


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 itions of lycopene extraction were confirmed experimentally.
2 cyclization mechanism has not been addressed experimentally.
3  protein, thus making it difficult to detect experimentally.
4 lectric performance but is difficult to dope experimentally.
5  processes but has been challenging to study experimentally.
6 is concept, but so far this has been elusive experimentally.
7 rane, their strength has never been assessed experimentally.
8 he effects that are difficult to investigate experimentally.
9 ) current, and this prediction was validated experimentally.
10 of DNA damage and genomic variation observed experimentally.
11 ble-arm configurations has been investigated experimentally.
12 onding/anti- bonding modes that are measured experimentally.
13 sorption, and these predictions are verified experimentally.
14 e underlying features have not been compared experimentally.
15  predictions for 12 compounds were evaluated experimentally.
16 r to the nonrisk allele, which was confirmed experimentally.
17 ctively validating 12 of the top key drivers experimentally.
18 ls have proven difficult cells to manipulate experimentally.
19 tennas has been investigated numerically and experimentally.
20 ave been demonstrated both theoretically and experimentally.
21 plains the formation of the species observed experimentally.
22 n within 3 hours post-infection, as observed experimentally.
23 mines in water are difficult to characterize experimentally.
24        Of 96 designs that were characterized experimentally, 21 were found to form stable monodispers
25                 Here the authors demonstrate experimentally a three-qubit single-photon linear determ
26 ize the cardiac lincRNA transcriptome in the experimentally accessible zebrafish model by integrating
27 tudies demonstrate that single molecules are experimentally accessible.
28                                  To begin to experimentally address this knowledge gap, we asked whet
29 of 0, 8 and 20 sector Gabor zone plates were experimentally analyzed.
30 lar vesicle (GUV) membranes has been studied experimentally and by means of kinetic Monte Carlo model
31 ders of magnitude larger than those screened experimentally and can enable efficient optimization of
32           These factors were integrated with experimentally and computationally derived interactome d
33                                 Here we have experimentally and computationally evaluated the functio
34 ucleophilic probe, we have demonstrated both experimentally and computationally that a proper selecti
35 ir complex 3D conformational landscape, both experimentally and computationally.
36 n of the configuration, as demonstrated both experimentally and computationally.
37 ic heteroatoms in SNO-OCT were explored both experimentally and computationally.
38 enanthroline (phen) as a ligand was explored experimentally and computationally.
39 ies of ion channels is extremely challenging experimentally and even impossible in clinical applicati
40                               We investigate experimentally and numerically the stochastic dynamics a
41  a suspended resistor both theoretically and experimentally and obtained consistent results.
42 has been investigated spectroscopically both experimentally and theoretically with some differences a
43 r allowed for a detailed investigation, both experimentally and theoretically, on the interplay betwe
44 electronic states are challenging to explore experimentally and theoretically-due to the large densit
45 ly substituted alkenes with BH3 was examined experimentally, and a classically unexpected trend is th
46                                   We observe experimentally, and validate theoretically, that the inw
47 between fatty liver from healthy liver in an experimentally arrived mouse model using noninvasive tec
48                   Yet few studies exist that experimentally assess the degree to which environmental
49          In a K-ras transformed cell line we experimentally assessed glutamine-induced metabolic chan
50 the spall strength is proposed that fits the experimentally available values in the literature.
51 loped methods sensitive to the full range of experimentally-available wavenumbers q, we extract the l
52 roperty modulation has not been demonstrated experimentally because of the difficulty of realizing CN
53 uch transient species are difficult to study experimentally, but it has proven valuable to prepare an
54 t is supported by ab initio calculations and experimentally by a normalized crystallographic B-factor
55     Failure of phagocytosis could be induced experimentally by incubating healthy control neutrophils
56                           Processing factors experimentally calculated were correlated to their octan
57 cyte HC computational model, we incorporated experimentally calibrated hMSC PS effects on cardiomyocy
58 y of the asymmetric growth patterns observed experimentally can be reproduced by our model, which inc
59 drive the formation of approximately 99% all experimentally captured interactions, in which approxima
60 he peak of clinical disease from beef cattle experimentally challenged with either bovine respiratory
61                                      Here we experimentally characterize the principal biogeochemical
62                             Here, Lim et al. experimentally characterize the stability of whispering-
63 trion and biexciton for single-layer WS2 are experimentally characterized at 35 meV and 60 meV, respe
64          Finally, three metal-metal bonds in experimentally characterized compounds are examined: a [
65                                           To experimentally confirm isotope fractionation in thiomoly
66 forces that challenge underwater balance and experimentally confirm that larvae are subject to consta
67 using fluid-supported silicon membranes, and experimentally confirm the successful suppression of bot
68                                           We experimentally confirmed the catalytic function of the p
69                            We identified and experimentally confirmed the function of two secreted gl
70               Our in silico predictions were experimentally confirmed using reconstituted MscL in a l
71                                   We use the experimentally constrained model to evaluate the correct
72 n culture is almost impossible to predict or experimentally control.
