


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hich were incomplete and/or had little or no experimental verification.
2  along with suggestions for further possible experimental verification.
3 bining two datamining strategies followed by experimental verification.
4 tRNA-aaRS recognition are amenable to direct experimental verification.
5 roposed for this process, most of which lack experimental verification.
6 and/or have been deemed putative without any experimental verification.
7 ns, that have been predicted but have defied experimental verification.
8 tudies, in silico analysis and some targeted experimental verification.
9 mpounds, the estimates reported here require experimental verification.
10  a symmetry of our universe, it still awaits experimental verification.
11 gions can easily go beyond the capability of experimental verification.
12 omic regions requiring attention for further experimental verification.
13                      These predictions await experimental verification.
14  with correlated fluxes, there is a need for experimental verification.
15  of structure-based computations followed by experimental verification.
16 lar localization of such candidates requires experimental verification.
17 ions are predicted quantitatively for future experimental verification.
18 , particularly in modular proteins, requires experimental verification.
19 dictions from genome sequences combined with experimental verifications.
20               Based on secondary filters and experimental verifications, a subset of 158 genes showed
21 ation of monomeric protein is convenient for experimental verification and for use in rate equations
22 milies to select 13 potential new miRNAs for experimental verification, and found that corresponding
23       An integrated network pharmacology and experimental verification approach was used to decipher
24                                     Rigorous experimental verifications are presented.
25 ease WS9 of Wormbase (August 1999), provided experimental verifications for approximately 55% of pred
26 ide (FeSe) and related pnictides, but direct experimental verification has been lacking.
27                    Mathematical modeling and experimental verification identified mechanisms of insul
28 of the proposed EHEC virulence factors lacks experimental verification in animal models.
29       Yet there has been so far only limited experimental verification in complete accordance with th
30  line tension theories, we provide the first experimental verification in free-floating bilayers.
31 d for laboratory strains of E. coli, require experimental verification in pathogenic strains which we
32 e molecular dynamics simulations and cognate experimental verifications in both LeuT and human dopami
33                                              Experimental verifications include confirmation of a CTG
34                  Target gene predictions and experimental verification indicate that several embryoni
35 ns, and both amperometric and potentiometric experimental verification is demonstrated using ammonium
36 entral constriction in the channel pore, but experimental verification is lacking due to the sensitiv
37 n of coherent 'dark' nuclear spin states but experimental verification is lacking, especially due to
38 to the presence of rapid-decay channels, but experimental verification is lacking.
39 ort mechanisms have been proposed, but their experimental verification is limited to poor conductors.
40 stence of certain classes of regulators, but experimental verification is needed.
41 ues and increases in computing power, direct experimental verification is still lacking.
42 e been performed with this concept; however, experimental verification is yet to be attained even for
43 lutionary analysis, structural modeling, and experimental verification may provide an efficient appro
44             We report the identification and experimental verification of 16 previously unknown ADAR
45                                         This experimental verification of a complete PBG and realizat
46      We report on a theoretical analysis and experimental verification of a mechanism for photoconduc
47            In this paper, we demonstrate the experimental verification of a new class of autonomous f
48                                              Experimental verification of a range of these designs de
49                          The results provide experimental verification of a theoretical model for two
50                              High-throughput experimental verification of alternative splice forms, f
51        We report the design, fabrication and experimental verification of an illusion device working
52                                           An experimental verification of an optical microscope techn
53 lso present basic computational results with experimental verification of both fluid ejection and flu
54              These results provide the first experimental verification of computational studies carri
55             Comparative genomic analysis and experimental verification of DapL candidates revealed th
56 ures is difficult, which in turn has limited experimental verification of different physical mechanis
57   Having previously tested this technique by experimental verification of discoveries in selected vir
58                             Since systematic experimental verification of each such candidate gene is
59 idging metabolic network reconstruction with experimental verification of enzyme encoding open readin
60 ough these genomic analyses are informative, experimental verification of functions of genomic sequen
61 0 genes in higher vertebrate genomes and the experimental verification of gene-phenotype relations re
62                                              Experimental verification of its existence is an importa
63                          This study provided experimental verification of many features of self-assem
64 icted An. gambiae miRNAs, offering the first experimental verification of miRNAs from mosquito specie
65 ntrol models and provides benchmark data for experimental verification of model mechanisms.
