


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  total free energy change is only 40% of the experimental value.
2 e force near 40 pN that agreed well with the experimental value.
3 oline micelles is in good agreement with the experimental value.
4 The estimated gating tension is close to the experimental value.
5 sfactory agreement with the 0.63 +/- 0.05 eV experimental value.
6 icted K(i) value is in close accord with the experimental value.
7 ture agrees very well (within 2.4%) with the experimental value.
8 e fits better than the FEP difference to the experimental value.
9 to that of the native residue as well as the experimental value.
10 ely correct with one closely reproducing the experimental value.
11 50% improvement over any previously reported experimental value.
12 d most probable distance within 0.5 A of the experimental value.
13 charge separation is 10-fold longer than the experimental value.
14 , the homolysis of I2k, agreed well with the experimental value.
15 which is within an order of magnitude of the experimental value.
16 tially higher than the only earlier reported experimental values.
17 simulations exhibit mixed agreement with the experimental values.
18  protein backbone is needed to reproduce the experimental values.
19 no)ethane) with N(3)Me compare well with the experimental values.
20 are in good agreement with the corresponding experimental values.
21 9 kcal/mol relative to previously determined experimental values.
22 ing-closure step are not consistent with the experimental values.
23 ter reactions are in good agreement with the experimental values.
24 1 (-10.9 K), in very good agreement with the experimental values.
25 et of test compounds was consistent with the experimental values.
26  energies agree quantitatively with observed experimental values.
27  energy barriers for 1 reasonably agree with experimental values.
28 riment, are in good agreement with available experimental values.
29 rs led to distributions that agreed with the experimental values.
30 aptured, and the results are consistent with experimental values.
31 ergies have been compared with the available experimental values.
32 ccurs at a critical c0 that agrees well with experimental values.
33 are reasonably correlated with the available experimental values.
34       The results are in good agreement with experimental values.
35 y triple-zeta basis set are within 1% of the experimental values.
36 ggesting a need for a redetermination of the experimental values.
37 l F) interactions with geometries similar to experimental values.
38  values agree well with previously published experimental values.
39 ions in water and TtCM are comparable to the experimental values.
40 mical shifts are in excellent agreement with experimental values.
41 entials are reproduced very well compared to experimental values.
42 also showed a good correlation (R=0.83) with experimental values.
43 ielectric constant of 45 agree well with the experimental values.
44 erived and for which it should not reproduce experimental values.
45 lectronic structure correlate very well with experimental values.
46  training and test sets agrees well with the experimental values.
47  both approaches are in good accord with the experimental values.
48 onation factors were compared with published experimental values.
49 to within 1.0 kcal/mol (1 kcal = 4.18 kJ) of experimental values.
50 ratios which are in very good agreement with experimental values.
51 barriers are in very good agreement with the experimental values.
52  needed to meter drops compare well with the experimental values.
53 uare deviation of 0.5 between calculated and experimental values.
54 for Arenicola Hb, in good agreement with the experimental values.
55 d denatured states of GCN4-lz agree with the experimental values.
56  also result in predictions which agree with experimental values.
57 = 45-60 Hz) are in reasonable agreement with experimental values.
58 the expression is in good agreement with the experimental values.
59  provide delta values in good agreement with experimental values.
60 O)LA are calculated within 1 kcal/mol of the experimental values.
61 re one order of magnitude lower than typical experimental values.
62 ulations are in good agreement with those of experimental values.
63 g a good agreement between the predicted and experimental values.
64    Both rates are in agreement with reported experimental values.
65  insertion potentials in fair agreement with experimental values.
66 re within a factor of 5 of the corresponding experimental values.
67  We compare these calculated parameters with experimental values.
68  time constants are found to match well with experimental values.
69 ctural parameters are highly consistent with experimental values.
70 ry (3)H, and primary (15)N KIEs close to the experimental values.
71 ted permeability coefficients are similar to experimental values.
72 e conformer whose calculated BIE's match the experimental values.
