


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sponse relationship, specificity, and animal experimental evidence).
2 ing only realistic parameters constrained by experimental evidence.
3 t to interpret the available statistical and experimental evidence.
4 erroelectric, which, however, requires clear experimental evidence.
5  Cys106, which supports previous preliminary experimental evidence.
6 tational study allowed us to rationalize the experimental evidence.
7 rks are largely consistent with the existing experimental evidence.
8                    However, there is lack of experimental evidence.
9 nd found to compare favorably with available experimental evidence.
10 d from public resources of fusion genes with experimental evidences.
11 omposite film due to lack of the convincible experimental evidences.
12                                   Apart from experimental evidence, a numerical simulation is develop
13                               In particular, experimental evidence about IL-10/GAG binding sites is l
14                              However, little experimental evidence actually demonstrates a selective
15                     However, there is little experimental evidence addressing how many cell divisions
16                    Observational studies and experimental evidence agree that rising global temperatu
17                                              Experimental evidence and computational modeling suggest
18                                     Based on experimental evidence and computational modeling, we sho
19                This perspective will present experimental evidence and evolutionary theory to challen
20 on of loci that have limited annotations and experimental evidence and for identifying candidate caus
21                Our results provide the first experimental evidence and mechanistic support for the as
22 uclear egress in herpesviruses, examines the experimental evidence and models, and outlines outstandi
23                                              Experimental evidence and preliminary clinical evidence
24                                              Experimental evidence and theoretical modeling suggest t
25                                     Although experimental evidence as well as modeling suggest that f
26                                              Experimental evidence as well as molecular docking poses
27     Here, we detail recent computational and experimental evidence associated with sequence-specific
28 lly - or collectively - explain the range of experimental evidence available.
29                            We provide direct experimental evidence, backed by theory, that this motio
30                The majority of the available experimental evidence, both in humans and other species,
31          We investigated whether the diverse experimental evidence can be unified by creating a spati
32 er than wet conditions, although some recent experimental evidence challenges this view.
33                        Here we report on the experimental evidence, confirmed by ab initio calculatio
34                                     However, experimental evidence correlating the function of X-chro
35                                              Experimental evidence, corroborated by theory, reveals t
36                                          Our experimental evidence demonstrates that P. galapageium l
37                                     Mounting experimental evidence demonstrates that platelets suppor
38                            Observational and experimental evidence demonstrates that protein intake i
39                                         This experimental evidence demonstrates that rapid evolution
40                                          The experimental evidence demonstrates that there exists an
41 llations in isoprene emission provide direct experimental evidence demonstrating that the response of
42 he distribution of it, thus providing direct experimental evidences demonstrating that the long myste
43                             In line with the experimental evidence, DFT studies reveal that initiatio
44 ion primarily through their migration, while experimental evidence documenting large-scale sliding of
45                                              Experimental evidence ex vivo suggests that direct manip
46 ed to originate from primary sources, little experimental evidence exists directly linking combustion
47  infection to cattle abortion, little direct experimental evidence exists.
48                         We provide the first experimental evidence for a direct Au(III)-F/B transmeta
49                             Here, we provide experimental evidence for a functional communication bet
50                              Here we present experimental evidence for a phase of fluctuating nematic
51 rian metazoans, but there has been no direct experimental evidence for a specific role for BMP signal
52                     Overall, we found robust experimental evidence for a total of only thirteen preny
53 tributions to stress susceptibility--and the experimental evidence for and against the existence of s
54                               Here we report experimental evidence for cell-cell communication that s
55                              Here we provide experimental evidence for direct reactions occurring bet
56                 We provide computational and experimental evidence for diverse mechanisms of gene res
57                                   We provide experimental evidence for electron transfer from As(III)
58                         Here, we demonstrate experimental evidence for electronic catalyst-support in
59 ened water hydrogen bonding, but there is no experimental evidence for enhanced hydrogen bonding and/
60                              Yet there is no experimental evidence for how sidechain dynamics control
61              These results complement recent experimental evidence for immiscible methane-rich fluids
62                                         This experimental evidence for interfacial thin film and drop
63 ll relatively poorly understood, with little experimental evidence for intermediates, although an org
64              These results provide the first experimental evidence for ISR and suggest a functional r
65 n of an intermediate iron-peroxo complex but experimental evidence for its existence is still missing
66         Taken together, this provides direct experimental evidence for jamming by shear, rather than
67 ved nutrients on selection pressures provide experimental evidence for key components of eco-evolutio
68 resonance techniques, we provide unambiguous experimental evidence for long-wavelength helimagnetic o
69                              Here, we report experimental evidence for magnetic Weyl fermions in Mn3S
70                Both anion structures provide experimental evidence for near-linear M-N-N coordination
71 eview assesses the mechanistic rationale and experimental evidence for nutritional interventions comm
72                                              Experimental evidence for oxetanes as reactive intermedi
73 ges in protein function and thus can provide experimental evidence for phylogenomic relationships.