73 omparative genomics methods, we identify and experimentally define a novel binding motif for the SOS
74 hitecture for computing heading has not been experimentally defined in any species.
75                                  Finally, we experimentally demonstrate >350% emission intensity enha
76                                           We experimentally demonstrate a fast adiabatic transportati
77                                           We experimentally demonstrate a highly efficient, broadband
78                               We propose and experimentally demonstrate a metasurface device to gener
79                                      Here we experimentally demonstrate broadband, flexible, conforma
80 single-photon character of the input, and we experimentally demonstrate entanglement between over two
81                                      Here we experimentally demonstrate high-gain optical parametric
82                                           We experimentally demonstrate phase-matching-free second ha
83 h the nitrogen vacancy center in diamond, we experimentally demonstrate that quantum interpolation ca
84                                      Here we experimentally demonstrate that the electronic structure
85                                           We experimentally demonstrate that this terahertz source ca
86                 Here, for the first time, we experimentally demonstrate the deep-UV SH generations (S
87  I hypersensitive sites in breast cancer and experimentally demonstrate they are regulatory elements
88 ce of our isolator far exceeds that of other experimentally demonstrated terahertz isolators, and ind
89 tes at strikingly low modulation voltages is experimentally demonstrated.
90                 BioPlex 2.0 exceeds previous experimentally derived interaction networks in depth and
91 on have substantially greater agreement with experimentally derived networks, while remaining more pr
92 ve spike-stimulus delays are consistent with experimentally derived spike-timing-dependent plasticity
93                     The value of Rs* must be experimentally determined and is dependent on the chemom
94 tome-wide mRNA 3' UTR interaction sites were experimentally determined at 72 h posteclosion and 24 h
95 with partial residence times consistent with experimentally determined atomic sites and fractional oc
96 he three proteins are in good agreement with experimentally determined B factors and with fluctuation
97 nonspherical (tailed) bacterial viruses were experimentally determined by measuring their flux across
98  of Deltaf to Deltam should be done using an experimentally determined characteristic constant (Cf,ex
99                                              Experimentally determined damage thresholds were compare
100 vements seen in vivo, using a minimal set of experimentally determined ingredients.
101 he use of highly methyl-labeled protein with experimentally determined intermolecular distances, a co
102                                   We present experimentally determined physical and chemical characte
103          Approximately half of proteins with experimentally determined structures can interact with o
104 h yields structural models that recapitulate experimentally determined structures with all-heavy-atom
105                                           We experimentally determined the full phase diagram of an I
106 ruses (EIVs), the ancestors of H3N8 CIV, and experimentally determined the impact of amino acid 186 i
107                                              Experimentally, DHI exerted comprehensive anti-inflammat
108  microscopy and subcellular fractionation is experimentally difficult and low throughput.
109                                   Birds with experimentally disabled tracheal membranes were still ab
110 e has been much research into predicting and experimentally discovering distinct classes of these mat
111 o date, it has remained a major challenge to experimentally disentangle the complex kinetic reaction
112 risk and ambiguity are formally distinct and experimentally dissociable, little is known about ambigu
113                                     Here, we experimentally eliminate environmental modifications fro
114 c cryptic splice variants, two of which were experimentally evaluated and confirmed.
115          The classes are defined as follows: experimentally evaluated effects of amino acid substitut
116 ously expressed dominant lethal D genes were experimentally evolved.
117                                              Experimentally exacerbated droughts further reduced the
118 ism through N-doping has not yet been proved experimentally, except for systems containing a high amo
119 ult from evolved differences in immunity, we experimentally exposed laboratory-reared fish from ecolo
120  permittivity, showing that this approach is experimentally feasible.
121                  We validate this prediction experimentally, finding that the ablation of PDB leads t
122 15 protocols computationally and 4 protocols experimentally for batch-matched cell populations, in ad
123  able to reproduce the unbinding trends seen experimentally for both DNA and protein competitors.
