


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  are all detected and identified in a single experimental procedure.
2 this exists, or whether it is an artifact of experimental procedure.
3 quality Hi-C libraries while simplifying the experimental procedure.
4 r the rats were sacrificed at the end of the experimental procedure.
5 , lupin, pea, and soybean, by using the same experimental procedure.
6 suspension cells were used in this multistep experimental procedure.
7  minor perturbations in the genomic data and experimental procedure.
8 imals were hemodynamically stable during the experimental procedure.
9  between probe, sample, and substrate in our experimental procedure.
10 ations of organelle abundance during routine experimental procedures.
11 cations that improved the convenience of the experimental procedures.
12 ffer by these two enzymes largely simplifies experimental procedures.
13 s are an automated design process and simple experimental procedures.
14 s were pretrained daily for two weeks to the experimental procedures.
15 rical modeling in the interpretation of such experimental procedures.
16 nance, monitoring and preparation for use in experimental procedures.
17 ing the use of patient antibodies for larger experimental procedures.
18 ng and requires highly focused and extensive experimental procedures.
19 inuous monitoring of transfer and simplified experimental procedures.
20 ressful in rodents but is often required for experimental procedures.
21       In this manuscript, we demonstrate the experimental procedure and calibration of THS and have d
22                              We establish an experimental procedure and provide theoretical justifica
23                                 We model the experimental procedure and show via computer simulations
24                        The simplicity of the experimental procedure and the excellent analytical figu
25 the proteins investigated and the underlying experimental procedures and (ii) the classification of t
26 predictions from data generated by different experimental procedures and at different sequence depths
27 s of the regeneration process using improved experimental procedures and data analysis has been carri
28                                          The experimental procedures and data processing routines dev
29 the requirement for prohibitively cumbersome experimental procedures and daunting analytical framewor
30         HideNseek input and output examples, experimental procedures and figures showing experimental
31 vides the first medicinal chemistry toolbox (experimental procedures and structural guidance) to asse
32 ot annotation, first steps towards automated experimental procedures, and new technology for quantita
33               A mathematical solution and an experimental procedure are described for calculating the
34 ugh shortcomings of both the theoretical and experimental procedures are pointed out, the agreement o
35                                       Use of experimental procedures as well as conventional bariatri
36                         Here we describe the experimental procedures as well as the data analysis, va
37 s for screen design, and we present complete experimental procedures, as well as a full computational
38                         We describe a simple experimental procedure, based on an application of "gaug
39           A control group underwent the same experimental procedure but no fluid was given.
40 iaturized version of saccadic adaptation, an experimental procedure by which motor control of saccade
41 cells were verified to be intact through all experimental procedures by demonstrating their ability t
42 (1 kHz, <1 V/m) electromagnetic field of the experimental procedure, called low field magnetic stimul
43                                   The entire experimental procedure can be completed in approximately
44 the protein extracts have been prepared, the experimental procedure can be performed in 1-2 h.
45                                Moreover, our experimental procedure can be used as a reliable and eff
46 a reduced mortality rate associated with the experimental procedures compared with control mice.
47                                          The experimental procedure consists of the following: (1) pr
48 ze current challenges in sample acquisition, experimental procedures, data analysis, and interpretati
49 TAC clones are publically available, and the experimental procedures described here are simple and ro
50                                    Thus, the experimental procedures described in this protocol may p
51 es sodium or water intake induced by various experimental procedures (e.g. sodium depletion; hypovola
52                        We provide a detailed experimental procedure for designing and performing SeqC
53 with the ones obtained by using the standard experimental procedure for determining Phi values.
54                              While the basic experimental procedure for laboratory adaptive evolution
55         Using a recently developed bias-free experimental procedure for measuring subjective introspe
56 des both a rational basis for optimizing the experimental procedure for membrane proteins that have n
57                             I argue that the experimental procedure for producing mismatch, through i
58              For this purpose, we devised an experimental procedure for starving single Escherichia c
59                               We describe an experimental procedure for the isolation of growth inhib
60                    We present analytical and experimental procedures for determining distance changes
61                                              Experimental procedures for efficiently screening T-DNA
62 sults suggest the need for new paradigms and experimental procedures for fully decoding the real sens
63                                          The experimental procedures for identifying the amino acids
64                In this protocol, we describe experimental procedures for intravital microscopy based
65  metabolic phenotypes is challenging because experimental procedures for separation may disturb the m
66     We present simple and easily implemented experimental procedures for the accurate determination o
67                                          New experimental procedures for the preparation of dibenziod
68 the use of unpurified strands and simplified experimental procedures, for creating a complex DNA stra
69  transgenic animals are obtained, the entire experimental procedure-from collecting tissue samples to
70                                           An experimental procedure has been devised to record simult
71                                    Different experimental procedures have been developed to obtain in
72  make contradictory predictions for the same experimental procedure; however, classical observers are
73 dU) was injected after the first 48 h of the experimental procedure in all groups (50 mg kg-1, I.P.).