74                   Thus, we provide the first experimental evidence for production-related vocal learn
75               Following previously published experimental evidence for S-glutathionylation induced de
76  or less compact chromatin fibers but direct experimental evidence for such models are lacking.
77 s study provides the first direct structural experimental evidence for the binding of dextrin-colisti
78 is investigation firstly provides the direct experimental evidence for the crystallized feature of th
79             Thus, our data provide the first experimental evidence for the dynamic control of stereoc
80                   Our results provide direct experimental evidence for the existence of distinct bifu
81 pore diameters (3.2-29 nm), providing direct experimental evidence for the formation of a molecular-l
82               In this work we provide strong experimental evidence for the hydrodynamic nature of the
83                                 We summarize experimental evidence for the importance of thrombus sta
84                             Thus, we provide experimental evidence for the important contribution of
85                                   We present experimental evidence for the optically induced metastab
86 pectroscopy measurements that provide direct experimental evidence for the ozonide and establish its
87 i-review, we summarize current knowledge and experimental evidence for the potential of bacteria and
88                                   We provide experimental evidence for the proposed mechanism and sho
89                       These findings provide experimental evidence for the role of behaviors directed
90 scattering techniques and provides the first experimental evidence for the self-assembly of CESA into
91 g distribution in the intestine and provided experimental evidence for the suggested absorption behav
92          Taken together, this study provides experimental evidence for the therapeutic potential of 8
93                          However, conclusive experimental evidence for their functional relevance is
94 ively novel therapies for IF/TA and provided experimental evidence for their therapeutic activities i
95 d mobilize gene fragments in eukaryotes, but experimental evidence for their transposition is lacking
96 olesterol-binding sites in VDAC1, but direct experimental evidence for these sites is lacking.
97 abilize each other as metastable dimers, yet experimental evidence for these species and their mutual
98 of single neurons, here we provide the first experimental evidence for this effect.
99 re and the walls of the container, clear-cut experimental evidence for this prediction is lacking.
100  the literature reports provide little or no experimental evidence for this.
101                Our results provide the first experimental evidence for vocal elaboration as a male-sp
102                                 However, the experimental evidences for such strain are scanty.
103  Focusing on vertebrate cells but drawing on experimental evidence from a wide range of systems, we w
104  energy-related metabolites are in line with experimental evidence from Escherichia coli.
105                                 We highlight experimental evidence from mouse models and patient-base
106 tner violence, to date there has been little experimental evidence from sub-Saharan Africa that can b
107 principles computational methods, along with experimental evidence from the literature, were used to
108                                          The experimental evidence from these studies is confirmed by
109                                     However, experimental evidence, from pre-erythrocytic vaccine can
110                                In silico and experimental evidence further revealed that miR-211 dire
111                                              Experimental evidence had shown that the first step invo
112                                     Recently experimental evidence has been presented suggesting that
113 mes, such as toroviruses and roniviruses, no experimental evidence has been reported thus far.
114 in thermoelectric performance, but no direct experimental evidence has been reported.