124  also compared bacterial transmission across experimentally generated "daisy-chain" vs. "star" networ
125 ar species, yet revealing these correlations experimentally has proved extremely challenging.
126 ally predicated ethanol-binding proteins and experimentally identified ethanol tolerance genes.
127                                           We experimentally identify two competing mechanisms through
128 or all types of networks we study, including experimentally-imaged collagen and fibrin architectures,
129                                           We experimentally implement the phase shifter and demonstra
130 es use of abstract logical models of growth, experimentally implemented systems are governed by nanos
131 model recapitulates CCL21 gradients observed experimentally in B cell follicles and interfollicular r
132 here the 'harmonic phase', is shown to occur experimentally in spin ice, a dipolar lattice system.
133 n rather than directly released as was shown experimentally in starved cells.
134 that the topological feature could be tested experimentally in superfluids of cold fermionic atoms wi
135       We show theoretically, and demonstrate experimentally in the Ho2Ir2O7 pyrochlore iridate, that
136 is unique LL structure has not been observed experimentally in transition metal dichalcogenides.
137 ndamental issues that thus far have remained experimentally inaccessible.
138  processing, and confirm several predictions experimentally including a disease-causing mutation.
139 tatively captures a suite of trends observed experimentally, including the statistics of filament flu
140                                           We experimentally increased embryonic temperature in free-l
141                                              Experimentally increasing or decreasing intracellular Ca
142 died binocular interactions in macaques with experimentally induced amblyopia.
143 our knowledge, this study examined effect of experimentally induced anxiety in humans on generalizati
144 n devils, and regression followed therapy of experimentally induced DFTD tumours in three Tasmanian d
145                                           An experimentally induced increase in alpha power by means
146                         We demonstrated that experimentally induced memory reactivation during sleep
147                In both genetically prone and experimentally induced mouse models of autoimmunity, inc
148 d a causal association between the timing of experimentally induced theta rhythms and episodic memory
149 icroparticles before and after 20 minutes of experimentally-induced oscillatory shear stress.
150 points of spectral sensitivity responding to experimentally-induced stress in desiccated mosses, indi
151 ) causes a mild and self-limiting disease in experimentally infected crab-eating macaques, while simi
152                           We applied this to experimentally infected guinea pig lung sections and wer
153 ed during replication in cell culture and in experimentally infected macaques.
154  frontal lobes and optic nerves of a macaque experimentally infected with variant CJD.
155                                           We experimentally investigated the quantum motion of an imp
156 uctural priming offers a powerful method for experimentally investigating the mental representation o
157 ese annotations were analyzed by translating experimentally known fragmentation rules of lipids into
158 ntrations show reasonable agreement with the experimentally known values and with the results of a nu
159                                           We experimentally manipulated plant diversity in a Californ
160                                           We experimentally manipulated the Amount of food delivered
161 to be successful if the mounted locusts were experimentally manipulated to have a reduced capacity to
162 f neural maturation and experience cannot be experimentally manipulated.
163                                              Experimentally manipulating ADS strongly influences spin
164                                           By experimentally manipulating solar irradiance and nightti
165                     Structural comparison of experimentally mapped Der f 1/Der p1 IgG epitopes to the
166                  Our results pave the way to experimentally mapping the low-temperature phase diagram
167 astically varied for each condition based on experimentally measured alteration in elastic fiber comp
168 ic law derived from in-situ experiments, the experimentally measured and calculated stresses during c
169 assembly of one type of RNA granule based on experimentally measured binding interactions among three
170                                              Experimentally measured bond lifetimes (1/koff) and diss
171                             We show that the experimentally measured coordinates and chemical species
172 ing the degree of energetic coupling between experimentally measured degrees of freedom and subunit r
173 pied molecular orbitals, in conjunction with experimentally measured N K-edge absorption spectra, rev
174 he asymmetric binding is consistent with the experimentally measured negative cooperativity of ketami
175  significant discrepancies when comparing to experimentally measured rates or state populations.
176  glass shell thickness is elucidated and the experimentally measured sensitivities for two different
177 ropic springs, is in good agreement with the experimentally measured shear modulus.
178 f free energy is in excellent agreement with experimentally measured stabilities (R(2) = 0.93).
179 argets of TC cells were observed to resemble experimentally measured stLFP signatures.
180        The model quantitatively captures the experimentally measured swell-burst parameters for singl
181  and OER kinetics, however, has not yet been experimentally measured.
