


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  full standardization of the geometry of the experimental system.
2  to exceed rotaxane formation in the current experimental system.
3  natural soil in a controlled and replicated experimental system.
4 hich will greatly facilitate studies in this experimental system.
5 influence of hTERT depended on cell type and experimental system.
6 t the confined diffusion of the bead in this experimental system.
7 ight conditions using the tobacco-cryptogein experimental system.
8 ionation and physical characteristics of the experimental system.
9 eful selection of sampling times for a given experimental system.
10 tics likely played a significant role in our experimental system.
11 with the analytical features of the analyzed experimental system.
12 , are limited due to the lack of an in vitro experimental system.
13 shb, we developed a high-throughput parallel experimental system.
14 Century plantations of exotic conifers as an experimental system.
15  Fisher and Skellam, suitably adapted to our experimental system.
16 dy-state and transient regimes with the same experimental system.
17 ge to cancer cells, we employed a controlled experimental system.
18 ositive regulators of mTORC1 activity in our experimental system.
19 t to interpret due to inherent noise in each experimental system.
20 cations for probing the TWS phase in various experimental systems.
21 t are in agreement with results from several experimental systems.
22 thesis was addressed in both human and mouse experimental systems.
23  and compare crossing different coatings and experimental systems.
24 e mutational process can be recapitulated in experimental systems.
25  function of the NaHCO3 concentration in the experimental systems.
26 tion and modifies the mean-field scenario in experimental systems.
27 ould be used as reference standards for many experimental systems.
28 ate a fraction of latent HIV in a variety of experimental systems.
29 y to rapidly monitor infection and spread in experimental systems.
30 ted by shortcomings of suitable and scalable experimental systems.
31 sis have been hampered by a lack of suitable experimental systems.
32 ramework can easily be applied to a range of experimental systems.
33 s mostly refractory to Notch intervention in experimental systems.
34 ignatures in cancers are inconsistent across experimental systems.
35 usion in a wide array of model organisms and experimental systems.
36  function using multiple model organisms and experimental systems.
37 cation have not been established in relevant experimental systems.
38            We therefore analysed two simpler experimental systems.
39 the development of both in vitro and in vivo experimental systems.
40 ion of host CpG islands was detected in both experimental systems.
41 n found to stimulate angiogenesis in several experimental systems.
42 entation to a wider range of researchers and experimental systems.
43  C331A nNOS from ubiquitination in all these experimental systems.
44 he LPS-induced expression of TG2 in multiple experimental systems.
45 lly due to limitations in existing tools and experimental systems.
46 cation of suitable reference genes in single experimental systems.
47  variants of Msh2 and Msh3, but in disparate experimental systems.
48 d adapted with minimal modification to other experimental systems.
49  in the interpretation of results from other experimental systems.
50 ansmissibility and disease severity requires experimental systems.
51 us, presenting a new opportunity for in vivo experimental systems.
52 mory differentiation and maintenance in many experimental systems.
53 r rereplication DSBs varies across different experimental systems.
54 ice Hamiltonian a correct description of the experimental systems?
55                      This proof-of-principle experimental system allowed us to quantify the contribut
56 internal partial condenser are an innovative experimental system, allowing a fast and flexible manage
57  were assessed against data from two in vivo experimental systems: an ectopic syngeneic tumor (Lewis
58                  We developed a reproducible experimental system and conducted functional genomic and
59 y, the DFT calculations must employ the full experimental system and include a treatment of dispersio
60 s evident at different plant ages in various experimental systems and appears to be genetically linke
61 ed and understood, due to the lack of stable experimental systems and design strategies.
62 POBEC3 proteins inhibit HIV-1 replication in experimental systems and induce hypermutation in infecte
63       The application of cell-based in-vitro experimental systems and mathematical modelling can shed
64  to incorporate parasite variation into both experimental systems and models of pathogenesis.