115 l theoretical models have been proposed, but experimental evidence has demonstrated that a rich class
116                                       Recent experimental evidence has demonstrated that path lengths
117                              A large body of experimental evidence has provided support for a modulat
118                                              Experimental evidence has shown a close correlation betw
119                       In this regard, recent experimental evidence has shown that the genetic or phar
120                                              Experimental evidence has suggested that unresolvable DN
121 ignificantly enriched in cancer genomes, but experimental evidence implicating condensin dysfunction
122 t this assumption is consistent with current experimental evidence in chimeric motors, as well as wit
123                                 Accumulating experimental evidence in mammalian, and recently plant,
124   Here, we provide theoretical arguments and experimental evidence in support of an alternative appro
125                              However, direct experimental evidence in support of any of these models
126            There is no experimental or quasi-experimental evidence in the United States that links ch
127                                              Experimental evidence, including exaggerated ventilatory
128                                              Experimental evidence indicates a direct role of transac
129                                              Experimental evidence indicates that about 60% of miRNA-
130                                              Experimental evidence indicates that bivalent chromatin
131                                              Experimental evidence indicates that each tip link is a
132                         Growing clinical and experimental evidence indicates that improper involution
133                                              Experimental evidence indicates that intestinal microbio
134                                              Experimental evidence indicates that PFAS alter glucose
135                                              Experimental evidence indicates that the lobes integrate
136 c cancer cells, despite growing clinical and experimental evidence indicating that intratumoral hypox
137                            Thus, the overall experimental evidence is consistent with a pattern of HI
138 mutations are tumor drivers, although direct experimental evidence is lacking.
139 o-low-density transition are debated and new experimental evidence is needed.
140 he hydroallylation reaction is proposed, and experimental evidence is provided for the key steps of t
141  study, for the first time to our knowledge, experimental evidence is provided on the link between mu
142 ity of the model in general, but more direct experimental evidence is required to validate the model
143                                              Experimental evidence, kinetic measurements, and correla
144 ersial primarily because of a lack of direct experimental evidence linking magnetic field (MF) exposu
145  is still debated as a result of the lack of experimental evidence obtained without drastic manipulat
146            Here we provide bioinformatic and experimental evidence of a conserved mitochondrial stres
147 ifference in universality class, with recent experimental evidence of a dynamic Mott transition in a
148                                 Here we show experimental evidence of a hetero-site pump-probe signal
149  the TamA barrel domain, providing the first experimental evidence of a lateral gate in TamA: a struc
150                         Our findings provide experimental evidence of a microbial strategy for transi
151                                     Based on experimental evidence of activity-dependent tuning of co
152                                              Experimental evidence of cerebellar dysfunction in prete
153 d whole genome sequencing, we present unique experimental evidence of chromosomal DNA transfer betwee
154 entific and practical importance, conclusive experimental evidence of confined acoustic phonon polari
155                          We report the first experimental evidence of EOF hysteresis induced by a pH
156     Despite such interest in nano-optics, no experimental evidence of Fano interference was reported
157                             Here we show the experimental evidence of giant enhancement of the absorp
158               For the first time, we provide experimental evidence of growth rates of Ag nanoparticle
159                                   We present experimental evidence of how competition introduces both
160                      However, we lack direct experimental evidence of how the net carbon uptake of ec
161 A:target interactions in myogenesis based on experimental evidence of individual miRNAs which were ne
162 m phase transition and to present convincing experimental evidence of its existence for a charged and
163                                     Detailed experimental evidence of kink blocking validates classic
164 d subsequent sequence data analysis provided experimental evidence of low-level detection of the targ
165                                     Based on experimental evidence of metabolic oscillations, we show
166 2Te3 and the band insulator GeTe, we provide experimental evidence of multiple topological modes in a
167 ccurring C9 proteoforms and the first direct experimental evidence of O-linked glycans in the N-termi
168                         Our findings provide experimental evidence of recent predictions and open the
169                      Here, we present direct experimental evidence of sequence-specific inter-segment
170                                 Motivated by experimental evidence of such flow asymmetry, here we ex
171 ctioning networks, and we end by summarizing experimental evidence of such interactions.