182 xtrusion kinetics, similar to those we found experimentally, model RT neurons are predisposed to an a
183                                           By experimentally modifying the level of stress hormones (c
184                          Here we demonstrate experimentally not only elastic Rayleigh wave rainbow tr
185                                           We experimentally observe a threefold improvement in polari
186 nts are in size and symmetry compatible with experimentally observed Abeta assemblies.
187 s denote Ballesteros-Weinstein numbering) is experimentally observed and appears to be essential for
188 tide contributes to the stabilization of the experimentally observed antiparallel beta-sheet packing.
189 However, these models do not account for the experimentally observed dependency of angiogenic network
190 ntly non-random orientation, swimming in the experimentally observed direction from the corresponding
191  In addition, the lifetime broadening of the experimentally observed dispersions provides another mea
192  In addition, the DFT calculations reproduce experimentally observed effects on reaction rate, induce
193 ga, good correlations were found between the experimentally observed electrophilic reactivities of 44
194 hase at the interface region and explain the experimentally observed exchange bias.
195 ere 4-fold enriched with respect to improved experimentally observed expression levels.
196                         The model reproduces experimentally observed features of membrane protein int
197 nsition (EMT), from which we identified four experimentally observed gene states, including the state
198 transcription) is superior in describing the experimentally observed gene-expression profile.
199  plausible mechanistic scenario based on the experimentally observed intermediates.
200 (i) A method is described for predicting the experimentally observed lifetime distribution of long bi
201  activation reproduce the preference for the experimentally observed major enantiomer.
202             These results identify the first experimentally observed MOF that exhibits band-like meta
203 /- 2 cm/s in a 100% cholesterol mimic of the experimentally observed noncrystalline cholesterol bilay
204 antoin series while correctly predicting the experimentally observed oxidation sites in various compl
205 ractome sizes for species with limited to no experimentally observed PPI, including Bacillus subtilis
206  repeats are intrinsically unfolded, and the experimentally observed radius of gyration (R g) is coin
207 file for a radical mechanism and support the experimentally observed regioselectivity.
208 ent, stresses the critical importance of the experimentally observed selective severing of the "cross
209 stent with previous theory, we predicted and experimentally observed that spatial diffusion increased
210 ative selection thresholds chosen to reflect experimentally observed thymic survival rates result in
211 was previously shown to accurately model the experimentally observed wall stress relaxation and expan
212         Circular dichroism as high as 0.6 is experimentally observed while the chirality switching is
213  for cells to perform the various classes of experimentally-observed motions.
214 evel were found between concentration values experimentally obtained and the certified values of two
215                                  Finally, an experimentally obtained anti-correlation momentum patter
216 MOLM16 cell lines and successfully validated experimentally our prediction that this resistance can b
217                               The ability to experimentally perturb biological systems has traditiona
218                 We tested this hypothesis by experimentally placing juvenile bird carcasses on the gr
219                                              Experimentally, polycyclic polymers with a layered struc
220                                      Here we experimentally probe hyper-complex quantum theories, stu
221 ng that such types of mixed anomaly could be experimentally probed in condensed matter systems known
222 ze distributions from a suite of natural and experimentally produced tephra to show that attrition is
223 geometrical modifications of an existing and experimentally proven phononic crystal design, the snowf
224                Naive ants that arrived at an experimentally provided feeder for the first time were c
225 t are surprisingly close to those determined experimentally, providing support for the dose-additive
226 KIE is a selective probe that identifies the experimentally reactive spin state.
227                       Here, we introduce and experimentally realise a quantum network architecture, w
228 ns of hard core-soft shoulder particles with experimentally realistic interaction parameters.
229            Here, we analytically predict and experimentally realize a mixed-order equilibrium phase t
230                      Discovering pathways to experimentally realize quantum phases of matter and exer
231 -capacitor transmission lines is designed to experimentally realize the transformation medium.