65                 The availability of improved experimental systems and molecular techniques have start
66 cepts and are forcing a re-evaluation of the experimental systems and paradigms presently being used
67 tions, to compare specificity across diverse experimental systems and to compute how specificity chan
68  have confirmed this effect in two different experimental systems and using two common powdered mater
69 lt to move from the infected individual into experimental systems, and each advance--from the identif
70  originated with the sea urchin embryo as an experimental system are used to illustrate this position
71                              A wide range of experimental systems are available for the study of spon
72 l system, which is especially important when experimental systems are challenging and samples are dif
73 egulation between humans and lower mammalian experimental systems are incompletely understood, a pote
74                                      Whereas experimental systems are open to direct experimentation
75 tilis and Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and two experimental systems, aromatic amino acid synthesis and
76 c tip of GPx8, and was observed in different experimental systems as well as in liver biopsies from p
77                       Given the well-defined experimental system, as verified by electron microscopy
78                         We have developed an experimental system based on the bacterial TE IS608 that
79 volutionary contingency have been limited to experimental systems, because it is difficult to know wh
80 vironments that integrate data from multiple experimental systems biology and structural biology sour
81      We used an integrated computational and experimental systems biology approach to identify protei
82 g tissue deformations is studied in multiple experimental systems, but the general principles remain
83  have been used to induce differentiation in experimental systems, but their mechanisms of action and
84 new technique will particularly benefit this experimental system by availing it to the much broader f
85                         We also modified the experimental system by replacing CFP with the SgrS small
86 dsorbed RDX was transformed in each of these experimental systems by 90 h.
87 can be observed in several current available experimental systems by just conventional optical measur
88                                         This experimental system can be scaled to simulate larger num
89   Adapting and optimizing iMAD to a specific experimental system can require 6-18 months.
90                                        These experimental systems can reveal phase and amplitude chan
91 ions were examined with a climate-controlled experimental system capable of holding delta(18)O(a) con
92 in the presence of drug, indicating that our experimental system captured salient features of real-wo
93                       This review summarizes experimental systems commonly used to study HBx function
94                               Here, using an experimental system comprising 18 wood decay basidiomyce
95                                         Many experimental systems consist of large ensembles of uncou
96                                This powerful experimental system could provide a new standard tool to
97 d soft X-ray cryo microscopy data applied on experimental systems covering a wide range of biological
98                                  However, an experimental system demonstrating transmission following
99                                          The experimental system described here may help to define th
100 crease as lens scale increases, but with the experimental system described here we confirm previous t
101                                          The experimental system described herein should be applicabl
102 ts show improved performance for the pulsed (experimental) system, despite of initial downfall with r
103                                     In these experimental systems, destabilization/regression was dri
104 , indicating that the miniaturization of the experimental system did not alter stem cell fate.
105 oparticle species as cargo and show that the experimental system does indeed allow the controlled fab
106                                        These experimental systems enable rapid in vivo characterizati
107                                         This experimental system enabled induction of efficient gene
108                             In summary, this experimental system enables bridging transcription imagi
109                 Moreover, our highly tunable experimental system enables detailed model investigation
110     The present analysis is illustrated with experimental systems encompassing various limiting behav
111 model organism Tetrahymena pyriformis to the experimental system enhanced PAH mass transfer up to hun
112  quantum control is now available in several experimental systems, exposing discrepancies between qua
113 state that is applicable to a broad range of experimental systems extending from fixed cells to live
114 ue to continuous culturing provides an ideal experimental system for addressing key questions in adap
115 sive, due in part to the lack of an adequate experimental system for cellular transformation of prima
116 leton of the sea urchin embryo is a valuable experimental system for developing such an integrated vi
117 leton of the sea urchin embryo is a powerful experimental system for developing such an integrated vi
118 trolled shapes and interactions are an ideal experimental system for exploring how matter organizes i
119 rosophila melanogaster has become a valuable experimental system for genetic manipulation of the nerv
120 aque model represents a potentially valuable experimental system for investigating B-cell maturation
121    Schizosaccharomyces pombe is an important experimental system for investigating centromere functio
122 cell types in rats, which provide a powerful experimental system for numerous established neurophysio
123 ls of Drosophila species provides a powerful experimental system for studying how cell sheets give ri
124           The new strain provides a powerful experimental system for studying the genetics and cell b
125                           Here, we report an experimental system for tandem bubble (TB; maximum diame
126      Here we describe the optimization of an experimental system for the analysis of FHV host membran
127                              We developed an experimental system for the study of such mixed viral in
128 er of proviruses, making it a more promising experimental system for the study of the HTLV-1 particle
129   Reovirus infection is a well-characterized experimental system for the study of viral pathogenesis
130 and dendritic cells and provides a tractable experimental system for understanding how an enteric vir
131                                              Experimental systems for new-onset/chronic AD are needed
132 should easily be possible to develop similar experimental systems for other viruses that are currentl
133 n proximity to superconductors are promising experimental systems for realizing the elusive Majorana
134 ggyBac is widely used as a tool in mammalian experimental systems for transgenesis, mutagenesis, and
135             We developed a single cell-based experimental system from Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thalia
136 ion is fundamental to quantum computing, yet experimental systems generally have stray coupling betwe
137 matopoiesis is controversial, with different experimental systems giving opposing results.