172                           Our study provides experimental evidence of the basic carbohydrate metaboli
173                      Our results provide the experimental evidence of the close connection between KZ
174                         We provide the first experimental evidence of the deleterious effect of acute
175                       Here, we report direct experimental evidence of the J eff = 3/2 state in GaTa4S
176                       These findings provide experimental evidence of the resistance mechanism of the
177        Our results provide simple and direct experimental evidence of the role of the defects in chem
178                                       Direct experimental evidence of these states has been limited s
179 r pollution during gestation is in line with experimental evidence on cigarette smoke and diesel exha
180 otein (CP) in encapsidating the RNA progeny, experimental evidence on positive sense single-stranded
181 al sessions, and therefore, there is limited experimental evidence on the adjustments in MU propertie
182                         We provide the first experimental evidence on the influence of the Al-induced
183 gle nanowires (nano-ARPES) to provide direct experimental evidence on the nontrivial topological char
184                        In fact, the existing experimental evidence points to a graded rather than an
185                                    We review experimental evidence pro et contra different theoretica
186           The combination of theoretical and experimental evidence provided here offers a unified fra
187                Our theory is consistent with experimental evidence regarding the influence of BG on s
188       This finding brings under scrutiny the experimental evidence reporting that limiting (zero-torq
189 e high (10-100 mM), however, and there is no experimental evidence ruling out a role for the lipid bi
190                             Here, we present experimental evidence showing how a stimulus can increas
191                     Thus, we obtained direct experimental evidence showing that a tight cavity can ge
192                         Here, we present new experimental evidence showing that fragility reflects th
193 the origins of this polymorphism and provide experimental evidence showing that it is the result of a
194                                     However, experimental evidence shows that some plant virus RdRPs
195 Quantum chemistry calculations, supported by experimental evidence, shows that the (CF3)2CFCN + OH re
196                                    Extensive experimental evidence (spectroscopic characterization, k
197  base our assessment of disorder strictly on experimental evidence, such as X-ray crystallography and
198                             Several lines of experimental evidence suggest that PIN-mediated polar au
199    In particular, computational modeling and experimental evidence suggest that static crosslinking p
200                  Various epidemiological and experimental evidence suggest that uric acid has a role
201    Our findings, largely consistent with the experimental evidence, suggest higher serum calcium may
202  and fluorescence measurements, and obtained experimental evidence suggesting a complex mechanism in
203                             Here, we present experimental evidence suggesting that the majority of kn
204 cryptic binding sites have been debated, but experimental evidence suggests multiple domains may cont
205                       Cumulative genetic and experimental evidence suggests that alterations in vario
206                                              Experimental evidence suggests that boryl radical interm
207                                              Experimental evidence suggests that cyclosporine prevent
208                            Epidemiologic and experimental evidence suggests that individuals with dia
209                                              Experimental evidence suggests that physiological challe
210                                 Furthermore, experimental evidence suggests that STDP is not the only
211                                              Experimental evidence suggests that the fusion is preced
212                                              Experimental evidence suggests that the retinal circadia
213                                        While experimental evidence suggests that these changes may be
214                                              Experimental evidence suggests that when an artemisinin
215 d framework to evaluate relevant genetic and experimental evidence supporting or contradicting a gene
216                      We also describe strong experimental evidence supporting our hypothesis through
217  have led to the enhanced virulence of ZIKV, experimental evidence supporting the role of specific ge
218 ummarizes the often fragmentary clinical and experimental evidence supporting the role of surgery and
219                                              Experimental evidence supporting their existence in vivo
220 ver half a century ago, there is a dearth of experimental evidence supporting their existence.
221                        With large amounts of experimental evidence supporting theories of either gold
222                                              Experimental evidence supporting this hypothesis shows t
223 psychology (e.g., William James), definitive experimental evidence supporting this idea is lacking de
224                     However, there is little experimental evidence supporting this mechanism in TRP c
225 ctivity is not required for cell growth, but experimental evidence supporting this notion has been la
226 expression in B. burgdorferi However, direct experimental evidence supporting this putative autoregul
227                                              Experimental evidence supports a protective role of 25-h
228                            Computational and experimental evidence supports an asymmetric atom-transf
229                                   Increasing experimental evidence supports the idea that Mycobacteri
230 ght to underlie absence seizures, converging experimental evidence supports the key involvement of th
231                                     Although experimental evidence supports the role of sharp-wave ri
232  impairments in CSF reabsorption, but little experimental evidence supports this concept.
233              Moreover, we provide conclusive experimental evidence that 'ballistic' separation prevai
234 h as a model system, we successfully provide experimental evidence that a large number of miRNAs can
235                          This study provides experimental evidence that a plant-type FA beta-oxidatio
236                        These results provide experimental evidence that a wild animal in a natural se
237              A new paper provides intriguing experimental evidence that age may cause a breakdown in
238 o calls from unknown individuals - the first experimental evidence that bonobos can identify individu
239           In the current studies, we provide experimental evidence that caspase-3 directly and specif
240                    In this study, we provide experimental evidence that ComFA binds to single strande
241  together, these findings provide compelling experimental evidence that DAT N and C termini synergist
