNA knockdown
155 we have performed a comprehensive proteomics experiment using label-free quantitative mass spectromet
156                  Here we conduct a microcosm experiment with laboratory protist community subjected t
157 e substances were assessed in targeted batch experiments using laboratory-scale biofilm reactors oper
158 ailable soil nitrogen (N) by combining field experiments with laboratory manipulations from sites exp
159              In addition, during coinfection experiments with Legionella pneumophila, we found that d
160 m are limited because they largely come from experiments using limited numbers of species [3], mesoco
161 ver, this mechanism was challenged, based on experiments with lipid vesicle-incorporated gA under con
162                                Cross-linking experiments with liposome bound Atg18 yielded several PE
163                        In neutron scattering experiments with liposomes in the presence or absence of
164 ystem very efficient for instance for 2D NMR experiments with long mixing times.
165                Relaxation and self-diffusion experiments using low-field NMR spectrometry provided im
166  of the current understanding comes from the experiments with low levels of chemotactically active li
167                                              Experiments using LPS-activated primary macrophages reve
168 e-substrate complex as indicated by cleavage experiments with lysosomal enzymes (Tritosomes).
169 ibrated and validated with 2-year lysimetric experiment with maize.
170                                      Control experiments using maleic acid (cis-butenedioic acid) and
171 rnation causes reduced synaptic activity and experiments with mammals reveal that this can have adver
172                            By mirroring each experiment with MD simulation, including "simulating syn
173 otolysis experiment is confirmed by trapping experiments with methyl 1-methylpyrrole-2-carboxylate (6
174 plified by a D2-like receptor antagonist and experiments with mice with targeted deletion of D2 recep
175 increases toward the equator, using a global experiment with model caterpillars to measure predation
176                                              Experiments with model sensitizers and DOM isolates reve
177                       Here we combine PELDOR experiments with molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to
178                    Here we combine nanoscale experiments with molecular-level simulation to study the
179                               In contrast to experiments with monochromatic radiation, data from only
180  study, we conducted SILAC mass spectrometry experiments with mononucleosomes and identified multiple
181 1, DPY19L3, and DPY19L4) and complementation experiments with mouse homologs showed that DPY19L1 pref
182                       Data mining of RNA-Seq experiments with mouse models of intestinal HIF-2alpha o
183 s the detection of DMRs in large methylation experiments with multiple groups of samples in minutes r
184 fy as specific gaps in current understanding experiments with multiple levels of modifier species and
185                                              Experiments using murine macrophages showed that FPW ext
186                                       Rescue experiments with mutated KRas 3'UTR showed very signific
187                               In patch-clamp experiments using native cerebral arterial myocytes, mem
188           We selected studies that conducted experiments with native and NIS under common environment
189                                              Experiments with natural accessions and crosses between
190          Ex vivo microperfusion and in vitro experiments with NEFA-bound albumin at concentrations th
191                                          Our experiments with non-dissociating mutants of fluorescent
192                                         2PPM experiments with non-mutated fluorescently labeled Galph
193                                     Finally, experiments with often used penetration enhancer thymol
194                          Magnesite formed in experiments with olivine, and Mg- and Ca-bearing siderit
195                                       In our experiments with Ononis spinosa, alpha-onocerin was dete
196                  It is shown from theory and experiment using open-air whole-season elevation of atmo
197 in pathophysiology and controlled laboratory experiments with other living systems, which can flip fr
198 ons with cyanide as nucleophile, preliminary experiments with other nucleophiles foreshadow the broad
199                       Competitive inhibition experiments with other pneumococcal hTSP-1 adhesins demo
200                                     However, experiments with other soils and biochars will be requir
201                Both survival and competition experiments with outbred CD1 mice demonstrated that PEG3
202                             Finally, in vivo experiment using OV202 Sh1 derived xenograft show that A
203                           Additional in vivo experiments using P. berghei infected mice showed that a
204                                              Experiments using parabiotic mice fed a high-fat diet (H
205 ere used for in vitro concentration-response experiments with PB, cetacean and seal spp. immune cells
206                                              Experiments with permeabilized human myocardium demonstr
207                                              Experiments with pharmacologic inhibitors were performed
208 cule fluorescence and in vitro cross-linking experiments with photo-activatable unnatural amino acids
209 mportance that the properties of DOM used in experiments with PM, in particular the molecular weight
210  amine reactants are employed in competition experiments using polar solvents, such as DMF, no "mixed
211           Here we combine extensive crossing experiments with population and functional genomic data
212 ant-pathogenic virus, we performed evolution experiments with Potato virus Y (PVY) in potato genotype
213                                In co-culture experiments with primary human T cells, epithelial cells
214                                    Extensive experiments using publicly available gene expression pro
215                         Here, in a series of experiments using purified proteins from mammalian cells
216                                              Experiments with purified AQP0 reconstituted into liposo
217                      In vitro reconstitution experiments with purified cyt b6f and recombinant Stt7 k
218                                     In vitro experiments with purified P450s were conducted as well.
219                                     In vitro experiments with purified recombinant CYP46A1 indicated
220 ease of oxidized aliphatic chains from CL in experiments with purified recombinant iPLA2gamma, germ-l
221                                  Biochemical experiments with purified recombinant proteins show that
222                                              Experiments with purified sGC in the presence of Tween 2
223                                      Careful experiments with purified water already show large inter
224                In vivo and in vitro labeling experiments using radiolabeled GPI precursors showed tha
225 aracterized by in vitro displacement binding experiments with rat brain membranes, in vitro autoradio
226 the MALDI/ESI interface has been employed in experiments with rat brain sections and was shown to be
227                                           In experiments with rat neuroendocrine cells, we find that
228                                      Kinetic experiments using reaction progress kinetic analysis pro
229 estigated by integrating flow-through column experiments with reactive transport modeling, and electr
230 asophil leukemia assay, T-cell proliferation experiments using recombinant wildtype Cyp c 1, and over
231  in pigs in detail have been limited because experiments with regular-sized pigs are difficult to per
232  these two Fe phases was tested using mixing experiments with river water and artificial seawater.