138 eptionally diverse but their potential as an experimental system has been limited by the difficulty o
139 pancreatic development, the lack of a robust experimental system has not permitted detailed examinati
140                       Research using various experimental systems has shown that Mfn-2 is a mediator
141                                    Recently, experimental systems have become accessible to probe the
142                                   Studies in experimental systems have demonstrated that such interac
143 nse during TB, which combined with data from experimental systems have highlighted a potentially detr
144  Furthermore, recent studies using different experimental systems have shown that basophils can act a
145                                 A variety of experimental systems have shown that neurons are sensiti
146                  Studies of mathematical and experimental systems have shown that systems may 'wobble
147 ertain, and studies carried out in different experimental systems have suggested that H2Bub1 could ei
148 w resistance emerges and a lack of tractable experimental systems hinder progress.
149                  The characterization of the experimental system identifies additional factors that c
150                                         Both experimental systems illustrate how profoundly the light
151  will enable rapid expansion of the field of experimental systems immunology.
152                         We have developed an experimental system in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisia
153                         Here we generated an experimental system in which a non-essential gene, requi
154 easurements of energetic cooperativity in an experimental system in which the geometry and the number
155                           We now describe an experimental system in which the pluripotency genes Sox2
156 tis elegans-Escherichia coli (worm-bacteria) experimental system in which the worm-foraging behavior
157 enia microecosystem functions as a tractable experimental system in which to explore the forecasting
158 dy, we sought to develop and characterize an experimental system in which to test the hypothesis that
159                                Using a model experimental system in which we challenged Drosophila me
160 g precise mechanisms has been the paucity of experimental systems in which actin function has been di
161                                              Experimental systems in which the mobile entities intera
162 l-time on orbit measurements and by using an experimental system, in which all factors except gravity
163 n biology and has been described in numerous experimental systems including mammals.
164 d good quantitative agreement in a number of experimental systems including switching of the bacteria
165        This method can be applied to diverse experimental systems, including live animals, and may pr
166 iphasic insulin release observed in multiple experimental systems, including perfused pancreata and i
167 ceptors were blocked, confirming that in our experimental system IPSPs were both necessary and suffic
168                                   The RO-PRO experimental system is the first known system to utilize
169 AV) hemagglutinin (HA) protein using various experimental systems, it is unclear which are involved i
170 s rich with potential to integrate tractable experimental systems like theirs with hypotheses derived
171 ignificance has been challenging because few experimental systems link brain metabolic patterns to di
172   The high oxygen pressure conditions of the experimental system may explain the lack of any antioxid
173                                           An experimental system may possess various DoFs simultaneou
174                                              Experimental systems may involve the use of, or otherwis
175 barius corneus) exposed 4 weeks in a complex experimental system mimicking a pond ecosystem.
176        Through a combination of clinical and experimental systems, novel autoantigens and neoepitopes
177 of QSH phase is shown to be realizable in an experimental system of Au/GaAs(111) surface with an SOC
178                     We describe here a model experimental system of cooperative behavior involving Dr
179 he development of ITC models tailored to any experimental system of interest.
180 ments on demographic rates in a well-studied experimental system of soil mites.
181                                    We use an experimental system of solar simulated light (SSL) to mi
182   Our work establishes a robust and faithful experimental system of the early events of epigenetic re
183 We use photon-sparse data from two different experimental systems, one system based on a single-photo
184          Whether you use the fruit fly as an experimental system or want to apply Drosophila biologic
185  the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster as an experimental system or wish to understand Drosophila bio
186 he order 10(-3) was already achieved in some experimental systems, our result implies that secure clo
187 immunoregulatory effects in murine and human experimental systems, particularly in Th1- and Th17-medi
188  The pABRE:NCED system provides an excellent experimental system producing dormant and non-dormant se
189                                         This experimental system provides a test bed for the developm
190 t in multiple clinical data sets and several experimental systems quickly and intuitively.