73 ls and compared the calculated data with the experimental values.
74 olecular dynamics simulation data agree with experimental values.
75 f singlet relaxation rates are compared with experimental values.
76 es, provide J values that correlate with the experimental values.
77 nding sites at 133 K are obtained from these experimental values.
78 d from these simulations agree well with the experimental values.
79 ot mean-square deviation (RMSD) of 0.83 from experimental values (0.68 after discounting 11 predictio
80 ductivity, as highlighted by contrasting the experimental values (~1.3 W/mK) to those predicted by Kl
81 d 12 C to 13 C isotope shift (alphaC = 0.2); experimental values: 19 K, -7 K, and 0.3, respectively.
82 physical scale for VC and EC respectively vs experimental values -2.96 and -2.94 eV).
83 and 4.58 eV, respectively) in agreement with experimental values (4.35 and 4.45 eV).
84 to predict a free energy of binding close to experimental values after correcting for possible drawba
85                                          The experimental values agreed with those predicted within a
86 h high-level G3 theory calculations, and the experimental values along with G3 predictions for bicycl
87 meter were found to be in agreement with the experimental value and indicated that the major contribu
88 ations provided excellent agreement with the experimental values and established a molecular ruler to
89  conditions has been constructed using these experimental values and in vivo concentrations of substr
90                                     Both the experimental values and the updated predictive model can
91 redicted chemical shifts for 1H and 13C with experimental values and with predictions of commercially
92 ean absolute error of 0.87 kcal/mol from the experimental values, and comparison of the calculated an
93 modify these initial conditions according to experimental values are identified.
94                                          The experimental values are in accordance with those predict
95  more than 250 bonds, including 79 for which experimental values are not available.
96 nts that are much closer in magnitude to the experimental values are obtained.
97                       However, our and other experimental values are significantly smaller than estim
98 lculated from the REMD trajectories to their experimental values, as determined by NMR, indicates tha
99 al Q(B)/Q(B)(-) -10 mV in agreement with the experimental values (assuming a solution ubiquinone E(m)
100  folding times quantitatively agree with the experimental values at 37 degrees C extrapolated to 0 M
101 ts match in a point-to-point comparison with experimental values (average relative standard deviation
102    The modeled [Cu2+] could be fitted to the experimental values better after the conditional stabili
103 ted diastereoselectivities were close to the experimental values but did not reproduce the relative s
104                  The results agree well with experimental values, but the model for the reaction's tr
105 tein binding (% bound) on a data set of 1008 experimental values, carefully screened from publicly av
106 uration providing optimal docking equals the experimental value delta H++ = 13 kJ/mol for the rearran
107 ree energy (deltadeltaG(calculated)) and the experimental values (deltadeltaG(observed)) for all but
108 tivation enthalpy are in good agreement with experimental values [DeltaH(double dagger) = 3.2(5) kcal
109 e good agreement between the theoretical and experimental value demonstrates that FM is a most powerf
110 ies predicted by the model are comparable to experimental values, demonstrating the capacity of the m
111 rption are used to assess the reliability of experimental values derived from fitting isotherms or fr
112                                      For the experimental values, derived from the photoionization me
113  according to the NCG method and compared to experimental values determined by Doyle et al.
114  differences show excellent correlation with experimental values determined previously.
115 here to predict (18)O KIEs for comparison to experimental values determined using an established comp
116 wo effects into account, the theoretical and experimental values E(T) and -dE(T)/d(T) values agree ra
117  a comparison of Born model predictions with experimental values (e.g., transfer free energies and pK
118 ynamic stability of the loop agrees with the experimental value, even though the thermodynamic model
119 hose HICS were not accurately estimated, the experimental values fell short of the predictions.