66                                By performing experimental verification of more than 1,000 SAGE tags a
67                                  Independent experimental verification of more than 100 sites estimat
68  report our computational identification and experimental verification of muscle-specific cis-regulat
69      This latter set of assignments provides experimental verification of one of the disulfide patter
70 els, confirmed by crossvalidation and by the experimental verification of our predictions for additio
71                                              Experimental verification of several of the predicted as
72 f an ORF to encode a functional product with experimental verification of strand-specific transcripts
73                           However, no direct experimental verification of such a phase transition has
74 tiple metabolites in parallel, thus enabling experimental verification of the active metabolic pathwa
75                                   Subsequent experimental verification of the compounds in in vitro a
76  analysis and curation, followed by eventual experimental verification of the computational predictio
77                                    Given the experimental verification of the computational results,
78 ts with different brain lesions and provided experimental verification of the detailed shape of primi
79 semble-based techniques to be proven through experimental verification of the discovery of new inhibi
80                                 In addition, experimental verification of the existence of spoof-LSPs
81 These results provide the groundwork for the experimental verification of the function.
82                             This is a unique experimental verification of the influence of nonconscio
83 alysis of the membrane elastic energy and by experimental verification of the major model assumptions
84                                              Experimental verification of the model was achieved in a
85                             While a rigorous experimental verification of the multiplexing hypothesis
86 eat theoretical interest in the past decade, experimental verification of the predictions has been el
87                                          For experimental verification of the predictions of the theo
88 oretical predictions and, therefore, provide experimental verification of the previously developed th
89                                              Experimental verification of the resolution measure is c
90 hysiologically important receptors, although experimental verification of the role of these binding p
91            In silico analysis and subsequent experimental verification of the selected sequences sugg
92            Both a theoretical background and experimental verification of the technique is presented
93                        Here we report on the experimental verification of the theory, made with a fiv
94 ns, and differences in loop size necessitate experimental verification of these comparative models.
95 ion of the electrochemical double layer, the experimental verification of these models has been chall
96  variety of emergent topological properties, experimental verification of these predictions can be ob
97                                              Experimental verification of these results using standar
98                                              Experimental verification of this catalytic process in s
99                                          For experimental verification of this microRNA, the predicte
100 lectroosmotic flow dispersion (EOFD) and the experimental verification of this phenomenon are present
101                    Here we report the direct experimental verification of this phenomenon.
102                                         This experimental verification of topological behaviour is a
103  developed a reporter protein system for the experimental verification of twin-arginine signal peptid
104 d previously, we describe the prediction and experimental verification of: (i) a new group of presume
105                                              Experimental verifications of binding of these computati
106 r physics beyond the standard model, refined experimental verifications of Lorentz symmetry are desir
107                    This work provides direct experimental verification (on the level of single molecu
108 ogether with novel analytical strategies and experimental verification, revealed or clarified the rol
109 or cellulose degradative enzymes followed by experimental verification successfully identified severa
110  utility of our approach was demonstrated by experimental verification that four secreted proteins fr
111 We used computational prediction followed by experimental verification to identify and characterize s
112                          However, the use of experimental verification to identify disease-related mi
113 diffuser, and rotator-in both simulation and experimental verification using finite element method an
114           Using bioinformatic prediction and experimental verification, we demonstrate that HO-1 expr
115 atabases, comparative sequence analysis, and experimental verification, we have extended genes, fused
116 ning computational data mining and wet-bench experimental verification, we identified 492 human-speci
117          Using bioinformatic predictions and experimental verification, we identified five pre-mRNAs
118 structures, emphasizing the need for careful experimental verification when extrapolating findings fr
119 ation of predictive modeling with systematic experimental verification will be required to gain a dee
120 he iterative process of model refinement and experimental verification will continue until an accurat

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