233 R10J5, as demonstrated by receptor knockdown experiments using RNA interference.
234     Complementary ex situ chemical oxidation experiments with [Ru(bpy)3](3+) furthermore indicate tha
235                               Dynamic column experiments with sediment from the Sellafield nuclear fa
236                   We planted a common garden experiment with seeds collected from natural populations
237                                      A field experiment with seven precipitation treatments (i.e. fro
238                                              Experiments using several inhibitors of IGF-1 receptor s
239 O-SPR sensors were then subjected to sensing experiments with several alcohol vapors to establish the
240                      We perform microchannel experiments with SHSs consisting of stream-wise parallel
241                                              Experiments with single plasmid topoisomers showed that
242 t chimeric constructs between BGT1 and GAT3, experiments with site-directed mutated transporters, and
243                       A refreshing empirical experiment with snails supports this long-standing hypot
244 rganosulfur species formed in photooxidation experiments with SO2 are present in the SOA particles.
245 mine the recorded signatures, we carried out experiments with spheres impacting at the surface of a w
246                                              Experiments using stabilized pH conditions revealed the
247                                      Control experiments with stiffer, gel-phase 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-g
248 ulations to reconcile recent single-molecule experiments with structural data and provide a consisten
249          The results of DFT calculations and experiments with substituted styrenes indicate that the
250                  Despite its small scale, an experiment with such high resolution data allows us to b
251 doping in electric double-layer (EDL) gating experiments with superconducting cuprates, our work show
252  novel methodology that iteratively combines experiments with systems modeling analysis is essential
253 pable of influencing interpretations of many experiments using targeted genome manipulations such as
254                                   A trapping experiment with TEMPO is consistent with C-N bond format
255 ng and reimprisonment, we leverage a natural experiment using the random assignment of judges with di
256 s became fixed early while bees continued to experiment with the order of later visits.
257 reatest soil water loss was observed for the experiment with the smallest spacing where competition d
258                    We carried out glasshouse experiments using the California-native shrub Baccharis
259 ions of generosity in a series of controlled experiments using the dictator game.
260                                              Experiments using the model system Arabidopsis thaliana
261                            Early preclinical experiments using the non-obese diabetic (NOD) mouse mod
262                            In fact, based on experiments using the self-interacting FM domain, it app
263                                    Culturing experiments with the alga showed that host glutamine may
264 gene drives due to recent proof of principle experiments with the CRISPR-Cas9 system as a drive mecha
265                             In two evolution experiments with the facultatively sexual rotifer Brachi
266 ts kappaobs) were collected from competition experiments with the faster reactions of 2 in THF and th
267 challenged by ultrafast optical spectroscopy experiments with the Fenna-Matthews-Olson protein, in wh
268 st dynamic range in ratiometric FRET imaging experiments with the G-protein sensor.
269                                              Experiments with the green alga Chlorella vulgaris prese
270            By conducting in vivo and ex vivo experiments with the immunocompetent TC-1 murine tumor m
271                                              Experiments with the use-dependent NMDAR blocker, MK-801
272 g the effects of As on plants should include experiments with thiolated As species.
273                  Time courses for biological experiments using this hydrogel are variable, and thus t
274                                      Initial experiments using this method to sequence E. coli genomi
275  we apply these models to a data set from an experiment with three mixed blocks of pro- and antisacca
276                                              Experiments using TM domains from other receptors, EGFR
277  results were validated in functional rescue experiments using transgenes expression in EPCs from ret
278                                              Experiments with trapped ions demonstrate how spectral l
279                                              Experiments using Trib1 (-/-) mice that had a depleted a
280                            Notably, in vitro experiments with trophoblasts showed increased productio
281                                              Experiments with truncated forms of talin confirm the me
282                                    Our TUNEL experiments using tunicamycin, an apoptosis inducer, and
283 cture, we generated a RNA-sequencing mixture experiment using two cell lines of the same cancer type.
284                     Here, we perform mixture experiments using two different sets of spike-in RNA to
285 findings were confirmed with pharmacological experiments using two selective NOP antagonists, SB-6121
286                                 Fluorescence experiments with two hydrophobic fluorescent probes esta
287               We demonstrate, in closed-loop experiments with two rhesus macaques, that after the los
288                                          The experiments with two segmentation workflows show that th
289                  Second, we consider thought experiments using universal linear optical machines, whi
290 through simulation and in a proof-of-concept experiment using unstructured peptides under slow-exchan
291                                Control HX-MS experiments using unstructured peptides labeled at pD 4.
292 on the degree of cross-linking by performing experiments with varying formaldehyde concentrations.
293            We analyzed over 4,000 samples in experiments with varying near-physiological GnRH concent
294                                      Further experiments with varying regeneration and adsorption con
295  confirm the predicted exponential growth in experiments using vibrated grains under microgravity, an
296           Through mathematical modelling and experiments with Vibrio cholerae, we show how killing ad
297                                          For experiments with water flow containing a disinfectant to
298                                              Experiments with wild-type seeds extended by mutant mono
299 vironmental changes, we conducted a mesocosm experiment with wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) in the Canad
300 edicted computationally and confirmed in our experiments using X-ray diffraction and atomic resolutio

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