120          However, the application of a lower experimental value for the mass accommodation coefficien
121 lated within an error of 1.6 kcal/mol of the experimental values for 112 mutations at the TEM-1.BLIP
122 icted retention times were within 0.5 min of experimental values for 12 out of 15 blind test compound
123 step in our validation was a comparison with experimental values for 22 complex, multifunctional chem
124 values, and comparison of the calculated and experimental values for a set of 30 SHV-1/BLIP complexes
125 basis of additivity show good agreement with experimental values for almost half of the peptides, ind
126 are found to be significantly lower than the experimental values for chromatographic silica surfaces.
127                                           If experimental values for GroEL allosteric rates are used,
128 rate constants within a factor of 2 from the experimental values for HO* reactions and molecular oxyg
129  A for PEO and 3.8 A for PEG; agreement with experimental values for hydrodynamic radii of comparably
130 isaccharide were in close agreement with the experimental values for lactose, lactulose, lacto-N-bios
131 dW-DF-C09 provides a superior description of experimental values for lattice constants, polarization
132  agreement is obtained between simulated and experimental values for NMR order parameters and for dyn
133                                 Whereas, the experimental values for particle size and nanoemulsion s
134                                              Experimental values for relative binding free energies w
135                                    Available experimental values for stearic acid show a spread of 68
136            A theoretical model, based on the experimental values for the average run time and the rot
137 ent surface agree almost quantitatively with experimental values for the closely related methyl 4-deo
138 as-phase photoelectron spectroscopy provides experimental values for the energies of ionizations from
139 -epoxide correlated much more closely to the experimental values for the major epoxidation product th
140 her these spectroscopic measurements provide experimental values for the one- and two-electron energi
141 As for many biological systems, there are no experimental values for the parameters in our model, and
142                                              Experimental values for the relaxation energies of 20 D:
143                 Since there are only limited experimental values for the stability of single mismatch
144 nd of G-ADP (8.5 microm) agree well with the experimental values for the two states.
145   Under optimum conditions the corresponding experimental values for TPC and antioxidant activity wer
146 arison of the calculated reaction rates with experimental values for wild-type and mutant forms of mo
147 e only pathway having a KIE that matches the experimental values, for the reactions with DHA and Xan
148 n of thermal denaturation experiments, these experimental values form the framework of a quantitative
149 orter (but within experimental error) of the experimental value found in the X-ray crystal structure
150 lar dynamics simulations are consistent with experimental values from electrophysiology and suggest t
151 ed (15)N CSA orientations with the available experimental values from single-crystal and powder studi
152 eF(n)() fluorides are less negative than the experimental values from the equilibrium measurements by
153 s simulation were in good agreement with the experimental values from the field-cycling data.
154 ndependent of electrode radius; departure of experimental values from the straight-line plot is a dia
155 ) infrared frequencies are compared with the experimental values given in the literature.
156  better agreement between the calculated and experimental values; however, the use of zwitterionic pe
157  is typically about 10-fold smaller than the experimental value (i.e., a difference of about 1.5 kcal
158 re employed for the three matrixes providing experimental values in agreement with the certified valu
159 ree energy changes were compared with actual experimental values in order to determine how the fit of
160  well the calculated J-couplings matched the experimental values in saccharides bearing an ionizable
161 rate (3.0 kcal/mol) mean deviations from the experimental values indicating for the field of hydrogen
162 imately 2 micros at the folding temperature (experimental value is 6 micros); the Go model folds 50 t
163 urface (urea); for anionic surface (GB), the experimental value is approximately 70% of the structura
164                                         This experimental value is considerably higher than a widely
165  deviation of predicted [alpha]D values from experimental values is 28.7.
166                  Overall, the agreement with experimental values is very good.
167           This is in good agreement with the experimental value (koff = 0.14 s(-1)).
168              Comparison of the predicted and experimental values leads to the conclusion that the rad
169 which is larger but of the same order as the experimental values measured for OHBDI in solution: 270
170  square deviations within 0.3 pH unit of the experimental values measured for turkey ovomucoid third
171 een the true values of whey addition and the experimental values obtained by this technique was 0.973
172 ructures are in excellent agreement with the experimental values obtained for the three peptides.