191                                         This experimental system results in in vivo parasite growth,
192      Molecular dynamics simulations based on experimental systems reveal asymmetric transbilayer dist
193                            Results from both experimental systems revealed that interactions among TN
194                                This amenable experimental system should facilitate the transition of
195                                We compare to experimental systems studied by Gao et al. (1) and find
196 able to PPI networks obtained with different experimental systems, such as affinity purification, yea
197 ios of the two forms of mercury in field and experimental systems suggest a common reaction mechanism
198  Lastly, identification of viral triggers in experimental systems suggests a potential role for viral
199 with the importance of some species as model experimental systems sustained this effort.
200                      Here, we established an experimental system that allowed the genetic manipulatio
201                                     Using an experimental system that bypasses major histocompatibili
202 l data to support this theory using a single experimental system that can show the transition from th
203  Here, we report development of an efficient experimental system that causes amplification of NCED ex
204                                We present an experimental system that combines differential electroch
205 onitor infection phenotypes, we developed an experimental system that combines single-cell RNA-seq wi
206 addressed this problem by developing a model experimental system that confines cells to a micropatter
207 hese questions by leveraging the power of an experimental system that consisted of 10 social groups o
208 of 98 mg h(-1) were reached in a very simple experimental system that could be multiplexed to greater
209 edded in 3D scaffolds, creating a controlled experimental system that enables tissue sampling and ima
210                           Here, we report an experimental system that facilitates incremental interna
211                         Here we developed an experimental system that mimics physiological telomere d
212 ing event in the early Drosophila embryo, an experimental system that offers unique opportunities for
213               Furthermore, they establish an experimental system that permits synchronized induction
214                              We developed an experimental system that uses liposomes as the target me
215                                    The muTPV experimental system that was built and tested comprises
216                      We take advantage of an experimental system that, to our knowledge, uniquely ena
217                                              Experimental systems that are predicted to harbour non-A
218 ed cerebral organoids, highlighting multiple experimental systems that could be applied to study mech
219       In this review, we summarize the major experimental systems that have contributed to our unders
220 is widely reported, there are relatively few experimental systems that have directly assessed the rol
221                    We have established novel experimental systems that model the bone microenvironmen
222  pathophysiology requires the development of experimental systems that permit analysis of intercellul
223 Bx functions, describes limitations of these experimental systems that should be considered, and sugg
224 be determined, our data suggest that in this experimental system the major influenza A virus PAMPs ar
225                         In situ and in other experimental systems, the enzyme exists as a dimer.
226 nscription factor, FLI1, we created a unique experimental system to address questions regarding the g
227 ularly because of the absence of an adequate experimental system to address this question.
228                 Finding none, we reduced the experimental system to an epithelial monolayer, Madin-Da
229       The aim of this study is to develop an experimental system to evaluate the pharmacodynamics of
230          In this study, we have used a yeast experimental system to explore the effect of range expan
231 odel systems and wound healing assays as the experimental system to explore this unique and emerging
232                  This model represents a new experimental system to identify compounds that reduce le
233   These features make vernalization an ideal experimental system to investigate both the maintenance
234                       Here we apply a unique experimental system to investigate evolutionary reproduc
235                 Using Xenopus tadpoles as an experimental system to investigate rewiring of glomerula
236                         We have developed an experimental system to investigate the folding of single
237                           Here we develop an experimental system to modulate the levels of heterodime
238          In this study, we present the first experimental system to monitor P-TEFb activation in livi
239        Using Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as an experimental system to screen for complex I defects, we
240                   Here, we implement a model experimental system to show that chiral objects in a Tay
241 abidopsis thaliana also presents a tractable experimental system to study cell differentiation and pa
242 ming and suppression provided an interesting experimental system to study cold response in fruit.