232                                Thus, we have experimentally realized a lyotropic liquid crystal syste
233 ation of free magnesium ([Mg2+]i), which was experimentally recorded in cells expressing connexin36,
234     Strikingly, when centrosome activity was experimentally reduced, the absence of KLP-7 or the mamm
235                                              Experimentally reducing Ocn(+) cell numbers suppresses t
236                                           We experimentally removed arthropods, foliar fungi and soil
237           Analyzing 19 compositions that are experimentally reported in both structure types, this ma
238 ncourage these interfacial interactions, but experimentally resolving how such weak interactions affe
239 iffraction technique, we for the first time, experimentally revealed the phase transition of ThC from
240 In particular, the keyhole pore formation is experimentally revealed with high spatial and temporal r
241 ly higher in NA than in EU and EA, and under experimentally short winter conditions NA species requir
242                                           We experimentally show that certain variants of mu-opioid a
243                                         This experimentally simple protocol provides structurally com
244                                              Experimentally, slight decrease in SO3 concentration was
245                                           By experimentally stretching epithelia, we find that mechan
246                                           We experimentally studied the power and robustness of the n
247                 The lack of animal models to experimentally study how infectious agents transmit betw
248  light and excitations of the atoms, one can experimentally study phase transitions of open quantum s
249 ium Physiological analyses on SC-less plants experimentally support classic hypotheses that SCs permi
250                                           An experimentally supported model of the resulting complex
251 adical-transfer reactions in FnY-RNRs and to experimentally test and support the key prediction made.
252 reviously unexplained observations and makes experimentally testable predictions.
253 in the experimental observations and to give experimentally testable predictions.
254                                We develop an experimentally testable theory, which reveals that late-
255 ng program and graphical interface have been experimentally tested in our laboratory for RNA domains
256                                           We experimentally tested whether algal polycultures could b
257                                           By experimentally testing a key model prediction we suggest
258                                 It was shown experimentally that Ca(2+)/CaM (holoCaM) binds to the Ca
259                   These findings demonstrate experimentally that chimpanzees and bonobos can take int
260                                 Here we show experimentally that fine changes to molecular structures
261                In this study, we demonstrate experimentally that NN animals are highly susceptible af
262 application, we prove both theoretically and experimentally that the doughnut intensity profile at th
263                                Here, we show experimentally that the spin current generated by the sp
264 h inducible expression of I-SceI, and showed experimentally that tobacco chloroplast DNAs insert into
265                                 We then show experimentally that turbulence generated by fine scale s
266                              Here we measure experimentally this function in a system that is in loca
267 sion barrier for racemization was determined experimentally to be 29 kcal/mol and is supported by qua
268 is unique to humans or conserved in the more experimentally tractable mouse.
269  It allows the electrons to be cooled for an experimentally useful period of time to temperatures col
270  alloys (x 0.025 and y >/= 0.6) is studied experimentally using optical absorption, photomodulated
271 qualitatively novel results, which we tested experimentally using spatially diffusing laboratory popu
272    The activity of carbofuran was determined experimentally (using pseudo-first-order kinetics) and t
273 existence of an inverse energy cascade in an experimentally validated 3D active fluid model, describi
274                                           We experimentally validated candidates from two sets of pla
275        This study is the first to provide an experimentally validated complete crystallographic detai
276  to the training on updated, human specific, experimentally validated datasets.
277                                              Experimentally validated FE models are combined for that
278                            Genomic data were experimentally validated for PSMA expression-by quantita
279    Different HPSDS implementations have been experimentally validated in the near-IR.
280 storical antigenic drift events, pointing to experimentally validated mutations.
281                   miRBShunter was tested and experimentally validated on the in-house Ago2-dataset an
282 ed with the expression of miR-210, which was experimentally validated that miR-210 regulated GPD1L pr
283                        We also predicted and experimentally validated the hybrid E/M status of certai
284  be used to generate hypothesis which can be experimentally validated to improve our understanding of
285 geable clusters that encapsulate many known, experimentally validated transcription factor interactio
286  RNAs, of which Ncr1071, Syr6 and NsiR7 were experimentally validated, and their putative targets wer
287 ackground particles in mixed systems is also experimentally validated, demonstrating both collision f
288 1-benzyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline, was experimentally validated.
289 harges of polyelectrolytes, resulting in the experimentally verifiable contraction of the collagen st
290 he extracellular domain was proposed but not experimentally verified.
291 imensional ceramic printing and the bandgaps experimentally verified.
292                                           We experimentally verify the predicted universal scaling fu
293 crotubule destabilizers, which was confirmed experimentally via cell-based assays.
294 n was probed using both DFT calculations and experimentally via halogen exchange.
295                               We established experimentally warmed and nonwarmed common garden plots
296                                              Experimentally, we could detect small viral RNA polymera
297                                              Experimentally, we operated the microdevice in temperatu
298                      The model was validated experimentally with H2, N2, Ar and CH4 on three classes
299 by 2D fingerprints and confirm three of them experimentally with ligand efficiencies from 0.442-0.637
300  intersubunit torsional flexibility measured experimentally with purified protein components.

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