173 s that are not distorted by small samples of experimental values obtained from analytical studies.
174 d experimentally, but compare well with some experimental values obtained under rapid compression.
175                              On the basis of experimental values obtained with three different E2 pro
176  agreement between these predictions and the experimental values, obtained from a novel separation of
177 ficiency of -0.8 dB (83%), well matching the experimental value of -0.9 dB (81%).
178                                           An experimental value of -264.61 kcal/mol for the free ener
179 p, that is in only modest agreement with the experimental value of 0.32 +/- 0.04 kcal/mol.
180 49 kcal/mol, in excellent agreement with the experimental value of 0.47 +/- 0.3 kcal/mol.
181  20.2 kcal/mol, which is consistent with the experimental value of 16 kcal/mol.
182 5 kcal/mol, in reasonable agreement with the experimental value of 18.5 kcal/mol derived from kcat of
183 /-0.6)mV (PNP), in excellent accord with the experimental value of 24.3mV.
184 13C hfcc of c-C4F8*- are consistent with the experimental value of 5.2 G.
185 B3LYP/6-31G(d)), which is consistent with an experimental value of 5.5 kcal/mol.
186 maximum conductance of 53 pS compared to the experimental value of 6 pS.
187 /mol by the G2 method, but is higher than an experimental value of 7.05 kcal/mol.
188  11.7 kcal/mol, which is comparable with the experimental value of 8.5 kcal/mol.
189 dels, lambda can equal or exceed the typical experimental value of about 1.6.
190 n other proteins and a previously determined experimental value of chi 2.1 in fd to propose a detaile
191  binding peptide could be much less than the experimental value of ED(50) (concentration of added pep
192 nal cell death; (c) demonstrate the clinical/experimental value of screening collections of bioactive
193                                          The experimental value of the apparent equilibrium constant
194                                          The experimental value of the flux rate per pore is much sma
195                                          The experimental value of the gas-phase acidity agrees well
196 e in the context of the WHH model, using the experimental value of the Maki parameter, require an eff
197 mum carrier concentration, leading a smaller experimental value of the maximum ZT.
198                                     Thus the experimental value of twist is most likely fixed by the
199 0.3 kcal/mol in water may be compared to the experimental values of 12.7 and 20.7 kcal/mol, respectiv
200 556, and 585 nm differ only 4-18 nm from the experimental values of 474, 490, 552, and 576 nm.
201 rature correction for calculation of FH from experimental values of [theta](222,n,T,Exp).
202                                          The experimental values of average removal efficiencies (eta
203 to optimize agreement between calculated and experimental values of B(22).
204 d to be 201.5 kcal/mol (CCSD(T)) compared to experimental values of between about 201 and 204 kcal/mo
205 the requirement that the theory produces the experimental values of bilayer thinning by gramicidin an
206 mical shifts of 5 agree rather well with the experimental values of C 5H 9 (+).
207                              Theoretical and experimental values of capillary forces were of similar
208 on between the theoretical calculations, the experimental values of energies, and the preferred confo
209                                          The experimental values of energy transfer efficiency are in
210 asize the difference between theoretical and experimental values of extinction coefficients, where th
211 cellent agreement between the calculated and experimental values of frequency and iron amplitude for
212  strength of bulk BiI3 are comparable to the experimental values of graphite, which indicates that th
213                                          The experimental values of lycopene with selected combinatio
214 sing QM methods; (4) matching calculated and experimental values of NMR parameters of diastereomers.
215                                              Experimental values of protein intact MW are obtained an
216 ing moderate hypoxemia (paO2=42 mmHg), using experimental values of red blood cell velocity measured
217 te predictions, which correspond well to the experimental values of several model peptides (including
218                                              Experimental values of ST(m)/ST(m, infinity) and its dep
219                                     Separate experimental values of tau0(n) and tau0(g) are reported
220 lation between structure periodicity and the experimental values of the backbone residual dipolar cou
221 lations also predict with accuracy published experimental values of the diffusion coefficients of sup
222 resting-closed states is required to explain experimental values of the gating charge, thereby confir
223 re in generally good agreement, although the experimental values of the HETP tend to increase faster
224                                              Experimental values of the magnetic environment can be d
225                                          The experimental values of the ratio of the exchange rate fo
226                                    These new experimental values, on average, are 1.0 kcal/mol differ
227 s ca. 100 cm(-1) lower in frequency than the experimental value previously attributed to this band.