243 d further demonstrate an appropriate in vivo experimental system to study CRC progression in the nati
244                   Here we develop an in vivo experimental system to study HGT in bacteria using Caeno
245 haromyces cerevisiae OST, making it an ideal experimental system to study the fundamental properties
246                   Here we utilized a minimal experimental system to track the fate of a single nucleo
247                         We have developed an experimental system to visualize the formation of transl
248 vironment may be applied to a broad range of experimental systems to achieve desired quantum dynamics
249                           We used 2 in vitro experimental systems to compare phenotypic and genotypic
250 osts have led to the establishment of unique experimental systems to define host-virus interactions.
251 l proteomics) simultaneously across multiple experimental systems to identify pathways activated in t
252 se or green fluorescent protein were used as experimental systems to probe the mechanisms responsible
253 on trajectory, can be applied to a number of experimental systems to provide a general framework for
254                  Mini-host models are simple experimental systems to study host-pathogen interactions
255 re from a total of >40,000 mutations in four experimental systems: two different human cell lines, in
256                                       In the experimental system used, a bifunctional enzyme catalyze
257 lls can be complex and vary depending on the experimental system used.
258                             Depending on the experimental systems used conflicting results were obtai
259 cently reported unusual early dynamics in an experimental system using adenovirus infection of human
260 recombination in a topologically constrained experimental system using hybrid "phes" recombination si
261  results of this study can be applied to any experimental system using microfluidic sample delivery m
262                           Here, we report an experimental system using P. falciparum lines that stabl
263 rform detailed experiments on a well-defined experimental system, using a setup that minimizes the ef
264  and give a comprehensive overview about the experimental systems (vapor/solid interfaces) that have
265 ial and difficulties of the tsetse fly as an experimental system, very limited information is availab
266                                        A new experimental system was developed that allows (1) genera
267                                           An experimental system was developed to generate infectious
268                                   Using this experimental system, we also observed a down-regulation
269               Here, by employing a germ-free experimental system, we demonstrate the ability of selec
270   Here, by using B16F10 melanoma cells as an experimental system, we directly explore the function of
271                             Through the same experimental system, we find that Escherichia coli NarK
272   By using eIF2alpha-P-deficient cells as an experimental system, we identified a communicating netwo
273 enerating a genetically precisely controlled experimental system, we identify a common Parkinson's di
274  the help of an influenza Ag- specific mouse experimental system, we report that CD4(+) T cells contr
275                                By using this experimental system, we screened, for the first time to
276 ing Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) as an experimental system, we show that seed-specific overexpr
277               As an example of usage of this experimental system, we uncover complex effects of trans
278                                     In these experimental systems, we compromised Tir-mediated actin
279 al measurements on fully defined recombinant experimental systems, we demonstrate that H3K9me3 works
280 es of JH1 mutants generated by each in vitro experimental system were compared to those of JH2, and w
281     AFB1 mutational signatures from all four experimental systems were remarkably similar.
282              This renders YbMgGaO4 the first experimental system where putative RVB correlations rest
283                               Here, using an experimental system where two nuclear-replicating agents
284 tability of the (ATTCT)(n) repeat in a yeast experimental system, where its expansions led to inactiv
285 ropensities) from a variety of simulated and experimental systems, where hundreds and even thousands
286                Specifically, we generated an experimental system wherein a B6 strain B cell compartme
287                                     Using an experimental system wherein stimulus-specific p53 respon
288  have previously developed and applied a new experimental system which allows us to define a critical
289  study this problem, we built a microfluidic experimental system which can track responses of individ
290 under acute water-activity regimes, using an experimental system which represents the biophysical lim
291                       Here we demonstrate an experimental system, which distributes quantum signature
292 ayers (SLBs), are often employed to simplify experimental systems while mimicking the properties of n
293                                        These experimental systems will be instrumental for metastasis
294        In this study, we sought a simplified experimental system with a detailed understanding of the
295 use spatially extended yeast populations, an experimental system with a fold bifurcation (tipping poi
296 nd-directed microtubule motors, providing an experimental system with which to investigate the interp
297  addition, alphaviruses provide well-studied experimental systems with extensive literature, many too
298 study of members of this phylum as strategic experimental systems with great basic and translational
299                                           In experimental systems with these other interactions, we p
300 tes too low to be accurately measured in our experimental system, with significantly lower affinities

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