74    Taking insight from this, we developed an experimental procedure in anesthetized GnRH-GFP mice tha
75 to allow refinement of the criteria for this experimental procedure in girls and young women with can
76         From its early days as a radical and experimental procedure in the treatment of insulin-depen
77 DNA, coinciding with increased standards for experimental procedures in ancient DNA research.
78  Alexandrium tamarense (for details, see the Experimental Procedures in the Supplemental Data) to fin
79 n lower than those of the blanks used in our experimental procedure, indicative of effective adsorpti
80                        We show that if their experimental procedure is accurately described, much or
81                                However, this experimental procedure is rather complicated and it may
82                                          The experimental procedure is repeatable, highly flexible, d
83 immediately after radiotracer injection, the experimental procedure is simplified without loss of acc
84                                 A systematic experimental procedure is used to identify the aroma-imp
85                     Operationally convenient experimental procedures, mild reaction conditions, as we
86 effect in the bioanalytical methods, but the experimental procedures necessary to assess the matrix e
87 nals to conduct standardized training or new experimental procedures on virtual human body parts, whi
88 m somatic nuclei in a different way to other experimental procedures: oocytes do not suppress the tra
89 ntly of contact toxicity only in response to experimental procedures or natural causes of stress.
90                                          All experimental procedures received approval from the insti
91                                          All experimental procedures received approval from the insti
92                                              Experimental procedures received approval from the local
93 roducts, combined with the simplicity of the experimental procedure, render this method worth immedia
94 ivities, combined with the simplicity of the experimental procedures, render the present method of im
95 implicity and operational convenience of the experimental procedures, render the present method of im
96 kes approximately 20 d to construct, and the experimental procedures require approximately 4 d when c
97                                    Different experimental procedures resulted in the isolation of sol
98  the advent of agriculture (see Supplemental Experimental Procedures, section I;), suggesting that th
99 room activities (Figures 1A-1C; Supplemental Experimental Procedures, section S1).
100                                          The experimental procedure started 4-6 hours after surgery i
101                                          The experimental procedure takes 2 d, with another 2-3 d typ
102                          Here we describe an experimental procedure, termed cross-linking ligation an
103                      This paper describes an experimental procedure that measures the forces of adhes
104  results across different species and across experimental procedures that employ different behavioral
105 led guidelines for how authors should report experimental procedures that involve animals.
106                            Following 48 h of experimental procedures, the expression of all these fou
107 x amplification system and highly simplified experimental procedures, the system can be used to analy
108         Together with rigorous paleomagnetic experimental procedures, this study yielded an unparalle
109                  This paper presents a novel experimental procedure to accurately measure moisture di
110 dimensional isolated element and, second, an experimental procedure to extract the effective material
111 advise on the most appropriate apparatus and experimental procedure to measure this type of physical-
112   After using an iterative computational and experimental procedure to train the model, we leveraged
113                                The necessary experimental procedures to acquire quantitative data are
114 e same crossover design and followed similar experimental procedures to control the subjects' intakes
115 equently, we developed novel theoretical and experimental procedures to determine the kinetic paramet
116                In this study, we adapted our experimental procedures to mimic the in vivo situation a
117 owever, consistent, repeatable, and flexible experimental procedures to produce nonlinear mode coupli
118                        The simplicity of the experimental procedure, use of microliters of organic so
119                             However, current experimental procedures used to study incubation of drug
120 cell type and changes in cell type caused by experimental procedures using glia and neuron gene speci
121                                Moreover, the experimental procedure was designed to create a microflu
122                                          The experimental procedure was developed using thymidylate k
123                                 Through this experimental procedure we also show that the OFS are sui
124 ng highly controlled stimuli and an improved experimental procedure, we show that unfakeable facial f
125                                          The experimental procedures were optimized by kinetic surfac
126                                              Experimental procedures were performed according to rule
127                                          All experimental procedures were performed between August 20
128                                              Experimental procedures were performed in the magnetic r
129 oided use of solvents, a minimally demanding experimental procedure with reactions performed under ai
130 eneral framework for the design of automated experimental procedures without prior knowledge of progr

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