242                          Our results provide experimental evidence that females can alter male behavi
243                This work provides additional experimental evidence that highly oxygenated intermediat
244                              We also provide experimental evidence that is inconsistent with endocyto
245                    We also provide the first experimental evidence that it is the amounts and types o
246              These results provide the first experimental evidence that ivacaftor is a potential ther
247             This review collects the diverse experimental evidence that leads to these conclusions.
248               Our findings provide the first experimental evidence that modulating activity in the DL
249                This study provides the first experimental evidence that N-alkylation results in a dra
250 pid flippase, although there is currently no experimental evidence that Neo1 catalyzes this activity
251                   The present study provides experimental evidence that neurogenic spots exhibit all
252                           These data provide experimental evidence that NOD2 recognizes naturally occ
253                This study provides the first experimental evidence that oxidation of a K(+) channel c
254                                   We provide experimental evidence that parasites influence host-medi
255                    These data provide direct experimental evidence that parasympathetic vagal drive g
256                             Here, we present experimental evidence that Paxillus involutus-a basidiom
257              In summary, our studies provide experimental evidence that pericytes in the brain have t
258  for a central pattern generator, and recent experimental evidence that proprioception drives locomot
259                                   We provide experimental evidence that protonation of Glu37, a gluta
260         Taken together, we provide the first experimental evidence that proximate risk of predation c
261                            Hence, we provide experimental evidence that Schwann cells gain antigen-pr
262                          This study provides experimental evidence that self-organization can be para
263                                   We present experimental evidence that shows rapid clay formation un
264                   Our results provide strong experimental evidence that side-chain dynamics play a cr
265 e results are consistent with the collective experimental evidence that species richness increases co
266                  In this article, we provide experimental evidence that subset #4 CLL cells show low
267                     In this work, we provide experimental evidence that such communication can be ach
268                This study provides the first experimental evidence that synthetic ion transporters ca
269                                   We provide experimental evidence that the human prefrontal cortex's
270                      This provides the first experimental evidence that the interleukin-like EMT indu
271                                   We provide experimental evidence that the intrinsic level of combin
272                                   We provide experimental evidence that the MLV CAH belongs to a grou
273 belling mass spectrometry, we provide direct experimental evidence that the O2 generated during the O
274                          Overall, we present experimental evidence that the reactivity continuum with
275                                    We report experimental evidence that the resistance of restricted
276                         This report provides experimental evidence that the spontaneous mutation T544
277                          Our results provide experimental evidence that this grape gene promoter is a
278              Collectively, we provide direct experimental evidence that this novel avian-origin DTMUV
279                           We further provide experimental evidence that this salt-bridge lock exists
280 ular dynamic simulations and provides direct experimental evidence that unordered off-pathway NFGAIL
281                         We provide the first experimental evidence that variable sequence arrangement
282                              Our study shows experimental evidence that within heterogeneous populati
283 iety of techniques, we were unable to obtain experimental evidence that would support the formation o
284                In this study, we provide new experimental evidence that, together with our previous f
285 ids/beta-CDs inclusion complexes and provide experimental evidences that beta-CDs inclusion renders t
286 working hypothesis, based on theoretical and experimental evidence, that SM results from feedforward,
287                However, in absence of direct experimental evidence, the compensatory nature of the ch
288                    This work provides direct experimental evidence to conduct more realistic modellin
289  para-Z-substituted thioanisoles and utilize experimental evidence to distinguish between the theoret
290 o coordination in a bonobo), and there is no experimental evidence to indicate its biological functio
291                          This study provides experimental evidence to mechanistically understand some
292                         We present the first experimental evidence to our knowledge that ingroup rela
293                   We have provided the first experimental evidence to show that Li ions favor the pat
294  LPLAT thioesterase activity, and we provide experimental evidence to support an ordered-binding and
295 tes of (bio)catalytic nitrogen fixation, yet experimental evidence to support this hypothesis has bee
296                                     However, experimental evidence to support this prediction still r
297                             Here, we present experimental evidence to the contrary.
298            Based on apparently contradictory experimental evidence, two distinct molecular mechanisms
299  we present a contrasting paradigm combining experimental evidence (using IgG antibodies and Matrigel
300 n the structural modeling of RepC and on our experimental evidence, we propose a model where RepC nic

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