228 d, and good agreement between calculated and experimental values quantifying this cooperativity is ob
229 d values were moderately correlated with the experimental values (R(2) = 0.66, SD = 0.042).
230 of tilt and rotation angles that satisfy the experimental values reasonably, suggesting that more exp
231 se activation parameters are reconciled with experimental values reported earlier for reactions start
232 ondary kinetic isotope effects reproduce the experimental values reported in the literature.
233 theoretical results were compared with known experimental values required to electroporate Escherichi
234 ly assessed the contributions of dyes to the experimental values RG and RE For chemically denatured p
235                                     However, experimental values scaled from liquid-phase reduction p
236  sulfoxide (DMSO) mixtures and find that the experimental values show good quantitative agreement wit
237 etween the quantum chemical calculations and experimental values shows that the loss of CO groups fol
238 d with styrene match within the error of the experimental values, supporting the accuracy of the theo
239 d inhibitors produced overall better fits to experimental values than did those using the protonated
240 T geometries give much better agreement with experimental values than those computed using B3LYP/6-31
241 undergo stereoselective elimination but give experimental values that reflect their lack of regiosele
242 se large discrepancies between predicted and experimental values, these compounds were reanalyzed exp
243 7)O)A(iso) = -16.8 MHz) was derived from the experimental value to allow a quantitative determination
244  list of genes, enzymes, or metabolites with experimental values to be painted on a diagram of the fu
245 a direct fit of the simulated observables to experimental values to obtain diffusion coefficients.
246                                          The experimental values under optimal condition were in good
247                  The best agreement with the experimental values was observed when the 6-311**G and 6
248       A more satisfactory agreement with the experimental values was obtained by energy calculations
249  After comparing the predicted Cq's with the experimental values, we conclude that the species presen
250 ring the calculated Seebeck coefficient with experimental values, we find that the low dopant solubil
251 g units for 17 out of 21 compounds for which experimental values were available.
252 diiron proteins and synthetic complexes, the experimental values were consistent with a dihydroxo bri
253 predicted the experimental KS, predicted and experimental values were correlated.
254          Under the optimised conditions, the experimental values were in close agreement with the pre
255 nd phenolic contents; however, in some cases experimental values were significantly lower than those
256 um mechanical calculations and compared with experimental values when available.
257 predictions generally improve agreement with experimental values when compared to predictions made fr
258 ctrostatic calculations agreed well with the experimental values when full account was taken of all p
259 in excellent agreement with well established experimental values when such values exist, and they pro
260 ing constants showed the best agreement with experimental values when the entire population-weighted
261 ed T(m) values are significantly higher than experimental values when there are strings of oppositely
262 igher than (electrophysiologically measured) experimental values, whereas results from 3d-PNP are alw
263 edicted isotope effects that approximate the experimental values, while the predicted isotope effects
264            The theoretical model agreed with experimental values with an average error of 39%.
265                 Computational correlation of experimental values with chemical models permits three-d
266  equation with epsilon(m) = 4 reproduced the experimental values with good overall agreement, substit
267 accination and INH treatment we compared pre-experimental values with sequential samples for each ind
268 (n = 0, 2, 5, 10, and 20) and compares these experimental values with theoretical estimates from poly
269 ure are apparent, and the correlation of the experimental values with unscaled ab initio shielding ca
270 nd binding affinities within 1.5 kcal/mol of experimental values, with a remarkable level of correlat
271  functional methods correlated best with the experimental values, with B3LYP/6-31G yielding the most

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